District 22-W IINSIDE THIS ISSUE DG Message APRIL 2015 Issue 10 1,2, VDG Messages 3 April 4 May 5 Memorials District Governor’s Message 6-8 LCIF 9 Convention 10 District News 13-17 Twinning 18 Charter Nights 19-20 Fundraisers 21-24 District Governor’s Official Visits: April 2 - Halfway Lions Club Official Visit April 8 – Region I Zone Meeting Frostburg April 11 – LCIF Melvin Jones Luncheon April 13 – Carroll Manor-Urbana Lions Club Official Visit April 14 - Three Club Charter Night April 18 - District C Social April 20 – Leader Dog Banquet LaVale April 21 – Leader Dog Banquet West Hagerstown April 22 – Leader Dog Banquet Libertytown April 23 – Myersville Lions Club Official Visit April 27 – Harney Lions Club Official Visit Greetings Brother and Sister Lions, Lionesses and Leos! I am really glad to see that spring has finally arrived. Spring always means better weather and that Lion clubs service projects and fundraisers will be in full swing. Being active always brings Lions together. We all know that when Lions gather, good things happen and one of the best rewards is having fun while helping others. Please remember to work safely and represent our motto with pride and integrity. Membership in the district currently stands at a -38. The district has added 124 new members this Lion year which is GREAT! The bad part of the membership count is the 162 drops. An even sadder fact is that the district has lost 34 of our family of Lions to death. The loss of our fellow Brothers and Sisters leaves a void that can never be filled. These family members are truly missed. Retention…this is so important to our district. Let’s all pull together and try to keep our “pride” involved and active. “MMFI”…remember our training by LCI’s Recruiter PDG Jim Canon. Make Me Feel Important! If we succeed in doing this one thing in our clubs we will grow our membership. The Global Leadership and Global Membership Teams are available and ready to work along with you. All you need to do is “Ask.” Please keep the Centennial Challenge in mind. At the present time we have twelve (12) clubs who have qualified for the diamond award. Let’s raise the standard by having ALL 57 clubs in the district achieving this award. I am certain EACH club can meet the four areas of this challenge: Vision, Youth, Hunger and Environment. Leader Dog Banquets are coming up this month, April 20-23. Leader Dog has always been a champion in Multiple District 22. Last year our district was Number Five in the world in giving. Giving the blind their vision back through the eyes of a Leader Dog is what “Knights of the Blind” is all about. Remember we will have auctions at all of the banquets. Please bring an item(s) and invite your family and friends. This is an excellent way to introduce a person to this great organization. Hearing and seeing firsthand of the impact a Leader Dog makes in a person’s life is worth its weight in gold. District 22 –W Newsletter Page 2 The last cabinet meeting of my term as your District Governor was Saturday, March 28. This year has just flown by. I do thank you for all of your help and support. Your efforts and hospitality will never be forgotten. This is one of the reasons why District 22W remains strong. We are always willing to lend a hand…no matter what the task. The time is now to use your new membership application. Ask a neighbor, a co-worker, a friend to join the world’s largest service organization. A reminder of the Melvin Jones Banquet on April 11. Remember to send in your PU 101 before April 30. Until next month, DG John Parker Home Club: Potomac Valley Lions Club Route 1, Box 122A 30, Keyser, WV 26726 Phone: 304-788-5755 Mobile: 301-697-8570 Email: johnparker55569@yahoo.com District 22 –W Newsletter Page 3 1st VDG’s Message The month of March flew by with The District 22-B Social was held on many events in District 22-W and Mul- March 7th and was a great event. The tiple District 22. I had the opportunity Social had an Eastern Shore theme. to attend many club functions to ob- The atmosphere was relaxed and the serve them serving their communities Eastern Shore fare delicious. in an outstanding manner to which we All the I look forward to seeing you at the Mul- exciting new ideas and plans to con- tiple District Convention May 18th-21st tinue to serve these communities as well as in the coming months have become accustomed. make these coming months very promising times. As I continue to travel the District, if I can be of assistance in any matter, The District Governors/Vice District please, contact me anytime. Please Governors training held on March 6th- remember, when you serve, We 7th in Ocean City was very informa- Serve tive. The Global Leadership Team from Multiple 22 did a great job with the presentations given to the attendees. Everyone who attended will be prepared to implement the training given to make their respective districts stronger going forward. I was fortunate to be able to attend Yours in Lionism, Bob S.Mitchell Home Club: Taneytown Lions Club Phone: 410-756-4225 Email: rsmitchell14@gmail.com I enjoy working directly with your clubs; please invite me to attend any of your functions. 2nd VDG’s Message First Vice District Governor Yours in Service and Lionism GLT and GMT Training in Milford, MA., from February 28th through 2nd VDG’s Message this session is a very valuable tool and should be attended by anyone that has aspirations to assume a leadership role. The networking at this session was also of great value. All the different ideas other Lions brought with them that could be applied within our District are numerous. The continued attendance at these educational sessions is paramount to forming leadership of our organization. . The Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship (PMJF) program is a way for donors to extend their commitment to LCIF. There are 54 recognition levels beyond the initial US$1,000 MJF contribution with a unique pin for each giving level. Consider attending the Melvin Jones Banquet on April 11, 2015, at the Terra Rubra Lions Building. the Constitutional Area 1-A FVDG March 1st. The training received at others. Contributions can be made by individuals (including nonLions), clubs or districts. Donations may be in one sum, or in installments of a minimum of US$100 over a five-year period. Melvin Jones Fellows receive an attractive lapel pin, a plaque and a congratulatory letter. Brian Cox Second Vice District Governor Have you considered becoming a Melvin Jones Fellow or a progressive Melvin Jones Fellow? The Melvin Jones Fellowship (MJF) recognizes donations of US$1,000. It is the backbone of LCIF, providing 75 percent of the foundation's revenue. As recognition of humanitarian work, an MJF is an honor presented to those who donate US$1,000 to LCIF or to people for Home Club: Terra Rubra Lions Club Phone:301-676-0350 Email: vbcox@comcast.net Page 4 District 22-W Newsletter APRIL EVENTS April 1: April 3-4: Smithsburg Lions will hold an Easter Flower sale at Mountain Valley Fruit Stand on Route 64 in Smithsburg. April 4: Myersville Lions Club will hold an All You Can eat Breakfast—Myersville Fire hall with cost: Adults $7.50, Seniors $6.50,children 6-12 $4, children under 6 free. April 12: Williamsport Basket Bingo...see page 23.. April 14: Three Club Joint Charter Night of the Union Bridge (70 years), Libertytown Unionville (66 years), and Mount Airy 4 County (8 years) Lions Clubs .Social time: 6:30 and Dinner at 7:00pm. Location: Cost: $26 per person with RSVP Required by April 2nd to: Lion Greg Galaida (410)775-7054 or galaida@hotmail.com or send check to arrive by April 2nd to: Lion Greg Galaida, P.O. Box 292, Union Bridge, MD 21791 April 4: Deer Park basket bingo—see page 22 for info. April 15: Roaring Run Lions Charter celebration ...see page 19 for information. April 4: Smithsburg Lions will hold an Easter Egg Hunt at Lions Club Park. April 15:A reminder to all clubs that the PU 101 must be submitted to Lions Clubs International by April 15, 2015. The report lists the new officers for 2015-2016. April 5: EASTER SUNDAY April 8: Freedom Lions Invitation to Vets for a free meal. WHERE: Messiah Lutheran Church, Rte 97 South of Liberty Rd. CONTACT: Call Myron Horn 410-549-0558 to make Reservations. (The first 40 warriors or guests get a ticket.) April 8: Region I All Zone meeting in Frostburg at Zion U.C.C., 160 E. Main St. . The meeting will start at 6:00pm. Please call: (301)689.6776 by April 5 with your reservation. See Page 5 for details.. April 9: Region III All Zone meeting at Myersville Lions Club — Myersville Fire Hall … Reservations due by April 3… meeting starts at 6:30pm. Please call: 301-371-9429 or email bthom206@aol.com by April 3. Checks should be made out to Myersville Lions Club and sent to Lion Jody Barker, 2913 Ward Kline Rd., Myersville, MD., 21773. April 11: Melvin Jones Fellow/LCIF Luncheon:1:00 PM Terra Rubra Lions Building, 6300 Middelburg Road, Keymar, MD 21791. Cost: $15 per person ...see page 9. April 11: Taylorsville Winfield Lions Club Basket Bingo...see page 22.. April 11: Silver Run Bingo...see page 22. . April 16: Smithsburg Lions will hold a sandwich sale. April 18: 4-County Lions Chili Cook Off...see page 21 April 18: South Carroll Lioness Lions Tastefully Simple Tasting Party….see page 21. April 18: Frostburg Lions cooking show— Pampered Chef...see page 22. April 18: Westminster Basket Bingo doors open at 5:30 early game at 6:30pm. Cost: $15 in advance and $18 at the door. Contact: Barb Hayes 410-596-1483 or email at bbhayes@verizon.net or Kathy Krixham at 240405-6565 email krixham@comcast.net. April 18: Mount Savage Mason-Dixon Lions Club celebrate their 40th Anniversary Charter Night...see page 20. April 18: Williamsport Charter Night Celebration—see page 19. April 18: Terra Rubra Charter Night...see page 20. Page 5 District 22-W Newsletter April 20: Smithsburg Lions will hold a blood drive. ROSTER BOOK CHANGE: April 21: Region II Leader Dog Banquet with RSVP required by April 11th...see page 12. Funkstown Lions Club page 25 Luther "Jerry" Knight, Secretary Funkstown Lions Club 16331 Shinham Road Hagerstown, Maryland 21740 April 24: Liberty Open Golf Classic at Westwinds Golf Course with a starting time of 8:00am. April 24: Williamsport 22nd Annual Golf Tournament ...see page 22. April 24: Freedom District Lions, will hold a flag presentation/education to 5th graders in the local elementary school. April 25: Mount Airy Longaberger Basket Bingo….see page 22. April 25: Silver Run Lions Fishing Rodeo...see page 22. April 26: Meet N’Greet for PCC Munchow...see page 10. April 28: Thurmont Middle School Leos spaghetti dinner….info see page 23. MAY Phone: 301-739-6970 and Email is still: lutherknight81@yahoo.com EASTER SYMBOLS! EASTER BUNNY: There is a story from Germany about how the Easter Bunny became a part of the Easter holiday. A woman hid very colorful Easter eggs outdoors. Her children went out to hunt for them. As they were going out, they saw a rabbit hop by. From that moment, her children thought the rabbit brought the Easter eggs. EGGS: Eggs symbolize the new life that returns to nature during the spring. The egg is a symbol of fertility and immortality. Christians also view it as a reminder of the tomb from which Jesus Christ arose . Early Christians used red colored eggs to symbolize the Resurrection. May 2: Taylorsville-Winfield Lions will hold a “Spring Swing” for Diabetes….see page 23. May 3: Deer Park Fundraiser for CC Dick Liebno...see page 10. May 9: Century High School Leos, Liberty High School Leos, and the Freedom District Lions will participate in a Stop Hunger Now event...see page 16. May 15: Williamsport Lions will hold a Street Dance and then a parade on the 16th. May 17th: Smithsburg Lions will hold a raf- fle...see page 24. May 18-23: Multiple Convention in Delaware. May 28: 14th Annual Region IV Zone 3 Golf Tournament..….contact information Zone Chair Evan Gillett 240-463-6234 or e-mail: evan_gillett@yahoo.com ..see page 23. REGION 1 ALL ZONE MEETING DATE: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8TH TIME:6:00PM HOST: FROSTBURG LIONS CLUB LOCATION:Zion United Church of Christ, 160 E. Main St., Frostburg, MENU: Make your own sandwich: meat and cheese platter, various salads, pie and ice cream COST: $7.00 Reservations due by April 5th. Prepayment preferred but check or correct cash will be accepted that night. Contact: LION LINDA BAKER at (301)689-6776 or email her: lbaker@atlanticbb.net—mail checks to her at 11107 VALE SUMMIT RD., FROSTBURG Checks should be made out to: Frostburg Lions Club. Page 6 District 22-W Newsletter WANDA MAE SETTLE ROBY MEMORIUM Lion Wanda Mae Roby passed away on March 4th at her home after being diagnosed with a Stage 4 abdominal tumor and given a week to live. She lived for three months after that, determined not to miss Christmas or family birthdays. Every night she prayed to God for one more day and every morning she thanked Him! The Hagerstown Herald in the “A Life Remembered” column describes her: “People gravitated to Wanda Roby. The neighborhood children flocked to the Roby family’s yard ... she was particularly drawn to the kids who didn’t quite fit in, the ones who were the rebels. ‘She liked everybody’’ her husband quoted.” She was one of ten siblings and a favorite aunt who was always available to help with advice. She and her husband, Jim, attended the same school from the grade of seven until they graduated. Their first date was in the 11th grade when he took her to a dance and claimed she had “three left feet. I was trouble,” Jim is quoted as saying. “She straightened me up.” Growing up in the “rough part” of Cumberland he claimed that she was the reason he didn’t end up dead or in jail. She even had him going to church! “Wanda was a shy bookworm and Jim helped bring her out of her shell.” They lived in the same house in Hagerstown for 50 years. As a mother she was especially supportive always involved in her children’s activities. She was a member of the Eastern Star in Hagerstown, the Lions Club in Chewsville, MD, West Hagerstown Lions Club, and the International Order of Jobs Daughters Bethel 26 of Hagerstown. She was an active member of St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church for 50 years. She volunteered at Repeat Performance Thrift Shop of the Meritus Auxiliary (where a plaque will be placed in her honor) in Hagerstown and at Hospice of Washington County. She had been employed as a secretary at Fort Hill High School, a lunch aide at Pangborn Elementary School and her “dream job” for 22 years at Washington County Free Library. Wanda is survived by her husband of 61 years, James L. Roby, Jr.; two daughters Lisa L. Roby, Tamera J. Bailey and husband John. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to Hospice of Washington County, 747 Northern Avenue, Hagerstown, MD 21743 or St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church. TINA LOUISE (CUMMINGS) GORMLEY Lion Tina died on Wednesday, March 4, 2015, at the University of Maryland Medical Center. Born in Frostburg on Jan. 9, 1958, she was the daughter of the late James P. Cummings Sr., and Helen (Fuller) Cummings. Tina was a member of St. Michael Catholic Church where she served as a Cantor and a Eucharistic Minister. She was the Treasurer for the Performing Arts Parents Association at Mountain Ridge High School and she was a member of the Frostburg Lions Club. Tina was also a member of the National Federation of the Blind. She worked at the U.S. Customs and Drug Enforcement Administration. Tina was a 100% sweet person and she will be missed. “WE SERVE” was her middle name. A Mass of Christian burial was celebrated at St. Michael Catholic Church on Tuesday, March 10, 2015. She is survived by her husband, Patrick Gormley, and her daughter, Andrea Gormley, of Frostburg; her brother, James P. Cummings Jr. and wife, Mary Ann, of Frostburg; her sisters, Jessie Stevenson of Frostburg, and Jeta Ewing of Cresaptown. She is also survived by five nieces and nephews. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Andrea’s Education Fund Page 7 District 22-W Newsletter MEMORIUM . LION ANTHONY "TONY" LOCASCIO LION BILL BOYD The Westminster Lions Club is sad to report the It is with sadness that the Freedom District Lions Club reports the death of Lion Bill Boyd on March 13, 2015 at York Hospital. passing of Lion Anthony “Tony” A. Locascio, age 68, on March 22nd, following complications from a stroke. He was the loving and devoted husband of Lion Susan Dell Locascio (also a member and Secretary of Westminster Lions Club), his wife of 41 years. Tony retired in 2002 from Baltimore Gas and Electric Company and worked for Dutterer's Florist Shop in Westminster. He and his wife owned and operated the Charmed Traveler travel agency. Tony was a 1964 graduate of St. John Catholic High School in Westminster and was a veteran of the U.S. Army serving during the Vietnam era. He was a member of St. John Catholic Church. He enjoyed collecting antiques, fishing, and shopping on eBay. He loved his pet rescue cocker spaniels, Harley, Mandy, and Katie. Tony first became a Lion with the Roaring Run Lions Club where he served as President and on the Board of Directors. Tony transferred to the Westminster Club and served as the Eyeglass Chairman, and on the Board of Directors. He also served in almost all Club Committees and positions. Tony exemplified the ideals of Lions Clubs International, in all respects. He was a dedicated Lion who rarely missed a meeting or function and was always available to provide good counsel and advice to new Lions and Club Officers. Westminster Lions Club members attended a special ceremony at the viewing and several members attended the funeral. We extend our sympathies to Lion Susan. Tony will be sorely missed.. Sympathies may be sent to his wife Lion Susan at 440 Sycamore Avenue, Westminster MD 21157. JOHN GARNER Mr. Garner, father of Taneytown Lions’ first Vice President, Mike Garner, passed away on Monday, March 23rd. Funeral Services were held at the United Church of Christ, Taneytown, Friday, March 27th. Mike and Jennifer's address is 146 Sullivan Rd., Westminster, MD 21158. Lion Bill was a member for over 37 years and had served as our club president for the 19821983 Lions year. He was presented with a Melvin Jones Fellow Award in April 1994 for his dedicated humanitarian service to the club and community. He is survived by his wife of 49 years Janet, and daughter Elizabeth Louise Thompson and husband Chris, son James Alan Boyd and wife Christina, grandchildren Bruce Boyd, and Katie and Janet Thompson. The Freedom District Lions Club conducted a memorial service at 3:30pm on Wednesday (March 18th) at the funeral home. Graveside services were held at Lake View Memorial Park, 2724 Liberty Road with military honors. HELEN “ROBBIE” ZEIGLER Robbie Zeigler, wife of Middletown Lions member, Corky Zeigler, died on March 13th. A much loved and well-known teacher at Middletown High for over 30 years, she loved taking her students to events throughout the area. She loved to travel and made several trips to Europe with her students. She volunteered at Frederick Memorial Hospital in the gift shop for over twenty years. Robbie was a member of Christ Reformed UCC, in Middletown, and taught the Loyalty Class in the Sunday school for over thirty years. Members of the class still call themselves her kids! Surviving is her husband of 67 years, their son, Richard and wife Karen, their daughter Marda Blain and husband Ron, and beloved their grandchildren. Memorial contributions may be made to Christ Reformed Church POB 333, Middletown, MD 21769, or to the Alzheimer’s Association, Frederick County Chapter, 103 Byte Dr., #103, Frederick, MD 21702. Condolences may be sent to Lion Corky Zeigler and family, 15 Linden Street, Middletown MD 21769. Page 8 . District 22-W Newsletter MEMORIUM LION BILL BOYD It is with sadness that the Freedom District Lions Club reports the death of Lion Bill Boyd on March 13, 2015 at York Hospital. Lion Bill was a member for over 37 years and had served as their club president for the 1982- CANDIDATE FOR INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR – From PCC Bob Muchow I would like to convey to the District 22-W Lions some information about me that is in not in our International Director campaign brochure or campaign talks to clubs. 1983 Lions year. He was presented with a Mel- In addition to the Lions leadership positions I vin Jones Fellow Award in April 1994 for his have held, I was fortunate to hold leadership po- dedicated humanitarian service to the club and sitions in my professional career as an engineer- community. ing project manager, in the Jaycees, and in my community. It is satisfying to lead efforts and be He is survived by his wife of 49 years Janet, told and feel you have done a good job. and daughter Elizabeth Louise Thompson and husband Chris, son James Alan Boyd and wife However, it is equally rewarding to participate as Christina, grandchildren Bruce Boyd, and Katie manpower on hands-on projects that are led by and Janet Thompson. other Lions. During my Lions career, I have helped with pre-school vision screening, vision The Freedom District Lions Club conducted a memorial service at 3:30pm on Wednesday (March 18th) at the funeral home. Graveside services were held at Lake View Memorial Park, 2 724 Liberty Road with military honors. acuity screening, hearing screening, used eyeglasses sorting, providing new eyeglasses to needy students, road cleanup, Habitat for Humanity, delivering Christmas food baskets to needy families, peace poster judging, and maintenance at Camp Merrick. Sometimes you meet the people you help and sometimes you PAUL S. GARVER don’t. In either case you get a great sense of accomplishment and satisfaction by helping oth- Lion Paul Garver's father, Paul S. Garver, passed away Thursday, March 11th. Services are private. Lion Paul is a member of the Taneytown lions Club. His address is: 46 Bancroft St., Taneytown, MD 21787. ers. We have a wonderful service organization. As many of us say, it’s great to be a Lion! Page 9 District 22-W Newsletter LCIF NEWS Submitted by IPDG Kent Eitemiller 2013-2014 - District 22W Taylorsville-Winfield Lions Club District 22W LCIF Coordinator keitemiller@yahoo.com MELVIN JONES FELLOW/LCIF LUNCHEON April 11, 2015 at 1:00 PM Terra Rubra Lions Building 6300 Middelburg Road Keymar, MD 21791 Menu: Fried Chicken, Ham, Parsley Potatoes, Corn, Coleslaw, Roll REGISTER NOW FOR THE USA/ CANADA FORUM. VISIT THE WEBSITE WWW.LIONSFORUM.ORG September 17-19 Grand Rapids, MI. Ice Cream Iced Tea and Coffee Featured Presentations Cost $15.00 per person Bucket N' Boards Special Guest Speaker: PID Joe Gaffigan RSVP no later than April 4, 2015 check made out to District 22W with full payment Mail to: IPDG Kent Eitemiller 7202 Patton Drive Woodbine, Md. 21797 Wayne Brock Lisa Whelchel We Serve On The Dramatic Story of a Century of Lions Service Starring: Melvin Jones Helen Keller Anne Sullivan Dr. William P. Woods Dr. L.H.Lewis Jimmy Carter David Johnson Wayne Brock William L. Biggs Admiral Richard E. Byrd Albert F. Brandel Robert E. Corlew James T. Coffey Jim Ervin Austin P. Jennings Clement Kusiak Wayne A. Madden J.Frank Moore III Joe Preston Jimmy Ross Sid L. Scruggs III Judge Brian Stevenson King-Kun Tam Joseph L. Wroblewski Dr. Kitsuhiro Yamada Dr. William H. Wunder Page 10 District 22-W Newsletter CONVENTION NEWS! Contributed by PDG Steve Finger, Chairperson, 2015 MD Convention Committee International President Joe Preston will be in attendance and that will be a big draw. The Golf Tournament is going to be at a super nice, new location for us, and the pre-convention social entertainment will be a night club atmosphere with cash bar and live music acts, plus a pre-show and interlude DJ with dance lessons, if you want! It’s going to be fun! It will be a really great way to start off the week! We are also doing the first ever service project in conjunction with the Convention and participating in World-Wide Service Week to help children! We ask every participant to bring a children’s book to donate. Delegates will be voting for the International Director endorsement to represent the multiple district. LCI, during the International convention in Honolulu, then will have the decision on the final endorsement of candidate. The two candidates from the Multiple District are PCC Dick Liebno and PCC Bob Muchow. You are cordially invited... Meet 'n Greet PCC Robert Muchow, Candidate for International Director, Open House FUNDRAISER FOR PCC DICK LIEBNO Candidate for International Director Date: Sunday, April 26, 2015, Time: 12-4 PM Location: Terra Rubra Lions Activity Center Enjoy: Light hors d'oeuvres, beer, sodas wine, May 3, 2015 VFW Hall in Westminster 519 Poole Road Menu: Stuffed Chicken Breast & Trimmings Cost: $25 Social 6:00 pm (Cash Bar) Dinner: 6:30 pm RSVP: by April 24th To: Dave Hopkins, 776 Irongate Circle, Sykesville Md. 21784 Checks should be made payable to: Deer Park Lions I.D. Campaign Fund Join us for an afternoon of food, fun and fellowship with PCC Bob and his wife, Lion Nadja. Get acquainted and be prepared to Vote wisely on May 20th by being informed. Hosted by Thurmont Lions Club and Committee to Elect PCC Bob Muchow for International Director. Page 11 District 22-W Newsletter LEO CORNER THURMONT MIDDLE SCHOOL (TMS) LEO CLUB Submitted by Lion Joyce Anthony, Club Advisor The Leos have been very busy collecting coats and blankets to support their January project. The Leo’s collected a total of 237 coats and blankets. A huge ‘thank you’ to the JerMae Estates Community, Weller Church, Thurmont Lions Club, students, parents, teachers. friends, etc. for their support of this heart-warming project. Thank you letters have been sent to these supportive individuals and organizations. A special thanks goes to Lion Club Advisor Joyce Anthony for picking up the items, storing them at her house and delivering them to their destination. When all the coats and blankets were gathered, they filled a room in her house. During the February meeting, the Leo’s jumped rope and shot hoops to raise funds for the American Heart Association. Elementary and middle school students engage in these activities while empowering themselves to improve their own health and helping other kids with heart-health issues. The Leo’s raised $365. Congratulations to another successful fundraiser! On February 13th the Thurmont Regional Library co-hosted a Valentine’s Day Party at the Thurmont Senior Center. The TMS and CHS Leos helped the seniors make crafts and valentines and enjoyed treats and snacks with them. Everyone enjoyed the party with lots to eat. At the March 4th meeting, the TMS Leo’s kicked off their campaign on “Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s Pennies for Patients” program. Tricia Sturm, Senior Campaign Manager for School and Youth, talked about how the program works and showed short film clips how the funds help children with cancer. Students will collect spare change, etc. to benefit LLS and to show the TMS Leos can make a difference. The project will continue through the month of April. The club’s goal is $2,015 for the year 2015. Last year the Leo’s raised $2,495. The “2015 Leo of the Year” was selected by the Leo’s themselves. Each Leo voted by secret ballot as to which Leo deserved to receive this honor. The winner will be announced at the TLC meeting on March 25th during Youth Night. There are several community projects the Leo’s will be supporting: helping to move books from the library to storage, Thurmont tree and shrub planting project, Easter egg hunt, TLC basket bingo, Leader Dog and others if time permits throughout the remainder of the year. They will also be joining the CHS Leo’s for the “Second Annual Catoctin-Thurmont Leo Meet 2015” on May 25th to Hershey Park. (Submitted by Lions Gayle and Joyce) CATOCTIN HIGH SCHOOL LEOS Submitted by Lion Wendy Candela, Club Advisor CHS Leos helped the Thurmont Lions Club with the Tree Planting Project and Basket Bingo in late March. Plus, we plan to again help out with the Easter Egg Hunt and put together a car wash for the Thurmont Food Bank this spring. Important News! – The Second Annual Catoctin-Thurmont Leo Meet 2015 will be held on Memorial Day, May 25th for a day of fun at Hershey Park! Pictured L-R: TLC Lions Club advisor Lion Wendy, Leo’s Marah Williams and Lizzy Darr; CHS Faculty Leo advisor Ms. Herrmann; Leo Alex Bolinger; and CHS Faculty Leo advisor Ms. Eckenrode collecting and delivering jeans from CHS CHS Leo Club advisors met and have selected Leo Marah Williams as our CHS Leo of the Year.” We are currently preparing her nomination package for LCI “Leo of the Year 2015” to submit for District 22W consideration. Page 12 District 22-W Newsletter LEO CORNER continued CATOCTIN HIGH SCHOOL LEOS Cont.: CHS Leo Club’s “Teens for Jeans” drive with Catoctin High School ended on January 22nd after collecting 260 jeans for teens experiencing homelessness in our area. Aeropostales will be boxing them up and distributing them to area homeless shelters and organizations. Plus, Catoctin High School has been entered with hopes of winning a $5,000 school grant and other prizes from DoSomeThing.org, the organizers for this Nation-wide campaign. The CHS Leo’s stepped up to help with the Thurmont Food Bank move to their new location on February 22nd, showing up despite the winter weather—snow! Visit http://www.e-leoclubhouse.org/sites/catoctin for our latest news and follow us on Twitter . Lion Eileen Disinger, District 22-W Leo Club Advisor, put forth a proposal to engage all the District Lions Club’s in supporting the Leo Club Program by contributing to each of our Leo Clubs Administrative funds. All in all, Leo’s and their advisors reported they are primarily focused on putting in service hours with activities to serve their communities or organizing drives to support those in need; be it food, clothing or moral support (i.e., to fight against bullying in their school. SOUTH CARROLL LEOS The Leos collected food for the SCHS Cavalier Food Panty Easter Baskets. They will be participating in the 5K Walk for Water again this year on May 30th at the SCHS Football Stadium along with a bake sale. T hey will be making a monetary donation to the 5K Walk for Ava in Mount Airy which will take place on April 11th. They will be selling sheets of 6 Panera coupons again at our basket bingo for $10.00 each. Leo’s Avie and Ashlee stocking shelves at the “new” food bank LEOS ATTEND CABINET MEETING IN JANUARY Lion/CHS Leo Club Advisor Lion Wendy and CHS Leo Club Vice President Taylor Kaufman attended the January 2015 District 22-W Cabinet luncheon event with other District Lion/Leo Club advisors and Leo’s. There were six Leo Clubs represented: Williamsport High School, Springfield Middle School, FSK High School, Boonsboro High School, Middle School and South Carroll High School. The really good news is all the Lions gathering at this District level event were welcoming and supportive. They also plan to work at our Easter Egg Hunt, basket bingo and the Winfield Fire Dept Carnival in the food booth. STUFFING EASTER EGGS: On Wednesday night, March 25th, Winfield Taylorsville Lions with 3 SCHS Leos (President Rachel Griffin, Sarah Cote and Hannah Chapla) and Rachel’s mother assisted Wanda Le Gore and some members of the Ronnie Le Gore Foundation to stuff 1100 plastic eggs with candy and stickers for the upcoming Easter Egg Hunt. It only took one hour to complete the job! Page 13 District 22-W DISTRICT NEWS LEADER DOG BANQUETS REGION I: April 20th - LaVale Lions REGION II: April 21st - West Hagerstown Lions REGION III April 22—Libertytown Unionville Lions REGION IV April 23—Deer Park Lions This year’s speaker is Carroll Jackson who has been blind since he was in sixth grade. He earned a BS degree in Industrial technology and a Master’s in the Education of the Blind and Visually Impaired. He has been an Industrial Technology instructor in public schools and Principal of Ohio State School for the Blind. Carroll served twenty years as Executive Director of the Upshaw Institute for the Blind in Detroit and received the Best Management Non-Profit Award from Crain’s Business publications. He retired from the position of Superintendent of the Illinois School for the Visually Impaired. Since retiring, he enjoys spending time in his woodworking shop and reading books he didn’t have time for when working. Carroll was matched with Hunter in January 2008, and they have already logged 337 flights and visited 38 states to represent Leader Dogs for the Blind. REGION ll LEADER DOG BANQUET WHERE: Washington Square United Methodist Church HOST: West Hagerstown Lions Club. DATE:Tuesday, April 21, 2015 TIME: Social Period will be from 6 P.M. until the opening and dinner at 6:30 P.M. MENU:Buffet meal with Molded Cranberry Salad, Baked Stuffed Chicken Breast, Escalloped Potatoes, Succotash , Rolls and Butter, Coffee or Iced Tea and Dessert. COST: $10. Per person. Reservations are due April 14, 2014, accompanied by payment to WEST HAGERSTOWN LIONS CLUB and mailed to Lion Donna Jackman, 12145 Itnyre Road, Smithsburg, MD 21740. Each club is asked to donate an item that can be auctioned with the proceeds going to Leader Dog. Individuals are encouraged to donate items to be auctioned also. We will also have a 50/50 that will be contributed to Leader Dog. REGION III BANQUET WHERE: Libertytown Volunteer Fire Department Social Hall, 12027 South Street, Libertytown, MD 21762 HOST: Libertytown-Unionville Lions DATE: April 22, 2015 TIME: Social Time between 6:30 and 7:00 pm. Dinner served at 7:00 pm MENU: Fried Chicken, Roast Beef, Au Gratin Potatoes, Green Beans, Cole Slaw, Beverages, and Dessert COST: $16.00 Please RSVP by April 16th to Lion Bill Strauss at (410) 756-4476 or williamstrauss@msn.com and send the completed form below with a check by April 16th to: Zone Chair Bill Strauss 1825 Francis Scott Key Hwy. Keymar, MD 21757-9319. If no one in your club is able to attend the Banquet and your club has a donation for Leader Dog, please mail your donation check to Zone Chair Bill Strauss made out to “District 22-W” at the above address for presentation at the banquet. So that we can maximize our donation to Leader Dog, we will have a Silent Auction and add the proceeds to the donations collected from the clubs. We need items for the auction - we would appreciate donations of items from Lions and clubs. We are looking for household items in good shape or those “White Elephants” you received in the past that would attract someone at this auction. Please call or email Lion Bill Strauss (see above) describing the item and your estimate of it’s value. REGION 4 BANQUET WHERE: Gamber Fire Hall. HOST: DEER PARK LIONS CLUB DATE Thursday, April 23rd TIME: Social Period: 6:30pm dinner at 7:00pm MENU: Fried chicken, ham, parsley potatoes, tossed salad, corn, rolls, coffee and ice tea with ice cream for dessert COST: $20.00 RSVP BY April 8th. Page 14 District 22-W Newsletter DISTRICT NEWS . OFFICER TRAINING FOR . SUPPORT THE LIONS YOUTH DISTRICT 22-W 2015-2016 TERM FOUNDATON’S “POT-OF-GOLD SWEEPSTAKES” Submitted by DPG & Fundraising Committee Chairman Robert C. Disinger The Lions Youth Foundation of Multiple District 22 will again sponsor the “Pot of Gold Sweepstakes” for 2015. The tickets are $4.00 each or three for $10.00. You will help the Lions Youth Foundation raise additional money that will then be used to provide grants to Lions Clubs for youth related projects. Everyone has a chance to win. Sellers of winning tickets will be paid a 10% sellers bonus. For example, should you sell the winning $2,500 ticket you will win $250.00. This includes any tickets you sell to yourself. By placing your name and information on the reverse side of the ticket stub before turning both the money and the stub into your club’s Pot of Gold coordinator, you automatically become eligible for the bonus. Last year I sold myself a $250.00 winner and a $500.00 winning ticket to someone else. I received the $250.00 prize award and a winner’s bonus on both of the tickets of $75.00! So, as you can see it pays to both sell and play! Additionally, each Lions Club will also be paid a 40% bonus on the total number of tickets sold by their club. For example a club has 35 members. If each member sells just $10.00 worth of tickets for a total of $350.00 in sales, the club gets back $140.00 from the LYF to use in any way they desire. So please, make an effort to either sell or purchase these tickets. In addition if you need more tickets, simply contact me at 301-418-1041 or email me at rcdisinger@aol.com and I will get you more. Make all checks payable to the “MD22 LYF” and return your sold stubs and money to your club’s Pot of Gold coordinator as soon as possible. All tickets and money must be returned to the LYF prior to the Multiple District Convention in May. The drawing will take place at the LYF breakfast at the Multiple District Convention on Thursday, May 21, 2015. Please DO NOT confuse the Lions Youth Foundation (LYF) with the Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF). Thank you. Training for all club officers for 2015-2016 including presidents, vice-presidents, secretaries, treasurers, membership chairs, zone chairs, and region chairs will be conducted at: Allegany College of Maryland, 12401 Willowbrook Road, Cumberland, MD 21502, on Saturday, June 6, 2015, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Carroll Community College, 1601 Washington Road, Westminster, MD 21157, Room M157/159, on Saturday, June 13, 2015 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. LAVALE LIONS CLUB: SAVING THE ENVIRONMENT The LaVale Lions Club was asked by Ms. Angela Patterson, Allegany County Planning Services Engineer, to get involved teaching and supervising high school students on a forthcoming tree planting project in the Spring at the Fairgrounds. We will be replacing dying ash trees with healthy new trees, some about 6 feet tall. The Board of Directors voted to approve participation in the project to not only help the Environment but to engage our Youth in service Page 15 District 22-W Newsletter DISTRICT NEWS EYE TESTING DISTRICT 22-W “SUCCESS” & GLASSES District 22-W Preschool Vision Screening Chair, Lion Elwood Glass, reported there were, to date, 127 screening sessions in the District with 2369 children screened and 239 referred for professional evaluation. Eighteen Lions Clubs, and one Lioness Club in the District preformed preschool eye testing. Sight-Conservation Chairperson for Region III, Lion Bob Martin (a member of the Myersville Lions Club) along with Myersville Lions Ellen Crutchley and Phyl Thompson worked with Project Success students in Walkersville. Each of the Success students, who range in age from 18-21, has completed high school. Some are homeless while a few live in a loving family. This program teaches them job and life skills with an aim toward their being able to live independently and hold a job. Those who are able will graduate and be able to live on their own while others will always need assistance. The LaVale Lions Club reports that they have tested a total of 627 students with 78 referrals for the year. On February 3rd and 4th, the Taylorsville Windfield Lions Preschool Vision Screening Committee , Chair Gary Peltier, Lions Viki Peltier, Eileen Disinger and 2VP Barbara Brimigion, screened 87 preschoolers from ages 3 years to 5 years at the St. James Preschool in Mt Airy. There were 4 referrals. Below Lion Eileen Disinger, Taylorsville Windfield Lions testing the eyes of a preschooler . When Lion Bob comes to school to work with them the students help to separate the glasses, cases, and sunglasses collected by District 22-W Lions. (The glasses etc. will eventually be shipped and used by people who have never had glasses and are unable to afford them.) Through the initiative of Lion Bob Martin, not only are glasses provided to the needy, but these students are given an opportunity to help others with their efforts. Needless to say some students are able to accomplish a lot more than others but every one of them contributes what they are able to. The recent project was enormous involving the counting and packing of thousands of eye glass cases. The cases came from the Lonaconing Lions Club and were donated by a business which had closed. One student, a girl, stood out from the others, because of her infectious attitude. She started slowly taking the cases one by one from the box. Carefully she lined them up counting up to five. When she completed her count, she had a huge smile, and she clapped her hands in delight. She made certain the adults saw what she had done asking for the reward of a big bear hug...each time! By the end of the session when she counted up to ten for the first time, her delight knew no bounds! She made the Lions day! Page 16 District 22-W Newsletter DISTRICT NEWS STOP HUNGER NOW EVENT – FREEDOM DISTRICT LIONS HAGERSTOWN LION ANTHONY HOLMES RECEIVES AWARD On Saturday, May 9th the Freedom District Lions Club, the Century High LEO Club, and the Liberty High LEO Club will be participating in a joint event with Stop Hunger Now (SHN). On March 7 Lion Anthony Holmes received the Whitney M. Young, Jr. Scouting Service Award. SHN is a non-profit organization whose mission is “Working together to end world hunger.” SHN has a website at (www.stophungernow.org.) which shares its goals and values as well as other information. We will be working together with the National Capital branch of SHN to prepare 10,152 meals for starving children on May 9th from 9-11am at Messiah Lutheran Church. This distinguished award “recognizes outstanding service by an adult for demonstrated involvement and implementation of scouting opportunities for youth from rural or low income urban backgrounds.” Congratulations to Lion Tony, Scoutmaster of our Club sponsored troop, who was specifically cited for his work with inner city youth. MELVIN JONES FELLOWSHIP AWARDED AT HAGERSTOWN LIONS CHARTER NIGHT We will need approximately 50 volunteers to package the meals. This activity is open to Lions, LEOs, family members and friends – but all volunteers must reg- Lion Robert Thiess was awarded a Melvin Jones Felister in advance online to participate at http:// lowship by the club during the recent Charter Night. events.stophungernow.org/FreedomDistrictLions2015. Lion Thiess has 41 years perfect attendance and has Youth under age 18 must be registered by a parent. served as club president and zone chairman. He has Please sign up to participate in this worthy event. If been an associate newsletter editor for 30 years and you have any questions, please contact Lion Bob is a dedicated, faithful Lion who enthusiastically participates in club projects and has held other offices in Bastress (443-340-2038). the club with distinction during his time of service. He is a retired pharmacist, although working part time on call at a local pharmacy, never allowing working VILLAGE LIONS - FROSTBURG LIONS hours to interfere with his weekly attendance at club BRANCH CLUB—PLANTS TREES meetings Village Lions will be planting two trees on arbor Day as its first community service project. As its first fund raiser the new branch will be holding a DG John Parused book sale. If you are a Lion in Allegany counker rededicatty and would like to donate books for this project, ing the Charter please call Frostburg Lion Linda Baker at 301.689.6776, or Lion Susan Munck at 301.687.0212. EMAIL: herdforme@yahoo.com . Village Lions Branch Club was officially organized on February 6, and held their first meeting on March 13. The club meets on the second Friday of each month at 11:00 a.m. To attend a meeting please call Lion Melanie Whitman at 301.689.7433. PDG Marion Carmack, Jr., VIP Chairman, presenting the award plaque to Lion Thiess Page 17 District 22-W Newsletter DISTRICT NEWS ESSAY AWARD PRESENTED AT CABINET MEETING—Submitted by Publicity Chair William Strauss An awards ceremony was held at the 4th District 22 -W Cabinet meeting on March 28, 2015 for the winners of the 2014-2015 American Heritage, Preservation and Patriotism Essay Program. All were presented a certificate and an American Flag which had flown over the capitol. Missing are Middle School winner, Noah Barth, and High School winner, Hannah Barth (brother and sister) who were awarded their prizes at a ceremony held at a Thurmont Lions Club meeting. Shown are (L to R): District Governor John Parker, Adult Non-Lion winner, Mitchell Edelman, Elementary School winner, Claire Smith, Lion winner, Lion Lawrence Gray and RC Cartha Johnson who substituted for the Essay Program Chairperson, Lion Susan Bonura. TAYLORSVILLE-WINFIELD LIONS CLUB The Taylorsville-Winfield Lions Club presented their annual flag program at Winfield Elementary School on March 26th for all the students in fifth grade under the direction of Chair Viki Peltier with committee members Barbara Brimigion, Forrest Hudspeth, Gary Peltier, and Bob Davis. Julianna Albowicz, Special Assistant to Senator Barbara Mikulski and Robin Summerfield, Field Representative for Senator Ben Cardin, presented an American flag to the school. Lion Forrest gave an explanation of Lionism with a summary of our service projects. The Lions demonstrated how to fold the American flag. Selected children from each class had the opportunity to fold a flag with the help of the Lions. The children enjoyed seeing their teachers also fold the flag in front of the entire assembly and they discovered that it is not an easy task! Chair Viki changed the program this year and incorporated a “Flag Jeopardy” game for the children to play. Each fifth grade student was given a bag containing a desk-top flag and a base that was made by Lion Mel Wroten along with information about the flag and our Lions club. The children were very interested and enthusiastic about the flag program and answered all of the questions in the Flag Jeopardy game correctly. The students’ excitement during the program made it a very enjoyable time for the flag committee! Page 18 District 22-W Newsletter SMITHSBURG LIONS CLUB TWINS WITH CLUB OF KAVRE, SAN SHANKHU, NAPAL TWINNING The Napal Club is very active in the community. Lion Sunit Shrestha, from the Lions Club, writes that his club had a blanket and computer distribution program.. The Honorable Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction and central member of congress attended the ceremony. (See the picture below….) Students pictured are from the Shree Koteshowr Secondary School. It is situated in Kathmandu and the school is a government school. Most of the students are from low income source families. Above picture shows eye testing of students. 2nd picture shows students waiting to take the eye exam...a girl sitting on the bench is reading from an eye chart. Student participants in the 17 Earth Safety Day Quiz on Disaster & Wash sponsored by the Lions. Below preparations for distributing food to students. The Lions also held a hunger relief program. Lion Sunit Lion Sunit Shrestha And his beautiful bride on their wedding day which was February 7, 2015. . Page 19 District 22-W Newsletter CHARTER NIGHTS ROARING RUN LIONS 57TH CHARTER ANNIVERSARY DATE: APRIL 15, 2015 TIME: SOCIAL 6PM; DINNER: 7 PM MENU: CHOICE OF BEEF, VEGETARIAN, OR CHICKEN-Please designate choice LOCATION: Piney Branch Golf Club, 5301 Trenton Mill Road, Upperso, MD 21155 WILLIAMSPORT LIONS CLUB 71ST CHARTER NIGHT Date: April 18, 2015 TIME: Social: 5:00pm Dinner: 6:00pm TO: LION EVAN GILETTE (240)463-6234 LOCATION: Nicks Airport Inn, Rt. 11 North at Hagerstown COST: $30.00 Airport RSVP DUE: APRIL 1, 2015 MENU: Hors d’oeuvres: fruit and cheese Buffet: garden salad, breast of chicken portabella with Marsala sauce, seafood Newburg, rice pilaf, roasted red bliss potatoes minced Julienne vegetables, chocolate mousse dessert, coffee and tea Names and checks to: Roaring Run Lions Club, PO Box 190, Finksburg, MD 21048 GUEST SPEAKER: State Attorney, Brian DeLeonardo, who heads a team of prosecutors, victim advocates, case managers, investigators, and other administrative staff seeking justice in all criminal cases in Carroll County. CASH BAR: available COST: $30.00 Per Person PLEASE RSVP NO LATER THAN APRIL 9TH EASTER LILIES: Easter lilies bloom in the spring close to Easter time. Because they are shaped like trumpets, lilies are symbols of immortality - The white blossoms symbolize the purity of Jesus. Lilies, emerging from the earth in the spring, also symbolize new life and the resurrection of Christ. to: LION LARRY MILLER 12021 KEMPS MILL ROAD WILLIAMSPORT, MD. 21795.With Payment to Williamsport Lions Club Guest Speaker will be PDG Margarito “Och” Ochoa Page 20 District 22-W Newsletter MOUNT SAVAGE MASON-DIXON LIONS CLUB CELEBRATES 40TH ANNIVERSARY CHARTER NIGHT Date: Saturday, April 18th TERRA RUBRA LIONS 49TH CHARTER NIGHT AND CHARTER CELEBRATION SILVER OAK ACADEMY LEO CLUB Time: 6:00pm Place: Mt. Zion United Methodist Church DATE: April 18, 2015 Rt. 40, National Pike TIME: Social 5:30 pm Dinner 6:00 pm Frostburg, MD LOCATION: Silver Oak Academy 999 Crouse Mill Road ~ Keymar, Maryland Menu: Cost: $14 per person MENU: Silver Oak Famous Fried Chicken, Honey Glazed Ham, Au-Gratin Potatoes, Green Beans, Creamy Cole Slaw, Fresh Tossed Garden Salad, Fresh Baked Roll, Charter Celebration Cake, Coffee, Iced Tea, and Bottled Water Make reservations by: April 5th COST: $16.00 Send check to: Mason-Dixon Lions Club P.OBox 414 Mount Savage,MD 21545 Questions contact: Lion Mary Louise McKenzie 301-264-4779 Payment Due To Susan Cox By 4/9/15 Checks Made Payable To The Terra Rubra Lions Club Mail To: Lion Susan Cox, PO Box 65, Keymar, MD 21757 Vegetable tray, baked chicken, scalloped potatoes, creamed lettuce, green beans, rolls, pie, coffee, tea CALLING ALL 22-W LIONS! National Memorial Day Parade!!!!! This is the seventh year the Lions of Multiple Districts 22 and 24 (Maryland, Virginia, Delaware and the District of Columbia) have marched down Constitution Avenue in our nation’s capital past the Washington Monument and the White House in the National Memorial Day parade. The past two years, District 22-W’s participation has been down - this is not like our district. All clubs are urged to survey all members of their club. This event will not take a big effort from your club - all that is needed is one or two members to carry your banner. The parade committee supplies light, plastic poles for attaching your banner. If your club sponsors a LEO club, get them involved! This has become the largest PR event on the East Coast! We hope those who have marched with us in the past will do so this year and we look forward to many clubs who have not marched before joining us this year. With your participation and banner we can show the 500,000 people lining Constitution Avenue a very magnificent “Sea of Purple”. Questions? Contact Lion Bill Strauss at (410) 756-4476 or williamstrauss@msn.com Page 21 District 22-W Newsletter FUNDRAIZERS 4-COUNTY GREAT CHILI COOK OFF GREAT FOOD BEER TENT CHILI TASTING KIDS ACTIVITIES VENDORS MUSIC CONTESTS MAIN STREET HEAT CHILI COOK-OFF DATE: Saturday April 18th WHERE: Downtown, Mount Airy 110 S. Main Street Mt. Airy, MD 21771 TIME: 10:00am—5:00pm Need Info? MountAiryMainStreet.org SOUTH CARROLL LIONESS LIONS CLUB *TASTEFULLY SIMPLE TASTING PARTY* DATE: Saturday, April 18th TIME: 12:00pm—2:00 pm PLACE: Gaither United Methodist Church Social Hall, 7701 Gaither Road. MENU: Bacon Avocado dip, Bountiful Beer Bread, Classy Chocolate Pound Cake, Garden Salsa, Cheese Ball, and Spinach & Herb Seasoning. Reservations: by April 15th To: Pauline at 410-795-5089 or email Pauline.rosier@yahoo.com Tastefully Simple is a partner with the No Kid Hungry Campaign. An order at the party or by catalogue helps support the South Carroll Lioness Lions Club make a difference in our community. District 22 –W Newsletter Page 22 FUNDRAIZERS DEER PARK LIONS BASKET BINGO The Deer Park Lions will host Basket Bingo at Gamber VFD Social Hall on Saturday, April 4th. Doors open at 5:30pm, kitchen opens at 6pm …. Bingo starts at 7pm... The cost is $13 in advance, $16.00 at the door. All Baskets are filled. NOTE: Bring 2 cans of food for Carroll County Food Sunday and get one card for a FREE GAME. Also available are two Raffles, Door Prizes and KING TUT!! For tickets & information contact Dave Hopkins at 443-257-5882 or davrhopkins@gmail.com. SILVER RUN UNION MILLS LIONS BINGO FISHING RODEO DATE: Saturday, April 11,2015 LOCATION: St. Mary’s Evangelical Church 3978 Littlestown Pike (Rt. 97) Silver Run / Westminster, MD.21158 Sponsored by the Silver Run Union Mills Lions Club 20 games! Your Choice of prize: 10 Cash , 10 Longaberger Baskets! Saturday, April 25th 8 a.m. to 12 Noon Lions Club Park & Pond The corner of Old Hanover Road & Littlestown Pike Union Mills. FREE! TIME: Doors open – 5:30 PM Bingo starts -7:00 PM Bring your own rod and bait. COST: $15.00 Bring 2 nonperishable food items and play one free game ! Information: Call Tom Berry @ 410-259-5041 Hot dogs, soda, water and chips available. Children under age 12 need adult supervision Pre-register at 410-346-7321 to get a free cup of bait! DEER PARK LIONS 9th ANNUAL MULCH SALE Dates: April 11th & 18th SMITHSBURG LIONS RAFFLE 3 Cubic Ft Bags of Hardwood Bark Mulch - $4.75 per bag to be picked up at Deer Park United Methodist Church, 2205 Sykesville Road (RT. 32) Westminster. DATE: May 17th, 2015— Smithsburg Pride Days Time: 8am – 1pm Delivered: $5.25 per bag - must purchase at least 10 bags to get delivery and be within a 10 mile radius of the DPUMC. For more information and advance orders, contact Lion Wally at 410-952-0479. Ticket: $5.00 First Prize: Apple iPad Air 2: 64GB Memory, Gold, WiFi-Ready, retails $599 2nd Prize: Leaf Blower: Craftsman Gas Blower/Vac 470 cfm, 215 mph, 25cc 2-Cycle 3rd Prize: String Trimmer Craftsman Gas Straight 17 in. 25cc 2-Cycle PAMPERED CHEF COOKING SHOW FROSTBURG LIONS Where: Zion United Church of Christ, 160 E. Main St., Frostburg. When: Sat. April 18th Time: 12:00pm Reservation: CALL LION LINDA AT (301) 6896776 IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND. BENEFIT FOR: Ark Of Hope No-Kill Animal Shelter Your chance to see the Company’s new spring products and taste some of the receipts. Page 23 District 22-W Newsletter FUNDRAIZERS “SPRING SWING” FOR DIABETES! TAYLORSVILE-WINFIELD LIONS CLUB WHEN: Saturday May 2, 2015 THURMONT MIDDLE SCHOOL (TMS) LEO CLUB FUNDRAISER All you can eat SPAGHETTI DINNER WHERE: Winfield Fire Hall 1320 W Old Liberty Rd, Sykesville, MD 21784 Time: 8 to 12 pm COST: $20.00 per person MUSIC to be provided by Ashtin Golt Showtime Band Classic songs from the 50's, 60's, 70's while specializing in Classic Rock, Country and Dance Music. DATE: Saturday, April 11, 2015 LOCATION: Winfield Community V.F.D. 1320 W. OLD LIBERTY RD, Winfield, MD TIME: STARTING AT 7:00 P.M. (DOORS OPEN AT 5:30 P.M.) AT ROCKY’S ITALIAN RESTAURANT Orchard Hill Shopping Center, Thurmont Tuesday, April 28, 2015 TIME: 5:00 – 8:00 PM BYOB Set-ups will be provided. ADULTS: $10.00 CHILDREN: (12 & Under): $5.00 All tickets sold in advance CALL: 301-898-8515 or 301-2715355 for tickets or contact a TMS Leo member or buy at the door For information and to obtain tickets: contact Lion Tom Harney at 410-875-9445 or email him: tom@tharcoinc.com TAYLORSVILLE — WINFIELD LIONS CLUB BASKET BINGO! TMS Leo Club is sponsored by Thurmont Lions Club 14TH ANNUAL REGION IV ZONE III GOLF TOURNAMENT: When: Thursday, May 28th Time: Registration & continental breakfast at 7 am and game at 8 am Where: Quail Valley 900 Teeter Road; Littlestown, PA Cost: $80 per player – limited to the first 144 players Format: Captain’s Choice Price includes green fees, cart, gift bag, fried chicken lunch and beer & soda on the course Contact: Zone Chair Evan Gillett 240-463-6234 or e-mail: EVAN_GILLETT@YAHOO.COM HOSTED BY 6 Lions Clubs in Region IV Zone III of Carroll County: Deer Park, Freedom District, Greater Carroll, Roaring Run, South Carroll Lioness-Lions and Taylorsville-Winfield ...Benefits the American Diabetes Associa- tion and Lions Vision Research Foundation 10 FILLED BASKETS & 10 CASH BINGO GAMES COST: $15.00 for reserved or $18.00 at the door “CASH” KING-TUT GAME (not included in price) Limited Seating - Each seat requires a ticket! Please Reserve Early FOR TICKETS OR INFOR- MATION CALL: Linda - 410-848-2235 Betty - 410-848-3444 Emma - 410-795-9889 Bring canned food item (s) and receive a Jr Jackpot game card (Limit….1 free card per person) REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE:: chicken noodle soup, Pork BBQ sandwich, Pork BBQ platter (chips and coleslaw), hot dog, hot dog with chili, chili & cheese, with cheese, or with sauerkraut, egg salad or chicken salad sandwich, nachos & cheese, chips, veggie trays, desserts ,sodas, water and coffee District 22-W Newsletter Page 24 FUNDRAISERS! WILLIAMSPORT LIONS 22nd ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT MOUNT AIRY LONGABERGER BASKET BINGO DEER PARK ONION SALE! When: April 24, 2015 Where: Beaver Creek Country Club Time: Registration 7:30am, Start 8:30am—best ball format Cost: $75 per player; $300 per team. Team format: Teams will be flighted based on final score. Sweet Vidalia Onions 21st Annual Sale COST: 10 pound bag for $10.00 5 pound bag for $6.00 Leave your order on our answering machine at (410) 848-8254 We will return your call to confirm the order. Entry Fee Includes: Greens Fees, Cart, Practice Range, Individual Beverage Coolers on carts, prizes (2-flights), longest drive, closest to the pin and other fun events including $3,500 or more in Door Prize Giveaways & Goodie Bag Items guaranteed in 2015; Note: At the 2014 event $7,400 worth of giveaways were distributed to all participants. Order by April 8th, delivery in late April or early May. Orders include booklet of storage and recipe ideas WILLIAMSPORT LIONS BASKET BINGO Information: Call Scott Shipe at (301) 790-7912 or Email: jssh2o@aol.com DATE: April 12, 2015 Menu: A buffet meal will include several hot entrées and numerous other selections. Charcoal grilled hot dogs will be served at the turn LOCATION: Funkstown Firehall Reservations: Due by April 10th— (checks payable to): Wil- TIME: : Doors open at 12:00 Noon: Play at 2:00PM liamsport Lions Club 22nd Annual Golf Tournament.. Mail to: Williamsport Lions Club Tournament 20216 Beaver Longaberger Baskets : “Thirty-One” Style Bags Longaberger Baskets Creek .Road Hagerstown, Maryland When: APRIL 25, 2015 Where: Libertytown Volunteer Fire Department 12027 South Street, Libertytown, MD Time: Doors open 5:00pm; games begin: 6:30pm Cost: Advance Sale tickets: $18—at door $20.00 if available! Includes 22 games, 4 special games, 3 raffles; King Tutt’s—2 for baskets; 2 for cash! Receive one strip of three bingo paper for the game for each food item you bring for the local food Bank. Limit of five Win An extra special Longaberger Basket! FOOD: Food Bar will be available at 5:00 PM Food Bar provided by Libertytown Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary. Reservations: Sue @301865-3667 or Donna @301-8653134 … Or ask any New Market District Lions Club Member RAFFLE # 3, 2014 CHRISTMAS BASKET SET 2174 District Website: http://www.e-dist.org/sites/22W Facebook: Lions Clubs District 22W Newsletter Editor: Phyl Thompson Email: bthom206@aol.com Material to be included due by the 22nd of each month. STRENGTHEN THE PRIDE…..
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