Brothel-based and Floating Sex Workers In Bangladesh Living Conditions and Socio-Economic Status March 2005 Prepared by: Italia humanitarian aid, cooperation for development and child’s rights Funded by: European Union Content PART 1-Brothel-based Sex Workers In Bangladesh Living Conditions and Socio-Economic Status Brothel Stakeholders Map: Brothels in Bangladesh Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Objective of the report 1.2 Methodology of the study 1.3 Limitations of the study Chapter 2 – Brothel-based Sex Work 2.1 General informations about the brothels 2.2 Place of Origin of the sex workers 2.3 Age and Status of brothel-based sex workers 2.4 Reason for joining the sex trade 2.5 Affidavit: entry ticket in the sex trade 2.6 Age of entrance into the Sex Trade 2.7 Chukri: duration of bondage 2.8 Children of the sex workers Case Studies Chapter 3 – Brothel – based Sex workers: Socio-Economic Status 3.1 Education background 3.2 Income 3.3 Main expenditures 3.4 Loan and savings 3.5 Health-related issues 3.6 Violence and torture 3.7 Future plans Appendix I – NGOs interviewed for the survey and main problems in the brothels iii viii 1 2 4 6 6 13 13 15 16 19 20 21 25 33 33 34 35 36 37 43 45 47 PART 2- A Study on Street based-Sex Workers In 4 major Cities of Bangladesh Their Demographic, Socio-economic and Human Rights Status Introduction Objectives Methodology Strength and Limitation of the Study Research Findings Information on the Cities Visited Map of Bangladesh highlighting 4 cities Back ground of the Floating sex workers Place of Origin of Respondents Age of the Respondents Educational Status of the Respondents Marital Status of the Respondents Respondent’s Family: Children/Parents/Siblings Reasons for Leaving Home and Joining this Profession 50 50 51 52 54 54 56 57 57 58 59 59 61 63 i Why did they leave home? Why did they join this profession? How long have they been working? Socio Economic Status of the Floating sex workers Economic Status of the Respondents Income/Expenditure Expenditure Debts/Savings Social Standing of the Respondents vis a vis the Clients, Mastaans and the Police The Clients The Mastaans/goons The Police The Society Why are you in the streets and not in the brothel? Differentiating a Floating Sex worker The Scars on their Faces Vagrant Home Affidavit: What is that? Health Status of the Respondents HIV/AIDS, STDs and Condom Use Contraceptive Use Mental Health Care General Health Care Drug Addiction Human Rights Status of Respondents Right to Livelihood Right to Justice/ Equality before Law: Arbitrary arrests/Detention Freedom from Slavery: Right to Independent Living Freedom from Torture, Inhuman/Degrading Treatment Freedom of Movement, Assembly Right to Organize Right to Vote The Situation of Underage Girls in the Sex Trade Drop-in Centers Future: Expectations and Needs Conclusion Appendix II – Comparison between brothel-based and floating sex workers Appendix III - Organizations and persons who has helped for the interviews to the street sex workers in Dhaka, Chittagong, Jessore & Sylhet Appendix IV – Organizations of Sex Workers and NGOs working the in brothels Appendix V – Questionnaire for survey 63 65 68 69 69 69 70 71 74 74 75 76 78 80 82 82 83 84 85 85 86 87 88 89 91 91 92 92 92 93 94 94 95 101 102 105 107 112 114 124 ii PART 1 Brothel-based Sex Workers In Bangladesh Living Conditions and Socio-Economic Status By Robiul Alam The Researchers: Saadia, Jahid, Mozammel, Sagor Terre des hommes Italy Foundation March 2005 iii BROTHEL STAKEHOLDERS 1. Sex-workers (i) Chukri (Bonded Girls) The brothel is a place with its own rules and hierarchies. The sex workers have adopted their own expressions to identify their related social status and type of sexual exploitation. Chukris are the bonded girls and they occupy the lowest ranks inside the brothel society. They generally are victims of trafficking (deceitful love affairs or allurement of well paid jobs) and enter the brothel after being sold to a shordarni (landlady). Afterwards they start as forced prostitutes and come under the overall control of their owner. Their shordarnis get an affidavit on behalf of them before a notary public stating that they are above 18 years, consenting with the sex trade and very poor. The same sex workers erroneously interpret the affidavit as a trade license but on the contrary it is just a statement without any legal value. The debt bondage relationship between chukris- and shordarnis is played inside the brothel as a sort of imaginary mother-daughter relation. Chukries represent a very much profitable business for their owners: shordarnis generally spend 15000 to 30000 taka for their purchase and involvement into the brothel sex trade. The price depends on their beauty and age. They start the sex trade well below the age of 18 years and the research team estimated that most of them are between 13 and 17 years old. On average, chukris have to spend a period of bondage, which lasts from 1 year to 5 years. During this period, they cannot enjoy any kind of rights or freedom. They are daily forced to satisfy several customers and they cannot control their high income. Shordarnis misappropriate all that they earn in exchange for living expenditures such as rent, food and clothes. After this period of bondage, chukris can get their freedom by paying back their debt or sometimes by the help of a powerful customer. The separation from their owner is commonly known as Azad (freedom). The survey team found several hindrances in order to interview such sexual slaves. Ostracism by their shordarnis was the main obstacle. During the in-depth interview sessions they were watched all the time and often completely frightened of confiding their harsh living conditions. (ii) Bharatia (Independent Sex Worker) Once chukris got their freedom, they start to work as Bharatia. They are tenant sex workers who work freely by renting a room in the brothel and controlling their own earnings independently. In such way, they are sometimes able to save money. Bharatias is the biggest group inside the brothels and it was the main respondent sample. They are mainly between 18 and 35 years. Nevertheless, it should be mentioned that some sex-workers have started their trade as Bharatia rather than as Chukri. (iii) Shordarni (Madam) Shordarnis are madams or female brothel managers who own and force in slavery the bonded girls known as chukris. They generally are involved in the trafficking process and have influential relationships with powerful people and police. In the cycle of life of the brothel, the status of shordarni represents the main aspiration as well destination of some bharatias who quit the trade for having reached the “retirement age”. (iv) Gharwali iv Gharwali are tenant sex workers who rent rooms from bariwalis, bariwalas or shordarnis and afterwards, they rent the rooms to the independent sex workers. Sometimes they can also own chukris. (v) Bariwali (Owner of brothel homesteads) Bariwali are the female owner of the brothel homesteads (bari) and they lease land from local brothel landowners, build housing which they later rent to shordarnis or bharatias. In many brothels, bariwali are also shordarnis. The brothel rent is a huge profitable business because it is double or three times higher than the outside rate. The rent of a room is per day around 30 to 250 taka and it depends on the quality/size of the room. Commonly an agent on behalf of the bariwali daily collects the payments from the brothel inmates. Bariwali, bariwala and shordarnis are the main source of violence, tortures, abuses and harassments inside the brothel. (vi) Mashi (Old & former Sex-worker) Mashi are former sex workers who retired from active sex-work and take on related profession inside the brothel such as household chores for other sex workers (cooking, washing, looking after their children). They do not have any savings and they face critical living conditions living from hand to mouth. Sometimes, local old women who live outside the brothel come to work as Mashi, too. Their income per day is between 10 to 30 taka. Former sex workers can also work for the brothel entertainment collecting customers for others, running small restaurants or simply supplying cigarettes, drugs and alcohol. Chukri New sex worker comes in this profession Bharatia Shordarni Mashi Figure 2: Life Cycle of sex-worker into the Brothel 2. Bariwala (House-owner) Bariwala are the male owner of the brothel homesteads and they live outside the brothel. They rent the rooms to Bharatias and Shordarnies. They often run alcohol, drugs, gambling and cigarette v business inside the brothel by taking advantage of influential links with political, administrative and police officers. Several sex workers reported abuses and tortures from Bariwalas. This generally happens when they fail to pay the rent in due time. On the contrary, sometime the Bariwala also helps the brothel dwellers when they are in financial straits or in danger. 3. Badha Babu (Fixed Customer) Most of the time children are born in the brothel without any acknowledged father. But according to the brothel customs, many children have a fictive father who is generally their mother’s fixed customer also known in brothel slang as babu or so called husband. He sometimes provides for the sex worker’s main expenditures, otherwise he is just a danger for the younger daughters whom he would like to involve in the sex business. Since the sex-workers are neglected by the society and rejected by their families, they are always eager to get love and affection. Some Badha Babus have been found really good with their beloved sex-worker. On the contrary, they often deceive the sex-workers and take away all their savings. It should be mentioned that most of the sex-workers do not use any protective measure with their Badha Babu and throw themselves into risk. 4. Dalal (Pimp) The agents who are engaged in collecting and selling the girls into the brothel are called Dalal. The major percentage of the sex-workers entered the brothel after having been deceived and sold by them. Most of the Dalals are female. They generally deceive new girls by offering them a fake marriage or a well-paid employment. 5. Mastan (local muscleman) The Mastans are the local musclemen. They take drugs inside the brothel, enjoy sex with the sexworker without paying money and take away money from the sex-workers. According to the finding of the survey it has been discovered that at most of the brothels the sex-workers have been organized against them and the activities of these Mastans are decreasing day by day. 6. Police The Police play an important role in the brothel. The local thana police register name and age of each sex worker and therefore authorize all the new entries. In this process, habilders (patrolling low rank police officers) play a pivotal role because they are also in charge of the thana register as well as public order inside the brothel. They are involved in trafficking and they receive protection money for each new girl. Furthermore, they exploit the sex workers with a daily system of bribery payment and they are source of several abuses and harassments. If any customer wants to stay in the brothel after a certain hour, the police have to be paid. 7. Shopkeeper/ businessman In the brothel, there are mainly grocery shops. Besides, there are some food shops, small restaurants, hotels and liquor stores. Marijuana and some other drugs are also available. Beauty Parlors, Tailoring Shops, Laundry Shops, Photo Studios, Phone Call Centre, CD/VCD, Audio-video cassette shops generally surround the brothel environment which are often located in the town market areas. Some of these shops are run by the sex-workers themselves. The brothel houses also many street vendors and hawkers such as show and clothes makers, ice cream and hand-made food sellers, etc. Because of their restricted freedom of movement, sex workers are often forced to buy consumer goods for a price, which is generally double than the outside rate vi 8. Local Doctors/ private clinics The sex-workers generally do not enjoy the benefits of public hospitals. In case of diseases or unwanted pregnancy, they mainly depend on local doctors, kobiraj (quake doctors), outside chemist’s, and midwives. 10. Beggars A lot of beggars used to stay in the brothel, which is a money enterprise. The sex workers are discriminated by the mainstream society, which considers them as sinners and fallen women. The sex workers themselves often believe in their immoral status. For this reason, they often give money donations in order to get rid of their supposed sin. 11. Mohajon (money lenders) Those who lend money to the sex-workers are called Mohajons. They lend money at a very high interest rate and are very hard about the return of their money. The sex workers have to cope with several high expenditures. Even if their average income is higher than other professions, they generally are not able to save money and afford the daily spending. Therefore they ask for loan and incur debts. They cannot leave the brothel until the debt has been paid off. vii Map: Brothels in Bangladesh Raniganj Brothel, Jamalpur Mymensing Brothel Tangail Brothel Doulatdia Brothel, Rajbari Marwari Mondir, Babu Bazar & Jhalaipatti Brothel, Jessore Faridpur Brothel, C&B Ghat Brothel Madaripur Brothel Phultala Brothel, Khulna Bagerhat Brothel Potuakhali Brothel Baniashanta Brothel, Khulna Brothels in Bangladesh. viii Chapter 1 Introduction In Bangladesh, women who are forced or choose because of poverty the sex trade as livelihood constitute one of the most affected and discriminated groups of society. Though the number of sex workers and underage forced girls is estimated between 60,000 and 100,000, it is acknowledged that this current figure would be higher, up to 150,000. The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics does not recognize the sex business as an occupation and it enumerates prostitutes as “destitute”. In the country there are 14 acknowledged brothels where women and children involved in the trade, like in many other Asian countries, are underprivileged, abused, exploited and face a condition of powerless and vulnerability towards brothel landlords, madams, pimps, traffickers, mastans, police as well as the mainstream society. The brothels are like ghettos where sex workers are confined in order to keep what is considered an “unbearable business” from spoiling the social environment. Such places are deliberately kept in obscurity and hidden in the eyes of the mainstream society. But inside their narrow alleys and crumbling lanes, a life full of hardship, extortion, rape, abuses and harassments of any kind, are an everyday occurrence. Sex workers do not enjoy the citizen’s rights, which are enshrined in The Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The right to equality, adequate living standards, life and personal security, protection by law and legal remedies, own property, movement, and simply the right to be free from exploitation of any kind, are commonly violated in a social context which prefers to turn a blind eye to brothel-based sex work instead of becoming aware. On 23rd July 1999, police violently evicted Tanbazar and Nimtoli brothels. On 14th March 2000, the High Court of Bangladesh issued a judgment after a written petition submitted by some local NGOs such as ASK, BNWLA, BSEHR, etc. This rule can represent an important step towards the social recognition of brothel-based sex workers as citizens. The High Court declared that the sex workers are citizens of Bangladesh and they have enforceable rights under art. 31 (right to the protection of the law) and 32 (right to life and personal liberty) of the Constitution. Consequently their right to livelihood should be safeguarded against any illegal and abusive eviction. Furthermore, rehabilitation scheme must not be incompatible with their dignity and the common worth of human beings. In despite of this, in the brothels, the present atmosphere is oppressing and suffocating. Their existence has to be acknowledged and they need to open up. This may be an important and first step to reduce prostitution-related crimes such as slavery-like practices, children sexual exploitation and chukris’ debt bondage. 1.1 OBJECTIVE OF THE REPORT This report was drew up within the framework of the project “Asserting the Human Rights of Brothel Children and their WiP (women in Prostitution) mothers funded through the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR). The project, which started in March 2002 1 and ended in May 2005, has been implemented by Terre des hommes Foundation-Italy (Tdh-I) in collaboration with two local NGOs, Aparajeyo Bangladesh in Jamalpur and Jagorani Chakra in Jessore. It aimed at promoting human rights awareness of brothel children and their mothers at local and national level by setting up two centres, providing for education, counselling, vocational training, health and legal support. This national survey on brothels was deemed as a further useful tool in order to assess the living conditions of brothel-based sex workers, their social and economic status and give an exhaustive picture of the main human rights violations, which hamper their full participation in the society as the other citizens. The research aimed at identifying living conditions, main problems and priorities for the betterment of the plight of women and girls in the sex industry as well as assessing possible areas of intervention for future NGOs/Government pilot projects. In order to achieve this overall objective, the report seeks also to obtain the following specific objectives: 9 Identify all the actors involved in the brothel exploitation and the main perpetrators 9 Identify the sector of intervention and activities of other NGOs working inside the brothels. 9 Elicit informations about the reasons of entrance into the brothel. 9 Assess living conditions, perceptions and advices of brothel inmates to improve their hardships 1.2 METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY Beginning from May 2004, Tdh Italy set up a human rights cell comprising a local consultant, a project officer, three university graduates in social science, and three former sex workers, member of Ulka Nari Sangho and Durjoy Nari Sangho. Ulka is a local organization of evicted sex workers from Kandupatti brothel (or English Road Brothel, 1997). Durjoy is a street-based sex workers organization. The team surveyed all the official 14 brothels from July to September 2004. The research has been accomplished as follows: • Data collection • Data entry • Data analysis and reporting 1. Data collection Two different questionnaires have been developed to collect data about the brothel. One questionnaire was submitted to the local NGOs working in the brothel in order to carry out a brothel census (total number of sex workers, classification per age and status such as chukri, bharatia, shordarni, mashi, etc), a homestead survey (total number of houses, rooms, latrines, tube wells, drainage system, water and electricity supply), a general assessment of inmates living conditions (diseases, constraints, abuses, common problems), and local NGOs area of intervention (education, HIV/STD prevention, micro-credit programme, etc.). A total number of 23 NGOs workers have been interviewed. The second questionnaire was submitted to 344 brothel-based sex workers during personal meetings and in-depth interviews. It was structured in different sections focusing on reasons and circumstances of entrance into the brothel, living conditions inside, the plight of the sexual slaves, trafficking network, role of police, lawyers and notary publics in the brothel-based recruitment, income, expenditures, savings, customers, abuses and violence, health conditions, informations about education, family, future plans, children, HIV/STD knowledge and the general local community discrimination. 2 Besides, 27 case studies of sex-workers were also drawn up. Moreover, informal group discussion sessions and unstructured interviews were held with different brothel stakeholders such as customers, shop keepers, etc. Table 1: The number of the respondent according to their category. Respondent category Chukris Bharatia Shordarni Bariwali/Gharwali Masi Total Number 42 254 35 8 5 344 As table 1 clearly highlights, the independent sex workers or bharatia are the main respondent group. Indeed, they are the majority of the brothel-based sex workers. Moreover, they are less reluctant to speak up and vent. Out of 344 brothel inmates that have been interviewed, they represent the 75%. On the contrary, the underage bonded girls (chukris), who generally are locked up in rooms or are watched by the shordarnis, were hardly approachable as well as their owners (shordarnis, gharwalis and bariwalis), who were mistrustful towards the team research. In despite of this, the human rights cell was able to interview 42 chukris, which are a considerable percentage in the total number of brothel dwellers interviewed (12%). Diagram1: Respondent according to their category 10% 2% 1% 12% 75% Chukri Bharatia Shordarni Bariwali/Gharwali Masi 2. Data entry Four Research Assistants have been employed under the supervision of the team leader to enter the data into excel spreadsheet and set up a database. Besides, they translated from Bangla into English the narrative findings of the questionnaire as well as the case studies. Such process started on 10th January 2005 and continued until 10th February 2005. 3. Data analysis and reporting In this stage, four Research Assistants were employed to analyse the data and draw up the final report. This stage of work has been begin from 11th February 2005 and continued till 3rd March 2005. 3 Figure 1: Flow chart of the Methodology i. ii. Data collection iii. iv. v. i. ii. iii. Data entry Questionnaire survey- sex workers. Questionnaire survey- NGOs working in the brothel. Case studies- sex-workers. Informal Group discussion- inside and adjacent the brothel. Unstructured interview with different stakeholders of the brothel. Data entry- excel spreadsheet Narrative findings – word file Case studies – word file. Data analysis and reporting 1.3 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The survey team came up against several difficulties. Ostracism, little cooperation by shordarnis as well as fear to speak up by chukris was the main hindrances, which have affected some data reliability (age of sex workers, status inside the brothel, etc.). Furthermore, some sex workers were reluctant to reveal their age because their affidavit declares that they are above 18 years old. Besides, many of them do not know precisely their age. The content of the questionnaire made also some difficulties because several sex workers were not comfortable with terms such as human rights, income, tortures, etc. The number of brothel-based sex workers is probably highest. The team survey generally relied on the figure recorded by local NGOs working in the brothel. In order to carry out a brothel and 4 homesteads census survey, an ad hoc questionnaire was submitted to local NGOs workers, but most of the times the respective figures did not match. Hence some data could not be used. Finally, the person involved in the survey (3 students and 3 sex workers with the supervision of a Tdh project officer) had some quarrels. The same sex workers, who carried out the research, have been of huge help, but sometimes they were disapproved by other brothel-based dwellers and especially by shordarnis who felt themselves threatened. 5 Chapter 2 – Brothel-based Sex Work In Bangladesh, there are 14 acknowledged brothels. Seven are located in Dhaka Division, six in Khulna Division and only one, Pothuakali brothel in Barisal Division. The brothels are generally located in or near the town commercial area or river port. Most of them date back to the British period. Doulatdia brothel is the most recent and, after the eviction of Tanzabar brothel in 1999, it is also the largest one. The brothels look generally like urban slums. They are congested, overcrowded, narrow, crumbling and dirty. Few sex workers can enjoy a single room: they usually live sharing windowless rooms and poor sanitary facilities. Water supply is inadequate, the drainage system is not proper, and latrines are often not sufficient for all the inmates. Nevertheless, the living expenses are huge inside. The room rent is extortionate and it must be paid on daily basis. Otherwise, the brothel dwellers risk the threat of eviction and violence by agents, who come to collect the money on behalf of brothel landlords. These are the real beneficiaries of the sex business and they usually run inside also illegal related activities such as alcohol and drug-trade. The brothel is a place with its own rules and hierarchies of power. The sex workers have adopted their own expressions to identify their social status and the related type of exploitation and freedom. At the summit of such pyramidal structure, there are brothel landlords and bariwali who rent out the land and the homesteads to the other sex workers. Shordarnis are madams and managers who generally owner bonded and underage girls commonly known as chukris. Bharatia are the independent sex workers who can lease the room and control their own earnings independently. The brothel environment houses also several children of sex workers and former sex workers who lead a wretched life working as housemaid or begging around. 2.1 General informations about the brothels According to the survey, there are 4192 brothel-based sex workers. This figure includes former sex workers (345) and children victims of forced prostitution (783), too. However, the number of chukris living inside under the control of a shordarni/bariwali seems to be much higher. As mentioned previously, these girls are hardly approachable by NGOs worker and they live generally confined in the brothel rooms or controlled by their owner who does not let them speak openly. The largest number of sex workers is bharatia or independent (2260). They started generally as chukri and, after their freedom, they kept on working in the sex trade because of the lack of alternatives and a spread discrimination which branded them as impure at local community level. The number of madams (shordarni) is 554. Inside the chain of brothel exploitation, they benefit, together with bariwali and landlords, from the business of the others. Consequently they can save money and enroll their children to the schools. Data referring to the social and working status of the brothel dwellers are confirmed by their age category. 841 sex workers are between 18 and 25 years old, while 782 are between 26 and 35. The independent sex workers who live since several years inside the brothels mainly represent these categories. 6 The survey has found only 386 underage girls working as bonded, but the same reflections made for the number of chukris are valid. Minors are generally locked up in the rooms. On the contrary, when the research team was able to interview such children, they generally replied to be above 18 years old because their affidavit establishes their majority. 397 sex workers are between 36 and 45 years old, and 215 are above 46 years. These are shordarnis or mashi, former sex workers who generally do household chores for the other dwellers or look after their children. Mashi represent, together with the chukri, the lowest rungs of the brothel society. Table 2.1: Informations on age and status of the brothel inmates Chukris (Bonded Bharatia (independen Shoardarni (madams) 5 11 48 15 13 29 250 - 2 8 375 102 6 - 52 53 375 352 271 1176 16 7 25 74 29 100 25 32 300 123 117 900 9 6 20 50 19 176 2 8 30 105 106 - - 763 344 185 300 109 65 305 194 72 158 16 36 25 12 - 157 1 4192 783 226 0 554 345 250 65 0 44 60 45 20 3 1 22 9 15 0 63 94 41 9 6 105 77 - 27 24 170 100 - 11 14 40 63 - 15 22 - 300 125 71 232 67 53 100 36 8 68 22 12 841 782 397 215 - Not mentioned Not mentioned 59 34 69 30 65 50 33 Others (cooks, old sex workers, 46 & above 5 15 38 36-45 74 57 250 95 145 3 38 6 Total no. Of sex worker 74 57 29 26-35 Kandapara Mymensingh Ranigonj Barar, Total Sex worker’s type (Frequency) 60 16 18-25 Potuakhali Bagerhat Baniashanta Phultala Marwari Mondir Babu Bazar Jhalai Patti Puranbazar Rothkhola C& B Ghat Doulatdia Sex worker’s Age Category (Frequency) Below 18 Brothel Potuakhali brothel The brothel is located in Barisal Division in Potuakhali district. The place dates back to the British period and is situated in the center of Potuakhali town. The commercial area and the river port are not far from the brothel as well as the local thana police station. The brothel, compared to other ones, is small and houses only 74 sex workers. 49 of them come from far districts and 3 from neighboring ones. Here, 59 sex workers run their business as bharatia and 15 as mashi. 7 According to the survey data, there are no chukris or shordarni, but this figure seems to not be reliable. The brothel is made by 9 homesteads and 125 tin-shed rooms that look very poor and dirty. There are 5 latrines and 7 tube wells, but no proper drainage system and there is lack of safe and drinkable water. The brothel inmates risk a daily threat of eviction and they complain that, for such reason, the number of customers is decreasing. At present, they do not still have a local graveyard, but they have less restriction of movement because of the presence of Kajus, local NGO that is the partner of Care Bangladesh. Bagherhat brothel The brothel is located in Khulna Division in Bagherat district. It dates back to 1945 and it is situated in the center of Bagherat town, near the river port. The main thana police station is within half-akilometer. During high tide, the brothel is submerged two times per day by knee-deep water. The place houses 57 sex workers. 30 come from far districts, 22 from neighboring and only 5 sex workers are born in Bagherat district. Here, 34 sex workers are running their business independently, while 5 live in bondage. There are also 5 shordarni. Besides, 13 former sex workers survive as mashi. The brothel is made by 8 homesteads of Golpata palm leaves and 113 rooms. It is provided with 5 latrines and 4 tube wells. There is a big and dirty garbage filled-pond inside the brothel. The inmates daily use the water from this dirty pond and the water from the tube well is contaminated with arsenic. The sex workers have to take drinkable water from outside because the water, which is available inside from the municipal supply, is salty. Here, there is no proper drainage system and the local corporation of sweepers comes only occasionally. In Bagerhjat brothel, the sex workers still do not have their graveyard, and sometimes they can bury their children at public graveyard with the help of local NGOs such as JJS (Jagrata Juba Sangha) and HELP. Since few years, they are allowed to leave the brothel wearing shoes. Banishanta brothel The brothel is located in Khulna District and it is in proximity of Mongla Port and Sundarban forest. The brothel looks like an isolated island, surrounded by Poshur River and a big shrimp farm. Therefore, the place is very vulnerable and prone to flood during high tide and rainy season. Most of the times, the environment is muddy and the movement inside is very difficult. The brothel is made by 65 houses and 391 rooms thatched by Golpata palm leaves. Riverbank erosion represents the main concern for the brothel as well as the lack of customers. The only way to reach the brothel-island is by boat, but during the last two years, since Mongla Port is not active as before, the number of customers, who were mostly seamen, is drastically reduced. The brothel houses 250 sex workers and 205 of them come from far districts. 65 sex workers are between 18 and 25; 65 between 26 and 35; 60 between 36 and 45 and 60 are above 46 years. Here, the survey team was not able to collect informations about the number of children forced in the sex trade, but according to the significant number of sex workers who are above 26 years (185), it has been estimated that several girls are working in bondage as chukris. Here, drinkable water and a graveyard for sex workers are the main claims. Phultala brothel 8 The brothel is located in Khulna District in Phultala Upazilla. The place is 34 years old and it is situated beside a jute mill and near a small port on Bhoirab River. 4 homesteads and around 80 rooms in which 95 sex workers live make the brothel. 69 of them are bharatia; 15 work in bondage as chukris and 11 work as shordarnis. As in other cases, the survey team was not able to collect informations about underage prostitution, especially because of ostracism by madams. In despite of this, 15 chukris are working inside and, consequently, this figure has been estimated reliable for identifying exploited underage. Here, 45 inmates are between 36 and 45 years old. The place is small, congested and surrounded by a wall. The entrance is very narrow. There are 5 latrines, 4 tube wells and no proper drainage system as well as drinkable water. The sex workers of Pulthala brothel mainly complain about the lack of a graveyard for them and their children. Some local NGOs such as JJS and Marie Stopes Clinic are assisting the sex workers. They face also local community discrimination: they cannot leave the brothel wearing shoes. Here, Police officers usually know as “cashiers” raid the brothel and harass the sex workers: if they want to leave the brothel, they have to pay some bribe. Marwari Mondir, Jhalaipatti and Babubazar brothels In Jessore in Khulna Division, there are three brothels located besides the Sadar Thana. They are situated in the commercial area of the town. The Marwari Mondir brothel is 100 years old and it is the largest and the richest one. The place is made up of three homesteads and 69 rooms in which 145 sex workers live. 38 out of them are chukris, 30 bharatia and 48 shordarni. Besides, 29 work inside as mashi. According to the survey, the brothel houses only three underage working as chukris, but it should be deemed that the number of young brothel dwellers is higher. 33 sex workers are between 18 and 25 years old, 44 between 26 and 35, 20 between 36 and 45 and finally 16 above 46 years old. Marwari Mondir compared to others looks rather wealthy. There are 5 latrines and 7 tube wells; almost every room is provided with electric fans, tape recorders, televisions and other domestic items. The Babu Bazar brothel is 60 years old. The entrance is very narrow and the place is small, poor, dirty and congested. The brothel is made of 2 homesteads and 26 rooms in which 52 sex workers live. 16 are chukris, 25 are bharatia, 9 are shordarnis and 2 are working as mashi. Also in Babu Bazar, the age of the sex workers is not completely reliable: there are three underage girls, 9 between 18 and 25 years, 27 between 26 and 35 and 13 above 36 years old. The Jhalaiptti brothel is crumbling and the poorest one. Here living and hygienic conditions are unhealthy. There are 2 latrines, two tube wells and 53 sex workers live inside: 7 work as chukris, 32 as bharatia and 6 as shordarni. The brothel is made by one homestead, which comprises 24 rooms. Each rooms houses two sex workers. In these three brothels, the survey team found out a huge consumption of alcohol and drugs, especially in the richest one, Marwari Mondir. The sex workers mainly complain about the high room rent and a lower income. This is due to the prohibition to engage children and new girls in the sex trade by local thana police and the spread of hotel-based sex work in Jessore, which has replaced the brothel business. 9 They also complain about poor and unhealthy living conditions, lack of water supply and toilet facilities. They asked for education and vocational training programs that can allow them to leave the brothel. Puranbazar brothel The brothel is located in Dhaka Division in Madaripur District. The place dates back to the British period, 85 years ago. It is situated in central wholesale market area of the town. The brothel is very poor and dirty. There is no proper sewage and drainage system. There are 21 houses and 200 rooms in total. Here, 375 sex workers live and work. The largest number of brothel dwellers comprises bharatias (300), followed by 30 mashi, 25 chukris and 20 shordarnis. Here, data collection was very difficult for the survey team because in general the sex workers refused to give informations about their age. In Puranzabar brothel, sex workers tend to involve their daughters in the sex business. The sex workers mainly complain about their poor living conditions, absence of a graveyard and violence by mastans. Rothkola brothel Rothkola brothel is located in Dhaka Division in Faridpur District. The place dates back to 100 years and it houses 352 sex workers. 140 of them come from far districts, while only 80 are born in Faridpur. The brothel houses 74 chukris, 123 bharatia, 50 shordarni and 105 former sex workers. Mostly all the sex workers are between 18 and 35 years old (275). 22 are below 18 years old and 55 are above 36 years old. The brothel is made by 11 houses and 250 rooms. Here, there are 23 latrines and 9 tube wells. There is regular water supply and electricity, but no proper waste management system. The environment is very congested. The sex workers especially complain about violence by mastans and extortion by police. Here, they have to pay monthly protection money to the local thana police. In Rothkola brothel, the sex workers have their own cooperative, Joy Nari Kolyan Shomity, and they elect their leaders. Their fixed customers or Bhada Babu set up their own organization, too. C&B Ghat Brothel The brothel is located in Faridpur District in the outskirts of Faridpur Town and it is 27 years old. The place is situated on the bank of the river Padma and it is prone to river soil erosion and flood. Here, 271 sex workers live in 52 homesteads, which comprise 249 rooms of mud, bamboo and tin. 217 of them come from other districts. C&B brothel houses 29 girls in bondage, 19 shordarnis, 106 former sex workers and 117 independent tenants. 177 sex workers are between 18 and 35 years old. The figure of only 9 children forced to prostitution is not reliable. The brothel is crumbling; there is no proper drainage system, electricity supply or other civic facilities. The sex workers have to pay high expenditures for electricity supply. At present, the main concern is the lack of customers, dirty living conditions and the absence of a graveyard for them. They bury their dead hiding their identity and without any funeral services. They are buried without a “Kafon” (cloth to wrap the body). The sex workers of C&B Ghat have set up a cooperative, Padma Nari Kolyan Shomity. 10 Table 2.2: General informations about the brothels Potuakhali Sadar Centre of the town Bagerhat Sadar Besides River Baniashanta Khulna Dakob Phultala Khulna Phultala Marwari Mondir Babu Bazar Jessore Sadar Jessore Sadar Jhalai Patti Jessore Sadar Puranbazar Rothkhola Madaripur Faridpur Sadar Sadar C & B Ghat Doulatdia Faridpur Rajbari Sadar Goulanda Kandapara Tangail Sadar Mymensing Mymensing Kotowali Near River Port Besides the river and the market Commercial Area Commercial Area Commercial Area Puran Bazar Commercial Area River port Bus Stand Railway station, River port Commercial Area Commercial Area Jamalpur Jamalpur Bagerhat Ranigonj Commercial Area Sex-workers coming from (frequency) Total Far Neigh bouring districts Age of the Brothel Local district Position District Potuakhali Upazila/ Thana Location Name of the Brothel 22 3 49 74 5 22 30 57 20 25 205 250 - - - 95 100+ years 60 years - - - 145 - - - 52 60 years - - - 53 85 years 100 years 88 124 140 375 352 27 years 20 years 54 100 81 150 136 926 271 1176 150/200 342 266 155 years From British Period 74 74 37 From British Period Total number of sex workers 763 From British Period Since 1945 34 years old 34 years old 344 185 4192 Doulatdia brothel Doulatdia is the biggest brothel in Bangladesh. It is located in Dhaka division in Rajbari district. At present, there are 1176 sex workers but the number has been estimated highest. It probably overcomes 1700. The place is situated beside the river port of Goalonda Ghat and it dates back to 20 years ago. 11 Here, 1076 sex workers come from other district. The majority of them are bharatia (900). On the contrary, around 100 of them live in bondage under 1 of the 176 shordarnis who manage the brothel. The survey team has found 150 underage girls, but it has been estimated that this figure may reach the number of 400. Doulatdia brothel is made by 223 homesteads, which comprise 669 rooms of corrugated tin sheets. There are 135 tube wells and a very poor drainage system. During the rainy season, the place becomes muddy and the movements inside are difficult. Electricity is available inside the brothel, but the charge is very high. The bill for the electricity supply is collected on daily basis. Inside the brothel there are several shops and many of them run alcohol or drugs business. Mostly of the sex workers complain that the price of goods and commodities inside the brothel is very high compared to the rate outside the brothel. Kandapara brothel The brothel is located in Dhaka Division in Tangail district and it dates back to 150/200 years ago. The place is made by 57 houses, which comprise 138 rooms. Here, 763 sex workers live and out of them, 342 come from the same district. 300 chukris live in bondage under the 158 shordarnis. The team has found 63 children engaged in the sex trade, but as in other brothels, this figure shall be deemed higher. Like other brothel, the place is congested and dirty. There are 57 latrines and 57 tube wells. The sex workers of Tangail have recently bought their own graveyards and they set up a cooperative called Nari Moitry Shongho. The use of alcohol and drugs is widespread inside the brothel. Mymensing brothel The brothel is located in Dhaka Division in Mymensing district. It is situated in the center of the town and it dates back to the British period. Here, 344 sex workers live in 10 houses, which comprise 138 rooms. 194 sex workers work as bharatia, 16 as shordarnis and 109 are living in bondage as chukris. 94 brothel dwellers are below 18 years and 192 are between 18 and 35 years old. There are also 25 former sex workers who are living as mashi. The place is congested, filthy and dirty. The houses have corrugated-iron roofs and bamboo-screen walls. Furthermore, there are 14 latrines and 13 tube wells. Here, alcohol and drugs are widespread. The sex workers have set up a cooperative called Shuktara Kolyan Shongostha. Ranigonji brothel The brothel is located in Dhaka division in the middle of the town of Jamalpur. The brothel dates back to the British period. At present 185 sex workers inhabit it and only 74 come from Jamalpur district. The brothel, owned by seven landlords, is made up by nine homesteads, which comprise 156 rooms. Here, 65 are working as chukris, 72 as bharatia, 36 as shordarni and 12 as mashi. The children working as chukri are around 41, while 71 are between 18 and 25, 53 between 26 and 35 and 20 are above 36 years old. The brothel is unhealthy and unhygienic: there are 11 latrines and 10 tube wells but no proper drainage system. Here, the sex workers do not still have their graveyard and they still do not have a proper burial. Their bodies are buried in a municipal cemetery, which houses only dead animals, 12 and it was a killing ground during the 1971 revolution. The bodies are just put in recycled graves without any proper funeral ceremony. 2.2 Place of Origin of the sex workers According to data collection (table 2.2), mostly all the sex workers come from other districts. Out of 3128 sex workers, around the 54% (1678) come from far away, while the 24% (745) from neighboring districts. Only a 22% (705) work in the district of birth. This figure confirms the reasons that bring about the entrance into the sex trade. Poverty, lack of employment opportunities, trafficking and deception drive women and girls to migrate within the country in search of a source of income. In Doulatdia brothel, such data is significant: out of 1176 brothel dwellers, 926 come from far districts and only 100 has born in Rajbari District. Diagram 1: Place of Origin of the sex-workers 22% 54% 24% Local district Neigh boring districts far away 2.3 Age and Status of brothel-based sex workers According to the data collection (table 2.1), out of 2621 sex workers, the 20 % of the brothel-based dwellers (841) are between 18 and 25 years old; the 19% (782) are between 26 and 35 years old; the 9 % (397) are between 36 and 45. The survey team has found only 386 children involved in the sex trade that corresponds to the 9 % of all the sex workers. In despite of this, as mentioned several times before, this figure is not completely reliable, because it is higher. Besides, 1571 sex workers preferred to not reveal their age The main hindrances to the brothel age survey were: • The ostracism of the shordarnis who controlled the chukris during the interviews; • The ignorance of their own age; • The fact that the sex workers so called license (affidavit) provides for their majority; • The worry of doing something illegal Similarly, data related to the status of the sex workers inside the brothel are not completely reliable because many sex workers, who have declared to be bharatia, are on the contrary bonded chukris. 13 Out of 3942 sex workers/children forced to prostitution, the 54% are bharatia (2260); 19 % are chukris (783); 13 % shordarni (554) and 8 % mashi. Besides, the 8% (250) preferred to not reveal their status. Diagram 2: Age Category of Sex workers 9% Below 18 38% 18-25 20% 26-35 36-45 46 & above 5% 19% 9% Not mentioned Diagram 3: According to Category 19% 8% 13% 54% Chukris (Bonded girls) Bharatia (independent sex worker) Shoardarni (madames) Others (cooks, old sex workers, etc.) Not mentioned 14 2.4 Reason for joining the sex trade Poverty, deception, abuse, coercion and rape can be identified as the main circumstances of entrance into the sex industry. Mostly all the sex workers come from economic and social backgrounds typical of the largest section of Bangladesh's population. They are generally vulnerable, very poor, illiterate or provided with low education and no marketable skills. The incidence of dead parents among sex workers is fairly high, too. They generally faced disruption of the family unit and hence they are tricked in abusive and exploitative situation. According to the Tdh “Human Rights Report on Brothel-Based Women in Two Bangladeshi Towns: Sex Workers of Jessore and Jamalpur” (2004), the 22.4% of the sex workers joined the profession when they were between 9 and 12; 35.4% between 13 and 15 and 25.6% between 16 and 18. Hence, underage prostitution is a plague, which affect all the country. Table 2.3: Reasons for coming into this profession Brothel Dowry Pressure Dalal (sold) Step mothers tortures Following their mother path Deception by lover Poverty Brought by relatives and friends Rape Kandapara, Tangail Rathkhola, Faridpur Marwari Mondir Jamalpur Madaripur Babu Bazar C&B Mymensingh 1 15 3 5 3 5 6 0 5 7 4 5 4 5 4 2 3 9 3 4 1 12 4 1 6 4 1 1 2 14 9 8 10 7 3 1 1 1 4 2 10 2 6 2 2 1 0 2 0 3 4 6 8 6 5 4 3 7 1 3 1 2 1 0 Jhalaipotti Patuakhali Bagerhat Banishanta Doulatdia Phultala Total 5 3 4 2 1 2 40 5 1 5 3 4 1 98 1 0 0 1 1 0 23 5 0 0 1 0 0 42 2 0 1 2 1 0 19 8 5 2 1 2 2 69 1 0 2 6 5 2 50 0 1 2 0 1 0 14 According to the survey, the main circumstances of entrance into the sex trade are: 1. Dalal. Out of 355 brothel-based sex workers, 98 (26%) have been involved in the sex trade by a dalal (pimp). Agents, traffickers and recruiters usually approach women and girls or their parents by alluring them with well-paid job or better life opportunities. Afterwards, they sell them in the brothel with the collaboration of powerful bariwali/a and shordarnis. Some of the parents and guardians are too poor to be choosy and cautious about what kind of work their daughters will do. Dalals take advantage of the condition of poverty and vulnerability in which such deprived women and children live. The common price for the purchase of a girl is 5000 taka to 15000 and it depends on her beauty and age. In Bangladesh, trafficking is still the main reason, which forces poor women in the brothel. 15 2. Poverty. 69 brothel-based sex workers (20%) joined the trade to escape a life of hardships. The brothel is a moneymaking enterprise and it looked a profitable business to girls and women who are unemployed and hardly provided with education and skills. 3. Brought by relatives and friends. 50 sex workers (13%) started the business after having been brought in the brothel by parents or relatives. The driving force, which pushed them in the trade, is poverty. In such case, parents and relatives act as traffickers selling them to dalas, shordarnis and bariwalis. 4. Following their mother path. 42 sex workers (11%) joined the business following their mother profession. Most of these girls are born and brought up in the brothel. Children of sex workers hardly have any chance to escape the psychologically choking condition in brothels. Most of them even are engaged in prostitution at a very early age. Generally, their mothers who cannot longer sell sex because they have reached the retirement age force them. 5. Dowry pressure. In despite of the Dowry Prohibition Act of 1980, which prohibits a traditional prejudicial practice as the dowry, 40 sex workers (11%) started the business after a divorce or abandonment due to dowry pressure. Once her husband left them, they decided to join the brothel because of extreme poverty and lack of alternative source of income. 6. Stepmother tortures. The escape from domestic violence and tortures is another cause, which force some girls to choose the brothel life. 23 sex workers (6%) left the family unit to escape the stepmother tortures. Once they found themselves alone and poor, without income and shelter, they fell in the pimp’s trap or simply preferred to escape a wretched life joining the sex trade. 7. Rape. 14 sex workers (4%) decided to work in the brothel after having been raped. In Bangladesh, still today, there is a widespread tendency to blame the victims of rape and to consider children and women who have been raped to be “spoiled”. This culture of blaming the victim can sometimes help to push such victims into sex work. Already the victims of rape and forced prostitution, these girls are penalized a second time with social stigma. Rape is often an entry ticket into prostitution: a victim of rape would be deemed a “fallen” woman in the eye of the society and therefore she can become a target for further sexual assault. Hence, such women and girls prefer to join the brothel to escape such discrimination, sexual abuse and violence. 2.5 Affidavit: entry ticket in the sex trade Art. 18 of the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, which is one of the fundamental principle of state policy, provides for “The State shall adopt effective measures to prevent prostitution”. The Suppression of Immoral Traffic Act 1933, the Penal Code 1860, The Children Act 1974 and the Suppression of Violence against Women and Children Act of 2000 provide for the illegality of brothel-based sex work and children prostitution. In despite of this, women and girls are recruited into the brothel through the system of affidavit, which is mistakenly considered by the sex workers as a trade license. On the contrary, no written law provides for the legality of such document. Affidavit is a tool in the hands of lawyers, notary public and police officers, to involve underage in forced prostitution and extract considerable amount of money as bribe. A first class magistrate or a notary public issues the affidavit and it allows the girl to carry on prostitution according to three requirements: ¾ Majority. She must be above 18 years ¾ Free choice. She must be not forced by anyone to start the sex trade ¾ Poverty. She must not have other options to survive 16 The girl must only provide a photograph, give her personal data such as name, age, place of birth and her signature. After the issue of an affidavit, the girl is registered at local thana police and she can start the brothel trade. Table 2.4: Information about the affidavit/license Name of the Brothel Potuakhali Bagerhat Baniashanta Phultala Marwari Mondir Babu Bazar Jhalai Patti Puranbazar Rothkhola CNB Ghat Doulatdia Kandapara Mymensingh Ranigonj Bazar Total Grand Total Have Affidavit/license (Frequency) Yes No 5 10 10 3 35 29 31 35 37 37 9 40 22 38 341 2 1 3 344 Sign on it (Frequency) Sign only 2 5 5 2 13 15 19 10 37 10 6 32 4 8 168 Fingerprint 3 4 2 1 22 13 11 24 0 27 2 8 17 29 163 344 No Response 1 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 13 As the table highlights, out of 344 sex workers, 341 got their affidavit. Only a sex worker from Babu Bazar brothel in Jessore and two sex workers from Marwari Mondir are not provided with the document. Besides, 168 have only signed the document, while 163 sex workers have given also their thumbprint. It should be mentioned that, according to the practice, a civil surgeon should also intervene in the process by checking the effective majority of the girl. This should prevent children from forced prostitution in case the age is hardly ascertainable. Girls and women are generally not provided with any certificate of birth. In despite of this, the civil surgeon rarely intervenes. The business of obtaining a licence and registering a girl with the police is usually handled by bariwalis/shordarnis, with the assistance of police officers that get considerable amount of money. Girls are often sold in the brothel and hence police pretend protection money. The presence of the police or their informers in and around the brothel community ensures that they come to know when a new girl arrives in the brothel from outside or when a young brothel girl is nearing the age of induction into sex work. Affidavit is a profitable instrument to force new girls in prostitution: other persons such as shordarnis, dalals and bariwalis usually fill out the form, sign the document and affix a photograph on behalf of a girl. Hence, they generally start the trade when they are still below 18 years old. 17 Table 2.5: Signature of the affidavit in front of Notary Public Name of the Brothel Signed in front of Notary Public Yes No 23 15 17 5 30 6 23 10 15 17 19 10 19 14 17 3 25 8 188 88 Kandapara Babu Bazar C & B Ghat Marwari Mondir Rothkhola Jhalai Patti Puranabzar Mymensing Ranigonj Total No Response 2 8 1 4 5 2 2 2 5 31 Out of 307 sex workers, 188 (61%) signed the affidavit before a notary public while 88 /29%) did not appear before him to give their consent to join the brothel. A 10% refused to reveal informations about the affidavit, but it has been deemed that they did not go before the notary public. As mentioned above, other agents, on behalf of the sex workers, got the so-called license. Diagram 4: percentage of signing the affidavit in front of the Notary public 10% 29% 61% Yes No No Response 18 2.6 Age of entrance into the Sex Trade Tab. 2.6: age of entrance into the sex trade Name of Brothels Below9 9-12 Year (Frequency) 13-15 Year 16-17 Year 18+ Year Not mentioned (Frequency) (Frequency) (Frequency) (Frequency) Total (Frequency) (Frequency Potuakhali Bagerhat Baniashanta Phultala Marwari Mondir Babu Bazar Jhalaipatti Puranbazar Rothkhola C & B Ghat Doulatdia Kandapara Mymensing Ranigonj Total - 1 3 1 1 7 2 4 11 1 3 2 9 1 2 3 2 9 2 1 5 10 10 3 37 2 1 1 4 6 6 5 7 11 2 12 2 8 72 10 8 15 12 12 4 15 9 13 115 5 6 6 6 3 1 7 3 4 56 7 11 9 12 10 1 5 8 11 91 1 1 1 6 30 31 35 37 37 9 40 22 38 344 According to the sample, 2% of the sex workers had started working below 9 years old. 21% of the total respondent joined the business in an age included between 9 and 12 years old.. 34%, the highest percentages of the sex workers were involved in this profession at the age of 13-15 years old. 16% of the total sex workers started their profession between 16-17. And finally 26% sex workers said they were engaged in this profession when they were above 18 years. It is interesting to find out that 73% of total respondent started their trade when they were below eighteen. Diagram 5 : Age of entrance into the sex trade 2%1% 21% 26% Below-9 9-12 Year 13-15 Year 16-17 Year 18+ Year Not mentioned 16% 34% 19 2.7 Chukri: duration of bondage Inside the brothel, chukris are the bonded girls. Chukris are difficult to approach and they keep all the brothel secrets. According to the survey, there are around 800 chukris in the 14th Bangladeshi brothels. In Kandapara brothel, out of 763 brothel-based women and girls, 300 are chukris. In Mymensing brothel, out of 344 sex workers, 109 live in bondage. Mostly all the sex workers started to work in the brothel as chukris. Generally, they are bought and sold to a shordarni who initiates them into the trade when they are well below 18 years old. It is a sort of apprenticeship and they play a fictive mother/daughter relationship with their shordarni. It should be highlighted that the brothel culture explicitly recognizes the rights of a shordani over her chukris: such exploitative relationship hardly ever is questioned. It is a vicious circle, which belongs to brothel rules and customs. The survey team relied especially on the past experience in bondage of bharatias. The interviewed chukris were quite reluctant to answer sincerely the questions because their owners constantly watched them. During this period of bondage, chukris face several impositions, tortures and violence. They are treated badly, confined in rooms. The food ration often depends on what they are able to earn. If they get pregnant, they usually are forced to abort: a pregnant chukri means a lower income for her owner. Chukris usually spend all their day between the rooms and the entrance of the brothel. Here they can attract customers by their young appearance. They are forced to serve many customers per day regardless their physical and health conditions. They owe a debt toward their owners that is both financial and moral. They have to pay back all the money that their shordarni have invested: in exchange they get shelter, food, clothes and sometimes jewelleries. Meantime, they are also forced to use drugs and alcohol which make them uninhibited with the clients. They are sexually and economical exploited and they suffer for slavery-like practices such as forced prostitution and debt bondage. Sooner or later these girls get their freedom from the shordarni. Chukris can pay their debt back or generally run away from the brothel either alone, with another chukri or with the help of a lover (babu). Hence, women who control all their movement always watch them all the day. Indeed, chukris are not free to leave the brothel. Once a chukri obtains freedom, she generally does not return to her families but work in the same brothel or join another one as bharatia. Table 2.7: Duration of Chukri Bondage Duration of Chukri Bondage Name of the Brothel Puranbazar C & B Ghat Rothkhola Kandapara Marwari Mandir Babu Bazar Mymensing Jhalai Patti Ranigonj Total 0-6 Months 2 9 12 4 2 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 2 3 3 1 5 year above 3 4 6 5 10 year above 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 2 10 2 3 6 3 1 6 2 2 6 5 7 49 9 1 1 5 32 1 1 3 5 34 3 2 4 2 20 No response 14 18 14 10 20 1 2 3 15 5 3 1 2 29 1 1 2 9 8 8 15 12 119 20 According to the brothel survey, out of 307 sex workers 49 lived in bondage for a period of almost 6 months (16%). However, 119 (39%) refused to answer the query. Some of them do not exactly remember the amount of time; others are shordarnis and bharatias who were not comfortable with the issue of chukris. Besides, 34 were kept in slavery for 2 year (11%) and 32 for 1 year (10%). On the contrary, 29 chukris (9%) lived under a shordarni for more than 5 years. Diagram 6: Duration of chukri bondage 16% 0-6 Months 1 year 39% 10% 2 year 3 year 4 year 11% 3% 7% 9% 5 year above 10 year above No response 5% 2.8 Children of the sex workers Notwithstanding several NGOs are running projects inside the brothels setting up drop-in centre for the children of sex workers, many of them are still living inside. The brothel is an unhealthy environment for children. They are witness of illegal and harmful activities, which affect their physical, mental, social and moral development. Besides, they can get involved in several bad activities such as drinking, gambling, drugs and tobacco use. The brothel represents a danger for children who can be involved in prostitution and be affected by sexual abuse/exploitation at tender age. At present, there are around 1492 children of sex workers in the 14th brothels. Doulatdia, Kandapara and Puranbazar brothels house the more considerable number of children with respectively 369, 287 and 235. 641 children are between few months and 5 years old; 443 are between 6 and 10 years; 313 are between 11 and 15 and 95 between 16 and 18. Hence, the highest percentage (43%) of children living in the brothel is within 5 years old and between 6 and 10 years old (30%). As mentioned above, this is due to NGOs drop-in centre that provide for their shelter, non-formal education, health care, etc. Most of the children, who are between few months and 5 years old, live with their mothers. The brothel-based sex workers do not have much time to spend with them. These children are generally kept under the bed when their mothers are entertaining customers, or they sit outside the room or simply a mashi looks after them. Some workers entrust their child to the care of people living in nearby villages, but they have to pay such facilities. 21 Table 2.8: Children of sex workers living in the brothel Name of the Brothel Potuakhali Bagerhat Baniashanta Phultala Marwari Mondir Babu Bazar Jhalai Patti Puranbazar Rothkhola C&B Ghat Doulatdia Kandapara Mymensingh Ranigonj Total Age group 0-5 Years 21 16 35 6 11 6-10 Years 12 14 20 4 1 11-15 Years 6 4 13 7 0 16-18 Years 3 2 0 0 0 12 1 25 105 81 135 138 26 29 641 5 0 25 50 45 160 62 17 28 443 5 0 25 75 35 74 43 8 18 313 3 0 25 5 13 0 44 0 0 95 TOTAL (Frequency ) 42 36 68 17 12 25 1 100 235 174 369 287 51 75 1492 According to the survey, the 51% of the brothel-based sex workers are mothers, but only the 42% of the children live with them inside the brothel. Around the 29% live outside with relatives (especially grandmothers and maternal aunties) of the sex workers. The 11% live in safe homes run by NGOs in proximity of the brothel. The 8% live with their fathers and generally they do not have any relationships with their mothers because they parents are separated. In such cases, their fathers do not allow them to meet their mother because of their profession. Diagram 7: Place where children of sex workers live Mother 11% 1%1% Father 5% 3% 42% Relatives independent Foster mother Safe home 29% 8% Hostel No answer A 3% of the children live independently earning their own living. These are generally between 16 and 18 years old. 22 FATHERS Children of sex workers face disruption of the family unit. Most of the time children are born in the brothel without any acknowledged father. But according to the brothel customs, many children have a fictive father who is generally their mother’s fixed customer also known in brothel slang as babu or so called husband. He is the mother’s lover and he can run some businesses inside the brothel or just have his own wife and children outside. Inside the brothel he has the role of the husband and father. In order to protect his reputation, the children generally address him as kaka, or uncle, rather than baba that is father. He sometimes provides for the sex worker’s main expenditures, otherwise he is just a danger for the younger daughters whom he would like to involve in the prostitution business. In a patriarchal society such as the Bangladeshi one, the lack of a real father figure in the lives of brothel children has a deeply negative effect on their emotional development and well being. Furthermore, they need the name of their father to get admitted in public schools. Diagram 8: Fathers of brothel children 37% 40% Sexworker’s husband Badha Babu Customer 23% According to the survey, in 40% of the cases the father of a brothel children is a customer; the 37% have a Badha Babu as father and the 37 % of the sex workers had a children with their husbands who generally left them for dowry. Besides, even if they have a real father, mostly all the times children do not have any kind of relationship with them. Their fathers are ashamed of their mother’s profession and hence they prefer to break off all the relations. Indeed, the 73% of the children do not meet their father. Furthermore, the 75% do not provide for any expenditure for their children, and only a 6% take responsibility for their children expenditures. EDUCATION AND HEALTH Children of sex workers are still deprived of their right to education. Few of them are enrolled at government schools. The main reason is that they are born without any acknowledged father. Furthermore, they are discriminated because of their mother’s profession. 23 Generally children of sex workers study at NGOs schools. In Jessore, 40% of the children of sex workers of Babu Bazar brothel go to the NGO Jagorani Chakra School, while around the 30% are enrolled at private schools. In Marwari Mondir brothel, 10 children have been admitted to government school. In Mymensing, brothel children go to government and private school (Mukul Niketon High School). In Jamalpur, the 25% of children of Ranigonji brothel have been admitted to government school, while the 75% are enrolled at local NGOs schools. In Kandapara brothel, the 60% of the children do not go to school. In Doulatdia brothel, 353 children go to NGOs school KKS. In Potuakhali brothel, three-fourth of the children go to school hiding their identity. The same happens in Puranzabar brothel. In Banishanta brothel, most all the children go to the school set up by the local mission. In Bagerhat and Pulthala brothels, children go to government and local Brac school. In Rothkhola brothel, 40% of the children do not go to school. Generally only the sex workers, who saved money, such as shordarnis and some bharatias, can afford the children school expenditures. Almost all the sex workers are now aware of the importance of their children education. According to the survey, the 49% of the children of the sex workers do not go to school. Diagram 9: Education status of children 9% 42% Yes No No answer 49% Concerning their health care, children of the sex workers are now more easily admitted at public hospitals to get treatment. Nevertheless, children of sex workers mainly depend on NGOs clinic and private doctors. According to the survey, only a 15% of the sex workers benefits from public health care to cure their children. Their mothers are still reluctant to get treatment at government hospitals because they are afraid to be immediately recognized as sex workers. Besides, they usually bring their children to local clinic only when the disease is in advanced status. In such regard, the awareness raising campaign by NGOs seemed to be not sufficient. 24 Case Studies 1. Name Beauty Akther Brothel: Potuakhali Status: Bharatia Beauty Akther is 20 years old. She was born at Modhupur in Tangail. She started this profession for the first time at Poutakhali Brothel. She has been staying this Brothel for 1 year. Her parent died. But stepmother was in house. She did not go to school for poverty. Her stepmother sent her to a house as housemaid. At that time she was 13 years old and a woman who worked near house took her at a hotel in Barisal and tempted her to join this profession by giving word to manage a job. She has never met with that woman again. She has a License, She had signed on it in front of Notary Public. Actually that woman sold her to that Hotel. She was not a Chukri. Her condition was good at that time. She had to work from morning 5a.m to at night 10p.m hours. Her living place was in Hotel. She got enough time to take rest but that woman took her income. She could not save her income at that time. She had to take at least 10 customers per day at that time. She fled away from the woman with a Rickshaw puller took her at Mirpur Majar, who promised to marry her but did not so. Then she went to search for other job but she was sexually harassed many times on the road. So finding no other way she again wished join in this profession and after then a woman took her to Poutakhali. Now she claims herself as a Bharatia. She used to takes 1 to 2 customers in a day. Her daily income is 50 to 100 taka only. Her daily expenditure is 125 taka only. She does not send money for her family. She has no savings. She wants to be good. She also wants a new job to live. If anybody trains her with technical work she will leave this place. 2. Name: Aakhi Brothel: Kandapara Status: Bharatia Aakhi was born in Comilla and is 33 years old. She is a sex worker and lives at Kandapara Brothel in Tangail. She is the youngest among the 5 brothers and sisters. All of her brothers and sisters are married. When Aakhi was 13 years old her father remarried. Stepmother used to torture her a lot. But she couldn’t protest because of fear. At that time a man used to entice her with the promise of a job. One day she ran away with that man and stayed for several days in his house. Later that man sold her to Kandapara. She had no idea that where she was sold. Like all other girls she was captivated for the first few days. She couldn’t understand where she was and what they were going to do with her. After a few days she started to recognize that it was not a good place. One day Shordarni brought a middle aged man in her room and said that “take this man”. She was totally clueless, how she could take that man. The Shordarni screamed- “I have 25 bought you at 1000 taka, I cannot allow you to just sit and take food. You are not a princess and you have to work. Just do as the man tells you to.” From that day her suffering started. Consequently she started as a Chukri. For the first two and half years she couldn’t enjoy the money she earned. Additionally she was tortured and beaten at that period. In search for happiness she married her Badha Babu and came out of the brothel. But luck did not favor her. After marriage, her Badha Babu did not provide her food and clothing. In depression she tried to commit suicide, but failed. She came back to Brothel with broken heart, but this time as a Bharatia. At present, Aakhi is the founder chairman of Nari Mukti Shongho. Now she doesn’t take any customer. She used to get customers of different ages- from 14 to 60 years. All kinds of people used to come to her like- students, service holders, police, drivers, married, unmarried- of all types and age. She did not felt any urge to know their identity because it was her work- it was her business. Aakhi’s world has spread to different dimensions. Now she is working to improve the lives of the sex workers. As a sex worker she has seen and suffered all the miseries a girl can experience in her life. She has observed them closely. She has seen how police, Mastans, and Bariwala’s take subscriptions from the sex workers. If any body becomes self sufficient, she is harassed by the Mastans. The mastans and police trap her by prosecuting her in false cases, like drugs and trafficking. When she was free, she fell in love with a boy. Aakhi left every thing to get married with him. But again she was deceived. The boy took her money and pressured her to bring more. When she didn’t, he tortured her. He even scolded her by calling her a prostitute. Again heart broken and deceived she came back to brothel. After so much suffering she recognizes that it is a bad place. Here one sex worker tortures another sex worker, police tortures another sex worker, Shordarni tortures Chukries, and Bariwalas tortures Bharatias. It is always like stronger oppresses the weaker. There will be no solution. No end of these never-ending miseries. Aakhi had no intension to conceive child. But she is now the proud mother of a boy and a girl. They are her dream. She wants to bring them up as true human beings. In which profession she is now for her livelihood, she does not want her children to be near to this profession. That is why she is saving money. She also had built a house in Comilla. Her children’s father is Badha babu. Though Aakhi is a sex worker she is very conscious about sexually transmitted diseases. That is why she didn’t work without contraceptive. She used to test blood regularly. She did not go to government hospitals before, because in the past they did not treated well, but now they are very helpful. When Aakhi was attached into this profession she experienced the sufferings of the sex-workers. She used to take customers against her will, tolerate the torturing of customers politely. Aakhi feels that they are the inseparable part of the society. But the people of the society have made them paralyze by torturing and suppressing them. She thinks that one day they will be recognized in the society, it is only a matter of time. She thinks that this profession is far better than any other nasty professions. But the entrance of the new girls into this profession should be stopped. Those who are already here should be occupied properly. 26 Aakhi is now well. But she feels that there is some lack in her life. She always dreamt of a beautiful home. Now she has established Nari Mukti Shongho. She wants the girls of brothel to become aware of their rights. So that they can themselves understand their rights and become independent. 3. Name: Kulsum: Brothel: Doulatdia Status: Bharatia Kulsum is 47 years old. She was born in Pabna. She started this profession for the first time at Doulatdia Brothel. She has been staying in this Brothel for thirty-two years. Her parents died at her childhood. She had never been to School. Though she had no parents she maintained her life by doing household work. When she was five years old one of her step uncle takes her to Doulatdia and sold her. She has never met with that step uncle again. She had a License, She had signed on it in front of Notary Public She was Chukri for 15 years. Her condition was not good at that time. She was afraid and felt nervous and shouted at the time of first contact with the customer. She was tortured if failed to attract customer. She had no time limitation of her work. She got good food and her accommodation was also good. She was given permission to go to sleep after 10 pm at night. She could not save her income at that time. She could not go outside the brothel on her own wish. She had many diseases or physical problem at that time; she had Fever, cough, syphilis, Bagi etc. She did not work at time of sickness. She had to take 15 to 20 customers when she was Chukri. Customers beat and Shordarni also tortured her. Now she claims herself as a Bharatia. She takes one customer regularly. Her daily income is 10/- to 20/-(ten to twenty) taka only. Her daily expenditure is 110/- taka. She does not send money to her family. She has no savings. At present she works at M.M.S. Her future plan is to go out from this Brothel but she is not getting this chance. 4. Name: Ruji Brothel: Poutakhali Status: Bharatia Ruji is about 18 years old and she was born at Mymensing. She has been in this brothel for 4 years. Her father dead and her mother didn’t know about her work. She lived in her uncle’s house and has no education. She is a divorcee. She had 5 months old child and her husband didn’t meet with her baby. Somehow she left her uncle’s house and arranged a work in the garments factory. She lived in a house with other girls but suddenly many of them left the house without paying their rent. As a result the house owner pressured her for the house-rent. She had no other way but to leave that house. Eventually she came into this brothel, heard about this profession from other people. She was 16 years of old when she first engaged in this profession. She stayed with the Pimps when she had to work from about 8’ O clock in the morning to 7’o clock in the night, with one hour for rent. She had to take 6-7 people everyday although she went off if she was sick. She had no physical problem at that time and she was not allowed to go out alone. At 27 that time all of her earnings went to the pocket of the pimps. At that period local boys made her to suffer. They used to come up straight away and beat the pimps and her; they used to snatch all money from them. After 3 years she along with 2 girls first went to Chittagong and from there they finally came into this brothel and became free. Now she is a licensed Bharatia sex-worker with having income of 100-200 taka daily while her daily expenditure is 35-70 taka. She used to send money for her boy. After starting work independently, she felt better. But she doesn’t want to remain in this profession forever in order to make a good future for her child. She has been using condom for 3 years to prevent disease. And whoever doesn’t want to use the condom she doesn’t make deal with him. According to her, Syphilis, AIDS, gonorrhea is the most common diseases these one might be affected while doing sex without condom, she heard that at past. The local boys inside the brothel used to torture sex workers. Supply of water, shops and drainage system are needed to improve the brothel as a living place. She wanted her child to be a good human being. She wanted him to be educated. She used to save money for her child. 5. Name: Helena Brothel: Bagerhat Status: Bharatia Helena is 25 years old. Her birthplace is Barisal. She has been living in Bagherhat brothel for 11/12 years. Because of poverty she couldn’t go to school. Her father is alive. She is a divorcee and she has a daughter and her age is 4 years 2 months. When she was Chukri she conceived once but the shordarni did the abortion. Her daughter stays with her. The father of her daughter is a customer and he comes here to meet with her. Her daughter is still under 5 years so she doesn’t go to school. Helena came in this profession when she was 12 years only. Because of poverty she came in this profession. A girl took her to this brothel and Shordarni tempted her to join this profession. Then she began to work here. At first she worked as a Chukri for one year. Then she was young and had to take many customers and her financial condition was good. At that time she had to work all day long. She had shelter, food but no time to take rest. Then she had to take 25-40 customers per day. She couldn’t keep any money; Shordarni took all the money. She couldn’t save. At that time she had not the right to go outside freely. But she had no serious physical sickness at that time but if she got sick then she could take leave. The Shordarni tortured her, even if she argued with her. At first when she dealt the customer she had problems. Customers behaved badly with her. Mastans also tortured her. Then she felt very bad. Now she is a Bharatia. She gets at least one customer in a day. Her daily income 30-100 taka. Her house rent is 30 taka and have to give 30 taka for food and 20 taka for daily expenses. For that she cannot save. They have to face too much discrimination as a sex worker. The administration controls them. They cannot go outside wearing shoes. Police tell them to bring the shoes by holding it in the mouth when they go outside wearing shoes. But she thinks that she has right as a human being. She has the right to cast vote and as well maintain a better life. She thinks this profession is bad. She doesn’t like this profession and she doesn’t want to see her daughter in this profession. She wants to leave the brothel but the society hates them and she has no alternatives. Moreover she has some loans and she cannot leave without repaying the loan. 28 6. Case Study of Aleya Brothel: Rothkhola Status: Shordarni and President of the brothel My name is Aleya Begum. I am 36 years old. Madaripur is my home district and Thana as well and Munshir Char is my village. The condition of our house was good. We had lots of land and we had a very big house. I have brothers and I am the only sister of my brothers. Three of my brothers are older than me and another is younger to me. Our house was near to the river. Gradually the river grabbed our lands. Then we became poor. Then my father started onion business. I came to brothel when I was 10 years old. I never went to school. One day my mother scolded me and she also slapped me. Then I became angry and left my house with an intention to go far away from my house. Then I came to the launch terminal. I was crying there. A man named Dulal came to me and asked me the reason of my weeping. I told him that I left my house. Then Dulal proposed me to go with him and I agreed. I said him that after staying the night I will go back to my home in the morning. Then he took me to the house of a sex worker at Madaripur brothel. At that time I had no idea about brothel. That girl served me rice with hilsa fish. Then she took me to the cinema hall for watching movie. She behaved very nicely with me. Later I asked her what I would do there. She suggested me to do the same as them. I disagreed. Then she told me that I will be habituated with the passing of time “Just stay here; you will be able to do.” Then they started to keep me in secret places, because already my parents had started to search for me. At last my mother found me. But I disagreed to go with my mother. I found fun here. Because I got those foods whatever I wanted, as well they took me to cinema hall. That’s why at that time I told my own mother that I don’t know her. Then my mother went to the Thana. Then my family with the help of the local police took me back to my home. After coming home I always tried to find out the chance to escape. One night I ran away from my house telling them that I am going to the toilet. Then I went to my Shordarni again. But then she refused to keep me with her. Then another woman kept me with her. As I was good looking that woman kept me with her. She thought that if I stay there my parents would come again that’s why she sent me to Faridpur. Then I came to Faridpur from Madaripur alone. A rickshaw driver took me to the C&B Ghat brothel from Faridpur bus stand. There I went to a Bariwali. Her named Golay. Then bariwali taught me how to register the name in the Thana. Then I registered my name in the Thana. But I did not started to take customers at that time. Then bariwali told me to get intimated with a guy named Rafique, who was drunk. But I couldn’t understand. I didn’t deal the customers for quite a long time. Bariwali and that boy guided me. After one year my menstruation started. As I couldn’t understand, I became scared. Then bariwali told me that not to worry. Then I tried to deal the customers. But I couldn’t for many days. There was a Mastan, and he wanted to come to my room. His big eyes, hair all made me scared. One day he entered to my room frequently. After doing sex he told me not to go outside from my home. He also punched me and it started bleeding from my nose but I didn’t seek for the help, as I was so scared. Then bariwali came to my room and found me unconscious and brought a doctor for my treatment. Then I felt bad there. Different Mastans came and disturbed me. Then I thought why I left my house. Then closing the door I cried in my room. Then I tried to go to my house. Escaping from there I went to my house and disclosed everything to my relatives. Then my parents told me that if I stay there village people will blame me and also told me that if you can get married then you will be able to stay here. Then I came back here again as I had no alternatives. 29 Again the Mastans started to disturb me. After staying in the brothel for two years I left the brothel with a man. I had taken all my ornaments with me. He had a shop. He was good looking and promised me to marry. One day he took me to the Majar. Then he made me understand that that Majar is our wedding place and after that he took me to his house. I found his mother in his house who was so good. She asked me whether we married or not. I couldn’t understand, I told her that we got married in the Majar. Then she told me that we are not married and also told me that his son deceived me. Then that woman told me that she would look after me even if his son left me. He had another wife who often tried to attack me. But I didn’t protest. One day my husband came and told me that the financial condition of his shop is not good and wanted an ornament from me, told me that his profit is my profit. After some days he demanded again. Then I told him that this was the last I will not give him again. He agreed but after few days he again begged another. As I didn’t want to give he came to bit me. Being scared I gave him and in this way I finished all. At last I had only one earring. When he wanted the last piece I told it to his mother. His mother scolded him but he also bit his mother. After staying there for three years I went to Jessore. I was in Jessore for about 5/6 years. I was free there. In Jessore I allowed a police officer to come to my room. He was the second officer of the Thana. He usually came to my house and in some occasion he sent someone to bring me to him. One day he sent a habilder to take me by his motorcycle and a journalist saw this and flashed it in the newspaper. Then the Police officer started torturing me. He bit me and did burn my cheek with cigarette. But he gave me much money. The non-stop writing of the journalists at last enforced me to go Faridpur from Jessore. I made this building here with my money. I keep 1/ 2 girls here. At past police and mastans created too many problems but now we are facing very few problems. I am a smoker. I had friends who taught me to smoke. Except this I have no addiction. Many customers and Mastans forced me to take drugs but I denied. Here my daily expenditure is 300-500 taka. I have girls and from them I get money. I also work in the N.G.O SHAPLA and I get 2900 taka (monthly) from there. At present I am the president of the sex workers of this Rothkhola brothel. Here our organization looks after the different problems of the girls. 7. Name: Razia Brothel: Baniashanta Status: Bharatia and Shordarni Razia is 29 years old. She was born at Bagerhat. But for last 17 years she was working as a sex worker in Baniashanta, Khulna. She has relationship with her parents and husband. They regularly visit her and know about her occupation. Her only daughter, who is only one and half year old, lives with her father. Razia has studied up to class one. According to her they were very poor and she had to work for living from her childhood. She joined this profession when she was 13/14 years old. Now she has a license of her work and lives in the brothel as a Bharatia and Shordarni. She does not take customers now. Her daily expenditure is 100/150 takas. She does not help her family regularly but only in times of problem. She says that she does not save money because she has no earning now. Razia started as a Chukri and for one year, she worked like that. At that time she couldn’t keep her earnings. She had to give all the money to the Shordarni under whom she resided. She had to work for 24 hours then. The condition of the room was good and Shordarni also gave her proper food. But she did not have any time to rest. She had to take 10 to 20 customers a day. And as the 30 Shodarni kept all the money she could not save anything for her own. Even she had no mobility then. Mastans used to torture her most. They used to have sex with her without paying money and used to torture her physically. Mastans also took drugs in her room. After one year the local administration separated her from Shordarni. She had to give cashier 1500 taka. The Shordarni took nothing. After being separated she did not leave the brothel. She thought that she has already become a sex worker; now no one in the society will accept her, so she decided to reside here and carry on with her profession. At that time a Daroga became her Badha Babu. He used to lock her up in the room when he was not around. She did not have the permission of her Babu to go out side. At that time she thought that she would collect some money and go out side and marry. But she did not try to run away. She felt very bad with her first customer and did not willingly work with him. After she got freedom from her Shordarni, she felt good. Now the situation is not very pleasant for her. As she grew old she kept a Chukri to work for her. But the Chukri ran away. Now she doesn’t have any earning. So she is thinking of going out of brothel. 8. Name: Shahthi Brothel: Baniashanta Status: Chukri Shahthi is twenty years old and lives in Baniashanta Brothel for last one year as a Chukri. Her birthplace is Rangpur. Her father is alive and mother left her when she was little. That is why she did not go to school, and worked in the household. Shathi is pregnant for 7 months now. Her father sold her in to this brothel, when she was 19 years old. Shathi have a license now and she has signed to get it. Shathi works as a Chukri and takes 2 customers every day. She earns 50/100-taka everyday. She has no expenditure, and does not send money to her family. She does not save also. She started as a Chukri and still is in the same position. She tells that she works whole day and have limited time to get rest. But Shordarni takes all the income from her. She cannot go out freely. And she has no physical problem presently. She does not work at times of illness. Shathi says that no one tortures here. She does not know what they do if Chukries conceive or abort the child. Shathi recalls her first experience with customer was good. Now she says that she likes her job because she is already in this profession and has no other place to go. Shathi says that Shordarni has promised her that she will make her future, give marriage to her and help her go outside. She will not remain in this brothel for a long time. Shathi does not know how a new girl is engaged in this profession. If a new Chukri runs away some search for them some don’t. The daughters of the sex workers are also called Chukri and if any mother wants back her daughter she is returned. Shathi doesn’t know about the torture inside and outside brothel. Shathi doesn’t know about the rights and deprivations. According to Shathi electricity, good toilet and good housing is needed to improve the condition of brothel. Taking credit is very normal in the brothel. She does not know what happens when a sex worker dies. When they grow old they beg or work in others house. 31 Shathi knows about all the diseases that can contaminate through sexual work. She uses condom from the very first. Customers also want to use it and if they don’t she keeps the money and asks him to leave. Fever and cough are the most common illnesses inside the brothel. She doesn’t have any physical problem. She sometimes goes to see a doctor. Doctors come inside brothel from JJS. She does not go to government hospital, and buys medicine from JJS. She eats good food after she conceives. And go to doctors. If she needs to abort child she goes to doctors inside brothel. Shathi says that she already has become bad so right now she does not want to go outside, but will prefer to go later. 32 CHAPTER 3 – BROTHEL-BASED SEX WORKERS SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS 3.1 Education background Most of the times, the sex workers entered the brothel trade when they are of tender years. The average age is 13 or 14 years. Almost all of them are not provided with social capital in terms of marketable skills and education. Pimps and traffickers usually take advantage of their poor living conditions and lack of education by deceiving and coercing them into the business. Furthermore, such lack of education increases the sex workers vulnerability and their condition of powerless towards brothel landlords, managers as well as the mainstream society. The literacy rate is very low among the sex workers. According to the survey, out of 341 sex workers, who have been interviewed, 231 did not attend any kind of school (68%). Out of 110 who are provided with basic education, 28 can only sign their name (25%), while 56 studied up to class V (51%) and 23 up to class X (21%). Table 3.1: Literacy rate of the sex-workers Literate Level of Education Brothel Yes Potuakhali Bagerhat Baniashanta Phultala Marwari Mondir Babu Bazar Jhalai Patti Puranbazar Rothkhola CNB Ghat Doulatdia Kandapara Mymensingh Ranigonj Bazar Total Grand Total No Up to Class V Class V-X 2 2 1 4 No response about literacy 1 1 1 1 1 S.S.C. & above 2 1 4 5 6 3 16 1 5 4 20 Can Sign only 1 2 4 2 9 10 7 10 11 7 3 15 5 8 19 24 25 25 30 6 25 17 30 2 3 1 1 2 1 7 3 5 6 6 2 10 2 6 1 1 5 3 1 5 1 1 1 - 1 1 - 110 231 28 56 23 3 3 3 341 110 Marwari Mondir brothel of Jessore shows one of the highest literacy rates with almost 50% of the sex workers who can at least sign their name or have basic education. Most them learnt such basic knowledge at local NGOs schools. 33 It should be mentioned that most of the sex workers were not provided at all with education or they left the school after the marriage because they lost interest in study. Others left the school because they start to work at tender age in garments factories or in households as maid. Poverty is the main reason for such dropout high rate. 3.2 Income The sex work represents a profitable business compared to other professions such as garment worker or housemaid. Nevertheless, the sex workers cannot benefit from at least in appearance look like remunerative work. They are economical exploited by a large group of the society such as police, brothel landlords, sordarnis, bariwalis, babus, shopkeepers, doctors, mastans, hawkers, etc. The room rent, household’s facilities such as water and electricity, the price of goods and necessaries are very high compared to the common outside rate. Sex workers as well customers have to pay the police some money (400/500 taka) if they want to spend the night together. The local thana police usually shut down the brothels at 10 o’clock p.m. Generally the sex workers rely only on the proceeds of their sex trade. Few of them were able to save money and invest it in other profitable activities such as grocery or tailoring shops. They are generally shordarnis or bariwalis. Diagram 9: Daily income per age group 100% 90% 80% 70% Tk. 334+ 60% Tk. 167-333 50% Tk. 101-166 Tk. 67-100 40% Tk 34-66 30% Below tk - 33 20% 10% 0% Below 18 years (%) 18-25 years 25 to 35 years 35+ years (%) (%) (%) The income of a brothel-based sex worker depends on her age and beauty. The younger brothel dwellers get more customers than the older ones. Chukris is the brothel group that entertains more clients with highest rate for intercourse. They are forced by their owners to get more customers as possible. The average number is 15/20 customers per day. According to the survey, their income per day is around 1246 taka and their rate per customer can vary from 100 taka to 1500 taka. However, such income lines their shordarni’s pockets. 34 The rate of income, which is very high when they are below 18 years old, falls sharply when they are above 25 years old. The average income of a bharatia is 345 taka per day and they used to get 3 or 4 customers per day. Most of the times they are between 18 and 25 years old. After them, it is interesting to highlight that the second highest income category gathers those who are above 35 years old. Indeed, they are shordarnis or bariwalis and hence they benefit from their bonded girls income. However, few sex workers can become shordarni and most of the times they need a considerable amount of money and powerful liaisons with police administration and mastans. 3.3 Main expenditures Sex workers have to cope with several expenditures. As mentioned above the room rent as well as household facilities such as water and electricity is very high. Brothel landowners rent out the room to bariwali who in their turn do the same. Everyone gains his own percentage from the rent. In Babu Bazar brothel, the local powerful bariwali rents the room from the local landlords for 100 taka and in her turn she rents out the room to gharwalis and bharatias for 130 taka. Together with the room rent, the sex workers have to cope with the high price of consumer goods. They often purchase necessaries from local hawkers at a price, which is double than the outside rate. This is due to their restricted freedom of movement, which confines them inside the brothel. 108.65 Total expenditure 27.6 Others 6.5 Children/family 3 Drinks/cigarette s/drugs 11.7 Water Toilet 68 Electricity 99 Rent Food Table 3.2: Information about the expenditure per day Expenditure per day (Average) 74.40 234.11 According to the survey, the sex workers spend on average 234 taka per day. The money that they usually send to their family and children represents the main expenditure, but only a 62.8% of the sex workers interviewed provide for their family necessities. The second main expenditure is the food, followed by rent and drugs or alcohol. It should be mentioned that only the brothel dwellers of Baniashanta, Bagerhat and Potuakhali have to spend money for the water that they fetch outside. Similarly, there are many sex workers who are not provided with electricity or it is included in the room rent. The survey team found some difficulties in order to collect expenditure related data because the several sex workers are not aware of their daily expenditures. 35 3.4 Loan and savings Debt is a huge problem inside the brothel. Sex workers usually start their trade with a debt towards their owners and this plague affects them for a considerable part of their life. Besides, they earn money but it is not sufficient to cover all their daily expenditures. An agent on behalf of the brothel landlords come almost every day in order to collect the money. If they are in delay with the rent, they face the risk of violence, torture and finally eviction. It should be mentioned that several sex workers, who would like to leave the brothel, couldn’t because of their debts. Table 3.3: Information about loan in different brothels Brothel Kandapara Rathkola Fultola Mymenshing C & B Ghat Marowari Jamalpur Jalaipotti Babubazar Madaripur Doulodia Patuakhali Banishanta Bagerhat Have loan (%) 80 35 45 86 51 53 61 37 60 - Don’t have loan (%) 20 65 55 14 49 47 32 63 40 - No Answer (%) 100 100 100 100 100 Out of 344 sex workers, the 58% incur a loan or debt. In Kandapara brothel the 80% of the sex workers interviewed incurred a loan; in C&B Ghat such percentage is higher (86%). They borrow money from other sex workers inside the brothel such as shordarnis and bariwalis or from the local people outside such as Mahaja or pawnbrokers. Afterwards, they have to pay high interest rates for the money they have borrowed. Usury represents a big concern in the sex workers life. In such regard, older and former sex workers who cannot afford their living expenditures such as food, medicines and rent represent the most affected group. Another common way to incur a loan is the purchase of girls. Because of their huge expenditures, it is very hard for a sex worker to save money. According to the survey, only a 41 % was able to put money aside. In Doulodia brothel, out of 344 sex workers, the 89% saved some money. This depends mainly on their status: as mentioned before, shordarnis and some independent tenants are quite wealthy. In Banishanta and Bagerhat brothel, mostly the 50% of them saved some money. On the contrary, in Jhalaipatti brothel, which is very poor and crumbling, only a 16% were able to make economies. Several Ngos are making the sex workers aware of the importance of saving money. They started to create their own cooperative. Otherwise, it is hard for them to leave the brothel. 36 Some sex workers have also bank accounts, but they told the survey team that there are several problems when they want to put down a bank deposit. They cannot often go to the bank and some bank officers are still reluctant to give them credibility. Hence, many sex workers were able to open a bank account through their babu, but several times he deceived them stealing all their money. Table 3.4: Information about Savings in different brothels Brothel Kandapara Rathkola Fultola Mymenshing C & BGhat Marwari Mondir Jamalpur Jalaipotti Babubazar Madaripur Doulodia Patuakhali Banishanta Bagerhat Have savings (%) 47 43 100 41 45 41 34 16 27 34 89 100 50 50 Don’t have savings (%) 50 57 59 55 59 66 84 73 66 11 50 50 No Answer (%) 3 - 3.5 Health-related issues HIV/AIDS Today, several NGOs are running programmes aimed at preventing the threat of HIV/AIDS spread. Almost all the sex workers are aware of such epidemic, but they told the survey team that generally customers do not want to make use of condoms. It should be mentioned that, compared to other Asian countries, in Bangladesh the sex workers have the highest number of clients and hence they are at high-risk. Anyway, they are still not completely comfortable with such issue. Diagram 10: Use of contraceptives inside the brothels 37 Condoms 18% 0% 3% 1% Female condoms 0% Pills IUD Injection Others 10% Nothing 68% According to the survey, out of 435 sex workers, 294 make use of condoms and 43 of female condoms. They represent the 78% of the sample. The other sex workers make use of pills, injections, etc., which are only aimed at preventing undesired pregnancy but without protecting from HIV/AIDS and STD. Consequently, the percentage of women and girls, who do not make use of prevention measures (22%), is still very high. Furthermore, among the sex workers, who used to protect themselves, some of them owned up to not use condoms if a customer offer them more money. This is especially the case of sex workers who earn little sum of money. Besides, they generally do not use protecting measures with their fixed customers such as Badha babu. The case of chukris is also worrying, because they depend on their shordarni’s will and they do not have the power to safeguard themselves. Tab. 3.4: Use of contraceptives Brothel Condoms Female Condoms 4 0 7 0 9 0 2 0 30 1 Potuakhali Bagerhat Baniashanta Phultala Marwari Mondir Babu Bazar 6 Jhalai Patti 28 Puranbazar 33 Rothkhola 35 C&B Ghat 35 Doulatdia 7 Kandapara 40 Mymensingh 31 Ranigonj 37 Bazar Total 294 23 1 1 3 4 0 4 2 4 43 Type of contraceptive Pills IUD Injection Others Total Nothing 0 4 2 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 14 11 3 41 10 6 14 3 4 1 9 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 43 35 48 42 43 10 56 33 51 79 1 12 4 2 435 38 ABORTION/MISCARRIAGE Abortion is very common inside the brothel. Out 344 sex workers, 126 had one or more abortions in their lifetime. They represent the 37% of the sample. This percentage is quite indicative of the effective use of contraceptives inside the brothel. However, sex workers were quite reluctant to afford such kind of issue. Indeed, the 50% of the sample refused to answer the question about their abortion. Where Others Local midwives Hospital Local/ inside the NGO brothel clinic Potuakhali 1 4 1 Bagerhat 4 6 4 Baniashanta 7 3 3 2 2 Phultala 1 2 1 Marwari Mondir 12 25 2 1 9 Babu Bazar 9 21 3 3 3 Jhalaipatti 9 22 1 3 5 Puranbazar 13 22 6 3 4 Rothkhola 14 23 1 2 11 C& B Ghat 11 26 11 Doulatdia 3 6 1 1 1 Kandapara 25 15 4 7 6 8 Mymensing 6 16 5 1 Ranigonj Bazar 11 27 4 2 1 4 Total 126 218 30 22 11 63 Grand total 344 126 In Khandapara brothel, out of 40 sex workers interviewed, 25 have aborted. In Bangladesh, abortion can be carried out in the first three months of pregnancy, unless some complications intervene during the pregnancy. On the contrary, sex workers often used to abort when they are at the 4th or 5th of pregnancy. Midwives generally make in private clinics or in NGOs clinic abortion by doctors or in the brothel. The 24% of the sample aborted at local hospitals; the 17% at local NGOs clinic and the 9% with the help of midwives. According to the sample interviewed, unhealthy and dangerous practices are used to carry out an abortion. One of these is called MR: a pipe is inserted inside the vagina in order to suck the foetus out. Hence, the risk of sexual infections and hemorrhagic is very high. Besides, sex workers have a lot of expenditures and therefore, after the abortion, they come back to work in few days. Brothel Abortion/ MR Yes No Table 3.5: Informations on abortion/MR Diagram 11: Where abortion is carried out 39 24% Hospital Local/NGO Clinic Local midwives 50% 17% Others 9% Abortion is hardly a free choice for a sex worker. They are forced by poor living conditions, lack of fathers for their child and many times by other sex workers such as shordarnis or bariwalis. If a bharatia can at least think about the possibility of keeping or not the child, chukris are often forced to get abortion by their owners. A pregnant chukri represents a lower income for her shordarni and hence just a burden to feed. Besides, they are generally forced to come back to work as soon as possible. According to the survey, out of 126 sex workers, who carried out an abortion, for 80 (63%) it was an own choice. 13 sex workers answered that they were forced by their shordarnis (10%), while other 2% were forced by other people such as their Badha babu or common customers. Other 24 (19%) decided to abort for several reasons such as their young age or because they already had children. Diagram 12: Reasons for abortion 19% 2% 10% 1% 5% Free choice Forced by Shordarni 63% Accident Forced by someone else Forced by Pimps Others TREATMENT FACILITES 40 Sex workers suffer for several diseases such as STD, urinary tract infections, vaginal and ovarian infections, irregular menstruations, skin diseases, gastric problems due to unsafe water and food, etc. Commonly they subject themselves to a treatment only when their disease is in such advanced stage that they cannot work. The result is that their disease becomes worse. Sex workers are very reluctant to benefit from public health care. The main reasons are the high cost of the government treatment and the fear to be discovered and marked because of their sex work. Further, they do not enjoy freedom of movement and consequently most of the times they have to be cured only inside the brothels. According to data collection, the 41% (152 sex workers) benefit from doctors or clinic of local NGOs. Here, they are less afraid and they feel themselves comfortable. In Rothkhola and C&B Ghat brothels, such percentage is higher: out of a sample of 37 sex workers, respectively 28 and 21 sex workers preferred to be cured by NGOs. Similarly, in Kandapara brothel, 22 out of 40 went to a NGOs clinic. On the contrary, government hospital facilities are usually avoided. Only 14 sex workers benefit from public health care: 2 sex workers in Bagerhat brothel, 1 in Phultala, 3 in Babu Bazar brothel of Jessore, 3 in Puranzabar, 1 in Doulatdia and in Ranigonji brothel of Jamalpur and 2 in Mymensing. They are only the 4% of the sample. The second highest percentage (28%) benefit from treatment facilities provided in other place such as pharmacies inside or outside the brothel. According to them, in such places they receive prompt medical treatment. Tab. 3.6: Treatment facilities Brothel Govt. Hospital Potuakhali Bagerhat Baniashanta Phultala Khulna Marwari Mondir Babu Bazar Jhalaipatti Puranbazar Rothkhola C & B Ghat Doulatdia Kandapara Mymensing Ranigonj Bazar Total Treatment facilities Others Don’t Go NGO for Clinic/ treatment Doctors 3 0 2 1 3 0 6 4 0 0 1 0 Sample size 0 2 0 1 Clinic /Private Doctors 0 5 1 1 0 6 10 15 6 37 3 1 3 0 0 1 0 2 1 14 3 0 9 4 0 7 13 8 7 64 10 13 15 28 21 0 22 6 17 152 9 14 8 4 15 1 6 7 14 101 5 9 5 2 1 0 3 2 1 36 30 31 35 37 37 9 40 22 38 344 5 10 10 3 Besides, only 64 sex workers (17%) went to private clinic or doctors. This percentage is quite high only in Mymensing brothel (8 out of 22) and in Kandapara (13 out of 40). 41 Diagram 13: Medical treatment places 19% 2% 10% 1% 5% 63% Free choice Accident Forced by Pimps Forced by Shordarni Forced by someone else Others Brothel Drug addiction No Response Total DRUG ADDICTION The use of alcohol, drugs and cigarettes is th w idespread in all the 14 Potuakhali 2 2 1 5 brothels. Bagerhat 5 5 10 According to the survey, Baniashanta 6 4 10 the 30% (103) of the Phultala 3 3 sample of 344 sex workers Marwari 9 26 2 37 use regularly drugs and Mondir alcohol. Babu Bazar 9 15 6 30 The 64% is not addicted, Jhalaipatti 3 25 3 31 but it has been deemed Puranbazar 5 30 35 that a considerable number Rothkhola 7 26 4 37 of sex workers, who make C & B Ghat 9 27 1 37 use only irregularly of Doulatdia 5 4 9 noxious substances, Kandapara 24 14 2 40 preferred to deny such Mymensing 4 17 1 22 abuse. Ranigonj 12 26 38 A widespread Total 103 221 20 344 stigmatization, hardships and other several problems end up by bringing about their low-self esteem and turning drugs and alcohol into a way out from a wretched life. A high abuse of drugs has been found in Kandapara brothel (24 out of 40), in Ranigonji brothel (12 out of 38) and in Babu Bazar (9 out of 30). Yes No Tab. 3.7: Drug Addiction 42 Diagram 14: Percentage of drug addiction Torturing Brothel 6% 64% Potuakhali Bagerhat Baniashanta Phultala Marwari Mondir Babu Bazar Jhalai Patti Puranbazar Rothkhola C&B Ghat Doulatdia Kandapara Mymensingh Ranigonj Total Grand total 3 2 3 5 1 3 31 Addicted No Answer No Yes 30% Not addicted No response 2 8 6 1 3.6 Violence and torture Brothel-based sex workers used to face several abuses, harassments and violence, especially by police, local mastans and shordarnis. Police who have a regular access 5 23 2 into the brothel generally subjects them to extortion. In 2 28 1 many brothels, police allow customers to spend the night 10 21 4 inside only on demand of bribe. Many sex workers told the 13 20 4 survey team that at patrolling officers raid the brothel and 6 29 2 if they find some customers, they are forced to pay as well 6 3 as the sex workers. Besides, they can take them to custody, 24 9 7 too. In Doulatdia brothel, no customers can enter the 4 18 brothel after 9 p.m. without taking a ticket from police. 7 29 2 Besides, some police officers forcefully enjoy sex with 90 212 42 them. It should be mentioned that mostly the sex workers 344 reported at least one forceful intercourse, but they do not have a clear idea about rape as crime. When they were asked if they were raped, they generally denied such violence, but afterwards they admitted to be several times forced to have sex. That means rape. Similarly, they kept from filing a complaint against their rapier, because they did not know that he committed an offence. Tab. 3.8: Torture in the brothels 43 According to the survey, out of a sample of 344 sex workers, 90 (26%) faced some tortures during their brothel-based work. The 12% refused to answer. However, as several sex workers reported, torture and violence are reducing in some brothels because of the presence of NGOs. Kandapara brothel turned out to be one of the most violent places. Here, out of 40 sex workers, 24 faced some torture. Also, Puranzabar and Rothkhola brothels show the highest percentage of violence. On the contrary, the situation in the brothels of Jessore seems to be better. Diagram 15: Torture in the brothels 12% 26% Yes No No Answer 62% Referring to the source of violence, out of 144 sex workers, who were tortured al least once in their lifetime, 34 of them were harassed by police (24%). Local mastans represents a further and constant threat to the sex workers. They are the main problem for the sex worker. They have an easy access to the brothels. Mainly, they enjoy sex without any payment and they ask for money. 50 sex workers (34%) were abused by them, especially in Rothkhola and Kandapara brothels. Sex workers of Phultala brothel reported that the local mastans come constantly to the brothel and they enjoy sex as many times as they want. If they complain, the risk violence and beating up. In Rothkhola brothel, at the entrance mastans harrass customers, too. In Madaripur brothel, mastans forced the sex workers to buy and use drugs. Tab. 3.9: Source of violence 44 Others people Community Local Workers Other Sex Pimps Mastan Police Brothel Shordarni Source of violence Potuakhali 2 1 Bagerhat 1 1 Baniashanta 2 1 1 Phultala Marwari 2 1 2 Mondir Babu Bazar 1 4 1 Jhalai Patti 2 Puranbazar 2 8 6 1 2 Rothkhola 9 12 3 1 3 2 C&B Ghat 1 1 1 Doulatdia 1 3 1 1 Kandapara 11 18 1 10 1 5 3 33 Mymensingh 3 3 1 1 sex Ranigonj 1 4 1 1 wor Total 34 50 1 33 4 13 9 kers (23%) were tortured by their shordarnis when they were working as chukris. This figure is deemed to be higher, because some sex workers were afraid of tell about their shordarni violence for fear of possible retaliation. As mentioned previously, during the interview session chukris were constantly watched out by their owners. Therefore, they were afraid to speak up. According to the sex workers, shordanis used to torture the chukris when they do not earn, as they want or if they refuse to take customers because they are tired or sick. Sometimes chukris want also to refuse some pervert customers, but their shordarni forces to entertain them. Moreover, shordarnis used to force them to abort when they are pregnant. Chukris have only to work and if they are pregnant, they can earn less money. Some sex workers referred also that when a chukri tries to get away from the brothel, she is generally recaptured and afterwards her owner tortures her. Most of the times, Badha babu and customers are a source of violence, too. Furthermore, the sex workers complain especially about their restricted freedom of movement, discrimination as well as a constant teasing when they are outside the brothel. They think that this is violence, too. Besides, their children do not have the father’s identity and they are not socially accepted. Diagram 16: Source of torture 45 3% 9% 6% Police 24% Mastan Pimps Shordarni Other sex-worker 23% 1% 34% Local Community Others 3.7 Future plans According to the survey, the 71% of the sample interviewed have some plans about the future. Several of them are born inside the brothel or they are living here since many years, sometimes 10 and more. They dream to leave and live like all the other people. They dream to live with their children and family and run other business. Many sex workers want to save a sufficient sum of money, buy a shop or a piece of land and run their own business. A bharatia in Ranigonji brothel of Jamalpur said: “I want to save money, leave this place, buy some land, build my own house and let my children grow up in a good environment”. Another sex workers of C&B Ghat said: “ I want to deposit some money, come back to my village, buy a poultry and goats, and live there with my brother and mother”. Among the youngest sex workers, the dream is to get married and live with the family of the mainstream society. A sex workers of Mymensing told the survey team: ”I would like to meet a kind man, marry him.... otherwise I will stay here”. Diagram 17: Future plans Go outside brothel 13% 9% Don’t go outside the brothel Have no plan 7% 71% Didn’t give answer 46 Another sex worker of Puranzabar brothel said: “ I will leave this place and settle somewhere to bring up and educate my child as a good man. Afterwards, I will set a poultry farm and a handicraft business” Several sex workers would like to learn a job such as handicrafts. They ask the NGOs to provide them such training. Besides, a 13% of the sample did not give any answer. Similarly, the 9% have no plan about the future and the 7% decided to live inside the brothel forever. Many sex workers do not know how the life is outside the brothel. They spent almost all their life inside. They think that there is no hope for them: the society stigmatises and scorns them. According to them, there is no place for a sex worker outside the brothel. It is not only the society, which considers them as spoiled, but they start to believe in their immoral and fallen status. They have low-self esteem. A sex worker of Kandapara brothel said: “ I passed all my life in misery and there is no reason behind these men who look at us with such contempt. The society will not accept us and that is why I want to live here”. A sex worker in Rothkola brothel has reasserted this: “I do not have any plan. We are noti (prostitute) and we will always remain noti. We cannot have any kind of plan”. 47 Appendix I – NGOs interviewed for the survey and main problems in the brothels Brothel Location NGOs Potuakhali Brothel Potuakhali KAJUS (CARE) Bagerhat Brothel Bagerhat JJS, HELP Baniashanta Brothel Mongla JJS, World Vision Phultala Brothel Khulna Marie Steps Clinic Mondir Jessore Jagorani Chakra (Tdh-Italy), AKLAB (UNDP), SAVIER, PKS, Ghorony, Salvation Army. Marwari Brothel Babu Bazar Brothel Jessore Jhalai Patti Brothel Jessore Puranbazar Brothel Madaripur Jagorani Chakra (Tdh-Italy), AKLAB (UNDP), SAVIER, PKS, Ghorony, Salvation Army. Jagorani Chakra (Tdh-Italy), AKLAB, SAVIER, PKS, Ghorony, Salvation Army. Surokkha/ Social Marketing Company, Shapla. Major needs/problems inside the brothel addressed by NGOs Drainage, drinking water, poor environment, eviction Low number of customers, Dirty environment, Administrative problem. River erosion, Income has been reduced for lack of ships in the port. Moreover, during rainy season, number of customers deceases and income falls more. Educations, Banks do not accept the sex-workers to provide service, Graveyard, Alternative profession, Neglected by the society. Lack of education & awareness, sex-workers are not organized, Number of customers are decreasing for the bad behavior of the sexworkers. Diseases, Lack of Customers, Prohibition of keeping new girls. Lack of customers, Prohibition of keeping new girls. Hated and neglected by the society. 48 Rothkhola Brothel Faridpur Shapla Mohila Sangstha, FPAP, BRAC, Surokkha, VFW. CNB Ghat Brothel Faridpur Shapla Mohila Sangstha, BRAC, FPAB, Surokkha. Doulatdia Brothel, Rajbari Kandapara Brothel Tangail KKS, Mukti Mohila Somity, VPKA, PIACT Bangladesh, FPAB, Nari Odhikar Bastobayan Sonstha, Ujjiboon Unnoyon Sonstha. SSS, CARE, Nari Mukti, RASDO, Shikha, Work for all. Mymensingh Brothel Mymensingh Ranigonj Brothel Jamalpur Harassment by the police, Badha Babu and local Mastans (muscle-man), Lack of graveyard for the sex-workers, hated and neglected by the society. Harassment by the police and local Mastans (muscle-man), Lack of graveyard for the sexworkers, hated and neglected by the society. Lack of treatment facilities, Conflict with Bariwali, Harassment by the police and local Mastans (muscle-man), Violence. Lack of awareness/health awareness, Not understanding their own problems, Sex-workers deceived by the Badha Babu, Harassment by the police. Schools for child education, Promotion of Adult education, Health facilitation, Graveyard for the sex-workers. Sukhtara Kallan Sonstha (A Voluntary organization), No other NGOs (World Vision is going to start working here soon) Lack of customers, Aparayejo Bangladesh (Tdh- Harassment by the police and local Mastans Italy), Surokkha. (muscle-man), lack of awareness, addiction, Chukries are dependent & deprived, Graveyard for the sex-workers. 49 PART 2 A Study on Street based-Sex Workers In 4 major Cities of Bangladesh Their Demographic, Socio-economic and Human Rights Status by Natasha Ahmad The Researchers: Priscilla Raj and Rehana Tabulators: Sony and Jahid 50 Introduction: “Sex-work is legal; soliciting is not. Sex-work is legal; running a brothel is not…” This is the law of this land. With these kind of contradictory laws ‘illegal’ sex-workers are ‘legally’ exploited, tortured, abused and harassed by the law enforcement agencies, local mastaans and also by the clients on a regular basis. Sex workers in Bangladesh, like in many other developing countries are the most underprivileged, tortured, abused and exploited group of people. They face extortion, rape, physical torture and discrimination every day. It is very unfortunate that the law enforcement agencies commit the worst crimes against the sex workers. While in otherwise violent country like Bangladesh, lawlessness is regularly reported in the mainstream media; the torture and exploitation faced by the sex workers are mostly never reported. Since the mainstream media and the society ignore the sex workers, the sex workers themselves are coming out to tell their stories. The reasons behind entering the sex trade are very common for women working in the brothels or on the streets of Bangladesh. The situation of the floating sex workers is much more vulnerable than the women living in the relative protection of a brothel. Women in the streets are engaged in an illegal activity and they are regularly harassed. Though, running a brothel is also illegal, the owners of these brothels are never punished. The women who live in these brothels, though, are harassed and live in continual fear of eviction. The human rights of all sex workers are grossly violated and they do not have a voice in society. The voices that are heard are always against them and come from the mouths of people who regularly enjoy their services. Objective: The objective of this study was to know about the human rights status and the socio-economic condition of female sex workers working in the streets of some selected cities of Bangladesh. Leaving aside the hotel based sex workers and transvestites, this study also aims to look into the plight of the under-aged girls in this trade. The study presents, 51 description of the cities visited together with demographic information on the street/floating based sex workers reasons behind leaving home and joining this work, duration in this profession the socio-economic condition of the sex workers their Health and Human Rights situation the needs and expectation (and contradiction) among the sex workers Methodology: A team comprising two female researchers conducted the study in the months of end FebruaryMarch 2005. One of the researchers was a street based sex worker while the other is a freelance journalist and researcher. It should be mentioned here that this is for the first time that sex workers were included in such a study. They are members of Durjoy Nari Sangho, an organization of streetbased sex workers. Durjoy works with street-based sex workers all over Bangladesh. The team spent between 3 and 4 days at each site talking to women in the sex-trade and also with the representatives of organizations working with these women. The first step was to develop a questionnaire (done in English, later translated into Bangla), which was then shared with the team before going to the field. The questionnaire was long and it took a long time to finish an interview. The interviews were conducted in the areas where sex workers operate. It was inconvenient to fill in the answers while simultaneously conducting the interview. However, the sex workers were patient and the research team was able to get the needed information and also created a good rapport with the interviewees. The team spent 3 days each in Chittagong, Sylhet, Jessore and Dhaka and was helped by local NGO’s. The questionnaire was modified to enable us to finish an interview “quickly” since most sex-workers could not spare enough time to complete the original questionnaire. Both the members of the research team conducted interviews and that helped to build a better understanding among them. We took permission from the sex workers to record their interviews on tape and fill in the questionnaire simultaneously. This was done to double check the information collected by the research team. We were able to tape-record most of the interviews, which were transcribed later. 52 After completing the work in Dhaka, the team left for Jessore and subsequently for Chittagong and Sylhet. In each place the team interviewed 8-10 floating sex workers (we also have few unfinished interviews which we did not use in this study) and 1-2 development workers carrying out different programs for the street-based sex workers living in these cities. Strength and Limitations of the Study: • The team member - coming from a different socio-cultural background - felt that it was very helpful to have a sex worker in the team. It was easy for the freelance journalist to identify street based sex workers of the different areas of Chittagong, Dhaka, Jessore and Sylhet. • The non-sex worker member of the team did not have any problem talking to the street based sex worker in the field or at the DIC (Drop-in Center) - could talk freely with them. But when she went to interview them at their work place it was a problem and a lot of the sex workers did not give time to finish the whole questionnaire. So we have not been able to fulfill our target (of 40 interviews). • On the other hand, the composition of such a team boosted the confidence of the sex workers interviewee and interviewed sex workers. The interviewer sex worker (of the study team) felt ‘important’ being a part of a research project. And after doing this study, a couple of sex workers have been included in other study groups too. Over the years they have often worked with different NGO’s on projects involving HIV/AIDS, promoting condom us and in other field-surveys. But a socio-economic study was some thing that they were doing for the first time. The floating, especially the street-based (we did not include the hotel based sex workers) sex workers, on the other hand, were comfortable with the study team as they found people from their own profession amongst them. • The NGO’s working in these 4 areas helped the research team with information and provided logistical support. We have been able to build up an excellent rapport with the NGO workers – which not only helped to conduct the study smoothly but also helped to gain confidence of the floating sex workers who were known to the NGO workers from before. 53 • A number of organizations are conducting research on sex workers. Being the subject of research made a few sex workers quite reluctant to cooperate by answering to the questions. Some were apathetic to the whole program of study. Some also badmouthed the researchers, especially the sex worker. • The work of these women in the sex trade requires them to be “on the move” and it was very difficult to do structured interviews. • It was good having a mixed group because of the attitude of the “educated” team member helped the sex worker to be confident and there was a good balance among them and they were able to collect quality information. • The team was to visit and collect information from 4 cities of Chittagong, Sylhet, Jessore and Dhaka by interviewing floating sex workers working in these cities. Time is a big factor and it would have been better if we could have got some more time in hand so that we could go back to the interviewee for clarification of some data. The present political situation also caused delays. • With each location differing from the other with regards to culture of the area, types of customers, accessibility and police interference, we strongly feel that this study must continue. We need to know the situation in all the cities in Bangladesh as the number of floating sex workers is increasing. The most vulnerable are the underage girls who are joining this trade in an alarming rate. The entry of people with learning disabilities in this area is another issue of concern. One should design and initiate a study to understand the trends and situation better in near future. 54 The Research Findings: Information on the Cities Visited: So far, 4 cities were visited for this study. Before doing this study another similar study was carried out (following the same questionnaire) in all 14 “registered brothels”. We chose Chittagong: it is the second largest city of Bangladesh, it is well-known seaport and it is known to be the business city of Bangladesh. The people of this city are very religious and conventional. The city has a beach within city limits. And there are no brothels here. The sex workers hang around places like the cinema halls, railway stations, and walk the streets of commercial areas where there are lots of cheap hotels. These floating sex workers also go out to Cox’s Bazaar, Dhaka with their clients. Besides they go to “parties” and at private homes. They also get foreigners as customer. According to YPSA (Young Power in Social Action) there are about 1500 (one thousand five hundred) floating sex workers in Chittagong city. Through the Drop-in Center’s run by YPSA, a total of 1000 sex workers are availing the services of DIC. Sylhet is another important city, famous for its tea gardens. The people of Sylhet have made a name for themselves in the restaurant business in England. They are very out going as well as enterprising while, at the same time, being very religious and conservative. There is a formal border with India and a lot of truck drivers come to this area too. There are no brothels here in this city but this city gets a lot of tourists and immigrants from abroad. Places like the cinema halls, parks, hotels, lowrange hotels (commonly known as “boarding”), the railway stations and floating sex workers use the area under two bridges in the city. They are also taken to private houses for parties. According to the survey carried out by SSKS in 2004 there are an estimated 1600 floating sex workers in Sylhet town. Through the Drop-in Center, SSKS has been able to provide its services to 1100 floating sex workers. Jessore is a border district (with West Bengal, India) and has a formal land border with India. Through this border the export-import business takes place with India. A lot of “trafficking in 55 persons” happens across this border. There are 3 brothels as well as a large number of street-based and hotel-based sex workers working in the city. In Jessore, the sex workers get their clients from the bus-stand, market places, railway station, the court area and from cinema halls. The sex workers in Jessore get a lot of Indian customers too. In 2001, CARE conducted a survey and estimated that about 125-130 floating sex workers walked the streets of Jessore. At present there is no organization working directly with the floating sex workers. Jagarani Chakra is running a home for the children of sex workers and caters to the needs of the children of a few sex workers. Presently (2005), there are an estimated 250-300 floating sex workers in Jessore city. Dhaka is the capital city and all the brothels have been evicted from Dhaka and its neighboring areas. As a result, a lot of the sex workers are now out on the streets of the capital city. Besides, there are lots of women who came and joined this trade as street based sex workers. The floating sex workers can be found in each and every important place in Dhaka. They usually roam around the commercial areas such as whole-sale market places, industrial areas, office areas, posh residential areas such as Gulshan, Banani, Baridhara, Dhanmondi, Uttora, the Parliament area, the river port of Dhaka, the old town intra-country bus-stands, intra-country truck terminals, railway stations, city cinema halls, parks, from low to mid range hotels, private run guest houses and the court area. In 1997, CARE Bangladesh conducted a survey and estimated the number of floating sex workers to be about 4500. The police authority carried out a survey in 1992 and according to them the estimated number was between 15000 and 20000. According to Durjoi, an organization of floating sex workers, the number of floating sex workers in Dhaka city is now around 10,000. They feel that after the forced closure of the brothels, a lot of the sex workers are now working as floating sex workers on the streets of Dhaka. 56 Map of Bangladesh highlighting the 4 districts 57 Back ground of the Floating sex workers: (Demographic Characteristics) Place of Origin of Respondents: For the study we have interviewed a total of 38 street based-sex workers (Table1). These sex workers working in 4 cities have come from far away villages and sometimes from neighboring districts. Like in Chittagong, out of 10 there are 4 respondents who came from Comilla, 5 came from greater Chittagong division and 1 woman came from Sherpur (a far away district). Among the 9 respondents in Sylhet there are 7 who are from greater Sylhet division and 1 each from Comilla and Kishorgonj. In Jessore, among the 11 respondents, there are 8 from greater Jessore and 1 each from Norail and Khulna. In Dhaka city, among the 8 respondents, 1 each hail from Faridpur, Kisorgong, Mymensing and Rangpur while the rest are from villages of the greater Dhaka division. Table 1. Number of Interviewee Name of Cities Chittagong Dhaka Jessore Sylhet Total Sex Workers 10 8 11 9 38 Out reach worker/NGO staff 3 2 2 2 9 58 A total of 9 NGO representatives and outreach workers who have been working with the sex workers on different projects have been interviewed. The NGO representatives provided the number of sex workers working in the area and gave information on the socio-economic situation of these women and talked about their programmes. The out reach workers providing information and insight about the working conditions and problems faced by the floating sex workers on a regular basis. They also shared with us their experience and how the work of NGO’s changed their life. And told us about the problems all of them are facing after closing down of the programs without proper notice. Age of the Respondents: Age and looks are important assets of the sex workers. Unlike the brothel based sex workers the street based or the floating sex workers often do not use heavy make-up. But they dress up very smartly. Usually they have a different body language to inform the probable clients and walk around or roam around on a rickshaw in areas where there is a demand for their service. In this section I am talking about their present age only (it is frightening to see the age of joining this trade, which will be discussed later). Among the 38 respondents, there were about 42% (16/38) who are in their mid 20s. There are 18.5% (7/38) who are in their mid 30’s. Like the underage brothel sex worker, underage floating sex worker also try their best to show that they are over 18years of age. They do not use heavy make-ups like the brothel based sex workers. It was very easy to identify young girls who were under 18years. There are about 30% (11/38) respondents who are in their teens, among these 11, there are 63.6% (7/11) of them between 1217years of age and 36.4% are in their late teens. The youngest interviewee was not even in her teens - she was only 12 years old. Mentally she is in a very bad shape and this girl is working in the streets to support her husband who is in his 20’s and is a drug addict. On the other hand, sex workers who are in their late 30s feels that they are too old to be in the profession because their younger colleagues have a better prospects than a sex worker who is her 30s or even mid 20s. Among the respondents there are 10.5% (4/38) who are in their 40s. In fact, people here do not keep track of one’s age and the girls are always trying to hide their age. For them 59 keeping a record of or calculating of ones age is not at all important and we had to spend a lot of time for all of them to respond to this. It was interesting to see that the sex workers who are in their 20’s to 30’s tried to hide their actual age and pretended that they have just crossed 18years. And one will hardly meet someone who is in her late 40’s. Table 2: Present age of the respondents Name of the City Below 18 Upto 25 Upto 35 40 and above Total 4 4 2 - 10 3 2 2 11 (29%) 4 4 4 16 (42.1%) 3 2 7 (18.4%) 1 2 1 4 (10.5%) 8 11 9 38 Chittagong Dhaka Jessore Sylhet Total Educational Status of the Respondents: Most of the interviewed floating sex workers came from poor households. Among the total of 38 respondents a total of 12 were reluctant to give us any information in this regard. Except 9 of the respondents the rest 17 interviewed sex workers can read and write. There are 4 sex workers who studied till secondary level (from class VI to VIII). A total of 6 respondents studied till the primary level and there are 7 sex workers who can only sign their names. Table 3: Educational status of respondents Name of the City Illiterate % Can Sign % Chittagong 3 30 2 20 - - - - 5 50 Dhaka Jessore Sylhet Total 1 2 3 9 12.5 18.2 33.3 23.7 1 2 2 7 12.5 18.2 22.2 18.4 3 2 1 6 37.5 18.2 11.2 15.8 1 3 4 12.5 33.3 10.5 2 5 12 25 45.4 31.6 Till Primary % Secondary % No response % Marital Status of the Respondents: Among 38 respondents, there are 77% floating sex workers who are married. It is very interesting to see that these sex workers were married very young - in their early teens. As we can see in the following diagram, there are little more than 25% respondents who got married when they were 60 within the age of 10-12 years. Almost 35 % were married at the age of 13-16 years. 15% of the respondents did not mention anything about their age during marriage. It should be mentioned that there are 13% who are still unmarried. Age At Marriage 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 10-12 Years 13-16 17-19 20-23 NR *** N.B. There are 5 respondents who are unmarried. Table 4: Present Marital Status of Respondents District Chittagon g Dhaka Jessore Sylhet Total Percenta ge Married Once More than once 3 3 Deserted Own Husband - 3 4 3 13 34% 1 1 3% 1 3 7 18% Widow Divorce d Unmarrie d NR 1 - - 2 1 3 4 11% 1 2 3 8% 1 1 3% 2 1 5 13% 1 2 4 10% Around 21% married sex workers are presently living with their husbands. And the rest of the married sex workers live alone. There are some who have got married for the 2nd or 3rd time too. And often they would say, “…not this present husband, the original husband when I was a good woman…” 61 There are only 5 who said that they are unmarried and they are in their early teens. Their husbands have deserted a lot of their co-workers of the same age and adult women and this was a reason for them to take up this life on the streets. However this fact does not have any impact on these young girls as they all dream that they too would get married some time in future and have a happy family life. There are some women who said that they are in this profession because they need to give money to their husbands to look after their children. And some of their present husbands are drug addicts and they have to give the money to buy drugs. Respondent’s Family: Children/Parents/Siblings: Though a number of sex workers interviewed ran away from their home for various reasons, almost all of them have been able to re-establish connections with their parents and siblings at home. Having a home to go back to makes the floating sex workers feel more secure. A lot of them keep their children with their parents. A few of the interviewed sex worker have some kind of connection with their husbands and in these case studies we have seen that the husband keeps her children with him and the woman pays for her child’s upbringing. One or two floating sex workers have been able to get their children - especially their daughters - married and have a connection with them. Those who do not have any connection with their family are the ones who face lots of problems. Their children stay and grow-up with them - most often in the streets. If the child were too young to be left alone, they would remain with their mother while she worked. When the child was a bit older, they would ask the dalal to take care of the child or leave her/him to roams around on their own in the streets. Both the underage girls and adult sex workers who have contacts with their family feel that they have a place to go back to and they keep the bond alive by going home to their native village from time to time. They give money and expensive gifts when they visit the family. Some also buy agricultural land in their own village and invest in business such as cloth trading, paddy husking etc. and other seasonal small businesses. There are some cases where the family knows about their work and are still in touch with them. And when they are in trouble or are kept in the vagrant homes their family members come and bail them out. 62 On the other hand, those who do not have any contact look lost. They feel that they do not have any future to look forward to. These women are the most vulnerable ones. Table 5: Relationship with Original Home District Chittagong Dhaka Jessore Sylhet Total Relations with home Yes No NR 4 3 3 5 3 5 2 4 4 1 4 18 6 14 47% 16% 37% Family knows about their profession Yes No NR 1 4 5 4 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 16 18 11% 42% 47% Sends money home Yes No NR 2 2 4 1 5 3 1 14 4 36.9% 10.5% 50% According to this table, there are a total of 47% respondents who said that they have contact with their home. Among the 38 respondents only 11% said that their family at their native home knows about their profession, 47% of the respondents said that their family does not know about their work. In the table we can see that there are a little more than 37% who state that they help their family monetarily. “Family” may mean their siblings, family or the in-laws or the family where her child/children is growing up. 63 Reasons for Leaving Home and Joining this Profession: Why did they leave home? When answering the question: “What happened that made you leave home and take up this profession?” all respondents told us the whole story of their lives. After analyzing these life stories we can find that the reasons for leaving home are different from the reason for which these people took up sex work or became a sex worker. There are few specific reasons for which the underage girls left home. The followings are a couple of common reasons (in brief) that had made the sex workers leave their own home. (Table 6). The reasons in brief are: • Left home after a fight with parents or some other member in the family. • Left home after the death of parents (mostly father), as other/older siblings were unwilling to take care of them. • Left home after the death of both the parents with their relatives unwilling to take care of her and her siblings and also took away their property. • Left home because of abusive step-parents (usually the step mother). • Left home after the second/third marriage of mother. • Left home to get married but instead ended up in the brothel and then came on the streets. • Raped by close relative or local goons. • Deceived – were offered jobs but were sold into the trade instead. (This is for both children and adults) • Deserted by husband or husbands married other women. • Death of husband. 64 • Mentally challenged women often leave home and no one looks for them. They live at the mercy of others and men for their “sexual pleasure” also often use them. Table 6: Reason for Leaving Home Reasons for leaving home Left home for various reasons Number 6 Percentage (%) 15.8 2 7 2 1 14 1 5.3 18.4 5.3 2.6 36.8 2.6 5 38 13.2 100 (Death of parents, abusive step-parents, multiple marriage of parents) Death of husband In search of jobs Raped by local goons/close relative Missing/got lost Deserted by husband Followed profession No response Total the mother/sister’s There is 1 sex worker each from the 3 districts who left home for their abusive stepparents. There are 2 young girls in Jessore whose father left them and they later on joined the profession. Among 9-interviewed sex workers in Sylhet 78% (7 out of 9), were deserted by their husbands and had left home. Forty percent (4 out of 10) women in Chittagong and 27.3% (3 out of 11) in Jessore were abandoned by their husbands. Here, 18.2% underage girls said that they left home because their father had left them. In Dhaka, 25% of the women left home after the death of their husbands. In Chittagong, 40% (4/10) of the sex workers came to the city looking for jobs. In Jessore, we came across women who are mentally disabled and men use them as sex workers and sometimes pay them too. These women live on the roads and do not have any contact with home. Their husband or family deserted them when they started having mental problems. A floating sex worker in Jessore told us, “My father got me married to a man who was already married twice. I was only 12 years of age. I was living in his house… During our marriage he married 9 other women. By this time my daughter was born. I did not inform my family about his 65 multiple marriages. When my paternal family came to know about this they brought me back. I was happy but they started pressurizing me to get married again. I did not want to get married because I did not know what was waiting for me. But my brothers and father kept on asking me to get married as I needed to be married for my security…Anyway, I fought with my parents and brothers and left home with my daughter…I came to Jessore and after a while before I could understand anything I became a sex worker.” Why did they join this profession? The following are few common reasons for which the women/girls took up this profession. Although there are multiple reasons for taking up sex work, the reasons are always similar for both the underage and adult women in this trade • While working as domestic/restaurant/hostel help, they were raped and therefore felt that they could not return to their families and be a burden on them. They decided to join the sex trade, as there was “nothing more to loose.” And they would also earn some money. • Raped by relatives or goons and ran away from home and later joined the trade. • Re-marriage or multiple marriages of their husband or father left the family in distress and they could not find any other job and therefore took up sex work for survival. • Failure to secure jobs in their own area/locality and decided to take up sex work as a profession. • Association with a street based-sex worker led them to take up the profession. • Because of drug addiction of husband or self • Husband failed to support family expenses and the wife took up this as a source of income. • Young widow (with a child) often have the sexual urge and slowly take up sex work. 66 • Followed in the footsteps of a mother or aunt working in the brothels and became a street based sex worker. • Kidnapped and sold to dalal/dalalni and forced into this profession. • There are some who joined the trade willfully. The youngest interviewee told us, “My father is to be blamed for everything. Before he married my mother he was married twice and after marrying my mother he got married again a few more times. My mother was asked to leave when the family came to know that she was a sex worker. Anyway we could not stay with him any more and we came to this city. Now both of us – my mother and I – work as sex workers. My mother got married again. I am also married. My husband is a drug addict. He does not have anyone at home and I met him in the streets…I work and run our expenses. I wanted to go to school. I could not because my father was never there with us. It is all my fathers fault…Why could he not take care of us?” Shahida is 13 years old and she joined this “trade” when she was 10 or 11 years old. She had not had her first menstruation at that time. “My mother and my father had a fight and they separated. I was very little and I was lost…I was looking for my mother who got married again and heard that she was working in a city. I followed her to the city but could not trace her and a dalalni got hold of me. She told me that I should spend some time with the men…I was frightened to see huge men sitting beside me. I escaped from there and the dalalni beat me…I ran away from her and started working as a rag picker. After few days, Najma dalalni got hold of me and told me that I would do what I am doing in the day time and at night if I stayed with her, truck drivers would give me money and that I should give her the money and she would take care of me. Now I work in the station area. I do not go for parties. I work in the empty train compartments. And I stay with Najma dalalni, she looks after me but if I do not want to go to work at night she comes with a blade and has told me that she would slash my cheeks. I want to go to my mother. I want to sleep in her lap but she cannot take me because she is married to another man… I do not like this place and I want to live with my mother.” 67 Different people have different reasons to join the sex trade. An interviewee in Chittagong told us, “It is my fate! I was very small when we got the news that my father has developed some mental problem and that he was untraceable. My father used to work in Jessore and came from a landed family. My mother did not work and we used to live in my father’s home. My mother sold all his property and left for her father’s village. My mother was also very young and she got married again. I was growing up when she got married for the 2nd time… during this time, due to some problems, she left her husband in Comilla and came to Chittagong…I was with her. Here she took up a job in a bachelor’s mess and got married for the 3rd time to a truck driver. This step-father of mine wanted to marry me…Can you imagine what a shameful situation I was in…My mother thought I was having an affair with my step-father…She said, “I do not want my daughter. I want my husband!” After such an incident how could I live there…I just walked out of that house…Now I do not have any connection with my mother or her present family. I took up sex work to survive. I am in this profession for the last 18 years now. I am in this profession just because of my mother and there is no way for me to return to a “normal” life.” Reasons for Taking up Sex Work Peer Pressure Sold by Husband Sold by Dalal Raped For survival Followed mother/sister Willfully No Response 68 How long have they been working? At present, all the 38 respondents have been working as floating sex workers for at least 4-6 years. There are a few who have been in this profession for 7-9 years. We have found 1 woman who has been in this profession for the last 20-25years. Except very few sex workers, most of the interviewed floating sex workers seem to earn quite well. Most of them live in rented rooms and prepare their own food and sometimes they also eat out in restaurants. A lot of them have savings and often help their immediate family. The following diagram will give us an idea about the duration of work of our respondents. less than 1 No response 1-3years 16+ years 10-15years 7-9years 4-6years 69 Socio Economic Status of the Sex workers: Economic Status of the Respondents: The failure of existing economic, political and social structures to provide equal, safe and just opportunities for women to work and live has contributed to the feminization of poverty, which in turn has led to the feminization of migration, as women leave their homes in search of survival. (Trafficking in Persons: Trends in SAARC Countries; Natasha Ahmad, 2005) Most of the interviewees come from poor families. Among them some are very poor though there are also some (a miniscule percentage) who come from landed families. In this survey, we did not find any women or children hailing from well-off families. If we looked at the reasons for leaving home then we could understand the economic situation that forced them to leave their homes. Among the 38 respondents, 18.4% of the women left their home to look for jobs in the cities, 36.8% were deserted by their husbands and 5.3% came to the city after the death of their husbands. About 5 % of the underage girls left home after their fathers left. It was interesting to come across one underage girl who left behind her parents to earn money so that they could repay their loan to Grameen Bank. Her family was unable to pay the interest on the loan they had taken after the failures of two successive crops. They were thus displaced from their village and migrated to a new place (Sylhet) to work and earn money to pay back the loan. While in Sylhet, the girl came in touch with a woman who offered her a job opportunity… The girls subsequently joined the sex trade. Income and Expenditure: We have seen that most of the floating sex workers do not go out to work every night. The rate for “one shot” is Tk.50 for the middle-aged sex workers and if it is an underage girl, it becomes Tk.100. Sometimes the client gives them a bit more than the going rate. Those who are young and goodlooking and young can earn between Tk.1200-1800 within 3 days. The ones in their mid 20s-30s would earn, on an average, between Tk.500-700 in the same time. And then there are some who are in their late 30’s or 40’s who earn Tk.250-600. Most of the respondents could give us an idea about their income of the last 3-5days and told us that they work for 15-20 clients during that time. There 70 is only one person in Jessore who is mentally imbalanced and she told us that, “I sleep in the streets. I do not have a place to go to. I need to sleep a lot otherwise I suffer… I have severe headaches. I sleep here and take 2/3 customers at night…I earn Tk.60-80 and that is good enough for me. I need Tk.50-60 for food…I eat at the restaurants. Some times, when I do not have any money, the restaurant people give me food. Sometimes the police or the night-guards take away money from me.” There are some of the sex workers who work with the help of dalals (pimps) and there are a few underage sex workers who work under dalalni (sort of Sardarni). A sex worker in Chittagong said, “I work through dalals. They get me the clients and I work. Then we share our income…Often the share is not done equally, like yesterday I got Tk.500 and my dalal took half of the money. The day before I got Tk.150 he took 100 and gave me only Tk.50. And the day before that I earned Tk.300 and the dalal gave me only Tk.100…Even then I work with their help. Otherwise I would have to roam around the city in search of work. The Mayoral Election is near. The situation is very volatile now and the police is also very active…So it is easy and safe for me to work through the dalals.” Runa is 25 years old and has a 3-month-old child. She said, “I could not work for the last seven days…I have a small baby to look after…Yesterday I went to the garden in front of the Court. The police came and told me to find some other place. The client whom I got with difficulty left me and took someone else instead. The day before yesterday, I got one client who gave me Tk.30 and around 8pm, when I was about to take another customer for Tk.50, the police came and shouted at me and the client went away. The day before that a few mastaans came and asked me to go with them…I said no because I did not have a place to leave my child and go to work…After a while those boys came back and ran over me with their motorcycle. I fell down and hurt myself. A fellow sex worker helped me to get up and took care of my baby and me. I do not know what to do.” It should be mentioned that Runa also seemed to be mentally ill. Expenditure: A respondent in Chittagong responded philosophically: “This money that I earn now will never stay with me. This money came from the streets and this will go back to the streets. Hard earned money has its own value and is different from easy money… It is spent before you know what you have earned. I do not care how I spend my easy money but when I work very hard I will be very conscious while spending it.” 71 Most of the respondents feel that this money that they are earning by doing sex work is “impure” and it does not have much value to them. So it is often splurged. They eat out at restaurants with friends and often buy expensive clothes. But when asked about the future, many of them said that they are saving money. They would like to work for 5/6 years, which will help them to save a lot and will facilitate their return home and allow them to settle down comfortably. So there are contradictions about what they actually do with this money. Almost all floating sex workers rent houses or share rooms with women from the same profession in the city slums. The landlords do not charge them extra until they know what their tenants do for living. Many of the sex workers leave home early in the morning and sleep in the streets to show their landlord and neighbors that they work in a garments factory. The one who return home in the morning say that they work in the clinics and now many sex workers say that they work as an “outreach” worker with an NGO. Debts and Savings: All most all sex workers at the beginning of their working life earn a handsome amount of money. But most of them loose the money very fast. Only a handful can save money and invest it for their future. What follows is the story of a respondent in Dhaka, is in her late 40’s - with her only child she came to Dhaka after the death of her husband. She started working in a bachelor Mess as a cook but later on she joined sex work. She is in the sex trade for the last 25 years now. “I was young and very attractive. I started working in a Mess and after a while I started receiving offers. I accepted the offers and after a while I got involved in this trade. I used to earn a lot. I saved my money and my family in the village assumed that I work in a mess. I started investing in small seasonal businesses, bought some land and raised some poultry. When my daughter was 10 years old, I took her back to my village and she stayed with my brother, studied and now she is married with two kids. My daughter is very happy with her husband and children. They do not know what I do. They believe that I work in a hospital or clinic and that my duty hours are during the night. I regularly go to my village and stay there for few months, look after my home, land and small business. I need to 72 earn some more money to have savings in the bank and to start a business”. She however has not decided on the type of business to invest in next …she does not know. During our interview we learnt that respondents who have contact with home have been able to save money. Those who have children (24/38) also save money. Many of these floating sex workers have lost money. Earlier, floating sex workers could not open bank accounts and used to keep heir savings with the owners of roadside cigarette stands or with a local medicine shop. But most of these women who were saving in such fashion have lost control over their hard earned money. Almost everybody told us that they have not been able to get their money back. After the emergence of sex worker’s organization, many of the interviewed sex workers have been able to open bank accounts and few of them have their own savings group. As a result, some are able to save money. An underage sex worker of Dhaka, who earns an average of Tk.1200 a week, has helped another underage sex worker who is now in an advanced stage of pregnancy. The pregnant girl had no place to go to and this girl has taken responsibility for all her needs. She told us “I was very sad after I saw her all alone in the streets. I asked her to come and stay with me. My land lord told me that the child cannot be delivered in this house…I will sort that out when the time comes…Let her stay in peace for a while at least…I thought that I might also face similar problems. I will get help then if I help her now.” Table 7: Savings Savings Where in /what form Yes No NR Bank Shop Land/gold Village NR 14 36.84% 11 28.95% 13 34.21% 5 35.71% 2 14.28% 3 21.43% 1 7.14% 3 21.43% It is interesting to see that about 37% respondents have savings. There are 29% respondents who said that they do not have any savings. And there are about 34% respondents who did not say anything in this regard. And it is also interesting to know that these floating sex workers are not in debt bondage like the women working in the brothels. Among the total 38 respondents, 18.42% said that they used to keep their money with shop owners that they visited often: shops like general grocery, jewelers and pharmacies - all located near their 73 work zones/spots but they have lost everything. Parul of Sylhet is in her mid 30’s. She used to have girls working under her but after she began working as an out-reach worker, she has not kept any girls. Now she works in the organization and occasionally do sex work. She said, “I have bank accounts with Janata bank, this one is in Sylhet town and the other one is with Sonali bank and that is in the village I come from. My cousin’s husband works in Janata Bank and she helped me to open this account. I have bad experience as I lost money earlier. Now I go and save Tk.100-1000 whatever I can. I check my account at the village bank when I visit home once every 3 to 4 months.” The rest of the respondents who have savings maintain it in different ways. Some still keep their money at local shops; some save in the form of gold jewelry; some have bought land in their native village. The ones who have bank accounts told us that the people at the Drop-in Center (DIC) helped them open an account. But it was interesting to note that the women who were helped by the DIC’s did not trust them with their money. Amongst sex workers, there is a belief that the people running the DIC - the ones that maintain the savings scheme - are not trustworthy and that they might close their programme leave without any notice and without returning the money deposited with them. 74 Social Standing of the Respondent vis a vis the Clients, Mastaans and the Police The clients: While going through the case studies one can guess that the brothel based sex workers are better off than floating sex workers. The former live and work among many people while the latter may live collectively but when they go out to work they are all by themselves. And often they do not know where they will be taken to work with their clients. Table 8: Harassment/torture by the Clients/customer Pay less money Have sex without money Hide actual No. Client Refuse condom Stabbed/ Threat to stab Forced sex Harass/ beat Chittagong 1 - 3 1 2 - 1 Dhaka Sylhet 2 3 3 3 - 1 3 2 1 3 1 2 - 1 3 1 Total 9 3 9 5 5 5 District Jessore Snatch clients money Fixed client NR 1 3 1 2 1 - 1 3 1 2 2 - 4 2 7 5 Floating sex workers often get raped, harassed and abused by their clients and they cannot say anything about it. (Table8). On the other hand, the brothel based sex workers can protest if their clients harass or abuse them. The street based sex workers often do not have any fixed place to go to. They work in empty train compartments (commonly known as dabba), in the parks, inside the government office buildings such as the courtyards, on the verandas of offices and other such public places. These sex workers do “shot trips”. There are some who stand in the commercial areas, city centers, business areas, bus-stands, railway stations and cinema/theater halls etc. - places where there is an influx of people from different places within/outside the country. The floating sex workers take their clients to low and mid range hotels (depending on the client’s budget). This practice is commonly known as “boarding”. 75 Smartly dressed up and good looking street-based sex workers often hang around posh residential neighborhoods, diplomatic areas, or around privately run “guest houses”. Here, they get picked up by clients (usually foreigners) who come in their cars. Often, the drivers do the soliciting. The girls often go to private homes or to “parties” where there can be more that 5 to 7 customers. These girls earn a lot. These parties however are always not very “safe”, as they mislead the sex workers about the number of clients. They are often not paid the promised amount and some times get brutally raped and abused. There are incidents where the floating sex workers were badly beaten up and there are cases of them being stabbed. For all such reasons the floating sex workers usually do not want to leave the place she usually stands in for clients. In our case studies we have found that some of the sex workers also have “fixed” or regular clients. These sex workers rarely roam around the city looking for clients. They face less harassment from their clients and the police. A lot of the floating sex workers resort to fraud and deceive the clients. They take their fees in advance and then they inform the police. The police then come and harass the client and the client needs to bribe the police to avoid arrest. We have found that there are incidents where the client came back to take “revenge” for such an act and have physically assaulted the sex worker. The sex workers in Jessore told us that they get lots of young customers who are in their teens. A thirty-seven year old floating sex worker said, “I do not go with rickshaw pullers. I go with the traders. But off late, there are lots of young boys, aged between 15 and 16…I do not take them at all. These young boys come in a group and they then tug and pull… Most of the middle-aged sex workers just do not like entertaining these boys.” The mastaans/goons: The floating sex workers of the four cities fear the local mastaans as they are often the most abusive and violent. The local goons physically hurt them, slash them with blades and also take away their money. The street-based sex workers are often brutally raped by these gangs. These men forcefully pick them up and, in a few cases, the girls have been murdered. There are a few sex workers who said, “It did not happen in front of me but I have heard that a girl like us did not want to go with the goons. She was beaten up and was forced to go with them. We did not see her for a while. After a few days we heard that she was found dead. I saw her dead body.” 76 Some respondents said that these people are so strong that the police cannot do anything to protect the girls from them. The mastaans follow the sex workers to their homes and force them to serve them or they threat to expose their identity. A sex worker in Sylhet said," I have an adolescent girl at home and I am very worried. The local goons are very bad and they often threaten me that they will kidnap my daughter. I cannot do anything since nobody will listen to me because of my profession.” The sex workers do not want to get into any trouble with these men and quietly accept whatever they demand. Amazingly almost all the respondents have deep cuts and slash marks on their face or around their necks and they said that they have been “marked” as sex workers by the mastaans and sometimes even by fellow sex workers. Wherever they go, these marks advertise their profession. The brothel based sex workers also have deep cuts in their forearms and hands but not on their faces. The ones who do not have any slash marks fear that the mastaans will slash them and then they will not be able to leave this profession ever. The police: The floating sex workers have a very interesting relationship with the men on duty – the police. There are few sex workers who feel that if they “allow” the police to have free sex with them, give them some bribe when demanded and keep them in good humor, and then they can work better and work undisturbed, without any fear. Our respondents from Chittagong, Dhaka, Jessore and Sylhet said that there are some policemen who are very kind to them and help them when they are in trouble with their clients. Then there are some who are very rough and beat them up indiscriminately, they also would come and pick them up from the streets. Some times they are sent off to the vagrant homes or kept in the police station overnight and then they are produced in the court. The policemen tell them what should be told in front of the judge. 77 They are made to stand up inside the stand without their shoes on and beg for forgiveness by joining their palms together. The “good” policemen and muhuri (court officials) would then do the needful and they are set free. The policemen, when in a bad mood, beat the sex workers for no reason. The sex workers cannot protest and it makes them feel very humiliated. The policemen on duty often have sex without paying or by giving them a very nominal sum of money. And they often do it without condoms. There was one respondent from Chittagong who told us that she used to work as an informer for the local police station. But the local goons found out and her life was under threat. She had to leave the job. She was also trained to use a gun and she would have the gun with her when going for assignments and had to give it back after returning from work at the police station. This very respondent committed a murder when she was ditched by her lover. A floating sex worker of Dhaka said, “Friendly policemen told me that I should not run if I see the policemen in black. If I run then they might gun me down. They are here to catch the criminals and not the sex workers…Now I do not run away and they are also nice people as they often ask me if I had been able to earn some money that night.” A sex worker in Chittagong said, “The police are no better than the mastaans. If we do not help them “arrest” a customer then they would come and beat us up and not let us stand in our usual place or say that they do not want to see us in this locality. On the 10th of this month (February, 2005) the police pick-up van arrived here. The new O.C. got down from his car and started chasing us. But the old one has stopped harassing us… After the office and DIC began their operations here, I think the situation is improving. I think they spoke to the police officials and at least they are not beating us like they used to before. ” Another respondent in Jessore said, “These policemen… I don’t know what to say about them…I had a wristwatch. That Aftab (a policeman) stopped me when I was on my way backhoe. He told me that the wristwatch would look nice on his daughter’s hand and wouldn’t I like to give it for his daughter? I did not have any choice but to give it to him!” A very young floating sex worker of Dhaka added, “These police men, they never let you live in peace… They are always looking for a chance… If they cannot have sex they will touch my body and grope my breasts….” 78 Table 9: Police Harassment/Torture District Physical Abuse / Beating Verbal Abuse Extortion Rape Sex without money Pay less for sex Forced to snatch money from clients Encouraged to join profession Rando m Arrest Fear of police Chittagong 6 2 1 2 3 4 3 3 1 1 1 1 5 1 Jessore 4 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 Sylhet 7 3 1 1 4 3 Total 8 5 1 20 3 3 1 7 2 20 % 2.6% 52.6 21 7.9 13.1% 7.9 2.6 18.4 5.3 52.6 % % % % % % % % NB: A single person has been tortured a multiple number of times and in different ways Dhaka NR 1 1 2 1 5 13.1 % The society: “Our work is not acceptable. In the morning we are not allowed to stand in front of any shop as we bring bad luck! No one will give us a free meal. But at night? We become “queens” for a while because they need us only for a few minutes!” opined a street-based sex worker in Jessore. A sex worker in Dhaka said “We hide our identity while taking a house on rent…If the landlord knows about our work then the rate goes up and he even bothers us. If we are unable to pay the rent on time, our belongings would be taken away from us and we will be thrown out on the streets.” Another floating 16 year-old sex worker in Sylhet said, “After coming to Sylhet I used to work as a laborer - ploughing and digging soil - and with that money I could barely survive. There was a lady - my neighbour - who told me that I could earn a lot if I sell sex on the streets. The girls with whom I shared a room worked as sex workers. I thought about it and took up this work. I also work as a cook in a mess. People know that I work as a cook and with this identity, people in my society do not disturb me at all and they protect me from the thugs and goons.” A sex worker in Jessore told us “The night guards are very rough with us…I should not generalize… There are some who are nice and sometimes they help and protect us but most of them are not. Without any reason they beat us…Like the other day I was going back to my home after work and it was around 3:30 am and this night guard, who stands in front of Monihar cinema hall, beat me with his stick. I did not do anything …These days most of the night guards verbally and physically harass us.” 79 Why are you in the streets and not in the brothel? Almost 70% respondents do not have any idea about the brothels. Only those street based sex workers, who had followed in the footsteps of their mothers or sisters working in a brothel or those who grew-up near a red-light area, knew about brothels. The other floating sex workers did not know anything about brothels. Interestingly, if a floating sex worker wants to go and work inside a brothel they are not welcomed by its inmates. According to the brothel inmates, the floating sex workers (mostly street-based) have no shame as they have sex on the streets like mongrels. The brothel-based sex workers feel that they possess “dignity” since they do not solicit in open public places viz., roads, parks and cinema halls, but work inside a place where there are other people involved in the same trade. The street based sex workers on the other hand feel that they have much more freedom on the streets. They work when they feel like working. There is no one to force them to take customers. They often are their own bosses. And they work at night and then in the morning they go back and mingle with other members of the society. It is “hard” to identify them as sex workers, unless they have been slashed, of course. Among the 38 respondents only 2 followed their mother or sister and joined the sex trade. Among the outreach workers there is only one who worked in the brothels and also as a floating sex worker. When asked why don’t you work from the brothel? Her reply was, “Here I am free. I work only if I feel like working. There is no one to force me to work and take in customers. And when I am out, people do not point their fingers at me saying that I am from the para (Bangla term meaning ‘neighborhood’, used in this context to mean a ‘brothel’)… I do not have a tag attached to me,” (I do not need to wear a burkha, or walk with bare feet). A 27 year old out-reach worker in Dhaka who has been working as a floating sex worker for the last 20-odd years said, “I was very young when my parents died. My Nani (maternal grand-mother) used to look after me. We were very poor and used to live with my maternal aunt and-uncle. My uncle raped me. When I told my aunt about it she asked me to leave her house. So I did not have any option and left home. I was from Adamjee (a jute mill area in Narayangonj). So I crossed the river and came to the old town area in Dhaka. There I got friendly with the girls who used to collect scrap papers. While hanging around with these girls and collecting scrap papers I was picked up by the police and was sent to the vagrant home. Here in the vagrant home there was one person (an 80 officer) who used to regularly abuse me and one day I was raped by him. In the vagrant home I got friendly with sex workers. When I got out of the home I decided to work as a sex worker. I used to work in the streets but had a room rented in the English Road brothel. The brothel inmates used to taunt us: “You have no shame, you are from the streets, no one respects you.” I stayed at English Road, Dowladia and also at the Tangail brothel. But I still feel that in the street we have freedom and in the brothel there are these sardarnis who torture the sex workers working under her and take away their money and allow no freedom of movement…The streets are okay but the police and the mastaans bother us a lot…I was severely beaten up by the police and decided to stop working as a sex worker…Now I want to get plastic surgery done to remove the slash marks I have on my face after which I will lead a “normal” life. It is interesting to see that the income scale of the brothel based sex workers is higher than the floating sex workers. But the expenditure for a brothel based sex worker is also high, as they have to pay for everything on a per-day basis. On the other hand, floating sex workers do not need to spend such high amounts for food, house rent, and other charges for water, use of toilets and gas. On the other hand, the brothel-based sex workers still end up saving more than a floating sex worker. The other important thing is that the floating sex workers face harassment and are abused by their clients or fellow sex worker but, in the brothels, the clients cannot abuse them; they cannot leave without paying; they cannot physically abuse hurt them either. 81 Differentiating a Floating Sex worker: The Scars on their Faces: Among the 38 respondents everyone talked about the slash marks on their face and neck. The others who do not have it yet fear that they might get slashed anytime by the mastaans or clients or by fellow sex workers. A 13-year-old girl working on the streets of Dhaka said, “I am afraid of my Dalalni. She is nice but if I do not listen to her and go out to work, she will come with a blade to slash my cheeks. I listen to her…She is nice with me but she also often threatens me …I need to do this otherwise I cannot survive…I come from a very poor family and I also support my mother…My Dalalni protects me from the mastaans and also from the clients….” It was noticed that women and underage girls working in the sec trade feel that once they have this mark there is no way for them to return. In Chittagong, a sex worker in her 20’s said, “I was raped by local goons and I felt that I should not go back to my family as I felt impure. I came to the city of Chittagong and got a job in a garments factory. In the factory I became friends with girls who used to work, on the side, as sex workers. After a while I followed them and was earning well. I was saving money and there were times I could send some money home to my mother and also to my brother’s family who are very poor. I wanted to go back to my village but I could not. I have a mark on my cheek…I was slashed by my client, as I did not want to go with him. Only bad girls working as sex workers have these slash marks. I just cannot go back to my family with this mark on my cheek. I do not have any way to go back to my village…People in my village will immediately know that I worked in the sex-trade and not in a garment factory.” The respondents in Sylhet did not talk about this much. But for respondents of Dhaka, Chittagong and Jessore this is an issue of concern. An out-reach worker in Dhaka who has a slash mark on her cheek told us that “I am saving money as I would like to do a plastic surgery to remove this mark…I cannot mix with the mainstream society for this mark…I am marked as a sex worker although I have stopped working as a sex worker for the last few years. However, as far as society is concerned, I am still stuck in that time because a “good women” usually will not have such marks”. 82 Vagrant Home: Like the mark on their face, the floating sex workers fear going to the Government run vagrant homes. Barring a few respondents from Sylhet and Chittagong, almost all the floating sex workers have been to vagrant homes more than once. There are a few who have spent 4 to 5 years in vagrant homes. These vagrant homes are commonly known as “Fokir Khana” (home for the beggars), Longor Khana (a home where free food is available) or bhoboghuray (vagrant home). All the respondents told us that the last place they want to be is in the vagrant homes. An underage girl who was raped in the city when she came looking for a job with a fellow villager said that she was taken and kept in the “safe custody” of the police as she was the witness of the rape case. She spent 2 years in the Central Jail and then was shifted to the vagrant home. Here she met a lot of sex workers. She was physically harassed and abused by an official there and later on she decided that there was no other life for her and she got involved in the sex trade. The sex workers she met in the home helped her in the beginning. Everyone complained that the food that is served in the vagrant home is often rotten and the quality of food is very low. There are not enough toilets or bathrooms for the inmates. Water is a problem. And the inmates who are old or staying there for a long time force the younger girls to perform “sexual acts” (lesbian relationships) on them or else they are beaten up by their gangs. The officials are not good at all. Most of the male officials allure the inmates by telling them that they would get good food, good marks which will help them to get out of the homes early and pressurize the young, good looking girls to have sex with them. A sex worker said, “Vagrant homes are sex worker making factories… The corrupt officials transform good women and girls into sex workers.” The brothel based and street based sex workers are kept in vagrant homes and the sex workers often raise the question, “Are we beggars… We are not… We have our home and family then why are we kept in the vagrant homes? Government should stop the police from arresting us and sending us to the fokir khana”. We did find one exception. A women hailing from Chittagong who has spent 14 years in the vagrant home in Dhaka had good things to say about the place. According to her the inmates are taught different skills like weaving, embroidery, tailoring, mora making, etc.; they also have opportunity to read and write. Only those inmates who involve themselves in lesbian acts get harsh punishment from the authorities. 83 Affidavit: What is that? A brothel based sex worker of any age would have a “license” which is nothing but an “affidavit” and the Sardarni (madams) will help new girls to get such a “license”. Often, this money spent for the “license”, becomes a tool for the Sardarni’s (madams) to control the new entrants as she falls into the vicious circle of debt bondage. It was interesting to know that none of the 38 respondents have this “license” or “affidavit”. The women who followed their relatives into this trade have heard about this “license”. But street based sex workers who do not have any connection with the brothel based sex workers have not heard of such a thing. 84 Health Status of the Respondents: HIV/AIDS, STDs and Condom Use: Almost all of the respondents feel that now they have better access to health care services. The sex workers working in the streets and in hotels are now being made aware about HIV/AIDS and most of them now use condoms. Many of the respondents told us that when the CARE project was on, they used to collect condoms free of charge from the DIC (Drop in Center) but after the closure of that project they are facing problems. If they go out to buy condoms from local medicine shops the people often ask them uncomfortable and offensive questions: “Condom? You want to buy a condom? Why? Where is your husband? Ask him to buy it for you. Good women don’t need condoms, why do you need it? Are you a bad woman?” Most of the sex workers now can negotiate better and also educate their clients about the risk of having HIV/AIDS. But these women in the sex trade often have customers who are reluctant to use condoms. Information on Sexual Diseases Yes Cured No No Response A lot of the floating sex workers said that the police often do not listen to them and have sex without a condom. Among these floating sex workers, especially the underage girls do not have the bargaining power and they cannot make the customer use condoms. A 12-year old floating sex worker in Dhaka remarked, “I know about HIV/AIDS and I know that we should use condoms. But I get a lot of customers who do not use them. If I tell them to use a condom they say, you think you 85 are too smart… What do you know about condoms? Just keep quiet… I know what to do.’ I keep shut and cannot say anything.” There are some floating sex workers who only care about money for survival. It is they who are not willing to pursue customers to use condoms. Contraceptive use: There were a few sex workers who had abortions and a few of them do not use any contraceptives. Then there are a number of sex workers who, besides using condoms, take other contraceptives to be on the safe side. Table 10: Contraceptive Use among the Respondents Use of Condom and Contraceptives District Chittagong Dhaka Jessore Sylhet Total No Mention of Injection type/name % % No Respons e % Condom % Pills % 5 6 5 3 2 1 1 5 2 6 2 19 50% 2 5.3% 1 2.6% 1 2.6% 15 39.5% There are a handful of underage girls who are yet to menstruate and do not use any contraceptives. We did not get clear information regarding abortion. Almost all the respondents (except the mentally challenged women) knew where an MR is done and have helped fellow sex workers get abortions at NGO-run clinics or family planning clinics run by the government. Few sex workers interviewed have gone through an abortion and said that they had done it at the government hospital or at places run by NGO’s that offer MR services. Some opt for an induced abortion. It is interesting to note that the sex worker’s who are in their late 30’s or mid 40’s and who have eligible daughters provide information regarding contraception to them. Kulsum Begum in her late 86 30’s recently got her daughter married. She said, “Now, after the work of NGO’s, we not only know about HIV/AIDS and condom use but we also get information regarding safe motherhood and contraception. My daughter got married recently. I educated her and she can read. I gave her reading materials on contraception and safe motherhood… Before entering this trade, I used to take birth control pills and later on I got to learn about condom use and sexual diseases. But how can a mother discuss these issues with her daughter? These are very important issues and I gave her leaflets and she will know what is good for her and how to take care of herself.” Mental Health Care: In our survey we have interviewed 3 women who are mentally or physically challenged. It was very difficult to interview them but the research team felt that this is an area where we lack information. The team saw a large number (about 20 to 25 in number) of such sex workers in Jessore, Sylhet, Chittagong and also in Dhaka. In Jessore they saw the most, and all our 3 cases are from Jessore. One is in her mid 50’s and then the other two are in their early 30’s. Runa is probably autistic and stays at the railway station. She just had a child and is unable to take care of the baby. One day, people at a government office heard a baby crying and found, to their amazement, that Runa had delivered a baby in the garden within the office. They then helped her to get admitted in the local hospital and when we met her she had just been discharged. The people of the locality gave clothes for Runa’s child and also helped her in the beginning. Now she is on her own. The people working in the government office have asked Runa to stay in the veranda of the office, as she does not have a place to go to. Our team saw Runa’s child wrapped in rags abandoned on the veranda. A fellow sex worker told us “a few days ago I rescued Runa’s baby from the street dogs. Runa did not have any money to eat as none of her clients paid her. She had gone looking for clients in the early hours of the day leaving the child alone in the office veranda. A fellow sex worker saw a dog tugging at the rags and rescued the child”. The team spoke to Runa and heard that she was taken to the police station and jailed often. A few days ago she was attacked by the local mastaans as she did not want to go with them. She said that these same mastaans did not allow her to stand in the streets when she was pregnant. 87 There is a lawyer who helps her to get out of the jail, and has done so several times because he has made her his ‘sister’ and she pays him (whatever money) for his services in return! Salma, now in her early 30s, was married but her husband deserted her when he found out that Salma was “not normal”. Salma said, “I was married but I used to go through these spells of abnormality and my husband had asked me to leave his home. I came back to my father’s place but my sister-in-laws were very bad and they used to be very cruel to me. I left home one day when I went wrong in my head. I came to the city. Here I was arrested by the police and was sent to Pabna Mental Hospital. On my way to the hospital, the two police who were accompanying me had sex with me…It was good. Then, after few months, I was released and went back to my father’s house again. But when I started having problems again my father could not keep me at home and I came to the railway station. Here people take me to different places and, after work, sometimes give me money. It feels good as I also have the urge to sleep with men. Salma continues, “the people in the market place specially the food stalls, just don’t let me stand in front of their stalls in the morning…I do not ask for free food but even then I have to come later when there are few or no customers at all. I find it very hard to live on an empty stomach. I get very bad headaches and some times the medicine shops give me medicine. I was fine when I was in Pabna. I can go back there if my father sends me again.” “The police and those boys, who hang around the road side shops, always chase me. They do not let me sleep in peace. Yesterday there were 3 men they gave me Tk.20. I had asked for more but they just walked away. The other day a young boy came. He could not do it properly and slapped me instead! I do not understand why can’t those people be a bit more nicer!” These two respondents represent the people who are mentally challenged. Many of them - men and women - are out there in the streets without care and treatment. It is a serious issue but without more information about them and the lack of a proper primary health care in the country, it is difficult to provide support, care and treatment to these people. General Health Care: There is lack of knowledge about a healthy diet and living conditions in the people working in this sector. As it is, Bangladesh has a very poor primary healthcare system and when we look at this specific group, their condition is among the worst of all people in the country. 88 There seemed to be no major health problems among the respondents. Many of them complained only of headaches and fever for which the local doctor was consulted. They do not frequent the government hospitals or private clinics - all believe that hospitals are to be visited only to treat major illnesses. They also said that if they go to the government hospital with an STD then some doctors and nurses refuse to treat them. But there are good people too who provide them with treatment. One or two respondents mentioned that they had spent many days in the hospital after having had accidents. One woman (mentioned earlier) had to be administered a stomach wash after having consumed 30 sleeping pills along with some alcohol. The local boys took this particular woman to the hospital. Drug addiction: Drug use among the young people, especially those from the low-income group, is on the rise in Bangladesh. Using injective drugs is also a concern for all organizations working to combat HIV/AIDS. A 16 year-old girl said, “I have a son. He is only 4 months old. His father came and took him away from me a few days ago…I did not take any drugs for the last one year…I was also living a “decent” life with my husband. But after the birth of my son my husband left me…I started selling sex again…Just a few days ago he came and took my child away from me…I could not bear the pain…I had some pills and also drank some alcohol and cried for a long time…Yes, I cannot live without my son, I take pills to cope with the pain.” When we went to a Drop-in Center (DIC) in Chittagong we met Kakoli. She is 23 years old and has been working in the streets of Chittagong for the last 4 to 5 years. When we interviewed her, she was drugged and told us her story: “I was in love with a boy from my village in Cox’s Bazaar. But my parents got me married to another man whom I could not stand at all. He doped me and had sex with me… After that incident, I left my husband’s home and came to my parent’s home. But they were forcing me to go back to my husband. I was a tomboy and used to fight a lot with my friends and was also very ill tempered. I could not take their nagging and left home to fend for myself. I came to Chittagong city and got a job in a garments factory. Here I met my boyfriend and we got 89 married. I did not know that he was already married with children. I was heart broken again. I could not take it…I left him too and decided to join the sex trade”. “I get a lot of customers”, continued Kakoli. “People say I am very beautiful…I get all “hifi”(rich) customers. I started taking drugs with my clients. I take pills, I take heroin, marijuana, alcohol…I take everything. Once, I was almost dead… I had mixed up the drugs and had 30 sleeping pills in one go…I was taken to the hospital and they washed my stomach. I just cannot think of myself without drugs. I spend almost Tk.300-500 on drugs everyday. When I take drugs I forget everything and I get the strength to fight. I beat up people if I see or hear anything bad. I also worked as a police informer and I almost killed a client whom I used to like but who had deceived me. He had taken me to Cox’s Bazaar. I was told that only the two of us would be there, but I found him with eight of his friends and he wanted me to work with all of them. I slashed his wrist with a blade. I should let you in this…I am very good at picking pockets…I often pick the pockets of people in the street and I get money…All I want is money to help me buy my strength! ” The sex workers regularly use injections, sleeping pills, LSD, marijuana, heroin when they are with their partners and also with their clients. According to the sex workers, they use drugs to forget their pain and to cope with the hard realities of life. They use drugs to dull their senses - it helps them forget the abuse and harsh treatment that they confront on a regular basis. Among our 38 respondents, 18.42% of the women said that they take drugs regularly. Around 82% of the women did not want to respond, but the researchers noticed that most of the respondents in Chittagong and Sylhet were on drugs while giving the interview. The respondents in Dhaka and Jessore talked about their addiction but they were not on drugs when the interview was being taken. There were 4 to 5 cases where the women told us that they took up this job because their husbands are drug addicts and are unable to support the family. 90 Human Rights Status of the Respondents: After going through the interviews and the information provided by the interviewees it might occur to one that a sex worker working in the streets has the right to decide if she wants to go out for work or not. They are also becoming informed about the health risks and can hide their sex worker identity to the government run hospitals for treatment or go to the NGO run clinics. But these sex workers often do not have a place to stay, food to eat, clothes to wear and many of their children are not going to school. Their basic human rights are not fulfilled. But, do they have job security? Are they treated equally in front of law? Do they have freedom of movement? Can the children of the sex workers attend government schools easily with the identity of their mothers known to the school authorities? Do they feel confident to go to a government hospital for treatment without hiding their true identity? Are they treated like normal citizens of this country? These are the questions that need to be answered in order to know the state of the sex workers in Bangladesh as regards Human Rights. When asked, “Do you know about your rights?” Answer: Rights? What is that?’ Right to Livelihood The sex workers are earning a lot of money, dressing up, eating whatever they wish to eat and some times they go out willingly but what is not visible is the constant fear among the sex workers of Bangladesh. Sex work is not illegal but “prostitution” is discouraged. To solicit in the streets and to run a brothel is totally illegal. As a result the sex workers do not have any livelihood security and they are haunted by the fear of random arrest by the law enforcement agencies. The sex workers also feel that once their work identity is disclosed they will not get a proper burial. They feel that they should be treated like normal human beings and should have the right to a proper burial after their death. The floating sex workers also feel that they have their families, permanent address and they are not vagrants. Most of the floating sex workers are arrested under the Vagrant Act and are sent to the vagrant homes. They also want an end to this random arrest and demand that they have a right to live and work with dignity and that they should not be criminalized for their work. 91 Right to Justice/ Equality before Law: Arbitrary arrests/Detention: According to the law of Bangladesh, the profession of sex work is discouraged and there are laws that criminalize the sex workers. The street based-sex workers can be arrested under Section-54 of the Metropolitan Act and also under Sections 74 and 76, which says that their movement was ‘suspicious’ or had a ‘bad body language.’ They cannot be arrested for being sex-workers. They are often physically and mentally harassed and abused only because they are into sex work. Sex workers are not treated equally in front of the law and they often do not get justice. The police coming on rounds often beat the floating sex workers or just pick them up and keep them in the lock ups. They need to bribe the law enforcing authorities to get out and if they are unable to pay, they go to jail for a couple of months. The interviewed street based sex workers have been to the police station and to jail several times. There are times when they have been arrested twice in a week. A few of them told us, “I stopped counting a long time ago… I just cannot keep track of the records.” The inmate of the jail would taunt them by saying, “I am sure you do not get to eat on the streets, that’s why you are back so early!” Freedom from Slavery: Right to Independent Living: Like the sex workers working inside the brothel as chukri’s (the bonded workers of the sardarni or the bariwali), there are “chukris” working under a “dalalni” in the streets too. Apparently the freedom of street-based sex workers is illusory since the dalalni’s live off the earnings of these young girls working on the streets. 2 underage girls in Dhaka told us that they work under a dalalni and she keeps whatever they earn. In return, these girls get to stay and eat “free of charge”. The girls look after the dalalni’s children and also help with household chores Freedom from Torture, Inhuman/Degrading Treatment: A lot of the floating sex workers have been to “fokir khana” or “bhoboghuray” (the vagrant homes) not once but several times. There was one sex worker who was raped and used as witness of a rape case and she spent 3 years in jail under “safe custody” and then 2 years in a vagrant home, where she was treated like a common convict. After returning, she went back to her native home but the villagers started picking on her. The family was harassed too. After a few days time, she left 92 home and came over to Dhaka. Here she started working as a domestic help. She was raped, left that job and met her friends from the vagrant home. After a few days she decided to take up the work of a floating sex worker”. Most of the respondents in Dhaka said that they are often picked up, kept in the police station and later on are sent to the jail or in the vagrant homes. Those who are lucky are let off after taking a huge sum in bribes from the sex worker or their family or the dalal/dalalni or from a fellow sex worker. Respondents who went to the vagrant home said, “Why are we termed as vagrant? Whenever we are picked up from the streets we are beaten up brutally and we are forced to stay in the vagrant home? Why? Am I a vagrant?” One respondent from Dhaka who was there under safe custody said, “And the situation in vagrant homes is inhuman. We are made to eat rotten food”. She had to buy food from outside and she spent all her money that she earned by working in the vagrant home, on food. A respondent in Jessore told us that “Those men in black caught hold of me and they had beaten me severely…my fault…why did I run? I was told by my friends that these men in black are there to stop crime and violence…I did not do anything…I was standing in front of the bus station and when I saw them coming I thought it was a police van with that new officer inside…so I ran because this new officer is very bad. He is an expert in beating people without any reason.” In the lock ups they are treated badly, often they are raped, beaten up brutally - their only fault is that they are sex workers. Their human rights are grossly violated while they are in custody. Freedom of Movement, Assembly: Unlike the brothel based sex workers who do not get a chance to mix with mainstream society and see the world outside their own without hiding their sex worker identity, these floating sex workers are free to roam around the city. They move from one place to another looking for clients. “The dalal’s do not like the DIC’s or floating sex workers groups and organizations. They say that those places make you people much more smart. Now you do not take customers if they refuse to 93 wear condoms and that is not nice for us to carry out our business,” said Lisa in Dhaka. “After the floating sex workers organizations surfaced, we know that we also have our rights and we have our needs and we also have self respect. We have a right to hold meetings, move from one place to another. And we should not be in any bondage like in the brothels. Before becoming a member of this group I did not know if I had any rights or not. Now I know that police cannot come and pick me up whenever they want to.” Right to Organize: The sex workers are now forming groups of their own to fight for their rights. They have proper elections and they elect their own leaders. The leaders help them when they are in trouble. These organizations do not allow underage girls to become their members as they are also against underage prostitution. But otherwise, the adult women support the young girls. Women in sex trade have now understood the importance of organizing themselves in groups. A 14-year old underage girl “working” in the streets of Chittagong said, “I came in contact with Mamota, an organization of floating sex workers. We saw a lot of girls are forced into this profession and the mastaans and dalals kidnap girls, rape them and just leave. The mastaans torture us too. A few months ago in a meeting we decided that we should form a group to protect ourselves and we had formed 4/5 groups of between 15 and 20 girls. We would roam around the spots as if we are there for customers but we know that we could also come together to fight, if necessary. A few weeks ago we saw a group of 5 to 7 mastaans get hold of a girl. She was tied up and her mouth was gagged with a cloth. We used our code language, got the group together and started arguing. The police was near by and they came and with their help we could rescue the girl. Later, in the morning, we were able to send the girl back to her parents. I feel it is important for us to form groups and that it will change our life.” Right to Vote: Sex workers interviewed by us knew that, as a citizen of Bangladesh, they have the right to vote in national, municipal and ward elections. Most of the sex workers said that they have voted during the elections. A few said that they are old enough to vote. Each and every respondent said that the nominated representatives of different political parties come to them before the election. They listen to them; assure them that, if or when elected, they would look into their matter. But the inmates only see them right before the next election. 94 The Situation of Underage Girls in the Sex Trade: The involvement of underage girls in sex work is a serious issue. There is a great demand for underage girls and more young girls (some are yet to attain puberty) are descending onto the streets and entering the brothels of Bangladesh. People and organizations working with brothel inmates are concerned at the way these underage girls are forced to work and are exploited by their madams and dalals. The situation of the underage girls working on the streets is even worse. They are the most vulnerable ones and do not know how to protect themselves. They often work under a dalalni or dalal and some are fending for themselves all alone. In our survey, we have found a total of 11 underage floating girls and all this at a time when there is a very active campaign about HIV/AIDS. The stories of these underage girls are horrifying and heartbreaking. Table 11: Age Pattern of the Respondents Districts Chittagong Dhaka Jessore Sylhet Total 10-12 years 13-15years 1 1 3 1 1 5 16-17years 2 1 3 Just 18 years 1 1 2 Total Respondents 10 8 11 9 38 Among our respondents there is one girl who is only 12 years old; 5 respondents are between the ages of 13-15 years of age; 3 respondents had specifically said that they were 13 years of age; 3 respondents were in the age group of 16-17; and 2 respondents claimed that they were 18 years old (but their looks hinted they were younger and hence they are included in this section). Of the 11 respondents, 81.8% (9) of them are within the age group 12-16 and have joined the profession when they were barely 10-11 years of age. Our main objective is to stop underage prostitution in the brothels and in the streets. It is somehow easy to make the brothel free from underage “workers” as they all live in a “confined” place, but the scenario of the street is different. Here the persons involved in sex trade are scattered, but each and every one involved has specific areas from where they carry out their business. It is essential to 95 locate these spots and identify underage girls and boys in this trade and take steps to reintegrate them in the society. Are we ready to stop the entry of underage girls as street-based, hotel-based and floating “sex workers”? It is very unfortunate that the young children in Bangladesh have to work to feed themselves for survival while in other developing countries children work for their “pocket money”. Hundreds of underage girls and boys come to the cities everyday to look for jobs. We development workers and policy makers - need to be very careful while making plans to make the streets free of underage children. We should not take harsh steps such as eradicating child labour from the garment factories since they would end up on the streets and in a far worse situation. Just because there is a demand does not mean that the young underage girls need to be in this trade. We should be able to address why such a demand exists, whom have these need and why. An aggressive media campaign against the demand side is also very important. We need to work on the clients who come seeking the “services” of underage girls. Our plans to eradicate child “prostitution” should be done in such a way results are tangible. Effort should be made to ensure that child prostitution is eradicated and not just forced “underground” and out of sight. A lot of the children involved in the “sex trade” are here merely for survival and unfortunately, before getting in this trade, each of them had been a victim of torture and abuse. Child labour is not to be encouraged, but children need to work in Bangladesh as most of our children are from poor families and have to work for survival often to support their whole family. And as long as they do so there is a need to make the work environment safe and economically viable. Child-friendly work opportunities and places and vocational training for the children are what are most needed. Table 12: Situation of Eleven (11) Underage Girls Jail/ Drug District Raped Slashed Vagrant Chittago ng Dhaka Jessore Sylhet Total Home Murder Case Addiction STD’s Fixed Client/ Dalalni Marriage Children 2 1 - 2 1 4 1 1 4 2 4 2 3 27.2 % 1 5 45.4 % 1 2 18.1% 2 1 1 5 45.4% 3 1 1 9 81.1 % 36.3% 4 2 1 1 2 1 9 5 81.1% 45.4% 2 1 3 27.2 % 96 As discussed earlier, the situation of the underage girls working in the streets of Chittagong, Dhaka, Jessore and Sylhet is not good at all. The respondents were raped – either after, or just before joining the trade. After joining this trade almost all of them went to jail and 2 have specific murder cases against them. There are young girls with slash marks on their cheek and neck, which render a return to a normal life next to impossible. Table 12 is indicative of their situation. The reason for these girls to leave home is quite common: there are 3 girls whose parents died; 1 from a family whose father had left them; 2 fled their homes after they were treated very badly by family members; 4 were raped - 2 by local thugs; 3 respondents had abusive step-parents. The respondents who fled home told us that it took some time to “choose and decide their profession”. There are not many jobs for young people. According to one underage girl, “…in the cities we can sell flowers and sweetmeats, collect scrap paper or, if one is lucky, one can get a job in a house as a domestic help or a job in a garments factory (only if you have good connections with the gate man and let him touch your body!)”. After sleeping on the roads or while working as a domestic help the young girls are often abused and raped and that force them too leave. After a visit to a vagrant home, you come in contact with street-based sex workers and then sex work becomes the only option. According to Table 12, the underage girls have STDs and some could be HIV positive. We do not know for sure because they have not had blood tests. Among the underage girls, there is a tendency to show that they are “mature” and they often take hormonal pills or steroids and some of the sex workers told us that they often take medicines that are administered to cows to make them (the young girls) fat. These medicines are very popular among underage girls who usually work on their own in the streets. They also told us that they have no access to condoms or other contraceptives. They cannot buy them over the counter as they face a lot of questions from the chemist. Almost all of these girls often take drugs. 2 girls are regularly taking pills as their husbands have recently taken their children away from them. They told us that by taking drugs they could forget the pain that they are in. These 2 respondents spend Tk.250-500 each day to buy drugs. Ruby is only 13 years old and works in Chittagong. She said, “I love to sing and dance. I know a lot of songs. I wish I could dance. No. I do not want to talk about my past…How I came to this line…It will make me feel bad…I am working in this profession for the last 3 years. The last few months, I did not work. I had an accident and I was admitted to the government hospital. I used to save with YPSA and I came here to collect the money for my treatment. 97 “I used to go to parties,” said Ruby “I was in love with a man. He had asked me to go out with him. When I went with him I saw his friends there too. They were all huge men and there were 8-10 of them. I was mad when I saw them and I decided to kill him. I refused to do anything and I started drinking. Then when I calmed down he came and sat beside me. I had mixed sleeping pill with alcohol and offered him that drink. When he was drugged I slashed his wrist and he died. I was arrested but I told the judge what had happened and the he let me go free.” While talking to respondents we have heard of sad incidents, which forced them to take up sex work as the only means to survive. Rani is only 12 and is married (but hardly talked about her husband). Her mother was forced to leave her father’s (it should be mentioned that Rani’s mother was the 3rd wife of his father and after that he got married 9 times) house because she used to be a sex worker. After Rani’s mother was kicked out she joined the sex trade again to earn a living for herself and her daughter. Rani used to hang around with her mother all the time and saw how she was treated. Even knowing the status of the sex workers, Rani joined sex work to support herself and her drugaddicted husband. This is the only work she knows that is available to her. She was also stigmatized because of her mother’s work and never had a chance to grow up in a “healthy” environment. When asked who is to be blamed for your present situation, she replies promptly: “My father. He should be blamed for every thing”. Rani is going through depression. She is always very quiet and avoids talking to people. She has been to the jail a couple of times. She earns about Tk.300-400 and goes to the cinema hall with her “clients”. She has some “fixed clients” who give her Tk.500-1000 whenever they come for the whole night. She wears a burka and has a specific place to stand and entertains only her “fixed clients”. Among the 11 underage girls, there are 2/3 girls who work under dalalni’s. They give what ever they earn to the dalalni and in return the dalalni provide them with food and shelter. The dalalni some times give the girl’s family some gifts and money. Others (2/3) who work on their own have fixed clients and one may not see them roam around the city looking for clients. Except those who work under dalalni others, mostly in Dhaka, Sylhet and Chittagong, share rented rooms with other girls involved in similar kind of work. These girls go for “shot trip” or for parties. Almost all girls in Jessore live at the railway station or on the footpaths. An underage girl said, “Police often chase us and pick us up from the streets. If we do not help them to identify clients they harass us or abuse us. They some times force us to have sex with them. The 98 mastaans and clients also beat us up. They too harass and abuse us. We do not want to go for parties with unknown clients as we fear of bring killed or physically harmed.” Underage girls working in the streets of Chittagong, Sylhet and Dhaka felt that the DIC’s are good as they have a place to sleep. Earlier they used to be sleeping in the streets, as they could not get out of their house all dressed up for the night. They used to get dressed in the parks for the night. Now they can come to the DIC and take a bath and a nap before they start work. They also feel that through the DIC’s they have been able to know about STD’s and HIV/AIDS and the importance of condom use. The underage girls also get counseling and advice from the adult sex workers on ways to protect themselves and where to go for help when they are in trouble and other related information. A few of the underage girls who frequent the homes/shelters provided by NGO’s working with street children have said that the NGO staff should be nice to them, give them love, care and they should not just “discipline” them by scolding. There are girls who were taken to the shelters but they ran away because these sensitive young children did not get affection or love. They have also said that there is some NGO staff that abuses them also. There is a girl, Nodi, who just turned 18 said “I grew up in a shelter home for street children run by a NGO. There were very few bhai (brother) and apa (sister) who were nice to us. Most of them used to make faces and always after us……but there were good bhai and apa too. I stayed there because I did not like roaming around the city all the time collecting scrap papers and go through people’s bad behaviour. When I used to go out to work I did came across floating sex workers and I did received offers to join them. But I did not go. Anyway, when I turned 18 years old I was sent to the girls hostel run by the same NGO. In this hostel, the inmates used to work in different places and stayed here. After a while I got a job in a garment factory too. I was doing fine but a friend of mine……what a friend! Anyway, one day she told me to go out with her. I agreed to her proposal, as that was my holiday too. She took me to a boarding (low cost hotel) and there she asked me to sit in a room with her friend. Well I did not know what was going on and I was sitting inside the room for a long time. When I got up to go look for my friend I found out that the door was locked from outside. I started shouting but I was told that I have been sold by my friend and my job is to make the parties happy”. Nodi goes on “I thought of getting out but now I am known as a sex worker and I cannot go out as a “normal” woman and work……I have lost every thing and this is what was written in my fate!” 99 Many of the underage girls have connections with their family back at “home” and there are some who do not have any connection at all (because they have scarred faces or have been raped). A girl in Sylhet says, “I come from a very poor family. I worked in Chittagong in a garment factory and came looking for a better job in Sylhet. Here I came in contact with a sex worker who gave her ideas of this “work”. I went with her a couple of times and now I am on my own. I earn quite a lot but I spend a lot too. I am also saving money and I send money to support my mother who lives with my brother. I dream of getting married sometime time soon. I will get married to a man from my own village because I want to be sure of his attitude and I can also get hold of him if he leaves me.” Those who were married and had children (who have since been taken away by their “husbands”) feel that there is noting else left for them. They will work in this area and earn money to buy drugs to help them forget their pain. Besides, those who are married without a child feel lost and depressed and have no plan for the future. All unmarried, underage girls dream to get out of this work and get married to a nice, sensitive man, build a house, buy some land and start a business or find a good job after a few years. Till then these few years, they would like to work in the streets to create some savings, which would give her financial clout (with her husband) and establish them as a successful married couple. 100 Drop-in Centers: After the floating sex workers started organizing themselves into groups, organizations working with them opened Drop-in Centers (DIC) where floating sex workers could rest, bathe, cook a meal, sleep, wash their cloths etc. Through these DIC’s the NGO’s also provided them with regular health check-ups, educated them about the STD’s and informed them about the risks of HIV/AIDS. The NGO’s conducted campaign programs to motivate the sex workers to use condoms. They helped them open bank accounts and also arranged for non-formal education for the women in this trade. In addition to this, counseling programs conducted by these NGOs, help sex workers cope with the day-to-day violence that they face. At times, they provide legal assistance to the sex-workers. Most of the sex workers are becoming aware of their rights as citizens. These DIC’s have been able to create a space for these women in the sex trade. On the other hand, sex workers groups do not allow an underage girl to join. At the DIC, however, the adult and responsible sex workers council the underage girls and encourage them to search for other avenues to earn a living. The sex workers (24/38) who have children feel that the NGO’s working with them should provide a space where they can leave their children and go to work. Most of the sex workers do not have any one to look after their children. Neither do they have a place where someone would look after their children since none of the respondents live in the same neighbourhood that they work in. The sex workers in Chittagong, Sylhet and Dhaka feel that the DIC should be open on Fridays and they should be open for them to sleep at night also. After their work at night, seldom can the average sex worker return home and they do not have a place to spend rest of the night. The floating sex workers in Jessore are going through a bad time. NGO’s who used to help them by providing health care and other services have closed due to lack of funds and the sex workers in Chittagong are told that the only surviving organization may have to curb their activities, as they too are short on funding. 101 Future: Expectations and Needs Among the 38 respondents, 57.9% (22/38) respondents have a future plan; 31.6 % (12/38) respondents did not reply and 10.5% (4/38) of the respondents clearly said that there is no plan for the future. Most of the women have a dream to save some money and go back to their village, build a house, buy some land and start a business with the savings. These women, who have future plans, told us, “this work is not good… We are doing it because we have not found anything else to do and one cannot carry on in this profession for long. If I get a good job with the NGO’s or can start a business, I will leave this life. Life in the streets is very risky…I need some peace in life and need some time where I do not have to be in fear. I am in touch with my family and they do not know what I do for a living. I know that I can go back…before that I need to save some more money so that I can settle down properly.” There is another girl in Dhaka who said, “I will work for 5 to 6 years and then will find a good man and get married.” Another underage girl in Dhaka said, “I need to work because I have to arrange marriage for my 2 younger sisters and I have to help them to build their future. I cannot let them come in this profession and suffer the way I am suffering.” The sex workers in Jessore appear very lost and disturbed. Most of them do not have a future plan and they did not say anything in this regard. Most of them told us, “Future? I have not thought about my future yet.” Another sex worker said, “There is no future plan for me…what can I do? I do not have anything to do in the future. Life will go on as it is now”. Another sex worker said, “I want a job… a respectable job so that I can bring up my daughter properly and with dignity”. Sex workers in Sylhet seem to be more organized as 7 out of 9 respondents have made plans for their future. The ones who are unmarried would like to get married and are saving money so that they can fulfill their dreams. The ones with children dream to raise them properly; to educate them and get them married. All of them have bought land in their village so that they can go back home soon. One woman said that she would like to organize the floating sex workers so that would have one voice to demand their rights. 102 Evidently, all the sex workers interviewed live in a constant fear of their identities becoming known – an immediate consequence if they are evicted from their homes. They lack livelihood security and there is a need for a better, healthier and more secure work environment. Often floating sex workers with scars on their faces cannot go back to their original villages because they are identified as “prostitutes” and the whole family is then victimized and ostracized. All sex workers look down upon their profession. When asked what they thought about their profession, the answer inevitably was “Kharap kaj”- It is a bad work.” The reply was almost the same everywhere. All of them said, “Once you are in this profession, be it in the brothel or in the streets, you just cannot get out. Society will find out about my work. How? Because I walk differently, I talk differently, I dress up differently! You see there is a ‘stamp’ on my body. If I get out of the street now, I will not get any work. I will not be accepted into mainstream society. Sex workers organizations are trying to fight for our rights.” The respondents do not want their children to join this profession. And those who have young girls and boys try to keep them away. The children of the sex workers are victimized because of their mother’s profession. Although the mother is the main bread-earner, they need a father’s name. The respondents want their children to have free access to education like any other children. All the respondents with children told us that the NGO’s who are running DIC’s should provide child care and run homes for their children where they will have a chance to grow up in a safe and healthy environment. The interviewed sex workers hope that the law enforcing authorities would stop harassing them and extorting their hard-earned money. They should not be looked down upon because of their profession. The underage girls who are in this trade often do not see a way to revert to a “normal” life. Organizations should also carry out programmes to understand the needs of these children and try to find out how to support them and make plans to help them to live independently and with dignity. The programmes for sex workers carried out by different development, human rights, women rights, legal aid NGO’s and the workings of the Drop-in Centers have given the sex workers an awareness amongst them that there are other works besides “prostitution” which they can do. This aspect needs to be given due importance and the DICs should continue with the on going programmes. 103 The NGO staff who, will be dealing with the underage girls should have special training so that they can deal with them with love and affection so that they feel at home. The NGO’s should motivate and help to make a bright future for these sensitive young people. 104 Conclusion: Sex workers, whether they are working in a brothel or on the streets, are a reality that society has to accept. It is therefore imperative that they be treated as any other (working) citizen of the country and that their basic and fundamental human rights are not violated. The abolition of “prostitution” by evicting the inmates from the brothels is not a solution for discouraging “prostitution”. Rather, such steps have increased the number of floating sex workers, making these women more vulnerable and places them in a situation where they have no rights at all. The number of underage girls entering this profession (both in the streets and in brothels) is very high and they are the most vulnerable since they cannot “protect” themselves. Neither do they have any bargaining power. The women who are mentally challenged do not have anyone to care for them. They become the burden of the family and often end up in the streets without care. The team saw lot of women who are mentally challenged in all 4 cities. These women roam aimlessly, live on the streets, are abused and harassed by the men and some times they get money for “sex work” which helps them to buy food. The ones who have children live at the mercy of others. Who should be held responsible for such women? The state and concerned NGO’s should take steps to help mentally challenged women and provide them with food, shelter, treatment and care. This “profession”, whether we accept it or not, will continue to exist – at least into the foreseeable future. So let us try to improve the environment. Instead of attempting to sweep them under the carpet, the existence of sex workers in society should be acknowledged. The atmosphere of their work place needs to be opened up and regular health check-ups, a self-regulatory committee to check the entry of young girls should be made mandatory to prevent crime and abuse among the sex workers. Only this may help lessen the crimes that take place among those associated with “prostitution”. Illegal activities like underage prostitution, rape, deception, kidnapping, trafficking, dealing with drugs, sheltering criminals and the like, may decrease. The role of the law enforcing agencies, specifically the police, as far as the floating sex workers are concerned needs to be clearly defined. It has been observed that their clients and goons regularly beat up floating sex workers but these incidents are not reported in brothels. A few policemen on duty “protect” them while most others do not and even harass the sex workers. 105 Under the contradictory laws of the country (while “sex work” is not illegal, soliciting and running a brothel is) sex workers are being exploited, tortured, harassed and abused – legally, all in the name of the law. We should remember that the total number of sex workers is estimated to be around 150,000. This is a debatable statistic - most experts admit that it could well be “higher”. There are thousands of women living in unbearable conditions and not everyone chose this profession willingly. The women of indigenous communities are rarely seen in this profession at all. Recognizing the existence of sex workers is the first step to ensuring that they have a right to live a normal life like any other human being. They have a right to life and livelihood. It is therefore imperative, that they be treated at par with other citizens of the country and ensuring that their fundamental human rights are not violated. As equal citizens, sex workers and their families must be accorded the entire range of human rights – the right to education, housing, food and security, association, health, family, and freedom from violence – all those human rights which every human being is entitled to by virtue of being human and not conditioned by who he is or what he does. The sex workers in Bangladesh have a right to live with dignity and have a right to livelihood. Their children have a right to be brought up in a society free from exploitation and squalor. In standing beside the sex workers in their just struggle for human rights, we, the rest of society, are not doing them a favour; we would merely be doing our duty as holders of rights and as citizens of this country. 106 Appendix II – Comparison between brothel-based and floating sex workers Table 1 : Age at join this profession in brothel. Below9 9-12 Year 13-15 Year 16-17 Year 18+ Year Not mentioned Total Frequency 0 7 13 10 7 1 38 Percentage 0 18% 35% 26% 18% 3% 100 Age Table 2 : Age at join this profession in floating. Age Below9 9-12 Year 13-15 Year 16-17 Year 18+ Year Not mentioned Total Frequency 2 9 7 3 12 5 38 Percentage 5% 24% 18% 8% 32% 13% 100 Diagram 3 : Comparison between age structure at joining the profession Comparison betwee n ag e structure at jo inin g the profession 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Below -9 9-12 Year 13-15 16- 17 18+ Not mentioned Yellow color= brothel Green color= floating 107 Table 4: Comparison between torturing situation in brothel and floating Torture Brothel Floating Police 23% 87% Mastan 15% 63% Sardarni/Dalalni Customer 8% 8% 10% 100% Diagram 5: Comparison between torturing situation in brothel and floating. Torturing situation in brothel and floating 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% Police Mastan Sardarni/Dalalni Customer brothel floating Table 6: Income brothel per day Income Range Frequency Percentage Below100 0 0 100-200 200-300 300-400 400-500 8 21% 9 24% 8 21% 6 16% 5001000 3 8% NR 4 10% Table 7: Income per day for floating Income Range Frequency Percentage Below100 4 11% 100-200 200-300 300-400 400-500 5 13% 6 16% 8 21% 2 5% 5001000 2 5% NR 11 29% 108 Diagram 8: Brothel and floating income per day Brothel and floating income per day 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Be R N lo w -1 10 00 02 20 00 03 30 00 04 40 00 050 500 010 00 brothel income floating income Table 9: Savings brothel Savings (f) Where (f) Yes No NR Total Bank NGO 23 61% 14 37% 1 38 4 2% 100% 17% 13 58% Land/gold Post office 1 1 4% 4% NR Total 4 17% 23 100% Table 10: Savings floating Savings (f) NR (f) Where (f) Yes No Bank Shop Land/gold Village NR 14 11 13 5 2 3 1 3 36.84% 28.95% 34.21% 35.71% 14.28% 21.43% 7.14% 21.43% 109 Diagram 11: Saving comparison Compare between brothel & floating 70% 60% 50% 40% brothel 30% floating 20% 10% 0% Yes No NR District Beating/ harassment Extortion Have sex without money Verbal abuse Snatching money NR Chittagong Dhaka Jessore Sylhet Total 10 6 5 4 25 65.8% 7 8 3 1 19 50% 5 6 8 2 21 55.2% 10 7 9 26 68.4% 9 8 5 2 24 63.2% 1 2 1 4 10.5% Table 12: Tortu re/Har assme nt by Masta an. Table 13: Drop-in- Centre District Take service from centre CTG Dhaka Jessore Sylhet Total Percentage 9 6 4 8 27 71 Don’t know/take service 1 5 1 7 18 NR 1 1 2 4 11 110 Diagram 14: Drop-in centre Drop-in-center 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Series1 Don’t Take service know/take service from centre NR 111 Appendix III - Organizations and persons who has helped for the interviews to the street sex workers in Dhaka, Chittagong, Jessore & Sylhet Jessore 1. Md. Abu Nayeem Project Coordinator, BCHRP Jagorani Chakra Head office: 44 Mujib Sarak Jessore-7400, Bangladesh Tel: 088-0421-72218 Fax: 088-0421-72243 : Project office: Arabpur Math Para Arabpur, Jessore-7400 Tel: 088-0421-61173 Mobile: 0171-584329 E-mail: 2. Taslima Akhter Chairperson, Banchte Chai Nari Sangha Contact: Md. Abu Nayeem (Her grand daughter is a resident student in the Jagorani Chakra home. Her mother's name is Ivy. To contact Taslima one can keep message for Ivy at the home.) Chittagong Organization's name: Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) Our contact person: Mohammed Rafiqul Islam Program Manager HIV/AIDS 0189-612796 Head Office: House# F10 (P), Rd# 13 Block-B Chandgaon R/A Chittagong-4712, Bangladesh Tel: 88-031-672857, Mobile: 88-018-321432, 0171-825068 e-mail: Field Office: 822/A, Mehedibag, 1st Lane Dampara, Chittagong 112 2. Also talked to Sima Datta, working with YPSA, a new job entrant from Ctg Varsity. Her mobile: 0172-981422. She is young and enthusiastic, is involved with Bangladesh Samajtantric Dol, can be of helpful in many ways. 3. Concern Phone: 031-672005, Chittagong Sylhet 1. Belal Ahmed General Secretary SSKS Probaho-27 (1st floor) Machudighipar, Taltola Sylhet 3100 Phone: 0821-721307, 813678 Mobile: 0178-034370 E-mail: 2. Shameem, Program Manager of the program which is working with the floating sex workers. Mobile: 0176-159399. 3. Sandhi Nari Sangstha, talked to Farida, the deputy chair person of Sandhi Nari Sangstha and an outreach worker of SSKS. Could not talk to Parul, the chairperson of Sandhi as she was ill. The persons can be contacted through SSKS. In Sylhet DORP is also working with floating sex workers but could not meet them due to time constraint. Dhaka DURJOY (The floating sex workers organization) 122/A P.C Culture Housing Society, Road no. 1 Shaymoli, Dhaka 1209 Mobile: 0189-404850 113 Appendix IV – Organizations of Sex Workers and NGOs working the in brothels (Source: “Sex workers in Bangladesh. Livelihood at What Price?”, Qurratul-AinTahmina, Shishir Moral, SEHD, 2004) 1. Adhikar Nari Shanga (Sex Workers) Phultala Brothel Phultala bazar Khulna Working area: Phultala brothel 2. Akshaya Nari Sangha (Sex workers) C/O: Center Manager BWHC 17 New Chasara, Narayanganj-1400 Working area: Narayanganj; a major commercial town east of Dhaka. 3. Action Aid Bangladesh Plot# 1/13, Block-B Humayun Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207 Tel: 8111763, 8118378, 8815991-2 E-mail: Working area: Dhaka streets and Tangail brothel. Major activities: Education for the children of the sex workers. 4. Ain O Salish Kendra (ASK) 26/3 Purana Paltan Line Dhaka-1000 Tel: 8315851 E-mail: Working area: All over Bangladesh Major activities: Legal Aid 5. Aparajeyo Bangladesh 2/5 Humayun Road Block-B Mohammadpur, Dhaka Tel: 8115798, 9135969 E-mail: Working area: Jamalpur brothel and street Major activities: Drop in center, hostel for the children for sex workers, Education for the children, HIV/AIDS awareness, and condom promotion 6. Association for Economic Advancement (ASEA) Hatkhola Road, Jessore Tel: 0421-62286 Working area: All three brothels in Jessore Major activities: Creating awareness on HIV/AIDS, micro-credit for the sex workers 114 7. Banchita Nari O Shishu Unnayan Samiti (regd) C/O: ASEA Hatkhola Road Jessore Working area: The three brothels in Jessore 8. Bondhon Hijra Sangha (regd) 233/2 Progoti Saroni, Kuril Biswa Road Dhaka Working area: Dhaka Major activities: Trans-gender people as most of the members earn their living by selling sex in the streets 9. Bangladesh National Women Lawyer’s Associations (BNWLA) House-60/A Road- 27 (old) Dhanmondi Dhaka-1209 E-mail: Working area: All over Bangladesh Major activities: Legal aid, rescuing women and children who are victims of Trafficking and other violence, rescuing and rehabilitating under age girls from Brothel, shelter home for women and children. 10. Bangladesh Women’s Health Coalition (BWHC) 10/2 Iqbal Road Mohammadpur Dhaka-1207 Tel: 8110974-5,8112286-7 E-mail: Working area: Narayanganj and Dhaka streets and Tangail brothel. Major activities: Reproductive health care services, including legal early Abortion of fetus, prevention, prevention of HIV/AIDS, helping networking of sex workers 11. Care Bangladesh House-66 Road-7/A Dhanmondi R/A Dhaka-1209 Tel: 9112315, 9136924, 8123364 E-mail: Working area: Four brothels-Patuakhali, Faridpur, C & B Ghat and Tangail. Sex workers working in streets: Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, Rajshahi, Barisal,Sylhet, Jessore, Bogra, Savar, Benapole, Mymenshing. Major activities: HIV/AIDS prevention, empowering sex workers, facilitating self-help organizations of the sex workers 12. CONCERN- Bangladesh House-7 115 Road-12 (new) Dhanmondi R/A Dhaka-1209 Tel: 8112795, 8112796, 8115972 E-mail: Working area: Dhaka, Madaripur, Faridpur, Phultala, Mongla, Bagerhat, Jessore, Perojpur, sex workers working in streets. Major activities: Capacity building of sex workers organizations Durjoy Nari Sangha and Ulka Nari Sangha as a partner, skill development, ALC, literacy, health service, awareness, rehabilitation by partnership 13. Durjoy Nari Sangha (regd) 122, PC Culture Road No-1 Block-Ka Shyamoli Dhaka-1207 Mob: 0088-0171-060675/ 0171-188912 Working area: Sex workers working in streets began in Dhaka Metropolitan City area by 2004 had branches in Khulna, Rangpur, and Savar; also working in Sylhet, Chittaging, Burimari, Benapole, Syadpur, Jessore, Rajshahi, Jamalpur and Faridpur. 14. Ekota Mohila Unnyan Samiti (sex workers) PO: Bagerhat PS: Bagerhat Sadar Bagerhat Working area: Bagerhat Brothel 15. Ekotal Nari Sangha (sex workers) C/O- Momata Taltola, Bandartila Chittagong Working area: Sex workers working in streets; Chittagong 16. Foundation for Human Development (FHD) 78/A Moneswar Road, Zigatala Dhanmondi Dhaka-1209 Tel: 8618979, 9617221 E-mail: Working area: Mymensing and Faridpur streets. Major activities: Drop-in-centres, prevention of HIV/AIDS. 17. Gharany. PS- Jessore Dist: Jessore Working area: Three brothels in Jessore Major activities: Health treatment, awareness building, training, educational facilities, and the taking care of sex-worker's child and their education. 18. Gonoshasthya Kendra (GK) PO: Nayarhat, Dhamrai Dhaka 116 Tel: 7708081-6, 7708024-5 E-mail: Working area: Doulatdia brothel and Dhaka streets. Major activities: STD diagnosis and treatment, general healthcare and reproductive healthcare services, motivating behavioral changes mainly for health, condom promotion. 19. HELP PS-Bagerhat Dist: Bagerhat Working area: Bagerhat Brothel Major activities: Health, HIV, STD 20. INCIDIN-Bangladesh 9/11 Iqbal Road, Mohammadpur Dhaka-1207 Tel: 8129733 E-mail: Working area: Dhaka; underage sex workers working in streets. Major activities: Counseling, one drop-in-center only for the day, capacity building training. 21. Joy Nari Kalyan Samiti C/O- Tapan Kumar Goswami Zilla Parisad Market Goalchamot Faridpur Major activities: The bigger of the two brothels in Faridpur 22. Jagorani Chakra (JC) 44 Mujib Sarak Jessore-7400 Tel: 0421-72218, 72243 E-mail: Working area: All three brothels in Jessore, Magura streets and Phultala brothel. Major activities: Day care centers for the children of sex workers creating health awareness and treatment, advocacy for rights of sex workers, micro-credit, training, education 23. Jagrata Juba Shangha ( JJS) 96. South Central Road Khulna-5 Tel: 041-730146 E-mail: Working area: Banishanta brothel and Bagerhat brothel, southwestern Bangladesh Major activities: Generating awareness on HIV/AIDS, promotion of condoms, medical camps, education the children of the sex-workers. 24. KAJUS (CARE) PS-Patukhali 117 District: Patuakhali Working area: Patuakhali brothel Major activities: Health, prevention HIV/STD, adult education, savings. 25. Kalikapur Juba Sangsad Town Kalikapur, Potuakhali Tel: 0441-63551 Working area: Potuakhali brothel Major activities: Creating awareness on HIV/AIDS, treatment for STD, condom promotion. 26. Karmojibi Kallyan Sangstha(KKS) Goalondo Bazar PO: Goalondo, Rajbari-7710 Tel: 0641-65544, 65472, 65853 E-mail: Working area: Doulatdia brothel Major activities: Shelter home for the brothel children, creating awareness on HIV/AIDS, micro-credit for sex workers, savings and adult education. 27. Marie Stopes Clinic Society House No.6/2, Block-F Lalmatia Housing Estate, Lalmatia Dhaka-1207 Tel: 9121208, 9129022, 8114392, 8114394 E-mail: Working area: Dhaka, Khulna, Chittagong, Barisal, Sylhet, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Mymensing, Comilla and Brahmanbaria; sex workers working in streets and Bagerhat brothel. Major activities: Reproductive health care services, general healthcare services, health education of sex workers, HIV/AIDS prevention, STD, free medicine. 28. Mukti Mohila Samiti(regd) PO: Goalondo PS: Goalondo Rajbari Working area: The brothel in Doulatdia Ghat Major activities: Savings, Adult Education, Sanitation 29. Naripokhho 170 Green Road, Dhaka-1205 Tel: 8119917, 0171-819069 E-mail: Working area: All over Bangladesh. Major activities: Advocacy and networking. One of the core organizations assisting evicted sex workers and their moves for rights. 30. Nari Jagoroni Sangha PO: Baniashanta Bazar PS: Dacop Khulna Working area: The brothel in Baniashanta. 118 31. Nari Mukti Sangha(regd) Biswas Betoka (Dhaka Road), Tangail Tel: (mobile) 0088-1071-220721 / 018-179865 Working area: The brothel in Tangail and also networking in Bogra, Mymensing and Jamalpur brothels and streets. 32. OXFAM House-4, Road-3, Block-1 Dhaka-1213 Tel: 8813607-9 E-mail: Working area: Dhaka and Narayangonj streets and Baniashanta brothel. Major activities: Advocacy for the rights of the sex workers, providing supports for the sex workers’ networking. 33. Padma Karmajibi Mohila Samiti C/O. CARE-Rajshahi Working area: Rajshahi; sex workers working in streets 34. Padma Nari Sangha Vill: Tepurakandi PS: Faridpur Sadar Faridpur Working area: The brothel in C & B Ghat, the smaller of the two brothels in Faridpur 35. PKS (USAID and Pathfinder) 47 South Central Road Jessore Working area: Phultala brothel, and Noapara and Shathkhira Major activities: Working with Floating sex workers, treatment of sexual diseases, and pregnant women, RPR test, HIV/AIDS prevention, condom promotion, clinical services and awareness training, and also working with migrant sex workers. 36. Sandhi Nari Sangha C/O. CARE- Bangladesh Sylhet Working area: Sylhet sex workers working in streets 37. Sanghati C/O. Nari Pokkho 170, Green Road Dhaka-1205 Tel: 8119917, 0171-819069 E-mail: Working area: All over Bangladesh Major activities: Advocacy and networking. The umbrella organization was formed during the eviction drive of Tanbazar in 1999. Has been actively supporting the movement for the rights of the sex workers ever since. 119 38. Save the Children- Australia Plot No-9 (3rd floor) Road No-16 Gulshan-1 Dhaka-1212 Tel: 9861690-1, 8814517, 8828118 E-mail: Working area: Doulatdia brothel 39. Shalpa Mohila Sangstha Mollabari Sarak Goal Chamot Faridpur Tel: 0631-65640 E-mail: smsch@bttb.netbd Working area: Faridpur and C & B Ghat brothels and Faridpur streets. Major activities: Health treatment, micro credit, raising awareness on human rights, right based approach, prevention of HIV/AIDS, treatment for STD, schooling of the children of the sex workers which is attended by other children from the neighborhood, adult education, vocational training for sex workers 40. Society for Environment and Human Development (SEHD) 4/4/1-B Third Floor Block-A, Lalmatia Dhaka-1207 Tel: 9121385 E-mail: Working area: All over Bangladesh Major activities: Research and Documentation. 41. Society for Social Services (SSS) Palashtali Road Tangail Tel: 0921-53195 E-mail: Working area: Tangail brothel Major activities: Health (preventive and curative), Human rights, rescue and rehabilitation, micro credit, training, awareness on HIV/ STD, Saving, Education, Shelter home for the brothel children, SSS has started buried the sex workers in their own grave yard. 42. Suraksha A Project of the NGO social Marketing Company. 180, East Tezturi Bazar, Tejgaon Dhaka-1215 Tel: mob-0171-582692 Working area: 18 centers across the country, four of which are in Mymensing, Jamalpur, Faridpur and Madaripur Brothel. Major activities: awareness, condom promotion and sales, health programs. 120 43. Shuktara kollan Sonstha (A Voluntary Organization) PS-Mymensingh Dist: Mymensingh Working area: Mymensingh brothel Major activities: Awareness, stipend type activities and mass education 44. Sex workers NetWork of Bangladesh 122 PC Culture Road No-1, Block-Ka Shyamoli Dhaka-1207 Tel: Ulka Nari Sangha’s or Durjoy Nari Sangha’s. Working area: All over Bangladesh, representing the entire range of commercial sex workers: street based, brothel based or evicted from brothels, hotel based and trans-gender. 45. Sourav (regd) Anwara Mansion, Bagan Bari Islampur Road, Jamalpur Tel: 0981-63988, 018207041 Working area: The brothel in Jamalpur 46. Sourav C/O: Nari Maitree Ramesh Sen Road, Mymensing Working area: Mymensing brothel 47. The Salvation Army House-96 Road-23 Banani Dhaka-1213 Tel: 9882836-7 E-mail: Working area: Marwari Mondir brothel Major activities: Health treatment, literacy for the older people, child education, formation of savings fund, motivation activities, blood test, counseling, STD diagnosis and treatment, condom and birth control pills promotion. 48. Ulka Nari Sangha 445 Mir Hazeerbagh, Ward No-87 Demra, Dhaka-1004 Tel: (mobile) 0088-0171-043226 Working area: Dhaka: sex workers working in streets. 49. UNDP-Govt. Project Office of the National Project Director National Social Services Academy Bhaban (2nd floor) E-8/B-1, Agargaon 121 Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207 Tel: 8110619 E-mail: Working area: Brothels- Mymensing, Jessore, Daulatdia and Dhaka streets. Major activities: Advocacy and creating awareness, counseling and motivational activities for sex workers on gender equality and human rights, pre-formal and non-formal education for sex workers and their children, crèche and basic education for the children of sex workers; boarding facilities for sex workers and their children, providing healthcare and generating awareness on health issues including STD, HIV/AIDS and on environment; vocational training for sex workers. The Programs are implemented by the following NGOs: ¾ Alliance for Cooperation and Legal Aid Bangladesh (ACLAB) 8/13 Block-C, Tajmohol Road Mohammadpur, Dhaka Tel: 8129400 E-mail: Working area: All three brothels in Jessore and Dhaka streets. ¾ Development organization of the Rural Poor (DORP) 152/ L-1 Green road, Panthapath Dhaka-1205 Tel: 9130101, 9138695 E-mail: Working area: Dhaka; sex workers working in streets. ¾ Nari Maitree 393/ B Malibagh Chowdhuri Para Dhaka-1219 Tel: 7213408 E-mail: Working area: Mymensing brothels and Dhaka streets. ¾ Nari Unnayan Shakti 823/A Khilgaon Dhaka-1219 Tel: 7216270 E-mail: Working area: Dhaka: sex workers working in streets ¾ PIACT-Bangladesh 9/11 Iqbal Road Mohammadpur Dhaka-1207 Tel: 8112078, 8118044 E-mail: Working area: Doulatdia brothel and Dhaka streets. 50. World Vision of Bangladesh 122 34 Kamal Ataturk Avenue Banani Dhaka-1213 Tel: 8813555-7, 8815515-7 E-mail: Working area: Khulna and Cox’s Bazar, southwestern and southeastern Bangladesh respectively, sex workers working in streets. Major activities: Prevention of HIV/AIDS, Health education. 123 Appendix V – Questionnaire for survey Brothel national survey Date: First section (for leaders and local ngos staff) Name of the brothel................................................................................................................................ District.................................................................................................................................................... Upazila.................................................................................................................................................... Thana/police station................................................................................................................................ Location (is near a river port or industrial area, business area, etc.)...................................................... How old is this brothel........................................................................................................................... Total number of sex workers................................................................................................................. Sex workers age categories: 1. Below 18 years........................................................................................................................... 2. 18-25 years................................................................................................................................. 3. 26-35 years................................................................................................................................. 4. 36-45 years................................................................................................................................. 5. 46 and above............................................................................................................................... How many a) Chukris (bonded girls)..................................................................................................... b) Bharatia (independent sex worker)................................................................................. c) Shordarni (madams).................................................................................................... d) Pimps (dalal)................................................................................................................... e) Others (cooks, old sex workers, etc.)............................................................................. Are the sex workers coming from 1. Local district.................................................................................................... 2. neighbouring districts...................................................................................... 3. far away........................................................................................................... 124 How many sex workers children are living in the brothel a) 0-5............................................................................................................................................... b) 6-10............................................................................................................................................. c) 11-15........................................................................................................................................... d) 16-18........................................................................................................................................... What do the children do when their mothers are working..................................................................... Who looks after the younger children.................................................................................................... Do the children go to school? 1. Government school...................................................................................................................... 2. NGOs school.............................................................................................................................. 3. Private schools............................................................................................................................ 4. Others......................................................................................................................................... What is the common disease the sex workers are suffering inside the brothel? 1. ........................................................................................................................................ 2. ........................................................................................................................................ 3. ........................................................................................................................................ Where do they go for health treatment? 1. Government hospitals.................................................................................................................. 2. Clinics......................................................................................................................................... 3. Ngos clinics................................................................................................................................. 4. Others......................................................................................................................................... Do the sex workers have drug addiction/alcohol problems? Do they know about HIV/STD........................................................................................................? Total number of houses.......................................................................................................................... How many rooms in the same house...................................................................................................... How many Rooms in the brothel.............................................................................................. How many sex workers in the same room.............................................................................................. How many latrines do they have in the brothel...................................................................................... Where do they fetch water? 1. bath/washes................................................................................................................................. 2. drinking....................................................................................................................................... 125 How many tube wells in the brothel....................................................................................................... Do they have electricity.......................................................................................................................... Is there any proper drainage system....................................................................................................... How do they keep it clean..................................................................................................................... Is there any NGOs working in the brothel.............................................................................................. How many are they and what is their name........................................................................................... From how many years are they working in the brothel.......................................................................... What kind of activities do they carry out........................................................................................ What is the most serious problem for sex workers now? 1. .................................................................................................................................................... 2. .................................................................................................................................................... 3. .................................................................................................................................................... Do the sex worker have a proper funeral service................................................................................... Where..................................................................................................................................................... Why not.................................................................................................................................................. 126 Second Section (Questionnaire for Sex Workers) 1. Name ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Age ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Home district/Place of birth. 4. Category (bharatia, chukri or shoardarni) ……………………………………………………… 5. How many years did you spend in this brothel: ………………………………………………… 6. How old were you when you started this work: 1. 9-12…………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. 13-15………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. 16-17+………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Above 18……………………………………………………………………………………… 7. In which brothel did you start the profession 8. Who brought you in this profession: 1. My free choice………………………………………………………………………………… Where did you get information about this work?…………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Husband………………../parents ……………………..Friend ……………………………… other relatives ………………..people from the village …………… others…………………. How…………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9. Did you started as Chukri? ……………………………………………………………………… How long did you work as Chukri? ……………………………………………………………… How much you earned at that time per day? …………………………………………………… Could you keep your earning with you? ………………………………………………………… What was you condition at that time? …………………………………………………………… Did you try to get away, what happened then? ………………………………………………… How did you get freedom? ……………………………………………………………………… 127 10. Do you have an affidavit/license ………………………………………………………………… When did you get the license …………………….from where ………………………………… Did you sign on it ……………………………presence of Notary Public …………..………….. 11. Who are your customers a. Profession ……………………………………………………………………………………. b. age …………………………………………………………………………………………….. c. local or foreign ……………………………………………………………………………….. d. marital status ………………………………………………………………………………….. 12. How many customers do you get per day ………………………………………………………... 13. How long each customer stays with you …………………………………………………………. 14. How much do you earn for one customer: Day …………………..night ………………………... 15. How much do you earn: daily ………………… weekly ……………….. monthly ……………... 16. Other sources of income: …………………………………………………………………………. 17. How much do you spend: daily ……………… weekly ………………… monthly …………….. 18. How much do you spend for: a. Food …………………………………………………………………………………………... b. Rent …………………………………………………………………………………………… c. Electricity …………………………………………………………………………………… d. Toilet ………………………………………………………………………………………….. e. Water ………………………………………………………………………………………… f. Drinks/cigarettes/drugs ……………………………………………………………………….. g. Children/Family ……………………………………………………………………………… h. Others ………………………………………………………………………………………… 19. Who do you pay the bribe to and how much per day/week/month ……………………................. …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 20. Do you have any savings (money, land, gold) ………………………………………………….... …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 21. Do you have any problem in order to save money ……………………………………………...... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 22. Do you have any debts, how much? ………………………To whom ………………………… 23. Is it common the debt bondage inside the brothel? If yes, can you explain what sort of debt bondage is? ……………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 128 24. How new girls are involved in this profession …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 25. How much does it costs to buy a girl? How do you fix the price? ……………………………….. a. Pimp ………………………………………………………………………………………….. b. Affidavit by notary public ……………………………………………………………………. c. Thana police ………………………………………………………………………………….. d. Bariwala/Salami ……………………………………………………………………………… e. Others ………………………………………………………………………………………… 26. Do you have a Babu or fixed client ……………………………………………………………… 27. Do you have any children and how many boys………….………… girls ………………………. a. How old are they ……………………………………………………………………………. b. Where do they live and with whom ………………………………………………………….. c. Who and where is the father ………………………………………………………………… d. How often do they meet the father ………………………………………………………….. e. Do they go to school (if not why) …………………………………………………………… f. Do they have any disease …………………………………………………………………… g. Are they admitted to public hospitals ………………………………………………………… 28. Do you know what kind disease you can get for sex worker …………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 29. Do you have any kind of disease …………………………………………………………………. 30. When did you last go to the doctor and for what ………………………………………………… 31. Did you ever examine your blood? When and Why? ……………………………………………. Where did you examine the blood? ……………………………………………………………... 32. Where do you usually meet the doctor a. Inside the brothel ……………………………………………………………………………... b. In the government hospital …………………………………………………………………… c. Medicine shop in the bazaar ………………………………………………………………….. d. NGOs Clinic ………………………………………………………………………………….. e. Others ………………………………………………………………………………………… 33. Do you feel comfortable to go to public/government hospital (Why or why not) ……………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 129 34. Do you take drugs/alcohol ………………………………………………………………………... Who pays for that you or customers ……………………………………………………………. How you became addicted ………………………………………………………………………... 35. Do you use contraceptives (What type) a. Condoms.................................................................................................................................... b. Female condoms......................................................................................................................... c. Pills............................................................................................................................................ d. IUD............................................................................................................................................ e. Injection..................................................................................................................................... f. Others........................................................................................................................................ g. Nothing...................................................................................................................................... 36. Do you know the importance of condoms ………………………………………………………... 37. Do the customers want to use condoms? …………………………………………………………. 38. What do you do if they do not want to use it? ……………………………………………………. 39. Where do you get contraceptives from …………………………………………………………… 40. Did you have an abortion or MR? if yes where? a. Hospital ……………………………………………………………………………………… b. Local/NGO clinic …………………………………………………………………………….. c. Local midwives inside the brothel ……………………………………………………………. d. Others ………………………………………………………………………………………… 41. Why did you miscarry: a. Free choice ……………………………………………………………………………………. b. Incident ………………………………………………………………….................................. c. Forced by pimps/shordarni …………………………………………………………………… d. Forced by someone else ………………………………………………………………………. e. Others ………………………………………………………………………………………… 42. Are you literate? ………………………………………………………………………………… 43. Up to which class did you attend the school ……………………………………………………... 44. Why did you stop going to school ………………………………………………………………... 45. Can you freely go outside the brothel …………………………………………………………….. Can you ware shoes while going out …………………………………………………………… 46. Is there any kind harassments …………………………………………………………………….. 47. Who harasses you the most a. Police …………………………………………………………………………………………. 130 b. Mastans ……………………………………………………………………………………….. c. Pimps …………………………………………………………………………………………. d. Shordarni ……………………………………………………………………………………... e. Other sex workers …………………………………………………………………………….. f. Local community people …………………………………………………………………… g. Others ………………………………………………………………………………………… 48. Where do you go to ask for help …………………………………………………………………. 49. What kind of help do get …………………………………………………………………………. 50. Are you voter? ………………………… Do you vote? ………………………………………….. 51. Do the candidates come to you? ………………………………………………………………….. 52. Do you go to public meetings/rallies …………………. NGO meetings ………………………… If not, why ………………………………………………………………………………………. 53. What do you think about sex work ……………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 54. Do know about sex workers organisation and their work ………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 55. Do you know which kind of rights you have as human beings …………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 56. What discrimination and human rights violation do you face as a Sex worker in the mainstream society …………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………….…………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 57. Did anyone rape you? Did you go to court? Why/not? ………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 58. What would you like to change to make this brothel a better place ……………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………... 59. What happen when sex worker gets old …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 131 60. What is your future plan ………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 61. Researchers comments: …………………………………………………………………………... …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………… _____________________ Researcher’s signature 132
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