. . . iriririirTiTiiiiWWWfliyir'H MERCHANDISE BROOKLYN'S USED CAR MARKET PLACE Automobile* for HI Sal* BUICK "40 46c 5-Paas. Conr. Coupes. KINGS COUNTY BOiCK, INC. •44 ESiPIRB BLVD. BOCK. 4 - 6 9 0 1 . Wanted to Sell Wanted—Automobiles CARS WANTED, CASH WAITING •37-'98-'3»»'4fr'4i. NO R E D TAPE. EST. 30 YEARS. KOLETYY. 1127 BEDFORD AVE. COR. MONROE S T . MAIN 2-0200. FORD 1936 B U S I N E S S C O U P E : - -EXCELLENT CONDITION THROUGHOUT: AN EXCEPTIONAL B U Y 1115. BEDFORD CHEVROLET. 1410 BEDFORD AVE. MAIN 8-0500. CASH WAITIKG ^IG LOT—BIG PRICES 1937-1942. APPRAISER Housefurnishings A M E R I C A N ORIENTALS, Oroadloorru. Wiltons. Axminsters. all s l z e i ; atalr carpet, hall runners. BEVERLY CARPEr CLEANERS. 694 Coney Island A t e . W i n d sor 5-4177. WILL CALL. KINGS BAY MOTORS 4TH AVE. COR. p2d 8t. WIN. 9-9348. FOR OOOD OFFER cull one appreciating Value of automobile. FLATBU8H PONTIAC. 950 Coney Island Ave. Winds o r 8-8841. 1940 MEHCURY CLUB CONVERTIBLE; RADIO. HEATER: VERY GOOD R U B BER; A - l CONDITION. 67 SARATOGA AVE. Trucks and C o m m e r c i a l HIOH S P O T CASH for 1939-1942 c a r s : special bonus low-mileage cars: appraiser •will calK- F e l n s m l t b . 12 Empire Boulevard (Flatbusb Ave.). BUckmlnster 4-0480. Evenings. Windsor 6-4594. Cars 1 l b MOTORCYCLE. 1937. aervlc* for 3 riders: bargain, $100: cost 1350. Garage, 923 Quentln Rold, Brooklyn (between I. «th and E. 10th). 17 Wonted—Automobiles 1,500 Cars W a n t e d Immediately LONO ISLAND CHRYSLER DEALER NEEDS USED CARS FOR DEFENSE AREA. CALL ESPLANADE 7-6134 © R FREEPORT 5288. WILL BEND BUYER. LUND7 SMILING IRISHMAN Caa arrange far late hour appointment Will pay cash for "38-'42 cars. Appraiser will call. 1157 Coney I s l a n d Ave. (Avenue H) MAnsfleld 6-5578. Open e v e nings. S u n d a y s . ALL MODEL CARS WANTED FOR D E FENSE AREA: T O P DOLLAR PAID. SEE THOMAS D'EMIC FIRST. 25TH TO 26TH BTS. ON 4TH AVE., BROOKLYN. STERLING 8-1411. Kings Coanty Motors W a n t s 1.000 Cars for Defense Areas 4TH AVE.. CORNER 60TH 8 T . WI. 9-9515 EVES.. ES. 6-3179. Autos and the Emergency WANT T O SELL YOUR CAR7 If so, you should be able to get a ' g o o d price. I will be glad to tell you Its approximate m a r k e t value and also help you with an ad which will help you self It. Call m e 9 to 11 a.m. or 3 to 5 p.m The number Is MAln 4-6200 No obligation. Ask for Mr. Frankfort. Eagle Used Car -Manager. - .INSTRUCTION—SCHOOLS CAREERS FOR MEN CAREERS FOR WOMEN Culture Drafting —WILFRED ACADEMY _ 1657 B'WAY, N. Y. ( 5 1 S T ) . CO. 5-1122. Free Booklet B. DRAFTSMEN — Demand Exceeds Supply! Quick, complete course. Write, phone! DRAKE DRAFTING SCHOOL. 154 Nassau St;, N. Y. C-BEekman 3-4840. Business-—Languages Business Machines SWITCHBOARD, eight days; comptometer, 30; placement service. American School. Est. 1907. Times Building, Times Square. BRyant 9-1139. . Technical ACCELERATED courses, stenography, typing: business machines. Active placement. Budget payment. Colby, Bedford and Snyder Aves. BU. 4-6678. 1 Welding N E W - Y O R K INSTITUTE O P D I E T E T I C * 660 Madison Ave. (at 60th S t , ) , N. Y. REgent 4-7400. . " S t a t e Licensed. Fashion Trades MACHINIST—TOOL AND DIE MAKING, Instrument Making. N. Y. S t a t e Licensed. METROPOLITAN TECHNICAL SCHOOL., 260 W. 41st S t . . N. Y. C. LO. 3-2180. Dietetics ^J Modeling TRAIN T O MODEL! — Free Placement Service. Free Illustrated Booklet G. Barbizon Studio, 576 5th Ave.. N. Y. C. BR. 9-9156. Technical WELDING—PAY AS Y O U L E A R N WICKS WELDING SCHOOL 24-13 Bridge Plaza North, L. I. City. Prepare for WELDINO and BURNING J O B S ! HALLER WELDING SCHOOL, 522 Bergen St (Flatbush Ave.). NE. 8-8847 CAREERS—MEN—WOMEN Trade* Accountancy W WAR INDUSTRIES Girls and w o m e n . 18 to 45. married or single: no experience needed. Dclehanty - Courses require as little as 3 weeks, qualify for good-paying Jobs: light, clean, Interesting work that is vital to victory. Convenient Morning — Afternoon — Evening Classes. F r e ; Placement A s s i s t a n c e for jobs near home as: ASSEMBLERS—INSPECTORS AIRPLANE CRAFTSWOMEN MACHINE TOOL OPERATORS AND DRAFTSWOMEN Vl.sit-Phone-Wrlte for Details DELEHANTY INSTITUTE OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. TO 10 P.M. T-8 E. 16th 'St., N. Y. C. STuy. 9-6900. Licensed by State of New York. Member A s s n . T e c h . T r a d e S c h o o l s of N.Y. CAREERS FOR MEN Aero—Radio Communications IS YOUR JOB ESSENTIAL? Train Now! MELVILLE Aeronautical Radio School 45 W. 45th St,. N.Y. Visit. Open to 10 p.m. Aircraft LIVINO ROOM SUITE. 3 PIECE, CONDITION 8205 3D AVE. Instruments LEARN ESSENTIAL TRADE, offerine even greater opportunities after war! N. Y. 8 c h o o l of Aircraft Instruments, 1860 Broadway. N. Y. Chipping—Caulking BOOKKEEPERS speedily trained for a c c o u n t i n g positions through I. A. S. short courses under 15 C. P. A.'s. Contact E Ruppe, 66 Court St., Room 1401. TR. 5-5887. CONTENTS m a h o g a n y Chippenc!.,;? bedroom, D u n c a n Phyfe d l n l n c room, damask living room. rug. accessories; beautiful, like new.'- ESp. 7-6806. FACTORY rebuilt living room sets. S59: floor sample bedrooms, dinette?: bargain prices: terms. Smltty's Furniture, 198 5th Ave. FINANCE COMPANY representatives- sacrificing sample.*., living room, bedroom, dinettes, occasional pieces, springs, m a t tresses; also new, repossessed, used refrigerators; terms. 1331 Flatbush Ave. BUck. 4-9127. 10-PIECE OAK DINING ROOM S E T . 3 prece modern bedroom set. walnut, large refrigerator, G. E. 1141 E. 18th St., 2 to 5 p.m. Carriages Building Materials STORM WINDOWS irorri S1.80; dish closets. J7; French doors, 85 up. S o u t h . e m Lumbtr Co.. 859 Atlantic Ave, STerllng 3-4467. Age Barriers Are Down WAR JOBS ARE AVAILABLE NOW FOR MEN AND WOMEN OF ALL ACES S-fi week* of training prepares you for most of the following h l c h p a y l n r war Jobs—check tbe one In w h i c h you are interested for full details. Mail the coupon t o n l t h t ! War Job Bureau Brooklyn Eagle Brooklyn, N. Y. . I am interested in O Journalism D Accountancy Q Advertising Art Q Laboratory D Aeronautical Asilstant Communication] D Aircraft Q Languages Inspection D Lens Grinding D Aircraft Q Machinist Instrument* • Aircraft R i m i n g G M a t h e m a t i c s 0 Beauty Culture O .Mechanical Q Bench Inspec4«r Asiembllnr Q Medical O Bookkeeping A«KUnt Burning n Navigation Apparel MUSKRAT. Hollander blended mink: soft s k i n s : size 14. Must sacrifice. Write for appointment. J o h n s t o n , 26 St. Marks Avenue. Miscellaneous FROZEN FOOD CABINETS, farms, private estates, restaurants, e t c . : preserve, freeze fresh foods: all sizes available. Muller. 45 Hudson Road. Bel'eroie, L. I. Floral Park 89IS. GAS RANGE, Detroit Jewel. 3x8 feet. 2 large ovens, 8 burners, top additional frying plate 'or hamburgers, excellent for restaurant, lodge or church kitchen. T a f t . H u n t i n g t o n , L. I. Phone H u n t i n g ton 333. FURNITURE. ANTIQUES, c h i n a , rugs, sewing machines: buy complete a p a r t m e n t s ; highest cash prices. M. & P. F u r niture. 1202 Fulton St. MAln 2-4806. A BETTER PRICE For your used furnltur*. Immediate servicer- Call 351 Jay 8 t . T R l a n g l e 5-9149. WANTED —FURNITURE. CHINA, R U G S . BRIC-A-BRAC; ODDS AND ENDS. WRITE YOUR APPOINTMENT. BOX 1439. EAGLE. A HIOHER PRICE for dlamoudv gold, silver, pawn tickets, bric-a-brac. JACK'8 Curiosity Shop. Est. 1906. Largest buyers, appraisers; licensed. 48 Flatbusb Ave. (at Uvingiton). TR1. 5-4053. HIGHEST PRICES PAID diamonds, old gold, jewelrx. pawn tickets. Goldware Exchange. 15 Hanson Place, ejjposlte L. I, R. R. station "\, PRIVATE PARTY WISHES TO B U Y OLD •JEWELRY, OLD CHINA AND CHINA FIGURES. B O X 1430. EAGLE. WE BUY AND SELL Diamonds, w a t c h e s , jewelry; Bulova. Elgin, Hamilton. Walton; other make watches; reasonable prices. Genene Jewelers. 22 Nevins St. BABY GRAND WANTED BABY GRAND PIANO WANTED ALSO SPINET OR SMALL U P R I G H T WILL PAY CASH. MR. KAYE. 89-03 166th St., J a m a i c a . JAmalca 3-9791. BABY GRAND PIANO w a n t e d ; will pay high -spot cash Immediately. Murray. JAmalca 6-9573. Writ* 90-06 166th St.. Jamaica. PIANO, other musical Instruments wanted. Universal S t u d i o . 48 E. 8th S t . N. Y. C. AL. 4-6917 or ESp. 7-8120 e v e n i n g s . GET R I D of your old upright piano. We will call for it. Cartage free. Mr. Gordon. E D j e c o m b e 4-9291. I 35 HOURS frJ AS LtTTLls AS 3 WEEKS. 51-55 YKARS MEN WOMEN HIGH WAGES FREE PLACEMENT SERVICE No education reoulred. No discrimination. PAY AS YOU LEARN BEDFORD SCHOOL 11 W 42d St. <R*glMr»r> LAc. 4-15J7. Open Dally B-9. 8 a t „ S u n . , 10-4. And at 7*8 Southern Blvd., Bronx. LICENSED BY 8TATK O r NEW YORK. STORAGE NOTICES is TO MRS. P R U D E N C E CURRIEA and Spear A Co., Bertram Weill and B. T. Cohen Moving Co.. R. J. Kruger. Mr*, t i . Ooldman and B. T. Cohen Moving Co., Mrs. Ariel* Goldaelimld. Harold J, Kelleher. Daniel L. Huckner. Mr*. Naneva Matthew*: You and eaeh of you are hereby notified that (he time for payment of our Men upon the properly hereinafter described having expired after duo notice thereof had been srtven y o u . w« will *ell such property, to -wit: houaehold furniture rurnl.«hins;s and. per*on*l rood*, itored by you or In your name or to your account, or In which y o u claim an Interest, In U. Santinl, Inc., located at 239 15th St., Brooklyn. N. T., to be gold by OEO. H. B E N S E N , auctioneer, at public auction at D A R T STORAGE W A R E H O U S E S . 231 IStll St.. Borough of Brooklyn. N. Y., commenclnff 10:3u a.m. on T h u r i d a y . April Sth. 1<M3. If for any reavon Uie «»ie j * not completed on that date it -will be continued on each succeeding Thursday therealtar. CEO. H. BENSEN. Auctioneer. U. 8 A ^ T I N I . INC. _• • ' rrih22-2tiM ttUY V. 8 . W A R RAVINGS BONDS AND STAMTS GENERAL AND DECORATIVE PAINTING. PAPERHANGING. CLEAN. DEPENDABLE WORK; CHRISTIAN. MA. 6-5226. PAINTER seeks new contacts: clean workm a n s h i p : best materials; alterations; fire Jobs, carpentry, paperhansing Pays to call Windsor 8-1584 PAINTING inside and .outside: licensed scaffold work; b ; ; i materials, honest w o r k m a n s h i p . Joseph Wander, 95 Ralph Ave, GLenmore 5-5081. PAINTING, PAPERING,' FLOOR SCRAPING; EXCELLENT WORK. QUICK. CLEAN AND REASONABLE CALL. ANY TIME. BUCKMINSTER 4-9482: PAPERING $6 ttP-EER ROOM INCLUDING PAPER: ALSO PAINTING: REASONABLE. INGERSOLL 2-1460. ESPLANADE 6-4289. BETTER CLASS PAINTING AND' PAPERHANGING; AT REASONABLE RATES. CHAS. DF.EIER. (1624 MYRTLE AVE. HEGEMAN 3-1990 NOWEGIAN PAINTER, decorator. Inside, outside: best "rr.ritcrials. "'workmanship: lowest price*. Jacobsc'n, 609 E. 53d St. INgersoll 2-80OR. — : SOHMER BABY GRAND 'LOU'S XIV i: EXCELLENT CONDITION: ALSO 100 LBS. CAPACITY BOHN ICE B O X . DEWEY 22846. Refrigerators ELECTROLUX. PRACTICALLY NEW. 4 CUBIC FEET—SACRIFICE EVERGREEN 4-8390 FRIGIDAIRES, WASHERS. IRONERS -Repairs, Washcrs.'RcfrnreTators. Open 9 - 5 . Flatbush Ave., cor. Foster. BU. 4-7300. REFRIGERATORS, ice, modern, efficient: show room. 190 Douglass St., Brooklyn. Ask a n y Knickerbocker Ice distributor. Telephone ALgonquin 4-4000. Coverings Help—Wonted—Femole Particularly Needed FILECLERKS Additional 32 COUNTER GIRL G I L L S BAKE SHOP 1699 BROADWAY, BROOKLYN COUNTER GIRLS WANTED APPLY SUNNY RESTAURANT 5115 5th Ave.. Brooklyn COUNTER GIRLS FOR INDUSTRIAL CAFETERIA: MUST BE CITIZENS. CALL CUMBERLAND 6-4500. EXTENSION 2387. . FALE Ci:5£XS AGES 30 TO 45 MARRIED OR SINGLE NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS Appear DOUBLE ENTRY College graduate preferred: for accounts receivable division; state a g e and salary expected: general office of food chain organization. Box 1437, EAGLE. SAFES. SMALL-MEDIUM SIZES Also Safe Cabinets, labeled-'unlabeled YORK SAFES 102 Maiden Lane. Whitehall 3^0696 BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST. some experience Qr intelligent be<tn:;er; Brooklyn m a n u facturcr. Elite Fashion Ki:i;. ~'5o Mooru St., Brooklyn. 14;h St line to Morgan A\en;;e. ALL MODERN SAFES Lockers. Filing Cabinets. Desks, Etc SHore Road 5-3355 or Windsor 9-9109. CAKBY SALBGIiRLS ATTRACTIVE, INTELLIGENT WANTED — M O D E R N - S A F E S LABELED OR UNLABELED CABINETS MOSLER SAFE CO. 5th Ave.-32d St., N. Y. LAck. 4-3800 HOURS 9 A.M. TO 5 P M SATURDAY, 9 A.M. TO 12 NOON SALARY $75 PER MONTH Insurance Company. Downtown New York REPLY IN OWN HANDWRITING BOX 1453. EAGLE FINGER WAVER a n d all around; ner. mane'nls: s t e a d y : $25 weekly. La Grace Beauty Parlor, 2044 Fulton St. JEfferson 3-6280. GIRL, beginner, wanted for fire insurance c o m p a n y office. Write, giving full particulars as to age. education, e t c . P. O. Box 1222. Church St. Annex. N.Y.C. GIRL OR WOMAN —FOR KITCHEN IN DELICATESSEN. 8-5. 6 DAYS WEEKLY. 784 WASHINGTON AVE. GIRL FOR BAKERY HONOI.D. • 7311 5TH AVE, GIRL. SODA FOUNTAIN: NO SUNDAYS: 12 T O 8. REICHERT. 8 5 ' 5 5TH AVE. GIRL OR WOMAN FOR ALL-AROUNT) WORK IN BAKERY. SHORE ROAD 8-0310. FOR CANDY STANDS IN THEATERS Machines GIRLS- : Excellent Opportunity for A d v a n c e m e n t WILL BUY your Singer sewing m a c h i n e s ; highest prices paid. 8lnger Sewing M a chine Co., 758 N o s t r a n d Ave. PResldent 4-S360. APPLY SANITARY AUTOMATIC CANDY 43 W. 36TH ST., N. Y. C. NEAT, CORP. CHAMBERMAID AND ALL - AROUND GIRL; GOOD SALARY. HOME FOR AGED. 871 BUSHWICK AVE.. B'KLYN. CHAMBERMAIDS Applicants up to 60 years of a t e acceptable; some e x p r n e n c c . . - n e c e s sary: pleasant working condition.*: vacations with pay, free meals. Appiv before noor,. Mrs. Cooke. Housek'pr. H O l E L PENNSYLVANIA, 7th Ave., 33d St, CLERK". TYPIST: GOOD HANDWRITING. APTITUDE WITH FIGURES ESSENTIAL STATE AGE AND SALARY. BOX 1419, EAGLK. CLERK - K N O W L E D G E OF TYPING. 18 TO 35. $85 PER MONTH. BOX 1394, EAGLE. COMPTOME7T.R OPERATOR: MUST BE EXPERIENCED: CONVENIENT LOCATION. BOX 1448. EAGLE. COOK, woman, for bakery restaurani; must be good in rush. 402 Van Brunt 8 t . CUmberiind 6-8355. COOKS FOR SCHRAFFT'S FINE RESTAURANTS F.XPF.fUF.NCFT) HIOH-CLA8S RESTAURANT OR PRIVATE COOKING; OOOD WAOES. QUICK A D V A N C E M E ,V T. STEADY POSITION: EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS saiKAFFrs S-S ?/EST 23RD ST„ N, Y. 5TH A 6TH AVF.fi > COUNTER GIRL — FOR ICE CREAM PARLOR; EXPERIENCED; 5TEADV WORK 6022 STH AVE . BROOKLYN. RHORE_ROAD 5-9338. C O U N T t R GIRL, EXPERIENCED, BAKERY' NO 8 U N D A Y 3 : STEADY; GOOD PAY RAOER, 471S STH AVE WINDSOR 6-3171 COUNTER *»ry: »»e fee Sho>p pital. 6:h O l R L experience not necenever 20. See manager of Coffrom 9 If. 3. Methodist Hosfi:. and V h A v e . Brooklyn. LEGAL NOTICES ATTRACTIVE APPEARANCE 48-HOUR WORK WEEK—3 MEALS PER DAY WORK CLOTHES SUPPLIED -MEDICAL CARE - V A C A T I O N S WITH PAY. ASSIGNMENTS IN ANY PART OF METROPOLITAN NEW YORK CITY. CHECK GIRLexperienced preferred: 7:30-11 30 p u . : Saturdays and S u n d a y s . 2-5 p.m. Apply after 7 p.m.. 641 6 2 d S t . (BETWEEN W ARE YOU INTERESTED IN A STEADY JCB WITH A COMPANY NOTED FOR ITS F GL;C. 0 ? PRGJfOTidKS FROM ITHIH THE RANKS CASHIER^—Restaurant experience: good at figures; over 25. Cafeteria. 3d Ave., 34th St.. Brooklyn: Building No. 6; 8—4:30; n o S u n d a y ; $22 50 weekly. LEGAL NOTICES CERTIFICATE OF L I M I T E D P A R T NERSHIP of FRANKLIN ARMS H O T E L COMPANY, pursuant to Arliclc 8 "f tlio Partnership Law of HIP WAREHOUSE SALE St.ito of New York. -We, the undorCARPET REMNANTS Mitn-'d. dPiirinK to form a Limited OVf r 3 000 square yard.s. latest shades: Partnprship under and pursuant lo the Armstrong inlaid remnants. 59c square 1 p a r t n e r s h i p U w of i n State of N e w yard. park Rue Shop Warehouse. 23 York, do l i e c b y certify: 1. The name Snyder Ave. BU. 7-360O. Rear of Edison's. of I he Partnership is FRANKLIN ARMS H O T E L COMPANY. 2. The character of the business: of the LimBuslnei* (J Oil Burner ited Partnership shall be for the purMachine' 8errler FORECLOSURES pose of owning a certain hotel build•D Business Optician D e s l t n l n r Chipping S p a n i s h n Pattern ing and the appurtenance* thereto, and Caulking H Photography building erected on the premise* de- for the purpose of conducting therein DCIril Service • Radio spite encroachments on adjoining a general holei busine.ss. 3. The loca• Card Funch .. C o m m u n i c a t i o n s premises on the east. P r e m i s e s known tion of the principal place of busine** • Complomelry Radio D r a m a t i c s a» No. .742 44th Street; reference made shall be No. 66 Orange Street. Borough Commerflal Art Radio-Television to judgment for more complete de- of Brooklyn, County of K i n g s , City Corset Filling l Refrigeration scription. and Sla'n of New York. 4. The name O Sheet Metal • Dental Dated. March 20th. I ' m . of the General Partner is IRA R E R N Technician"IShlpflltlng HYJ1AN EMERSON. E s q . KNOPF. whose place of residence is | Dental A»«l«lant p S p e n t w r l l l n g No. 66 Orange Street, B r o o k l y n . . N . Y. J O H N B. MoCLOSKEY.-Atturner for The name.* of the Limited Partners.) Diesel Engine* n Stenortraphr Plaintiff. 41 Court Street. Brooklvn. nrf! as follows, and their residences Dietetic* D Switchboard New York, inli22 26 29 a2 ';, 9 are a* follows, viz.: Aaron Diamond. Drafllnr Operatlnr Eteclrleal rj Tabulator S U P R E M E COURT. KINGS COUNTY 222 W. 69th Street. N e w York. N. Y.: F a i h l o n Modeling OperaUr Bcmknopf, The Evcrglade.s -HOME OWNERS' I>OAN COR- Nathan Miami Management PORATION, plaintiff, against CLARA Apartments, 536 14th Street, F a t h l o n Design 1 Traffic Beach. Florida: Shirley Marks, 15 ~| T t p l n g J Hleh School HAMELL. et al., defendant*. !7) Fingerprinting Ascot R i d g e , Great Neck, N. Y.: P Watchmaking 1. • 1 , , ,JV A , , 1 . i . , .Jacob RakjerU V I N C E N T E. VICINANZO. Attorney . ' , . - , 1 , 1 . I : . ' . . . \ v e p Welding L. Nayhouse, 1515 South Negley D Interior for Plaintiff. 32 Court Street, Brook' j X-Kin- Teennlooe hue. P i t t s b u r g h . Pa. S. The terrm for Deeoratlnr lyn, New York, • Home Slody CIDay QF-ve Pursuant lo j u d g m e n t dated March which the Partnership la to exist is 13th. 1913. duly entered. I will sell at from March 15th. 1943. to March 15th. public auction lo the h i g h e s t bidder, 191$, or until the death or Insanity of by H. LOUIS H O L L A N D E R , auction- any of the partners, cither General or Name eer, at the Rrooklyn Real Estate Ex- Limited, prior to said date. 6. The change, Brooklyn, N e w York, on the contribution* of-thc Limited P a r t n e r s , 12th day of April. 1913, at 12 o'clock all in cash, arc a* follow*: Aaron DiaAddre«» noon, the premises in said judgment' mond, three thousand two hundred directed to be sold, situated in the ($3,200.00) dollars; Nathan Bernknopf, County of K i n g s . City and S l a t e of two thousand one hundred ($2,100.00) Telephona New York, on the westerly side of dollar*: Shirley Marks, five hundred East 17!h fllreel. dlslnnl 345 feel south IS500.00) dollars; Jacob L, Nayhouse, of Avenue " T . " 20 feel width front and one thousand iJl.OOVOO) dollars. 7. No rear by 10O feet depth on earh side, additional conti ibulions are to be made side lines running parallel with Ave- by any of the Limited P a r t n e r s . S. nue "T>": together with and subject lo The time when the contribution of ear h NOTICE OF S A L E . S U P R E M E COURT, KINGS COUNTY an easement or rich! of way reciprocal Limited Partner jj to be returned is premises. Immediately Adjoining at the final termination of the Part--HOME OWNERS' LOAN COR- with nership, fl. The share of the profits PORATION, plaintiff, atalnst ALF on the north. OLSEN. etc., et al.. defendant*. RAYMOND J. McGROVER. Referee. which each Limited P a i t n e r shall receive by reason of his contribution Is In pursuance of the judgment of mh22-6t M * W As follow*: Aaron Diamond, t h i r t v - t w o foreclosure, and sale herein, dated 1 <32'r) per c e n t . : ^'A'than Bernknopf. March Sth, 1943. and duly entered I S U P R E M E COURT ( ) F T H E S T A T ' will sell at public auction to the h i g h t w e n t y - o n e (21ft) per cent.; Shirley OF NEW YORK COUNTY Oi eat bidder, by A L L E N M. T E P L I T 7 . KINGS HOME OWNERS' LOAN Marks, five. (oV') per cent.: J a c o b L. auctioneer, at the Brooklyn Real E s - CORPORATION. plaintiff, against Nayhouse. ten ( 1 0 ' O per cent. 10. No tate Exchange, 1S9 Monlajtue Street. In ALICE C. SCOTTRON, el al.. defend- right is given to any Limited Partner Ihe Borough of Brooklyn. County of ant*. to aubslitute an a s s i g n e e aa contribuKing*. City and Slate of N e w York*, Pursuant to a Judgment entered on tor In hi* place. 11. There U no right on the 12th day of April. 1943. at 1 2 0 0 March 14. 1042. I will sell at Mmhlic to admit additional Limited Partners. o'clock noon, the m o r t g a g e d premise* auction, al the Brooklyn Real Estate 12. No right i* given to any Limited directed to bo sold, with the building* Exchange. 1S9 Montague Slreet. Bor- Partner of priority over the other and improvement* thereon erected, ough of Brooklyn, City of New York, Limited Partners; or Ihe General Partaituale in the County of K i n g s , City on the 12th day of April. 1913. M 12 ner a* to contribution* or compensaand Slate of New York, b e g i n n i n g at o'clock noon, by ISAAC E. E P S T E I N , tion by way of income. 13. Upon the a point on Ihe southerly side of 4tih auctioneer, the premises, with im- death or insanity of the General PartStreet, distani Z1S feet easterly from provements, situated In the Borough of ner, ihe Limited P a r t n e r s h i p shall be the corner formed by the Intersection Brooklyn, County of Kin?*. Slate of dissolved and there shall be no pufof the e.i«terly side of 7th Avenue with • of the Limited Partners o\.-r the .southerly side of 14th Street; being New Yolk, on Ihe sdtllll side of MonJ-i feci wide front and rear by \00 feet roe Street, 100 feet west from the cor- the General Partner with respect to hares of profils and the claim for ner of Stuyvesant Avenue, The prem2 Inche* In depth on earh side, both side lines running parallel with the ise* being 17 feet fi inches In widtn in eapiial. 14. There Is no right given to eASterlv side of 7th Avenue, the west- front and rear and 100 feet in depth Uie Limited Partners or any of them erly side line running pari of the dis- on each side, described as street num- lo demand a n d i e , - e i \ e property other t a n c e through a garage party wall: to- ber :>9«, Monroe Street and more fully than cash In return for (heir contributions except that If H Is not required gether with and subject l o an ease- described in said j u d g m e n t . Dated. Brooklvn, N e w York, March lo sell a n r of tho real property of the ment of driveway adjoining the pre.v,. Partnership (n order to !io.uld~ife and !.«e* on the westerly slda thereof. T o - 15th, 191.1 JAMES W. F E E L Y Referee. psy all of Its debts, except those r»(rcihcf with a right to mojiitain ih^ mh22-6t M&P cured by m o r t g a g e s on its real prop- ...*A Helo Wanted—Femole FLOOR GIRLS IN FACTORY 2087 CONEY ISLAND AVE. B10W. 1 0 ( 1 TO START? " F2R DEFENSE PLANT • www.fultonhistory.com GIRL, experienced; sleep out or o w n room: teacher's home; 2 c h i i d r n i : good. *3'I»Kl_Jibe.raL. time__of{. : „ Efialarird.95-5574. - T h i s i s a permanent poiltion.with. one of Brooklyn's oldest, and best known b u s i n e s s Institutions (downtown!. It should appeal especially to an Intelligent, a m bitious young woman, who would like to maite a place for herself in a fine organization and Is . willing to accept a modest s t a r t ing salary with splendid c h a n c e s for advancement. A good part of the work consists of compiling a n d . typing advertising statistics and assisting in t h e . development of sales presentations. It does not call for extensive experience but requires adaptability a n d . a willingness to learn, a natural liking for figures and ability to s*t up and type tabular matter accurately and n e a t l y . Pleasant working conditions. 5-day week, 9-5. Write lor appointment to GIRL OR WOMAN. HOUSEWORKER, SMALL APARTMENT: LIGHT ; LAUNDRY: ASSIST COOKING, PART TIME. PRESIDENT 4-1859 GIRL O R „ W O M A N . PLAIN COOKINO: SLEEP IN; 3 IN FAMILY. NO LAUNDRY' SALARY $65. CALL SH. 3-2518. GIRL—TEACHER'S 4 ROOMS. NURSERY SCHOOL CHILD; SUNDAYS O F F ; $60, NEVINS 8-6188. GIRL or woman, light housework, help take care children; no washing; sleep ini own room; radio. MAin 2-5221. GIRL. GENERAL HOUSEWORK, ASSIST WITH COOKING: SMALL FAMILY, OWN ROOM. ESPLANADE 7-3043. GIRL GENERAL HOUSEWORK. NO COOKING; FINE HOME; OWN . ROOM: $50 MONTH. WINDSOR 6-3792. BOX 2606, EAGLE. SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS, experienced a n d learners; steady work: good pav. Star Overall Laundry. 157 I o g.-aham St., 14th S t . (Canarsie l i n e ) , Morgan Ave. s t a t i o n . STENOGRAPHER EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY Must have some knowledge of bookkeeping P R U D E N T MANAGEMENT, INC.. 188 MONTAGUE ST., BROOKLYN STENOGRAPHER, A G E 30-40: REAL E S T A T E OFFICE: STATE EXPERIENCE AND SALARY EXPECTED. BpX^4&03, EAGLE. STENOGRAPHERS, clerks, comptometers, switchboard operators, typists: excellent Brooklyn positions. Doyle Agency, 215 Montague St. at Court. STENOGRAPHER— Must be rapid and In. teiliger.t. B. F. G;:mour CO:. I n c . 152 i 41st St., Brooklyn. STerling 8-0700. STENOGRAPHER. EXPERIENCED. CU. 6-2320 $25 STOCK GIRLS. EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY WOOLWORTH, 408 FULTON ST . BROOKLYN. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR. SV IJjIftant to resuiar operator and receptionist; ?ood working conditions; i t a t c education, a i e . Box 2605. E a s l c . TYPIST-FTLE CLERK—Relief plus board; a t t r a c t i v e position: advancement: S25. 5 ' j - d a y week. Apply in person. Union Aircraft Producti Corp., 380 2d Ave., Manhattan. y _^ TYPIST - CLERK, EXPERIENCED OR BRIGHT BEGINNER: CHRISTIAN; $1,140 YEAR: PERMANENT; ADVANCEMENT. WRITE BOX 1454. EAGLE. TYPIST CLERK —$16 PER WEEK. ST. V I N C E N T S HOME. 66 BOERUM PLACE, BROOKLYN. T Y P I S T — BEOINNER GENERAL OFFICE WORK CALL WORTH 2-6480 Waitresses, Oyer IS Good Salary, Tips / DAILY A; S U N . R . A M . TO 1 P.M. 356 WEST S0TH S T . N. Y (HALF BLOCK WEST STH A V E ) GfMLS-WOMiBM LIGHT FACTORY ' ' EXP. liBCESSAKY Starting »>ge. plus overtime, tn-.x'. to over $20 a wre'< plm benu" FULL SM.ARY WHILE LEARNING B-Z-DC ^ C d l l C T S 100 1MLAY ST . B KLYN, 4TH F L GIRLS Refined high school graduate for g'-er»l office work: with knowledge of comptomMny; opportunity tor advancement; experience r.oi essential. BEOINNERfi TRAINED EXCELLENT Chance for ADVANCEMENT Vacancies In Fulton S' . Flatbush Ave. and New York Ci'.y Stores SCHRAFFT'S 56 WEST 23D ST., GIRL, colored or white, general h o u s e work: 3 adults; good salary; ,-ieep out* In. 2220 Avenue J. .ESplanade 7-6261. GIRL. WOMAN; SLEEP LN: $70; L I G H T HOUSEWORK: EXTRA TIME O F F . NAVARRE 8-115.1. GIRL, good^cleaner. plain c o o k m t . l l i h t laundry: liberal time off: o w n room. bath: other help: $80. ESplanade 7-4545. GIRL-WOMAN, t e n e r a l houMxork. car* 4-year girl: o w n - r o o m : sicep :n; plea-rant surrounding*; near park. B U . 2-5605. GIRL. GENERAL HOUSEWORK. SLEEP IN PREFERABLY: ONE SCHOOL CHILDj S60-S70. PHONE ESPLANADE 7-8424, GIRL—Care of two children: very light housework; sleep In, o u t ; trrUll a p a r t ment; good salary, INgersoll 2-2875. GIRL. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING: NO COOKING: SLEEP IN: OWN ROOM AND RADIO: $70. ESPLANADE 5-5754. HOUSEKEEPER. WHITE, ABILITY TO MANAGE. RECENT REFERENCES. SLEEP IN: FOUR ADULTS; SALARY $85. INGERSOLL 2-0133. HOUSEKEEPER, white: plain cooklnz no laundry., attend invalid; small apartment: sleep out. For appointment call BUckmlnster 2-5180. HOUSEKEEPER, white: fenera.1 hO'if--' work, plain cooklne; live in-6'ut; Catholic family; two adulw; references. NAvarr* 8-5697. HOUSEKEEPER: pl»ln cooking light l a u n dry: own room: teacher's home: school boy; $75. Phone NAvarre 8-8685. HOUSEWORKER. 7 a m . to 3 p u , ; lljhi laundry: no children: good salary. STerllng 3-1229. 225 Eastern P kway, Apt. 2-0. HOUSEWORKER. experienced; sleep In; own room: small family; assist eocklm; $75. 4085 Ocean Ave. (Manhattan Beach), DEwey 2-8420 HOUSEWORKER. experienced; Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 9-5; small family; apartment; $8.50. Levlr.son, 83 E. 35th St. BUcknr.nster 7-2097. CONGENIAL WORKINO CONDITIONS UN FORMS AND MEALS FURNISHED WELL, | 2 0 A WEEK! BUT YOU'D BE FC0LISH TO STAY AT THAT* FIGURE L0KG2 SEE BICKF0RD;S W Executive For S C H R A F F T S Fine Restaurants FULL OR PART TIME LUNCH HOUR HOUSEWORKER; help cooking: no laundry, own room, bath; ndulti; $15 weekly, carfare; no Sundays. SLocum 6-6656, mornlnes. evenings. HOUSEWORKER. genera;, white. C h r i s tian, plain cooking, laundry: 3 a d u l t s ; sleep out; no Sundays; references r«« quired. PResldent 4-1146. HOUSEWORKER-COOK, hones', c a p s b l e , ^ for business eoup'.e; part time, a f t e r noons: references. Call after S. NAvarr« 8-1893. HOUSEWORKER. dependable, light h o u s e work; teacher's 4 - ; o c m apartment, t w o children; $60-$7S: S::.-.da\< off, paid v a cation. BUckinin'-rr -'-9608. Ye (BETWEEN STH AND 6TH A V E S ) WAITRESSES. FULL OR PART TIME. EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY. WOOLWORTH. 408 FULTON ST., BROOKLYN. WOMAN TO DO MAID SERVICE IN SMALL APARTMENT HOUSE. KEILEY, 200 COLUMBIA HEIOHT8. WOMAN TO HELP O U T - 1 1 TO 3. LUNCHEONETTE. 323 9TH ST. STERLlNOjyK^, WOMEN ef c a t appearance between the >:rs of 18 and 50 to operate candv stands in motion nletur* theaters throuchoiit Brooklyn; reference* reou'.red. Apply in P't'or, People's Candj C o , Ir.e . 1440 Broadway. N. Y. C. (Room 1309.i WOMEN—Bccomt skilled practical nurses; »e.vt pay while learning.; advancement Newman 74 W. 12th St . N . Y . ORamercy 7-1P.M <?.i> WOMKN—For kitchen and pantry work: exivrler.ee unnecessary. Apply Min Saslaw, neih-El Hospital. Phor.e Dickens 6-9000. HOUSEWORKER. whre: 3 alterr.oor.S weekly, 1 ur,;:i 7 30: p'v.n cook::is. $2 10 dally; Christ ar.s; tma.l private hous»; NAvarre 8-1'.39. HOUSEWORKER. exner e;;ced. for general housework: r.o coeikint, r,« laundry; >;cer> out; references! »l,::t or colored; $60. NAvarre 8-833: H O U M W O R K r r T ~ S Y E E P T N OR O U T ; PLAIN COOKING FOR COUPLE; O O O D SALARY; REFERENCES NEV. 8-7375. HOUSEWORKER; sleep out: good M'arjrl no Sundays: rcx.e c e e k i n . ; ichoo! ch:id, business C3u,-.t referenci; w i 6-0018. H O U S E W O R K E R ! «.. •' Mjrhi homework j 2 adults; sfp»:a:t reps! • " P in: $-5. Dr. Krlng'te'.n. U j stone Ave DI 2-28SJ. HOUSEWORKER : . i part lltttf: »le+p~m or cut; own re.-r>\ Bath e\c'':er.' salary! no Sundays. PRestierii I-CK)'.' ROUSEWORKER . vTrTrTrT. 2 Thildren; own room: Tharsdayi, Sunda-'s off; t75. NAvarre 8-93.rtt> before ; : o f a f - e r 3. HOUSEWORKER—Sleep in or cut; part time if deilrrd. gev! salary: adult lam:.r Ca'.i befotl Boon AFpltialt 7-4370. HOUSEWORKER. PRIVATg R O O M ^ S D BATH. NO COOKINO. $70. REFERENCES. PHONE ESPLANADE 2-0031. H. C. BOHACK, mC. HOUSEWORKER. EXPERtENCTEQ. A P A R T MENT. SMALL ADULT JEWISH TAMILYt SLEEP O U T ; 118. P R E f l D E N T 4-^940. APPLY GENERAL OFFICE 4*?s, Met:oro',r»n A \ r . r e a r Flushing Ave Bfooklyr HOUSEWORKER, SLEEP IN $70. O W N ROOM: OR PART TIME. I f A. N A V A R R B 0-0327. . . HOUSEWORKER, PLAIN COOK1KO i ADULTS: NO LAUNDRY; $18 fO WEEK. SLOCUM 6-5288 GIRLS WANTED LtOHT FACTORY WORK erty and those due to Partner* On the EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY event of dissolution for reasons other STEADY KMPI.OYMFN t than death), such leal property shall be held as tenants in eornmori (but not as Partners) in the same proportions ' 2S0 25TH ST.. RROOKLYN each of th* Partners had In lh» Partnership. This certificate ha/" be»n duly Near 4th Ave. (BMIM'h Ave to ;.Vh 61 V, signed and acknowledged by the C.en- OiRt.i, fit!»»n.i. at» It "V Htht UctotJ e'ai P s t t n e r and all of l h ' roed »--se> Ee:< R»dlo and r.ir'.iiei.,. iiiiiil-bl M Mica Corp., 536 63d St. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 *•*»*-»«•'-•• J o b Listings Addresscgraph operator.-. bboKKecpers. stenographers, switchboard, clerks, c o m p tometers, typists. S20-S30: Brooklyn and M a n h a t t a n : b e g i n n e r , and experienced; a.so c o n t i n u a t i o n . Register at Either Office. DOYLE AGENCY. 215 Montague S t . . 5 B e e k m a n St.. M a n h a t t a n . . Safes B R 11 -I Please Turn to the Women's P a g e , Where INTERBORO. TRI. 5-8881. P Honied—Femole A3B T0U HANDY Are (Essential W a r Industry—No Experience Necessary—Paid While Learning) Untitled Document sse<« si-a'A-irti.ass.iaS^&iifiiei^illallft NURSES=Immediate .Duty 32 GIRLS—WOMEN, 18-40 ALSO WOMEN TO 45 AS HIGH AS $ CARPET RUNNERS, rugs, like new- t r e m e n d o u s selections; sacrificing; look and compare 568 VanderblH Ave. (Bergen St.). NEvlns 8-7464 Help HOUSEHOLD SERVICES <30 ro 4 5 ; no experience necessary) (Late models.) High prices older models. 1466 B » a y ( P u t n a m Ave.) GL. 5-0122. _Seuting 32 2-6377, COUNTER-GIRL—Industrial cafeteria, 3d Good jobs Ave., 34th St., Brooklyn: Building No. 6; 8—4:30. no S u n d a y ; S18 per week. Looking for Women COUNTER GIRL for bakerv: no Sunday work. Inquire weekdays. ,5118 6:h Ave., On Today's Women's Page between 51st and 52d S t s . Instruments PIANO PLAYER U P R I G H T Good-looktr.it; Mahogany Ca $25. BUCKMINSTER 2-7788, BUCK Employment Opportunities! REFRIGERATORS, $.50. TG $.100 B CHIPPING CAULKING WELDING DECORATING — PAINTER DANISH. NKAT; REASONABLE; FLOOR SCRAPING, CEILINGS $2 UP. ROMMERDAHL. BEACHVIEW 2-0421. Refrigerators WANTED — U S E D REFRIGERATORS, WASHING MACHINES:— R E X COLE BUILDING. 6530 4 T H AVE. SHORE ROAD 5-4700. Rugs—Carpets—Floor ALTERATIONS—INSIDE THREE ROOMS PAINTED. $30: PAPERHANGING: O U T BIDE; "REASONABLE: FINEST WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS. SHEEPSHEAD 3-6465. GRAND PIANO OR 8MALL UPRIGHT WANTED—NO DEALERS. CIRCLE 5-9830. MRS. BARTHEL. ASSORTMENT OF TOOLS, fishing rods and reels, golf clubs, odd pieces furniture, etc., 103 79th St. usical Help Wanted—Femolo GIRLS to do easy sewing oo factory m a - WOMEN—Become skilled practicsl nurses; c h i n e s : steady work all year round: corns good pay while learning; advancement. ready to work. 8. L Hoffman <& Co.. Newman. 1741 48th 8t. ORamercy 7-1*5* FLOORS SCRAPED. REF1NISHED; IM1 Carlton Ave.. Brooklyn (opposite Navy PROVED DUSTLESS METHOD; REASONABLE; ESTIMATES SUBMITTED" -Yarai::"• - " " — WOMEN FOR DIETARY KITCHEN ANYWHERE. VOGUE FLOOR SCRAPING. GIRLS for laundry work; light, clean LARGE HOSPITAL IN BROOKLYN NEVINS 8-6534. work: s t e a d y , good salary. Star Overall CALL DIETITIAN. WINDSOR 6-9700. Laundry, 157 Ingraham St.. Brooklyn. FLOORS scraped and f i n l i h e d : 18 years' 14th St. (Canarsie LlntK Morgan Ave. WOMEN — Food p a c i l n s plant: steady experience; ductless m e t h o d ; equipped for station. work; overtime: no experience n e c e s s a r y . immediate service. S a m . MA:ir 2-8519. B. M. Reeves Co.. 269 37th St.. Brooklyn. OENERAL LAUNDRY WORK, FLOOR SCRAPING — R O O M S ^ S C R A P E a GIRLS, EXPERIENCED OR INEXPERIENCED. YOUNO WOMAN — Food m a n u f a c t u r i n g 12x14. $2.50: SHELLACKING EXTRA; GOLD SEAL LAUNDRY. 2020 ATLANTIC concern desires stock clerk, familiar GOOD WORKMANSHIP; DUSTLESS AVE. NEAR RALPH, BROOKLYN. with Inventory and stock control: knowU METHOD, JORDAN. MAIN 2-5655. edge of raw materia! and supplies a c GIRLS, experienced, carpet cleaning office; counting s y s t e m s essential. S t a t e ag», Secretarial Service steady work, good pay. Peterson Rug experience and .salary desired. Box 119, Cleaning Co.. 5017 F a r r s g u t Road. BUck105 Court S t . . Brooklyn. SECRETARY. STENOGRAPHER, TYPIST. m m s t e r 4-3800. HANDWRITING. FIGURING. TELEYOUNO WOMAN .'or soda foun'aln a n d PHONE CALLS. SERVICE IDEAL FOR GIRLS—WOMEN l u n c h e o n e t t e , in ice cream parlor; 124 SMALL B U S I N E S S . MANSFIELD 6-7475. GOOD PAY, STEADY WORKweek. 1801 c h u r c h Ave UWANNA DRLNKS YOUNG WOMAN, clerical work, produc472 FULTON ST., BROOKLYN, tion and order department, for food GIRLS, light factory work; good pay to manufacturing concern; unless >ge. e x Carpet Cleaning start and learn trade. Cornell Instruperience, salary desired, are stated, a p ment. 107 pine St., Brooklyn plications will not be considered. Box 9x12 DOMESTIC, dust cleaned, demothed. 100-A, i 0 5 Court S: . Brooklyn, $2.95. Complete Insurance. DUKE GIRLS—18 or over; printing concern; no CLEANERS. Inc.. 801 East New York experience nece»sary: 115; some overAve. PResldent 3-0257. time. Apply 142 Adams St., Brooklyn. We will train you: Interesting s l e e k room HAIRDRESSER, experienced; age doesn't Healing Equipment work; variety; . m e r c h a n d i s e wholesaler; m a t t e r ; for reliable shop; steady posl5-day, 40-hour week. - Phone for appoint* CONVERTING TO COAL 1 WE CAN HELP ticn for right party. 914 Madison St. ment.' Mr. Bryden. STe.-l'.r.g 8-0227. YOU FOR GRATES, BLOWER-FORCE (corner Howard). DRAFT. STOKERS. CALL BUCK. 4-3000 LAUNDRESS. CHILDREN'S CONVALES- BEGINNER TYPIST. SALARY TO START CENT HOME; $55 MONTHLY. WITH Oil Burner Repairs $18. CALL PRESIDENT 4-5.-00. ' BOARD. ROOM - A N D LAUNDRY. FAR ROCKAWAY 7-0206. OIL BURNERS EXPERTLY SERVICED. GENEROUS COMPENSATION — p l e a s a n t ALSO HEATING REPAIRS. work at home helping local welfare; LUNCH COUNTER GIRLS. 18 T O 45. ATLANTIC <fc PACIFIC. Windsor 5-4400. excellent opportunity for one who m u s t Full or part time; experience not necstay h o m e : telephone necessary; e x p e essary; meals and uniforms, furnished. r:ence unnecessary. Bex l',44. Eagle. Piano Tuning McCRORY TEA ROOM, 502 FULTON ST. ————————— m PIANO TUNING. 52.50; expert repairing, WANTED regulating: estimate:, free: go any distance. Just phone ALgonquin 4-9430. Ask for Joe. —— IN GREENPOINT AND WILLIAMSBURG FOR SMALL PRIVATE HOSPITAL PIANOS TUNED. $2.50; REBUILT; FOROne assistant bookkeeper; must help on PHONE NAVARRE 8-4600 pay roll. One tjslstant bookkeeper with MERLY WITH HARDMAN ti PECK. NURSES —UNDERGRADUATES AND ATknowledge of stenography. One typist PHONE ESPLANADE 2-6260. TROISE. and file clerk, capable of operating s TENDANTS. DAY OR NIGHT DUTY; 12-plug switchboard. Salary commensuSMALL PRIVATE INSTITUTION. BUCKRefijgeralvrs Repaired rate with ability. No application will MINSTER 7-4230. ____! . be considered unless a photograph Is supNEGLECT IS SABOTAGE—We clean, oil. NURSES, undergraduates, for floor plied. Those now engaged in defense adjust refrigerator*. $1.50. Ail makes duty, day or night: Williamsburg worn need not apply. Box 1449. Eagle. bought, sold and repaired. Liberty R e Maternity. Hospital. FOxcroft 9-9000. friceratlon Engineers, 10G-C4. Liberty A v e , Ozone Park. Vlrsinia 3-5020. OPERATORS, experienced and learners: l i s h : work: sewing machines; good pay: Setcing Machines WITH NEEDLE? steady. PICARDY. 3611 14th Ave. (36th Good opportunity; earn money at home. SEWING MACHINES, vacuum cleaners, - S t . i . Brooklyn, N. Y. Worst on' dresses;'experience unnecessary. sold, repaired, rebuilt, bought; new OPERATORS ON SLACKS; EASY WORK: Full or Part Time. vacuum. 10 percent discount: one year GOOD PAY. SANTIGLIA. 500 DRIGGS B. Robin. 79 5th Ave.. N. Y. C. guarantee. Brady. MA. fi-6990. AVE.. 2D FLOOR (14TH S T . CANARSIE LINE BEDFORD AVE. STATION). D o m e s t i c Help W o n t e d — F e m a l e ? 2 a Upholstering OPERATORS, EXPERIENCED, ON MEN'S CHAMBERMAID-WAITRESS, WHITE. E X McCURRACH ORGANIZA UPHOLSTERING and repairing work done ! NECKWEAR, PERIENCED; PRIVATE HOUSE: SMALL at your residence. J. Johnson, 488 At- | TION. 1873 EASTERN PARKWAY, B'KLYN FAMILY: t 7 5 . CALL STERLING 3 - 3 1 6 1 . lantic Ave.. Brooklyn. OPERATORS ON SINGER MACHINES COOK-HOUSZWORKER: sleep uTi owii STEADY WORK; GOOD PAY THREE-PIECE SUITES row ebbed. rclineaT room, b a t h ; Christian family: Ideal l o c a 138 W. 17TH ST., N. Y. (GTH FLOORi, springs reset, your home. $ : 0 . anywhere; tion In Sayvlile, Long Island. Call Mr. factory experts: ^20 years' experience; Van Vranken. HAnover 2-5540. week days. PRESSERS AND FINISHERS written guarantee given; recovering ON BAT TIES. McCURRACH ORGANIZA- GIRL OR WOMAN, WHTTE: SLEEP I N ; STILLMAN. :PResldent, 2-3663. TION, 1675 EASTERN PARKWAY, EXPERIENCED GENERAL HOUSEWORK. BROOKLYN. .. LIGHT COOKING: 1 CHILD: O W N 3-PIECE SUITE rewebbed. r e i n e d , springs ROOM: REFERENCES; 470 START. E S repaired, your home. $ 1 0 . c s p e r f s guar- RECEPTIONIST—TYPIST. INTELLIGENT. antee: 12 years In Easle- estimate; rePLANADE 7-4177. EXPERIENCED: OPTICAL OFFICE: $20. pairing, c u s h i o n work, reuphnlstcring. APPLY 5619 5TH AVE., BROOKLYN. GIRL, competent, for light housework HAIG. BUckminstcr 4-4940 WINDSOR 9-6972. and help with children; sleep in; o w n room: references: $100 month. Sryb! SALESGIRLS. E X P E R I E N C E D ON nik, 901 E. 9th St. NAvarre 8-5708. DRESSES: STEADY: ALSO PART TIME. 8324 5TH AVE., BROOKLYN. GIRL. WOMAN, general housework, full charge apartment, for busine** family of 4; sleep i n ' or out. BUckminster SECRETARY-ASSISTANT 4-7080. ATLANTIC FLOOR CO. to Advertising HIGHEST PRIOES PAID FOR LATE MODEL R E F R I G E R A T O R 3 911 Broadway, Brooklyn. EV. 4-8390 s—M Flooring Y0UKG WOMEN Storage Painters—Decorators Instruments For Late Refrigerators. 350 PEARL S T . <£.- ALTERINO. painting, paperhanalng. floor scraping; 3 rooms painted. 132; clean w o r k m a n s h i p : formerly with Abraham tc S t r a u s . ESplanade 5-1336. ACCORDION WANTED STATE PRICE. BOX 1063. EAGLE. 8 TRAIN IN Moving HIGHEST CASH PRICES—Furniture, rugs, complete a p a r t m e n t s , separate pieces, r e frigerators, sewing machines, pianos, bric-a-brac. ATwater 9-6486. Pianos—Musical Weatherstripping CHICAGO. Cleveland. Washington, Florida, anywhere east Mississippi River. R e t u r n loads, low rates. Insured. Interstate Van Lines. CHelsea 3-4545. ALL KINDS FURNITURE — Baby grand pianos, bric-a-brac. Oriental rugs. We pay more. Edwards. DEwey 2-1652. WHITNEY BABY CARRIAGE, Stork line crib; both like n e w ; also I v e r - J o h n s o n velocipede; sacrifice. 1466 . 8t. Mark's Ave. (Apartment 3 ) . Machines COURSES ON ALL I. B. M K e y p u n c h e s , Tabulating Machines: Army-Navy need operator*. Accounting Machine Inst., 221 W 57th St.. N. Y C. CI 5-6425. Metal SORRY DISAPPOINTED SOME last s e a son. Don't wait until next Winter: weatherstrip now: install storm sash while available: time payments arranged. T l e d e m a n . GLenmore 5-113p. PAY CASH; MUST BE PRIVATE Call any time. Jack Rosen, H o t e l Diplomat. B R y a n t 9-3707. v T W I N BABY CARRIAGE, QUALITY MODEL. IN EXCELLENT CONDITION: U N USUAL OPPORTUNITY. PHONE ESPLANADE 7-7960. Piano Business GOOD Repaired F U R N I T U R E—Expertly repaired and polished i n your home; all work g u a r anteed. 7? Macon St. NEvlns 8-2884. Mack's Repair. furnishings ANDIRONS, antiques, all kinds of furniture, bric-a-brac, odds, ends, piano, rugs; h i g h e s t prices. Lester. Windsor 8-6565. Flatbusb. TABLE, liv-dlnc, m a h o g a n y : also marbletop coffee table: both excellent condition; very reasonable. Call after 6 3 0 . ESplanade 6-2076. Furs—Wearing Business—Secretarial Furniture Apparel | 3 Employment Opportunities FLOORS LAID, EASY PAYMENT MAURER & LARSON,' carpenters a n d builders. Jobbers, general contractors. 1305 E. 93d St. Phone SKidmore 4-2419. DINING ROOM SUITE. 10. WALNUT; E X - WE BUY used furniture and rugs: i m m e CELLENT CONDITION. 120 E. 19TH S T . , diate call will bring our appraiser to your door. Rocklord Furniture E x c h a n g e . AFT. 6-A BUCKMINSTER 4-2769. 1653 St John's Place. PResldent 2-1290. DINING ROOM SUITE. WILL BUV vour furniture, furnishings. 8-PIECE. MAHOGANY br:c-a-brac. rugs or anything you have 762 53D ST.. BROOKLYN. in the household line; will call and give full value. Call William, TRlangle 5-0912. DRESSER-CHIFFF.ROBE w i t h cedar-llr.ed drawers, good condition, $10 each; comMen's Clothing plete single S i m m o n s bed. J15: 5-picct kitchenette set. fine condition. $25. WE BUY MEN'S USED CLOTHING. Windsor 9-5794. High cash prices. Lewis Clothing E x c h a n g e , FURNITURE—Living, bedroom: carpets, 654 3d Ave. (corners 4 2 d ) . MU. 4-8226. silverware, china, p a i n t i n g s , piano, radio; quick sale. O'Nelil, 469 5tn Ave. ST. 8-9436. Old Gold, Jewelry, Diamonds Baby RADIO A N D TELEVISION Opportunities for MEN and WOMBN under WAR CONDITIONS a n d REAL F U T U R 3 in PEACE TIME. RADIO-TELE VISION INSTITUTE Classes Day and Eves. Moderate Tuition (payable weekly). Includes lesson materials. use of tools, -equipment. Dally 9-9, S a t . 9 - 2 . or write Dept. B RADIO-TELEVISION I N S T I T U T E Grand Central Palace Building 480 Lexington Ave. ( 4 6 t h ) . P L a i a 3-4585. House Parquet GENERAL CONTRACTOR, store and office fixtures; estimates' fret; small jobs a c cepted. Charles Sillhsky. Windsor 8-5628. HIOHEST CASH PRICES. PAH) For worn fur coats. Royal Furs, 337 Bridge St. (near phone Co.). TR1. 5-5175. DINING FURNITURE, bookcase, bed, a n d irons, chtst, paintings, violin; m e n . women's clothing; m i s c e l l a n e o u s . H o m mel. 910 Park P l a c e . PResldent 3-1720. Radio-Television FOZA INSTITUTE — Engllsh-SpanishPortuguese commercial courses, typing, shorthand, bookkeeping, French export documents: 100 percent placement record. 1133 Broadway, corner 26th St, CHelsea 2-5470.' Carriages - Wearing CHINESE RUGS, breakfont, fireplace, mirror, dinette, club chair, otner a r t i c l e s ; private; sacrifice. Call 6-8 p.m. No d e a l ers, 22 Ludlam Place, Brooklyn. INgersoll 2-4282. DINING ROOM and bedroom furniture; sacrifice. S u r n a m e r , 625 Caton Ave., Brooklyn (Apt. 1 - F ) . W i n d s o r 8-1444. MAin 2-3313 Beauty Baby ontracling ALBERT DAHBANY, carpenter, c o n t r a c tor, alterations, tile, cement, piaster, (Irebrick work on ovens, waterproofing. 1243 41st S t . Windsor 6-0329. BABY CARRIAGE wanted, high English type coaclu 18,-inch wheels, chromium springs. Wi'.l pay good price. BUckminster 7-5463. BEDROOM. LIVINO ROOM -FURNITURE; EXCELLENT CONDITION. CALL NAVARRE 8-3975. We'll buy your car over tha phone If condition Is a s you describe. No bickering. Mutual s a t i s f a c t i o n . Estab'd 20 years. Passaro Bros.. 2625 Bedford Ave., B'klyn. INgersoll 2-1600. 1525 BEDFORD AVE.. t«r. Eastern P'k»i| BUY U. S. WAR BONDS AND SAVINGS STAMPS BEDROOM. D1NINO ROOM. LIVING ROOM, BREAKFAST ROOM SETS: CARPETING. DRAPES: PRACTICALLY NEW; BAROAIN. DEWEY 9 - 6 4 6 1 . DININO ROOM, da-bed, sectional bookcase, encyclopedia, desk s e t , Irish linens, numbering m a c h i n e , other articles. Sniffen, 3017 Bedford Ave. TOP PRICES and SPOT CASH BROOKLYN AUTO SALES CASH WAITING—CARS WANTED FOR DEFENSE AREA. SEE JOHN—First: corner 32d St. a n d 4th Ave.. Brooklyn. SOuth 8-7884. ANTIQUES. BRIC-A-BRAC. VASE8. FIGures, china, glass, gold, direr and plated, etc.; highest prices paid. Miss Richards. BUckmlnster 2-9720. BEDROOM, maple twin a n d chest, desk c o m p a r t m e n t , l/alnut chifforobe. Anchor fencing. NAvarre 8-7324. 1256 E. 21st Street. ' '" _ Needs cars for Brooklyn defense workers. N i g h t i n g a l e 4-4041. Evenings, Sundays. NAvarre 8-2526. M U S T FILL LARGE ORDER FOB DEFENSE AREA CARS WANTED—HIGH PRICES FOR DEFENSE AREAS, 1937 TO 1942 ETNA WAREHOUSE. 493 MONROE S T . JEFFERSON 3-8474. BEDROOM AND DIKING ROOM suites. Frigldaire. must sacrifice. Call e v e n i n g s after 7, 1413 E. 27lh S t . or ESplanade 7-6077. BEDROOM SUITE. 7-piece: like n e w : s a c rice: leaving town. Call after 2 p.m. all week. No dealers. Peroglne, 2251 or 2255 E: 12 th S t . !2o Buildin ALTERATIONS. FIRE RETARDING. CELLAR INCLOSURES. VIOLATIONS R E MOVED. WANDER CONTRACTING CO. OLENMORE 5-5081. CALL LOU TYLER. EVergreen 4-7465 when telling glassware, china, bisque, silver, paintings, pianos, rugs, fireplace accessories. 835 Broadway. BEDROOM SETS, small dining room s e t , maple sitting room, Frigldatre. V e n e t i a n blinds; other articles. ESplanade 5-3937. F O R D '37 Pickups. 60-85 H. P.; Perfect. J. J. HART. INC. (FORD O F BROOKLYN) 087 ATLANTIC AVE. NEVTNa 8-47.70. Motorcycles, Bicycles WANTED TO BUY Antiques—Bric-a-brac BROOKLYN EAGLE, MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1943 BUSINESS and PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Wanted to Buy WANTED TO SELL 17 • •.- w; *"•—.^ ."""" . T; : . / JOSEPH H. MEYER BROS. SHOOT STRAIGHT With Our Boysl BUY WAR BONDS HOUSEWORKER. steep out. l i s plus fare: Saturday. Sunday free; 4 s d u H s ; . i t tookini ran 174r«fsoil :-4J8?. HOUSEWORKER OENERAI . SMALL 5 . ROOM HOUSE: ONE CHILD; SLEEP IN; 155. ESPLANADE S-M2H. HOUSEWORKER.. whlt»: no laundry; ft* diapers. 3 children; »le*n In: Christian no cooking, HA. 8*8304 day* or tT«nlnj
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