GRID4EU - Large-Scale Demonstration of Advanced Smart Grid Solutions with wide Replication and Scalability Potential for Europe Brussels, March 30th, 2015 Rémy GARAUDE VERDIER, ERDF Jon STROMSATHER, ENEL Global agenda GRID4EU presentation Storage in the Italian demonstration Brief overview of storage in the French demonstration 2 An EU FP7 Smart Grids project Project lead by 6 Electricity Distribution System Operators - covering altogether more than 50% of metered electricity customers in Europe Overall 27 partners from various horizons (utilities, manufacturers, universities and research institutes) Duration: 51 months from November 2011 to January 2016 Total eligible costs: €54M - requested EC Grant €25.5M Project Coordinator Technical Director Chairman of General Assembly 3 6 innovation streams… 4 …tested by 6 Demonstrators with different boundary conditions Monitoring system of LV network based on AMI infrastructure and intelligent equipments in secondary substations Improvement of surveillance and advanced control of MV grids based on autonomous Multi-AgentSystem Optimization of PV integration into LV grids by using PV and load forecasts, flexible loads, electric storage, islanding and active customer participation LV and MV grids automation including EV management and island operation Advanced control system to increase hosting capacity and maximize DER integration in MV networks Enhancement of MV and LV networks automation and customers awareness of consumption and network situation 5 Global agenda GRID4EU presentation Storage in the Italian demonstration Brief overview of storage in the French demonstration 6 The Italian demonstration Increase the Medium Voltage (MV) network's hosting capacity for Distributed Energy Resources (DER, in particular solar), introducing Active Control and Demand Response of MV generators, controllable loads and storage Context Key Figures and Highlights Connected Power [MW] Around 60% connected to the MV network The project involves: • 2 HV/MV Subs • +100 MV Subs • +20 MV Feeders • +5 MV Generators • About 35.000 LV customers impacted Power [MW] The main driver of the Italian demonstration is the development of RES (Renewable Energy Sources) registered over the past few years in Italy. Time [hour] HV/MV Substation "Cesena Ovest" MV/LV Substation “Smistamento" HV/MV Substation “Quarto" Back feeding phenomenon due to: • High penetration of RES mostly PV (about 105 MWp) • Low consumption area in comparison (peak load 80 MW) 7 The new solution Simplified Architecture Basic Concepts HV/MV Substations Photovoltaic Facilities Control System MV/LV Substations Test and assess the use of a storage device for optimized network management Storage Realization of an advanced control system communicating with the renewable generators, HV/MV & MV/LV substations and storage facility. Implement an antiislanding system Implement voltage control (at all nodes) and power flow control Enable the dispatching of RES Realization of an “always on”, IP standard-based communication solution connecting all the relevant nodes in the network (wireless, wired and PLC) Installation of a storage facility (1 MVA / 1 MWh) connected to a MV power line 8 Increase the MV network hosting capacity Electric Energy Storage System (EESS) – 1 MVA, 1 MWh Apparent Power: 1MVA Capacity: 1MWh Lithium-Ion Batteries 9 A bit of history … Ready for test! (July 2014) Container Placement Foundations Aerial inspection 10 Electric Energy Storage System (EESS) - Functionalities Enel has installed, closed to the MV substation “Smistamento”, a storage system (1 MVA – 1 MWh), that can be connected to several feeders. A variety of applications provided by electricity storage systems can be identified along the electricity value chain, from generation support over transmission and distribution support to end-consumer uses. Eurelectric view of the EESS functions* DEMO 4 is focusing on a subset of such applications: Voltage Control Capacity Grid Support Losses Management * Source Eurelectric 11 Network Topology The network topology allows the EESS to be connected to 5 different MV feeders (belonging to 2 Primary Substations) About 10 Km PS “Cesena Ovest” DER EESS PS “Quarto” 12 First lessons learnt EESS is able to contribute effectively to the voltage regulation; it can help HV-MV power flow control too (according to EESS capacity) The optimization horizon can cover from minutes to several days (reliability of forecast), with a reasonable computation time The commissioning phase represent an important and challenging activity: Software is the risky side of the project (Integration with other systems –SCADA –; Cyber Security for maintenance accesses; Heterogeneous degree of knowledge among actors) Electromechanical side of the project is less critical due to the DSO’s high level of expertise Personnel Training and new tools are needed for network optimal operations It is necessary a TLC infrastructure capable to support information delivery Global agenda GRID4EU presentation Storage in the Italian demonstration Brief overview of storage in the French demonstration 14 Construction Civil Work 1 MW Storage : Lessons Learned The installation and commissioning of the storage asset is a new process. It requires a lot of work regarding administrative, security and training. One of the main lessons learned is the importance of safety procedures. The work must involve every stakeholder: manufacturers, DSO control and operation teams, fire-fighters, municipality, site owners… This asset has been in operation for more than one year. Thank you for your attention! Visit our website: All public deliverables are available on the GRID4EU Website: 17
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