DUCK NEWS - École Dansereau Meadows School

January 2015 janvier
École Dansereau Meadows School
5907 Rue Eaglemont, Beaumont, AB T4X 0X1
Susanne Stroud
Hats On for Lincoln Day—Jan. 20
Assistant Principal
Brian Pedersen
Denise Harrison
Phone: 780-929-1928
Fax: 780-929-1978
Twitter edmsducks
Many of you may have heard about a boy named Lincoln Grayson. He moved to
Beaumont with his family last summer. Six days after he moved here he was in a
pedal bike accident at Four Season’s Park and broke his neck. Lincoln is now paralyzed from the
neck down. He is not able to use his arms or legs. Lincoln has been in the hospital for six months
but soon he will be coming home. Lincoln’s family needs a lot of money to help build a room for him.
Our school along with St. Andre Academy are hoping to raise some money to help him.
We will be having a HATS ON FOR LINCOLN DAY on Tuesday, January 20. We would like everyone to wear a hat to school on this day. We are also asking that everyone who wears a hat, donate
a toonie or more to help Lincoln. Donations will be collected in the classroom. Thanks for your support!
Leader in Me
Inside this issue:
Identity Day
Staff News
Acct Pillar Surveys
Gr4-6 Ski Trip
Junior High Mid Terms 3
Term 2 Reporting
Lost & Found
School Council
Coffee Talk
First Communion
Beaumont Library
Understanding Teens
January 30th Professional Development Day will be the last training session on the
Leader in Me for our staff. We have established a Lighthouse team . This is a team
comprised of teachers who will lead the Leader in Me Initiative at our school. We have also established a Lights team. This is a team of students who will develop activities that support the social,
emotional and physical well being of our students. We have created an implementation plan for the
next year and a half. We are well on our journey to being a community of leaders.
Did you know that The Leader in Me process is helping our school develop students who are ready to
succeed in the 21st century with critical skills and characteristics such as:
Trust and trustworthiness
Effective interpersonal skills
Strong work ethic
Sense of team work
Motivation and Initiative
Valuing diversity in a global market
Problem-solving skills
Goal setting
These skills are transferable to adulthood, creating skills that will last a lifetime.
Duck News
Identity Day—Jan. 23
Our students and staff are looking forward to our Identity Day on January 23.
The goal for Identity Day is for every single student and staff member to share something that they are passionate about and create
some type of display or presentation to show this interest. It is about learning about others in our school while also learning about
Students and staff will present their projects to their peers. We will have an assembly at 2:15 p.m. to wrap up our day. Parents and
guests are welcome to join us in the gym for our assembly.
Staff News
Please join me in welcoming Chantal Matthews (replacing Adele Smith while she is on maternity leave).
Congratulations to Lindsay Charbonneau on the birth of her daughter, Juliana. Both mom and baby are doing well.
Accountability Pillar Surveys
As an annual check-up on the education system, the Accountability Pillar provides an opportunity for Alberta Education and school
authorities to ensure that we are equipping students for success. The Accountability Pillar uses a set of 16 indicators consisting of
surveys of students, parents and teachers on various aspects of quality; student outcomes such as dropout and high school completion rates; and provincial assessments of student learning.
From January to the end of February, Alberta Education will be conducting the annual Accountability Pillar Survey. In January, parents of students in grades 4, 7 and 10 (change to grades 4-12 if applicable) will receive a survey from Alberta Education. In February, students in grades 4, 7 and 10 (change to grades 4-12 if applicable) and all teachers will be completing their surveys online at
All surveys are anonymous and ask questions about experiences with the school. In addition to English and French, the parent
survey is available in Chinese, Punjabi, Arabic, Blackfoot, Cree, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog and Urdu. Your participation in the survey helps provide important information on the quality of education your child is receiving, so we encourage you to return your survey promptly.
Survey results will be available to school authorities in May 2015, and will be reported publicly as part of their 3-Year Education
Plans and Annual Education Results Reports.
Gr 4-6 PE Ski Trip
January 21—Gr 5 Imm, 6Imm, 6A, 6B
February 9—Gr 4 Imm, 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B
Lift & Lessons—$21
Transportation—$4 (all students pay)
Rental Equipment—$17 (includes ski/snowboard & helmet)
Helmet Rental—$5
* If your child has a season’s pass for Rabbit Hill & their own equipment, they only need to pay the $4 transportation fee.
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January 2015 janvier
Junior High Mid Term Exams Jan. 27-29
Junior High Exam Policy
All students must stay in the exam room for the duration of the scheduled exam. Students should bring study materials or reading to do after they complete the exam. Exams will be written in classrooms.
If students are going home in between exams, they must have parent permission and check out at the office. If students are
choosing to leave the school grounds we are encouraging them to use this time to prepare for upcoming exams. They should not
be visiting other schools or hanging around Dansereau Meadows at this time. (Students on school grounds will be asked to come
in and go to the study room.)
The use of personal technology devices is prohibited during exams unless otherwise specified by the classroom teacher.
Exam Schedule
January 27
French Language Arts (during class time)
January 28
8:30am-10:30am – English Language Arts
10:30 – 12:00pm – Supervised Classroom Study Time
12:50pm - 2:50pm Science / Sciences
January 29
8:30am-10:30am – Social Studies / Études Sociales
10:30 – 12:00pm – Supervised Classroom Study Time
12:50pm - 2:50pm – Mathematics / Mathématiques
Students will receive a parent permission form to be signed and returned if you wish your child to come home after their exams. Students must check out at the office when they leave.
If you have any questions, please speak to your child’s teacher(s).
Term 2 Reporting
Feb 23—PowerSchool Parent/Student portal closed
Mar. 5—PowerSchool portal opens.
Grades 4-8—Marks and Comments available on PowerSchool
Grades K-3—Reports emailed home
Lost & Found
If your child has lost something, please have them check the lost and found. We cleaned it out before Christmas
but it has filled up again. Any unclaimed items at the end of the month will be washed and donated to charity.
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Please remind your children to cross the street safely
at marked crosswalks or intersections. Please do
not stop and drop off students in these areas.
Duck News
Basketball Coaches
District Girls
Mrs. Broad & Ms. Parker
District Boys
M. Lepage
Other Activities
Indoor Track
Rabbit Hill Ski Club
Dance Club
Gr 4-6 Intramurals
Premier Girls
Premier Boys
Ms. Goldstein
Mr. Rinsky
Mr. Pask
Mr. Pask
Ms. Mair & Mrs. Gerlinsky
Mr. Rinsky & Mr. Pask
School Council
To all parents and guardians of students at École Dansereau Meadows School,
I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce the École Dansereau Meadows School Council. The School Council exists to provide a
means for parents to work together with the staff of École Dansereau Meadows School to support and enhance student learning. All
parents of students at the school are automatically members of the School Council. We represent the parent perspective by providing advice to the Principal and the School Board. School Council meeting information can be found on Parent section of the school
website. We encourage all parents to participate in our meetings.
We encourage parents to give their input on different matters related to the school. You can contact us through email at, or you can post topics and discuss ideas at If
you have topics that you would like discussed at an upcoming meeting, we ask that you let us know what you want to discuss at
least 10 days in advance - that lets us put it on the agenda so everyone can be prepared for the meeting.
We are currently in the planning phase of establishing a Hot Lunch program for students at the school. We need several volunteers
to make this happen. If you are interested in helping with the Hot Lunch program, please contact us at and we will get in touch with you. Let’s make École Dansereau Meadows School the best
school in Canada together!
- Mr. Alan Skinner
Next School Council Meeting—Monday, February 2, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the library.
Coffee Talk—Feb. 12
Parents of children attending École Dansereau Meadows School are invited to join us for coffee and treats
on….February 12th at 8:30—9:30 am at the Family Community Support Services Office between the schools.
• Come out and meet the Family School Liaison Worker and Community Support Worker who work in these schools
• Network with other parents and learn what is going on in your community!
• And discuss parenting challenges
• Younger siblings are welcome!
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January 2015 janvier
First Communion Registration
Parents of Grade 2 Students:
First Communion now happens in Grade Two. Do you want your child to receive First Communion? Here’s
how! Preparing children for a Catholic sacrament involves parents, St. Vital Catholic Parish and your child’s school. Everyone has
a role!
As a parent you are the primary teacher of faith for your child. As you know, the sacraments are celebrated and lived in the parish.
Because of this, the preparation for the celebration of the sacraments takes place in the parish. Sacramental preparation registration also takes place at the parish. As a parish community we are eager to journey with your family during this special time.
Registration will begin at the Parent Information Night on January 20, 2015 from 6-7 pm in the parish basement. Please bring the
registration fee of $30 and a photocopy of your child’s baptismal certificate if they were not baptised at St. Vital Parish. Feel free to
contact Theresa Robinson (Pastoral Associate) with any questions: 780-929-8541 or
Beaumont Public Library News
Once again Book Clubs for children are starting up this Wednesday at the Beaumont Library. Jr. Girls, grades 4 & 5
from 2:45-3:45 pm and Sr. Girls, grades 6&7 from 4:00-5:00 pm. Join us for crafts and book chatter. The Beaumont Hobbits
League for Boys runs from 5:30-7:30 pm as they battle for Middle Earth on an Unexpected Journey Strategy Battle Game. Drop in
for all things Tolkien.
Also in celebration of Family Literacy Day, the Library is hosting storyteller, Mary Ann Lippiatt on Sunday, January 25 from 2:303:30 pm. Come for hot chocolate and sledding before the story hour.” There is no charge for these activities.
Chantal Bérubé Youth Centre News
Dinner with the Mayor and Council—Thursday, January 15 from 5-7 pm
We will be hosting a dinner with special guests (Beaumont’s elected officials) and we want you
there! Come out for some good food, meet some great people and get the chance to give your opinion on life in Beaumont. Let
your voice be heard.
CBYC Sleep-Over—Friday, January 20 at 5pm—Saturday January 31 at 9am
The night will be filled with games, food and fun. The cost is $10 and the deadline to register is Tuesday, January 27. Space is
limited so register soon!
Understanding Your Teen...
Social Media and Online Safety
February 11, 2015
Free Dinner: 5:30—6:30 p.m. Parent Session: 6:30—8:00 p.m.
Hosted by Black Gold Outreach School (Leduc Recreation Centre, 4330 Black Gold Drive)
For more information or to register, contact the City of Leduc’s Family & Community Support Services at 780-980-7109
*Child care may be available upon request.
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École Dansereau Meadows School
January 2015
School Resumes
Elementary Boys
Basketball Tournament
Elementary Boys
Basketball Tournament
Hats On for Lincoln
1st Communion
Mtg for parents
Ski Trip (5Imm,
Identity Day
Assembly 2:15pm
Family Movie
Mid Term Exams
Mid Term Exams
PD Day
No classes
Early Dismissal
No Kindergarten
February 2015
School Council
Mtg 7pm
Kindergarten Info
Night 7pm
Early Dismissal
No Kindergarten
Gr 5 Vaccinations
Teachers’ Conven- Teachers’ Convention—No School
tion—No School
Ski Trip (4Imm,
Acct Pillar Surveys
Family Dance
Family Day—No
Basketball Tournament
Basketball Tournament
PowerSchool Portal closed