April 22nd - Department of Education Schools Websites

Norwood News - 22nd April 2015
From our Principal……..
Welcome back. I hope that everyone had a very
relaxing break. If you were like me and stayed close
to home over the break, it was a chance to soak up
the beauty of our lovely city in autumn.
Last term was a very busy one. In just 9 weeks we
enjoyed a wonderful Fair, celebrated our 50th
birthday and enjoyed delving into Norwood’s
history, knitted more than 500 poppies, along with
launching our new Vision for NPS, and of course
setting up for a great year of learning.
As former students, parents and staff visited
Norwood as part of our birthday week they
commented on how wonderful our school looks,
how smart our uniform is, how articulate our
students are, how calm but alive our school feels.
The word quality was used often to describe our
school. Norwood is a wonderful school, sometimes
it is easy to take the things that we have for granted.
Our vision shape the future: embrace the opportunities
of the present captures our quest to provide all
students with a range of opportunities and to assist
them in becoming productive citizens who make a
great contribution to their communities.
Through valuing diversity, integrity, excellence,
creativity and innovation, and connectedness
students will develop the skills, knowledge and
dispositions that they need to reach their goals and
thrive as 21st century learners and leaders.
Term 2 will also be a busy one. Our poppies will be
installed in the front garden as part of the 100 year
anniversary of Anzac Day. This week all classes prep
– grade 6 will be involved in the Footsteps dance
program across the week. Dance Fever rehearsals
for grade 5 and 6 students commence, the robotics
programs ramps up, Taiko drumming workshops will
start, NAPLAN assessments will take place and many
excursions are planned.
We are very excited that we will
be introducing MYTERN to our
school. The creator of MYTERN,
Jane Foster, will spend 4 days with
us working with parents, students
and staff. MYTERN is a unique
strategy to assist in the building of
emotional resilience. With this newsletter today, you
will receive an invitation to attend one of two parent
meetings, come to both if you wish! We know that
parents want to know how they can support their
children in becoming more resilient and taking
control of their emotions and reactions. It is also
great for parents to know how this strategy will be
used in classrooms and across the school. I hope
that as many parents as possible can attend. We will
ask you to indicate if you intend to join us for one of
the meetings, this is simply so that we can make sure
we use the best venue for each group. The more the
merrier – everyone is welcome - bring your friends!
Our school newsletter is now published every 2
weeks, this is taking a little time to get used to. With
the introduction of Face Book and SMS messaging, it
is necessary to review how we communicate with
parents. In the future I am expecting that we will
have an electronic newsletter sent directly to your
phones or ipads etc… some schools in Tasmania
have already made this change. Our department is
currently trialling some products to support schools.
I am grateful to parents (and students) who read our
newsletter and keep up to date with all of the
Norwood news.
N or wood P r im a r y S ch ool
5/6 Excursion
The National Day of
No Bullying
On Tuesday April 28 5-6 J, 5-6 D and 6 D will be
travelling to the Deloraine/Mole Creek area. The
excursion will have a science focus and centre
around a tour of the Marakoopa cave.
Students will be in PE gear but will need a jumper as
the cave is 9 degrees all year round. Students are
required to be at school by 8:25am.
Permission forms were sent home on Monday
and need to be returned by Thursday 23rd
April. Thank you. Ben, Scott and Michelle
3 Ankin and 3 Summers
Excursion to Hollybank
On Thursday 7th May our classes will be travelling
by bus to Hollybank. We will be learning more about
the life cycles of plants. We will record annotated
diagrams of native plants and recognising
environmental factors that affect life cycles and seed
germination. This is part of our current science
inquiry unit which is called Plants in Action. We will
be leaving school promptly at 9:05am in the morning
and returning back to school by 2:50pm. All children
should wear their PE uniform and bring their hat,
jumper and a coat. We respectfully ask that children
do not bring umbrellas as they can become a safety
issue. Pupils will also need a packed lunch and large
Richard and Amanda
Sharing Roster in 1 McCoy
During term 2 children in 1 McCoy will have a
sharing turn in front of their peers once a week
about a given topic. Children may bring prompts to
help them talk. Each child has their own day for
The topics are:
Week 1:
The holidays
Week 2:
My favourite book
Week 3:
If I had 3 wishes they would be……
Week 4:
If I won $100 I would…….
Week 5:
My favourite cartoon
Week 6:
My favourite toy
Week 7:
My favourite food
Week 8:
My favourite movie
Week 9:
The one thing I could not live without
Week 10: The happiest day of my life
Week 11: What is the best thing about being 7/8
years old?
Brooke McCoy
Assembly Roster
Whole School - April 29th
hosted by 3 Ankin at 2:20pm
Please Note: Student Parliament certificates
will be presented at this assembly.
On Friday March the 20th, Norwood was one of
1650 Australian schools who registered and had
activities and conversations for The National
Day of No Bullying. Classes from grades 2-6
spent time in the hall reflecting on the roles
students take in the playground that are helpful and
also those that are unhelpful. The school took the
opportunity to name up those children who are
identified as “Peaceful Warriors”.
These are the students who help turn around
problematic situations. Typically they are natural
(but often modest) leaders who:
model effective 'protective behaviours'
encourage and support peers without rescuing
reduce 'fight and flight responses' amongst
their peers
are assertive (but not aggressive) with bullies
take positive initiatives when required
share their astute insights with staff
contribute to everyday restorative practices
make the school a better place
Some children do this naturally and others work
hard to be empathetic and supportive. The
children identified by peers and staff to have these
skills in abundance are:
Thomas Nicolson, Aria Richards, Riley Steel,
Cameron Parker, Bradley Elais, Charlotte
McLennan, Briele Robertson, Calvin Ackerly, Simba
Kojima, Maya Kerrison, Josh Milich, Josh Fulton,
Amy Bates, Ava Hawkins, Brenna Squires, Eva
Murrell, Charlie Taylor, Trae Kahl, Harry
Charlesworth, Abbey Siemsen, Connor Smith,
Xander Petorius and Kynan Snooks.
Kinder W & Kinder H
Excursion to the PCYC
Date: May 19th
Time:11:10am- 1:10pm
As part of our Health and Wellbeing focus this
term, Kinder W & H are taking a trip to the
PCYC. We are looking forward to having lots of
fun while learning about different ways to exercise.
If you have a current DoE Good Character Check
and are able to attend please let Melinda or
Lynette know.
Cross Country
Wednesday 6th May
(Friday 24th Kin W)
The NPS Cross Country will be held on Wednesday
6th May, weather permitting.
All children to wear their PE uniform on this day.
Full winter uniform to be worn on this
day. Please bring your running shoes if
you have PE on this day.
Race Times:
Grades Kinder - 2 will run a school based track.
11:30am - Grade 1
11:40am - Preps
11:45am - Kinder Probert
11:50am - Grade 2
12:10pm - 12:40pm LUNCH TIME (modified)
Grades 3-6 run will go through the Carr Villa •
1:00pm - 1:20pm - walk to track
1:20pm - Grade 3's race
1:40pm - Grade 4's race
2:00pm - Grade 5's race
2:15pm - Grade 6's race
Kinder House and Kinder Williams
Kinder House and Kinder Williams will have their
Cross Country on Friday 8th May starting at 10:00am. •
Thank you, Josh Leighton
Footsteps sessions continue in the hall
School Photo Day
Photo Day for Kinder Williams
State School Athletics Carnival
Anzac Day March of Remembrance
5/6 Excursion to Molecreek
Whole School Assembly hosted by 3A Student Parliament certificates will be
presented at this assembly.
NPS Cross Country
3A & 3S excursion to Hollybank
Mother’s Day Stall
Mother’s Day Stall for KW, 3A and 3S
Cross Country for Kin H and Kin W
School Association Meeting
Kinder W & Kinder H excursion
Whole school assembly hosted by 2-3BH
Queen’s birthday long weekend
Mid year reports go home
22nd-26th Parent teacher meetings
Remember to bring your individualised
envelopes to hand to the photographer.
All children will be photographed for the
schools records regardless of placing orders.
Please note Norwood Primary School
style of class photo is composite (not
group style)
No change is able to be given on the day so
please ensure correct payment is enclosed with
your order.
Orders can now be placed online, using the
student’s unique ordering code. If a student
loses their envelope their opportunity to order
online is lost.
Credit card orders are now strictly online only.
Selected group photos will also be taken on
photo day.
Parents wishing to order a family photos need
to get an order form at the office. Family
photos will be taken after 3pm.
• Students and parents are invited to attend the
ANZAC Day march.
• Students are to wear winter school uniform.
• Meet Norwood staff members at Princes Square
(the Frederick St side) at 9.45 a.m.
• Parade leaves at 10.15 a.m. and finishes at the
Cenotaph in Paterson St.
• Students can be collected after the parade before
the service or at the end of the service.
• Students to be collected from the grassed area
near the Cenotaph in Paterson St promptly at the
end of the service (approx 11.45 am).
• Medals to be worn on the right side.
Please advise the office or Linda Guy if your child
will be attending the Memorial March.
The Parent Information Booklet has
been updated with information from the
Mothers Day Stall
The Mother’s Day Stall will be held on Thursday 7th
May for all classes except Kinder Williams, 3 Ankin
and 3 Summers who will have their stall on Friday 8th
This stall has proven to be a success with all our
students in the past. The kids love to come along and
purchase something for their mums, nans or special
To help make this years stall as successful as it has
been in the past, we require donations from our
Norwood community.
These are some of the items we will need;
• Bags of mini chocolates
• Mixed lollies
• Small boxes of tea bags
• Chocolate bars
• Coffee Sachets
• Face washers, mini soaps , nail files
• Mini cereal boxes and juice boxes, mini jams
• Biros and note pads
• MyTime - is a program for mothers, fathers or
If you are crafty and wish to make/knit or sew
something for our stall please phone or text Fletcher
on 0439 343 359
Entertainment Books
A flyer was sent home last term for this year’s
Entertainment Books. If you would like to order a
book you can either follow the directions for a digital
book or alternatively fill in the form and return it to
the school office. Thank you.
other family carers of children with a disability,
developmental delay or chronic medical
condition to meet and get to know each other,
learn from each other, access and discuss up-todate research based information in caring for a
child with a disability or chronic medical
condition, link to their local community and find
local support services. A play helper is provided
to keep children busy and engaged so members
can meet and talk with others. We meet every
Monday, during the school term, at 9.30am at 44
McKellar, Newstead. Like MyTime – Launceston
on Facebook for more information!
East L’ton Junior Football Club - You’re not
too late to join. Game two commences on April
26th. All players welcome. To register visit
South L’ton Football Club - Registration day
Wed. 22nd April 4:30pm - 6:30pm at Y’town
Swimming Tasmania - Come and try racing
at Swimming Tasmania’s ‘Ready, Set. Race’ Junior
Dolphin carnival. For 6 - 13yo. at the L’ton
Aquatic Centre., Saturday 16th May from
1:30pm. Ph. 6222 6560 for more info.
Petrarch’s Bookstore - is pleased to
announce that children’s author Nick Earls will
be instore on Friday 24th April from 3:30pm 4:30pm. He is promoting his new book ‘The
New Boy’.
Move Well Eat Well
Tea Towels
Norwood Primary is a Move Well Eat Well
School. We want all children to eat well and be
Tea towels are still available at the school office.
active at school every day, which in turn supports
They are $12 each and $10 for each additional
their capacity for learning.
tea towel.
Daily PE (at 9a.m.) is entrenched in the upper
grades as a way to encourage the habit of being
active on a daily basis. Classroom equipment is
available for play and Josh Leighton co-ordinates a
lunchtime borrowing system from a storeroom. If
your child is a fan of watching/playing on screens,
If your child is away from school for any reason, then encouraging them to use the ovals and
please notify the school office by 9:15am using one equipment at school rather than accessing the
of the following ways, phone 6344 2533, library computers during lunchtime is wise.
text 0407 665 749 or send an email to Gary Jones
Not Coming to
Norwood Primary School
Norwood Avenue, NORWOOD 7250
Phone: 0363442533 Fax 0363432693
Email: norwood.primary@education.tas.gov.au
Web site: http://education.tas.edu.au/norwoodprimary