Volume VIII, issue 5 May 2015 ed brown center for ac tive adults 18402 w bERNARDO dRIVE, sAN dIEGO, ca 92127 • 858.487.9324 The Explorer is underwritten by Rancho Financial, Inc. Senior Health & Fitness Day Fair Wednesday, May 27, 2015 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Join us as we celebrate National Senior Health & Fitness Day by hosting our annual Spring Health & Fitness Fair! Many of our Business Associate Members, as well as other community members, will be on hand to share their knowledge and experience in providing healthy options to older adults! Blood Pressure screening, digital postural analysis and several educational opportunities will be provided as part of this fair. Participate in our Zumba Gold class, learn about senior housing options and enjoy healthy food. Those present will have the chance to win wonderful door prizes provided by our vendors! The Sounds of Sandy DeVito Sunday, May 17, 3 p.m. Sandy DeVito has earned his well deserved status as one of Southern California’s most sought-after guitarists and educators. He was born in Newark, New Jersey in 1932. At the age of 11 he began teaching himself to play the guitar. Like so many players of that era, Sandy didn’t study formally in a college classroom, but rather learned and developed his art by gigging in the New York/New Jersey metropolitan area. He soon became a strong disciple of New York’s incomparable Chuck Wayne. Always the consummate accompanist, Sandy performed with Julie London, Vickie Carr, Julius LaRosa and Tony Martin to name a few. He recorded with Les Paul, Charlie Byrd, George Barnes, and the Ray Charles Singers. He played with Cal Collins, Bucky Pizzarelli, Joe Diorio, Ron Eschete, Mundell Lowe, Jeff Linsky, Jeff Berlin, and shared the stage with Peter Nero. His premier album, entitled “Solo Guitar,” was released in 1982. So don’t wait. Get your tickets early, so you won’t miss this exciting, educational afternoon! Tickets are just $10 each for adults; $5 for children 12 and under, and may be purchased at the front desk. Upcoming Events Check our “Upcoming Events” board in the lobby to stay informed! Please Note New Classes & Class Times Thursdays, 8:30 a.m., Boot Camp (see p. 3) Thursdays — NEW TIMES 9:30 a.m., Adult Fitness 10:45 a.m., Gentle Yoga Thursdays, 1:00 p.m., Ukulele with Ken Lukasik (see p. 11) Monday, May 11, 1:15 p.m. – Better Breathers (see p. 4) Sunday, May 17, 3:00 p.m. – Sunday Afternoons @3:00 with Sandy DeVito (see p. 1) Monday, May 25 – MEMORIAL DAY OFFICE CLOSED (Check with your instructor to see if there will be classes) Wednesday, May 27, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. – SPRING HEALTH & FITNESS FAIR (see p. 1) 2 ed brown center news Board of Directors’ Message Well, it’s official! The Ed Brown Center has a new name, a new logo, and a new outlook on life! We hope you’re as excited as we are by the changes, and by the opportunities afforded to partner with other community organizations to enhance our programming and make The Ed Brown Center for Active Adults THE place to go for fun and recreation in inland North County. Take a look at this month’s calendar and you’ll see a couple of new classes added to the regular line-up. Our popular fitness instructor, Terri Brownlee, is starting a “Boomer Zoomer Boot Camp” for all you early risers that is sure to get your blood pumping and get you moving! To accomodate the addition of this new class, the Thursday yoga class will begin at 10:45 a.m. 18402 W. Bernardo Drive San Diego, CA 92127 Voice 858.487.9324 fax 858.487.9235 www.edbrowncenter.org BOARD OF DIRECTORS Officers Lynn Wolsey President Marla Cruz Vice-President Trang Nguyen Treasurer Juanita Hawkins Secretary Directors We have a new time and a new instructor for our popular ukulele class! Ken Lukasik, who teaches music in Escondido, will begin teaching at EBC on Thursday, May 7 at 1:00 p.m. Ken has years of experience in the field, so try his class, learn some new techniques, and keep both body and mind in good working order while you produce the happiest music on earth! June will bring new summer classes, thanks to our partnership with the Youth Philharmonic Orchestra: “Beats, Buckets and Boomwhackers” is an intergenerational percussion class that is sure to be a happy time for all! It will only be offered for three weeks (Mondays and Thursdays from June 15 – July 2), so be sure to sign up soon! The class is free and materials will be provided. July will bring two additional music classes: “Fiddle Fun” and “Summer Pops Orchestra.” Further information is contained in this issue of The Explorer, and will be available at the front desk. So stay tuned for more exciting developments at the Ed Brown Center for Active Adults, and always remember… We’re Here for Good! Diana Boley Valerie Brown Your Ed Brown Center Board of Directors Ron Greenwald Naomi Judith Barry Nally Committees Lily Birmingham .... Special Events David Holleb ......... Marketing Ed Brown Center— We’re here for good! Ed Brown Senior Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization Thank You New & Renewing Members New Members: as of April 16, 2015 Renewing Members: Janis Douglas Angie LaCorte Scott Douglas Sherry LaCorte Mary Ann Drinan George Montgomery Fran Eilmes Sol Quintos Juanita Farrell Marjorie Vossenkemper Beverly Fuller Margaret Willy Shirley Kabuss Valerie Gersch Thank you for your support of the Ed Brown Center. We look forward to many happy adventures with you in the years to come! 858.487.9324 www.edbrowncenter.org ed brown center news “ Start Your Day the Tai Chi Way! Looking for some variety in your fitness routine? Add a little Tai Chi! This graceful, flowing, low impact form of exercise has been clinically proven to result in: • Increased aerobic capacity • Increased energy and stamina • Increased flexibility, balance and agility • Increased muscle strength and definition • Decreased stress and anxiety With these benefits, Tai Chi targets the entire body – inside and out – and is suitable for all ages and fitness levels. Moves can be performed while sitting or standing, and can be modified to accommodate existing medical issues. Make sure to wear comfortable flat-soled shoes (such as tennis shoes). Join us on Tuesdays from 8:15 to 9:15 a.m. at the Ed Brown Center. No prior experience is necessary. Newcomers are welcome, as we are learning a new form beginning in May. We welcome new friends at any time! The Special Events Committee is looking for YOU! Working on Special Events is really fun, especially when you share the load! Don’t miss out on this wonderful opportunity to create lasting memories for your friends at EBC! Please call Lily Birmingham at (858) 740-0993 to get involved! Hogan Realty Residential Sales/Mortgage Financing • Since 1983 • Seniors Helping Seniors *Sellers…Only pay 1% on the listing side *FREE…Reverse Mortgage Counseling Call Tom Hogan TODAY: www.edbrowncenter.org 3 (760) 644-4001 Every spring is the only spring – a perpetual astonishment.” —Ellis Peters May is: Date Your Mate Month National BBQ Month National Blood Pressure Month National Hamburger Month National Salad Month Older Americans Month Challenge Yourself at “Bommer Zoomer Boot Camp” Circuit Boot Camps provide a fun and versatile way to exercise with variety, intensity and interactivity while leaving YOU room to modify exercises “on the fly” to match your abilities, physical challenges and how you may feel the day you are working out. Simple athletic drills target all the major muscle groups while building strength, range of motion, coordination and balance skills. Exercise stations will be set up around the room. Do 1 minute per station then we allow 15-20 seconds to move on to the next station. Exercises are easy on the joints, as you will be encouraged to modify any exercise that may be bothersome to you. Come get fit, have some fun and laughs with Terri, whose motto is, “keep moving! Keep Moving!! KEEP MOVING!!” 858.487.9324 just for fun 4 “ Spring would not be spring without bird songs.” —Francis M. Chapman Better Breathers Meeting Monday, May 11, 2015 Join the Better Breathers at 1:15 p.m. in Room 2 at the Ed Brown Center for Active Adults. The meeting is open to anyone with an interest in lung diseases. For more information contact Nancy Kohler, (858) 748-4307 or Mary Gardner, (858) 487-8307. Ukulele Club Underway Join the jam at Ed Brown Center’s Ukulele Club each Friday from 10:30 – 11:15 a.m. in Room 2. It’s a great way to practice, learn new songs, or simply hone your skills. This is a jam session, not a class; there is no instructor. Want more information? Call Liz Lefcort at (858) 592-8805. 858.487.9324 Bring a friend and play all afternoon at the Ed Brown Center for only $12 per person. EBC members receive an extra card to play, so there are more chances to win! Play for cash prizes! Dessert and coffee/tea are provided, so make the Ed Brown Center part of your plans every Friday! www.edbrowncenter.org ed brown center news Summer Music Classes at EBC The Youth Philharmonic Orchestra is bringing music to EBC in two three-week-long sessions for people ages 10 to 110! Thanks to a grant from the Rancho Bernardo Community Foundation, the YPO has put together an exciting series of classes to introduce youngsters and oldsters alike to the joys of making music. “ Be like a flower and turn your face to the sun.” —Kahlil Gibran On Mondays and Thursdays from 5:00 to 5:45 p.m. try “Beats, Buckets, and Boomwhackers,” a FREE rhythm class that will have you tapping out familiar – and not-so-familiar – tunes on “instruments” you’ve never imagined! All materials will be provided. This class runs three weeks only, from June 15 to July 2, and is sure to elicit plenty of laughter and bring joy to your heart! July 13 through 29 brings “Fiddle Fun,” a series of FREE beginner level violin classes. Materials needed are a violin, a pencil, a music stand, and Essential Elements for Violin, Book I. The class is Mondays and Wednesdays, with Level 1 (for those who have never played before) from 4:15 to 4:45 p.m. and Level 2 (for those with some experience) from 4:45 to 5:15 p.m. Want to play with an orchestra? Try “Summer Pops.” This is for beginner to intermediate string players, to practice and improve skills or try something new. The fee for this class is $85 for the three-week session that meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 5:15 to 6:00 p.m. Students will need to bring a violin, a pencil and a music stand. Register online at www.yposd.org and click “Online Registration,” or register in person at the front desk. If you have questions, please e-mail: info@yposd.org or call (858) 487-9324. 5 LIVE WHERE YOU… ✔ )6 1&,+ ,)2+1""/ +',6/&"+!0 %"/&0%*&)6 %,- ✔ Love Check out Casa, check off all the above. The only not-for-profit Type A Continuing Care Retirement Community in San Diego County with over two decades of experience. Your life here doesn’t change. It simply expands. Tap Your Way to Better Health! Tappercize is offered at EBC every Monday at 3:30 p.m. No prior experience is necessary, and tap shoes are not required although shoes should have a leather sole that slides easily. The class is open to everyone age 18 to 100! “Tappercize is a wonderfully aerobic form of exercise that also increases balance and flexibility,” says Instructor Joan Cala. “And it’s a whole lot of fun!” So show up Mondays at 3:30 pm and start tapping your way to better health! www.edbrowncenter.org Call (858) 683-3914 or go to CasadelasCampanas.com/newspaper today for your free copy of The Insider’s Guide to Senior Living Communities. Use it for comparisons to find a local place you love. ŕŜŚřř"01"/+/!,/&3"ņ+&"$,ŅŝŖŕŖś ĞŜřŜğŚŜŗōŗŝŕŘņ444ń0!")0*-+0ń ,* 693622 858.487.9324 May 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Asterisk (*) designates a “Class Pass” is required Dollar Sign ($) designates a class fee is required – paid to instructor Telephone ( ) – HICAP and Legal Consult and Computer Assistance by appointment only Monday Tea Dance - $3 non-members - FREE for members—All other activities are for members 1 2 9:00 a.m. Yoga* 9:00 a.m. Singles Breakfast 9:00 a.m. Watercolor* 3 11:15 a.m. Zumba Gold* 1:00 p.m. Bingo $ 4 5 6 7 8 9 8:30 a.m. Gentle Yoga* 10:50 a.m. Qigong $6 8:15 a.m. Tai Chi* 9:30 a.m. Adult Fitness* 10:30 a.m. Witty Knitters 8:30 a.m. Gentle Yoga* 10:15 a.m. Zumba Gold* 12:00 p.m. Watercolor* 9:00 a.m. Yoga* 9:00 a.m. Singles Breakfast 9:00 a.m. Watercolor* 11:00 a.m. Watercolor Magic $ 1:00 p.m. Computer Tutor 2:15 p.m. Arthritis/Balance* 8:30 a.m. Boot Camp 9:30 a.m. Adult Fitness* 10:45 a.m. Gentle Yoga* 1:00 p.m. Ukulele 1:00 p.m. Computer Tutor 3:30 p.m. Tappercize* 6:00 p.m. Gentle Yoga* 1:00 p.m. Canasta 11:15 a.m. Zumba Gold* 1:00 p.m. Computer Tutor 1:00 p.m. Bingo $ 1:00 p.m. Hand & Foot Cards 1:00 p.m. Computer Tutor 1:00 p.m. Computer Tutor 10 9:00 a.m. Legal Counsel 3:45 p.m. Chair Yoga* 11 12 13 14 15 16 8:30 a.m. Gentle Yoga* 10:50 a.m. Qigong $6 8:15 a.m. Tai Chi* 9:30 a.m. Adult Fitness* 10:30 a.m. Witty Knitters 8:30 a.m. Gentle Yoga* 10:15 a.m. Zumba Gold* 12:00 p.m. Watercolor* 9:00 a.m. Yoga* 9:00 a.m. Singles Breakfast 9:00 a.m. Watercolor* 11:00 a.m. Watercolor Magic $ 1:00 p.m. Computer Tutor 2:15 p.m. Arthritis/Balance* 8:30 a.m. Boot Camp 9:30 a.m. Adult Fitness* 10:45 a.m. Gentle Yoga* 1:00 p.m. Ukulele 1:00 p.m. Computer Tutor 1:15 p.m. Better Breathers 3:30 p.m. Tappercize* 6:00 p.m. Gentle Yoga* 1:00 p.m. Canasta 9:00 a.m. Legal Counsel 11:15 a.m. Zumba Gold* 1:00 p.m. Bingo $ 1:00 p.m. Hand & Foot Cards 1:00 p.m. Computer Tutor 1:00 p.m. Computer Tutor 3:45 p.m. Chair Yoga* 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Sunday Afternoon @3:00 Sandy DeVito 8:30 a.m. Gentle Yoga* 10:50 a.m. Qigong $6 8:15 a.m. Tai Chi* 9:30 a.m. Adult Fitness* 10:30 a.m. Witty Knitters 8:30 a.m. Gentle Yoga* 9:00 a.m. HICAP 10:15 a.m. Zumba Gold* 12:00 p.m. Watercolor* 8:30 a.m. Boot Camp 9:30 a.m. Adult Fitness* 10:45 a.m. Gentle Yoga* 1:00 p.m. Ukulele 9:00 a.m. Yoga* 1:00 p.m. Bingo $ 1:00 p.m. Computer Tutor 2:15 p.m. Arthritis/Balance* 1:00 p.m. Computer Tutor 9:00 a.m. Singles Breakfast 9:00 a.m. Watercolor* 1:00 p.m. Dance Lessons $ 29 30 1:00 p.m. Computer Tutor 3:30 p.m. Tappercize* 6:00 p.m. Gentle Yoga* 11:00 a.m. Watercolor Magic $ 1:00 p.m. Canasta 1:00 p.m. Computer Tutor 11:15 a.m. Zumba Gold* 1:00 p.m. Hand & Foot Cards 3:45 p.m. Chair Yoga* 7 & 8 p.m. Dance Lessons $ 24 25 OFFICE CLOSED (check with your instructor to see if there will be class this day!) 26 27 28 8:15 a.m. Tai Chi* 9:30 a.m. Adult Fitness* 10:30 a.m. Witty Knitters 8:30 a.m. Gentle Yoga* 9:00 a.m. HICAP 10:00 a.m-1:00 p.m. Senior Health & Fitness Day Fair 10:15 a.m. Zumba Gold* 12:00 p.m. Watercolor* 8:30 a.m. Boot Camp 9:30 a.m. Adult Fitness* 10:45 a.m. Gentle Yoga* 1:00 p.m. Ukulele 11:00 a.m. Watercolor Magic $ 1:00 p.m. Canasta 1:00 p.m. Computer Tutor 31 1:00 p.m. Computer Tutor 2:15 p.m. Arthritis/Balance* 1:00 p.m. Hand & Foot Cards 1:00 p.m. Computer Tutor 3:45 p.m. Chair Yoga* 7 & 8 p.m. Dance Lessons $ 9:00 a.m. Yoga* 11:15 a.m. Zumba Gold* 1:00 p.m. Bingo $ 9:00 a.m. Singles Breakfast 9:00 a.m. Watercolor* 1:00 p.m. Dance Lessons $ 8 business associate members Become a Business Associate Member NOW! As a Business Associate Member you have the opportunity to develop a personal relationship with hundreds of Ed Brown Center members, each with a unique need for the products and services you offer. Benefits of Membership Your business receives exposure to the fastest growing sector of the community — older adults. The Explorer monthly newsletter reaches more than 1500 households in Rancho Bernardo and the surrounding area. Join today! Becoming a Business Associate Member is easy. Go to www.edbrowncenter.org or call (858) 487-9324. Annual Membership is only $150! Call TODAY! Ed Brown Senior Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your annual membership dues are 100% tax deductible. Want to make a larger impact and receive greater recognition? E-mail edbrowncenter@gmail.com to receive sponsorship information. Attorneys Diana C. Boley Attorney at Law Estate Planning 16516 Bernardo Center Dr., Ste. 130 San Diego CA 92128 (619) 405-1086 www.boleyestateplan.com Law Office of Rick Willis Rick Willis 16870 W. Bernardo Drive Suite 400 San Diego CA 92127 (858) 342-8395 Willis-law-office.com rickwillislaw@gmail.com Financial & Insurance Services Advanced Brokers Insurance Services Noelle C Bernal 674 Via De La Valle #223 Solano Beach CA 92075 (858) 484-8554 advancedbrokersinc.com noelle@advancedbrokersinc.com 858.487.9324 Financial & Insurance Services (cont’d.) San Diego County Credit Union – Rancho Bernardo Branch Niki Nicoletti, Branch Manager 11965 Bernardo Plaza Dr, Ste 169 San Diego CA 92128 877-732-2848 x 8802 Sdccu.com nnicoletti@sdccu.com Simon Loli Insurance Simon Loli 4009 Carmel View Rd San Diego CA 92130 si@simonloli.com (619) 250-1316 Fun & Fitness Gentle Yoga (760) 419-9817 www.gentleyoga.com Health & Wellness Chaba Thai Bodywork (formerly Caring Touch Massage Therapy) In-Home Service Available 11717 Bernardo Plaza Ct, Suite 200B San Diego, Ca 92128 (858) 480-9951 www.ChabaThaiBodywork.com ChabaThaiBodywork@gmail.com HearUSA Marnie Lewis 14845 Pomerado Road Poway CA 92064 (858) 435-0190 Poway Dermatology Sasha Lepes/Marketing Manager 15725 Pomerado Road, Ste. 102 Poway CA 92064 858-397-5755 info@powaydermatology.com www.powaydermatology.com *Please note: All Business Associate Member listings in Ed Brown Senior Center publications and Business Associate Member literature available in the lobby are strictly for informational and educational purposes only. No individual, advice, product, or service is in any way affiliated with or endorsed by the Ed Brown Senior Center or provided as a substitute for the reader/member’s seeking of individual professional advice or instruction. Readers/members are encouraged to seek the advice of qualified professionals or ratings agencies such as the Better Business Bureau, the State of California for licensed professionals and other industry-specific resources on any matter regarding an individual, advice, recommendations, services, or products. All information and material is provided to readers/members with the understanding that it comes from various sources from which there is no warranty or responsibility from the Ed Brown Senior Center as to legality, completeness or technical accuracy. www.edbrowncenter.org business associate members 9 Health & Wellness (cont’d.) Home Health Care (cont’d.) Home Health Care (cont’d.) Professional Hearing Associates Inc. David Illich, Doctor of Audiology 15725 Pomerado Road, Suite 114 Poway CA 92064 (858) 451-3277 phapoway@yahoo.com Harmony In-Home Care Services Meriam Foster, Director In-Home Care Services 10734 Sabre Hill Dr. San Diego CA 92128 mfoster@harmonyin homecareservices.com www.harmonyinhome careservices.com Unlimited Caregivers-Claire Wilson 12925 Pomerado Road, Suite D Poway CA 92064 (858) 883-2286 unlimitedcaregivers@yahoo.com Serenity Dental Spa-Dr. Pegah Salami 12396 World Trade Dr. Suite 208 San Diego CA 92128 858-673-1000 www.serenitydentalspasd.com info@serenitydentalspasd.com Home Health Care At Home Nursing Care Lauren Reynolds Administrator/Founder 171 Saxony Road, #104 Encinitas CA 92024 (760) 634-8000 Lynda@thecaresolution.com www.athomenursingcare.com A Circle of Care Patricia Melzer 1835 S Centre City Pkwy, A-301 Escondido CA 92025 (760) 480-9720 www.acircleofcare.com Constant Companions Home Care Gabriela Brown, CEO 24140 Golden Mist Drive Murrieta CA 92562 www.constantcompanions.net gbrown@constantcompanions.net Elite Home Care Dmitry Entin 3675 Ruffin Road, Suite 115 San Diego CA 92123 (619) 672-3929 www.elitesd.net homecare@elitesd.net www.edbrowncenter.org InstaHomeCare Kathy Thomas, CEO 402 W. Broadway, Suite 400 San Diego CA 92101 info@instahomecare.com www.instahomecare.com ResCare HomeCare Carol Braun, Branch Manager 7851 Mission Center Ct Ste #255 San Diego CA 92108 (619) 297-2575 www.rescarehomecare.com Seniors Helping Seniors Gideon Abraham III, Mgr 16959 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 214 San Diego CA 92128 Gideon@sandiegoSHS.com www.sandiegoSHS.com Southwest Health Care Services, Inc. Brenda Ornellas 16959 Bernardo Center Dr, Ste. 204 San Diego CA 92128 (858) 451-9551 Swhealthcare204@sbcglobal.net Visiting Angels of North County Jaime Dill, Director 810 Los Vallecitos Bl., Suite #205 San Marcos CA 92069 www.vangelsnc.com Jaime@vangelsnc.com Mental Health Joel Owens, LCSW, LCS12031 (760) 480-9709 Anxiety, Depression, Life, Gambling Problems* (*Fee may be waived for this particular therapy) Mortgage Banking Scott Harmes Reverse Mortgage Expert C2 Financial Corporation PO Box 3107 Valley Center CA 92082 (619) 316-7818 Harmes.Scott@gmail.com CHarmes619@gmail.com *Please note: All Business Associate Member listings in Ed Brown Senior Center publications and Business Associate Member literature available in the lobby are strictly for informational and educational purposes only. No individual, advice, product, or service is in any way affiliated with or endorsed by the Ed Brown Senior Center or provided as a substitute for the reader/members seeking of individual professional advice or instruction. Readers /members are encouraged to seek the advice of qualified professionals or ratings agencies such as the Better Business Bureau, the State of California for licensed professionals and other industry-specific resources on any matter regarding an individual, advice, recommendations, services, or products. All information and material is provided to readers/members with the understanding that it comes from various sources from which there is no warranty or responsibility from the Ed Brown Senior Center as to legality, completeness or technical accuracy. 858.487.9324 10 business associate members Mortgage Banking (cont’d.) Rancho Financial 16456 Bernardo Center Drive, Suite 100 San Diego CA 92128 (858) 451-0620 www.ranchofinancial.com Jim Stanko Reverse Mortgage Specialist Golden Equity Mortgage 7670 Opportunity Rd Ste 165 San Diego CA 92111 (858) 634-1206 Goldenequitymortgage.com jim.stanko@lhfs.com Retirement/Senior Housing Retirement/Senior Housing (cont’d.) Retirement/Senior Housing (cont’d.) Casa de las Campanas Independent living, continuing care & skilled nursing Christina Spence, Assoc. Admin. 18655 W. Bernardo Drive San Diego CA 92127 (858) 592-1870 www.casadelascampanas.com The Remington Club of Rancho Bernardo Teri Hanson, Sales Director 16916 Hierba Dr. Rancho Bernardo 92128 (858) 673-6340 www.theremingtonclub.com The Gateway/Gateway Gardens Brittany Woeller Marketing Director 12751 Gateway Park Road Poway CA 92064 (858) 487-1197 brittany.woeller@rhf.org Ronald L. Greenwald, MBA, SRES Broker Associate Senior Stay or Go Real Estate – Pacific Sotheby’s International Realty 3702 Via de la Valle, Ste. 202 C Del Mar CA 92014 (858) 776-5863 ronald@seniorstayorgo.com www.seniorstayorgo.com The Arbors Pam Fullerton 12979 Rancho Penaquitos Blvd. San Diego CA 92129 (858) 538-0802 arborsmkt@islllc.com Hogan Realty & Financial Services Tom Hogan 250 E. Grand Avenue, Suite A Escondido CA 92025 (760) 644-4001 hoganrealty@gmail.com Windermere Homes & Estates Nancy Canfield #CABRE Lic 01386677 16783 Bernardo Center Drive San Diego CA 92128 (619) 871-9333 ncanf@san.rr.com www.nancycanfield.com Redwood Terrace-Teresa Salmon 710 W 13th Avenue Escondido CA 92025 (760) 291-2729 Teresa.salmon@thebegroup.org www.betheredwoods.org *Please note: All Business Associate Member listings in Ed Brown Senior Center publications and Business Associate Member literature available in the lobby are strictly for informational and educational purposes only. No individual, advice, product, or service is in any way affiliated with or endorsed by the Ed Brown Senior Center or provided as a substitute for the reader/member’s seeking of individual professional advice or instruction. Readers/members are encouraged to seek the advice of qualified professionals or ratings agencies such as the Better Business Bureau, the State of California for licensed professionals and other industry-specific resources on any matter regarding an individual, advice, recommendations, services, or products. All information and material is provided to readers/members with the understanding that it comes from various sources from which there is no warranty or responsibility from the Ed Brown Senior Center as to legality, completeness or technical accuracy. 858.487.9324 Seacrest Village Retirement Communities Independent Living Community 12730 Monte Vista Rd Poway, CA 92064 (858) 485-0700 www.seacrestvillage.org Faith-Based Organizations Petra Pentecostal Church Pastor Jeff Keck (858) 722-1123 www.PetraPentecostal.com PetraPastor@aol.com Senior Services El Camino Memorial Park Michael Gagan Preplanning Advisor 5600 Carroll Canyon Road San Diego CA 92121 (858) 458-6576 michael.gagan@sci-us.com Gadabout Vacations Lois Anderson, Owner 1801 E. Tahquitz Canyon, #100 Palm Springs CA 92262 (760) 325-5556 / 1 (800) 952-5068 Gadaboutvacations.com lois@gadabouttours.com www.edbrowncenter.org ed brown center news 11 Senior Services (cont’d.) Senior Move Masters-Linda Diller 6064 Corte del Cedro Carlsbad CA 92011 Ph: (760) 942-4525 Toll Free: (800) 545-4775 info@seniormovemasters.com www.SeniorMoveMasters.com Time to Move Care Placement, Inc. Sydney Kennedy, C.S.A. PO Box 722225 San Diego CA 92129 (858) 242-4715 *Please note: All Business Associate Member listings in Ed Brown Senior Center publications and Business Associate Member literature available in the lobby are strictly for informational and educational purposes only. No individual, advice, product, or service is in any way affiliated with or endorsed by the Ed Brown Senior Center or provided as a substitute for the reader/ member’s seeking of individual professional advice or instruction. Readers/members are encouraged to seek the advice of qualified professionals or ratings agencies such as the Better Business Bureau, the State of California for licensed professionals and other industry-specific resources on any matter regarding an individual, advice, recommendations, services, or products. All information and material is provided to readers/ members with the understanding that it comes from various sources from which there is no warranty or responsibility from the Ed Brown Senior Center as to legality, completeness or technical accuracy. Ukulele Classes Resume at EBC! Our popular ukulele classes will resume at the Center on Thursdays from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. under the direction of Ken Lukasik. Ken, who graduated with a B.A. from Antioch University, has more than 20 years of experience teaching music at all levels, and is looking forward to sharing his knowledge with us at EBC! “I place emphasis on the well-being of each student and the subject matter being learned,” says Ken, who also teaches guitar, piano, flute, clarinet, saxophone trumpet, trombone and percussion. So learn some new skills by playing “the happiest instrument on earth.” No prior experience is necessary, but you will have to provide your own ukulele! Many Property Owners Are Eligible For These Reverse Mortgage Benefits. • Eliminate your monthly mortgage payment NOW! Use the monthly mortgage payment money you save to fulfill your dreams. • Receive a monthly check to do fun things or help with expenses. • Retire earlier and have fun tackling your “bucket list.” • Help your children, grandchildren or favorite charity – now – while all can see the benefit and feel the love. Are you eligible to receive these benefits? Call me today for your confidential answer. Jim Stanko Reverse Mortgage Specialist Office: 858.256.7109 Cell: 858.922.4766 Fax: 858.304.1104 Jim.Stanko@LHFS.com www.reversemortgagegem.com NMLS/CA-DBO #1044434 • Buy a different home you like better. • Establish an FHA insured Line of Credit as a safety net for unplanned emergencies, home repairs or health care expenses. The above advertisement has not been approved or endorsed by FHA or any other government agency. Land Home Financial Services, Inc. (also known as “Land Home” or “Land Home Financial”) is an Equal Housing Opportunity Lender. Call your loan officer for details. Rates, Program, Fees, and Guidelines are subject to change without notice. Restrictions apply. Not a commitment to lend. The information, loan option scenarios, and/or guidelines are for illustrative/marketing purposes only and will vary depending on circumstances, terms may not apply to every situation. Land Home only conducts business in states we are approved to. Golden Equity Mortgage is a Division of Land Home Financial Services, Inc. 7670 Opportunity Road, Suite 165, San Diego, CA 92111. NMLS #973265. Licensed by the Department of Business Oversight under the California Finance Lenders law - 603J952. CA Department of Business Oversight - 866-275-2677. California - Bureau of Real Estate Branch Office License Endorsement #00988341. Corp. NMLS #1796. www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org 2-2015 P F . .P (formerly the RB Joslyn Center) 18402 W Bernardo Drive San Diego CA 92127 . E PAID DE PE ,C .1 Call the EBC office to find out how you can help. Ed Brown Singles Club May/June, 2015 Activities Every Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – Join us for breakfast at Denny’s in RB. PLEASE NOTE CHANGE FOR MAY 6, 11:30 a.m. – Cocos has closed. We are going to try the new menu at Marie Callender’s on Carmel Mountain Drive! We are looking for a person experienced in WEBSITE DESIGN to redesign the Ed Brown Center website. Thursday, May 14, 11:30 a.m. – Great food at Pamera Bread next to JC Penny in North County Mall If you, or someone you know, can volunteer to do this, please contact: Tuesday, May 19, 11:30 a.m. – Wonderful salad bar at Souplantation on Bernardo Center Drive Tuesday, May 26, 10:30 a.m. – Newsletter folding at the Ed Brown Center. Please volunteer! Thursday, May 28, 4:30 p.m. – Happy Hour at Carver’s on Bernardo Center Drive Wednesday, June 3, 11:30 a.m. – Mexican food at Miguel’s in 4S Ranch For more information call Phil Corey at (858) 673-4538 David Holleb at (858) 442-1028 or dholleb@san.rr.com Join Playreaders Theater The Playreaders Theater is looking for new members. The group rehearses at the Center every Thursday afternoon at 2:30 pm. Please call Ron Horn at (858) 672-1876 for more information.
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