April 2015 District 14-W Newsletter Dear Lions and Leos, What a good Convention weekend! I think we all enjoyed getting to know our guests, ID Jack Epperson and Lion Mary. ID Jack is funny, interesting, and entertaining and Lion Mary fit right in like we’ve known her for a long time. I hope you got a chance to hear an interesting story about ID Jack’s family history, his grandfather created one of my favorite childhood memories - the popsicle! Wow! It was a rare pleasure to have our PIP Joe with us for the Saturday Night’s Banquet. He had literally just returned from his convention scouting duties! It was my pleasure to honor these dedicated Lions at Saturday’s banquet: Lion Steve Brezna, PA Counsellors Award, 1VDG/DG Elect Rich Kilvitis received a PA Fellow, IPDG Andy Piskel received a Progressive Melvin Jones, and PIP Joe has 60 years of service as a Lion! I want to thank the Lions who worked on the planning and those that worked for the convention weekend. There were some minor glitches but all involved rose to the occasion and found a way to resolve them and move forward. It is nice that we can continue to have a full slate of officers. Thank you to 1VDG/DG Elect Rich Kilvitis, 2VDG/1 VDG Elect Mark Mizenko, and 2VDG Elect Dr. William McLaughlin for stepping up to guide and lead the District forward. They have shown us this weekend that they are up to the challenge and will also bring fun and fellowship to W. No one will forget the Friday night fun event and the two disco dudes that showed up! All PU101s need to be reported to 1VDG/DG Elect Rich, your Zones and LCI. This information is needed so that the 1VDG/DG Elect Rich can prepare his directory. Another important reason for recording PU101s online is so that LCI can send mailings to the right officers and that dues statements are mailed to the correct person. Page 1 Although I always try to stay upbeat and encouraging, I must comment on the convention weekend and participation. In the report at the business meeting, it was reported that there was a total of 92 registrations for Friday and Saturday. Really?!? There are 750 plus Lions in District 14W! I know that Twin Boro had their annual fish fry on Friday night and some clubs had Easter festivities in their communities on Saturday. I’m sure some people had work or prior family commitments but what about the major portion of the remaining Lions that weren’t registered? There were 37 delegates and 4 alternates certified to vote on Saturday but where were the rest of the Lions that did not vote? This is YOUR District. Each one of you has to put some effort into keeping it Going and Growing. Please get behind these good men who stepped up. They deserve your respect and your support. W is a great District with a lot of good people dedicated to helping their communities. We impressed ID Jack with some of our ideas and projects and raised some interesting questions. We need everyone to work on building this District. There is still three months to go in the Lions year. There is still time to recruit new members and retain the members that you have. There is also time to start new clubs, to roll up your sleeves and help W keep Going and Growing. I hope everyone had a joyous and family-filled Easter and Passover. God bless the Lions of 14W. See you around the District. DG Mimi DG Mimi Tosh 570-817-4847 e-mail: mjtosh@yahoo.com District Governor’s Schedule April 2015 APRIL Tuesday Tuesday 14 Hanover Twp. 28 Wilkes Barre Membership Growth Awards Ask One in October and be Recognized! What a district it could be !!!! Lions that sponsor a new member in April receive the Silver Membership Growth Award. Lions that sponsor a new member in both October and April will receive both the Silver and Gold Membership Growth Awards. To be eligible for the awards, your club must report the new members between April 1, 2015 and midnight April 30, 2015. A number of clubs have accepted and followed through on the Challenge by Dupont to bring in five new members. Several clubs have inducted three or more new members. There may be more clubs out there who are hanging on the fence. Take the initiative, Ask One! PDG Chris Kalmanowicz, GMT Page 2 1st Vice District Governor Hello Lions and Friends, March was our Convention month this year. If you missed it , you really did miss a good time. There is always the business side which is required and while being fruitful also provided some good laughs and heartfelt feelings that we will remember for a long time. ID Jack Epperson and Governor Mimi had a lot of good information that our Lions need to know. The JLW Club knocked it out of the park with their blanket activities in the morning. I congratulate them on a job well done. I think there is a lot of future cabinet and state committee members in that club. What do you think Darlene and Charlotte? Friday’s night activities featured two of the best Disco Dancers from the 80’s. Your future governors Rich and Mark. But girls don’t swoon too hard we are married. And how could we forget the DISCO DUCK? Great job Diane!!! Now down to business. Do not forget elections for club officers. I am asking that each club submit their PU101s by April 15th to LCI. Please send a copy to Mark Mizenko, Dr. Bill McLaughlin, and myself. Please make sure all information is correct. This is how LCI and our district communicates with you. Finally , I encourage all of you that have not taken a Leadership role in your club to step forward. Move out of that comfort zone and breathe new life into your club. It will also help you in your career to become more outward at work. Do not worry about failing your club and others will not let that happen. Happy Easter to all, 1VDG/DGE Rich Kilvitis Richard Kilvitis 570-457-5633 Rich.Kilvitis@simona-america.com Page 3 2nd Vice District Governor Greetings Fellow Lions! If you didn’t attend the convention, you missed soooo much! A Great dinner Friday night celebrated club Presidents and Secretaries. Lions Tom and Tom took us back in time to the disco days, but some of us got stuck in the time machine I think! On Saturday morning, ID Jack Epperson spoke and answered questions while many Lions helped the JLW Club in making blankets for the NICU at Geisinger. The Necrology Service is always very touching. Lions Father Martin and Marina led a beautiful service for our Lions who have passed. The business session gave you the opportunity to vote in incoming district leaders: namely DGE Rich, 1VDGE mark and 2VDGE Doc (Bill). This is something the district hasn’t filled in a few years. But we need to fill MANY more positions throughout the District. Zone chairs, GMT and GLT leaders, committees for Leader Dog, diabetes, hearing, environment, and so many more. So if one tickles your fancy, give t a try. If DGE Rich calls and asks you to take one of these positions, Give it a Try! ID Jack and his wife, Lion Mary were our special guests for the Saturday evening banquet. Lion Jack came out from behind the microphone to speak to us as he walked around the tables, to speak about the 2015-2016 Lions theme “Dignity, Harmony, Humanity”, and the Centennial Service Challenge. In fact, ID Jack got his first look at a 4 diamond banner patch that was presented to the Dupont Lions Club. Great Job, Lions! BTW, it’s easy to start earning the Centennial Service Challenge banner patch for your club. Does your club volunteer at the soup kitchen? Or VA Hospital? Have you collected eye glasses for the needy? You are on your way! If you have any questions about how to accomplish this, please ask DG Mimi, DGE Rich or myself, please. Our Saturday Night Banquet also had a second very important and special guest. A Lion of International respect, PIP Joseph Wroblewski. It was so nice to have hi join us that evening, and I hope he can make it to my convention, too! Page 4 Now some thank you’s. Lions Colleen and Rosie, thank you. Lions ZC Mary, Tony, Sue, Sandy, Jim and the rest of the Avoca Lions-BEST hospitality room ever! Thank You! And thank you to all the clubs that gave baskets for the raffle. Finally, April is growth month. Will you make a pledge to ASK ONE? Give someone the opportunity to help others like we all do. It won’t happen if you don’t ask. I bet someone asked you! Return the good deed and invite a friend, neighbor, coworker, mailman, mechanic, favorite local store owner, or whoever it may be. They’re waiting for you to ask! Yours in Lionism, 2VDG/1VDG-Elect Mark Mizenko 570-288-2277 mark@mizenkomobile.com Club Drums Lioness Lions Drums Lioness Lions Drums Lioness Lions Forty Fort Lions Newport Twp. Lions New Member Sponsor Bernadette Jespersen Gale Kubida Marlene Kadany Christopher McCue Hemalkumar Shah Lorna Veglia Gretchen Brighthaupt Nancy DeFazio Mike Harrison John Zyla 2015-2016 DG Team Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 DG Mimi and Wilkes Barre mem- Hanover Twp. Easter Egg Hunt Pittston Leos help Dupont Lions with Easter Plains Lions get Harveys Lake Breakfast Disco Duck made an appearance at the Convention on Friday Night! Page 8 Page 9 Schedule of Visits to the VA Visits are generally scheduled for the Second Saturday of each month: April 11, 2015 May 19, 2015 June 13, 2015 Parsons Lions Club Hazleton Lions Club Plains Lions Club If you are having a problem with your scheduled date, contact Lion Ann Rose at 570-654-3936 or E-mail wpmommom@verizon.net; PA Lions Beacon Lodge Camp 12th Annual GREAT DUCK RACE Proceeds to Benefit Construction of Miniature Golf Course Date: July 19, 2015 1st Place—$1,000 2nd - $500 4th - $125 3rd - $250 5th - $125 (Last Place gets his/her $5 donation back) Donation - $5.00 Post Time 12:30 PM Contact PDG’s Bob or Joan Milligan for information or tickets: 570-823-6035 or e-mail robjmill@aol.com Page 10 April – Protecting our Environment Implement projects that improve and protect the environment. Organize a highway clean up, plant trees or plan a community “Earth Day” event to collect recyclables such as aluminum cans, plastic bottles, used cell phones and batteries. - See more at: http://members.lionsclubs.org/EN/serve/ centennial-service-challenge Page 11 Upper Valley Bank Upper Valley Eye Bank will meet on Thursday, May 7, 2015 at the Brothers Shim, 9701 Bear Creek Blvd., Bear Creek twp. at 7 PM. This meeting will be hosted by the bear Creek/Buck Twp. Lions Club. All Lions are welcome. Please bring collected eye glasses and cornea donor cards. For further information or any questions call Marina at 570-709-0907 or Nancy at 570-655-0345. The April meeting was cancelled due to the Holy Week observance. Hazleton Lions Club Annual Night at the Races Saturday, April 11, 2015 Hazleton Elks Club Broad Street, Hazleton Doors Open 6:00 PM, Races Start 6:30 PM Free Admission Free Food Horses - $10.00 Program Ads - $50.00 Page 12 If you know a Disabled Veteran who would like to participate in this program, call PDG Joan Milligan 570-823-6035 Page 13 White Haven Lion’s Club Annual Spaghetti Supper White Haven Lions Club “All You Can Eat Spaghetti Supper” Tuesday, April 14, 2015 3:30pm through 7:00 pm Saint Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church Community Center Takes Outs are available any time Tickets are $8.00 for adults and $4.00 for children 12 and under Tickets can be purchased from any member of the Lion’s Club or by calling Bob Lamson at 570-443-7188 The White Haven Lions Club is sponsoring its annual educational scholarship for local students. This scholarship is available to any student enrolled in an accredited University, College, Junior College, Community College or Technical School having at least a two year degree program and who resided in the White Haven area. A minimum of two $1000 scholarships will be awarded to eligible students. For eligibility requirements or to get an application, e-mail the Lions Club at wh.lions@yahoo.com or see any White Haven Lions Club member. JENKINS TWP. LIONS CLUB PASTIE SALE....APRIL 29, 2015 Pasties with a Side of Gravy With or Without Onions—$6.00 each Wednesday, April 29, 2015 Pick up 4:00PM to 6:00 PM Jenkins Twp. Fire Hall-Behind Tony's Pizza Orders and Payment due by April 15, 2015 To place orders, call Lion Nancy Pappas at 570-417-1785 Or any Jenkins Twp. Lions Club Member Checks should be made payable to Jenkins Twp. Lions Club Page 14 Page 15 Edwardsville Leos Bowl for Big Brothers Big Sisters Hanover Area Leo Club will sponsor their First Annual 1K Color Race on April 18, 2015. All Leo and Lions Clubs are invited to participate. Check out their Facebook page for applications. Hanover Area Leo Club Pittston Area PDG Leos Edwardsville Leo Secretary Samantha The Hanover Area Leo Club are planning their 1st Annual 5K Color Race at Kirby park on Saturday, April 18th. The Edwardsville Leo Club will participate in the Autism Walk on April 25th and the American Heart Walk on May 30th. The Pittston Area PDG Leo Club helped the Dupont lions with the annual Easter Egg Hunt. Pittston Area Leos celebrate Spirit Day. Page 16 White Haven Center Lions Club 30th Anniversary Charter Night 1985-2015 Friday, May 1, 2015 5:30 PM St. Patrick’s Parish Hall (parking in front of church) 411 Allegheny Street/Route 940, White Haven, PA First Floor and Handicap Accessible Dinner-Chef’s Choice, $15.00 per person Reservation and Ad Book Please respond to club secretary by : April 21, 2015 30 year Charter Testimonial Booklet Booklet Size-5” x 7” Ad Sizes: Full Page $75.00 Half Page $45.00 Quarter page $25.00 Reservation and Charter Booklet Ad Form Name _______________________________________________ Club or Family Name: ___________________________________ Number Attending Dinner: _______________ Ad Book Info: Ad Size: ___________ X $15.00 per person: ________________ Cost of Ad: _____________ Total Check Amt: _____________ Business or Club Name: ________________________________ Person/Family: _______________________________________ In Memory of:________________________________________ Contact Phone Number: __________________________ Any and All Checks should be made payable to: White Haven Center Lions Club All responses for Charter Booklet and Dinner Reservations should be mailed by April 21, 2015 to: White Haven Center Lions Club Joseph F. Kovack, Secretary 620 Towanda St. White Haven, PA, 18661 Page 17 Page 18 Kingston Lions—Cocktail Party Fundraiser Friday, April 24th Pierce Street Deli, Pierce Street, Kingston, PA 5:00PM to 8:00PM Master of Ceremonies will be Monica Madeja WBRE-TV Anchor Proceeds to benefit a Wheelchair Swing and Park Benches for Hamilton Park, Kingston, PA This exclusive event is $30.00 per person and includes: Beer, Wine and Beverages Foods include: Penne with Vodka Sauce, Chicken Scampi Mini Cocktail Sandwiches Cheese, Vegetable and Fruit Platters Chances to win Valuable Prizes from local businesses will be available Advance Reservations are required by April 17th Message Kingston Lions Club on Facebook or contact: Lion Mark @ 570-814-6755 Lion Maureen @ 570-287-3450 Lion Terri @ 570-283-9593 Drums Lioness /Lions induct new members. Business Casual Dress Page 19 April 2015 Upcoming Events Upcoming Events District 14-W Lions DG Marylin “Mimi” Tosh 28 So. Regent Street Hanover Twp., PA 18706 State Convention, May 14-17, 2015 VDG Day at Beacon Lodge Fourth Cabinet Meeting-June 7, 2015 Lions International Convention, Honolulu, HI, June 26-30, 2015 PLEASE PLACE STAMP HERE Page 20
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