MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF WASHINGTON, FRANKLIN COUNTY, MISSOURI MONDAY, MARCH 16, 2015 INTRODUCTORY ITEMS: The Regular Meeting of the City of Washington, Missouri, City Council was held on Monday, March 16, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber. Mayor Sandy Lucy opened the meeting with roll call and Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor: Council Members: Ward I Ward II Ward III Ward IV Also Present: Sandy Lucy Steve Sullentrup Walter Meyer Jeff Mohesky Mark Hidritch Jeff Patke Greg Skornia Josh Brinker Joe Holtmeier City Attorney City Administrator Assistant City Administrator/ Public Works Director City Clerk Police Chief City Engineer Fire Chief Communications Director Finance Manager Present Present Present Present Absent Present Present Present Present Mark Piontek James Briggs Brian Boehmer Mary Trentmann Ken Hahn Dan Boyce Bill Halmich Lisa Hotsenpiller Mary Sprung Originals and/or copies of agenda items of the meeting, including recorded votes are available on record in the office of the City Clerk. Each ordinance is read a minimum of twice by title, unless otherwise noted. Approval of Minutes: Approval of the Minutes from the March 2 & 9, 2015 Council Meetings A motion to accept the minutes as presented was made by Councilmember Sullentrup, seconded by Councilmember Meyer, passed without dissent. Approval and Adjustment of Agenda including Consent Agenda: Liquor License Application – Driftwood, 514 W. Front Street A motion to accept and approve the agenda including the consent agenda accordingly was made by Councilmember Brinker, seconded by Councilmember Holtmeier, passed without dissent. Page 1 March 16, 2015 PRIORITY ITEMS: 175th Anniversary Committee Presentation – Nadine Feltmann & Joe Schneider: They are wrapping up the 175th Anniversary celebration. They had 4 big events: the gala, the parade, the picnic and the antique vehicle display. They are presenting a check to the City in the amount of $17,947.14 to be used towards the renovation of the City Auditorium. The Mayor thanks the committee for the efforts they put into it. Mayor’s Presentations, Appointments & Re-Appointments Police Department Reappointments: March 3, 2015 To The City Council City of Washington Washington, Missouri Dear Council Members: I herewith submit for your approval the following for reappointment: NAME REAPPOINTED Edward Menefee April 5, 2015 Captain Paul Pfeiffer April 7, 2015 Patrol Officer Melinda Schmelz April 8, 2015 Patrol Officer Respectfully submitted, Sandy Lucy Mayor MT: TERM EXPIRES April 5, 2016 April 7, 2016 April 8, 2016 A motion to accept and approve the Reappointments was made by Councilmember Mohesky, seconded by Councilmember Patke, passed without dissent. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. CITIZENS DISCUSSIONS None. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Bill No. 15-11368, introduced by Councilman Patke Bill No. 15-11368, Ordinance No. 15-11376, an ordinance authorizing and directing the City of Washington to enter into a sales contract with Don Brown Chevrolet, Inc., for the Page 2 March 16, 2015 purchase of one 2015 Chevrolet Tahoe SSV, and emergency warning devices and installation. Councilman Brinker wants to know if the remote start and aluminum wheels are absolutely essential to the purchase of the vehicle. Chief Halmich explains that the remote start is not essential; he has just gotten accustomed to it. He would like to keep the aluminum wheels in there because they are more durable. Councilman Brinker recommends to at least taking out the remote start to get the bid under the budgeted amount. Councilman Sullentrup wants to know what will happen with the old vehicle. It will probably stay in the City for staff use, and the 2005 model will then be sold. Councilman Sullentrup would like to see the 2010 model sold, instead of having it sit in the parking lot. Jim Briggs explains that the decision on what vehicle will be sold can be taken at a later date because it will take several months before the new one is delivered. A motion to amend the purchase and delete remote start was made by Councilmember Brinker, seconded by Councilmember Skornia, passed without dissent. After discussion, the ordinance approved on the following vote; Meyer-aye, Patke-aye, Brinker-aye, Sullentrup-aye, Mohesky-aye, Holtmeier-aye, Skornia-aye, Hidritch-absent. REPORT OF DEPARTMENT HEADS Annual Maintenance Agreement – Morphotrak: DATE: March 6, 2015 TO: Mayor Sandy Lucy and City Council SUBJECT: Annual Maintenance Agreement – Morphotrak Honorable Council Members: Attached to this memo is our annual service agreement for our Livescan machine with the Safran Morphotrak Company. We have had this computerized fingerprinting machine for several years, and this agreement takes care of all maintenance and service needed on it. The cost went up from last year (almost $500) but it is necessary to have this agreement. It would be a major repair cost if something went wrong without the agreement. Thanks for your consideration. Respectfully, Kenneth W. Hahn Chief of Police This is an annual agreement for the Livescan machine. The cost for this is budgeted. A motion to accept the Annual Maintenance Agreement into the minutes was made by Councilmember Patke, seconded by Councilmember Holtmeier, passed without dissent. ORDINANCES/RESOLUTIONS Bill No. 15-11370, Ordinance No. 15-11377, an ordinance authorizing and directing the execution of a First Amendment to Performance Agreement by and between the City of Washington, Missouri and Melton Machine & Control Company. The ordinance was introduced by Councilmember Brinker. Page 3 March 16, 2015 Right now they are required to provide the personnel data on a monthly basis by certified mail only. With this ordinance they will have the option to fax or email the information. This will reduce the costs and speed up the process. After a brief discussion, the ordinance was read a second time and approved on the following vote; Meyer-aye, Patke-aye, Brinker-aye, Sullentrup-aye, Mohesky-aye, Holtmeieraye, Skornia-aye, Hidritch-absent. Bill No. 15-11371, Ordinance No. 15-11378, an ordinance authorizing and directing the execution of an agreement for maintenance services by and between the City of Washington, Missouri and RCC Inc., D/B/A Radio Comm Company for Radio Dispatch Consoles, Central Electronics Bank, Radio Transceivers, and Antenna Hardware and other equipment. The ordinance was introduced by Councilmember Holtmeier. This is a routine maintenance for their equipment. After a brief discussion, the ordinance was read a second time and approved on the following vote; Meyer-aye, Patke-aye, Brinker-aye, Sullentrup-aye, Mohesky-aye, Holtmeieraye, Skornia-aye, Hidritch-absent. Bill No. 15-11372, Ordinance No. 15-11379, an ordinance authorizing and directing the City of Washington to enter into a contract agreement with American Electric & Data, Inc. The ordinance was introduced by Councilmember Brinker. This is for the labor part of the Light Fixture Conversion Project. They will start with the T-12 fixtures, because those are the most time consuming. Grant with Ameren was finalized; City will get $17,500 back. After a brief discussion, the ordinance was read a second time and approved on the following vote; Meyer-aye, Patke-aye, Brinker-aye, Sullentrup-aye, Mohesky-aye, Holtmeieraye, Skornia-aye, Hidritch-absent. COMMISSION, COMMITTEE AND BOARD REPORTS Planning & Zoning File #15-0201 – Rezoning Pleasant Drive (within 1 ½ miles of City limits): March 11, 2015 Honorable Mayor and City Council 405 Jefferson Street Washington, MO 63090 RE: Mayall Properties, LLC Rezoning Pleasant Drive (within 1 ½ miles of the City limits) Planning & Zoning File #15-0201 Dear Mayor and City Council Members: The Washington Planning & Zoning Commission reviewed the requested zoning change at their March 9, 2015 meeting. Page 4 March 16, 2015 Residential use of the property is in conformance with the Future Land Use Map contained in our Comprehensive Plan. Therefore, a recommendation was made to approve the rezoning request. However, concern was expressed regarding emergency access and available water supply issues. Therefore, the following recommendations are made regarding future developments: Any future building shall be constructed with a fire sprinkler system. Any pavement extensions used to access future buildings shall be constructed to a minimum of 26 ft. wide with no parking allowed. Development shall be provided with street turn-around abilities and cul-de-sacs designed to accommodate emergency response equipment. Sincerely, Tom Holdmeier Chairman Planning & Zoning Commission Cc: Franklin County Planning & Zoning These are the Pleasant View apartments across from Pottery Road. Dan Boyce explains that when there is a new development within 1 ½ miles of the city limits, they submit their plans with Planning & Zoning. They do not have an issue with the rezoning, but they do have issues with the accessibility to the apartments. Franklin County will consider this tomorrow. They received a copy of this letter. A motion to accept the File into the minutes was made by Councilmember Sullentrup, seconded by Councilmember Patke, passed without dissent. Planning & Zoning File #15-0202 – Kurt Unnerstall: March 11, 2015 Honorable Mayor and City Council 405 Jefferson Street Washington, MO 63090 RE: Kurt Unnerstall Planning & Zoning File #15-0202 Dear Mayor and City Council Members: At the regular meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission, held on Monday, March 9, 2015, the Commission reviewed and recommends approval of the rezoning application for Kurt Unnerstall for property located on MPC Drive, which is within 1.5 miles of the City of Washington. Sincerely, Tom Holdmeier Chairman Planning & Zoning Commission Cc: Franklin County Planning & Zoning This item was also at the last Planning & Zoning meeting. This is the property off of South Point Road. Page 5 March 16, 2015 A motion to accept the File into the minutes was made by Councilmember Patke, seconded by Councilmember Holtmeier, passed without dissent. MAYOR’S REPORT Owen Lamb passed away this afternoon as the result of an accident a little over a week ago. Please keep Amy and Darren and the rest of their family in your prayers. Please keep Alex Hidritch, Mark’s son, in your prayers. His condition is less severe than Owen, but he is still in the trauma center at Mercy St. Louis. They were doing additional testing on him today. Please keep Alex and his family in your prayers. Chamber Banquet is this Saturday evening. CITY ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT Letter to the Editor Clarification: March 9, 2015 Honorable Mayor and City Council 405 Jefferson Street Washington, MO 63090 Dear Mayor and City Council, This letter is to clarify information in a recent Letter to the Editor from W.E. Mahew titled “His Opinion on Special Road District”. The boundary of Washington Special Road District (WSRD) encompasses the City of Washington as well as the unincorporated area surrounding Washington. The total 2014 assessed valuation for this district is $330,612,244 of which $310,197,296 or 93.8% is the valuation for the City of Washington. The Road and Bridge Fund of Franklin County tax rate is $0.2124 per $100 of assessed valuation (AV). This would generate $702,220 in road and bridge taxes within the WSRD boundaries of which $658,859 is the City of Washington share. Following is the allocation of the County Road and Bridge Fund: County Collector Commission (1%): $7,022 Assessor Commission (0.5%): $3,511 County Road & Bridge Fund: $105,847 (15.1%) City of Washington Fund: $162,244 (23.1%) Washington Special Road Dist.: $423,387 (60.3%) The City of Washington receives 25% of the road and bridge tax collected from within the City after the Collector’s and Assessor’s Commission. The Washington Special Road District and Franklin County Road Fund shares the balance 80/20 (80% and 20%) of the remaining funds in the district, respectively. Of the Washington Special Road District share 92% of the revenues are generated from within the city limits. Mr. Mahew’s letter stated $715,741.83 was collected in 2014 within the District this includes prior year payments, penalties and interest. There are approximately 115 miles (320 lane miles) of public roads within the Washington Special Road District jurisdiction: 90 miles (270 lane miles) within the City and 25 miles (50 lane miles) in the unincorporated boundaries of the WSRD. The WSRD receives $16,935 per mile ($8,468 per lane mile) and the City receives $1,803 or $601 per lane mile. For every city tax dollar paid into the Franklin County Road and Bridge Fund, Washington receives twenty four and a half cents ($0.245). For every tax dollar paid to the Franklin County Road and Bridge Fund in the unincorporated area of the Special Road District $8.98 was received by WSRD. Page 6 March 16, 2015 Prior to Mr. Mahew’s letter the City Engineer did submit a request dated January 16 to Franklin County for reimbursement for the Road & Bridge Fund in the amount of $476,947; this was received on March 2nd. This amounts to approximately 3 years of accumulation of the City’s share of the fund. Although State statues allow the WSRD to allocate 25% of their funds for roads within the City limits, the City and District do not have a formal cost share agreement in place. In recent years the District has assisted the City in the cost to construct the “salt-cinder” storage shed and the joint purchase of a crack filling and pothole repairing machine and the street department borrows on a regular basis the boom mower to cut steep right-of-ways. Sincerely, James A. Briggs City Administrator ALLOCATION OF FRANKLIN COUNTY ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND 2014 AGGREGATE ASSESSED VALUATION (rate per $100 AV = $0.2124) WSRD REAL ESTATE Sub-Class 1 Local Real Estate Sub-Class 2 Local (Agricultural , RR & Utilities) Sub-Class 3 (Commercial, Industrial, RR & Utilities) Total Local Assessed Real Estate CITY Rural 158,570,423 2,531,009 136,064,936 1,606,017 109,816,757 117,671,103 270,918,189 255,342,056 8,532,873 -4,237,702 7,091,818 -4,237,702 275,213,360 258,196,172 PERSONAL PROPERTY Locally Assessed State Assessed 53,698,468 1,700,386 50,543,458 1,457,666 Total Personal Property 55,398,854 52,001,124 3,397,730 330,612,214 310,197,296 20,414,918 STATE ASSESSED Less TIF Valuations TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION Page 7 March 16, 2015 15,576,133 17,017,188 FRANKLIN COUNTYROAD AND BRIDGE FUND ALLOCATION Total Assessment @ $0.2124 per $100AV 702,220 658,859 County Collector & Assessor Commission (1.5%) City of Washington (25% City) Washington Special Road District Franklin County Road & Bridge Fund 10,533 162,244 423,555 105,888 9,883 162,244 389,386 97,346 93.8% 92.0% 43,361 6.2% 650 0 34,169 8,542 1.5% 23.1% 60.3% 15.1% Jim Briggs explains that there was a letter to the editor about the Special Road District. Some of the information was correct, some of it needs clarification. He explains how the funds are distributed. He also explains that the City has had a good working relationship with the Special Road District for many years. A motion to accept the Letter into the minutes was made by Councilmember Sullentrup, seconded by Councilmember Patke, passed without dissent. Washington Special Road District Request: Washington Special Road District P.O. Box 4 Washington, MO 63090 City of Washington Mr. Jim Briggs Mr. Jack Brinker 405 Jefferson Street Washington, MO 63090 Gentlemen: The Washington Special Road District would like to make a proposal for the use of the City of Washington’s bucket truck to trim trees along the WSRD road right-of-ways for safety. In return we would offer the City of Washington the use of the WSRD tractor with the boom mower for mowing this summer. Please contact us with your thoughts. Thank you. Sincerely, Washington Special Road District Commissioners Councilman Mohesky wants to know if this request is covered by the insurance. Jim Briggs believes it is, but will double-check on it. Councilman Sullentrup asked if the Special Road District will operate the truck themselves or if Park employees will be doing that. Jim Briggs explains that he will let Darren Dunkle decide what option is best. Councilman Patke is making a motion with the amendment of checking on the insurance. A motion to accept the Request into the minutes was made by Councilmember Patke, seconded by Councilmember Meyer, passed without dissent. Page 8 March 16, 2015 Verbal Report on Airport Sign: This request has been brought up several times at the 353 Redevelopment meeting. The Airport Board looked at several signs, including the one at Heidmann Industrial. That one was pricier than the one being proposed. Shows the sign that is at the Fire Training Center. The proposal is that the City would dig and pour the footing for the brick, would go out for bids for the brick work, the City would purchase the letters for the sign. The sign would have lettering on both sides. Received a bid on the brick work; around $5,000; however the bid did not include prevailing wages. Roughly estimated budget for this project is $7,000. The sign will be lighted. A motion to go out for bids for sign was made by Councilmember Mohesky, seconded by Councilmember Patke, passed without dissent. E-Cycle Collection Event: Saturday, May 30, 2015 CITY ATTORNEY’S REPORT Public vote on whether or not to hold a closed meeting to discuss personnel, legal and real estate matters pursuant to Section 610.021 RSMo (2000) passed at 7:46 p.m. on the following roll call vote; Meyer-aye, Patke-aye, Brinker-aye, Sullentrup-aye, Mohesky-aye, Holtmeier-aye, Skorniaaye, Hidritch-absent. The regular session reconvened at 8:29 p.m. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to discuss, a motion to adjourn was made at 8:29 p.m. by Councilmember Mohesky, seconded by Councilmember Meyer, passed without dissent. ______________________________________ Adopted: _______________________________ Attest: _______________________________ City Clerk Passed: _______________________________ Attest: _______________________________ City Clerk Page 9 March 16, 2015 ______________________________ President of City Council ______________________________ Mayor of Washington, Missouri
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