P PREL IMIN NARY PROG GRAM MME SUND DAY JUNE 21 15:00‐221:00 PM 19:30‐221:00 PM DAY JUNE E 22 MOND 9:30‐122:30 PM 09:30‐110:00 AM 10:00‐110:45 AM Reg gistration/C Conferencce Check‐in n Cocktail SESSION I Chaairmen: Thoomas J. Webbster and D Djuro Korugga Weelcoming R Remarks Plenary Talk: 115 Years of Conductting Nanom medicine Research: Wh here are W We Headed d? Thoomas J. Webbster, North heastern Un niversity, U USA 10:45‐111:00 AM Coffee 11:00‐111:30 AM 11:30‐111:50 AM 11:50‐112:10 PM plication Steem Cells frrom Fat Tiissue and Their App Invvited talk: PH P Depen ndent Antiibacterial Activity of D Dextran‐co oated Nan noceria Hillal Yazici**, Ece Allpaslan, Thhomas J. Webster, Norrtheastern Universitty, USA, King Abdulaziz A Un niversity, Saaudi Arabia nodynamiic Effectts of Hematopo orphyrin Son Mo onomethyll Ether on n Staphylo ococcus Au ureus in vittro Desshu Zhuan ng*, Liangjjia Bi, Wenwu W Cao,, Harbin Meedical Univversity, Ch hina, The Pennsylvan nia State Un niversity, US SA ‐ Piilot Study in Patientts with An nal Fissures Kattarina Andj djelkov, Sforrza M., Pettrovic J., Krivokapic K Z., BelPrime Clinic, University of Medicine, Belgrade, Serrbia P PRELIMIN NARY PROG GRAM MME 12:10‐112:30 PM 12:30‐115:00 PM 15:00‐116:30 PM 15:00‐115:30 PM 15:30‐115:50 PM 15:50‐116:05 PM Deevelopmen nt of Pegyllated PLG GA Nanopaarticle for Controlled and Susstained Drug D Dellivery in Ch hronic Myeeloid Leuk kemia Sam mpath Maalathi, Sen ngottuvelan n Balasubrramanian*, Guindy Campus University of Madrras, India Breeak for lun nch SESSION II Chaairmen: Aleexander N. Kharlamovv and Ljiljaana Korugicc‐ Karrasz Invvited talk: The Poly ymeric Th hermoelecttric Energy Haarvesting Systems for Biom medical Ap pplication ns Iod dine‐doped d MEH‐P PPV Bleends with h Carbon n Naanotubes Ljilljana Koruggic‐Karasz*,, Murat Ton nga, Patrickk S. Taylor, Euggene Wiluszz, Frank E. Karasz, Paul M Lahti,, Universityy of M Massachuseetts, Natick Soldier RD DE Center, U USA Inv vestigation n of the Heev Blue Liight Blocking Effect of N Nanophottonic Mate erial Bozzica Bojovicc*, Marija T Tomic, Mariina Nikolic,, Dragomir Staamenkovic, Djuro Kooruga, Uniiversity of f Belgrade, Zellezara Smeederevo d.o.o., Optix d.o.o, University of f Belggrade and E European C Centre of Peeace and Development, Serrbia Ch haracterisattion of Photonic Nanomatterials fo or Contact Len nses, Befo ore and After Exxposure to gnetometeer Extternal Magnetic Fieeld by Spiinner Mag and d Optomag gnetic Ima aging Specctroscopy Maarija Tomicc*, Bozica Bojovic, Dragomir D S Stamenkovic c, Liddija Matija, Djuro Koru uga, Univerrsity of Belggrade, Optixx P PREL IMIN NARY PROG GRAM MME 16:10‐116:30 PM d.o..o., Universsity of Belgrrade and Eu uropean Cen ntre of Peacce witth Silica‐g gold Nanop particles: S Safety in N Nanom‐fim m 17:00‐119:00 PM TUESD DAY JUNE E 23 09:00‐112:00 PM andd Developm ment,Serbia ng‐term O Outcomes in Popu ulation Undergoin U g Lon Plaasmonic Ph hototherm mal Therap py of Atheerosclerosiis Triial Aleexander N. Kharlamoov, Ural In nstitute of Cardiology y, Russsia OSTER SES SSION (1‐10) PO SESSION IIII Chaairmen: Aleexander Maajouga and S Suzana Milljkovic 09:00‐009:45 AM Plenary 09:45‐110:15 AM Heealthy and Unhealthy y Biologiccal Tissuess Aleexander Maajouga*,Efrremova M.V V., Beloglaazkima E.K K., tallk: Water Base ed Nanomedicine e: magnetic Properties P of Waterr, Diaamagneticc / Param Dju uro Koruga,, University y of Belgrad de and Euroopean Centrre of P Peace and D Development, Serbia brid Mag gnetic Maaterials fo or Invvited talk: Nanohyb Bio omedical A Applicatio on Rud dakovskayaa P.G., Zykk N.V., Goolovin U.I.m Klyachkko N.L L., Panovaa E.I., Shetinin I.V V., Sviriden nkova N.V V., Savvchenko A.G., A Lomonosov Mosscow State Universityy, Derrzhavin Tambov Statee Universityy, Nationall Universitty of S Science and Technology y, Russia P PRELIMIN NARY PROG GRAM MME 10:15‐110:35 AM Rem manent Magnetisam M m on Naano and P Pico Teslla 10:35‐110:50 AM Lev vel of Biollogical Tissues 10:50‐111:15 AM 11:15‐111:35 AM 11:35‐111:55 AM 12:00‐114:00 PM Aleeksandra Dragicevic*, D Lidija Mattija, Zoran Krivokapicc, Andrej Ilankoovic, Djuro Koruga, University U of Belgradee, nical Centtre of Serbbia, Univerrsity of Beelgrade an nd Clin Eurropean Centre of Peacee and Develoopment, Serrbia Coffee Waater Structured by Very Low w Concen ntration of o Fulllerol: Imp plications ffor Domin nant Role o of Water in n Their Antioxxidant and Radioprotective Efffects Jeleena Muncaan*, Ivana Mileusnicc, Boris Kosic, K Lidijja Maatija, University of Belggrade, Serbiia Deevelopmen nt of Moiisturising Skin Carre Producct witth Nano H Harmonized Supstan nce Suzzana Miljkoovic*, Lidijja Matija, Jelena J Mun ncan, Jadran Ban ndic, Djuroo Koruga, European Universityy Novi Sadd, Un niversity off Bekgarde,, ORS Hospital, H University of o Belggrade and European Centre C of Peace P and D Development, Serrbia Bio ophysics of o Pain Su uppression n by Polarrized Ligh ht and d Near Infrared Irradiattion: Exp posure of o Acu upuncturee Points on n Nano Scaale Serrgiy A. Gu ulyar*, Zyn naida A. Tamarova, T Bogomolettz Institute of Physiology P N National A Academy of f Sciences of o Ukrraine, Interrnational Medical M Inn novation Ceentre Zepterr, Ukrraine PO OSTER SES SSION (111‐20) 14:00‐115:00 PM Breeak for lun nch P PRELIMIN NARY PROG GRAM MME 15:00‐116:30 PM 15:00‐115:30 PM 15:30‐115:50 PM 15:50‐116:10 PM 16:10‐116:25 PM 16:25‐116:45 PM 16:45‐117:15 PM SESSION IV V Chaairmen: Aleexander Maajouga and S Suzana Milljkovic Invvited talk: Rapid Bo one Regen neration with w Nano o‐ Hy ydroxyapattite Coated with a Chitosan‐‐poly (d,l))‐ lactide‐co‐gly ycolide Bone‐fillin B ng Mateerial with h Osteocondacctive and A Antimicrob bial Properrties Nen nad Ignjatoovic*, Uskokkovic V., Ajjdukovic Z.., Mihajilov v‐ Krsstev T., Uskkokovic D., Institute of f Technical S Sciences of thhe Serbbian Acadeemy of Sciience and Arts, Belgrrade, Serbiaa, Uniiversity of Illlinois at Chiicago , USA, University oof Nis, Serbiia MG GO Nanom materials IImprove C Cell Functio ons and Reduce Bacteerial Infections for O Orthopedicc Tissue Eng gineering Applicatio ons Dan niel J. Hickeey*, Thomaas J. Websterr, Northeastern Un niversity, US SA, Abdulaaziz University, Saudi Arabia Silver Naanoparticle‐embedd ded Polymersom me Naanocarrierss for thee Treatm ment of Antibioticc‐ ressistant Infeections Ben njamin M. Geilich*, Anne L. van de Veen, Srinivaas Srid dhar, Thom mas J. Webster, We Northeastern University y, US SA, King Abbdulaziz Un niversity, Saaudi Arabiaa Coffee Sellenium Nanoparticl N le Coating gs for An nti‐cancer, An nti‐bacteriaal Bone En ndoprosthe eses Micchelle Stollzoff*, Thoomas J. Webster, W N Northeastern Un niversity, US SA Dru ug Releasing Implaants Based d on Nanoeengineered Tittania Nanotubes for Localizeed Bone and a Canceer Therapy P PREL IMIN NARY PROG GRAM MME 17:15‐117.35 PM WEDN NESDAY JU UNE 24 09:00‐112:00 PM 09:00‐009:45 AM 09:45‐110:15 PM 10:15‐111:35 PM 11:35‐112:00 PM Du usan Losic*, Karan Gu ulatu, Gagaandeep Kau ur, Shaheeer Maaher, Shafiiur Rahmaan, Gerald J. Atkins,, David M. M Fin ndlay, Andreas Evd dokiou, University U o Adelaidee, of Ausstralia Ulttrastable Surfactan nt Free Metal M Nanoparticle es Stu udy for Bio omedical A Applicatio ons Rau uwel E., Raauwel P., Guha M., Loorena S. Graacia, Kuunaal S., Wragg D., Tallinn U University off Technologgy , Estoniaa, Un niversity of O Oslo, Norw way, Universsity of Tartu, Estonia SESSION V Chaairmen: Pettra Povalej B Bržan and S Sergiy A. G Gulyar E eurship in n Plenary talk: The Scieence of Entreprene Naanomedicin ne Aam mir Butt, N Nanomedical Acceleracce, UK hotomic Study S of Hydrated Invvited talk: Aquaph Hy ydroxylated d Fulleren ne Based on o Skin Nanocream N m: Waater Based Nanomed dicine Liddija Matija*,, Muncan JJ., Tsenkovaa R., Mileussnic I., Koru uga D., Universityy of Belgrad de, Serbia, K Kobe Univerrsity, Japan,, Un niversity of B Belgrade an nd European n Centre of Peace and Devvelopment, Serbia Bio onformaticcs Educatiion in Sllovenia frrom an IT T Perrspective Millan Zorman n, Peter Kookol, Gregorr Stiglic, P Petra Povaleej Brzzan*, Matjaaz Debevc, U University oof Maribor, Slovenia Coffee P PREL IMIN NARY PROG GRAM MME 12:00‐113:00 PM 13:00‐115:00 PM 15:00‐117:00 PM THUR RSDAY JUN NE 25 09:00‐110:00 AM 10:00‐110:15 AM 10:30‐220:00 PM FRIDA AY JUNE 226 10:00‐111:00 AM 12:00 P PM orkshop: ECPD programss in nanomedic n cal Wo eng gineering and nanao omedicine Dju uro Korugaa, Universitty of Belgraade and Eurropean Centre for Peace and D Developmen nt, Serbia Breeak for lun nch orkshop: Start‐up Co ompanies iin Nanomeedicine Wo Aam mir Butt, N Nanomedical Acceleracee, UK Boo ok promottion: Bassic Know wledge, Clinical C Symptoms and Tre eatment off Depression Author: Sushhil Sharma, Saint James Schhool of Meedicine, Bon naire, Dutch h Caribbean n, Netherlan nds Coffee Vissit of Dubrovnik or//and Budva Aw ward Cerem mony, Closing Speecches Thoomas J. Webbster, Aamiir Butt, Dju uro Koruga Departure Ho otel P PREL IMIN NARY PROG GRAM MME POSTE ER SESSIO ON I (1‐10) ntrasted A Au‐Fe3O4 H Hybrid Nanoparticle es P011. MRI‐con forr Advanced d Radiotheerapy Filiippo Benettti*, Devid Maniglio,, Luca Minati, M Alddo Vallentini, Giorgio G S Speranza, Claudio Migliaresi, Un niversity of Trento, Foondazione Bruno B Kessler, Aziend da Proovinciale pree I Servizi S Sanitari, Itaaly H for Eradicatio E n of HIV V from th he P022. New Hope Body: the Role R of Polymeric P Nanomeedicines in n HIV V/AIDS Pharmacoth herapy Jim mma Likisa Lenjisa, Minyahil M Aleebachew Woldu, W Gizaw w Dabbessa Satessa, College of Medicin ne and Heallth Sciencess, Ethhiopia g Delivery y by Pollymer‐Gold P033. Controllled Drug Naanoconjugaates Maani Gajen ndiran, Sengottuvela S an Balasu ubramanian n, Guindy Campus University of Madrras, India g Polyureth hane Surffaces by Electrostati E ic P044. Coating Ch harging Fo ollowed by dip Coaating/Electrophoretiic Deeposition Garrima Bhardwaj, Northeeastern Uniiversity, US SA Doped witth Seleium m nanoparrticles P055. Electrospun Silk D to E Enhance A Antibacteriial Propertties Staanley Chun ng, Michellle Stolzoff,, Batur Errcan, Thom mas J. Weebster Nanoparticcles as Reaactive P066. Potentiaal of Cerium Oxide N Oxxygen Scav vengers Ecee Alpaslan, Hilal Yazicci, Merlyn Vargas, Am mit K. Roy, Jaime USA, Galllego, Thom mas J. Webbster, Northeastern University, U King Abdulaziz Un niversidad de d Antioqiia UdeA, Colombia, C Un niversity, Saaudi Arabia P PREL IMIN NARY PROG GRAM MME POSTE ER SESSIO ON II (11‐20) P077. Skin Peermeable Peptide P Am mphiphilees for Cosm metic Ap pplicationss Gujjie Mi, Thoomas J. Weebster, Norttheastern University, U USA, Kin ng Abdulaziiz University, Saudi A Arabia he Role off Nanoscaale Topogrraphy P088. Understtanding th of Polymer surfaces on o Inhibiiting Bacteerial Adhesion and d Growth for Cathetter Aplicattions Lutting Liu, Thhomas J. Weebster, Norttheastern U University, U USA ve Inhibition of Osteosarcomaa Cell Fun nction P099. Selectiv Ind duced by C Curcumin n‐Loaded S Self‐assem mbled Argiinine‐ Ricch‐RGD N Nanospherees Run Chang, Linlin Sun n, Thomass J. Websteer, Northeaastern Un nivesrity, US SA, King A Abdulaziz U University, S Saudi Arabiia mini Surfaactants as gene P100. DI‐Pepttide‐Modiified Gem Deelivery Vecctors: Explloring the Role of th he Alkyl T Tail in thee Physicocchemical Characteris C sation and d the Biolo ogical Acttivity Maays Al‐Dulaymi, Jacksson Chitan nda, Ronaldd Verrall, Pawel Groochulski, Ilddiko Badea, Universityy of Saskatooon, Univerrsity if Sasskatchewan,, Canadian Light Sourcce, Canada hesis, Sttructural Characteerisation and P111. Synth Ap pplication of Cadm mium Sullfide Nan nocrystals with Flu uorescent D Dyes for S Solar Enhan ncement Yasshvant Raoa, Gajend dra Inwatiia, Man Singha, Central C Un niversity of G Gujarat, Ind dia pment of Magneticc Nanopaarticles (M MNPs) P122. Develop Encapsulated d Miltefossine Nano oparticle Drug D Dellivery Sysstem again nst Leishm mania dono ovani Risshikesh Kum mar, Ganeshh C Sahoo, VNR Das, Krishna Paandey, Sun nil Kumar, Kalyani Trivedi, Yousuf Ansari, S Sindhu Purrva PRELIMIN NARY PROG GRAM MME Ran na, Manas D Dixit, Ranii Mansuri, P Pradeep Daas, Nanomeedicine andd Drug Disccovery Department Ag gamkuan RM MRIMS, In ndia P133. Intrinsicc Anti‐Proliferative, Anti‐Mig gratory and d Pro‐ Ap poptotic Feeatures of Multiwallled Carbon n Nanotub bes in Can ncer Cells Lorrena Garciaa‐Hevia, Ju uan Villegaas, Fidel Fernandez, F Jesus Gon nzales, Rafaael Valientee, Monica L. Fanarragaa, Universiddad de Can ntabria, Spaain ompatibilizzation off Multi‐W Walled Ca arbon P144. Bio‐Co Naanotubes b by improviing in vivo o Degradattion Jerooen Heuts, Hector Terran, Carmeen Pesqueraa, Lorena Garcia‐ G Hevvia, Jesus Gonzales, G R Rafael Valieente, Monicca L. Fanarraga, Un niversidad de Cantabriaa, Spain ulation an nd Releasee of RNA A Moleculles in P155. Encapsu Geelatin‐baseed Nanopaarticles Maaria Carmeen Moran, Ines Forrnies, Guliiem Ruanoo, M. Antonia Basqu uets, M. Pillar Vinardell, Universiitat de Barccelona, Spaain n‐based Nanopartiicles for the Effiicient P166. Gelatin Inttracellular DNA Dellivery Maaria Carmeen Moran, Neus Roosell, Guilllem Ruanoo, M. Antonia Basqu uets, M. Pillar Vinardell, Universiitat de Barccelona, Spaain hydrophob bic Coatin ngs for Antifoulin A ng in P177. Superh Shallow Eup photic Seaw water Micchele Ferrarri, F. Cirisaano, L. Ligggieri, F. Raavera, E. Saantini, A. Benedetti, C CNR‐ Istitu uto per l’ En nergetica e le Interfasi, Italy Wettability y Studies of Novel Laser P188. Cytotoxicity and W Ind duced Med dicines in Biomedica al Fabrics P PREL IMIN NARY PROG GRAM MME Michelee Ferrari,, Tatianaa Tozar, Agota Sim mon, Andraa Dinache, Adianaa Smaran ndache, Ioonut Relu u Andrei,, Mihai Booni, Mihaill Lucian Pascu, Francescaa Cirisano, Maria Carrmen Moraan, CNR‐ Isstituto per l’ Energetiica e le Intterfasi, Itally, Nationaal Institute for Laseer, Plasmaa and Raddiation Phyysics, Romaania, Univerrsitat de Baarcelona, Sppain
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