EC202 Microeconomic Principles II: Lecture 10 Leonardo Felli NAB.LG.08 19 March 2015 Private Good I A good is rival if consumption by an agent reduces the possibilities of consumption by the other agents. I A good is subject to exclusion if you have to pay to consume the good. Definition (Private Goods) A private good is both rival and subject to exclusion. Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 2 / 43 Public Goods Definition (Public Goods) A public good is nonrival. A pure public good is both nonrival and not subject to exclusion. I A pure public good example is national defense I A good that is subject to exclusion, but nonrival is patented research I A good that is not subject to exclusion, but rival is free parking Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 3 / 43 The Free Rider Problem I Free riders are economic agents that consume more than their fair share of a public resource, I They are also economic agents that bear less than a fair share of the costs of its production. I Free riding is considered to be a problem when it leads to: I the under-production of a public good (and thus to Pareto inefficiency), I the excessive use of a common resource. Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 4 / 43 The Free Rider Problem (cont’d) I This problem was first formalized by Wicksell in 1896 I Though discussions about the under-provision of public goods date back to Adam Smith’s ”Wealth of Nations” in 1776 I The 1st solution to the problem was proposed by Lindahl in 1919 Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 5 / 43 A Simple Economy with Pure Public Goods Consider the following two goods economy: I Let n denote the number of consumers (i denotes any one of them). I Let x denote the private good (an aggregate of all private goods). I Let z denote the pure public good. Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 6 / 43 Technology I Good z is produced using good x according to a production function: z = f (x) I The production function f is monotonic, hence can be expressed as the function g : x = g (z) = f −1 (z) I Endowments of the two goods are (ωx , ωz ) = (X , 0) Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 7 / 43 Preferences and Feasibility I Preferences of consumer i are given by U i (xi , zi ) I The feasibility constraint for the private good requires that: n X xi ≤ X − x i=1 I Since good z is nonrival, feasibility only requires that: zi ≤ z for any i ∈ {1, ..., n} Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 8 / 43 Pareto Optimality with Pure Public Goods I Let αi denote the Pareto weight on the utility of player i I The Pareto optimal allocation is the solution to the problem: max x,z,xi ,zi s.t. n X αi U i (xi , zi ) i=1 z = f (x) n X xi ≤ X − x i=1 zi ≤ z Leonardo Felli (LSE) ∀i ∈ {1, ..., n} EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 9 / 43 Pareto Optimality with Pure Public Goods (cont’d) I Clearly since utility is monotonic, both feasibility constraints will be binding hence the problem becomes: max xi ,z s.t. n X i=1 n X αi U i (xi , z) xi = X − g (z) (λ) i=1 I The first order conditions are: n X αi Uxi (xi , z) = λ (xi ) αi Uzi (xi , z) = λ g 0 (z) (z) i=1 Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 10 / 43 Pareto Optimality with Pure Public Goods (cont’d) I Solving the two equations above yield the Pareto Optimality conditions: n X Uzi (xi , z) 1 = g 0 (z) = 0 i Ux (xi , z) f (x) i=1 I Where we use the rule: df −1 (z) 1 = 0 dz f (x) I These conditions are known as the Bowen-Lindhal-Samuelson conditions and imply that the Social Marginal Rate of Substitution equals the Marginal Rate of Transformation. Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 11 / 43 Private Contribution/Subscription Equilibrium Consider an economy in which individuals decide how much to contribute to the production of the public good: I Denote Xi the resources of player i. I Denote by di the resources that individual i is willing to donate for the production of z. I The budget constraint for player i requires that: xi + di = Xi Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 12 / 43 Private Contribution Equilibrium (cont’d) I The amount produced of public good z therefore satisfies: ! n X z =f di i=1 I The best reply for consumer i is then to choose his contribution di given the contributions of all remaining consumers d−i : max U i (xi , z) xi ,di s.t. z =f n X ! di i=1 xi + di = Xi Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 13 / 43 Private Contribution Equilibrium (cont’d) I Since the constraints are binding, the problem of consumer i simplifies to: !! n X max U i Xi − di , f di si I i=1 The first order conditions are then: Uzi (xi , z) 1 = 0 Pn i Ux (xi , z) f ( i=1 di ) I To be compared to BLS: n X U i (xi , z) z Uxi (xi , z) i=1 Leonardo Felli (LSE) = 1 f 0 (x) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 14 / 43 Private Contribution Equilibrium (cont’d) I The Nash equilibrium of the private contribution game is such that consumer i’s Private Marginal Rate of Substitution equals the Marginal Rate of Transformation. I Clearly this differs from BLS the reason is that individual agents only care about their private benefits from their investment in the public good. I Under general conditions the private contribution equilibrium leads to the production of too little public good. I In other words, there exists a free rider problem. Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 15 / 43 Lindahl Equilibrium In 1919 Lindahl (a Swedish economist) proposed the following solution to the free rider problem: I Assume that personal prices can be established I Let pi be the price paid by consumer i I The producer of the public good thus receives a price: p= n X pi i=1 I The producer chooses his output given the price to maximize profits: max p z − g (z) z Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 16 / 43 Lindahl Equilibrium (cont’d) I Thus he produces until marginal costs are equal to the price p: p = g 0 (z) I Consumer i, on the other hand, chooses xi and zi to maximize utility given his price pi : max U i (xi , zi ) xi ,zi s.t. Leonardo Felli (LSE) xi + pi zi = Xi EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 17 / 43 Lindahl Equilibrium (cont’d) I The FOC require that he equalizes his Marginal Rate of Substitution to the price pi : Uzi (xi , zi ) = pi Uxi (xi , zi ) I Market clearing in the public good sector requires that the individual demand of any consumer be equal to the supply: zi (p1 , . . . , pn ) = z(p1 , . . . , pn ) for any i ∈ {1, ..., n} Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 18 / 43 Lindahl Equilibrium (cont’d) Adding up for any i condition Uzi (xi , zi ) = pi Uxi (xi , zi ) And using condition p = g 0 (z) We obtain that the BLS condition for Pareto optimality is satisfied: n X U i (xi , zi ) z Uxi (xi , zi ) i=1 Leonardo Felli (LSE) = n X pi = p = g 0 (z) = i=1 EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 1 f 0 (x) 19 March 2015 19 / 43 Lindahl Equilibrium (cont’d) I The advantage of such implementation is that it restores Pareto optimality. I The disadvantage is that it requires the existence of n ”micromarkets” in which a sole consumer buys the public good at his personalized price. I Thus it is a hard solution to implement if consumers valuations for the public good are private information, since everyone has an incentive to underestimate his demand in order to pay a lower price. Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 20 / 43 Personalized Taxation If consumers can be taxed for the consumption of the public good: I The budget constraint of any consumer i becomes: xi + ti (zi ) = Xi I Consumers equalize MRS to the marginal cost of the public good: Uzi (xi , zi ) = ti0 (zi ) Uxi (xi , zi ) I Setting tax rates equal to the Lindahl prices yields Pareto optimality: ti (zi ) = pi zi Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 21 / 43 Pros and Cons I This approach has the same advantages and disadvantages than the Lindahl equilibrium (it works if the government has detailed information about the preferences in the population) I Recently devised mechanisms do not require the regulator to be informed about the tastes of consumers and still restore Pareto optimality. Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 22 / 43 Planning Procedures and Pivotal Mechanisms I These may be Planning Procedures (Malinvaud, Dreze and Poussin, 1971): dynamic revelation mechanisms that converges to Pareto optimality I They may also be Pivotal Mechanisms (Vickrey, Clarke, Groves 1971): static revelation mechanisms that implements any Pareto optimal allocation. I In both cases the regulator is uninformed about preferences of consumers, he implements the Pareto optimal allocation giving individual consumer the incentive to reveal their true valuation for the public good. Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 23 / 43 Property of Public Goods I It is often asserted that because of the free rider problem public goods should be provided by the public sector (e.g. police, defense, justice system) I Such claim was first made by Adam Smith in the ”Wealth of Nations” I Several classical authors (Mill & Samuelson) illustrated the principle through the lighthouse example (a pure public good) Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 24 / 43 Coasian Solution I In 1974 Coase contested such argument pointing out that the free rider problem was simply a problem of positive externalities. I As such it could be solved by private bargaining: a plain application of the Coase Theorem. I Coase argued: that British lighthouses were traditionally a responsibility of a private national company that perceived a fixed right which was discharged by any ship landing in a British port. I This was not detrimental to British naval commerce since shipowners were more conscious of paying for this service and had more incentives to monitor that the service was rendered. Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 25 / 43 The Importance of the Free Rider Problem In large economies without public goods individuals have no incentive to game prices by altering their demand (Roberts-Postlewaite 1976) With public goods, however, individuals have incentives to underestimate their demand since it affects their contribution significantly, but it affects the provision of the public good only marginally Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 26 / 43 People are Essentially Honest Several empirical studies however have pointed out that the importance of the free rider problem has been exaggerated by economics since individuals have a tendency towards honesty (Bohm 1972, Ledyard 1995 – survey) The conclusions of these studies are that individuals: I Game prices, but less than in the private contribution game. I Contribute less if the game is repeated. I Contribute more if allowed to communicate. Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 27 / 43 Local Public Goods Definition (Local Public Good) Local public goods are public goods that apply only to the inhabitants of a particular geographical area (garbage collection, public transport, parks) Tiebout was the first to study their theory in 1956 The main feature of these markets is that individuals are free to decide in which community to live Thus individuals will move away from communities with too few or poorly financed public goods (neighborhoods and public schools) Tiebout showed that this process had an efficient equilibrium if there is perfect mobility and perfect information Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 28 / 43 Moral Hazard in Teams (Holmstr¨om 1982) Consider now the following multi-agent model with moral hazard. Assume that there exists two risk-neutral agents each choosing an effort ei , i ∈ {1, 2} simultaneously and independently. The output of their joint effort is the strictly concave function: x(e1 + e2 ), Leonardo Felli (LSE) x 0 (·) > 0, x 00 (·) < 0, EC202 Microeconomic Principles II x 0 (0) > 1 19 March 2015 29 / 43 Partnership Each agent’s personal cost of effort is φ(ei ) = ei , ∀i ∈ {1, 2} Assume first that the agents decide to organize their activity as a partnership. Let si be the share of output that agent i gets in the partnership. Agent i’s total share of surplus is then: si x(e1 + e2 ) We assume that: s1 + s2 = 1 Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 30 / 43 The Full-Information Case We start from the full-information case: ei and x are observable to all parties. Before exerting any effort the agents negotiate and sign a partnership contract. The full-information partnership contract specifies: (e1 , e2 ; s1 , s2 ) such that: s1 + s2 = 1 Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 31 / 43 The Full-Information Case (cont’d) The level of efforts specified in the contract are such that: ei∗ = arg max x(e1 + e2 ) − e1 − e2 , ∀i ∈ {1, 2} ei This maximization problem is strictly concave, the unique solution is fully characterized by the necessary and sufficient FOC: x 0 (e1∗ + e2∗ ) = 1, ∀i ∈ {1, 2} Whatever shares agreed by the agents (s1 , s2 ) the full information contract specifies: (e1∗ , e2∗ ; s1∗ , s2∗ ) Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 32 / 43 Unobservable Effort Assume now that each agent’s effort level ei is only observable to the agent i. Before choosing effort the agents negotiate and sign a partnership contract. This contract only specifies the share of surplus accruing to every agent: (s1 , s2 ) Given the contract each agent then chooses his effort eˆi . These choices are the Nash equilibrium of the agents’ effort-choice game: eˆ = (ˆ e1 , eˆ2 ) Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 33 / 43 Agents’ Effort Choice Each agent’s best reply is then the result of the maximization of his payoff function: max si x(ei + e−i ) − ei ei The best reply is characterized by the necessary and sufficient FOC: si x 0 (ei + e−i ) = 1 The Nash equilibrium is then defined by the solution to the following pair of best replies, if si > 0: x 0 (ˆ e1 + eˆ2 ) = Leonardo Felli (LSE) 1 , s1 x 0 (ˆ e1 + eˆ2 ) = EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 1 s2 19 March 2015 34 / 43 Impossibility of Efficient Partnership Result (Holmstr¨om 1982) There does not exist a partnership agreement (s1 , s2 ), where si > 0 for all i ∈ {1, 2}, that achieves the efficient outcome. Recall that: s1 + s2 = 1 In other words: 0 < si < 1 Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 35 / 43 Impossibility of Efficient Partnership (cont’d) Therefore, for all partnership agreement (s1 , s2 ) we get: x 0 (ˆ e1 + eˆ2 ) = 1 >1 si Recall that the full information effort is such that: x 0 (e1∗ + e2∗ ) = 1 Hence, strict concavity of x(e1 + e2 ) implies that x 0 (e1 + e2 ) is a decreasing function, therefore eˆ1 + eˆ2 < e1∗ + e2∗ Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 36 / 43 Intuition of Free-Rider Problem I Each individual agent when choosing his effort has an incentive to free-ride on the other agent’s effort choice. I The reason is that agent i does not receive full returns from his investment eˆi . I He only receives returns from his investment in proportion of his share of the partnership si hence he adjusts his investment accordingly. I Can the agents do better by choosing a contract that differs from a partnership? Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 37 / 43 Budget Breaker For this purpose we need to introduce a budget breaker in the contract. Result (Holmstr¨om 1982) Assume that the partnership share for agent i, Si (x) is a function of x such that: ∗ si if x ≥ x(e1∗ + e2∗ ) Si (x) = 0 if x < x(e1∗ + e2∗ ) where for all i ∈ {1, 2} si∗ is such that si∗ x(e1∗ + e2∗ ) > ei∗ The first best effort choices (e1∗ , e2∗ ) are now a Nash equilibrium of the agents’ game. Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 38 / 43 Budget Breaker (cont’d) ∗ . If agent −i choose e−i Agent i’s payoff is then: I ∗ ) − e > 0, if e ≥ e ∗ hence x ≥ x ∗ , si∗ x(ei + e−i i i i I −ei ≤ 0, if instead ei < ei∗ hence x < x ∗ . The agent’s best reply is then: ei = ei∗ Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 39 / 43 Budget Breaker (cont’d) The budget breaker has the following payoff: 0 if x = x(e1∗ + e2∗ ) Π(x) = x if x < x(e1∗ + e2∗ ) In other words his payoff is positive only if in case of deviation. The main problem with this solution is the multiplicity of the Nash equilibria of the agents’ subgame. Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 40 / 43 Multiplicity ∗ . Assume that agents −i choose effort eˆ−i < e−i Then if si∗ x(e1∗ + e2∗ ) − e¯i ≥ 0 where e¯i = (e1∗ + e2∗ − e−i ) the best reply for agent i is to choose e¯i : he feels pivotal. This means, (¯ ei , eˆ−i ) is an (asymmetric) Nash equilibrium of the agents’ game. Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 41 / 43 Inefficiency If instead si∗ x(e1∗ + e2∗ ) − e¯i < 0 Then the best reply for the agent i is to choose eˆi = 0 There always exists a Nash equilibrium of the agent’s game such that each agent chooses ˆai = 0, Leonardo Felli (LSE) ∀i ∈ {1, 2} EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 42 / 43 Being Pivotal I The existence of an equilibrium with efficient contributions comes from the fact that in the presence of a budget breaker each agent feels pivotal. I This implies that in the absence of his contribution the positive payoff is not awarded to anyone, him included. I This is why team contribution and team spirit are enhanced in situations where there is a large prize only for the winning team, and zero for the others. I This is also why in most fund-raising appeals it is critical to establish a target and make each potential contributor feel like in the absence of his contribution the target will not be achieved and the general benefits will disappear from everyone. Leonardo Felli (LSE) EC202 Microeconomic Principles II 19 March 2015 43 / 43
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