Lecture 10: Examples of Discrete Time Markov Chain Parimal Parag 1 1.1 Discrete Time Markov Chains Contd. Example 4.3(c) The Age of Renewal Process: Consider a discret time slotted system. An item is put into use. When the item fails, it is replaced at the beginning of the next time period. Pi is the probability of the failure of the item in P ith time period. Assume that the life times are independent. Pi is aperiodic. iPi < ∞. The age of an item is the number of periods the item is in use. Let us denote the age of the item at time n as Xn . Let us denote Pi λ(i) , P∞ j=i Pj λ(i) is the probability that an i unit old item fails. {Xn } is a Markov chain with transition probability, λ(i) 1 − λ(i) P (Xn = in |Xn−1 = i) = : in = 1 : in = i + 1, for i ≥ 1. To find the equilibrium distribution of this process we solve for π = πP . X π1 = πi λ(i) i πi+1 =πi (1 − λ(i)). We can solve the above set of equations iteratively to obtain πi+1 = π1 (1 − P∞ λ(1))(1 − λ(2)) . . . (1 − λ(i)) = π1 j=i+1 Pj = π1 P (Y ≥ i + 1), where Y is the P P (Y ≥i) 1 life time of an item. Using j πj = 1, we get π1 = E[Y ] and πi = E[Y ] . 1.2 Example 4.3(D) Time slotted system: Consider a time slotted system and in each slot every member of a population dies with probability p i.i.d. In each time slot, the number of new members that join the population is according to a Poisson (λ) process. Let Xn denote the number of members of the population at the beginning of time period n. Observe that {Xn } is a Markov chain. We are interested in computing the stationary 1 distribution of the Markov chain. To that end, let X0 be a Poisson random variable with mean α. Then X0 individuals will be alive at the beginning of slot 1 with probability (1 − p). Since the number of new members in the system will be a Poisson random variable with parameter λ, X1 is distributed Poisson with parameter α(1 − p) + λ. If α = α(1 − p) + λ, the chain would be stationary. Hence by the uniqueness of the stationary distribution is Poisson with mean λp . 1.3 Example 4.3(E)Gibbs sampler: Gibbs sampler is used to generate values of a random vector X1 , X2 . . . Xn where it as such difficult to generate values from the mass function PX1 ,X2 ...Xn (.) The idea is to form a Markov chain whose stationary distribution is given by PX1 ,X2 ...Xn (.) The Gibbs sampler works as follows: Let X0 = (x01 , x02 . . . x0n ) for which p(x0! , x02 . . . x0n ) > 0. Now generate x1k for k = 1, 2 . . . n according , . . . xk−1 to PXk |Xj0 =x0j , j6=k (.). Similarly generate Xk given Xk−1 = (xk−1 n ). 1 Observe the Xj , j ≥ 0 is a Markov chain. It is easy to see that PX1 ,X2 ...Xn is the stationary probability distribution of the Markov chain. Consider an irreducible positive recurrent Markov chain with stationary probability {π(i) : i ∈ N0 }. Let N denote the number of transitions between successive visits to state 0. Visits to state 0 constitutes renewal instants. Then, the number of visits by time n to state 0, for large n is approximately normally distributed. i.e. n n nV ar(N ) 1 X 1X =0 → N ( , ). n m=1 m E[N ] E[N ]3 Note that n/E[N ] = nπ0 and nV ar(N )/(E[N ])3 = nV ar(N )π03 . Since 1 2 V ar(N ) = E[N 2 ] − π+0 2 , we need to find E[N ]. Let Tn be the number of Pn transitions from n until next visit to state 0. Note that, n1 m=0 Tm . If N is the number of transitions between successive visits to state 0, average reward N (N +1) 2 P E[ ] ] of the process per unit time= E[N2 ] = 1 + 21 E[N i∈N0 π(i)µi,0 . Here E[N ] = P 2 µi,0 = E[Tn |Xn = i]. Thus µi,0 = 1 + j6=0 Pi,j µj,0 . 1.4 Transition Among Classes and Mean Times in Transient States Proposition 1. Let R be a recurrent class of states. If i ∈ R, j 6= R, then Pij = 0. Proof. Suppose Pi j > 0. Then, as i and j do not communicate with each other, n Pji = 0, ∀n. Hence, starting from state i, there is a positive probability of at least Pij that the process will never return to state i. This contradicts the fact that i is recurrent. Hence, Pij = 0. Let T denote the set of all transient states. Let j be recurrent, i ∈ T . fij denote the probability of eventually hitting j starting from i = Pi (Tj < ∞). Proposition 2. If j is recurrent, then the set of probabilities {fij : i ∈ T } satisfies X X fij = Pik fkj + Pik , k∈T k∈K 2 where R denotes set of states communicating with j. Proof. fij = X Pi (Ti < ∞, X1 = k) k = Pi (Tj < ∞, X1 ∈ T ) + Pi (Tj < ∞, X1 ∈ R) X X = Pk (Tj < ∞)pik + pik k∈T = X k∈R fkj pik + k∈T 1.5 X pik . k∈R Gambler’s Ruin Problem Consider a gambler who at each play of the game has p = P (win) = 1 − P (loss) = 1 − q. Assume successive plays of the game are independent. We are interested in knowing the probability that starting with i units the gambler hits fortune N before hitting 0. Let Xn be the player’s fortune at time n. {Xn } is a Markov chain. Observe that P00 = 1. PN N = 1. Also observe that Pi,i+1 = p = 1−Pi,i−1 , i = 2, 3 . . . N −1. Let P (Xn+1 = j|Xn = i). The Markov chain has three classes {0}, {N }, {1, 2 . . . N − 1}, the first two are recurrent and the last one is transient. Let fi ≡ fiN . We have, from the previous proposition, fi = pfi+1 + (1 − p)fi−1 , f0 = 0, fN = 1. Since p + q = 1, we can observe that fi+1 − fi = pq (fi − fi−1 ). Since f0 = 0, we can write a recursion and observe that ( q i (1−( p ) ) : p 6= 12 q N 1−( fi = p) i : p = 12 . N As N → ∞ fi = (1 − ( pq )i ) 0 : p > 12 : p ≤ 21 . Consider a finite state Markov chain with transient states with T = {1, hdotst}. Let Q be the associated transition matrix. Let mij denote the expected total number of time periods spent if state j stating form state i. X mij = E[ 1Xn =j |X0 = i] n∈N = 1i = j + X Pik mkj . k∈T [M ]ij = (I)ij + (QM )ij , M = [I − Q]−i . The matrix inverse exists. 3
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