Environmental Charter Schools Facilities Committee Agenda May 13, 2015 at 8:30AM The meeting will be held at 16315 Grevillea Ave, Lawndale, CA 90260 - (ECHS) Via teleconference: Dial-in Number: (605) 477-2100 Host Access Code: 450415* Participant Access Code: 450415# Via Go To Meeting: https://g2m.me/pip-rugby-two ____________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Call to Order and Attendance Committee Members Mr. William Robertson (Co-Chair) Ms. Megan Hadden (Co-Chair) Mr. Bruce Greenspon Ms. Alison Diaz Mr. Ken Deemer Ms. Tracy Eichorn 8:30 AM Present Absent ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 2. Review and Approval of Agenda 7:35 AM Motion to approve the agenda by __________ Seconded by __________ All in favor ____________________ Against ___________________ Abstaining __________________ Motion Carries / Fail 3. Discussion /Action Items: 8:38 AM a) ECMS-I CUP Application & New Classroom Building Development a. Update on CUP Process b. Update on Budget / Financing b) ECMS-I a. Update on Electrical Service Upgrade c) ECMS-G a. Update on Prop K d) ECHS a. Update on HVAC Contract/Design b. Update on LESD Discussions c. Discussion on 2-story modular & DSA Plan Check e) ECS a. Recommend approval for Siemens Energy Audits for ECHS, ECMS-G & ECMS-I 4. Adjournment 9:30 AM Please note, the Board may not discuss issues raised that are not listed on the agenda. Topics not on the agenda that are brought to the Board’s attention may be investigated by the administration and a report made to the Board, either publicly or privately at a future meeting. Complaints regarding Charter employees must be dealt with in Closed Session, not in Public. THE ORDER OF BUSINESS MAY BE CHANGED WITHOUT NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice. REASONABLE LIMITATIONS MAY BE PLACED ON PUBLIC TESTIMONY The Governing Board’s presiding officer reserves the right to impose reasonable time limits on public testimony to ensure that the agenda is completed. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS MAY BE MADE Notice is hereby given that, consistent with the requirements of the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act, special presentations not mentioned in the agenda may be made at this meeting. However, any such presentation will be for information only. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION WILL BE PROVIDED FOR ANY INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board may request assistance by contacting ECHS at 16315 Grevillea Ave., Lawndale, CA, 90260; telephone (310) 214-3400; fax (310) 214-3410. FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information concerning this agenda or for materials relating to this meeting, please contact ECHS at 16315 Grevillea Ave., Lawndale, CA, 90260; telephone (310) 214-3400; fax (310) 214-3410 ECS’s mission is to create and deliver vibrant, innovative, interdisciplinary learning opportunities using the environment to engage students and connect them to the wider world. HVAC - LOWER CAMPUS PROJECT PLAN ! ! 1. Project Site Environmental Charter HS currently serves Grades 9 - 12 on leased land from Lawndale Elementary School District located at in the City of Lawndale. ! The site is comprised of a lower and upper campus. The upper campus consists of 8 bungalows and a parking lot. ! The lower campus includes: • 3 Buildings • ~11 Existing Classrooms • ~4 Offices, Teacher’s Lounge, & Copy Room • 1 Bungalow • Lunch areas, amphitheater area, various gardens ! 2. Project Scope: ECHS wishes to install a new HVAC system to service the existing lower campus buildings. The proposed HVAC system would install 9 Pad Mounted HVAC Units to the existing buildings in 9 select locations and install exposed duct work to avoid structural impacts to any existing building. The existing Library, Classroom 123, Storage and Computer Lab have existing HVAC service. ! Scope includes: • One (1) 7.5 ton HVAC Unit - Servicing Classrooms 134 & 135 • One (1) 5 ton HVAC Unit - Servicing Administrative Spaces • Six (6) 4 ton HVAC Units - Servicing Classrooms 120, 121, 122, 123, 130, & 132 • One (1) 3 ton HVAC Unit - Servicing Classroom 131 Confidential !2 ENVIRONMENTAL CHARTER HIGH SCHOOL ! 3. Proposed Project Budget- ! PRELIMINARY PROJECT BUDGET Description Sub Total SITE PROTECTION $3,000 HVAC SYSTEM $175,000 HVAC PADS/ENCLOSURES $37,000 ADDITIONAL BUILDING WORK $52,000 Subtotal $267,000 ! 4. Proposed Project Timeline - ECHS - Preliminary Development Timeline 2015 MAY JUNE JUL AUG 2016 SEPT OCT LESD Approval Permitting Bid Administration Construction Confidential !3 NOV DEC JAN Industry Building Technologies May 7, 2015 Ms. Alison Diaz Founder, Executive Director Environmental Charter Schools 16315 Grevillea Avenue Lawndale CA 90260 Re: Letter of Understanding for Preliminary Analysis (Analysis) Dear Ms. Alison Diaz: Environmental Charter Schools (ECS) has asked the Building Technologies Division of Siemens Industry, Inc. (Siemens) to conduct a preliminary analysis to estimate the implementation costs and the energy and operational savings of a variety of facility improvement measures (FIMs) at the various locations based upon the energy benchmarking study, as part of the preliminary analysis. Siemens is pleased to perform this analysis for the purpose of determining if any FIMs are financially viable and will do so at no charge to the District with the following understandings: 1) Client will provide the following: • Copies of all actual utility bills for gas, electric, water, oil, and distributed steam, hot water, and chilled water (if any), for at least the past twenty-four (24) months. • Available copies of lists, specifications, and drawings of the current mechanical and electrical equipment. • Physical access to survey the facility and its associated equipment and an escort that is knowledgeable in the operation and use of this equipment. 2) Siemens will use the information to: • Identify FIMs that could be implemented as a project to improve the mechanical/electrical system infrastructure and operational efficiencies. • Make preliminary estimates of implementation costs and operational savings. • Present the results of this preliminary analysis, including a preliminary financial analysis and recommended approach/process. 3) Client and Siemens agree to: • Treat exchanged information as confidential and not share it with anyone who is not directly involved with this analysis, except to meet legal requirements. The District may share this analysis with staff at One Point Development, who shall be directed to treat the information as confidential, as well. • Maintain fully adequate, comprehensive insurance on their respective goods, services, and operations, as applicable. Each party agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the other harmless from all claims, costs, suits, damages or liability to the extent related to the indemnifying party’s negligent acts or omissions. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. Please sign and date in the space below and return this letter to me at your earliest convenience in order to proceed. Best regards, Accepted for Environmental Charter Schools: Sign: Kimberley Crawford K-12 Program Manager Print: ___________________________ Title:___________________________ SII-BTD-EES LOU Siemens Industry, Inc. 10775 Business Center Dr. Cypress, CA 90630 Tel.: 714.761.2200 Fax: 714.826.3945 www.usa.siemens.com Industry Energy & Environmental Solutions Building Technologies Date: SII-BTD-EES LOU Siemens Industry, Inc. 10775 Business Center Dr. Cypress, CA 90630 Tel.: 714.761.2200 Fax: 714.826.3945 www.usa.siemens.com
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