JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC DEPARTMENT 2003-2004 STUDENT HANDBOOK Dear Parents and Students: Welcome to the Lafayette Jefferson Instrumental Music Program! We look forward to working with each student in class and encourage the support of each parent. RETURNING ALL SIGNED FORMS IS AN ASSIGNMENT. A STUDENT’S GRADE IS AFFECTED BY TURNING IN AN ASSIGNMENT BY THE DUE DATE! This packet outlines the expectations, rules and regulations for the Bands and Orchestra. Each student and their parents must read these rules. The first section contains several pages that need to be returned to the music office. Pages 2, 3, 4 and 5 require parent/guardian signatures. After both student and parents have read these rules and regulations, sign below acknowledging that you understand these policies. Return all signed pages to the band office by Friday, Sept.5, 2003. If students are in more than 1 BAND, you only need to fill out 1 set of forms. The office will make copies for the other bands. If a student is in marching band, you do not need to fill out a new medical form unless there have been changes in insurance, health issues, etc. Sincerely, Thomas W. Barker, Director of Bands Patrick Murphy, Orchestra Director Bruce Knepper, Assistant Director/Jazz Band Director Jeffery T. Parthun, Assistant Director/Percussion Director Jana C. Reinhart, Music Department Secretary NO CREDIT CAN BEGIN TO BE RECORDED UNTIL THIS DOCUMENT IS RETURNED. I have read and I do understand the rules and regulations of the Jefferson High School Instrumental Music Department. Student Name___________________________________________(please print) __________________________ Student Signature _________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________ Name of Instrumental Group __________________________ hour red or black ___________________________ Name of Instrumental Group __________________________ hour red or black ___________________________ Name of Instrumental Group __________________________ hour red or black Student Social Security # (seniors only)______________________________ This will be used by the Booster Club for a savings bond that is given at the Music in May Concert. ~2~ JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC PERMISSION FORM SCHOOL YEAR 2003-2004 Dear Parent, The Jefferson High School Music Department uses a blanket parent permission slip and medical information for all events such as: contests, parades, concerts and trips for the entire school year. Lafayette School Corporation policy requires all students participating in any and all activities not held on Jefferson High School property to have a parental consent form on file. Please complete, sign and return all enclosed forms to the Jefferson High School Band Office. Prior to all trips, the students will be given specific information such as itinerary, dates, times, cost, etc. If for any reason you do not want your child to participate, please notify the Director in writing to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding. If we are not notified of any objections, we understand that the student has your consent to participate in the event. ____________________________ Vince Bertram ~ Principal ______________________________ Thomas Barker ~ Director of Bands ________________________________ Bruce Knepper ~ Director of Jazz Band Assistant Band Director ________________________________ Jeffrey Parthun ~ Director of Percussion Assistant Band Director _________________________________ Patrick Murphy ~ Director of Orchestra ********************************************************************************************* (Do not tear apart) I give my permission for___________________________________to participate with the Jefferson H.S. Music Department at any and all school approved events beginning August 20, 2003 and throughout the entire school year. I will notify the Director in writing if my child does not have my permission to attend a specific event. I have completed the medical information and authorization form giving the Director and/or adult chaperones permission to obtain medical care and/or hospitalization should illness or accident occur. I accept responsibility for payment of any medical expenses. I will not hold any supervisory staff members liable for injuries or damages sustained by my child during any school sponsored musical event. __________________________________________________ Signature ~ Parent/Guardian _______________ Date signed The band department has a web site that will contain pictures of the bands at various competitions and concerts. On occasion, your child may be in a picture that we would like to use. If any names are used, it would only be your child’s first name and last initial. Please check the appropriate line below. _____ I grant permission for the band department to use my child’s picture on a band web page. _____I do not grant permission for the band department to use my child’s picture on a band web page. The web address is: ~3~ MEDICAL INFORMATION AND AUTHORIZATION Name of student_________________________________________ Date________ Address________________________________________________ Zip_________ Age___________ Grade_______ Date of Birth______________ Parent(s) full names_______________________________________________________ Home Phone Number_________________ Work Phone ~ Mother________________ Work Phone ~ Father____________ Health Insurance: Please give company, policy name and any ID numbers. ________________________________________________________________________ Date of last tetanus booster____________ List any special health conditions that your child may have: (diabetes, epilepsy, allergies to food or medicines, bleeding tendency, etc.) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ List any medications your child must take during the time of the field trip: ________________________________________________________________________ If this medication is presently being administered by school personnel under the Medication Policy and Procedure J 700, do you wish this procedure continued by adults present on the trip?____________________ I hereby authorize the personnel in charge of this field trip to release the above information to medical authorities and to obtain medical care and/or hospitalization should illness or accident occur while my child is engaged in this field trip. I accept the responsibility for payment of any medical expenses. _______________________________________________ Signature ~ Parent/Guardian This form will be retained by field trip personnel and will be kept on file in the band office. ~4~ ____________ Date signed Date of Activity Activity Performance Time Location Aug. 29, 03 Sept. 5, 03 Sept. 5, 04 Home Football Game-Marching Band Home Football Game-Marching Band 8th Grade Night at the football game Marching Band and all 8th graders Mini~Camp~Marching Band Band Booster Meeting Star City Marching Invitational Bands of America Competition Marching Band Pep Session~Marching Band Home Football Game-Marching Band Homecoming Marching Band Contest Marching Band District Contest Lewis Cass H.S. Home Football Game-Marching Band Senior Night Marching Band Contest Band Booster Meeting Marching Band Regional Contest Chesterton H.S. Fall Orchestra Concert Fall Break 3:30-10:00 3:30-10:00 3:30-10:00 Crawley Field Crawley Field Crawley Field 9:00~3:00 6:00pm all day all day Jeff Band Room Crawley Field Louisville, KY 7:00pm 3:30-10:00 Crawley Field Crawley Field all day all day Twin Lakes Walton, IN 3:30-10:00 Crawley Field all day 6:00pm all day TBA Band Room Chesterton, IN 7:00pm LGI Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 6, 03 8, 03 13, 03 19~20, 03 Sept. 24, 03 Sept. 26, 04 Sept. 27, 03 Oct. 4, 03 Oct. 10, 04 Oct. 11, 03 Oct. 13, 03 Oct. 18, 03 Oct. 20, 03 October 24~27, 03 If marching band qualifies for state contest, marchers MUST be available for rehearsal. Oct. 25, 03 Nov. 10, 03 Nov. 11, 03 Nov. 11, 03 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 14 & 15 18, 03 20, 03 20, 03 Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 22, 03 25~30, 03 27, 03 3, 03 7, 03 8, 03 9, 03 10, 03 Dec. 12~13, 03 Dec. 14, 03 Dec. 12, 03 Dec. 19, 03 Jan. 6, 04 Jan. 11, 04 Jan. 12, 04 Jan. 15-17, 04 Jan. 17, 04 Jan. 24, 04 Jan. 24, 04 Jan. 25, 04 Jan. 27, 04 Jan. 31, 04 Feb. 7, 04 Marching Band State Contest all day Band Booster Meeting 6:00pm Marching Band Parade Practice 3:30-4:30 All State Band Application Deadline TBA Selected Students Fall Musical~Selected students for pit orchestra 7:00pm Marching Band Parade Practice 3:30-4:30 Marching Band Parade Practice 3:30-4:45 Departure meeting for New York 5:00pm ALL marching band students and parents Band "Holiday Gala"~Concert~All Bands 7:00pm Marching Band Trip to New York Philadelphia Christmas Parade~Marching Band Solo/Ensemble Deadline Marching Band~Lafayette Christmas Parade 1:00pm Band Booster Meeting 6:00pm ShowBand~Girls Varsity TBA Nursing Home Concert during class Freshmen Concert Band Holiday Show~Orchestra 7:00pm Holiday Show~Orchestra 2:00pm ShowBand~Boys Varisty TBA ShowBand~Boys Varisty TBA ShowBand~Girls Varsity TBA All State Auditions~Selected Students TBA Band Booster Meeting 6:00pm IMEA Honor Band~Selected Students TBA ShowBand~Girls Varsity TBA Purdue Jazz Festival~Jazz Band TBA RCA Dome Band Room Band Room Band Room ShowBand~Boys Varisty Band Booster Mid~Winter Dance Jazz Band/Orchestra ShowBand~Girls Varsity ShowBand~Girls Varsity ISSMA Solo/Ensemble TBA afternoon Main Gym Auxiliary Gym TBA TBA TBA Main Gym Main Gym Harrison H.S. ~5~ Theater Band Room Band Room Cafeteria Gym Lafayette, IN Band Room Main Gym LGI Theater Theater Main Gym Main Gym Main Gym West Lafayette Band Room Indianapolis Main Gym Purdue Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 7, 04 9, 04 12, 04 14, 04 Feb.15, 04 Feb. 17, 04 Feb. 19, 04 Feb. 21, 04 Indianapolis Feb. 26, 04 Feb. 28, 04 Mar. 6, 04 H.S. Mar. 8, 04 Mar. 11, 04 Mar. 14, 04 IN Mar. 22, 04 Mar. 23, 04 April. 10, 04 April. 15, 04 April.17, 04 April. 20 & 22, 04 April.28, 04 Open to all band and orchestra students ShowBand~Boys Varsity Band Booster Meeting ShowBand~Boys Varisty Winter Guard Competition Hosted at Jeff Religious Arts Festival~Orchestra Concerto Concert Wind Ensemble & Symphonic Band Mardi Gras Concert Jazz Bands from Jeff, SS & Tec Jazz Band Contest~Jazz Band ShowBand~Boys Varisty ISSMA State Solo/Ensemble Contest Selected Students ISSMA Jazz Band Contest TBA 6:00pm TBA all day Main Gym Band Room Main Gym Main Gym TBA 7:00pm Faith Baptist Sunnyside 7:00pm Jeff Cafeteria TBA Univ. of TBA TBA Main Gym Indianapolis TBA Brownsburg Band Booster Meeting 6:00pm Marching Band Call Out 7:00pm All State Band Concert~Selected StudentsTBA Band Room Jeff Cafeteria Bloomington, Freshmen/Jazz Band Concert 7:00pm Wind Ensemble/6th grade Concert 7:00pm Band Booster Annual Meeting 7:00pm Preview for ISSMA State Contest 7:00pm Symphonic Band, Freshmen Band ISSMA District Contest TBA Symphonic Band, Freshmen Concert Band This will be the 2nd year that we have hosted the District Jeff Theater Jeff Theater Band Room Theater Color Guard Try~Outs Academic Recognition Evening Orchestra 3:30~? 6:30pm Jeff Contest at Jeff. Jeff Main Gym University Inn There will be a preview concert for Wind Ensemble the last part of April. Students will be given the date in class and expected to put it on their calendars. May ?? Orchestra will be playing for the Teacher Retirement Reception. The date varies. Students will be given the date by their director as soon as the date is finalized. May. 1, 04 May.8, 04 May. 10, 04 May. 14, 05 May. 23, 04 May. 29, 04 ISSMA Group 1 State Qualification Wind Ensemble Only ISSMA State Contest Band Booster Meeting Hall of Fame Activities~Wind Ensemble Music In May All Bands, Orchestra, Color Guard Graduation~Orchestra ~6~ TBA Indianapolis TBA 6:00pm day 2:00pm Indianapolis Band Room Theater Theater 7:00pm Main Gym INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC DEPARTMENT FEES Locker Rental Instrument Rental $7.00 a year-unless instructed by Director of Bands, ALL instruments MUST be in a locker All color guard members are able to rent a band locker for their valuables. $30.00 a semester/per instrument Percussionists are assessed a $60.00 instrumental rental fee for the year. Concert Attire Marching Band ~ Uniforms will be provided by the band department. This is part of the marching band fee. Freshman Band ~ Students are required to provide the following: Men: black pants, white dress shirt (collared), tie, black shoes and socks. Women: black pants or knee length or longer black skirt, white blouse (no tank tops or spaghetti straps) and black shoes Advanced Concert Band (Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble) & Orchestra ~ The following items will need to be purchased through the band department. Men: tuxedos (estimated cost is $150.00). This includes the jacket, pants, shirt, black bow tie and cummerbund. Male students will be fitted during class time and the department will order the tuxedo for them. Men may wear a used tuxedo that is in good condition. If used tuxedos are available, they may be purchased from the department. Black shoes and socks are the responsibility of the student. Women: Black concert dress (cost for 2003-2004 is $75.00). Female students will be fitted for their dress during class time and the department will order the dress for them. There are some “used” dresses for sale for $30.00. Black shoes and hose are the responsibility of the student. Jazz Band ~ The following items will need to be purchased though the band department. Men: tuxedos (estimated cost is $150.00). This includes jacket, pants, shirt, bow tie and cummerbund. If they have another tuxedo they may use that, but must purchase a red bow tie and red cummerbund. Black shoes and socks are the responsibility of the student. Each year there are used tuxedos for sale. Each male student is asked if they would like to be fitted in one that is available. Women: there is no specific dress required~the female members of the band and the director will decide on the dress. All: Each member of the jazz band is required to purchase a Jazz Band T Shirt to be worn for informal performances and travel. Each member will also need to have black and/or khaki pants available. Estimated cost is $25.00 for the T Shirt. Tools of the Trade Each student must have in their possession each of the items listed for their instrument. Look over this sheet and start to make plans to purchase these items. There are specific needs for each specific instrument. Students are required to have these items by the end of the first semester of their freshman year. WOODWIND STUDENTS Reeds (by the box) Cork Grease BRASS STUDENTS Al Cass Valve Oil Squirt bottles (trombones) 1 Tom Crown Straight Mute (trumpets & trombones) 1 Sone Lined Cup mute (trumpets & trombones) PERCUSSION STUDENTS Stick Bag 1 pair concert drumsticks~ Vic Firth SD1 1 pair timpani mallets~Payson Red or Firth Staccato Pitch Pipe Brushes All Students: Metronome and pencils/personal calendar (Broncho Board) STRING STUDENTS Rosin Extra STring RothSihan Mu Wolf shoulder pad You can order online through Paige’s Music @ The band department does not keep an inventory of supplies. It is the responsibility of the student to purchase the needed supplies. ~7~ PHILOSOPHY The Instrumental Music Department at Jefferson High School strives to provide students with an opportunity to participate, perform and enjoy music. The major emphasis of the music program is to promote musicianship, pride of accomplishment, tradition, positive morale, self-discipline, spirit and loyalty. The responsibility of accepting this opportunity rests with the individual student. The Music Department will work to improve the methods and direction of music education. The student’s musical education is the primary goal. The Music Department staff emphasizes the commitment of each member to their musical organization. This commitment is measured by the investments of time, dedication, maturity and a genuine desire to achieve success. Music students must dedicate themselves to making this commitment. The Lafayette Jefferson Music Department believes in the responsibility to teach music education to the students enrolled in the music program. We offer the student many opportunities to perform in vocal ensembles, string ensembles and wind/percussion ensembles. The perception of the department is that students in music are enrolled in a “performance based” curriculum. Though we do present a variety of productions throughout the year, mere performance is not the primary goal for the instrumental organizations. The purpose of the Bands and Orchestra is to instruct and guide students in the study of music. We will challenge the student to listen more critically, to analyze the components of a symphony, wind composition or art song, and we will then assist the student in the development of values of musical preference….and perhaps, to make decisions about musical art that differ from the casual listener. DEPARTMENT POLICY 1. Attendance at all concerts and contests is required of all members of all performing groups. This attendance is required for full credit to be awarded. 2. Rehearsal attendance is mandatory for after school, evening and weekend rehearsals when that rehearsal is scheduled a minimum of 3 weeks in advance. In most cases, these rehearsals are already scheduled and given to the students within the first weeks of school. 3. Grades will be earned as follows: a. Performance 60% ~ Grades will be determined using combinations of playing tests, written tests, “in class” performance, contest/concert preparation and participation. b. Attitude 40% ~ Attitude grades will be determined by observing the following: Is the student a team player/leader, cooperative, prepared, assumes responsibility to practice/learn assigned music, shows a genuine desire to improve and is an active participant in every rehearsal. ~8~ ATTENDANCE AND TARDY POLICY Attendance at all performances is mandatory. An unexcused absence from a performance will result in the grade “F” for that grading period. An unexcused absence from a dress rehearsal will result in a “D” for that grading period. If there is any question of what constitutes an “unexcused absence” talk to your director in advance of the performance/rehearsal date so that you can make an informed decision. ATTENDANCE AT REHEARSALS OUTSIDE OF THE SCHOOL DAY On occasion it will be necessary to schedule rehearsals outside of the school day. These rehearsals are due to unusual circumstances which cannot be accommodated during the school day. Work conflicts are not acceptable. In nearly all cases, concert and performance dates are announced at the beginning of the school year for the ENTIRE SCHOOL YEAR. Notice of extra rehearsals is given by the director of the respective organization a minimum of 3 weeks before the rehearsal. It is impossible to “make up” the absence from rehearsal or performances. TARDY All students must be in the Instrumental Locker Room or in the appropriate rehearsal room at Tecumseh when the bell BEGINS to ring. If a student does not have his or her materials with them when the rehearsal begins and needs to go back to the locker to get them, the student will be counted as tardy. Please refer to the student handbook regarding Tardy Policy penalty. Attendance and punctuality affect classroom climate. It is a fact that some students may want to be in the “top” groups but are emotionally or socially not ready to accept or demonstrate the responsibilities of these ensembles. Excessive tardiness or absences in the top level bands may warrant an assignment to a lower level band in addition to following school policy for tardiness. ~9~ ENSEMBLE REQUIREMENTS Each ensemble has individual performance requirements that must be fulfilled. Students will be placed in the appropriate ensemble for the student’s ability. Concert Band Requirements: Students must master the following to be promoted to the Symphonic Band or Wind Ensemble. Students unable to develop these basic requirements by the end of their freshman year, may repeat the course for one semester. 1. 2. 3. 4. a proper tone quality for their instrument understanding and application of the counting system through note division working knowledge of basic musical terms demonstrate the ability to be responsible for the assigned music Symphonic Band Requirements: Students must maintain the level achieved in Concert Band and make progress in several areas. Symphonic Band is determined by evaluating: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Success in continued development of characteristic tone quality understanding and application of all rhythmic figures including 6/8, multi-metered and triplet figures extended musical term vocabulary demonstrate the ability to play at the expected level of Symphonic Band performance literature demonstrate the ability to be responsible for the practicing and learning of the assigned music Wind Ensemble Requirements: Players selected for the Wind Ensemble must maintain all previously mentioned skills and continue to develop all areas of musical performance. Only the musically serious student will be considered for this ensemble. Daily attendance, punctuality and desire to perform are assumed. Private lessons are required. Students interested in auditioning for Wind Ensemble will be given a form that their private teachers will sign verifying that they are engaged in regular lessons. Any student needing names for teachers may contact Mr. Barker or Mr. Knepper. There are financial scholarships available for lessons. Auditions/seating assignments will occur during the semester. There may be movement of members between Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band depending on the musical demands of the selections being performed. Jazz Band Requirements: Players selected for the Jazz Band must maintain all previously mentioned skills and continue to develop all areas of musical performance. Only the musically serious student will be considered for the ensemble. Daily attendance, punctuality and a desire to perform are assumed. Admission will be by audition, unless specified by the director. ~10~ CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS 1. NO gum, candy, pop or other food items in the Music Department, unless provided by the Directors. See School Policy re: insubordination. 2. Student must be in the instrument locker area when the bell rings. Student is tardy if this is not done. School Policy: Students are given 2-3 minutes at the beginning of the period after tardy bell to: 1. assemble instrument 2. pick up music from sorting rack 3. adjust chair and stand 4. react/respond to the Band and Orchestra announcements 5. Band announcements are posted on the wall outside of the band room, available from the band office or can be found on the band web site ( 6. students must have their instruments and accessories (mutes, rosin, pencils, mallets, etc.) with them when they assume their seat for the rehearsal 7. Lost music assigned to students must be replaced by the students. Penalty: cost of music, including phone call and postage. 8. All equipment belonging to the Music Department will remain in the department area at all times. If an individual wants to use equipment from the music area, it is to be cleared with the department coordinator. Lost or damaged equipment will be the responsibility of the individual. 3. Misconduct is unacceptable and will result in disciplinary action. 4. Dress during school ~ refer to student handbook. After school and extra curricular rehearsals ~ clothing which will allow the student to rehearse in an appropriate manner. Street shoes are inappropriate for this activity and an alternative such as tennis shoes must be available to the student. REHEARSAL DISCIPLINE PLAN 1. All playing and talking ceases when the Director or student leader takes the podium and asks for “quiet” by raising his/her hand. All attention is then directed to the podium. Quiet talking, but not playing, is permitted between rehearsal selections when the podium is unoccupied. 2. Students are held responsible for information in the Weekly Band Announcements. The announcements are posted on the wall and also on the Jeff band web site ( 3. Students are held responsible for information distributed during their absence. 4. Questions and requests are to be handed to the director or leader of the class in writing. 5. Individual questions of the director are to be dealt with before or after school. 6. Students should ask permission when leaving or entering a rehearsal. 7. Respect for students, staff and property is expected. 8. Behavior that distracts from the rehearsal process or prohibits a student from learning will not be tolerated. If the guidelines are broken and warnings are given, the following procedure will be followed: a. daily grade affected b. teacher/student conference before next rehearsal c. student sent to appropriate administrator for disciplinary action A student will be immediately removed from a rehearsal if any one of the following acts occurs: a. physical violence b. destruction or abuse of school property c. insubordination d. any act that totally stops the rehearsal ~11~ EQUIPMENT AND ROOM USAGE 1. Students will be allowed in the music wing at 7:30am, after school and during the passing periods to conduct department business. Loitering is not permitted in the department. 1. Instruments must be stored neatly in the locker provided. They are not to be left on the floor of the storeroom or locker room. 1. Percussion equipment must be stored neatly and in the proper location at the close of rehearsal. 4. Music stands are to be stored in the front right corner of the room. Chairs must be returned to the proper location. 5. Only percussionists are to play the percussion instruments. 1. The sound system is for classroom use and not to be used by students without permission. 2. Students using the practice room are to use them only for musical preparation. 3. Food and beverages are not allowed in the Music Department, the theater or stage area at any time during the school day. Energy snacks and beverages used after school or before a trip need to be disposed of properly. ADDITIONAL POLICIES REQUIRED OF AN AMBASSADOR PERFORMING ENSEMBLE OF JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL 1. Use of tobacco, alcohol and any type of illegal drug is prohibited at ALL TIMES. 2. Do not sing or play in hallways. 3. Members of a performing organization are not permitted to eat or drink while in uniform unless specifically instructed to do so. Members are usually permitted time at each event to obtain refreshments and use facilities. This time period, if made available, will be designated by the director. 4. All performers must ride the same field trip buses both ways. On occasion, students may want to ride home with parents. In this case, a written note to the Director from the student’s parent is required. 5. All school rules are in affect while on field trips. Refer to student handbook. TRAVEL PROCEDURE Students will be advised of all travel procedures pertaining to that particular group. All students must have a medical form, permission slip and a signed drug policy form on file in the band office before they will be allowed to travel. POLICY TOWARDS DELINQUENT FUNDRAISING ACCOUNTS Students who participate in fundraising projects for the band and orchestra are responsible for the payment for all the items ordered or checked out. If a student does not pay the money due by the announced project completion date, his/her account will be affected as follows: 1. Monies overdue will be deducted from the respective student’s credit account in the music office. 2. If no credit account funds are available, all contributions made to the student’s future band/orchestra trip fund will be withheld. ~12~ AWARD SYSTEM FOR STUDENTS Students are eligible to receive the school letter “J” for successful completion of various band ensembles, individual honors and service to the program. To receive a letter in band, orchestra or guard, the student must earn a minimum of 7 cumulative points. Returning letterman must earn a minimum of 4 points in a single year to ear a bar. Letters are awarded to the students at the annual Music in May Concert. Points are earned by successfully completing the following: Students receive 1 point for a full year or .5 for a semester of completion or as follows: Concert Band Symphonic Band Wind Ensemble Jazz Band Marching Band Class Orchestra Class Percussion Ensemble Winter Guard (1) Marching Band (1) Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, Orchestra or Winter Guard appearance at State Contest (1) Solo/Ensemble Participation at District (1 point per event) Solo/Ensemble Superior Rating at District (1 point per event) Solo/Ensemble Participation at State Contest (1 point per event) Solo/Ensemble Superior Rating at State Contest (1 point per event) Musical Pit Orchestra (.5 per musical) All~State Band/Orchestra (1) IMEA~Indiana Music Educators Association Honors Band (1) Show Band (1) Swing Band (1) Featured major soloist with the band at a formal concert (1) Scouting for the Band Department (.5 per semester) Student Band Assistants (.5 per semester) Major trip participant (1) ~13~
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