Allergy - Education for Health

Module Specification
1. Factual information
Module title
Module tutor
Viv Marsh
Module type
Distance Learning
Optional module
NQF Level 6
(Degree Level)
30 (CATS)
15 (ECTS)
2. Rationale for the module and its links with other modules
Allergy affects 10 million people in the UK. It can affect several organ systems including the skin, lungs,
nose and gut causing significant morbidity and on rare occasions mortality. It can cause several long
term conditions including asthma, eczema and anaphylaxis.
With a focus on the impact of allergic disease on the physical, psychological and quality of life issues for
the individual and their families this module fits well within the undergraduate long-term conditions
programmes. It is underpinned by the principles of evidence-based healthcare and incorporates key
concepts of the NHS Long-Term Conditions agenda.
Its strong clinical focus of a common long-term respiratory disease ensures that the module is integral
to the long-term conditions programmes. As such it has strong links with the other optional disease
focused modules offered within the programme pathways.
3. Aims of the module
This multi-professional module focuses upon the assessment and management of the individual with
common allergic conditions within the context of the wider community. Importance is placed on a
patient centered approach, the health needs of the individual, health promotion and selfempowerment whilst acknowledging the professional, political and social climate within which services
are provided.
This module is aimed at any health care professional who participates in the delivery and management
of care for people with common allergic conditions, their families and carers. This module will equip
students with the knowledge and skills to improve the care of adults and children who experience
common allergic conditions
On completion of the course successful students will be able to suggest, initiate and vary treatment in
response to individual needs. .They will demonstrate sound knowledge of the literature relevant to
allergy and an insight into the strategic approaches to delivery of care, to enable them to take a lead on
the development of services.
4. Pre-requisite modules or specified entry requirements
None specified
Allergy NQF Level 6
5. Intended learning outcomes
A. Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the module, students will be able to:
A1: Critically examine the mechanisms of allergic disease in relation
to pathophysiology in the different organ systems affected
A2: Analyse the impact of social, economic & environmental factors
upon the development of allergic disease & critically appraise
this in relation to the provision of care.
B. Cognitive skills
At the end of the module students will be able to:
B1: Critically appraise current national and international guidelines
and other drivers for allergy care and apply findings to their
own area of work including patients with co-morbidities or
complex needs
B2: Evaluate the evidence base to support the use of different
objective tests available to aid in the diagnosis of allergic
disease and the use of different tools to assess the impact of
allergy on quality of life
C. Practical and professional skills
At the end of the module, students will be able to:
C1: Interpret patient history & clinical data in order to
comprehensively assess patients with a range of allergic
conditions , consider differential diagnosis, and to plan &
implement appropriate therapeutic interventions or referrals
C2: Develop and evaluate care strategies that promote health and
minimise the physical and psychosocial impact of different
allergic conditions
C3: Evaluate and select appropriate pharmacological and nonpharmacological approaches to the management of allergic
disease in relation to a range of complex patient scenarios
C4: Critically analyse the issues of non-compliance in the
treatment of allergic disease and develop strategies to facilitate
self care and to improve concordance
D Key transferable skills
At the end of the module, students will be able to:
D1: Reflect systematically on own performance to further develop
D2: Critically appraise the role of the multi-disciplinary team in
organisation & delivery of care for people with allergic disease,
their carers & families and evaluate their own role within the
Allergy NQF Level 6
Learning and teaching
Comprehensive distance
learning materials supported
by interactive activities.
Further support from student
support services including
telephone & e-mail support
and a comprehensive student
Learning and teaching
Comprehensive distance
learning materials supported
by interactive activities.
Further support from student
support services including
telephone & e-mail support
and a comprehensive student
Learning and teaching
Comprehensive distance
learning materials supported
by interactive activities.
Further support from student
support services including
telephone & e-mail support
and a comprehensive student
Learning and teaching
Comprehensive distance
learning materials supported
by interactive activities.
Further support from student
support services including
telephone & e-mail support
and student guide.
6. Indicative content.
The subjects covered will include:
The mechanisms of allergy, including the role of IgE
History taking & making the most of your consultations
Diagnostic tests including skin prick testing, blood tests
Allergic Rhinitis (Signs & Symptoms, Management) using topical nasal preparations effectively
Asthma (Signs & Symptoms, Management)- using inhaled therapy effectively
Eczema (Signs & symptoms, Management)- using topical skin preparations correctly
Food allergy and intolerance (Signs & symptoms, Management)
Urticaria, angiodema & anaphylaxis (Signs & symptoms, Management)
Psychosocial impact of the disease- coping with multiple allergies /allergy in schools and the
Organisation & delivery of care services – the role of the multidisciplinary team, referral
7. Assessment strategy, assessment methods and their relative weightings
Students are assessed by written assignment.
Part 1 – Problem Solving Assignment
Students are required to submit a referenced 2,000 word assignment which will be assembled in four
parts based on a specific patient scenario. Students will follow a problem based approach to learning
as used throughout the learning materials. Students are required to demonstrate the ability to
evaluate the situation and to demonstrate the ability to critically appraise the evidence base to
demonstrate depth of knowledge and understanding of key concepts in making clinical
The Problem Solving Assignment comprises 40% of the total module mark
Part 2 – Case Study
Students are required to submit an assignment of approximately 3,000 words based on a specific
patient scenario. This must provide evidence of knowledge and understanding of the management of
allergy services in clinical practice.
The assignment component comprises 60% of the overall module mark.
Criteria for a pass
40% in each element of assessment and 40% overall
Reassessment is as per the regulations in the Student Guide.
Allergy NQF Level 6
8. Mapping of assessment tasks to learning outcomes
Learning outcomes
Assessment tasks
Case Study
Critically examine the mechanisms of allergic disease in relation
to pathophysiology in the different organ systems affected
Analyse the impact of social, economic & environmental factors
upon the development of allergic disease & critically appraise
this in relation to the provision of care.
Critically appraise current national and international guidelines
and other drivers for allergy care and apply findings to their
own area of work including patients with co-morbidities or
complex needs
Evaluate the evidence base to support the use of different
objective tests available to aid in the diagnosis of allergic
disease and the use of different tools to assess the impact of
allergy on quality of life
Interpret patient history & clinical data in order to
comprehensively assess patients with a range of allergic
conditions , consider differential diagnosis, and to plan &
implement appropriate therapeutic interventions or referrals
Develop and evaluate care strategies that promote health and
minimise the physical and psychosocial impact of different
allergic conditions
Evaluate and select appropriate pharmacological and nonpharmacological approaches to the management of allergic
disease in relation to a range of complex patient scenarios
Critically analyse the issues of non-compliance in the treatment
of allergic disease and develop strategies to facilitate self care
and to improve concordance
D1 : Reflect systematically on own performance to further develop
Critically appraise the role of the multi-disciplinary team in
organisation & delivery of care for people with allergic disease,
their carers & families and evaluate their own role within the
Allergy NQF Level 6
9. Teaching staff associated with the module
Tutor’s name and contact details
Contact hours
Viv Marsh, Education for Health
Mon-Fri 08:30-5pm
10. Key reading list
Niels Mygind, Ronald Dahl,
Soren Pedersen, Kristian
Essential Allergy
11. Other indicative text (e.g. websites)
www.bsaci/ for guidelines on Rhinitis, Urticaria, Angiodema, Drug Allergy for guidelines on Anaphylaxis for guidelines on Asthma
Allergy NQF Level 6