#25 24 April 2015 connect to the world of dairy x The latest news from the world of dairy REGISTRATIONS OPEN ! 14 – 16 October 2015: EDA Annual Congress and EDA World Dairy Forum in Edinburgh / UK “2015 – A New Start for EU Dairy” Early bird registrations for our EDA Annual Congress and EDA World Dairy Forum in Edinburgh will be open until 30 June 2015 → www.eda2015.eu Dairy Report in the European Parliament (EP) “Prospects for the EU dairy sector” – Amendments to the draft Nicholson report www.euromilk.org/eda Avenue d’Auderghem 22-28 1040 Brussels Belgium +32 2 549 50 40 eda@euromilk.org @EDA_Dairy Last week were published the amendments to the draft report on the “Prospects for the EU dairy sector – Review of the implementation of the Dairy package”. This own initiative draft report by MEP Jim Nicholson (UK, ECR) that was presented at the EDA Dairy Policy Conference in March 2015, is currently discussed in the European Parliament’s Committee on Agriculture (COMAGRI). MEPs from all political parties have submitted a total of 482 amendments expressing various ideas and positions. MEP Jim Nicholson will have now to come up with compromise amendments for the vote which is currently scheduled for the week of the 25th May. EDA is working on our communication to MEPs ahead of the vote on the compromise amendments. EDA President Michel Nalet speaking at the Zenith International’s 9th Global Dairy Congress th Michel Nalet will speak at the 9 Global dairy Congress that takes place on 23-25 June 2015 in Amsterdam. Royal FrieslandCampina invites delegates at its new Innovation Centre and the event will feature the World Dairy innovation Awards at a gala dinner on 24 June. Full programme and registration details: zenithinternational.com/events. 1 connect to the world of dairy “Achieving a trans-fat-free Europe”: outcomes from the MEP Heart Group panel debate On 14 April 2015 the MEP Heart group hosted a panel debate on achieving a trans-fat-free Europe at the European Parliament. On this occasion, EDA took the opportunity once again to reiterate its position on trans fatty acids and its significant importance for the dairy industry as they are naturally occurring in dairy products. EDA fully acknowledges MEP Mairead McGuinness’ introductory remarks, where she stressed that the focus would be on industrially produced trans fatty acids (IPTFAs), and not the trans fatty acids (TFAs) that are naturally present in foodstuffs. During the panel debate, Mrs Alexandra Nikolakopoulou (Head of Unit, DG SANTE) presented the legal context and the work carried out by the Commission. The report on ITFAs which should have been published on 13 December 2014 is planned to go into inter-service consultation soon and it can be expected that it will be published by June 2015. www.euromilk.org/eda Avenue d’Auderghem 22-28 1040 Brussels Belgium +32 2 549 50 40 eda@euromilk.org @EDA_Dairy In the discussion that followed, MEP Christel Schaldemose (Denmark) insisted that a EU legislative approach is needed. TFAs are not good for anyone and there is no reason to have them on the market. She suggested sending a signal from the European Parliament to the European Commission that we need legislation and that the time to act is now. Whereas the Commission is concerned about more regulation, it should be clear that when it comes to IPTFAs, legislation would in fact imply better regulation. The summary of the panel debate and the presentations shown at the meeting can be consulted on the MEP Heart Group website via this link. School Food (milk) Scheme The European Parliaments’ (EP) agriculture committee (ComAgri) adopted their amendments to the Commission’s proposal for a new School Food Scheme on 14 April by 32 votes to 6, with 7 abstentions. To be noted that the amendment for the inclusion of cacao flavored milk drinks was rejected only by a small majority. The EPP group (conservatives) intend to introduce this amendment also to the plenary vote. We are right now evaluating the possibility to initiate also a plenary vote on keeping the scope of dairy produce eligible for the scheme as it stands today. The agriculture committee of the EP (ComAGRI) recommended extending the very restricted list of foodstuffs eligible for EU funding, which was proposed by the EU Commission, to include not only plain milk but also plain yoghurt and cheese. The ComAGRI also advised that 10% 20% of the EU funding received by the Member states is dedicated to educational activities, proposed an 2 connect to the world of dairy additional €20 million a year for the measures covering milk, (from 80 proposed by the European Commission up to €100 million) and a fairer distribution of the budget among Member States. The so-called Tarabella report with the amendments will be presented for vote at the plenary session of 27 May plenary. behavioural change intended by the PEF methodology and tested in the piloting phase should be based on life cycle assessments and driven by adequate communication tools to the relevant target audiences. These target audiences and relating messages will need to be chosen in the coming months and then tested in 2016. New promotion programs Organic agriculture – state of play On Tuesday 21 April 2015, the European Commission decided to settle 41 programmes to promote agricultural products in the EU and the Third countries. The budget reaches €130 million, with 50% from the EU budget. Among the selected programmes, dairy products from Belgium, Bulgaria and France will be supported, for a total amount of more than €12 million over three years. The Dairy pilot on environmental footprinting www.euromilk.org/eda Avenue d’Auderghem 22-28 1040 Brussels Belgium +32 2 549 50 40 eda@euromilk.org @EDA_Dairy This week in Paris the relevant partners on the dairy product environmental footprint (PEF) project brought the project one step further. The screening report had been finalised at the beginning of April and is currently in an external review process. The meeting already prepared the lines for the drafting of the category rules themselves and started its reflection about the communication phase. The During the official CDG (civil dialogue group) on organic farming on 17 April the Commission gave an overview on the state of play in the Council and pointed out that the question of control of organic operators and the presence of unwanted substances were still dividing Members States (MS). On the first issue, MS are divided in two blocks with one block supporting the approach taken by the Commission in the draft proposal to implement a risk-based control system, while another block is in favour of keeping the current yearly physical control. The proposal for a new EU organic agriculture legislation has received a very critical echo from the very beginning. Since the new EU Commission did indicate a possible withdrawal of the proposal, the co-legislator (EU Parliament (EP) and Council) worked intensively together to make some progress on the legislative proposal. The EP report (by MEP Martin Häusling, Greens, Germany) will be 3 connect to the world of dairy published in May. The first reading could then be finalized before the summer break and the Luxembourg EU presidency could moderate the discussions between the EU institutions, building on the committed work of the Italian presidency and the very structured approach of the Latvian presidency. “The political flexibility and pragmatism that we see with the new EU Commissioner Hogan does not yet visibly translate into a more pragmatic approach by the DG AGRI administration”, a Council source complained earlier this week, indicating that there were still issues, like the specific residue levels, that need to be addressed in order have the proposal accepted. Several MEPs underlined, that a withdrawal of the proposal might become the preferred option, if the core concerns (residue limits, mixed farms, feed requirements to name just a few) were not taken into account. www.euromilk.org/eda Avenue d’Auderghem 22-28 1040 Brussels Belgium +32 2 549 50 40 eda@euromilk.org @EDA_Dairy 4
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