École Beau Meadow School A P R I L , 2 0 1 5 Welcome back from Spring Break! I am delighted to welcome you back after, what I hope, was a restful break. It’s hard to believe April is here already! We would like to thank all of our school community for their help with our school Spell-A-Thon in the month of March. Our School raised a whopping $15,534.30!!! These funds will be used to purchase books and resources for our library, purchase music instruments, help subsidize field trips and go towards some outdoor beautification projects here at EBMS. Students were treated to a movie afternoon right before break for all their hard work. Thank you again for all of your support! The warmer weather has finally arrived and with that comes spring time puddles! We are reminding students to stay away from these small bodies of water on the playground as they make for very wet and dirty students. We would appreciate your help in reinforcing this message, however tempting those puddles may be. Yours in education, Jennifer O'Brien Principal École Beau Meadow Francophone Week was a Huge Success! The kids enjoyed some cultural activities, some school spirit activities and some outdoor fun. All of these events would not have been possible without the help of our awesome parents and community! Merci to everyone who dressed up and participated! Merci to Stephen and Hannah Klar who ran our pancake fundraiser! Ecole Beau Meadow School 4322-44 Street, Beaumont, Alberta. T4X 1K3 Telephone :780-929–2175 Fax:780-929-6606 Web Page http // ebms@gshare.blackgold.ca Principal: Jennifer O”Brien Assistant Principal: Kerri-Lynn Hickman Counsellor: Heather Lewis unsubscribe.ebms@blackgold.ca Merci to our parent volunteers who came to help sort hot lunch! Merci to our parent volunteers who did La Tire! Merci to Beau for coming out! Merci to Sobeys, Extra Foods and Booster Juice in town for supplies for our activities! Merci to our teachers for all the time they put in organizing the amazing events! Merci to our students for getting so excited about the events of the week! MERCI BEAUCOUP! Ensemble nous brillons Together we shine ROMAN CATHOLIC RELIGION PROGRAM INFORMATION VISITS Happy Easter! The Lord is Risen! May the blessing of the Lord be upon you! The Religion teachers had an opportunity on March 6th to attend a session at Saint Andre School on the “Theology of the Body”. Father Len came in on March 18th to speak to the Grade 2’s & 3’s on the Sacrament of Reconciliation. After the talk Father had time for some questions. The students had some very good questions for Father! UPCOMING EVENTS AT THE SCHOOL Father Len will be coming to our school on April 22nd to officiate at the “Liturgy of the Word” held in our gym from 9:10-9:45 a.m. The children will participate through song, prayer and worship. Parents and siblings are welcome! Please stop in to get a visitor tag if you are planning to attend. UPCOMING EVENTS AT THE CHURCH THIS MONTH For those of you who registered for either of these times, Class Two-First Communion Catechism classes will continue in the St. Vital Church basement at 6:00-7:00 p.m. on May 5th. First Communion Year End Retreat will be held on May 30th. The Sacrament of First Communion will take place on the Feast of Corpus Christi (the Body and Blood of our Lord) Saturday, June 6th, 2015 at the 5 p.m. mass. School Yearbook Yearbooks will be sold this year in colour for $28.00 (GST included). Order forms have been sent home and must be returned to school by April 22. The yearbooks will be delivered to the school at the end of June for distribution. Ensemble nous brillons We would like to thank all the parents who joined us for our Student-Led conferences before the break. Your attendance shows your continued commitment to your child’s success in school and it was wonderful to see the students so engaged in the demonstration of their learning. Together we shine Our next School Council Meeting is April 21st, 2015 at 7:00 in the staff room. School Council News April 13-17 is our annual Staff Appreciation Week. This is a fun week where we show our wonderful staff some love, through gifts of food and some of our time. If you would like to help in any way, please contact Eva at 780-929-6063. Thank you! Our Leadership Team is standing proudly alongside Sophie as she shaves her head for a great cause. On April 22nd, leadership students will have the opportunity to “pink” their hair, and that afternoon, in front of a sea of pink, Sophie Leblanc will shave her head for the Kids With Cancer Society. If you would like to support this cause, please visit: http://kwc.akaraisin.com/beaumeadowheadshave The Library Garden that students and staff planted in late January is growing more quickly than anyone anticipated! We have carrots, tomatoes, lettuce, basil, cucumbers, spinach, beans and even nasturiums growing! Students have been hands on throughout the process and are learning all about caring for a garden and enjoying some 'fruits' of their labour! This project was funded by our Black Gold Board of Trustees Innovation Fund. Check out the class blog that details their green thumb journey! http://jardinbeaumeadow.blogspot.ca/ Visitors to our School Please remember that when entering our school, you must sign in at the office and have a visitor tag. If you are dropping off your child at the front door, then no sign in is required; however, if you plan to walk your child to their classroom, then we are asking for your cooperation as you sign in at the office. This is to ensure the safety of all of our students. Ensemble nous brillons Together we shine EBMS Mental Wellness Day May 1st , 2015 On Friday, May 1st, all students in grades 1-5 will participate in a half day of activities to promote mental wellness and Mental Health week. Students will discover through activity based learning that mental wellness is critical to overall well-being. With mental wellness comes an increase in one’s sense of belonging, confidence, and resiliency, while at the same time reducing anxiety, social difficulties, and stress. Below are the 7 sessions that your child will have the opportunity of selecting from: Art Attack - Art is the perfect way to tap into creativity and relieve stress. Basketball - Activity is a great way to take a break for mental wellness. Drama - Bring your dramatic side and get ready for fun and games in this interactive station. Imagination Station - Explore your imagination and learn to take mini-mind vacations. Team Building - Finding ways to work together, problem solve, and be part of a team. Yoga -Yoga is the union of body, mind, and breath. Learn to create a relaxed body and a relaxed mind. Drumming - Fun and interactive way to tap into your musical side and get your creative juices flowing. Students will be divided into cross graded teams to attend 3 sessions they have pre-selected. The activities will be offered through the collaboration and partnership of FCSS Beaumont, CAP (Community, Action, Purpose) Team - Black Gold, our Family School Liaison Worker Michelle Crosby, and the Beau Meadow SWAT (Student Wellness Action Team). It will be a great day of fun and learning! If you have any questions regarding the event, please call Mrs. Heather Lewis at the school 780-929-2175 or email at: heather.lewis@blackgold.ca PowerAnnouncer We have upgraded our PowerSchool program with PowerAnnouncer. The system is set up to communicate with parents via email, home phones and cell phones. However, you are able to change those settings through PowerSchool on your parent preference page. (Please ensure you do not completely "unsubscribe" to all messages. If this is done you will not even receive the emergency messages.) The system will allow us to send out newsletters, general bulletins, emergency messages and attendance messages. If you have not let the office know of an absence, you will receive a message asking you to confirm your child's absence with the office. Please contact the office if you have any questions. Ensemble nous brillons Together we shine Beau’s Book Bag Scholastic Book Fair Update: A really big THANK-YOU goes to my volunteers - students, parents and staff - for helping with set up, sales and take-down of the Book Fair. I couldn’t have done this without your generous help. And another really big THANK-YOU goes to you, for supporting this year’s Scholastic Book Fair. As always, a percentage of your purchases at the Book Fair go towards raising money for École Beau Meadow’s library. Because of your support, our library will have almost $2400 to spend on books for our students! Technology won’t leave our library behind…the Kindles are coming!!!!! Thanks to a grant from the Black Gold Board of Trustee’s Innovation Fund, I am very excited to introduce electronic readers (or eReaders) for our students in Grade 3 to 5 to sign-out. Please watch for detailed information that will follow this month in a letter and permission form for parents to sign. Reading Tip: For a variety of reasons, boys tend to lag behind girls when it comes to literacy, and as boys become young adults that gap increases (http://www.ccl-cca.ca/pdfs/LessonsInLearning/02_18_09 -E.pdf). To learn more on how to encourage boys to be lifelong readers, there are a number of really great online resources. Here are a few recommendations: Guys Read - founded by author, Jon Scieszka, who wrote http://www.guysread.com/ Goodreads - has a page on popular books for boys http://www.goodreads.com/shelf/show/booksfor-boys Canadian Children’s Book Centre - scroll down this article to the section on how to choose books for boys http://www.bookcentre.ca/resources_parents Library hours: Monday to Friday 9am - 2:45pm Contact: Nikki Mulholland, Library Technician @ nicolette.mulholland@blackgold.ca “Show kids what you like to read, what you don’t like to read, how to choose what you read. Let them see you reading” - Jon Scieszka Ensemble nous brillons Together we shine Ensemble nous brillons Together we shine Ensemble nous brillons Together we shine Beaumont Hockey Academy has wrapped up their 2014-2015 season. Thank you to the coaches for an amazing year! Ensemble nous brillons Together we shine April 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 Spring Break 5 6 Saturday 2 Spring Break 7 Spring Break Friday 8 3 4 10 11 Spring Break 9 Early Dismissal 2:30 Pre-K Open House AM No Kindergarten 12 13 Staff Appreciation Week Speech Arts Performances Milk Monday 19 20 26 14 Speech Arts Performances 15 Choir to the Music Festival 21 School Council Meeting @ 7:00 27 16 Recorder Club to the Music Festival 22 23 Hair Pinking and Sophie’s head shave 28 17 18 24 25 Hot Lunch McDonald’s PD Day No Classes 29 30 8:45 Duffelbag Theatre Presentation May 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 Hot Lunch Maina’s Hands on Wellness Day Family Dance 3 Celebration of the Arts 4 Milk Monday 5 Highland Dance Performances 6 7 Early Dismissal 2:30 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30 Drum Fit No Kindergarten 10 11 12 13 14 Father Len’s Visit Grade 1 17 18 Victoria Day No School 24 19 ECS Grad Photos Jump Rope for Heart Kick Off Assembly 25 Milk Monday 26 20 No School 21 ECS Grad Photos 27 28 Hot Lunch Tim Horton’s Jump Rope for Heart 31 Ensemble nous brillons Together we shine Ensemble nous brillons Together we shine
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