THE EN G N GTO TIN CLUB OF HU ERS N INE FO UN DE D 19 3 Engi-News 7 The Engineers Club of Huntington Volume 79, No. 4 Editor: Denis C. Chabot, PE April 17 th Meeting Notice April 17, 2015 Pre-Meeting Film for April 17 Geopier Slope Reinforcement and Stabilization Systems “Biomimicry” A new discipline – Engineers using nature to find sustainable solutions to human problems Additional PDH Credit for attending the PreMeeting Technical Film beginning at 5 PM By: Kevin L. Osborne, EI ECH 1st Vice-President and Program Chair The April 17th meeting of the Engineers Club of Huntington will feature Mark Salveter, PE and Jim Bullard, PE of the Geopier Foundation Company. Geopier Foundation Company developed the first Rammed Aggregate Pier® system in 1989. Today, Geopier® solutions provide an efficient and costeffective Intermediate Foundation® solution for the support of settlement sensitive structures. The Geopier SRTTM system is a slope reinforcement technology implemented to stabilize See Article on Page 2 for Complete Description Note: Reservation Procedure for April only For electronic reservations, there has been no change to the procedure, and we prefer that you continue to use The change is for those who must call in their reservation – for April, please call Sam Clark at (304)522-2723. staggered array of uniformly spaced rows. It is well suited to rapidly and economically stabilize landslides that occur on sites that have difficult access or require minimized environmental disturbance and to stabilize steep slopes to create more buildable space for developments. The method has been used for highway slopes, commercial developments, creek bank repairs, unlined canal slopes, levee slope repair, and mudflow source areas. The Geopier Foundation Company’s Slope Reinforcement Technology System. failures or reinforce marginally stable slopes. This patented method provides slope stabilization using an array of rigid steel piles driven into the slope in a Members: ECH is always looking for ways to make your membership more valuable. We asked Fazoli’s to allow us to give you offers which are better than those available to the general public in the coupon mailers. Compare this and we think you will agree that this is a great extra benefit of membership! The Geopier SRT sytem is designed to stabilize slopes where the soil conditions consist of an upper zone of weathered, loose, soft or disturbed soil over a stable zone of soil or soft Continued as Geopier, see page 2 Enjoy a FREE Sampler the purchase Not valid fromwith internet – Only of a Sampler of equal original mailed copies are available See reverse for participating Huntington / Tri-State locations for use. or greater value Expires 6/30/15 Volume 79, No. 4 Page 2 April 17, 2015 \ APRIL MEETING NOTICE Pre-Meeting Film for April 17 \ “Biomimicry” Date: Speaker: A new discipline – Engineers using nature to find sustainable solutions to human problems Program: Place: Additional PDH Credit for attending the PreMeeting Technical Film beginning at 5 PM By: Denis C. Chabot, PE Engi-News Editor Time: This technical film, sponsored by Boeing, the U.S. Dept. of Energy, and the National Science Foundation, demonstrates how engineers are utilizing designs of nature that have been tested for millions of years under the harshest competitions -how the long-beaked Kingfisher bird inspired the re-design of Japanese bullet trains, and the lack of drag on the Boxfish inspired Mercedes highefficiency automobile designs. The future is in adapting additional designs of nature, perfecting them for use in our everyday lives. This film discusses amazing products and processes based on nature and currently in development: How designs based on the Asian elephant lessen the dangers of, and increases the uses of, robotic arms for manufacturing. The design and amazing balance of a fourlegged “hauler” for the U.S. Army, based on animals, and capable of carrying 400 pounds of gear through rough terrain. Fibers from the sea will be grown that will be 10 times stronger than nylon, reducing the nation’s dependence on oil. Plants inspiring new types of non-stick surfaces superior to Teflon. Using viruses to produce batteries “Swarm technology;” / and many other designs Denis Chabot will serve as film moderator. Let us know of your attendance in advance, and we will attempt to have pre-printed PDH certificates ready. This series has proven to be quite popular, and an enjoyable way to participate in continuing education. We encourage attendance at these free PDH programs. One coupon per customer per visit. No substitutions. Not valid with any other offer. Cannot be copied or sold. Internet distribution prohibited. Cost: April 17, 2015 Mark Salveter, PE and James R. Bullard, PE Geopier Slope Reinforcement and Stabilization Systems Ponderosa Restaurant 3100 Route 60 East Huntington, WV 25705 Social, 6-7:00 p.m. Dinner, 7-8:00 p.m. Program, 8:00 p.m. $14 (discount is applied; NO Ponderosa COUPONS, please) Reservations Required through Sam Clark (NOTE: Deadline Noon Thursday, April 16th) at 304-522-2723 or E-mail at Geopier Continued from page 1 rock. The closely spaced Plate Pile elements form a series of horizontal barriers where the soil arches Installation of SRT system between the plates, forming a continuous line of resistance against downslope movement. The Geopier SRT system is ideal for shallow slides or constrained sites. The meeting will be held at the Ponderosa Restaurant, 3100 Rt. 60 East in Huntington, beginning at 6 p.m. Please make plans to attend this informative presentation discussing design and installation considerations for slope stabilization and reinforcement systems. Valid only at these participating Huntington / Tri-State locations: 1310 Third Avenue, Huntington, WV 5120 US Rt. 60, Huntington, WV 499 Winchester Avenue, Ashland, KY Clip coupon and see reverse side for an offer exclusive to Engineers Club of Huntington members. We hope you enjoy your offer, and encourage your support of this business. Volume 79, No. 4 Page 3 Jim Ashworth wins Free Meal from “Where in the Tri-State” Contest From the contest where we tested your knowledge of local architecturalengineering features By: Denis C. Chabot, PE Engi-News Editor At the April 7th ECH Board of Directors meeting, the Board took the opportunity to select the winner from our contest of identifying the architecturalengineering photos we have been running in the Engi-News since last fall. For each photo, every correct answer received one entry (or James D. Ashworth, PE chance) for the member submitting it. An additional entry was given for the best description given, and another About our April presenters By: Kevin L. Osborne, EI ECH 1st Vice-President and Program Chair James R. Bullard, PE James R. Bullard, PE currently serves as Design Associate with the Geopier Foundation Company and is responsible for the design and sales of Geopier Foundation services in Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, Illinois, and West Virginia. Jim earned his B.S. in Civil Engineering at Tri-State University and his M.S. in Civil Engineering at the University of Illinois. April 17, 2015 for the person who first answered correctly. The tally for the contest is given in the table. The law of averages worked in Jim Ashworth’s favor. Jim had earned six chances out of the total 15 earned by members. Tickets representing each chance were literally put into a hat, and a Board Member who had The number of no chance to win entries that each was selected to person received draw. Jim Ashworth – 6 The drawing Brigham Ash – 3 included the photo Andrew Keffer - 2 from last month (which was Tom Olson – 2 correctly identified Kevin Osborne – 1 by 3 members as Chuck Abbott – 1 the Ben Williamson Bridge connecting Coal Grove, OH and Ashland, KY). We plan to run a short article on the good answers we received on that photo in a future newsletter. Congratulations, Jim, and be sure to enter the contest again next fall. Thank You to everyone who entered the contest! Mark Salveter, PE Mark Salveter, PE currently serves as the Geopier-SRT Region Engineer for southern Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia. Mark completed his B.S. in Civil Engineering at Michigan State University in 2005. He is currently working on his M.S. in Civil Engineering with a focus on Geotechnical studies at the University of Dayton. Mark worked as a consulting engineer with PSI in Michigan, Wisconsin and Ohio before joining Geopier, and is a registered Professional Engineer in the state of Ohio. ECH thanks member Brian W. Ball, PE, for obtaining our April Presentation for us! Volume 79, No. 4 Page 4 April 17, 2015 ECH 1969 President Robert Jesse “Bob” Mulholland Dies By: Denis C. Chabot, PE Engi-News Editor Former ECH member and past President Robert J. “Bob” Mulholland died in South Carolina on Friday, February 27, 2015. He was 91. Bob was President of Sadler Tile Company, which was a ceramic, resilient and acoustic commercial contracting company. He joined the Engineers Club of Huntington in April, 1965, and served as 1st Vice President in 1968, and as ECH President in 1969. He remained a member until 1982. ECH’s Presidential photo of Robert J. Mulholland, 1969 The following is a death notice reprinted from newspapers in Charleston, SC, Huntington, WV, and The Mountain Eagle, Whitesburg KY Robert Jesse Mulholland, 91, of Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina, widower of the late Helen Lucille Crawford Mulholland, passed away on Friday, February 27. Robert was born December 11, 1923, in Huntington, W.Va., son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Mulholland. He attended Marshall University, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, the University of Mississippi, the University of Delaware, and graduated from the University of Kentucky with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering. He served during World War II in the Army Air Corps, and later in combat infantry in campaigns in Holland and Germany, with the 104th Division, First Canadian Army, and the First US Army. With his father, Robert owned and operated the Sadler Tile Company. He was an associate with the firm of Dean, Dean and Keefer, and the Bunch Realty Company. Along with his wife and son, Mark, he developed and operated the Masion DuPre Inn, a historic inn in downtown Charleston, S.C. He was a member of the Vestry of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Huntington, W.Va., and later Head Elder of the French Protestant (Huguenot) Church in Charleston, S.C. He was President of Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity at the University of Kentucky; President of the Engineers Club of Huntington, W.Va.; CoChairman, with his wife, Lucille, of the Cabell Wayne Historical Society in creating historic Heritage Village in Huntington, W.Va.; a member of the Kiwanis Clubs of Huntington and Charleston; the Scottish Society of Charleston; Alliance Francais Society of Charleston; the Navy League; the English Speaking Union; the Sons of Confederate Veterans - Fort Sumter Camp; the Middleton Hounds Hunt Club; the SC Bed and Breakfast Association; and the National Professional Innkeepers Association. He held an electronic U.S. alarm patent. He is survived by his daughter, Teri Mulholland Bergin and Julian Neal of Huntington, W.Va.; his grandchildren, Robert Todd Bergin and wife, Jessica of Irvine, Calif., Andrew Tyler Bergin and his wife, Nancy of Mount Pleasant, S.C., Michelle Taite Bergin Pauley and husband, Jonathan of Newport Beach, Calif., and Kristina Lucille Mulholland and Robert Reid Mulholland, both of Mount Pleasant, S.C.; greatgrandchildren, Madison Renee Bergin, and Robert Parker Bergin both of Irvine, Calif., Ethan Crawford Bergin of Mount Pleasant, S.C., and Thomas Emerson Pauley of Newport Beach, Calif.; friends, Roy Crawford and Barbara Isom of Whitesburg, Anita DeHart of Huntington, W.Va., Wayne and Susan Stratton of Shelbyville, Robyn and Chris Matthews of Savannah, Ga., and Toni and David Smith of Xenia, Oh. He was preceded in death by his son, Robert Mark Mulholland of Mount Pleasant, S.C. His integrity, service to the community, and his love and devotion to his family and friends is his legacy. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the French Protestant (Huguenot) Church, 136 Church Street, Charleston, SC 29401 or the Charleston Symphony Orchestra League, P.O. Box 22613, Charleston, S.C. 29413, or the Huntington Museum of Art, Huntington, W.Va. 25701. Volume 79, No. 4 Page 5 April 17, 2015 Sam Clark’s Generator “Saves” May 16th, 2014 Meeting By: Denis C. Chabot, PE Engi-News Editor A loss of power in the east end of Huntington on the evening of May 16, 2014, affected the Ponderosa Restaurant while the Club was utilizing the facility. The outage occurred after the social period but while dinner was being served, causing the diners to have only the twilight through the windows by which to eat, and threatening cancellation of that evening’s programs. Shortly after the outage, with just the Ponderosa’s emergency lights operating, Sam Clark obtained his generator, which was sufficient to power the Club’s projector and computer. The presenter, ECH’s own William L. Nieman, EI, PG, was able to start on time, and power was restored to the facility at 8:50 p.m., just in time for the presentation of the Certificate of Appreciation and for everyone to see their way clearly to their vehicles. The generator was set just outside the room, and the heavy emergency door of the room kept it sufficiently quiet so that it did not interrupt the presentation. ECH is Indebted to Sam for his quick thinking and motivation. Thank You! Photos from that May 16th, 2014 Meeting Editor’s Note: We are far behind schedule in presenting photos of our meetings; we will try to present as many as we can over the next few months. Sitting in the dark, except for the camera flash is Russell W. Craddock (at left) and Thomas W. Olson, PE A slide from the presentation; note the 3rd set of piers… Patiently waiting in the dark (from L to R) are: Andrew M. Keffer, EI, James D. Ashworth, PE and Donald M. Lee Arvie L. Maynard, PE, proposing a toast (that looks like apple juice, Arvie – are you fooling us)? All photos on this page by Denis C. Chabot, PE A slide from the presentation concerning scour in sand The Horton’s: Wayne and Claire Volume 79, No. 4 Page 6 April 17, 2015 Photos from the May 16th, 2014 ECH Meeting (Continued) All Photos by Denis C. Chabot, PE Samuel E. Clark, PE (at left) and Donald M. Lee Andrew M. Keffer, EI (at left) and Kevin L. Osborne, EI Kristen E. Bobuk, EI (at left) and Brian W. Ball, PE Eli M. McWhorter, EI (at left) and William L. Niemann, EI, PG Kevin L. Osborne, EI (at left) and Wesley L. Shanholtzer Dorothy Lunsford (at left) and Maybelle Lee Maybelle Lee (at left) and Mary Niemann Erik J. Merlino, PE Harold D. Lunsford, PE James R. “Randy” Hyatt, PE and Jessica D. Meadows, EI Kevin L. Osborne, EI (at left) and Richard D. Wilson, PE (From L to R): Kristen E. Bobuk, EI, Samuel E. Clark, PE and Student Member Paige S. Thewes William L. Niemann, EI, PG (at left) receives the ECH Certificate of Appreciation from Erik J. Merlino, PE
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