Expectation Formation∗ Theresa Kuchler†; Basit Zafar ‡ PRELIMINARY VERSION Abstract We use novel survey panel data to estimate how personal experiences affect household expectations about aggregate economic outcomes in housing and labor markets. We exploit variation in locally experienced house prices over the last decades to show that individuals systematically extrapolate from recent personally experienced home prices when asked for their expectations about US house price development in the next year. In addition, higher volatility of locally experienced house prices causes respondents to report a wider distribution over expected future national house price movements. We find similar results for labor market expectations, where we exploit within-individual variation in labor market status to estimate the effect of own experience on national labor market expectations. Personally experiencing unemployment leads respondents to be significantly more pessimistic about future nationwide unemployment. Extrapolation from personal experiences is more pronounced for less sophisticated individuals for both housing and unemployment expectations. Our results have implications for the modeling of expectations. 1 Introduction Expectations play a key role in economic models of decision-making under uncertainty. The benchmark approach of assuming that individuals form expectations by accurately processing all available information and updating their beliefs accordingly has found little support in the data [see Manski, 2004, for an overview]. Recent work has turned to ∗ This version April 2015. We thank Luis Armona, Michael Kubiske and Max Livingston for excellent research assistance. † New York University, Stern School of Business, theresa.kuchler@nyu.stern.edu ‡ Federal Reserve Bank of New York, basit.zafar@ny.frb.org 1 empirical measures of expectations to inform modelling assumptions that deviate from the rational expectations benchmark (see Barberis, Greenwood, Jin, and Shleifer [2015]). We contribute to this research effort by empirically analyzing how personal experiences affect expectations about aggregate economic outcomes, and as such provide guidance on modeling the expectation-formation process. We focus on expectations about national house prices and unemployment rates, both of which are crucial for understanding economic activity. House price expectations have been argued to play an important role in understanding housing booms and busts, including the recent financial crisis.[Piazzesi and Schneider, 2009, Goetzmann et al., 2012, Glaeser et al., 2013, Burnside et al., 2014, Glaeser and Nathanson, 2015]. Employment expectations matter for economic recovery after recessions, and can influence households’ job search behavior [see, for instance, Carroll and Dunn, 1997, Tortorice, 2011]. In addition, house prices and unemployment offer a rich empirical setting to understand the effect of experience on expectations more generally. We use data from the Survey of Consumer Expectations (SCE), an original and recent monthly survey fielded by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York since 2012. The SCE is a nationally representative, internet-based survey of a rotating panel of approximately 1,200 US household heads. It elicits consumer expectations on various economic outcomes, including house price development and labor market outcomes, as well as respondents’ personal background and current situation. We first exploit variation in locally experienced house prices to estimate the effect of past experience on expectations. Since house price development has differed substantially across the US in the last decade, there is significant geographic variation in the house price development experienced by different individuals1 . We use the entire history of such locally experienced past house price returns to proxy for each individual’s experience. We find that past locally experienced house price development significantly affects expectations about future changes in US house prices. For instance, respondents in ZIP codes with a 1 percentage point higher change in house prices in the previous year expect the increase in US house prices to be .09 percentage points higher. Furthermore, consistent with Malmendier and Nagel [2013] in the case of inflation expectations, we find that more recently experienced house price changes have a substantially stronger effect than earlier ones. Specifically, house price changes in the past 3 years matter the 1 For instance, Arizona experienced large increases in house prices in the recent boom, with annual increases of up to 30% in 2005, followed by deep drops of over 25% in 2008. On the other hand, house prices in Indiana have been very stable over the same time horizon with average changes of less than 1% per year. 2 most for house price expectations. The Survey of Consumer Expectations elicits not only respondents’ point estimate of the expected change in house prices, but also a distribution of expected house price changes. This allows us to estimate whether past experiences affect not only the expected level of future house prices movements but also its second moment. We find that respondents who experience more volatile house prices locally indeed report a wider distribution over expected future national house price movements. For instance, the standard deviation of expected house price changes is .12 percentage points higher for respondents who experienced a 1 percentage point higher standard deviation in past house price changes since living in their current ZIP code. Next, we turn to the effect of personal unemployment experience on US unemployment expectations. During the year respondents stay in the survey, locally experienced house prices do not change enough to estimate how respondents update their expectations as their experiences change. Analyzing unemployment expectations, however, allows us to focus on individuals who experience job transitions (for example, who were previously employed and lose their jobs, or who were unemployed and find a new job) during the panel, and to exploit this within-individual variation in experiences to estimate the effect on expectations. This is only possible because of the rich panel component of the survey, something that is absent from most other consumer surveys of expectations.2 We find that experiencing unemployment leads respondents to be significantly more pessimistic about future US unemployment: when unemployed, respondents believe the likelihood of increasing US unemployment over the next twelve months to be between 4 and 5 percentage points higher than when employed (on a base average likelihood of 39 percent). We further explore which mechanisms are consistent with how personal experiences affect expectations. First, while experiencing unemployment significantly affects expectations about US unemployment, it does not affect expectations about other economic outcomes, such as stock prices, interest rates, inflation, or house prices. Therefore, respondents do not appear to become more pessimistic or optimistic in general due to changes in their employment situation. Similarly, past house prices are not related to expectations about these other outcomes. Second, we study which respondents are more likely to extrapolate from their experi2 Previous studies, largely due to data limitations, have mostly overlooked the panel dimension of survey expectations (see Keane and Runkle, 1990, and Madeira and Zafar, 2014, for an exception), and instead have studied the aggregate evolution of beliefs in repeated cross-sections; this complicates the interpretation of previous work on learning in expectation updating. 3 ences when forming expectations. Respondents with lower numeracy skills, as measured by a battery of questions in the survey, extrapolate the most from personally experienced unemployment and house prices. Similarly, respondents with a college degree extrapolate less from past house price, though there is no statistically significant difference for the effect of own employment status. Third, we analyze whether respondents extrapolate more from personal experiences when these experiences are likely to be more informative. For respondents with higher income pre- or post-job loss and for respondents in areas of low unemployment, unemployment is less likely to be influenced by aggregate economic conditions, and more likely due to idiosyncratic factors. Nevertheless, we find no evidence that unemployment affects national unemployment expectations differently for these respondents. Similarly, differences in how correlated local and national house prices were in the past are not associated with differences in the extent of extrapolation from locally experienced house prices. In addition, to justify the 4 to 5 percentage points higher likelihood of US unemployment rate reported by unemployed respondents, a back-of-the-envelope exercise indicates that respondents would need to be about 19% more likely to lose their job if unemployment were truly going up than they would be if it were not - an arguably large gap. Finally, we document that respondents have some understanding of past local house prices, a necessary condition for their influence on expectations. We also show that confusion of respondents about whether the survey is asking about national or ZIP code level house prices is unlikely to explain our results. While our results indicate that respondents are not fully incorporating all publicly available information to form expectations about aggregate outcomes, we cannot tell with certainty whether respondents rely heavily on their own experience because they do not know other relevant information, or because they overweight their personal experiences when incorporating them into expectations. Our results are therefore broadly consistent with models of adaptive and experience-based learning, but are also consistent with models of expectation formation in which individuals form expectations subject to information constraints [Coibion and Gorodnichenko, 2012a,b]. Such information constraints could arise because of rational inattention (as in Sims [2003], Gabaix [2014]) or because of costly information acquisition [Reis, 2006]. How individuals form expectations about aggregate outcomes has important implications for the conclusions drawn from models in economics and finance.3 Heterogeneity 3 Woodford [2013] provides an overview of the implications for macro models when deviating from 4 in consumers’ expectations can generate over-investment in real assets (Sims, 2009), cause financial speculative behavior [Nimark, 2010], and impact the economy’s vulnerability to shocks [Badarinza and Buchmann, 2011]. In housing markets, overoptimistic beliefs are often cited as major contributors to the run up of house prices prior to the recent financial crisis (see, for instance, Piazzesi and Schneider [2009], Goetzmann et al. [2012], Burnside et al. [2014] and Glaeser and Nathanson [2015]). Consistent with this literature, our findings suggest that increases in house prices in the early 2000s could have led consumers to extrapolate based on their recent experiences, which would then have led them to become overly optimistic. Similarly, our findings that individuals extrapolate from local house prices to US wide house prices suggest an explanation for why out-of-town buyers, especially those from areas with higher past price appreciation, may be overly optimistic about home prices, as is argued by Chinco and Mayer [2014]. Similarly, extrapolation from recent experiences can lead unemployment expectations to be systematically biased at the beginning and end of recessions, as argued by Tortorice [2011]. During an economic downturn, consumers who receive a bad labor market shock may therefore become overly pessimistic about labor market conditions leading them to invest less in job search or accept less suitable positions, thereby prolonging the effect of the initial shock. Several papers have studied how past experiences affect consumers expectations about inflation and future returns in financial markets. Malmendier and Nagel [2013] show that individuals’ inflation expectations are influenced by the inflation experienced during an individual’s lifetime.4 Vissing-Jorgensen [2004] shows that young investors with little experience expected the highest stock returns during the stock market boom of the late 1990s,5 and Amromin [2008] and Greenwood and Shleifer [2014] find that stock return expectations are highly correlated with past returns and the level of the stock market. Compared to this previous work, our paper focuses on housing and unemployment expectations, which merit interest in and of themselves. We show that the level of past the assumption of rational expectations, and notes that “ behavior ... will depend (except in the most trivial cases) on expectations”. 4 While not studying expectations directly, several papers have shown how experiences affect subsequent investment decisions, possibly through expectations. For instance, Malmendier and Nagel [2011] show that bond and stock return experienced during an individual’s life time affect risk taking and investment decisions. Kaustia and Kn¨ upfer [2008] and Chiang et al. [2011] find that the returns investors experience in IPOs affect their decisions to invest in subsequent IPOs. Similarly, Koudijs and Voth [2014] find that having been exposed to potential losses leads lenders to lend more conservatively. 5 Consistent with such expectations, Greenwood and Nagel [2009] show that younger mutual fund managers invested more heavily in technology stocks during this time. 5 experiences affect the expected level of future price changes and that past experienced volatility affects the width of the distribution of expected future price changes. To our knowledge, this extrapolation of both the first and second moment has not been documented in the literature before. Relative to earlier work, we also exploit different sources of variation in experience. For housing market expectations, we exploit geographic variation in locally experienced house prices rather than variation due to age or over time. For unemployment, we can observe how the same individual changes their expectations as their labor market experiences change while in the sample. This individual-level variation in experiences – which, to our knowledge, has not be exploited in any application – allows us to filter out confounding factors which could lead to differences in expectations across individuals. That both within- and across- respondent variation in experiences in two very different applications lead to similar qualitative conclusions is reassuring and strengthens our implications for the modeling of consumer expectations. Our empirical findings therefore provide additional evidence for the growing literature exploring the implications of extrapolative expectation not just in housing markets or about unemployment, but also in other asset markets and macroeconomic models [see Barberis et al., 2015, for a recent overview]. 2 Data Our data are from the Survey of Consumer Expectations (SCE), an original monthly survey fielded by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York since late 2012.6 The SCE is a nationally representative, internet-based survey of a rotating panel of approximately 1,200 household heads.7 Respondents participate in the panel for up to twelve months, with a roughly equal number rotating in and out of the panel each month. Each survey typically takes about fifteen to twenty minutes to complete and elicits consumer expectations on house price changes, inflation, labor market outcomes and several other economic indicators. When entering the survey, respondents answer additional background questions. 6 See www.newyorkfed.org/microeconomics/sce.html for additional information. The monthly survey is conducted over the internet by the Demand Institute, a non-profit organization jointly operated by The Conference Board and Nielsen. The sampling frame for the SCE is based on that used for The Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Survey (CCS). Respondents to the CCS, itself based on a representative national sample drawn from mailing addresses, are invited to join the SCE internet panel. The response rate for first-time invitees hovers around 55%. 7 6 2.1 Information on Housing and House Price Expectations Each month, the Survey of Consumer Expectations elicits expectation about changes in nationwide house prices. First, respondents are asked whether they believe home prices nationwide to increase or decrease over the next 12 months and by about what percent. Second, the survey elicits a distribution of expected house price changes. Specifically, respondents are asked to assign a probability to a range of possible house price changes such that the total of all probabilities adds up to 100 percent. The range of possible house price changes starts with a decrease of more than 12 percentage points, then proceeds in steps of two to four percentage points - 12 - 8 percentage points, 8 to 4 percentage points, 4 to 2 percentage points and 2 to 0 percentage points - up until an increase of more than 12 percentage points. Appendix A.1 shows the exact phrasing of the question. We restrict our sample to respondents who answer the question about expected house price changes and basic demographic information. For each respondent, we focus on the module in the earliest month in the year in which this is the case. For the regression analysis below, we also exclude respondents who are under 25. This reduces our sample slightly but allows us to use the same sample for all analyses, including those that assume long experience horizons. Table 1 shows that the average point estimate for next year’s house price change is 5.3%. Figure 1 shows that respondents give a wide variety of answers around the mean point estimate with 5 percentage points being the most common answer. We can also calculate the average expected house price change, as well as the expected standard deviation of price changes based on the probabilities respondents asign to the different ranges of possible house price changes. On average respondents expect an increase in house prices of 4.2% and an expected standard deviation around this expected mean of 15.3%. Table 1 also shows summary statistics of respondent characteristics. The average respondent in our sample is 51 years old. 87% of respondents are white and 7% black. Most respondents, 69%, are married and slightly more than half 55% are men. 56% of respondents went to college and the average yearly household income is $81,000. Our sample has respondents with higher income and higher educational attainment than the US population overall. While the SCE provides weights to obtain nationally representative averages, our sample is not weighted and response rates may vary across demographics leading some demographic groups to be overrepresented in our sample. 7 In addition to basic demographic information, respondents were asked a series of either five or six questions, based on Lipkus et al. [2001] and Lusardi [2009], that provides an individual-specific measure of numeracy. Respondents, on average, answer 80% of the questions correctly and at least a quarter answering all of them correctly. Regarding their living situation, the majority, 77% of respondents, own their home. On average they have lived in their current ZIP code for 13 years and in their current state for 34. However, there is substantial heterogeneity with a quarter of respondents having moved to a different ZIP code within the last 4 years. Finally, past house prices in respondents’ ZIP code, MSA and state vary substantially. Prices have increased by 7% in the past year for the average respondent, but only by 2% for respondents in the 25th percentile and by over 11% for respondents in the 75th percentile. Table 2 shows additional summary statistics of the history and variability of past house price returns over different time horizons, confirming the substantial heterogeneity. 2.2 Information on Own Employment and Unemployment Expectations Each month, respondents in the Survey of Consumer Expectations are asked about their expectation for US unemployment a year later, expressed as a percentage chance that it will be higher. Respondents also state their current employment situation based on which we classify respondents into five categories: employed (either full or part-time), searching for work (that is, the unemployed), retired, student and out of the labor force (e.g. homemaker, permanently disabled). Depending on their current employment status, respondents answer additional questions about their personal employment prospects. Appendix A.3 shows the exact phrasing of these questions. We restrict our sample to respondents who state their employment status and answer the question about aggregate unemployment. There are some respondents, 271, who answer all questions about employment, but do not answer the house price question. We include them in this part of the analysis to maximize sample size. Starting in December 2012, our sample contains 4,227 respondents who answer on average 6 survey modules, for a total of 25,764 respondent-month observations. As Table 4 shows, this extended sample is very similar with respect to demographic characteristics to the subset of respondents who also answer the house price question. Table 3 shows each respondent’s current and previous employment status in each 8 monthly module. Most respondents, 69%, are employed when answering the survey, 5% are currently looking for work (unemployed). The remaining respondents are either students, retired or out of the labor force for other reasons. While in the panel, several respondents experience changes in their employment status. Of special interest for us are the 132 instances in which respondents loose their previous employment and 172 instances where respondents find a new job out of unemployment, since we can exploit these within-individual changes in employment experiences to estimate their effect on expectations. 3 Estimating Effect of Own Experience on Expectation To analyze the effect of personal experiences on an individual’s expectation about aggregate outcomes we estimate the following regression equation expectationdit = α + βexperiencedit + γXit + it , (1) where expectationdit is respondent i’s expectation about aggregate outcome d reported at time t and experiencedit is an individual’s own experience related to outcome d. Xit are control variables, including time fixed effects We first focus on respondents’ locally experienced house price changes and their effect on expectations about nationwide house prices. We then turn to expectations regarding US unemployment and how they are affected by changes in each individual’s own employment status. In these specifications, Xit also includes individual fixed effects. 3.1 Estimating Effect of Local House Price Development on US House Price Expectations To estimate the effect of experience on expectations about house prices, we estimate equation 3 where expectationdit is the expected change in average US house prices, as stated by respondent i at time t. We proxy for experienced house prices, experiencedit , by the local house price development where the respondent currently lives. We focus on zip code level house prices, but also show results using MSA or state level house prices throughout the paper. First, to filter out seasonal effects, we use year on year changes in home prices. Therefore, respondent’s house price experience does not vary during 9 the year they spend in the panel and we focus on only one house price expectation per respondent. The effect of house price experience on expectations is therefore identified in the cross-section by differences in the local house price history. Capturing house price development by including separate variables for each experienced annual return would make it hard to obtain precisely estimated coefficients, especially since house prices are serially correlated and therefore highly co-linear. In our simplest approach, we therefore capture local house price experience simply by the previous year’s change in local house prices. Next, we follow the approach of Malmendier and Nagel [2011] to capture the history of past prices in one experience variable. Each person’s house price experience is calculated as the weighted average of all experienced house price returns, Rt . The weights are determined by the parameter λ which allows the weights to increase, decrease or be constant over time. Specifically, each respondent i’s house price experience in year t is measured by Ait , calculated as follows: Ait = horizon Xit −1 wit (k, λ)Rt−k (2) k=1 where (horizonit − k)λ wit (k, λ) = Phorizonit −1 k=0 (horizonit − k)λ . (3) Rt−k is the change in local house prices in year t − k. The weights depend on the experience horizon of the individual, horizonit , when the home price return was realized (k), and on the parameter λ. Note that in the case where λ = 0, Ait is a simple average of past changes in home prices over the experience horizon. If λ > 0 (λ < 0), the weighting function gives more (less) weight to more recent experienced changes. We estimate λ later in the paper. Figure 6 in the appendix illustrates how geographic variation in house price changes leads to differences in the weighted housing experience variable for respondents with different experience horizons. Finally, we need to determine when respondents start to experience local house prices, captured by the experience horizon horizonit . First, zip code level house prices are only available since 1976, so this is the earliest year respondents can start experiencing house prices. We consider two types of experience horizon. First, we consider a fixed number of past years, such as the past 3 or 5 years, and assume that respondents experience and recall past house prices over this time horizon. Second, we consider individual specific horizons for when (after 1967) a respondent starts experiencing local house prices: a 10 year before moving to his current ZIP code, when he started living in his current state of residence and at age 13 or at birth. Each of this horizons makes different assumptions about when and how respondents perceive local house prices and we estimate which explains our data best later in the paper. 3.2 Estimating Effect of Own Employment on US Unemployment Expectations To estimate the effect of own unemployment experience on unemployment expectations we estimate equation 3 where expectationdit is the percentage chance that US unemployment will be higher a year later, as stated by respondent i in month t. experiencedit is an individual’s own employment status in month t. Transitions in the respondent’s employment situation during the panel as shown in Table 3, enable us to include individual fixed effects. This allows us to exploit withinindividual variation in employment experience to identify the effect of experience on expectations. 4 4.1 Local House Prices and House Price Expectations Recent Local House Prices on US House Price Expectations Figure 2 gives a first look at the relationship between locally experienced past house prices and expectations. Panel A sorts respondents into deciles based on the change in house prices in the year prior to respondents taking the survey. On average, respondents in ZIP codes with higher price changes expect house prices nationwide to increase more in the following year. Similarly, panel B shows that respondents in states with higher increases in house prices in the prior year on average expect house prices to be higher in the coming year. These graphs indeed suggest that respondents are influenced by local house price experiences when forming expectations about nationwide home prices. Table 5 presents regression estimates of the relationship between the locally experienced house prices and expected changes in US house prices controlling for respondent characteristics. We estimate equation 3 using the previous year’s house price return in the ZIP code (column 1), state (column 2) and MSA (column 3) where the respondent lives as a measure of his past experience. The estimates confirm that past local ex11 perience significantly affects expectation about US house prices. The effect is similar irrespective of whether ZIP code, state or MSA level house prices are used. 4.2 History of Local House Prices on US House Price Expectations So far, we have measured respondents’ experience of past house prices by the house price change in the previous year only. However, respondents’ experience of local house prices may also be shaped by house price development in earlier years. As outlined in section 3.1, we therefore measure each respondent’s experience by a weighted average of past house price returns. We consider values of the weighting parameter λ ranging from −2 to 20 in intervals of .1. For each experience horizon, we then estimate equation 3 with past experiences weighted according to each value of λ. We compare the R2 of these regressions to determine which values of λ and which experience horizon yield the best fit for our data. Figure 3 plots the fit of the regression, measured by R2 , along the range of weighting parameters λ for each considered experience horizon. Local experience is captured by ZIP code level house prices. The top panel shows the results for horizons of a fixed number of years for each individual ranging from the last two years to since the start of our data series in 1976. For comparison, the straight line also shows the fit of the regression when using only the previous year’s house price return. Panel B shows results for horizons which depend on each individual’s personal situation: the time the respondent has lived in his current ZIP code and his current state and the time since the respondents was 13 years old and since his birth. The overall best fit is achieved when experience is measured by the average of house price returns over the past three years. Considering house price returns in earlier years in addition to the most recent year’s house price return therefore improves the fit of the regression, but relatively short horizons of a few years yield a higher fit than longer horizons. Individual specific horizons do not improve fit. Even for respondents who have lived longer in their current zip code or state the most recent years therefore appear to matter the most for forming expectations. For each horzion considered, Table 6 lists the highest R2 and the associated weighting parameter λ, as well as the coefficient on the weighted average of past experiences, its standard error and the effect of a one standard deviation increase in the experience variable. While the overall best fit is achieved by a three year fixed horizon, weighted past 12 experiences have a significant effect on expectations for all horizons and the estimated effect is similar in magnitude: a one standard devation increase in the experience variable increases expectations by .69 to .86 percentage points. The weighting parameter λ which optimizes the fit for a given horizon increases as the horizon increases. Figure 4 shows the weights assigned to the house price returns in each of the 10 most recent years for the different horizons and the associated optimal weighting parameter λ. The weights on the return in each year are similar for all horizons when combined with the respective best fit weighting parameter. House price changes in the previous 3 years receive the most weight, whereas returns in earlier years receive very low weights. As the horizon increases and earlier years are included, the optimal weighting parameter λ increases such that only the most recent years receive substantial weights. Therefore no matter the length of the horizon, at the optimal weighting parameter only house price returns in the most recent years affect expectations about house prices. Appendix C replicates the analysis using state and MSA level instead of ZIP level house prices. The results are very similar. Specifically, the optimal weighting parameters obtained for each horizon are very close to the ones presented in Table 6. 4.3 Variation of Local House Prices and Expected Price Variation So far, we have focused on the effect of the level of experienced house prices on the level of expected future house prices changes. In this section, we analyze whether the effect of past experiences on expectations extends to the second moment: We estimate whether respondents who have experienced more volatile house price returns locally, expect future house prices to be more volatile relative to respondents who live in areas with more stable house price returns in the past. Table 7 presents the results. We measure expected volatility by the standard deviation of the distribution of expected house prices elicited in the survey.8 Correspondingly, we measure experienced volatility by the standard deviation of house prices in the respondent’s zip code (column 1), state (column 2) and MSA (column 3). The standard deviation of past house prices is calculated over different horizons: since the respondent lived in the current zip code or state, since he was 13 and since the beginning of our data on local house prices in 1976, as well as over the last 10 and 20 years. In all specifications we include deciles of the previous year’s change in house prices to control for different 8 See section 2.1 for a description of the data and appendix A for the exact wording of the question. 13 levels of house prices. Table 7 shows that respondents in areas which experienced more volatile house prices indeed expect nationwide house prices to be more volatile. The estimated coefficient on experienced volatility increases with the time horizon, but the standard deviation of the regressor decreases with time horizon. The overall effect of past house price variation on expected variation is therefore similar irrespective of horizon: A one standard deviation increase in the standard deviation of experienced house prices since moving to the current ZIP code (3.93 according to table 2) increases the standard deviation of expected house prices by half a percentage point (4.2*.120 = .50). The same increase in the standard deviation of house prices since the beginning of our data increases the standard deviation of expected house prices by .48 (2.41*.198=.48). The estimated effects are very similar both in magnitude and significance when using MSA level house prices. Using state level house prices yields smaller estimates which are often not statistically significant. 4.4 Effect of Local House Prices by Respondent Characteristics and on Other Outcomes Next, we explore which respondent characteristics affect the influence of locally experienced house prices on expecations about natinal house prices. We estimate whether the effect of local house prices varies by whether respondents own their home (top panel of Table 8), went to college (bottom panel of Table 8) and by their numeracy score (Table 9). There is no significant difference between homeowners and renters in the influence of the prior year house price returns on expectations about US house prices. On average, homeowners, however, are less optimistic about US house prices than renters. A college degree and higher numeracy can be viewed as proxies for the respondent’s sophistication. We would, arguably, expect such individuals to be less prone to rely on locally experienced house prices when reporting expectations for national house prices. Indeed, we find that college graduates and respondents with high numeracy scores extrapolate significantly less from their local price experience. Specifically, a one percentage point increase in last year’s zip level house price change increases expected national house price changes by .14 for non-college graduates, but only by .05 for college graduates. Similarly, the effect for respondents with low numeracy is .17 and only .05 for respondents with high numeracy. Note, however, that while the effect is smaller, past experiences still significantly affect expectations for college graduates and high numeracy respondents. Table 10 analyzes whether the effect of local house prices depends on how informative 14 local house prices are for national house prices. In areas where local and national house prices have been closely aligned in the past, which we capture by past correlation, locally experienced house prices are more informative about national house prices. In these areas we would expect respondents’ national house expectations to be more influenced by locally experienced house prices. Table 10 shows that there is not effect of past correlation on the extent of extrapolation from past prices. The effect of past prices is very similar in areas of low, medium and high past correlation.9 Finally, table 11 shows that local house price changes are not systematically related to expectations about interest rates, stock prices, inflation or unemployment. We do find a statistically significant effect on respondents’ expectations about government debt. However, given the substantial number of outcome variables considered, this could be by chance. Taken together, there is little evidence that other characteristics affecting expectations in general, such as general optimism or pessimism, are correlated with past house price returns and hence driving our results. 4.5 Local Versus National House Prices and Recall of Past House Price Changes 4.5.1 Distinguishing between Local and National House Prices A potential concern about our results is that respondents do not fully understand that the survey asks about expectations of national house prices and incorrectly believe being asked about local house prices. This could lead to a correlation between local past house prices and elicited expectations of nationwide house prices in the data even if true expectations about national house prices were independent of locally experienced prices. First, the wording of the survey question, as fully outlined in Appendix A explicitly states that the question is about nationwide home prices (“Next we would like you to think about home prices nationwide”), so it seems unlikely that many respondents misunderstand this. Second, we evaluate respondents’ consistency across survey questions. Respondents in the SCE answer the same questions repeatedly every month. However, an additional module about a specific topic is added every three months. In February 2015, a subset of the respondents to the monthly module, 454 in total, took such an additional survey 9 In unreported results, we also do not find any differences in the effect of local house prices on expectations if we split respondents by how correlated house prices in their zip code and their state are. 15 module asking explicitly about ZIP code level house price expectations and past house prices changes. The exact wording of these questions is outlined in Appendix A. In Table 12, we compare respondents’ expectation about national house prices as stated in the monthly module to their expectation about ZIP code level house prices as stated in the add-on module. If respondents incorrectly believed the question about national house prices to be about local house prices, we would expect them to give the same or very similar answers to both questions. There are substantial differences between individual respondents’ point estimates as indicated by the standard deviation of the difference between the two point estimates of 6.82, as well as the average absolute difference between both estimates of 4 percentage points.10 We also estimate which respondents are more likely to give similar answers to both questions. Table 13 shows that respondents with higher income, a college degree and higher numeracy are less likely to give different answers to both questions. Other demographics have no statistically significant effect on the difference between the two answers. However, our earlier results suggest that the effect of past local house prices on expectations about nationwide house prices is lower for respondents with a college degree and higher numeracy scores. That is respondents who are more likely to give similar answers to both questions were found to extrapolate less, not more. Finally, we turn to expectations about unemployment for further evidence of whether respondents understand the difference between being asked about nationwide outcomes and local or, in the case of unemployment, personal outcomes. Table 4 shows that respondents indeed seem to understand the distinction between these two variables: Employed respondents, on average, assign a 23.5 percentage point higher likelihood to higher unemployment nationwide than to loosing their own job. While reassuring that respondents understand they are asked different questions, we would expect the average probability of job loss to be similar in magnitude to the average expected increase in unemployment. The large average difference between the two, however, indicates that most respondents are much more optimistic regarding their own employment prospects than they are about nationwide outcomes. This is consistent with prior evidence that respondents tend to overestimate their own ability,11 and therefore their own employment 10 The average of ZIP code level house price expectations is similar to the average national house price expectation, as indicated by the average difference of less than 1 percentage point. Expectations of ZIP code level house prices therefore do not appear to be biased relative to expectations about national house price expectations. 11 For instance, Weinstein [1980] documents that college students systematically underestimate the likelihood that something bad, such as loosing their job, will happen to them. 16 prospects. 4.5.2 Recall of Past House Prices For respondents to be able to extrapolate from past local house prices when forming expectations about nationwide home prices, they need to have at least some sense of what house prices were in their local area in the past. We evaluate whether this is the case using the subset of respondents to the SCE who answered an additional module on local house prices in February 2015. Respondents were asked to recall the change in house prices in their ZIP code in the previous year, as well as over the previous five years. Table 14 shows the average actual and recalled change in house prices separately for each tercile of distribution of true changes in house prices. Respondents who live in ZIP codes with lower past house price returns indeed recall lower returns than respondents living in ZIP codes with higher house price returns. However, the differences in actual returns are substantially bigger than those in recalled returns. Table 15 shows the relationship between recalled and actual house price changes, controlling for respondent demographics. A one percentage point increase in actual house price returns increases recalled house price changes in the previous year by .14 percentage points. The increase for perceived returns over the previous five year is between .23 and .22. If respondents perfectly recalled past house price returns, we would expect a coefficient of 1. The results indicate that recall is better over the five year horizon than for the previous year only. This is consistent with our earlier finding that proxying for local house price experience by several years of recent house prices changes yields a higher R2 than just including the most recent year’s house price return. Overall, the results suggest that respondents know the change in house prices in their local area to some extent. However, respondents’ recall is far from perfect, as indicated by the low R2 of the regression and the estimated coefficient on actual house price changes of well below 1. 5 Own Employment Experience and US Unemployment Expectation So far, we have focused on the effect of locally experienced house prices on expectations in the cross-section. Locally experienced house prices do not change enough during the year to estimate how respondents update their expectations as their experiences 17 change. We therefore now turn to unemployment expectations, which allows us to focus on individuals who experience job transitions during the panel and to estimate the effect of this within-individual variation in experiences on expectations. 5.1 Employment Status and Unemployment Expectations Figure 5 shows average national unemployment expectations by employed and unemployed respondents over our sample period. Both employed and unemployed adapt their expectations to changes in economic conditions. In December 2013, employed respondents believe unemployment to be higher with probability of just under 50% which drops to well below 40% in late 2014. At every point in time, however, respondents looking for work consider an increase in unemployment to be on average more than 7 percentage points more likely than than their employed counterparts. Table 16 formally estimates this difference in nationwide unemployment expectations between employed and unemployed respondents. The estimation includes time fixed effects to absorb changes in economic conditions over time and isolate the effect of employment status. Relative to employed respondents (omitted category), those searching for work are 8 percentage points more pessimistic about nationwide unemployment. Retired respondents are more optimistic than others and those out of the labor force are slightly more pessimistic. Controlling for demographics and local unemployment rates, in the second column, reduces the difference between employed and unemployed respondents to 6.7 percentage points indicating that differences in characteristics partially explain differences in expectations. Column 3, which flexibly controls for local unemployment rates, yields estimates similar to those in the second column. The last two columns of Table 16 include individual fixed effects which absorb any remaining differences in characteristics. The resulting estimates capture how much respondents adjust their expectations when their own employment status changes. Respondents become 4 to 5 percentage points more pessimistic (optimistic) when they become unemployed (find a new job out of unemployment). Whether this implies that individuals are overly reliant on their personal experience depends on how informative their personal job loss is for nationwide unemployment. Assume that all respondents are Bayesian updaters and agree that the unconditional probability of national unemployment increasing is 40% (the average expectation of all respondents) and that the probability of job loss if unemployment was not going to increase is 7% (roughly the average unemployment rate in the US over our sample pe- 18 riod). Let P (high) be the (unconditional) probability of unemployment being higher a year from now based on publicly available information. Let P (high|unemployed) and P (high|employed) be the probability of unemployment being higher for respondents who have experienced a job loss and those who are still employed respectively. Assume that the likelihood of job loss if unemployment was not going to increase is P (jobloss|nothigher) and that the probability of job loss is higher by x percent if unemployment was going to increase, that is, P (jobloss|higher) = x ∗ P (jobloss|nothigher). Then the differences in expectations by employed and unemployed respondents should be P (high|unemployed) − P (high|employed) = P (jobloss|nothigher) ∗ x ∗ P (high) P (jobloss|nothigher) ∗ x ∗ P (high) + P (jobloss|nothigher)(1 − P (high)) (1 − P (jobloss|nothigher)x)P (high) − (1 − P (jobloss|nothigher)x)P (high) + (1 − P (jobloss|nothigher))(1 − P (high)) Substituting in P (high) = 40%, P (jobloss|nothigher) = 7% and P (high|unemployed)− P (high|employed) = .045 yields x = 19%. That is, respondents would need to be about 19% more likely to loose their job if unemployment was truly going up than they would be if unemployment was not going to increase to justify the estimated difference in posterior beliefs of between 4 and 5 percentage points. 12 5.2 Effect of Employment Status by Respondent Characteristics Table 17 explores which characteristics of respondents who experience a job transition affect to what extent their own experiences influence their expectations. We estimate whether the effect of unemployment varies by respondents’ numeracy score (column 1), by whether respondents have a college degree (column 2), by the local unemployment rate (column 3), and by household income (column 4). As argued abvoe, the first two variables can be viewed as proxies for the respondent’s sophistication. We would, arguably, expect such individuals to be less prone to overweight idiosyncratic factors when reporting expectations for national outcomes. Local unemployment rate and household income could both proxy for how informative own unemployment is for nationwide 12 For job loss rates, P (jobloss|nothigher), between 1 and 20 percent and different unconditional probabilities the estimates vary but are of similar economic magnitude. 19 unemployment. Specifically, areas with low unemployment are generally doing well economically and are therefore better equipped to weather aggregate fluctuations without substantial layoffs. An individual is therefore more likely to loose their job because of idiosyncratic factors rather than aggregate shocks. Similarly, higher household income before a layoff or after finding a new job indicates that respondents work in well paying and highly qualified professions which are generally less sensitive to aggregate labor market conditions. Our point estimates suggest that unemployment has the largest effect, an increase of 7.3 percentage points, on expectations for respondents with numeracy in the lowest tercile. Respondents with higher numeracy are significantly less influenced by their own employment status when forming expectations about national unemployment. We find no significant differences in the effect of experiencing unemployment for college graduates. We also do not find evidence that the effect of experiencing unemployment varies with how informative it is, at least in so far as local unemployment or household income are reasonable proxies for how informative own employment is about aggregate unemployment. These results are consistent with our earlier findings for extrapolation from past house prices. In both domains, less sophisticated individuals are more strongly influenced by past experiences and the extent of extrapolation does not vary with any of our proxies for how informative past personal experiences are for the aggregate outcome. 5.3 Effect of Employment Status on Other Outcomes Do respondents extrapolate from their labor market experiences to expectations regarding other economic variables? Table 18 explores exactly this, and investigates whether respondents become more or less pessimistic not just about unemployment, but about other economic outcomes, as well. The first two columns of Table 18 show that unemployed respondents feel they are worse off than they were a year ago and also expect to be worse off a year later. This confirms that job loss is indeed a negative experience for respondents. The remaining columns estimate the effect of being unemployed on expectations about interest rates, US stock prices, inflation, government debt and house price development. We do not find an effect of employment status on expectations about these other variables. Unemployment therefore does not make respondents more or less pessimistic about economic conditions in general. Rather, respondents appear to consider their own employment experience to be informative only for aggregate un- 20 employment. Again, this is consistent with our earlier findings in Table 11 where we did not find a systematic relationship between past house price experiences and other economic outcomes. It is interesting to note that the estimate on “out of labor force” is qualitatively similar to that as the unemployed respondents. This would suggest that, the transition to out of the labor force, is partly driven in our sample by the same factors that lead respondents to become unemployed. 5.4 Unemployment Expectations Robustness Checks In our sample, most respondents are employed and do not experience a job loss; however, their personal employment experience can still vary, for example through an increase in job uncertainty. In appendix D we proxy for such changes in experience by respondents’ self-assessed personal employment prospects and estimate the effect on their expectations for national unemployment. As mentioned earlier and shown in the lower panel of Table 4, responses to the two questions – likelihood of the national unemployment rate going up, and of the respondent themselves losing their job – are quite distinct, suggesting that respondents are able to distinguish between the two. In addition, we show that self-assessed employment prospects are informative of future employment outcomes both in the cross-section, as well as within-respondent over time. Consistent with our earlier findings for individuals with job transitions, we find that as employed respondents become more pessimistic about losing their job, they indeed also become more pessimistic about US unemployment. Table 23 in appendix E explores whether the effect of unemployment differs when respondents lose their job relative to when respondents find a job out of unemployment. In the cross section, reported in the first column, we see that expectations of respondents who recently found a new job do not differ significantly from those of respondents who have been employed throughout the sample period. Respondents who lost their job or entered the sample looking for a job are substantially more pessimistic. When including individual fixed effects in column (2) of the table, however, we find no significant difference between recent job losers and employed respondents. Respondents who found a new job out of unemployment, however, are 5 percentage points more optimistic than those who are employed throughout the sample period. Finally, we investigate whether the effect of job loss or finding a job out of unemployment varies by the length of unemployment. In Table 24 in the appendix we do not find evidence for a systematic effect of unemployemnt length. 21 6 Conclusion This paper documents that recent personal experience affects expectations about aggregate unemployment and house price development. Experiencing unemployment leads respondents to be significantly more pessimistic about nationwide unemployment and house price development in the prior year significantly affects expectations about US house prices. 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Dev. 25th pctile 50th pctile 75th pctile Respondent Characteristics Age White Black Male Married College (at beginning of sample) Income math score (%correctly answered) Homeowner Years lived in current ZIP Years lived in current state 4,279 4,279 4,279 4,279 4,279 4,279 4,279 2,994 4,279 4,276 4,275 50.87 0.87 0.07 0.55 0.69 0.56 80,715 0.80 0.77 12.75 34.40 14.38 0.34 0.26 0.50 0.46 0.50 51,636 0.21 0.42 10.89 19.90 39 1 0 0 0 0 45,000 0.6 1 4 18 52 1 0 1 1 1 67,500 0.8 1 9 34 62 1 0 1 1 1 125,000 1 1 18 50 Expected House Price Changes Expected mean change (point estimate) Expected mean change (distribution) Expected standard devation Expected probability of change > 12% 4,279 4,279 4,279 4,279 5.34 4.24 15.30 11.88 9.38 4.65 10.47 23.39 2 1.60 7.24 0 5 4.10 13.16 0 10 6.8 20.99333 10 Past House Price Experience - Last year's hp change 3,043 most recent yearly return in ZIP code 7.09 4,279 most recent yearly return in state 6.98 3,631 most recent yearly return in MSA 6.64 7.52 5.44 6.14 1.86 3.32 2.10 6.02 5.83 5.24 11.55688 9.803835 10.4906 Table 1: House Price Sample Summary Statistics The table shows mean, standard deviation and 25th and 75th percentile for house price expectations and past house price experience of respondents of the Survey of Consumer Expectations (SCE) used throughout the paper. 31 N Mean Std. Dev. 25th pctile 50th pctile 75th pctile Past House Price Experience - Average Changes Mean change of ZIP code level house prices past 10 years since respondent lived in ZIP since respondent lived in state since respondent was age 13 since 1976 (beginning of data series) 3,043 3,041 3,040 3,043 3,043 0.50 3.21 3.94 4.32 4.92 2.01 3.87 2.46 1.67 1.33 -0.80 0.83 2.84 3.26 3.97 0.42 2.96 4.00 4.34 4.79 1.74 5.10 5.32 5.41 5.80 4,279 4,276 4,275 4,279 4,279 0.65 3.25 4.08 4.37 4.93 1.18 3.06 2.08 1.46 1.23 -0.52 1.26 3.09 3.31 4.04 0.71 3.02 4.11 4.26 4.73 1.76 4.65 5.31 5.31 5.59 3,631 3,629 3,628 3,631 3,631 0.65 3.10 3.92 4.22 4.78 1.43 3.26 2.15 1.45 1.16 -0.38 1.02 2.95 3.25 4.04 0.56 2.90 4.04 4.21 4.71 1.85 4.57 4.94 5.06 5.61 9.18 7.65 8.19 8.28 8.31 4.33 3.93 3.19 2.82 2.41 5.97 4.84 5.83 6.10 6.29 8.03 7.12 7.81 7.98 8.10 11.63 9.81 10.19 10.19 10.12 7.88 6.19 6.97 7.10 7.19 4.11 3.72 3.06 2.70 2.37 4.60 3.65 4.60 4.90 4.90 6.32 5.40 6.28 6.79 7.13 10.42 8.17 8.55 8.75 8.52 7.98 6.39 7.13 7.22 7.33 4.38 3.83 3.18 2.88 2.46 4.97 3.76 4.75 4.92 5.29 6.46 5.56 6.40 6.56 6.69 10.58 8.38 8.99 9.06 9.04 Mean change of state level house prices past 10 years since respondent lived in ZIP since respondent lived in state since respondent was age 13 since 1976 (beginning of data series) Mean change of MSA level house prices past 10 years since respondent lived in ZIP since respondent lived in state since respondent was age 13 since 1976 (beginning of data series) Past House Price Experience - Variation Standard devations of ZIP level house prices since past 10 years respondent lived in ZIP respondent lived in state respondent was age 13 1976 (beginning of data series) 3,043 2,979 2,987 3,043 3,043 Standard deviation of state level house prices since past 10 years respondent lived in ZIP respondent lived in state respondent was age 13 1976 (beginning of data series) 4,279 4,201 4,199 4,279 4,279 Standard deviation of MSA level house prices since past 10 years respondent lived in ZIP respondent lived in state respondent was age 13 1976 (beginning of data series) 3,631 3,562 3,562 3,631 3,631 Table 2: House Price History Summary Statistics The table shows mean, standard deviation and 25th and 75th percentile for house price expectations and past house price experience of respondents of the Survey of Consumer Expectations (SCE) used throughout the paper. 32 Previous Employment Status Current Employment Status Employed Looking for Work Retired Student Out of Labor Force Total Unknown N % row 3,130 69 269 6 834 18 40 1 277 6 4,550 100 Employed N % row 16,078 98 148 1 98 1 35 0 48 0 16,407 100 Looking for Work N % row 204 18 815 71 72 6 14 1 51 4 1,156 100 Retired N % row 105 2 62 1 4,654 95 4 0 62 1 4,887 100 Student N % row 32 16 12 6 3 2 143 73 7 4 197 100 Out of Labor Force N % row 57 4 43 3 75 5 7 1 1,232 87 1,414 100 Total N % row 19,606 69 1,349 5 5,736 20 243 1 1,677 6 28,611 100 Table 3: Employment Status Transitions from Month to Month The table shows the number of observations for each combination of current and previous employment status stated by respondents in the Survey of Consumer Expectations (SCE). Respondents’ previous employment status is unknown when they first enter the survey and is the respondent’s employment status in the previous survey module they participated in for later modules. 33 N Mean Std. Dev. 25th pctile 75th pctile Age (when entering sample) White Black Male Married College (when entering sample) Income 4,550 50.67 0.86 0.08 0.55 0.69 0.55 80,611 14.42 0.34 0.27 0.50 0.46 0.50 51,830 39 1 0 0 0 0 45,000 62 1 0 1 1 1 125,000 Employment Status Switches 4,550 0.25 0.74 0 0 Local Unemployment all only employed only unemployed respondents 28,611 19,606 1,349 6.84 6.79 7.23 1.93 1.90 1.80 5.5 5.5 6 7.9 7.9 8.3 Employment Expectations all only employed only unemployed respondents 28,611 19,606 1,349 38.82 38.86 47.06 23.57 23.23 25.70 20 20 30 50 50 60 Own Employment Prospects - Employed 17,005 Loose job find new job within 3 months difference between own and US unemployment 15.67 51.90 23.10 20.67 32.45 28.10 1 23 5 20 80 41 Respondent Characteristics Observations Level Table 4: Employment Summary Statistics The table shows mean, standard deviation and 25th and 75th percentile for key characteristics of the sample of respondents of the Survey of Consumer Expectations (SCE) used throughout the paper. Included in the sample are respondents who state their employment status, their expectations about US unemployment, provide information about demographics and live in an area for which unemployment statistics are available. We do not require respondents to answer the numeracy questions or questions about their own employment prospects to be included in the sample. 34 Expected Change in US House Prices Past House Price Return I ZIP II State III MSA 0.0907*** (0.0220) 0.125*** (0.0374) 0.119*** (0.0268) Y Y Y Y Y Y 3001 0.0494 4221 0.0407 3580 0.0452 Time Fixed Effects Demographics Number of observations R squared Table 5: Previous Year’s House Prices Change and House Price Expectations The table shows regression estimates of equation 3 for different weighting parameters λ. The dependent variable is the expected change in house prices in percentage points as stated by the respondent. Past house price return is the weighted average of past house prices calculated according equation 2. Time fixed effects are included for each survey month. Demographics include indicators for each of the 11 possible categories eliciting household income in the survey, respondents’ age and age squared and indicators for whether respondents own their home, are male, married, went to college and for whether they stated white or black as their race. 35 Best Fit Parameters for Weighted Past Experiences standard effect of 1 λ R2 coefficient error of standard coefficient deviation Fixed year horizons 2 years 6.655% -0.4 0.126 0.024 0.722 3 years 6.815% 0.0 0.174 0.028 0.858 4 years 6.719% 1.1 0.169 0.030 0.763 5 years 6.701% 1.7 0.171 0.031 0.747 10 years 6.660% 5.1 0.166 0.032 0.712 15 years 6.648% 8.4 0.165 0.032 0.703 20 years 6.642% 11.6 0.165 0.032 0.699 all data 6.632% 20.0 0.173 0.035 0.694 Individual specific horizons lived in zip 6.431% 0.8 0.126 0.033 0.530 lived in zip + 1 6.526% 1.2 0.156 0.036 0.603 lived in state 6.422% 20.0 0.113 0.031 0.547 age 6.664% 19.6 0.178 0.034 0.711 since age 13 6.642% 11.4 0.206 0.042 0.715 Table 6: Best Fit Parameters for Weighted ZIP Code Average as Measure of Experience For each horizon considered, the table shows the parameters of the specifications with the highest R2 . 36 Std of expected house price change ZIP State MSA 0.120** (0.0539) 2942 0.0590 0.00777 (0.0462) 4151 0.0565 0.0870* (0.0480) 3519 0.0625 lived in state 0.180*** (0.0638) 2947 0.0571 0.146** (0.0639) 4146 0.0549 0.195*** (0.0636) 3515 0.0624 age13 0.167* (0.0865) 3001 0.0577 0.0784 (0.0607) 4221 0.0560 0.157** (0.0615) 3580 0.0631 past 10 years 0.133** (0.0521) 3001 0.0583 0.0813 (0.0510) 4221 0.0562 0.137*** (0.0454) 3580 0.0637 past 20 years 0.160** (0.0779) 3001 0.0581 0.0695 (0.0638) 4221 0.0560 0.156** (0.0587) 3580 0.0634 all data 0.198* (0.103) 3001 0.0578 0.0727 (0.0677) 4221 0.0560 0.174** (0.0783) 3580 0.0630 Last year's house price return (deciles) Y Y Y Demographics Y Y Y Std of returns since lived in ZIP Table 7: Past Variation in House Price and Expected Variation The table shows regression estimates of equation 3. For each horizon, the table first shows the estimated coefficient on the standard deviation of experience returns with standard errors clustered at the state level in parentheses. Below each estimate are the number of observations and the R2 of the regression. The dependent variable is the standard deviation of expected change in house prices in percentage points as stated by the respondent. The standard deviation of past house price returns is based in house prices in the ZIP code (column 1), state (column 2) and MSA (column 3) where the respondent lives. Time fixed effects are included for each survey month. In all specifications, demographics include indicators for each of the 11 possible categories eliciting household income in the survey, respondents’ age and age squared and indicators for whether respondents own their home, are male, married, went to college and for whether they stated white or black as their race. 37 Expected Change in US House Prices I II III ZIP State MSA By ownership Past House Price Return 0.127** (0.0512) 0.140** (0.0680) 0.163** (0.0659) Past House Price Return * Own -0.0487 (0.0521) -0.0204 (0.0642) -0.0577 (0.0811) Own -0.295 (0.630) -0.434 (0.841) -0.425 (0.940) Y Y Y Y Y Y 3001 0.0497 4221 0.0407 3580 0.0455 Time Fixed Effects Demographics Number of observations R squared By college Past House Price Return * No College 0.141*** (0.0329) 0.186*** (0.0481) 0.194*** (0.0413) Past House Price Return * College 0.0501** (0.0245) 0.0804** (0.0372) 0.0565* (0.0300) 0.675* (0.401) 1.044** (0.412) 1.130** (0.433) Y Y Y Y Y Y -0.0907** (0.0380) -0.106*** (0.0380) -0.137*** (0.0468) 3001 0.0501 4221 0.0411 3580 0.0461 College Time Fixed Effects Demographics Difference No College vs College Number of observations R squared Table 8: House Prices Change and Expectations by Homeownership and College The table shows regression estimates of equation 3. Standard errors are clustered at the state level. The dependent variable is the expected change in house prices in percentage points as stated by the respondent. Past house price return is the return in the previous year in the state (column 1), ZIP code (column 2) or MSA (column 3) where the respondent lives. Time fixed effects are included for each survey month. In all specifications, demographics include indicators for each of the 11 possible categories eliciting household income in the survey, respondents’ age and age squared and indicators for whether respondents own their home, are male, married, went to college and for whether they stated white or black as their race. 38 Expected Change in US House Prices I ZIP II State III MSA Past Return * Low Numeracy 0.171*** (0.0619) 0.244*** (0.0626) 0.182*** (0.0499) Past Return * Medium Numeray 0.113*** (0.0281) 0.187*** (0.0508) 0.180*** (0.0387) Past Return * High Numeracy 0.0538** (0.0236) 0.0893* (0.0475) 0.0427 (0.0358) Medium Numeracy -0.892 (0.810) -0.540 (0.854) -0.920 (0.800) High Numeracy -0.543 (0.826) -0.121 (0.787) -0.0260 (0.706) Constant 1.895 (4.808) -0.911 (3.258) -0.468 (2.886) Y Y Y Y Y Y -0.117* (0.0608) -0.155* (0.0796) -0.139** (0.0555) 2104 0.0499 2947 0.0400 2536 0.0464 Time Fixed Effects Demographics Low vs. High Numeracy Number of observations R squared Table 9: House Prices Change and Expectations by Numeracy The table shows regression estimates of equation 3. Standard errors are clustered at the state level. The dependent variable is the expected change in house prices in percentage points as stated by the respondent. Past house price return is the return in the previous year in the state (column 1), ZIP code (column 2) or MSA (column 3) where the respondent lives. Time fixed effects are included for each survey month. In all specifications, demographics include indicators for each of the 11 possible categories eliciting household income in the survey, respondents’ age and age squared and indicators for whether respondents own their home, are male, married, went to college and for whether they stated white or black as their race. 39 Expected Change in US House Prices I ZIP II State III MSA Past Return * Low Correlation 0.106** (0.0430) 0.133** (0.0664) 0.0967 (0.0608) Past Return * Medium Correlation 0.0781*** (0.0245) 0.130** (0.0491) 0.151*** (0.0472) Past Return * High Correlation 0.0916** (0.0368) 0.116** (0.0455) 0.0906** (0.0420) Medium Correlation 0.531* (0.316) 0.428 (0.469) -0.152 (0.414) High Correlation 0.0144 (0.653) 0.0750 (0.693) 0.0263 (0.748) Constant 3.980 (2.837) 3.846 (2.792) 2.412 (2.854) Y Y Y Y Y Y -0.0143 (0.0568) -0.0179 (0.0652) -0.00602 (0.0739) 3001 0.0492 3001 0.0478 2668 0.0506 Time Fixed Effects Demographics Low vs. High Correlation Number of observations R squared Table 10: House Prices Change and Expectations by Correlation with National House Prices The table shows regression estimates of equation 3. Standard errors are clustered at the state level. The dependent variable is the expected change in house prices in percentage points as stated by the respondent. Past house price return is the return in the previous year in the state (column 1), ZIP code (column 2) or MSA (column 3) where the respondent lives. Time fixed effects are included for each survey month. In all specifications, demographics include indicators for each of the 11 possible categories eliciting household income in the survey, respondents’ age and age squared and indicators for whether respondents own their home, are male, married, went to college and for whether they stated white or black as their race. 40 41 Y Y Y 2985 Y Y Y 2998 0.00174 (0.0627) -0.0340 (0.0638) 2993 Y Y Y 0.0208 (0.0324) Inflation 1 year 2993 Y Y Y -0.0141 (0.0357) 2993 Y Y Y -0.105* (0.0600) Inflation 3 years government debt 3001 Y Y Y -0.0812 (0.0747) unemployment The table shows regression estimates of equation 3 with the following dependent variables: respondents’ answer on a 5 point scale to whether they believe to be better off a year later (column 1) and whether they are better off than a year ago (column 2); the percentage chance that interest rates on saving accounts (column 3) and US stock prices (column 4) will be higher a year later; respondents best guess of the inflation rate in the next year (column 5) and between two and three years from now (column 6); the expected change in government debt (column 7) and the expected change in US home prices (column 8). Time fixed effects are included for each survey month. Local unemployment is the unemployment rate in the ZIP code the respondent lives in. In all specifications, demographics include indicators for each of the 11 possible categories eliciting household income in the survey. Standard errors are cluster Table 11: Effect of ZIP Code Level House Prices on Expectations about Other Economic Outcomes Number of observations Local Unemployment Rate Demographics Time Fixed Effects Last Year's House Price Return (ZIP code level) US stock prices interest rates on savings Chance that the following will be higher in a year N Mean Std. Dev. 25th pctile 50th pctile 75th pctile 6.82 5.57 0.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 5.00 Difference between US and ZIPcode expected house price chage Difference (in percentage points) Absolute difference (in percentage points) 545 545 0.98 4.05 Table 12: Difference between US and ZIP Code Level House Price Expectations 42 Absolute Difference btw expected change in US and ZIP level house prices Homeowner -0.887 (0.567) -1.37665** (0.559) -0.95765* (0.500) -0.92362*** (0.236) 10.49735*** (3.625) Income College Numeracy (% score) Constant Demographics Y Number of observations R squared Mean of dependent variable 540 .119 4.1 Table 13: Effect of Characteristics on Difference between US and ZIP Code Level House Price Expectations 43 Tercile of actual change in house price 1 2 3 -0.41 2.56 4.42 3.86 9.49 4.07 -4.36 4.61 10.36 7.18 30.71 14.62 Change in house prices over last year Actual change (average) Perceived change (average) Change in house prices over last 5 years Actual change (average) Perceived change (average) Table 14: Actual versus Recalled Changes in Past House Prices 44 Perceived change in house prices over I II III Last year Actual change in house prices Last 5 years 0.142* 0.144* 0.230*** 0.218*** (0.077) (0.079) (0.037) (0.038) Demographics Number of observations R squared Mean of dependent variable IV Y 545 0.006 3.5 540 0.035 3.5 Y 545 0.065 8.8 540 0.094 8.8 Table 15: Regression of Perceived Changes on Actual Changes in Past House Prices 45 Chance US Unemployment will be higher in a year I II Employment Status Employed Looking for Work III IV V (omitted) 8.014*** (1.260) 6.620*** (1.252) Retired -3.040*** (0.718) -3.523*** (0.923) -3.523*** (0.923) 1.269 (1.073) 1.124 (1.049) Student 0.351 (2.364) 0.310 (2.231) 0.310 (2.231) 1.659 (2.141) 1.389 (2.050) 3.807*** (1.264) 1.943 (1.300) 1.943 (1.300) 1.500 (1.471) 1.122 (1.410) Out of Labor Force Local Unemployment Rate 4550 28611 Local Unemployment (Decile Indicators) Time Fixed Effects Demographics Individual Fixed Effects 6.620*** 4.856*** (1.252) (0.983) 4.020*** (0.951) 3.172 (2.035) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Average of dependent variable 38.82 38.82 38.82 38.82 38.82 Number of observations Number of individuals 28611 4550 28611 4550 28611 4550 28611 4550 28611 4550 Table 16: Effect of Employment Status on Unemployment Expectations The table shows regression estimates of equation 3. Standard errors are clustered at the respondent level. The dependent variable is the percentage chance of US unemployment being higher a year later as stated by the respondent. Employment status is each respondent’s self reported current employment status. Local unemployment is the unemployment rate in the ZIP code the respondent lives in. Time fixed effects are included for each survey month. In all specifications, demographics include indicators for each of the 11 possible categories eliciting household income in the survey. When no individual fixed effects are included, demographics also include respondents’ age and age squared, indicators for whether respondents are male, married, went to college and for whether they stated white or black as their race. 46 Chance US Unemployment will be higher in a year Numeracy College Looking for work * 2nd third Looking for work * 3rd third Household Income (omitted) Employed Looking for work Local Unemployment 7.316*** (2.718) -5.164 (3.398) -5.617* (3.267) 4.870*** (1.810) Looking for work * college 3.628* (2.161) 0.766 (2.696) 1.145 (2.656) 3.516** (1.698) 1.404 (2.492) 1.805 (2.721) -0.916 (2.194) Time Fixed Effects Demographics Individual Fixed Effects Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Number of observations Number of individuals 1461 226 1717 234 1717 234 1717 234 Table 17: Effect of Unemployment on Expectations by Respondent Characteristics The table shows regression estimates of equation 3 with the indicator for searching for work interacted with numeracy, college, local unemployment and household income . Standard errors are clustered at the respondent level. The dependent variable is the percentage chance of US unemployment being higher a year later as stated by the respondent. Employment status is each respondent’s self reported current employment status. Local unemployment is the unemployment rate in the ZIP code the respondent lives in. Time fixed effects are included for each survey month. In all specifications, demographics include indicators for each of the 11 possible categories eliciting household income in the survey. When no individual fixed effects are included, demographics also include respondents’ age and age squared, indicators for whether respondents are male, married, went to college and for whether they stated white or black as their race. 47 48 -0.101** (0.0429) -0.130 (0.103) -0.181*** (0.0494) Retired Student Out of Labor Force 28598 4550 28602 4550 Y Y Y Y -0.356*** (0.0555) -0.397*** (0.0993) -0.246*** (0.0435) -0.504*** (0.0533) 28590 4550 Y Y Y Y 0.0572 (1.593) -3.747 (2.496) 0.773 (1.225) 0.802 (1.022) 28058 4550 Y Y Y Y -0.679 (1.281) -3.215* (1.747) -0.740 (1.112) 0.0554 (0.938) 25394 4388 Y Y Y Y -0.0561 (0.274) -0.343 (0.408) -0.179 (0.213) 0.206 (0.199) 25627 4384 Y Y Y Y -0.219 (0.327) -0.514 (0.431) -0.0332 (0.212) 0.0679 (0.196) 24151 4389 Y Y Y Y 0.716 (1.270) -0.454 (1.188) 0.194 (1.011) -0.885 (1.045) Inflation 3 years government debt (omitted) Inflation 1 year Chance that the following will be higher in a year interest rates on US stock prices savings 20307 3239 Y Y Y Y 0.621 (1.207) 2.075* (1.118) -0.413 (0.579) -0.937 (0.629) home prices The table shows regression estimates of equation 3 with the following dependent variables: respondents’ answer on a 5 point scale to whether they believe to be better off a year later (column 1) and whether they are better off than a year ago (column 2); the percentage chance that interest rates on saving accounts (column 3) and US stock prices (column 4) will be higher a year later; respondents best guess of the inflation rate in the next year (column 5) and between two and three years from now (column 6); the expected change in government debt (column 7) and the expected change in US home prices (column 8). Time fixed effects are included for each survey month. Local unemployment is the unemployment rate in the ZIP code the respondent lives in. In all specifications, demographics include indicators for each of the 11 possible categories eliciting household income in the survey. Standard errors are cluster Table 18: Effect of Employment Status on Expectations about Other Economic Outcomes Number of observations Number of individuals Y Y Y Y -0.100** (0.0397) Local Unemployment Indicators Demographics Time Fixed Effects Individual Fixed Effects Are better off than year ago (omitted) Looking for Work Employment Status Employed Will be better off in a year A Survey Questions A.1 Monthly Survey Questions on House Prices Next we would like you to think about home prices nationwide. Over the next 12 months, what do you expect will happen to the average home price nationwide? Over the next 12 months, I expect the average home price to... • increase by 0% or more • decrease by 0% or more By about what percent do you expect the average home price to (increase/decrease as in previous question)? Please give your best guess. Over the next 12 months, I expect the average home price to (increase/decrease as previous question) by %. And in your view, what would you say is the percent chance that, over the next 12 months, the average home price nationwide will... percent chance increase by 12% or more percent chance increase by 8% to 12% increase by 4% to 8% percent chance increase by 2% to 4% percent chance increase by 0% to 2% percent chance decrease by 0% to 2% percent chance percent chance decrease by 2% to 4% decrease by 4% to 8% percent chance decrease by 8% to 12% percent chance decrease by 12% or more percent chance A.2 Survey Question on House Prices in Extra Module • Question on zip code level past house price changes You estimated the current value of a typical home in your zip code to be [answer to previous question] dollars. Now, we would like you to think about the future value of such a home. Over the next 12 months (by February 2016), what do you expect will happen to the value of such a home? Over the next 12 months, I expect the value of such a home to... 49 – increase by 0% or more – decrease by 0% or more By about what percent do you expect the value of such a home to [increase/decrease as in previous question] over the next 12 months? Please give your best guess. • Recall of past zip code level house price changes You indicated that you estimate the current value of a typical home in your zip code to be [answer to previous question] dollars. Now, think about how the value of such a home has changed over time. Over the past 12 months (since February 2014), how has the value of such a home changed? (By value, we mean how much that typical home would approximately sell for.) Over the past 12 months (since February 2014), I think the value of such a home has... – increased by 0% or more – decreased by 0% or more By about what percent do you think the value of such a home has [increased/decreased as previous question] over the past 12 months? Please give your best guess. And over the past 5 years (since February 2010), how has the value of such a home changed? Over the past 5 years (since February 2010), I think the value of such a home has... – increased by 0% or more – decreased by 0% or more By about what percent do you think the value of such a home has [increased/decreased as in previous question] IN TOTAL over the past 5 years? Please give your best guess. A.3 Monthly Survey Questions on Employment • What do you think is the percent chance that 12 months from now the unemployment rate in the U.S. will be higher than it is now? • What is your current employment situation? 50 – Working full-time (for someone or self-employed) – Working part-time (for someone or self-employed) – Not working, but would like to work – Temporarily laid off – On sick or other leave – Permanently disabled or unable to work – Retiree or early retiree – Student, at school or in training – Homemaker – Other (please specify) • Question on own employment prospects for employed respondents – What do you think is the percent chance that you will lose your main job during the next 12 months? – Suppose you were to lose your main job this month. What do you think is the percent chance that within the following 3 months, you will find a job that you will accept, considering the pay and type of work? • Question on own employment prospects for unemployed respondents – What do you think is the percent chance that within the coming 12 months, you will find a job that you will accept, considering the pay and type of work? – And looking at the more immediate future, what do you think is the percent chance that within the coming 3 months, you will find a job that you will accept, considering the pay and type of work? B Variation in House Prices and Weighted Experience Table 6 illustrates the geographic variation in house prices and how it translates into the weighted experience variable depending on the weighting parameter λ. Panel a shows yearly changes in house prices in three states with different hours price development: 51 Arizona experienced high increases in house prices in the early 2000s and a large decline after the onset of the financial crisis in 2008. New York experienced large increases in house prices in the 1980ies. Prices also increased in the early 2000s and declined afterwards, though both the increase and subsequent decline were substantially smaller than in Arizona. House prices in Indiana were relatively stable over the last decades with neither small declines nor large increases. The weighted house price experience in Indiana is therefore very similar for respondents of all experience horizons and irrespective of whether recent or earlier experiences are weighted more. In Arizona and New York, weighted experience varies substantially with experience horizon, as well as weighting parameter λ. Respondents who experienced only the last 5 or 10 years average experienced house price changes increases as the recent years, the recovery after the crisis gains more weight. It also increases as early experiences or overweighted since for respondents with 10 year horizons, these overweight the run-up in prices in the early 2000s. In New York, unlike in Arizona, respondents with a very long horizon also have high weighted house price experiences when early experiences receive higher weights since these capture the 1980s when New York, but not Arizona experienced large increases in house prices. C History of Local House Prices on US House Price Expectations - State and MSA Level House Prices We replicate the analysis in section 4.2 using state and MSA level house prices instead of ZIP code level house prices to measure local house price experience. D Own Employment Prospects and Unemployment Expectations Table 21 analyzes to what extent self-assessed employment prospects are informative of future employment outcomes both in the cross-section, as well as within-respondent over time.13 The dependent variable in the table is a dummy for whether the respondent actually loses her job over the specified horizon. Respondents who think they are more likely to loose their job when they first enter the panel are more likely to do so in the 13 Stephens Jr [2004] and Dickerson and Green [2012] also find that expectations of unemployment are predictive of future employment outcomes. 52 following months: Panel A of the table, which exploits cross-sectional variation, shows an increase of 10 percentage points in the reported likelihood of losing a job over the next 12 months is associated with a .15 increase (on a 0-1 scale) in the actual likelihood of losing a job over the next six months. Moreover, the lower panel of Table 21 shows that as respondents become more pessimistic about losing their job they are indeed at an increased risk of being laid off, in particular over a 1-month horizon. We take this as evidence of subjective expectations regarding own job loss capturing respondents’ private information regarding their job stability. Table 22 shows how self-assessed employment prospects affect expectations about US unemployment of employed respondents. As respondents become more pessimistic about losing their job, they also become more pessimistic about US unemployment. A one standard deviation increase in the self-assessed probability of job loss is associated with an increase of 2.3 percentage points in the expectations regarding an increase in the US unemployment rate.14 Respondents’ self-assessed likelihood of not finding a new job should they loose their current one, however, is negatively related with their assessment of US unemployment. The estimate is small in economic terms though: a one standard deviation increase in the likelihood of not finding a job is associated with a 0.4 decline in expectations regarding US unemployment being higher. The third column of the table shows that nationwide unemployment expectations are positively related with the likelihood of the respondent themselves being unemployed in 3 months, were they to lose their current job. These findings are generally consistent with respondents extrapolating from their own experience of increased likelihood of unemployment to an increasing US unemployment. E Unemployment Expectations - Additional Specifications In our baseline model, reported in Table 16, the effects of own labor market experiences on nationwide unemployment expectations is restricted to be symmetric. We relax this in Table 23. In the cross section, reported in the first column, we see that expectations of respondents who recently found a new job do not differ significantly from those of respondents who have been employed throughout the sample period. Respondents who 14 The standard deviation of self-assessed job loss probability is 20.7 percentage points as shown in Table 4 which if multiplied with the coefficient of .117 yields the estimate of 2.4 percentage points. 53 lost their job or entered the sample looking for a job are substantially more pessimistic. When including individual fixed effects in column (2) of the table, however, we find no significant difference between recent job losers and employed respondents. Respondents who found a new job out of unemployment, however, are 5 percentage points more optimistic than those who are employed throughout the sample period. We next investigate whether the effect of job loss or finding a job out of unemployment varies by the length of unemployment. Table 24 splits the indicator for being unemployed into separate indicators for each quintile of unemployment length. Respondents who have been unemployed longer are more pessimistic than the most recent job losers, but there is no clear monotonic relationship with the length of unemployment beyond the first quintile. 54 55 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Arizona 1990 2005 Indiana 2000 20 years experience New York 1995 30 years experience -1 0 2 4 5 Overweighting of recent experience 3 6 7 8 9 10 30 year horizon -1 -1 0 Overweighting of early experience -2 2 4 5 Overweighting of recent experience 3 6 Weighting parameter λ 10 year horizon 20 year horizon 1 7 2 4 5 Overweighting of recent experience 3 6 7 9 10 8 9 10 30 year horizon (d) Indiana - Weighted Experience Weighting parameter λ 10 year horizon 20 year horizon 1 8 30 year horizon (b) Arizona - Weighted Experience 5 year horizon -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 Overweighting of early experience -2 5 year horizon -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Panel A shows yearly changes in house prices in Arizona, Indiana and New York. The remaining panels show how the weighted house price experience of respondents with experience horizons of 5, 10, 20 and 30 years in Arizona (Panel B), New York (Panel C) and Indiana (Panel D) changes as the weighting parameter λ changes. λ equal to zero (c) New York - Weighted Experience Weighting parameter λ 10 year horizon 20 year horizon 1 5 years 2010 2013 10 years (a) House Price Changes Over Time 1985 Overweighting of early experience -2 1980 5 year horizon -10 Year on Year Changes in House Prices Weighted House Price Experience Figure 6: House Prices and Weighted Experience Weighted House Price Experience Weighted House Price Experience Figure 7: Weighted Average of Local House Price Experience - State LevelHouse Prices 0.056 0.054 R2 of regression 0.052 0.05 0.048 0.046 0.044 0.042 0.04 Weighting parameter λ last year's hp return 2 year horizon 3 year horizon 4 year horizon 5 year horizon 10 year horizon 15 year horizon 20 year horizon all data (since 1976) (a) Fixed Year Horizons 0.056 0.054 R2 of regression 0.052 0.05 0.048 0.046 0.044 0.042 0.04 Weighting parameter λ 3 year horizon since lived in zip since lived in state since age 13 (b) Individual Specific Horizons 56 since birth 0.6 Weight on return in each year 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Year Prior to Current 2 year horizon, lambda -0.3 5 year horizon, lambda 2.2 20 year horizon, lambda 12 3 year horizon, lambda 0.6 10 year horizon, lambda 5.5 37 year horizon, lambda 20 4 year horizon, lambda 1.4 15 year horizon, lambda 8.8 Figure 8: Weighting Function Implied by Optimal Weighting Parameter - State Level House Prices 57 Figure 9: Weighted Average of Local House Price Experience - MSA Level House Prices 0.058 0.056 R2 of regression 0.054 0.052 0.05 0.048 0.046 0.044 0.042 0.04 Weighting parameter λ last year's hp return 2 year horizon 3 year horizon 4 year horizon 5 year horizon 10 year horizon 15 year horizon 20 year horizon all data (since 1976) (a) Fixed Year Horizons 0.058 0.056 R2 of regression 0.054 0.052 0.05 0.048 0.046 0.044 0.042 0.04 Weighting parameter λ 3 year horizon since lived in zip since lived in state since age 13 (b) Individual Specific Horizons 58 since birth 0.7 Weight on return in each year 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Year Prior to Current 2 year horizon, lambda -0.7 5 year horizon, lambda 2.3 20 year horizon, lambda 12.6 3 year horizon, lambda 0.7 10 year horizon, lambda 5.8 37 year horizon, lambda 20 4 year horizon, lambda 1.5 15 year horizon, lambda 9.3 Figure 10: Weighting Function Implied by Optimal Weighting Parameter - MSA Level House Prices 59 Best Fit Parameters for Weighted Past Experiences standard effect of 1 λ R2 coefficient error of standard coefficient deviation Fixed year horizons 2 years 5.352% -0.3 0.213 0.026 0.892 3 years 5.414% 0.6 0.249 0.032 0.933 4 years 5.389% 1.4 0.263 0.035 0.911 5 years 5.378% 2.2 0.265 0.035 0.902 10 years 5.362% 5.5 0.279 0.037 0.894 15 years 5.357% 8.8 0.283 0.037 0.891 20 years 5.355% 12.0 0.287 0.038 0.890 all data 5.351% 20.0 0.311 0.041 0.893 Individual specific horizons lived in zip 4.942% 0.9 0.230 0.043 0.721 lived in zip + 1 5.055% 1.1 0.267 0.046 0.780 lived in state 5.266% 20.0 0.253 0.028 0.856 age 5.405% 16.3 0.352 0.046 0.921 since age 13 5.437% 7.2 0.516 0.057 0.984 Table 19: Best Fit Parameters for Weighted Past Returns as Measure of Experience State Level House Prices For each horizon considered, the table shows the parameters of the specifications with the highest R2 . 60 Best Fit Parameters for Weighted Past Experiences standard effect of 1 λ R2 coefficient error of standard coefficient deviation Fixed year horizons 2 years 5.712% -0.7 0.197 0.028 0.952 3 years 5.656% 0.7 0.228 0.040 0.940 4 years 5.623% 1.5 0.237 0.042 0.920 5 years 5.607% 2.3 0.238 0.043 0.909 10 years 5.576% 5.8 0.245 0.045 0.895 15 years 5.568% 9.3 0.248 0.045 0.891 20 years 5.564% 12.6 0.250 0.046 0.890 all data 5.553% 20.0 0.276 0.052 0.890 Individual specific horizons lived in zip 5.278% 1.9 0.219 0.043 0.782 lived in zip + 1 5.374% 1.7 0.251 0.048 0.830 lived in state 5.492% 17.6 0.227 0.036 0.863 age 5.599% 19.8 0.280 0.052 0.907 since age 13 5.614% 8.7 0.404 0.072 0.961 Table 20: Best Fit Parameters for Weighted Past Returns as Measure of Experience MSA Level House Prices For each horizon considered, the table shows the parameters of the specifications with the highest R2 . 61 (A) Employment Prospects When Entering Sample Loose job within Pr(job loss within 12 months) Local Unemployment (Indicators for Decile) Demographics Time Fixed Effects Individual Fixed Effects Number of observations 1 month 3 months 6 months 9 months 0.0321** (0.0137) 0.0767*** (0.0209) 0.145*** (0.0292) 0.151*** (0.0320) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 2709 2536 2325 2108 (B) Within Individual Changes in Employment Prospects Loose job within Pr(job loss within 12 months) Local Unemployment (Indicators for Decile) Demographics Time Fixed Effects Individual Fixed Effects Number of observations Number of individuals 1 month 3 months 6 months 9 months 0.0205** (0.00954) 0.0190 (0.0136) 0.0134 (0.0117) 0.00174 (0.0129) Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 0.482 28611 1.077 28611 1.496 28611 1.585 28611 Table 21: Predictiveness of Own Employment Prospects The table shows regression estimates of whether respondents’ self reported probability of loosing their job is indicative of future job loss. The dependent variable is whether respondents report having lost their job within the next 1, 3, 6 or 9 months of the survey module. Pr(job loss within 12 months) is the percentage chance that the respondent will loose his or her job within the next 12 months as stated by the respondent (on a 0-1 scale). Panel A includes only the first survey module for each respondent. Panel B includes all survey modules and respondent fixed effects. Local unemployment is the unemployment rate in the ZIP code the respondent lives in. Time fixed effects are included for each survey month. In all specifications, demographics include indicators for each of the 11 possible categories eliciting household income in the survey. When no individual fixed effects are included, demographics also include respondents’ age and age squared, indicators for whether respondents are male, married, went to college and for whether they stated white or black as their race. Standard errors are clustered at the respondent level when applicable. 62 Change US unemployment will be higher in a year I Pr(job loss within 12 months) II III 0.117*** (0.0122) 1-Pr(find job within 3 months) 0.116*** (0.0122) -0.0114 (0.00869) -0.0128 (0.00866) Pr(unemployed ≥ 3 months) IV 0.141*** (0.0187) Local Unemployment (Indicators for Decile) Y Y Y Y Time Fixed Effects Demographics Individual Fixed Effects Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Mean of Dependent Variables 39 39 39 39 17,007 3,023 17,559 3,108 17,005 3,023 17,005 3,023 Number of observations Number of individuals Table 22: Effect of Own Employment Prospects on US Unemployment, for the Employed The table shows regression estimates of equation 3. Standard errors are clustered at the respondent level. The dependent variable is the percentage chance of US unemployment being higher a year later as stated by the respondent. Pr(job loss within 12 months) is the percentage chance that the respondent will loose his or her job within the next 12 months and 1-Pr(find job within 3 months) is the percentage chance that the respondent will not find a job within 3 months in case of job loss, both as stated by the respondent. Pr(unemployed ≥ 3 months) is the probability that the respondent will be unemployed longer than 3 months calculated as Pr(job loss within 12 months) times 1-Pr(find job within 3 months). Local unemployment is the unemployment rate in the ZIP code the respondent lives in. Time fixed effects are included for each survey month. In all specifications, demographics include indicators for each of the 11 possible categories eliciting household income in the survey. When no individual fixed effects are included, demographics also include respondents’ age and age squared, indicators for whether respondents are male, married, went to college and for whether they stated white or black as their race. 63 Chance US Unemployment will be higher in a year I Employment Status Employed II omitted Looking for Work 6.909*** (1.496) 2.086 (1.502) Become Employed 0.139 (1.609) -4.049*** (1.533) Became Unemployed 5.936*** (2.105) 1.136 (1.556) Retired -3.545*** (0.926) 0.186 (1.077) Student 0.302 (2.234) 0.448 (2.074) 1.931 (1.302) 0.000463 (1.423) Local Unemployment (Indicators for Decile) Y Y Demographics Time Fixed Effects Individual Fixed Effects Y Y Y Y Y Mean of dependent variable 38.82 38.82 Number of observations Number of individuals 28611 4550 28611 4550 Out of Labor Force Table 23: Asymmetric Effect of Employment Status on Unemployment Expectations The table shows regression estimates of equation 3. Standard errors are clustered at the respondent level. The dependent variable is the percentage chance of US unemployment being higher a year later as stated by the respondent. Respondents who are employed and were not previously unemployed during the sample are classified as Employed. Respondents who are looking for work and were not previously employed are classified as Looking for Work. Respondents who are currently employed but were unemployed in any previous survey module are classified as Become Employed. Respondents who are currently looking for work but were employed in any previous survey module are classified as Become Unemployed. Local unemployment is the unemployment rate in the ZIP code the respondent lives in. Time fixed effects are included for each survey month. In all specifications, demographics include indicators for each of the 11 possible categories eliciting household income in the survey. When no individual fixed effects are included, demographics also include respondents’ age and age squared, indicators for whether respondents are male, married, went to college and for whether they stated white or black as their race. 64 Chance US Unemployment will be higher in a year I Employment Status Employed II omitted Looking for Work Unemployment Length - 1st quintile 7.199*** (2.251) 11.09*** (2.470) 7.791*** (2.399) 6.724** (3.076) 7.452*** (2.832) -3.605*** (0.916) 0.250 (2.231) 3.600** (1.581) 4.639*** (1.686) 2.631 (1.763) 3.944* (2.130) 4.774*** (1.603) 0.649 (1.010) 1.099 (2.090) 1.881 (1.295) 0.556 (1.362) Local Unemployment (Indicators for Decile) Y Y Demographics Y Y Time Fixed Effects Individual Fixed Effects Y Y Y Mean of dependent variable 38.82 38.82 Number of observations Number of individuals 28611 4550 28611 4550 Unemployment Length - 2nd quintile Unemployment Length - 3rd quintile Unemployment Length - 4th quintile Unemployment Length - 5th quintile Retired Student Out of Labor Force Table 24: Effect of Unemployment Length on Unemployment Expectations The table shows regression estimates of equation 3. Standard errors are clustered at the respondent level. The dependent variable is the percentage chance of US unemployment being higher a year later as stated by the respondent. Employment status is each respondent’s self reported current employment status. For unemployed respondents, employment status is split into five categories based on the length of unemployment. Local unemployment is the unemployment rate in the ZIP code the respondent lives in. Time fixed effects are included for each survey month. In all specifications, demographics include indicators for each of the 11 possible categories eliciting household income in the survey. When no individual fixed effects are included, demographics also include respondents’ age and age squared, indicators for whether respondents are male, married, went to college and for whether they stated white or black as their race. 65
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