ECOFOR - Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning in degraded and recovering Amazonian and Atlantic Forests Sao Luiz da Piraitinga 28/03/2014 Jos Barlow & Carlos Joly Lancaster Environment Centre University of Campinas ECOFOR - Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning in degraded and recovering Amazonian and Atlantic Forests Context talks Jos – Ecofor geral Joly – Biota/gradiente Yadvinder – Carbon, traits Erika - RAS Helber – hydoclimatica Sophie – TFS Joe Tobias – Bird traits Debora - Data ECOFOR development Morning (breakout) Soil Birds and bird traits Afternoon (all) Site selection Carbon cycling Modelling & Plant traits Up-scaling PROGRAMME GOALS 5. Apply methods and approaches used in Sabah to Brazil 1. Biodiversity & Ecosystem Function 2. Link function with species of conservation concern 3. Policy & management PROGRAMME GOALS 5. Apply methods and approaches used in Sabah to Brazil 2. Link function with species of conservation concern 1: Examine carbon and 2. Explore patterns of biodiversity, functional traits and carbon cycling and storage (landscape-scale) 3. Integrate results to inform policy (landscape-scale) Vegetation dynamics i. Assess carbon stocks, plants & birds in extensive network of plots i. Extrapolate treebased models to wider landscapes ii. Develop trait-based understanding of plant and bird communities Carbon and bird data nutrient cycling and plant and animal trait distributions (intensive study plots) ECOFOR DESIGN i. Assess above and below-ground carbon & nutrient dynamics in permanent plots Carbon dynamics, Soil hydrology 3. Policy & management 1. Biodiversity & Ecosystem Function Plant traits iii. Develop individual tree-based models of HMTFs Plant and bird traits Model outputs ii. Develop models linking biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in HMTFs ii. Analysis of existing and potential restoration and avoided degradation options Model outputs Study sites: Atlantic Forest (intensive plots) • These are: – Established plots in undisturbed and logged humid montane forests (n = 4) – New plots in logged and fragmented humid montane forest (n = 2) Study sites: Atlantic Forest (extensive plots) • Extensive sites include: – Continuous forest in the Serra do Mar – Large tracts of forest in the Serra do Mantiqueira – Fragmented secondary forests along gradient of forest cover & isolation in Vale de Paraiba Study sites: Amazon (Santarém) • 24 0.25ha intensive plots will be chosen from subset of extensive plot network: – – – – Undisturbed forest (n = 18) Logged forest (n = 27) Logged and burned (n = 28) Secondary (n = 31) • Good relations with farmers/reserve managers Intensive plot measurements: Above- and Below-ground carbon and nutrient dynamics Plant traits Soil type, bulk density, texture & nutrient stocks Bird traits Weather and soil moisture Extensive plot measurements: Landscape structure & history (Landsat time series, aerial photos, etc) Plant community data Bird community data Plant and bird phylogenies, functional trait databases Study sites: Amazon (validation sites) Stem turnover rates vary according to soil fertility Quesada et al. 2012 Biogeosciences Study sites: Amazon (validation sites) Will plant trait-stem growth relationships in intact and burned forests be predictable along this gradient? Acre: NE/l018123 NE/F015356/2 Pará: NE/G000816/1 NE/F015614X/1 Linkages to other projects: • Build on data collected in the Atlantic Forest and Amazon in previous projects • Link to protocols already being implemented in SAFE (carbon and nutrient cycling; biodiversity and functional trait analysis) • Link to global scientific networks Key challenges: • Management of NERC and FAPESP budgets • Effective communication between UK and Brazilian partners • Ensuring field and lab protocols link between field sites, to other HMTF consortia, and global scientific initiatives • Data management – linking data between different databases (ForestPlots, GEMtraits, Biodiversity data, EarthCape, NERC). Timeline for 2014-17: 2014: PDRAs (4) and PhD students recruited; Visa application to CNPq & permission to work in reserves; First project meeting (now); protocols and sampling design defined; first fieldwork started 2014-2016: Two years of fieldwork in intensive plots (carbon dynamics, trait campaigns) 2014-2015: Extensive plots established and monitored in Atlantic forest. 2016-2017: Modelling work (TFS, linking functional traits of birds and trees).
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