Volume 14, Issue 8 1 EBT TIMES HOME OF THE BLUE MARLINS Volume 14, Issue 8 April 2015 REMINDERS Lunch money collection is in homeroom classrooms every Monday morning (or the first day of the week). TAKE YOUR DAUGHTERS AND SONS TO WORK DAY Pre-K-5th grade: $2.25 6th-8th grade: $2.50 No rolling book bags allowed in school Open Lab Tutoring for UA students: Mondays (Reading) & Tuesdays (Math) from 7:15-8:15 a.m. All Pro Dad’s Meeting (Grades Pre-K-8) on April 8, 2015 from 7:30-8:30 a.m. in the UA Café Spring Personality Portraits on April 8, 2015 in the Media Center EBT McTeacher’s Night located on April 9, 2015 from 6:00-8:00 p.m at 11390 NW 41 Street . PTSA General Election Meeting on April 22, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the LA Café Inside this issue: Take Your Daughters and Sons To Work Day Earth Day Breakfast is Best Before the Test Character Education Do the Right Thing Curriculum FSA and SAT Testing Schedule Young Marines Program After-School Care & Community School News All Pro Dad’s Meeting and Breakfast Community Partners Recognition Luncheon PTSA News Grade Level Highlights Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day is a nationally recognized program. The program enables girls and boys between the ages of 8 through 18 to accompany their adult mentors, parents/guardians, other relatives or friends to work on Friday, April 10, 2015. Eugenia B. Thomas K-8 Center will be extending the opportunity to our students in grades 2nd through 8th grade to participate in Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day. In order for our students to participate, parents must complete the Parent Permission Field Trip Form by Thursday, April 2, 2015 to their child’s homeroom teacher. The day will be recorded as an official field trip and will not be counted as an absence from school for all students who return the Parent Permission Field Trip Form by April 2, 2015, signed by his/her parent. EARTH DAY On Wednesday, April 22, 2015, Earth Day is celebrated around the world. Earth Day is meant to inspire the public to take better care of the environment and learn to take pride in protecting the Earth. The original Earth Day was used as a teaching day to get the public more informed about the environmental impact humans were making. Each year on this day, thousands of people celebrate the Earth and what it means not only to them, but to the human race as a whole. Others use this day to bring the public’s attention to the effects our lifestyle is having on the planet. If every household in the United States changed all of the light bulbs to fluorescent bulbs that would be equivalent to taking one million cars off the streets. Discover what you can do to save the environment and make sure it can be enjoyed by our children. Celebrate Earth Day! Breakfast is Best Before the Test! Miami-Dade County Public Schools provides a free breakfast for all students every school day! By eating breakfast at our school you will be in school on time and ready to learn. Come to our school cafeteria for a nutritious and balanced breakfast from 7:35—8:15 a.m. 2 Volume 14, Issue 8 CHARACTER EDUCATION: COOPERATION Cooperation: Students will work together toward goals. Students will participate in cooperative learning activities in the class-room. Students will be contributing members of an organization, club or team. Students, don’t forget to check out the www.charactered.net website to learn different ways to demonstrate this important character trait! DO THE RIGHT THING The purpose of Do The Right Thing of Miami, Inc. (DTRT) is to recognize and reward Miami youth for their exemplary behavior, accomplishments and good deeds through a unique partnership with the City of Miami Police Department, the Miami-Dade Schools Police Department and other participating law enforcement agencies in Miami-Dade. The DTRT Awards Program distinguishes exceptional school -aged children who choose to be drug and crime free, exhibit non-violent behavior, do well in school, make a difference in their communities and demonstrate turnaround behavior. Each month of the school year, students are nominated for “doing the right thing.” A selection committee reviews the nominations and selects ten finalists for the month who are honored at a ceremony at police headquarters in downtown Miami." http://dotherightthinginc.org/ In the month of April, Carlos Gamundi and Daniella Gonzalez in seventh grade were nominated by Ms. Rahimi for Doing the Right Thing! Congratulations Carlos and Daniella! Curriculum In the month of April, our Kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade students will be able to demonstrate all they have learned this year on the Stanford Achievement Test, Tenth Edition. Students will be taking the Reading and Mathematics portion of the SAT-10. Students in grades 3-8 will continue taking their Florida Standards Assessments this month and grades 5 and 8 will begin the Science FCAT 2.0. Although testing is school-wide this month, instruction will continue in order to ensure students are well prepared for upcoming school year. 3 Volume 14, Issue 8 FSA and SAT Testing Schedule Assessment Grades Sessions Time Date FSA Mathematics PBT 3-4 Session 1 & 2 80 minutes each April 1-2, 2015 SAT –10 Reading & Mathematics PBT K-2 Session 1 & 2 Approximately 3050 minutes each April 13-14, 2015 FSA ELA Reading & Mathematics CBT 5 Sessions 1 & 2 80 minutes each April 13-May 8, 2015 FCAT 2.0 Science PBT 5 Session 1 & 2 80 minutes each April 13-14, 2015 FSA ELA Reading CBT 6-8 Session 1 & 2 85 minutes each April 13-May 8, 2015 FSA Mathematics CBT 6-8 Session 1 & 2 60 minutes each April 13-May 8, 2015 FCAT 2.0 Science PBT 8 Session 1 & 2 80 minutes each April 13, 2015 FSA Algebra 1 and Geometry EOC Enrolled 6-8 Session 1 & 2 90 minutes each April 20-May 15, 2015 NGSSS Civics EOC Enrolled 6-8 Session 1 160 minutes April 20-May 22, 2015 Young Marines Program The Young Marines Program was developed for youth between the ages of 8 and 17 to develop and nurture them into responsible citizens who enjoy and promote a healthy, drug-free lifestyle. The Young Marines Program is a voluntary program open to all youth in the Miami-Dade community. The Young Marines Program is open to boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 17. The program promotes, develops, and nurtures responsible citizenship, physical fitness, and a healthy, drug-free lifestyle. The program is a weekend program and meets off-site on Saturday mornings. For more information, please visit www.youngmarines.com 4 Volume 14, Issue 8 AFTER-SCHOOL CARE & COMMUNITY SCHOOL NEWS We have availability in our Community classes for the months of April and May. The classes we have available are Dance, Reading & Math Tutoring, Pep Squad, Karate, Chess, Soccer, Basketball, Flag Football, Rock Band and Guitar. The last day of the spring season for all community classes is May 29, 2015, except for the Dance Team and Cheerleading which will end on April 30, 2015. Parents visit our After-School Care office in room 15 between Monday and Thursday from 10:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. to register your child for one of our community classes. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs. Alen at (305) 592-7914, ext. 122. ALL PRO DAD’s Meeting and Breakfast During the month of April, we will continue our monthly All Pro Dad’s meeting with Mr. Franco Gennaro and an optional breakfast for purchase provided by Mr. Victor Zaldivar, our Dade Partner and owner of Chick-Fil-A. All Pro Dad’s is a simple idea with a profound impact that can really strengthen a dad’s relationship with his children. During these meetings, we will continue to discuss with students and fathers the Power of Being Consistent, Seeing from a New Perspective, Learning Contentment and Encouraging Creativity. Our monthly meetings will include fathers with students in grades Pre-K-8th grade. Fathers must complete the survey indicated on the flyer sent home by the date indicated in order to attend and reserve breakfast if interested. Breakfast does not have to be purchased in order to attend the meeting. The next meeting for the fathers and students in grades Pre-K-8th will be on April 8, 2015 from 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. in the UA Café. 5 Volume 14, Issue 8 Community Partners Recognition Luncheon On March 19, 2015, Eugenia B. Thomas K-8 Center had the honor of recognizing Ms. Leidy Padron, store manager for Walmart located at 9191 W Flagler Street, as our Community Partner for her outstanding contributions and support to our school this 2014-2015 school year. Ms. Lisbeth Manriquez was also honored at the luncheon at Jungle Island for being an Exemplary School Volunteer that devotes countless hours to our school and for our students. Ms. Ariani Alen, our Assistant Principal and Community Partners Liaisons was also recognized for her efforts in strengthening our current relationship with our Dade Partners and building new partnerships with the community. Honor Roll Assemblies Day Date Grade Time Wednesday April 15, 2015 Kindergarten 8:50 a.m. Wednesday April 15, 2015 First 1:10 p.m. Thursday April 16, 2015 Sixth-Eighth 8:50 a.m. Thursday April 16, 2015 Second 2:20 p.m. Friday April 17, 2015 Third 8:50 a.m. Friday April 17, 2015 Fourth 2:20 p.m. Tuesday April 28, 2015 Fifth 8:50 a.m. PTSA NEWS Last month, the PTSA hosted the Mother’s Day Cake fundraiser to continue raising funds to support our technology needs. We also had a great Jumpin’ Jamboree Family Day on March 18, 2015. We had many students, parents, teachers and staff attend in support of our school. This month we will have our Spring Personality Portraits on April 8, 2015. We will also have a McTeacher’s Night on April 9, 2015 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the McDonald’s located at 11390 NW 41 Street. Also, on April 22, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. we will have our PTSA General Elections Meeting in the LA Café and we hope to see all of our parents attending. Upcoming Events: Show your support! Spring Personality Portraits on April 8, 2015 EBT McTeacher’s Night located at 11390 NW 41 Street on April 9, 2015 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. PTSA General Election Meeting on April 22, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the LA Café Every Friday or last day of the week we have Pizza Sales during dismissal 6 Volume 14, Issue 8 GRADE LEVEL HIGHLIGHTS KINDERGARTEN NEWS Spring is in the air! Our students can now see in action things that we have been learning in class, such as plant growth and the life cycle of a butterfly. Thanks to Mrs. Leon and the Tropical Fairchild Garden, we now have a very special Pine Rockland Garden right outside of our Kindergarten Courtyard. The kids have enjoyed seeing the garden set up, step by step. They are also enjoying the beauty of the butterfly lifecycle with our very own milkweed plants we have in class. Our students had a fun filled Spring Egg Hunt and are ready to soar to success on the SAT-10 in just a few weeks. FIRST GRADE NEWS Our first grade students had a wonderful time during our SAT Super Hero activity and their fieldtrip to Jungle Island. During the week of April 13-14, first grade students will be taking the SAT-10 test. As we continue to prepare for the SAT-10, we ask parents to continue to review the skills discussed during our SAT Parent night. Please ensure that your child gets a good night’s rest and has a good breakfast during testing week. 7 Volume 14, Issue 8 SECOND GRADE NEWS The month of March has come and gone, but during this month our second graders were extremely busy with their SAT Review. Also, they had a great time dressing up and parading with their super hero costumes. They enjoyed making yummy treats and watching “Big Hero 6” with their classmates. Also, in March we celebrated Dr. Seuss’ Birthday with fun activities in the classroom like making “Cat in the Hat” hats and writing fun facts about Dr. Seuss. Some of our students even made tasty treats with their teachers! We finished the month with the much needed Spring Break. On the week of April 13th, our students will be taking the SAT-10 for reading and math. Parents, please remember that it is very important that the students attend school during this week. They need to be on time and make sure that they have a yummy and n utritious breakfast. On April 22nd, we will be celebrating Earth Day with an activity in the classrooms. As always, the second grade team would like to thank you for all of your support. THIRD GRADE NEWS In the beginning of the month of April, third grade students will be taking the Mathematics portion of the FSA exam. Third graders will learn about their countries of origin and participate in the International Food Fest on April 24th, where they will get to sample foods from all around the world. Third grade students will also continue preparation for fourth grade. We will complete mini-writing lessons across all content areas. We intend to finish the year off strong and prepared for the upcoming challenges of fourth grade. They will close out the month with a fantastic spring dance on April 29th. 8 Volume 14, Issue 8 FOURTH GRADE NEWS The fourth grade teachers will continue to prepare our students for the FSA Mathematics Exam which will be on April 1st and 2nd. The most heavily weighted state tested standards in Mathematics are: Measurement, Geometry & Spatial Sense, Algebraic thinking, and Data Analysis & Probability. Please continue to reinforce these standards at home. Fourth grade students will need to purchase the book, “Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief”. They will be reading this book in class, as well as, watching the movie. Please make sure that you return the signed permission form in order for your child to participate in this activity. Select 4th grade students who are a part of the “Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief” play will be performing on May 1st, 2015. Auditions for the play will take place during the month of April. Fourth grade will be having their Spring Dance on April 29th, 2015 from 1:50 pm to 2:45 pm in the U.A. Cafe. Last but not least, we would like to encourage students to continue to diligently and consistently read and complete i-Ready Sessions needed for this fourth nine week period. Good luck to all and keep reading! The Fabulous Fourth Grade Team would like to extend our sincerest appreciation to our parents, the PTSA and administration for their commitment to our students’ success! FIFTH GRADE NEWS April begins with a PTSA pizza sale which is a fundraiser for fifth grade. Please join us in supporting the PTSA and 5 grade by purchasing pizza and refreshments on Thursday, April 2nd. The FCAT 2.0 Science test is scheduled for Monday, April 13th and Tuesday, April 14th. Please ensure that your child is present, on-time and has a full, healthy breakfast on these two days. FSA Reading and Math test dates will be forthcoming. So please adhere to the monthly calendar and flyers for further information. th We will be collecting funds and fieldtrip forms for the Strike Miami Bowling Field Trip on the week of April 27May 1. As we prepare for the end of the school year, please remind your child of proper school behavior and expectations from now until June. We thank you for your continued support. UPPER ACADEMY NEWS Kiwanis Builders is planning for our fantastic end of year activities. We plan to visit the Miami Rescue Mission to help in cutting up food portions and serving the homeless in Downtown Miami next month. We are also planning our pinning ceremony for the end of April. In May, we are planning our end of the year trip to Dave & Busters to celebrate our accomplishments for this school year. In the Upper Academy Science department, we are heavily reviewing the 6th-8th grade benchmarks skills for our upcoming FCAT 2.0 exam. We have been working on lab stations, creating our Fairchild Succulent garden and working on prefixes and suffixes of Science Word meanings. We would like to wish good luck on April 13th to all of our 8th graders!
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