EDDY COUNTY 4-H GREEN SCENE May 2015 Allison’s Alley EDDY COUNTY STAFF Allison Leimer, 4-H Agent aleimer1@nmsu.edu Woods Houghton Ag Agent whoughto@nmsu.edu Robin Kincaid Admin. Assistant rkincaid@nmsu.edu Robyne Angelovic Admin. Assistant robyne@nmsu.edu Hello Eddy County! I cannot believe that May is already here! And you know what that means….the Eddy County Fair is only a little over 2 months away!! Remember, that you MUST be a Member in Good Standing in order to exhibit at the Eddy County Fair. 1. Re-enrolled members must attend 5 club meetings held during the program year. Any substitutions must be approved by the club’s organizational leader! 2. New members must attend 50% of club meetings starting when they enroll. Any substitutions must be approved by the club’s organizational leader! 3. Must participate in a demonstration, one 4-H community service project, lead an activity, and attend one 4-H Council meeting or help with/participate in one 4-H Council function! 4. Must complete and turn in a record sheet for each project. 1304 W. Stevens Carlsbad, NM 88220 Phone: 575-887-6595 Fax: 575-887-3795 Toll Free:1-877-887-6595 E-mail: eddy@nmsu.edu www.eddyextension.nmsu.edu New Mexico State University is an equal opportunity employer. All programs are available to everyone regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, handicap, or national origin. Eddy County Government, NMSU, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating to put knowledge to work. 5. A final record showing completion of Member in Good Standing requirements will be turned into the 4-H Agent by July 1st and they must be signed by the main organizational leader(s). These Member in Good Standing requirements must be fulfilled in order to be eligible to exhibit at the Eddy County Fair (both livestock and non-livestock projects), participate in 4-H judging, 4-H rodeos, shooting sports, camps, and other 4-H related activities. If you have any questions about where you stand with the requirements, contact your club leader!! Don’t wait until the last minute - your entries will not be signed. “Be the change you want to see in yourself, your friends, and the world.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi PAGE 2 ED D Y CO UNTY 4 - H G REE N S CE NE 4- H Council Updates! The Eddy County County Contest has changed to May 30th!! Since we do not have many members interested, this is a tentative date and may be canceled or to be determined depending on participation! If it takes place on May 30, it will start at 10:30 am and will be held at the Artesia High School in the Ag Shop! Paper Clover Drive - participating for at least 1 hour at the drive at Tractor Supply (There is a sign in sheet at the counter, sign it after your hour (I will be trusting you to complete the hour!) Attending District & State Events also counts as a Council Event! The June meeting has changed to June 4th at 6:00 pm at the Extension Office since I will be gone the second week of June. Next Council Meeting: May 11th at 6:00 pm at the First United Methodist Church in Artesia. We will be making dog leashes and dog toys for the local animal shelters at the next two meetings!! It will be a fun time, so come on out for the meeting and help us support the community! Eddy County Fair Website! The Eddy County Fair website is now online! It has the fair book, schedule, entry forms, and other useful information, so check it out! http://eddycountyfair.com/ Dairy Heifer Goat, Sheep, and Swine Tagging Dates! *Please bring your dairy heifers to one of these taggings! I forgot to list them in the last newsletters for these dates!! Artesia Tuesday, May 26th, 5:30 - 8:00 pm; Fairgrounds Carlsbad Thursday, May 28th, 6:00 - 8:00 pm; at the Ag Farm (on Peach Lane) Saturday, May 30th, 7:00 - 9:00 am; Desert Willow Vet Clinic: 512 E. Fiesta Dr., Carlsbad, NM PAGE 3 ED D Y CO UNTY 4 - H G REE N S CE NE Eddy County Livestock Ownership Deadlines April 1st: Beef Cattle May 15th: Dairy Cattle May 20th: Sheep, meat goats, swine, breeding rabbits, & breeding poultry July 1st: Broilers, Fryer and Baker Rabbits Project Add/Drop Date is May 1st!! You must be enrolled in the project to exhibit in that project at the fair!!! PROJECT BOOK ORDERS!!! If you are ordering a project book/materials for your 4-H projects, you MUST PAY before we can order and send them to you. If you selected that you want a project book in 4-H Online, but have not yet received them, it is most likely because you still need to pay. Please contact Robyne at the office if you have any questions!! Horse Certificates Horse Certificates need to be done every year or renewed every year with approval of the County Agent. The horse certificate is a form similar to a registration form. You can find it on the 4-H website under “Forms and Publications.” They are due on May 1st to the Extension office. I also have a fillable pdf of the horse certificate, Portfolios and Scholarships Don’t forget that the deadline for State 4-H Portfolios to be in the State 4-H Office is JUNE 15! This is also the deadline for applications for the 4-H Foundation Scholarship. Forms are available on the 4-H Website! http://aces.nmsu.edu/4h/projects.html Cloverbud Crew! The next Cloverbud Crew meeting with be on May 21st at 6:00 at the Extension Office! Hope to see you there! May 21 - Guinea Pigs (we have 4 babies!) June 18 - Making projects to enter at the fair! PAGE 4 ED D Y CO UNTY 4 - H G REE N S CE NE Sullivan’s Stock Show University!! When: May 2nd & 3rd: Registration: 8:00 - 8:30 am on Saturday Where: Eddy County Fairgrounds, Artesia What Artesia FFA is hosting Sullivan's Stock Show U Grad Program on May 2nd and 3rd at the Eddy County Fairgrounds. This is a two day show cattle clinic featuring Dan Sullivan, Jeff Sargent, Matt Copeland, and Mike and Kolby Cone as instructors. Bring your calves because it is all hands on, small group instruction. Fairgrounds will be open on Friday the 1st for early arrival, registration is at 8:00 am on Saturday and it ends Sunday at 3:00 pm. For more information look at Stock Show U New Mexico Clinic, it is all free. During the same time on Saturday May 2nd at the Eddy County Fairgrounds from 9-12 noon, Ian Shaafer will be giving a swine show clinic talking about showing, feeding, and general upkeep of pig show projects. Ian is a Texas Tech student who with his family has had many successes including the Grand Champion at Houston in 2011, Res. Champ. at Austin in 2014, and raising the champion York at San Antonio this past year. This is also free for all. On Saturday May 2nd from 1-4 pm Kyle Kaufman with Purina Animal Nutritions will visit and give a clinic about showing and feeding of lamb and goat projects. Kyle has been in Southeastern NM for a few years now and has established himself as a wealth of knowledge in the livestock industry, and should be able to transfer many facts we can all use. Any questions on Stock Show U please look at their website, or call Mike Hanagan at 575-703-6190 4-H Livestock Record App You can now organize your market livestock project information on your iPhone or iPad and send customized reports to your email! Track your individual livestock project animals Track participation in events, meetings, shows, contests, and more Record animal weights, feed, and health and monitor average daily gains Enter project income, expenses, and assets to generate financial statements Use photos to customize each 4-H’er and animal Export reports to analyze in spreadsheets, create graphs, or use in your record books!! Download the 4-H Livestock Record App to help you keep records for your 4-H projects! PAGE 5 ED D Y CO UNTY 4 - H G REE N S CE NE Livestock Sales AROUND THE STATE Fryer/Baker Rabbits Contact Dewayne Avery: 806-632-0310 Dowell Show Lambs Sales Round 2 Sale: Saturday, May 16th in Tucumcari. Sale will feature lambs born February 16 - March 16 www.dowellshowlambs.com, s.dowell49@hotmail.com Metzger Show Pigs & Boar Goats - Dunlap Show Lambs 2nd Sale: Saturday, May 2nd: 1:00 at the farm 1 3/4 miles west of Estancia on HWY 55 For more information: WARREN- 505-705-0856 WAYNE- 505-705-0855 RANDI- 505-705-0854 TRAVIS- 505-225-0153 JERRY- 505-705-0353 ROWENA- 505-705-0352 HOME- 505-384-2832 TODD OR MICHELLE DUNLAP- 505-705-3831 -LAMBS Luna County 4-H & Deming FFA Pig, Goat, and Lamb Sale Saturday, May 9, 2015: 12:00PM, Southwestern NM State Fairgrounds; Deming, NM Jack Blandford: 575-546-8806 4-H Horse School When: June 8, 2015 - June 12, 2015 (registration 10:00 am - 1:00 pm) Where: New Mexico State Fairgrounds: Albuquerque, NM What: There will be a great group of talented, knowledgeable, and committed instructors, over multiple disciplines, to provide students with a quality education on horses and horsemanship. Members will have riding instruction twice a day and will have the opportunity to attend a variety of workshops. Cost: $250 per person (with or without a horse). Includes 4 nights lodging, 11 meals, and stall space for one horse plus arena fees. Chaperones will pay $100 to help defray the cost of meals and lodging without a horse. All parents/chaperones attending horse school will need to be screened volunteers. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: May 15th! Lamb Showmanship Clinic Wednesday, June 24th from 6:00 - 8: 30 pm: Eddy County Fairgrounds, Artesia The clinic will be covering showmanship, nutrition, and exercise. Bring a lamb to the clinic you are planning to attend as it will be hands on! Dairy Heifer Clinic A dairy heifer clinic is in the process of being set up. It will most likely be sometime in June. I will send out more information when everything is finalized! Dog/Horse/Livestock School 4-H Council Application At the last 4-H Council meeting it was decided that the 4-H Council will pay for half of a New Mexico State 4-H School. These schools include Dog School, Horse School, and Livestock School. If you are interested in attending any of these schools (livestock school is not offered this year), you must submit a paper explaining why you want to attend the school. This can include goals, what you would like to or hope to learn, if you will take any learned lessons back to your fellow club members, etc. There will be up to 5 scholarships awarded to 4-H members for a State 4-H School. Please send your applications to me by May 1st in order to be considered for the scholarship. YGA We all had a great time at Youth Get Away this year! I hope to see everyone back next year! Those of you that have never been, it’s a weekend filled with workshops, dancing, and making new friends! You should consider attending next year! Eddy County 4-H T-Shirts The 4-H Council wanted to design a t-shirt that all of Eddy County could purchase. They are $20 plus $5 shipping fee if you choose to have them shipped to your house. The link is: http://www.booster.com/eddycounty4hcouncil You have until May 31st to place an order! We have to have a minimum of 30 t-shirts for them to print, so order for all your family if you wish!! We will get them about June 15th. The 4-H council would like to design a shirt every year, so hopefully you guys like them! 4-H Leader News 2015 4-H Adult Forum – Grow With the Green Saturday, November 14th is the annual statewide educational and fun event designed for adults working with the New Mexico 4-H Youth Development Program. It will be held in Albuquerque at the Workforce Training Center, located off Alameda Blvd. Alert 4-H Leaders and 4H Parents of this upcoming opportunity on November 14th and ask them to save the date. Workshop proposal forms are available on the website and from your County Extension office and are due by June 15. Please think about a topic you could submit and/or consider team teaching with another leader. We need a variety of topics! Alaska's hosting of WRLF 2016 - Call for Proposals Consider an adventure in the far north, sharing your knowledge and skills….the Western Region 4-H Volunteer Leaders Forum (WRLF) 2016 Education Committee is now accepting proposals for the 2016 conference, NORTHERN DELIGHTS, in the golden heart city of Fairbanks, Alaska, March 2-4. Submissions are accepted through June 1. For more information and to submit your proposal, visit http://www.alaska2016.com And like us on FB for one stop information on what's happening, airfare deals, and much more, https://www.facebook.com/alaskawrlf2016 ED D Y CO UNTY 4 - H G REE N S CE NE Calendar of 4-H Events May 1 Project Add/Drop DEADLINE May 2 - 3 Sullivan’s Stock Show University May 11 4-H Council Meeting - Artesia May 21 Cloverbud Crew - Carlsbad May 26 Tagging - Artesia, Fairgrounds May 28 Tagging - Carlsbad, Ag Farm May 30 Tagging - Carlsbad, Desert Willow Vet Clinic May 30 County Contest June 4 4-H Council Meeting- Carlsbad June 5 - 7 NM Lamb Breeders Association Lamb School - Roswell June 8 - 12 State Horse School June 12 - 14 State 4-H Dog School June 13 Southeast District Shooting Sports - Roswell June 16 - 18 Southeast District Contest - Clovis June 18 Cloverbud Crew - Carlsbad June 24 Lamb Clinic - Carlsbad July 13 - 16 State 4-H Conference July 18 Eddy County Fair 4-H Indoor Entry July 19 Eddy County Fair Livestock Entry July 20 - 25 Eddy County Fair September 10 - 20 New Mexico State Fair If anyone is interested in attending one of these events, please give me a call! - Allison PAGE 8
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