Jennifer E. Bachman - College of Education

Jennifer E. Bachman
204-F Furman Hall! OSU, Corvallis, OR 97331
Phone: 541-737-1819 ! E-Mail:
Ph.D. Science Education (2011). Science and Mathematics Education Department, Oregon State
M.S. Geology – Remote Sensing Specialization (1992). Department of Earth and Space Sciences,
University of California, Los Angeles.
B.S. Physics – Earth Science and Anthropology Concentrations (1988). Warren College,
University of California, San Diego.
Summary Work Experience
• Manager of Online Education:
Oversee global aspects of online education that include working with
coordinators to streamline programs, identify common areas of need,
innovate new programs, design systems of data collection for
program improvement and research, and convene online faculty
meetings across campuses.
• Free-Choice Learning Programs Coordinator/Instructor:
Coordinate the FCL programs and advise graduate students in the
degree programs of Science Education and Mathematics Education.
Also coordinate the Free-Choice Learning Non-Credit Certificate
program, College of Education (COE), Oregon State University,
Corvallis, OR.
• Graduate Assistant: Research assistant for the Department of
Science and Mathematics Education and teaching assistant for the
Department of Mathematics (MTH 103, Fall 2006 only), College of
Science (2006-2012) and College of Education (2012-present),
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
• Higher Ed Working Group: Developed and taught science and
pedagogy curriculum for teachers in the North Cascades and
Olympic Science Partnership (NCOSP), Whatcom Community
College and Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA.
• Adjunct Science Faculty: Taught science laboratory courses in
astronomy, physical science, physics, geology, and biology,
Whatcom Community College, Bellingham, WA.
• Remote Sensing Analyst: Processed, interpreted and performed
quality control on multi-wavelength satellite imagery, GIS digital
layers, and relational databases, managed project budgets and teams,
Pacific Meridian Resources, Portland, OR.
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• Bachman, J. (2012). Research on Family STEM Learning Practices. Association of Children’s
Museums, annual conference presentation.
• Rowe, S. and Bachman, J. (2012). Mediated action as a framework for exploring learning in informal
settings. In D. Ash, J. Rahm, and L. Melbher, editors, Putting Theory into Practice:: Tools for Research in
Informal Settings. Sense Publishers: Rotterdam.
• Bachman, J and Dierking, L. (2011). Co-creating Playful Environments That Support Children’s
Science and Mathematics Learning as Cultural Activity: Insights from Home-Educating Families.
Children Youth and Environments 21(2).
• Bachman, J. (2011) STEM Learning Activity Among Home-Educating Families. PhD thesis,
Oregon State University.
• Elliott, R., Flick, L. and Bachman, J. (2011). Innovating mathematics and career technical
education projects in detracted algebra through teacher collaborations. American Educational
Research Association Conference.
• Bachman, J. and Dierking, L. (2010). Learning from empowered home-educating families.
Museums and Social Issues, 5(1):51–66.
• Dalton, M., Dierking, L., and Bachman, J. (2008). Access Algebra OSU literature review. Report
to OMSI for exhibition development.
• DeBari, S., Bachman, J., Dougan, B., Fackler-Adams, B., Grupp, S., Linneman, S., Plake, T., and Smith,
B. (2005). A new curriculum for a lab-based course in introductory earth science: the combined effort
of a regional university and local community colleges in the North Cascades Olympic Science
Partnership. EOS Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 86(52).
• Paige, D. A., Bachman, J., and Keegan, K. D. (1994). Thermal and albedo mapping of the polar region
of mars using Viking thermal mapper observations: 1. North polar region. Journal of Geophysical
Research, Summer.
• Bachman, J. (1992). Correlations between quad-polarized radar backscatter and forest
biomass. Master’s thesis, UCLA–Department of Earth and Space Sciences.
• Arrhenius, G., Bachman, J., Gedulin, B., Hui, S., and Paplawsky, W. (1989). Anion selective
minerals as concentrators and catalysts for RNA precursor components. Orig. Life, 19:235–236.
Detailed Professional Development and Work Experience
• Leadership Training – OSU Center for Learning & Organizational Development, 2015.
Winter - Participated in the Fierce Conversations workshop, a program designed to promote
productive dialogue that resolves tough challenges, enriches relationships, and provokes
Spring – Participating in the Leadership Collaborative I and II, intended to develop emergent
leaders capable of generating Vision-directed outcomes for their work units and the university,
and transforming the OSU Vision from an idea into reality.
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• COEd Canvas Migration Liaison – OSU Canvas LMS transition team, 2014-2015. The role of
migration liaison is to provide input on the migration plan, and ensure stakeholders are well informed
of project planning, timelines, expectations, and support opportunities.
• Online programs – OSU COEd, 9/12-present. Working across online programs in the College of
Education (COEd) with responsibilities to increase enrollment and efficiency, increase faculty
involvement, and aid faculty in articulating conceptual frameworks, outcomes, and learning analytics.
• Professional And Continuing Education – OSU PACE, 9/12-present. Working as a COEd liaison with
the PACE unit. Responsibilities include developing and maintaining the Free-Choice Learning
certificate program for professionals in the field, developing (or overseeing development) of new
courses with this program and other possible COEd professional development opportunities in
partnership with COEd. The FCL certificate program is currently running through the PACE unit.
Responsibilities also include hiring, training, and managing Graduate Teaching Assistants or
facilitators to teach the certificate courses.
• CLD Working group – OSU, 9/12-present. Member of the COEd Cultural Linguistic Diversity (CLD)
working group. The goal of this working group is to bring awareness to COE faculty of diversity
issues and to collaborate on tools and strategies for more inclusive and culturally relevant curriculum.
• LMS Task Force -- OSU, 9/12-present. Member of the OSU Next Generation Learning Management
System (LMS) Task Force and Extended LMS Review Team. This group is charged with reviewing
multiple proposals and presentations of LMS systems and rating their functionality according to
university criteria.
• Diversity Power and Discrimination (DPD) training – OSU DPD, summer 2013. Two-week intensive
professional development with outcomes to introduce disciplinary and interdisciplinary scholarship
and perspectives on race, gender, class, sexual identity and other institutionalized systems of
inequality in the United States; provide resources for planning; develop pedagogical strategies for
incorporating multicultural diversity in the classroom; increase awareness and sensitivity to
difference; and provide the basis for an ongoing community discussion in which issues of difference
can be addressed among colleagues across disciplines.
• Graduate Faculty –
OSU COfEd, 9/11-3/14. Advise ~15 M.S. degree students in the FCL focus area, including
programs of study, finding minor advisors across science disciplines, and submitting IRB
protocols and documents as Principle Investigator for these student researchers.
OSU CofEd 3/14-4/15 (present) serving on Ph.D. committees for students in Science
Education (2), Education (2), and Adult and Higher Ed (2).
• Adjunct Faculty – Whatcom Community College, 9/02-6/06. Teaching geology, physical sciences,
physics (PET curriculum from SDSU), and astronomy to a diverse student population. Courses
include Physical Science 295 and Astronomy 295 honors seminars that provided an opportunity to
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develop interactive public education displays. Also mentored Individual Learning Contracts designed
around the student's interests and learning style.
• Higher Education Working Group --North Cascades and Olympic Science Partnership (NCOSP) 9/038/06. The charge of this working group was to research, develop and teach a three quarter integrated
science curriculum for pre-service education majors. After three years of work the course was piloted
at the five participating higher education institutions starting in Fall 2005. Taught all three courses at
Whatcom Community College as well as the geology course at Western Washington University
during a summer professional development institute for in-service teachers.
• Pathways to Careers in Teaching, 9/02 – 9/03. The goal of this grant was to integrate Washington
State K-12 Essential Academic Learning Requirements (EALRs) into general college requirement
courses as a foundation for future teacher certification candidates. I represented WCC and helped
begin the process of mapping out strategies for developing the inquiry-based courses of NCOSP. This
grant served as a pre-cursor to developing the 3-quarter NCOSP sequence.
• Remote Sensing Analyst, Pacific Meridian Resources, Portland, OR, 8/93-11/9. Responsibilities
included developing the Alaska NPS relational vegetation databases and ARC/INFO coverages from
Alaska National Park Service Data; managing a $72,000 project; Mapping the Southern Appalachian
Assessment area, a region covering 37 million acres from Virginia to Alabama; Performing image
preprocessing, quality control of imagery, incorporation of ancillary data (hydrology, road data, etc.),
map plotting, fieldwork, modeling, and accuracy assessment.
• Research Assistant, joint with UCLA Earth and Space Sciences Department and RADAR Science
Group, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 8/91- 2/93. Supervisor: Dr. JoBea Way, JPL (retired in 2001).
Analyzed the usefulness of long wavelength quad-polarized radar for forest carbon inventory analysis
(masters thesis research).
• Research Assistant / Teaching Assistant, UCLA Earth & Space Sciences Department, 7/89 – 8/91.
Supervisor: Dr. David Paige. Mapped the thermal inertia and albedo of Mars' North and South polar
caps. Lead discussion sections for Atmospheres of Other Worlds and laboratory classes for
• Laboratory Assistant, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, 7/87 – 7/89. Supervisor: Dr. Gustaf
Arrhenius. Synthesized, analyzed and characterized reduced iron minerals for origin of life studies.
Characterization techniques included X-ray crystallography, SQUID magnetometery, and HCN
Relevant Educational Research Experience
• Graduate Research Assistant, NSF subaward, Pushing the Limits:
Building Capacity to Enhance Public Understanding of Math and Science
Through Rural Libraries (1010577).
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• STEM Activity Among Home-Educating Families, Dissertation
research. OSU Scholars Archives.
• Graduate Research Assistant, ODE MSP project, Algebra in Context
Relevant Teaching Experience
• OSU TCE 561 – Action Research.
• OSU Free-Choice Learning courses:
SED 582 Personal Dimensions of Free-Choice Learning.
SED 583 Sociocultural Dimensions of Free-Choice
SED 584 Physical Dimensions of Free-Choice Learning.
SED 580 Research and Evaluation.
SED 595 Assessment and Evaluation.
SED 599 Communicating Ocean Sciences to Informal
SED 506 masters capstone projects.
SED 509 masters capstone practicum.
SED 615 college teaching practicum.
• OSU MTH 103 – Algebraic Reasoning.
• Whatcom Community College courses: Physics 104, Physical science
105, 295 (Honors seminar), Astronomy 100, 295 (Honors Seminar),
Geology 110,104 and Biology 104.
• Western Washington University NCOSP Summer Academy,
Geology for teachers.
• University Professionals and Continuing Education Association
• International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).
• American Educational Research Association (AERA).
• International Society for Cultural and Activity Research (ISCAR).
Professional Areas of Interest
• Investigating the online experience for all learners.
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• Using online spaces to build professional community across large geographical areas and diverse
• Developing educator practices towards a learner/family centered and culturally relevant approach to
• Evolving and professionalizing the practice of free-choice, informal and non-public-school related
(alternative) educators.
• Sociocultural theory applied to the study of informal educator practice and learner experience.
• Cultural-Historical Activity Theory.
• Research with ethnographic and video methodologies.