Scott W - Neag School of Education

Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Office Address:
Department of Educational Psychology
249 Glenbrook Road Unit 3064
University of Connecticut
Storrs, Connecticut 06269-3064
Web page:
Telephone: (860) 486-0181
(860) 486-8325
Educational Background
Psychology, Boston University.
Psychology, Montana State University.
Psychology, Syracuse University.
Positions – Current
University of Connecticut Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor of Educational
Psychology (2014).
NCAA Faculty Athletics Representative to UConn (2000-present).
 Member of the NCAA Division I Recruiting and Athletics Personnel Cabinet (20102016).
 Chair of the American Athletic Conference Faculty Athletics Representative Committee
Co-Director of the GlobalEd 2 Project at UConn.
Member of the Editorial Boards of:
 The Open Education Journal
 Computers in the Schools;
 Instructional Science;
 The International Journal of Instructional Media.
Ad hoc Reviewer for:
Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education.
Honors and Distinctions
Selected as a UConn Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor (March 2014).
Elected as a Fellow in the inaugural group of American Educational Research Association
Received The 2008 Outstanding Research Award from the University of Connecticut Neag
School of Education
Selected to give the 2007 William James Distinguished Lecture by the Association of
Psychological Science
Received the 2006 Thomas F. Donlon Award for Distinguished Mentoring from the
Northeastern Educational Research Association.
Received The 2006 University of Connecticut Outreach Research-Based Public Service and
Engagement Program Award for the Global Education Program (with Mark A. Boyer).
Elected as a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science (2004).
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Received The 2001 Leo Doherty Award for Service from the Northeastern Educational
Research Association.
Received The 1998 Excellence in Teaching Award by the University of Connecticut Alumni
Recipient of The 1998 Academic Excellence Award from the University of Connecticut
Student-Athlete Advisory Council
Visiting Scholar, Victoria University Department of Psychology; Wellington, New Zealand
Named as a L.C. Essig Summer Lecturer at Utah State University, July 1997.
Named as Tamkang University Chair Lecturer (Tamsui, Taiwan) in December 1995.
Member, Phi Kappa Phi - University of Connecticut Chapter.
Honorary Member, Golden Key National Honor Society, UConn Chapter.
Listed in Who's Who in Science and Technology; Outstanding Young Americans; Who's
Who in American Education; Who's Who in Medicine and Health Care.
Current Professional Memberships
Member, American Psychological Association (Div. 1, 15).
Member, Association for Psychological Science (Fellow).
Member, American Educational Research Association (Div. C Fellow).
Member, Northeastern Educational Research Association.
Member, American Association of University Professors.
Member, Faculty Athletic Representative Association.
Chair, American Athletic Conference Faculty Athletics Representative Committee.
Szarlan, J., Singha, S. & Brown, S.W. (2010). Striving for excellence: A manual for goal achievement.
Boulder, CO: Pearson Publishing.
Brown, S.W. (1996). Trends and issues in education: Preparing for the next century. Tamkang Chair
Lecture Series III. Taipei, Taiwan: Tamkang University Press.
Welsh, L.A., Archambault, F.X., Janus, M.D., & Brown, S.W., (1995). Running for their lives: Physical
and sexual abuse of runaway adolescents. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc.
Archambault, F.X., Westberg, K.L., Brown, S.W., Hallmark, B. W., Emmons, C.L., & Zhang, W. (1993).
Regular classroom practices with gifted students: Results of a national survey of classroom
teachers. Research Monograph; Storrs, CT: The National Center on the Gifted and Talented.
Publications/Articles/Book Chapters/Proceedings
Boyer, M.A. & Brown, S.W. (in press). Scholarly learning in an ecological setting: Applying the
knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors framework to perceived outcomes from participation in the
Long-Term Ecological Research Program (Chapter 41). In M.R. Willig and L.R. Walker (Eds.).
Long-Term Ecological Research: Changing the Nature of scientists. Oxford University Press:
Oxford, England.
Lawless, K.A. & Brown, S.W. (in press). Developing scientific literacy skills through interdisciplinary,
technology-based Global simulations: GlobalEd 2. The Curriculum Journal.
Ioannou, A., Brown, S.W., & Artino, A.R. (2015). Wikis and forums for collaborative problem-based
activity: A systematic comparison of learners’ interactions. The Internet and Higher Education, 24
p. 35-45. DOI: 10.1016/j.iheduc.2014.09.001
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K. A. & Boyer, M.A. (2015). The GlobalEd 2 simulations: Promoting positive
academic dispositions in middle school students in a web-based PBL environment (p. 147-159). In
A. Walker, H Leary, C. Hmelo-Silver and P. Ertmer (Eds.). Essential readings in problem-based
learning. Purdue University Press: West Lafayette, IN.
Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. A., Brown, S.W., Lawless, K., Brodowinska, K., & Mullin, G. (2014).
Thematic analysis of teacher instructional practices and student responses in middle school
classrooms with problem-based learning environment. Global Education Review, 1(3), 93-110.
Brown, S.W. & Lawless, K.A. (2014). Promoting students’ writing skills in science through an
educational simulation: The GlobalEd 2 project. In P. Zaphiris (Ed.) Human-Computer
interaction, Part I, HCII 2014, LNCS 8523, pp. 371-379. Springer International Publishing:
Lawless, K.A., Brown, S.W., Brodowinska, K., Lynn, L., Riel, J., Fields, K., Le-Gervais, L., & Mullin,
G. (2014). The GE2 Project – Developing a scientifically literate citizenry. In M. Khosrow-Pour
(Ed.), Encyclopedia of Information science and technology, Third edition. IGI Global, Hershey,
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K.A., Boyer, M.A., Yukhymenko, M.A., Mullin, G.P., Powell, N. &
Brodowinska, K., (2013). Promoting middle school students’ science knowledge: The GlobalEd 2
game. Proceedings of the 2013 E-Learn Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Lynn, L. J., Lawless, K. A., Brown, S. W., Brodowinska, K., Mullin, G., Powell, N., Richards, K. A.,
Boyer, M. A. (2014). Science vocabulary development in a problem-based learning simulation.
National Teacher Education Journal 7(3), 5-12.
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K. A. & Boyer, M.A. (2013). Promoting positive academic dispositions using a
web-based PBL environment: The GlobalEd 2 Project. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problembased Learning, 7(1), 67-90. Available at:
Lawless, K. A., Brodowinska, K., Lynn, L., Khodos, G., Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Yukhymenko, M. &
Mullin, G.P. (2012). The GlobalEd 2 game: Developing scientific literacy skills through
interdisciplinary, technology-based global simulations. In Y. Baek (Ed.) Psychology of gaming. (p.
65-82). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Lawless, K.A., Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A. & The GlobalEd 2 Team (2012). A socio-scientific approach
to STEM education: The GlobalEd2 Project. Proceedings of the World Conference on Educational
Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (EDMEDIA) 2012. Retrieved from
Niv-Solomon, A., Janik, L.L., Boyer, M.A., Hudson, N.F., Urlacher, B., Brown, S.W., & Maneggia, D.
(2011). Evolving beyond self-interest? Some experimental findings from simulated international
negotiations. Simulation and Gaming 42(6), 711-732.
Lawless, K. A., Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Brodowinska, K., Mullin, G.P., Yukhymenko, M., Khodos,
G., Lynn, L., Cutter, A., Powell, N. & Fernada Enriquez, M., (2011). Expanding the science and
writing curricular space: The GlobalEd2 Project. In D. Sampson, J. M. Spector, D. Ifenthaler and P.
Isaias (Eds.) Proceedings of The IADIS International Conference Cognition and Exploratory
Learning in Digital Age (CELDA), p. 154-160. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: International Association for
Development of the Information Society.
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K. A., Boyer, M.A., Mullin, G.P., Yukhymenko, M., Cutter, A., Brodowinska
Bruscianelli, Powell, N., Fernada Enriquez, M., Rice, J. & Khodos, G. K., (2011, November).
Impacting middle school students’ science knowledge with problem-based learning simulations. In
D. Sampson, J. M. Spector, D. Ifenthaler and P. Isaias (Eds.) Proceedings of The IADIS
International Conference Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA), p. 181187. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: International Association for Development of the Information Society.
Johnson, P.R., Boyer, M.A. & Brown, S.W. (2011). Vital interests: Cultivating global competence in the
international studies classroom. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 9(3-4), 503-519.
Picho, K. & Brown, S.W. (2011). Can Stereotype Threat be measured? A validation of the Social
Identities and Attitudes Scale (SIAS). Journal of Advanced Academics, 22(3), 374-411.
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Lawless, K.A., Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Brodowinska, K., O’Brien, D., Khodos, G., Cutter, A.B.,
Fernada Enriquez, M., Mullin, G., Powell, N. & Williams, G. (2010). GlobalEd 2: Learning and
applying science outside of the laboratory through interdisciplinary, technology-based simulations.
In T. Bastiaens et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate,
Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2010 (pp. 1939-1943). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Retrieved from
Holcomb, L.B., Brown, S.W. & Lima, C.O. (2010). Assessing the impact of a performance-based
assessment on educator’s technology self-efficacy measures. International Journal of Instructional
Media, 37(2) 121-129.
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K. A., & Boyer, M.A., (2009, October). The GlobalEd 2 Project: Expanding the
science and literacy curricular space. In T. Bastiaens et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference
on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2009 (pp. 160-164).
Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Retrieved from
Yukhymenko, M. & Brown, S.W. (2009). Promoting global citizenship through ICT: Ukrainian high
school students. US-China Education Review, 6, (8) (serial number 57), 60-61.
Ioannou, A., Brown, S.W., Hannafin, R. D., & Boyer, M.A. (2009). Can multimedia make kids care
about social studies? The GlobalEd problem-based learning simulation. Computers in the Schools,
26, 63-81.
Boyer, M.A., Urlacher, B., Hudson, N.B., Janik, L., Niv-Solomon, A., Brown, S.W., & Ioannou, A.
(2009). Gender and negotiation: Some experimental findings. International Studies Quarterly, 53,
Artino, A.R. Jr. & Brown, S.W. (2009). Ethics in educational research: A comparative analysis of
graduate student and faculty beliefs. College Student Journal. 43(2), 599-615.
Gehlbach, H., Brown, S.W., Ioannou, A., Boyer, M.A., Hudson, N., Niv-Solomon, A., Maneggia, D., &
Janik, L. (2008). Increasing interest in social studies: Social perspective taking and self-efficacy in
stimulating simulations. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 33, 894-914.
Schrader, P.G. & Brown, S.W. (2008). Evaluating the First Year Experience: Students’ knowledge,
attitudes, and behaviors. Journal of Advanced Academics, 19 (2) Winter; 310-344.
Cunningham, C.A., Smoulin, L., McPherson, S., Lawless, K.A., Radinsky, J., Brown, S.W., & Zumpano,
N. (2008). Higher education institutions as partners for technology professional development. (p
146 – 167). In A. Borthwick and M. Pierson (Eds.) Transforming Classroom Practice: Professional
Development Strategies in Educational Technology. Washington, DC: ISTE Publications.
Decher, N., Casa, D.J., Yeargin, S.W., Levreault, M.L., Cross, C.L., James, C.T., McCaffrey M.A.,
O’Connor C.B., Ganio M.S., & Brown, S.W. (2008). Hydration status, knowledge and behavior in
youths at summer sports camps. The International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance
3(3), 252-278.
Brown, S.W., Ioannou, A., Boyer, M.A., Niv-Solomon, A., Renfro, W., & Maneggia, D.D. (2008,
November). The GlobalEd Project.: Learning in an interdisciplinary environment. In C.J. Bonk,
M.M. Lee, and T. Reynolds (Eds.) Proceedings of E-Learn 2008: World conference on E-Learning
in corporate, government, healthcare, & higher education. pp 2509-2528. Association of
Advancement of Computing Education (AACE): Chesapeake, VA (
Brown, S.W. (2008). Assessment is not a dirty word! In D. Moss, T. Osborn and D. Kaufman (Eds.)
Interdisciplinary education in the age of assessment, New York, NY: Routledge.
Lima, C O. & Brown, S.W. (2007). Global citizenship and new literacies providing new ways for social
Inclusion. Psicologia. Escolarse Educaional, June 2007, vol.11, no.1, p.13-20. ISSN 1413-8557.
[online]. June 2007, vol.11, no.1 [cited 21 November 2007], p.13-20. Available from World Wide
Kulikowich, J.M., Mason, L.H., & Brown, S.W. (2008). Evaluating fifth- and sixth-grade students’
expository writing: Task development, scoring, and psychometric issues. Reading and Writing, 21,
1-2, 153-175.
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Murphy, D., M., King, F.B., & Brown, S.W. (2007). Laptop initiative impact: Assessed using student,
parent and teacher data. Computers in the Schools, 24 (1/2), 57-71.
Brown, S.W. & Johnson, P.R. (2007). Expert teachers. In N. Salkind (Ed). Encyclopedia of educational
psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Lang, H.G., LaPorta-Huper, M., Monte, D., Scheifele, P., Brown, S.W., & Babb, I.G., (2007). A study of
technical signs in science: Implications for lexical database development. Journal of Deaf
Education and Deaf Studies 12, 1, 66-79.
Boyer, M.A., Brown, S.W., Butler, M.J., Niv-Solomon, A., Urlacher, B., Hudson, N.F., Johnson, P.R., &
Lima, C.O. (2007). Experimenting with global governance: Understanding the potential for
generational change. Globalisation, Societies and Education 5(2) p.153-180.
Lima, C.O. & Brown, S.W. (2007). ICT for development: Are Brazilian students well prepared to
become global citizens? Educational Media International. 44 (2), 141-153.
Lawless, K.A., Smoulin, L., Radinsky, J., & Brown, S.W. (2005). Project TITUS: Teachers infusing
technology in urban schools. In S. Rhine and M. Bailey (Eds.). Integrating technologies,
innovative learning: Insights from the PT3 program. ISTE Publications. p. (Chapter 12) 161-172.
Boyer, M.A., Florea, N., Butler, M., Brown, S.W., Meng, L., Johnson, P.R., & Lima, C., (2005).
Understanding security through the eyes of the young, in The IPE yearbook published by Lynne
Reinner Press.
Brown, S.W., Renzulli, J.S., Gubbins, E.J., Siegle, D., Zhang, W. & Chen, C.H. (2005). Assumptions
underlying the identification of gifted and talented students. Gifted Child Quarterly 49 (1) 68-78).
Boyer, M.A., Brown, S.W., Butler, M., Florea, N., Hernandez, M., Johnson, P.R., Meng, L. & Lima,
C.O. (2004). Educating for global awareness: Implications for governance and generational
change. Global Change, Peace & Security, 16 (1) 73-77.
Brown, S.W, Boyer, M.A., Johnson, P.R., Lima, C.O., Butler, M.J., Florea, N.B., & Rich, J. The
GlobalEd Project: Problem-solving and decision making in a web-based PBL. (2004) Proceedings
of Ed-Media 2004, the World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia &
Telecommunications, p. 1967-1973, Lugano Switzerland.
Holcomb, L.B., Brown, S.W., Kulikowich, J.M., & Jordan, J.H. (2004). Assessing educational
technology knowledge with a problem-based learning format: The Husky Educational Technology
Assessment Project (HETAP). Proceedings of Ed-Media 2004, the World Conference on
Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, p. 2008-2013, Lugano Switzerland.
Holcomb, L.B., King, F.B., & Brown, S.W. (2004). Student traits and attributes contributing to success in
online courses: Evaluation of university online courses. Journal of Interactive Online Learning 2
(3) Winter 2004.
Brown, S.W. & Kulikowich, J.M. (2004). Teaching statistics from a distance: What have we learned?
International Journal of Instructional Media, 31, 1, 1-17.
Smolin, L., Lawless, K.A., Radinsky, J., & Brown, S.W. (2004). Developing a replicable model from
tech savy student field placements. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Society for
Information Technology and Teacher Education. Atlanta, GA.
Lawless, K. A., Brown, S.W., Mills, R. J., & Mayall, H.J. (2003). Knowledge, interest, recall and
navigation: A look at hypertext processing. Journal of Literacy Research, 25(3) 911-934.
Lawless, K.A. & Brown, S.W. (2003). From digital dirt road to educational expressway: Innovations in
web-based pedagogy. Instructional Science, 31 (4-5) 227-230.
Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Mayall, H.J., Johnson, P.R., Meng, L., Butler, M.J., Weir, K., Florea, N.,
Hernandez, M., & Reis, S. (2003). The GlobaEd project: Gender differences in a problem-based
learning environment of international negotiations. Instructional Science, 31 (4-5) 255-276.
Florea, N., Boyer, M.A., Brown, S.W., Butler, M.J., Hernandez, M., Weir, K., Meng, L., Johnson, P.R.,
Mayall, H.J., & Lima, C., (2003). Negotiating from Mars to Venus: Some findings on gender’s
impact in simulated international negotiations. Simulation and Games, 34 (2) 226-248.
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Lawless, K. A., Mills, R., & Brown, S.W., (2003). Children’s hypermedia navigational strategies.
Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 34 (3) 274-284.
Ellenbecker, T.S., Roetert, E.P, & Brown, S.W., (2002). Glenohumeral joint total rotation range of
motion in elite tennis players and baseball pitchers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,
34 (12), 2052-2056.
Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Mayall, H.J., Johnson, P.R., Meng, L., Butler, M., Weir, K., Florea, N. &
Reis, S., (2002). Global education via the web: The GlobalEd Project. Proceedings of the
International Conference on Computers in Education, Auckland, New Zealand: IEEE Press.
Brown, S.W., Babb, I., Johnson, P.R., Scheifle, P.M., Lang, H., Zheng, D., Monte, D. & Huper, M.,
(2002). Classroom of the Sea: Problem-based learning for the deaf. Proceedings of the
International Conference on Computers in Education, Auckland, New Zealand: IEEE Press.
Holcomb, L.B., & Brown, S.W. (2002). Examining self-efficacy and self-regulation levels across gender
in business distance education courses. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers
in Education, Auckland, New Zealand: IEEE Press.
Smolin, L., Lawless, K.A., Newman, M., Radinsky, J., & Brown, S.W. (2002). Using technology for
urban teacher preparation: A PT3 Project. Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Society for
InformationTechnology and Teacher Education. Nashville, TN.
Ellenbecker, T., Bailie, D.S., Mattalino, A.J., Carfagno, D.G., Wolff, M.W., Brown, S.W. &
Kulikowich, J.M., (2002). Intrarater & interrater reliability of a manual technique to assess anterior
humeral head translation of the glenohumeral joint. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 11, (5)
Lang, H.G., Babb, I.G., Scheifele, P., Brown, S.W., LaPorta-Huper, M., Monte, D., Johnson, P.R., &
Zheng, D. (2002). Classroom of the Sea. National Technical Institute for the Deaf Research
Bulletin, 7, (1), p. 1, 6-7.
Silver, B.B., Smith, E.V., & Brown, S.W. (2002). Empirical support for memory beliefs. The General
Psychologist, 37:1 p. 8-10.
Alvarez, C.X. & Brown, S.W. (2002). What people believe about memory despite the research evidence.
The General Psychologist, 37:1 p. 1-6.
Harnar, M., Brown, S.W. & Mayall, H.J. (2000). Measuring the effect of distance education on the
learning experience: Teaching accounting via PictureTel©. International Journal of Instructional
Media 27 (1) 37-50.
King, F.B., Harnar, M. & Brown, S.W. (2000). Self-Regulatory behavior influences in distance learning.
International Journal of Instructional Media. 27(2) 147-155.
Roetert, E.P., Ellenbecker, T. & Brown, S.W. (2000). Shoulder internal and external rotation range of
motion in elite junior tennis players: A longitudinal analysis. Journal of Strength and
Conditioning, 14(2) 140-143.
Brown, S.W. & King, F.B. (2000). Constructivist pedagogy and how we learn: Educational psychology
meets international studies. International Studies Perspectives 1, 245-253.
Lawless, K., Smolin, L., Brown, S.W., Soulier, S., & Strudler, N. (2000). To teach how or to teach with:
Four university’s approaches to technology integration for teacher preparation. Proceedings of the
Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Conference, San Diego, February 10,
Roetert, E.P., Ellenbecker, T.S., Brown, S.W., & Gibson, T. (1998, June). Shoulder internal and external
rotation range of motion in elite junior tennis players: A longitudinal analysis. Medicine and
Science in Sports and Exercise, Vol. 30, No.5, Supplement. S163.
Silver, B.A., Brown, S.W., & Lawless, K.A. (1998). Diagnosis - Lyme disease: What does it mean for
our children? The Journal of the Connecticut Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Development, 1998, 56-61.
Westberg, K.L., Archambault, F.X., Jr., & Brown, S.W. (1997). A survey of classroom practices with
third and fourth grade students in the United States. Gifted Education International, 12 (1) 29-33.
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Lawless, K.A., Brown, S.W., & Cartter, M.A. (1997). Applying educational psychology and
instructional technology to health care issues: Combating Lyme disease. International Journal of
Instructional Media 24 (4) 1-10.
Lawless, K.A. & Brown, S.W. (1997). Multimedia learning environments: Issues of learner control and
navigation. Instructional Science: Special Issue on Multimedia and Interactivity 25 (2) 117-131.
Allen, B. & Brown, S.W. (1997). Introduction to the Special Issue on Multimedia and Interactivity.
Instructional Science: Special Issue on Multimedia and Interactivity. 25 (2) 75-77.
Brown, S.W. & Silver, B.B. (1997). Educational technology: Implications and projections for the
classroom of the 21st century. The Journal of the Connecticut Association for Supervision and
Curriculum Development, 56-63.
Roetert, E.P., McCormick, T.J., Brown, S.W., & Ellenbecker, T.S. (1996). Relationship between
isokinetic strength and field tests of physical fitness in elite junior tennis players. Medicine &
Science in Sports & Exercise, 28, (5), Supplement, S127.
Roetert, E.P., Brown, S.W., Piorkowski, P.A., & Woods, R.B. (1996). Fitness comparisons among three
different levels of elite tennis players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 10 (3) 139143.
Roetert, E.P., McCormick, T.J., Brown, S.W., & Ellenbecker, T.S. (1996). Relationship between
isokinetic and functional trunk strength in elite junior tennis players. Isokinetics and Exercise
Science. 6, 15-20.
Brown, S.W. (1996). The teacher education movement in the United States and the IB/M program at the
University of Connecticut. In S.W. Brown, Trends and issues in education: Preparing for the next
century, p.1-24. Taipei, Taiwan: Tamkang University Press.
Brown, S.W. (1996). Trends and issues in educational technology with implications and projections for
higher education: One professor’s view of the world. In S.W. Brown, Trends and issues in
education: Preparing for the next century, p.25-60. Taipei, Taiwan: Tamkang University Press.
Brown, S.W. (1996). Teaching problem solving and higher order cognitive skills in the public schools.
In S.W. Brown, Trends and issues in education: Preparing for the next century, p. 61-92. Taipei,
Taiwan: Tamkang University Press.
Garry, M., Loftus, E., Brown, S.W. & DuBruiel, S.C. (1996). Womb with a view: Memory beliefs and
memory-work experiences. In D. G. Payne and F.G. Conrad, Intersections in basic and applied
memory research. (pp. 233-255). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Roetert, E.P., Piorkowski, P.A., Woods, R.B., & Brown, S.W. (1995). Establishing percentiles based on
physical fitness testing results. In Clinics in Sports Medicine. Edited by R. C. Lehman. W.B.
Saunders Company: Philadelphia, PA. p. 1-22.
Shyu, H.Y. & Brown, S.W. (1995). Learner-Control:The effects on learning a procedural task during
computer-based videodisc instruction. International Journal of Instructional Media, 22 (3), 217231.
The Cognition & Instruction Group at UCONN1 (CIGUC1) (1995). Auntie EMM sends electronic mail to
OZ. International Journal of Instructional Media, 22 (3) 245-254.
Brown, S.W., Archambault, F.X., Zhang, W., & Westberg, K. (1995). A follow-up study of the
interaction effects on the classroom practices survey. The National Center on the Gifted and
Talented Newsletter, Spring 1995, 6-9.
Brown, S.W. (1995). Review of The Extended Merrill-Palmer Scale. The Twelfth Mental Measurement
Yearbook. J.J. Conoley and J. Impara (Eds.), p. 378-379. Lincoln, NE: The University of Nebraska.
Brown, S.W. (1995). Review of The Learning Disability Evaluation Scale. The Twelfth Mental
Measurement Yearbook (p. 559-560). J.J. Conoley and J. Impara (Eds.). Lincoln NE: The
University of Nebraska.
Westberg, K.L., Dobyns, S.M., Archambault, F.X., & Brown, S.W. (1995). Missing the point: The issue
isn’t who you know. Roeper Review, 17 (1) 68.
Janus, M.D., Archambault, F.X., Brown, S.W., & Welsh, L.A. (1995). Physical abuse in Canadian
runaway adolescents. Child Abuse and Neglect: An International Journal, 19, p. 433-447.
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Loftus, E.F., Garry, M. Brown, S.W. & Radler, M. (1994). Near-natal memories, past-life memories and
other myths. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 36 (3), 176-179.
Chen, C.H. & Brown, S.W. (1994). The impact of feedback during interactive video instruction.
International Journal of Instructional Media, 21, (3), 191-202.
Garry, M., Loftus, E., & Brown, S.W. (1994). Memory: A river runs through it. Consciousness and
Cognition, 3, 438-451.
Brown, S.W. & Brown, M.M. (1994). Applying social cognition in assessing reliability with a small
sample. Psychological Reports, 75, 236-238.
Shyu, H.Y. & Brown, S.W. (1993) A study of interactive learning: IVS and diagrams. Computers in the
Schools. 9 (4), 71-80.
Archambault, F.X., Jr., Westberg, K.L., Brown, S.W., Hallmark, B., Zhang, W., & Emmons, C. (1993).
The findings from the classroom practices survey. Journal of the Education of the Gifted, Vol. 16,
No.2 103-119.
Brown, S.W. (1993). From the former President: Scott Brown. NERA Researcher, Vol. 30, No.4, p.6.
Brown, S.W. (1993). Preparing educational psychologists for the 21st century. NERA Researcher, Vol.
30, No. 4, p.2-4.
Martens, D., Garrett, G., Brown, S.W., & Douglas, J. (1993). Kinematic and temporal analysis of relay
starts in skilled collegiate male swimmers. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Vol. 25,
No.5, Supplement.
Brown, S.W. & Brown, M.M. (1993). Addressing reliability estimates when the population is small: Can
social cognition help? Psychological Reports Vol. 73, 499-505.
Shyu, H.Y. & Brown, S.W. (1993). Learner control in multimedia instruction: The effects on learning a
procedural task. Proceedings of the 1993 International Conference on Computers in Education:
Applications of Intelligent Computer Technologies, pg. 107-112. Edited by Tak-Wai Chan, Taipei,
ROC: Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Loehr, J.E., Roetert, E.P., Brown, S.W., & Woods, R.B. (1992). Development of two instruments to
assess mental toughness in tennis. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Supplement to Vol. 24,
No. 5, p. S135.
Shyu, H.Y. & Brown, S.W. (1992). Learner-control versus program control in interactive videodisc
instruction: What are the effects of procedural learning? International Journal of Instructional
Media 19 (2) 85-96.
Brown, S.W, Cartter, M.L., Hadler, J.L., & Hooper, P.F. (1992). Lyme Disease Knowledge, attitudes,
and behaviors - Connecticut, 1992. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report July 17, 1992, Vol. 41,
(28) 505-507.
Brown, S.W. (1992). From the President. NERA Researcher, Vol. 30, No. 1, p. 18.
Brown, S.W. (1992). Review of The Cognitive Control Battery. In J.J. Kramer and J.C. Conoley (Eds.)
The Eleventh Mental Measurements Yearbook. Lincoln, NE: The University of Nebraska Press.
Brown, S.W. (1992). Review of The Short Category Test. In J.J. Kramer and J.C. Conoley (Eds.) The
Eleventh Mental Measurements Yearbook. Lincoln, NE: The University of Nebraska Press.
Brown, S.W. (1992). What is NRC/GT? NERA Researcher, Vol. 30, No.2, p. 1& 8.
Roetert, E.P., Garrett, G.E., Brown, S.W. & Camaione, D.N. (1992). Performance profiles of nationally
ranked junior tennis players. The Journal of Applied Sport Science Research, Vol. 6, No.4, 225231.
Brown, S.W. (1992) Educational technology allows us to reach out and touch many. NERA Researcher,
Vol. 30, No. 3, p. 1 & 8.
Brown, S.W. (1991). Merging the power of the computer and VCR: Interactive videotape with the
Mandell instant-active interface. Computers in the Schools, 8, (4) 15-20.
Brown, S.W., Hwang, M.T., Baron, M. & Yakimowski, M.E. (1991). Factor analysis of responses to the
WISC/R for gifted children. Psychological Reports 69, 99-107.
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Williams, C. & Brown, S.W. (1991). A review of the research issues in the use of Computer-related
technologies for instruction: An agenda for research. In B. Branyan-Broadbent and R. K. Wood
(Eds.) Educational Media and Technology Yearbook Englewood CO: Libraries Unlimited.
Roetert, E.P., Garrett, G.E., Brown, S.W., & Camaione, D.N. (1991). Development of a performance
profile to assess nationally ranked junior tennis players. Abstract published in Medicine and
Science in Sports and Exercise Vol. 23 (4) 1991 Supplement.
Brown, S.W. (1991). From the President. NERA Researcher, Vol. 29, No.4, p.8.
Williams, C.J. & Brown, S.W. (1990). A review of the research issues in the use of computer-related
technologies for instruction: An agenda for research. International Journal of Instructional Media.
Vol. 17(2) 95-108.
Williams, C.J. & Brown, S.W. (1990). A review of the research issues in the use of computer-related
technologies for instruction: What do we know? International Journal of Instructional Media. Vol.
17(3) 213-225.
Brown, S.W. & Cutlip, M.B. (1989). Computer-based education in college: An investigation of
knowledge and attitudes. International Journal of Instructional Media. Vol. 16(2) pp. 115-125.
Brown, S.W. (1989). Getting interactivity from tape. CBT Directions 2(9), 10-12.
Brown, S.W. (1988). Review: Columbia Mental Maturity Scale. In Special Education and
Rehabilitative Testing: Current Practices and Test Reviews, pp. 163-171, Brian Bolton (Ed.).
Austin, TX: ProEd publishers.
Brown, S.W. & Yakimowski, M.E. (1987). Intelligence scores of gifted students on the WISC-Gifted
Child Quarterly, 31, 130-134.
Brown, S.W. & Cutlip, M.B. (1987). Computer-based education in college: A study of cognitive and
affective outcomes. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Assisted Learning
in Post-Secondary Education. pp. 71-76. Calgary, Canada: University of Calgary Press. (also
presented as a paper at the conference, May 1987).
Blatt, E.R. & Brown, S.W. (1986). Environmental influences on incidents of alleged child abuse and
neglect in New York State psychiatric facilities: Toward an etiology of institutional child
maltreatment. Child Abuse & Neglect: The International Journal, 10, 171-180.
Brown, S.W. (1985).The Columbia Mental Maturity Scale. In Test in Print: Vol. II, by R. C. Sweetland
and D. J. Keyser (Eds.), Test Corporation of America: Kansas City, MO.
Kaye, D.B. & Brown, S.W. (1985). Levels and speed of processing effects on word analysis. Memory &
Cognition, 13 (5), 425-434.
Brown, S.W. (1984). The use of the WISC-R subtest scatter in the identification of intellectually gifted
handicapped children: An inappropriate task? Roeper Review, 7(1), 20-23.
Brown, S.W. (1984). The computer revolution in education. Choice, 22, (4), 517-524.
MacQueen, D., Brown, S.W. & Cutlip, M.B. (1983). Examining the effectiveness of a college-level
course delivered entirely by computer. International Journal of Instructional Media, 10 (3), 177183.
Brown, S.W. & Kaye, D.B. (1983). The microcomputer as a tool in educational research: A case in
point. Proceedings of NECC/5 (National Educational Computing Conference) I.E.E.E. Computer
Society Press (also presented at the NECC conference), 381-384.
Archambault, F.X., Glover, J. & Brown, S.W. (1983). Enhancements to microcomputer word processing
software. In F. L. Dembrowski (Ed.). Administrative Uses of Microcomputers. Vol. 3: Word
Processing & Office Management, Park Ridge, IL: Research Corporation on the Association of
School Business Officials in the United States and Canada.
Kaye, D.B., Brown, S.W., Post, T.A. & Plude, D.J. (1981).The development of letter processing
efficiency. Memory & Cognition, 9, 378-388.
Brown, S.W. & Block, R.A. (1980). Contextual facilitation and activation of single word identification.
Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 15, (4), 242-244.
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Published Book Reviews – Brief
Brown, S.W. (2008). Review of Psychological Processes in International Negotiations: Theoretical and
Practical Perspectives by Francesco Aquilar and Mauro Galluccio. In PsycCRITIQUES, Volume
53, Issue 24. On-line at, retrieved June
11, 2008.
Brown, S.W. (2003). Review of Theoretical foundations of learning environments by David H.
Joanassan and Susan M. Land. Journal of Educational Computing Research.
Brown, S.W. (1984). Review of Instructional software: Principles and perspectives for design and use,
edited by Decker F. Walker and Robert D. Hess, appeared in Choice.
Brown, S.W. (1983). Review of The process of reading: A cognitive analysis of fluent reading and
learning to read, by D. C. Mitchell, appeared in Choice.
Brown, S.W. (1982). Review of The Rise and Fall of National Test Scores, Edited by G. Austin & H.
Garber, appeared in Choice.
Brown, S.W. (1982). Review of Microcomputers in education. Edited by C. Smith, appeared in Choice.
Brown, S.W. (1982). Review of Microcomputers in K-12 education. Edited by D. Barrette, appeared in
Technical Reports
Brown, S.W. & Hopkins, M.B. (2011, Sept.). The 2010-11 Husky Reach Program. Report to the SBM
Charitable Foundation, Inc., Manchester, CT.
Brown, S.W. & Hopkins, M.B. (2010, Dec.). The Husky Reach Program and Verplanck students’
Connecticut Mastery Test Score: 2007-2010. Report to the SBM Charitable Foundation, Inc.,
Manchester, CT.
Brown, S.W. & Hopkins, M.B. (2010, Oct.). Evaluation Report on the 2009-10 Husky Reach Program.
Report to the SBM Charitable Foundation, Inc., Manchester, CT.
Brown, S.W. & Hopkins, M.B. (2009, Aug.). Evaluation of the 2008-09 Husky Reach Project. Report to
the SBM Charitable Foundation, Inc., Manchester, CT.
Brown, S.W. & Hopkins, M.B. (2009, Aug.). Evaluation of the 2008-09 Husky Goal Line Project.
Report to the SBM Charitable Foundation, Inc., Manchester, CT.
Brown, S.W. & Maneggia, D.D. (2009, July). USTA Injury Analyses I. Report to the United States
Tennis Association – Elite Tennis Program, Boca Raton, FL. (confidential).
Brown, S.W. & Maneggia, D.D. (2008, Dec.). USTA Juniors Survey: Quantitative and qualitative
results. Report to the United States Tennis Association – Elite Tennis Program, Boca Raton, FL.
Brown, S.W., Maneggia, D., Mullin, G., & Ioannou, A., (2008, June). Evaluation of the UConn Husky
Reach Project at Verplanck Elementary School. Report conducted by the Teachers for a New Era
Project at UConn, Storrs, CT.
Silver, B.B. & Brown, S.W. (1998, June). Lyme disease education project VII: Final report. Report to
the United States Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA.
Brown, S.W. & Silver, B.B. (1997, June). Lyme disease education project VI: Final report. Report to
the United States Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA.
Brown, S.W. & Lawless, K.A. (1996, June). Lyme disease education project V: Final report. Report to
the United States Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA.
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K.A., & DuBois, K.A. (1995, May). Lyme disease education project IV: Final
report. Report to the United States Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA.
Brown, S.W. & Lawless, K.A. (1994, Aug.). Lyme disease education project III: Final report. Report
to the United States Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA.
Brown, S.W. & Baird, K.E. (1993, Aug.). Lyme disease education project II: Final report. Report to the
United States Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA.
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Brown, S.W. (1992, May). What Connecticut residents know about lyme disease. Final report to the
Connecticut Department of Health Services, Hartford, CT.
Brown, S.W., Shyu, H.Y., & Baird, K. (1992, Aug.). Lyme disease education project: Final report.
Report to the United States Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA.
Brown, S.W. (1992, Nov.). Restructuring the educational psychology program at ETSU. Report for the
Department of Psychology at East Texas State University.
Archambault, F.X., Westberg, K.L., Brown, S.W., Hallmark, B. W., Emmons, C.L., & Zhang, W. (1992,
Aug.). Regular classroom practices with gifted students: Results of a national survey of classroom
teachers. The National Center on the Gifted and Talented.
Archambault, F.X. & Brown, S.W. (1992, November). My friend taught me: An evaluation of the effect
of the CIGNA-BURNS elementary school tutorial program on student achievement. Report for
the CIGNA Corporation.
Welsh, L.A., Brown, S.W., Archambault, F.X. & Janus, M.D. (1990, May). Runaway youths at
Covenant House-Toronto: Patterns of physical abuse at home and on the streets. Report for
Covenant House-Toronto, Canada.
Brown, S.W. (1990, April). The problem of substance abuse in central Connecticut: Perceptions of the
local communities. Report for the Substance Abuse Action Council of Central Connecticut.
Brown, S.W. (1990, June). An evaluation of the Parent-Player Tennis Training program. Report for the
United States Tennis Association, Princeton, NJ.
Brown, S.W. (1989). An evaluation of the instructional systems incorporated computer-assisted
instruction program in Stamford Public Schools: 1982-83 through 1986- 87. Report for the
Stamford (CT) Public Schools.
Brown, S.W. (1989, Aug.). An analysis of the instrument properties of the Psychological Performance
Inventory for Sports and the Competitive Adjective Profile. Technical report for the United States
Tennis Association.
Cutlip, M. & Brown, S.W. (1985, Aug.). Utilization of computer-based instruction in engineering:
Structure programming with Fortran 77. Technical report submitted to the Control Data
Bloomer, R., Bates, H., Brown, S.W. & Norlander, K. (1982, Feb.). Mainstreaming in Vermont: A
study of the identification process. Technical report submitted to the Vermont State Department
of Education.
Brown, S.W., Archambault, F.X., & Kahn, H. (1982, July). MICROFEST handbook. A manual to
accompany the MICROFEST conference.
MacQueen, D., & Brown, S.W. (1982, July). Partial evaluation of the chemical engineering process
kinetics, prepared for the University of Connecticut Chemical Engineering Department.
Creative Works and Published Instruments
Brown, S.W. (2006-08). Producers and interviewer for podcasts for the Teachers for a New Era project,
also available as podcasts on ITunes.
Brown, S.W. (2007). Interviewed on WTIC 1080 AM radio regarding Faculty Athletic Representative
duties and the Teachers for a New Era Program; December 29, 2007.
DuBois, K. & Brown, S.W. (1996). Biology curriculum enhancement project: Relevant Lyme disease
issues (Teacher’s Guide). Published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Brown S.W. (1994-95) Educational Issues. A series of twenty 30-minute interviews of UConn faculty
broadcast on public access channels throughout Connecticut; developer, host and interviewer.
Brown, S.W. (1994). Educational Issues. A series of five 30-minute interviews of UConn faculty
broadcast on public access channels throughout Connecticut; developer, host and interviewer.
Lawless, K.A. & Brown, S.W. (1994). What you should know about Lyme disease - Teacher's
Guide: High school edition. Published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Tick Invaders - Instructional video on Lyme disease for elementary school students. Served as the
instructional consultant and PI of funded CDC grant 1993.
Baird, K.E. & Brown, S.W. (1993). What you should know about Lyme disease: Activity book.
University of Connecticut.
Baird, K.E. & Brown, S.W. (1993). What you should know about Lyme disease: Teachers Guide.
University of Connecticut.
Coaches Level II-I -Test - USTA secured test used for USTA members who are coaches. Focuses on
motor learning and biomechanics. Assisted in item writing and psychometric analysis, 1992.
Coaches Level II-II Test - USTA secured test used for USTA members who are coaches. Focuses on
nutrition and physiology. Assisted in item writing and psychometric analysis 1992.
The Curse of the Blood Suckers - Instructional Video on Lyme disease for high school students. Served
as the instructional consultant and PI of funded grant 1992.
Coaches Level I Test - USTA secured test. Assisted in test development and psychometric analysis 1991.
Miscellaneous Publications
Brown, S.W. & Lawless, K.A. (2014). The GlobalEd 2 Project. UCONN Global Affairs Newsletter,
Spring 2014, Issue 1. p. 11-12.
Brown, S.W. (2004, Nov.). Exclusive Interview with Dr. Scott W. Brown, Professor of Educational
Psychology and Director of the Teachers for a New Era Project at the University of Connecticut. Available:, retrieved November 10, 2004.
Boyer, M. & Brown, S.W. (2001, Oct.). What if women ran the world? OP Ed for The Hartford
Courant, October 11, 2001, p. A11.
Brown, S.W. (2004, April). UConn athletes find success off court, too. Letter to the editor, Published in
the USA Today, p. 22A, April 13, 2004.
Work In Progress
Yakimowski, M.E., Wagner, M., Brown, S.W. & Boyer, M.A. (Under review). The Dual Degree
Initiative: One university’s path to implement change. Teacher Education Quarterly.
Ioannou, A., Brown, S., & Artino, A. (Under review). Users’ experiences and attitudes on using wikis
and threaded discussion tools for collaboration on case problems. Journal of Computing in Higher
Mullin, G.P., Cutter, A.B., Brown, S.W., Lawless, K.A., Boyer, M.A., Yukhymenko, M., Powell, N.
Fernada Enriquez, M., Rice, J., & Brodowinska, K., (in preparation). Browsing to achieve:
Intention-based web browsing linked to performance.
Papers Presented at International, National and Regional Conferences
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K.A. & Boyer, M.A. (2015, March). Interdisciplinary learning through PBL
simulations: The Globaled 2 Project. Presented at the International Convention of Psychological
Science (Teaching Institute), Amsterdam, NL; March 12, 2015.
Lawless, K.A., Brown, S.W. & The GlobalEd 2 Team1. (2015, March). An Interdisciplinary Approach
for the Teaching of Written Argumentation: GlobalEd 2. Presented at the International
Convention of Psychological Science (Teaching Institute), Amsterdam, NL; March 13, 2015.
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K.A. & Boyer, M.A. (2015, March). Promoting Science Literacy in College
Students. Presented at the International Convention of Psychological Science, Amsterdam, NL;
March 14, 2015.
The GlobalEd 2 Team Listed Alphabetically: Rasis Alanazi, Kamila Brodowinska, Charles Dye, Kathryn Field,
Lindsey Le-Gervais, Patricia Lin-Steadman, Lisa Lynn & Jeremy Riel.
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Lawless, K.A., Brown, S.W. & The GlobalEd 2 Team2 (Feb. 2015). Promoting science knowledge and
interest: The GlobalEd 2 Project. Paper presented at the Eastern Educational Research Association
Conference, Sarasota, FL. Feb. 26, 2015.
Brown, S.W., Picho, K., Yukhymenko-Lescroart, M. & Rojas, T., (Jan. 2015). The development of
International students as global citizens: Data from four countries. Paper presented at the 2015
Hawaii International Conference on Education, Jan. 7, 2015, Honolulu, HI.
Field, K., Riel, J., Lawless, K.A., Brown, S.W., & Brodowinska, K. (2014, Oct.). Supporting successful
implementation of a PBL curriculum: Scaffolding and research skills. Paper presented at the 2014
NERA Conference, Trumbull, CT; Oct. 23, 2014.
Brown, S.W. & Lawless, K.A. (2014, June). Promoting students’ writing skills in science through an
educational simulation: The GlobalEd 2 project. Paper presented at the 16th International
Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Creta Maris Greece; June 25, 2014.
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K.A., Boyer, M.A.; Yukhymenko, M.A.; Brodowinska Bruscianelli, K.; Lynn. L.
& Mullin, G.P. (2014, May). Promoting students’ writing about science skills through PBL:
GlobalEd 2. Poster presented at the 2014 APS Conference, San Francisco, CA; May 24, 2014.
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K.A., & the GlobalEd 2 Team3. (2014, April). Simulating the negotiations of
international science advisers: The GlobalEd 2 Project. Paper presented at the 2014 AERA
Conference, Philadelphia, PA; April 5, 2014.
Lynn, L., Brodowinska Bruscianelli, K., Lawless, K.A., Brown, S.W., Mullin, G.P., Yukhymenko, M., &
Boyer, M.A. (2014, April). Development of conceptual science knowledge in an online learning
simulation. Roundtable presentation at the AERA conference, Philadelphia, PA., April 7, 2014.
Lawless, K.A., Brown, S.W., & The GlobalEd 2 Team4 Developing a scientifically literate citizenry.
Invited paper presented at the 2014 AERA conference, Philadelphia, PA, April 6, 2014.
Lawless, K.A., Brown, S.W., Brodowinska, K., Field, K., Lynn, L., Riel, J., Le-Gervais, L., Dye, C. &
Alanazi, R. (2014, Feb.). Expanding the science and literacy curricular space: The GlobalEd 2
Project. Paper presented at Eastern Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Feb 21,
2014, Jacksonville, FL.
Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Lawless, K.A., Yukhymenko, M.A., Mullin, G.P., Gervais, L.L., Lynn, L.,
Brodowinska, K., & Khodos, G. (2014, Jan.). The impact of an international simulation game on
students’ academic self-efficacy and social perspective taking. Paper presented at the 2014 Hawaii
International Conference on Education, Jan. 5, 2014, Honolulu, HI.
Lawless, K.A., Brodowinska, K., Lynn, L., Riel, J., Brown, S.W., Le, L., Mullin, G.P., & Maneggia, D.
(2013, Oct.). Using digital communications to create a scientifically literate citizenry - The
GlobalEd2 Project. Presented at the University of Illinois at Chicago 5th Annual Research
Day. October, 4, 2013; Chicago, IL.
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K.A., Boyer, M.A., Yukhymenko, M.A., Mullin, G.P., Powell, N. &
Brodowinska, K., (2013, Oct.). Promoting middle school students’ science knowledge: The
GlobalEd 2 game. Paper presented at the 2013 E-Learn Conference, Las Vegas, NV. Oct. 23, 2013.
Mullin, G.P. & Brown, S.W. (2013, Oct). Why can’t we be friends? Completing the link between teacher
immediacy and student learning. Poster presented at the New England Psychological Association,
Bridgeport, CT.
Lawless, K.A., Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Brodowinska, K., Khodos, G., Lynn, L., Yukhymenko, M.A.,
& Mullin, G.P. (2013, June.). The Differential Impact of Implementation Fidelity in a Technology
The GlobalEd 2 Team: Lisa Lynn, Kamila Brodowinska, Kathryn Field, Jeremy Riel, Charles Dye, Lindsey LeGervais, Rasis Alanazi.
The GlobalEd 2 Team (listed alphabetically) Rasis Alanazi, Kamila Brodowinska, Charles Dye, Kathryn Field,
Lindsey Le-Gervais, Patricia Lin-Steadman, Lisa Lynn, Gregory Mullin, Nicole Powell & Jeremy Riel
The GlobalEd 2 Team (listed alphabetically) Rasis Alanazi, Kamila Brodowinska, Charles Dye, Kathryn Field,
Lindsey Le-Gervais, Patricia Lin-Steadman, Lisa Lynn & Jeremy Riel
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Enhanced PBL Environment: The GlobalEd2 Project. Paper presented at the EdMedia 2013
Conference, June 26, 2013, Victoria, BC, Canada.
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K.A. Boyer, M.A. & The GlobalEd 2 Team. (2013, May). The impact of a PBL
simulation on college students’ self-efficacy. Poster presented at the Annual Association of
Psychological Science Convention on May 26, 2013, Washington, DC.
Yukhymenko, M.A. & Brown, S.W. (2013, April). Exploring ethical conduct, motivation, and
satisfaction among undergraduates in the domains of academics and athletics. Poster presented at
the AERA conference, San Francisco, CA.
Lawless, K.A., Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Brodowinska, K., Khodos, G., Lynn, L., Yukhymenko, M.A.,
Mullin, G.P., & Gervais, L.L. (2013, March.). The GlobalEd 2 game: Developing scientific literacy
skills through interdisciplinary, technology-based simulations. Paper presented at the 2013 Society
for Information Technology and Teacher Education Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K.A., Boyer, M.A., & The GlobalEd 2 Team (Yukhymenko, M.A., Mullin, G.P.,
Brodowinska, K., Khodos, G., Lynn, L. & Gervais, L.L.). (2013, Feb.). Promoting middle school
writing skills in science through an educational game: GlobalEd 2. Paper presented at the 2013
Eastern Educational Research Association Conference, Sarasota, FL.
Brown, S.W., Rojas, T., Picho, K. & Yukhymenko, M. (Feb. 2013). The development of the identity as a
Global Citizen in students. Paper presented at the 2013 Eastern Educational Research Association
Conference, Sarasota, FL.
Lawless, K.A., Brown, S.W., Brodowinska, K., Lynn, L., Khodos, G., Mullin, G.P., Yukhymenko, M., &
Boyer, M.A. (2012, June). Distributed learning environments: Cooperative/collaborative learning.
Paper presented at EdMedia 2012, Denver, CO.
Yukhymenko, M.., Brown, S.W., Lawless, K.A., Le, L., Mullin, G., & Boyer, M.A. (2012, May).
Promoting science and social studies concepts through PBL: The GlobalEd Project. Poster
presented at the 2012 Association for Psychology Science: Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K.A., Boyer, M.A., Yukhymenko, M.A., Mullin, G.P., Brodowinska, K., Khodos,
G., & Lynn, L. (2012, May). The impact of simulation games on science knowledge: The GlobalEd
2 Project. Poster presented at the 2012 Association for Psychology Science: Annual Convention,
Chicago, IL.
Lynn, L., Lawless, K.A., Brown, S.W., Brodowinska, K., Mullin, G.P., Powell, N., Richards, K.A.,
Yukhymenko, M. & Boyer, M.A. (2012, May). Development of science vocabulary in an online
learning environment. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.
Powell, N., Boyer, M.A., Brown, S.W., & Lawless, K.A. (2012, April). Changing perspectives on
structural violence: Some experimental findings from the GlobalEd2 simulation program. Paper
presented at the annual meetings of the International Studies Association, San Diego, CA.
Brodowinska, K., Lynn, L., Lawless, K.A., Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., O'Brien, D.W., Cutter, A.B.,
Fernada Enriquez, M., Khodos, G.A., Maneggia, D.A., Mullin, G.P., Powell, N. & Williams, G.
(2012, April). Teachers’ Varied Approaches to Implementing a PBL, GlobalEd 2 simulation: An
evolved analysis. Paper presented at the AERA Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Mullin, G.P., Cutter, A.B., Brown, S.W., Lawless, K.A., Boyer, M.A., Yukhymenko, M., Powell, N.
Fernada Enriquez, M., Rice, J., & Brodowinska, K., (2012, April). Browsing to achieve: Intentionbased web browsing linked to performance. Paper presented at the AERA Conference, Vancouver,
Lawless, K.A., Brodowinska, K., Brown, S.W., O'Brien, D.W., Powell, N., Cutter, A.B., Mullin, G.P.,
Boyer, M.A., & Fernada Enriquez, M. (2012, April). GlobalEd 2: A Technology-Mediated
Simulation. Paper presented at the AERA Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Lynn, L., Lawless, K.A., Brown, S.W., Brodowinska, K., Powell, N., Mullin, G.P., Richards, K., &
Boyer, M.A. (2012, April). Science vocabulary development in a Problem-based Learning
simulation. Paper presented at the AERA Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
Yukhymenko, M., Brown, S.W., Lawless, K. A., Boyer, M.A., Mullin, G.P., Brodowinska, Khodos, G.
K., Powell, N., & Lynn, L. (2012, Feb.). The GlobalEd Project in middle school: Effectiveness of
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
ICT use for writing social studies PBL classrooms. Paper presented at the Eastern Educational
Research Association Conference; Hilton Head, SC.
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K. A., Boyer, M.A., Yukhymenko, M., Mullin, G.P., Brodowinska, Khodos, G.
K., Powell, N., & Lynn, L. (2012, Feb.). Increasing technology and writing self-efficacy through a
PBL simulation: GlobalEd 2. Paper presented at the Eastern Educational Research Association
Conference; Hilton Head, SC.
Lawless, K. A., Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Brodowinska, K., Lynn, L., Mullin, G.P., & Yukhymenko,
M., (2012, Feb.). Developing scientific literacy skills through interdisciplinary, technology-based
global simulations: GlobalEd 2. Paper presented at the Eastern Educational Research Association
Conference; Hilton Head, SC.
Lawless, K. A., Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Brodowinska, K., Mullin, G.P., Yukhymenko, M., Khodos,
G., Lynn, L., Cutter, A., Powell, N. & Fernada Enriquez, M., (2011, November). Expanding the
science and writing curricular space: The GlobalEd2 Project. Paper presented at the IADIS
International Conference Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, Rio de Janeiro,
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K. A., Boyer, M.A., Mullin, G.P., Yukhymenko, M., Cutter, A., Brodowinska
Bruscianelli, Powell, N., Fernada Enriquez, M., Rice, J. & Khodos, G. K., (2011, November).
Impacting middle school students’ science knowledge with problem-based learning simulations.
Paper presented at the IADIS International Conference Cognition and Exploratory Learning in
Digital Age, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Mullin, G.P., Brown, S.W., Lawless, K. A., Boyer, M.A., Yukhymenko, M., Cutter, A. Powell, N.,
Fernada Enriquez, M., Brodowinska, K., Khodos, G., O’Brien, D. (2011, Oct.). Middle-school
student experiences participating in the PBL simulation that is GlobalEd2: An inductive approach.
Poster presented at the NERA Conference, Rocky Hill, CT.
Mullin, G.P., Cutter, A., Brown, S.W., Lawless, K. A., Boyer, M.A., Yukhymenko, M., Powell, N.,
Fernada Enriquez, M., Brodowinska, K., Khodos, G., O’Brien, D. (2011, Oct.). If you view it,
grades will come: Website views linked to performance in GlobalEd2 writing. Paper presented at
the NERA Conference, Rocky Hill, CT.
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K. A. Boyer, M.A. & The GlobalEd 2 Team. (2011, Oct.). Impacting science
knowledge through an educational game: The GlobalEd2 Project. Paper presented at the NERA
Conference, Rocky Hill, CT.
Cutter, A., Mullin, G.P., Brown, S.W., Lawless, K. A., Boyer, M.A., Yukhymenko, M., Powell, N.,
Fernada Enriquez, M., Brodowinska, K., Khodos, G., O’Brien, D. (2011, Oct.). Intention-based
web browsing: Characteristic browsing patterns of student inquiry. Poster presented at the NERA
Conference, Rocky Hill, CT.
Lawless, K. A., Brown, S.W., Boyer, M. & the GE2 Project Team. (2011, July). GlobalEd 2: A
Technology Mediated Simulation Targeted at Writing in the Disciplines. Poster presented at the 9th
International Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) Conference, Hong Kong, China.
Also published in H. Spada, G. Stahl, N. Miyake and N. Law, (Eds.). CSCL2011 Conference
Proceedings Volume II (p. 978-979).
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K.A., Boyer, M.A., & The GlobalEd 2 Team (2011, May). Impacting science
self-efficacy through an educational game: The GlobalEd 2 Project. Paper presented at the APS
Conference, Washington, DC.
Yukhymenko, M. & Brown, S.W. (2011, May). Motivation and prospective engagement related to global
political processes: A cross-cultural analysis. Paper presented at the 2011 APS Conference,
Washington, DC.
Bruscianelli, K.B., Lynn, L., Lawless, K.A., Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., O’Brien, D., Cutter, A., Fernada
Enriquez, M., Khodos, G., Maneggia, D., Mullin, G., Powell, & Williams, G. (2011, April.).
Teachers’ varied approaches to implementing a PBL simulation: The GlobalEd 2 Project. Paper
presented at the AERA Conference, New Orleans, LA; April 10, 2011.
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K.A. Boyer, M.A. & The GlobalEd 2 Team (2011, Feb.). Impacting science
interest and self-efficacy with PBL: The GlobalEd 2 Project. Paper presented at the Eastern
Educational Research Association Conference, Sarasota, FL.
Yukhymenko, M., Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Lawless, K.A., Cutter, A., Mullin, G., Williams, G.,
Powell, N., Fernada Enriquez, M., Brodowinska, K., O’Brien, D. & Khodos, G. (2010, Oct.). PBL
in action: Effects of GlobalEd 2 on students’ motivation related to science and social studies in
middle school. Paper presented at the 2010 Northeast Educational Research Association
Conference, Rocky Hill, CT.
Lawless, K.A., Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Brodowinska, K., O’Brien, D., Khodos, G., Cutter, A.B.,
Fernada Enriquez, M., Mullin, G., Powell, N. & Williams, G. (2010, Oct.). GlobalEd 2: Learning
and applying science outside of the laboratory through interdisciplinary, technology-based
simulations. Paper presented at the 2010 E-Learning Conference, Orlando, FL.
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K.A., Boyer, M.A., (2010, June). Expanding science and literacy curricular
space: Results of the GlobalEd 2 simulation on water resources. Poster presented at the Institute for
Education Sciences research Conference, Washington, DC.
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K.A., Boyer, M.A., Cutter, A., Brodowinska, K., O’Brien, D., Williams, G.,
Powell, N. & Fernada Enriquez, M. (2010, May). GlobalEd 2: Using PBL to promote learning in
science and writing. Poster presented at the Association of Psychological Science Conference,
Boston, MA.
Yukhymenko, M. & Brown, S.W. (2010, May). Motivation and global citizenship: A view of Ukrainian
middle and high school students. Poster presented at the 2010 Association for Psychology Science:
Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
Picho, K. & Brown, S.W. (2010, May). Creating and validating the Social Identities and Attitudes Scale:
A measure of stereotype threat. Paper presented at the AERA Conference, Denver, CO.
Sen, R. Xia, W., Eastwood, M., Yakimowski, M.E., Brown, S.W. & Kehrhahn, M. (2010, May).
Educational Expansions: An examination of grades 3–8 achievement using a 4-year longitudinal
design. Paper presented at the AERA Conference, Denver, CO.
Yukhymenko, M., Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Williams, G., Renfro, Q. & Powell, N. (2010, May).
Promoting motivation and prospective engagement related to global political processes in high
School students: The GlobalEd Project. Paper presented at the AERA Conference, Denver, CO.
Ioannou-Nicolaou, A. & Brown, S.W. (2010, May). Wiki and threaded discussion for collaborative casestudy analysis: Do students use the technologies differently? Paper presented at the AERA
Conference, Denver, CO.
Brodowinska, K., Lawless, K.A., Boyer, M.A., Brown, S.W., O’Brien, D., Williams, G., Powell, N. &
Fernada Enriquez, M. (2010, April). Teachers’ approaches to implementing a problem-based
learning simulation. Paper presented at the Society for Information technology & Teacher
Education Conference, San Diego, CA.
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K. A., & Boyer, M.A. (2010, March). The GlobalEd 2 Project: Expanding the
science and literacy curricular space. Presentation at the Making Global Connections After School
Conference, sponsored by the Connecticut After School Network, Yale University, New Haven,
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K. A., & Boyer, M.A. (2009, October). The GlobalEd 2 Project: Expanding the
science and literacy curricular space. Paper presented at the 2009 E-Learning Conference,
Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Picho, K., & Brown, S.W. (2009, Oct.). Creating and Validating the Social Identities and Attitudes Scale
(SIAS): A measure of Stereotype Threat. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the NERA,
Rocky Hill, CT
Yukhymenko, M. & Brown, S.W. (2009, Oct.). Being socially inclusive and globally aware: Purpose of
ICT use by Ukrainian high school students. Paper presented at the 2009 NERA Conference, Rocky
Hill, CT.
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K.A, & Boyer, M.A. (2009, June). Expanding the science and literacy curricular
space: The development of the GlobalEd II Project. Poster presented at the Fourth Annual IES
Research Conference, Washington, DC. June 7, 2009.
Yukhymenko, M. & Brown, S.W. (2009, April). On the way to becoming global citizens: Social
inclusion of Ukrainian students. Paper presented at the AERA Conference, San Diego, CA.
Brown, S.W., Ioannou, A., Boyer, M.A., Niv-Solomon, A., Renfro, W., & Maneggia, D.D. (2008,
November). The GlobalEd Project.: Learning in an interdisciplinary environment. Paper presented
at the E-Learning Conference, Las Vegas, NV. Also as a full paper in C.J. Bonk, M.M. Lee, and T.
Reynolds (Eds.) Proceedings of E-Learn 2008: World conference on E-Learning in corporate,
government, healthcare, & higher education. pp 2509-2528. Association of Advancement of
Computing Education (AACE): Chesapeake, VA (
Yukhymenko, M. & Brown, S.W. (2008, Oct.). On the way to becoming Global Citizens: Use of ICT by
Ukrainian students. Paper presented at the 2008 Northeast Educational Research Association
Conference, Rocky Hill, CT. Also published in the UConn Digital Commons, available at
Sen, R. & Brown, S.W. (2008, Oct.). Myth busters: Do poorer schools pay their teachers less and do
they stay in teaching? Paper presented at the 2008 Northeast Educational Research Association
Conference, Rocky Hill, CT.
Ioannou, A., Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Niv-Solomon, A., Janik, L., & Maneggia, D.D. (2008, Oct.).
Social studies interest, social studies self-efficacy, and social perspective taking: Do they increase
with age? Poster presented at the 2008 Northeast Educational Research Association Conference,
Rocky Hill, CT.
Brown, S.W., Ioannou, A., Boyer, M.A., Niv-Solomon, A., Janik, L. Renfro, W., & Maneggia, D.D.
(2008, May). Girls outperform boys in cooperation, transfer and citizenship: The GlobalEd Project.
Poster presented at the APS Conference, Chicago, IL.
Brown, S.W., Lyras, A., Nicolaou, A.I., Boyer, M.A., Polyviou, P., Kotziamani, E., Niv-Solomon, A.,
Janik, L., Gehlbach, H., & Maneggia, D. (2008, March). Problem-solving, decision-making, and
negotiations in an interdisciplinary environment: The 2007 Doves GlobalEd Project. Paper
presented at the AERA Conference, New York City, NY.
Janik, L., Niv-Solomon, A., Boyer, M.A., & Brown, S.W. (2008, March). Are we really different and
does it matter? Gender and nationality’s impact on security perceptions. Paper presented at the
annual meeting of the International Studies Association, San Francisco, CA.
Niv-Solomon, A., Boyer, M.A., Janik, L., Hudson, N., Lima, C.O. & Brown, S.W. (2007, Nov.). An
evolving dialogue: A cross-cultural examination of security preferences. Paper presented at the
annual meetings of the International Studies Association, Northeast
Liu, X. & Brown, S.W. (2007, Oct.). Who stays and who leaves? A study of teacher retention among
University of Connecticut Neag School of Education graduates. Poster presented at the Northeast
Educational Research Association Conference, Rocky Hill, CT.
Gehlbach, H., Brown, S.W., Ioannou, A., Boyer, M.A., Hudson, N., Niv-Solomon, A., Maneggia, D., &
Janik, L. (2007, April). Stimulating interest in social studies through simulations and social
perspective taking. Paper presented at the AERA Conference, Chicago, IL.
Holcomb, L.B. & Brown, S.W. (2007, April). Increasing educational technology attitudes through
performance-based assessment. Paper presented at the AERA Conference, Chicago, IL.
Niv-Solomon, A., Boyer, M.A., Janik, L., Brown, S.W., & Ioannou, A. (2006, Nov.). Understanding
interaction effects in the negotiation process: An experimental study. Paper presented at the
meetings of the International Studies Association-Northeast, Boston, MA.
Niv-Solomon, A., Janik, L., Hudson, N., Boyer, M.A. & Brown, S.W. (2007, March) Talking security: A
cross-cultural, cross-generational analysis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
International Studies Association, Chicago, IL.
Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Gehlbach, H., Ioannou, A., Lima, C.O., Niv-Solomon, A., Janik, L. &
Maneggia, D. (2007, Feb.). An international negotiations simulation on the web: The GlobalEd
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Project. Paper presented at the Eastern Educational Research Association Conference, Clearwater,
Brown, S.W., Gehlbach, H., Liu, X., Goldstein, J., Rickards, C., Behuniak, P., Natale, C.F. & Tomala, G.
(2007, Jan.). It takes a village to support a new teacher: TNE induction survey results. Paper
presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education. Honolulu, Hawaii.
Ioannou, A., Brown, S.W., Gehlbach, H., Boyer, M.A., Niv-Solomon, A., & Janik, L. (2006, Oct.). The
GlobalEd Project: A study of self-efficacy related to social studies and technology in a multimedia
enhanced problem-based learning environment. Paper presented at the 37th NERA Annual
Conference, Kerhonkson, NY.
Gehlbach, H., Ioannou, A. & Brown, S.W. (2006, May). Motivating adolescent social perspective taking
through heterogeneous groups. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association of
Psychological Science, New York City.
Brown, S.W., Johnson, P.R., Ioannou, A. & Maneggia, D. (2006, May). The attributes of excellent
teachers: Views from practicing teachers. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association
of Psychological Science, New York City.
Johnson, P.R., Brown, S.W., Lima, C.O., Boyer, M.A., & Hudson, N. (2006, April). GlobalEd: A
comparison of leadership in FTF and CMC environments. Poster presented at the AERA
conference, San Francisco, CA.
Smolin, L. I., Lawless, K.A., Radinsky, J.L., & Brown, S.W. (2006, April). A design-based approach to
technology integration professional development for in-service teachers. Paper presented at the
AERA conference, San Francisco, CA.
Boyer, M.A., Hudson, N. Niv-Solomon, A., Urlacher, B. Janik, L. Brown, S.W. & Lima, C.O. (2006,
March). Gender, power, and negotiation: Some findings on the role of gender in conflict resolution.
Paper presented at the annual meetings of the International Studies Association, San Diego, CA.
Brown, S.W., Behuniak, P., Goldstein, J., Rickards, C., Natale, C.F., Tomala, G., Stern, D., Liu, X. &
Gehlbach, H. (2006, Feb.). The Teachers for a New Era Project at UConn: Induction survey
results. Paper presented at the Eastern Educational Research Association Conference; Hilton Head,
Holcomb, L.B., Brown, S.W., Lima, C.O., & Kulikowich, J.M. (2006, Feb.). Assessing the impact of a
performance-based assessment on educators’ technology self-efficacy measures. Paper presented at
the Eastern Educational Research Association Conference; Hilton Head, SC.
Boyer, M.A., Hudson, N. Niv-Solomon, A., Urlacher, B., Janik, L. Brown, S.W. & Lima, C.O. (2005,
Nov.). Gendered negotiations. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the International Studies
Association-Northeast, Philadelphia, PA.
Brown, S.W. (2005, Oct.). How do we know we are making a difference? Using P-12 pupil data to
measure the impact of democratic teacher preparation. Paper presented at the National Network for
Educational Renewal 2005 Annual Conference, Myrtle Beach, SC.
Jennings, M.E., Holcomb, L.B., Lima, C.O., & Brown, S.W. (2005, Oct.). Teachers’ perception of their
classroom technological resources and the perceived feasibility of implementation of their
Connecticut Teacher Technology Competencies: Level II proposals. Paper presented at the 36th
NERA Annual Conference, Kerhonkson, NY.
Ioannou, A., Lima, C.O., Johnson, P.R., Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Hudson, N., Niv-Solomon, A. &
Urlacher, B. (2005, Oct.). The GlobalEd Project: Promoting academic self-efficacy in middle
school students. Paper presented at the 36th NERA Annual Conference, Kerhonkson, NY.
Lima, C.O., Johnson, P.R., Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Hudson, N., Urlacher, B. & Niv-Solomon, A.
(2005, Oct.). How to improve middle school students’ knowledge about international issues within
the social studies class: The GlobalEd Project. Paper presented at the 36th NERA Annual
Conference, Kerhonkson, NY.
Lima, C., Johnson, P.R., Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Hudson, N., Urlacher, B. & Niv-Solomon, A.
(2005, May). Gender differences in interest and confidence in discussing international issues is not
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
a reality: The GlobalEd perspective. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American
Psychological Society, Los Angeles, CA.
Smoulin, L., Lawless, K.A., Radinsky, J.L., & Brown, S.W. (2005, April). Evaluating existing and
emergent technology enhanced pedagogy through field experiences. Paper presented at the 2005
AERA conference, Montreal, Canada.
Jepson, P.J., Johnson, P.R., Brown, S.W., Lang, H.G., Scheifle, P., Laporta-Huper, M., Monte, D., Babb,
I. & Girasoli, A. (2005, April). Classroom of the sea: Developing science self-efficacy of deaf and
hard of hearing students. Paper presented at the 2005 AERA conference, Montreal, Canada.
Lawless, K.A., Smolin, L.I., Radinsky, J., & Brown, S.W. (2005, March). Teachers infusing technology
in urban schools: A PT3 Project. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Society for
Information Technology in Teacher Education, Phoenix, AZ.
Lyras, A., Brown, S.W. & Radovic, Z. (2004, Oct.). Educational issues in coaching: A global
investigation of basketball coaches’ profession. Paper presented at the NERA conference,
Kerhonkson, NY.
Jepson, P.J., Johnson, P.R., Brown, S.W., Scheifele, P.M., Lang, H.G., Laporta-Hupper, M., Monte, D.,
Babb, I., & Girasoli, A. (2004, June) Classroom of the sea: Real-world oceanographic research
opportunities for deaf students. Paper presented at the 16th Annual Conference on Ethnographic
and Qualitative Research in Education, Albany, NY.
Lawless, K.A., Smolin, L.I., Radinsky, J., & Brown, S.W. (2004, June). Project TITUS: Teachers
infusing technology in urban schools – Year 3. Poster presented at the National Educational
Computing Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Lima, C., Johnson, P.R., Brown, S.W., Boyer, M., Butler, M., Florea, N., & Rich, J. (2004, May). The
GlobalEd Project: Changing student knowledge about the digital divide through problem-based
learning. Poster presented at the APS conference, Chicago, IL.
Lima, C., Johnson, P.R., Brown, S.W., Boyer, M., Butler, M., Florea, N., & Rich, J. (2004, April).
Improving student’s knowledge on the digital divide: The GlobalEd Project. Paper presented at the
AERA conference, San Diego, CA.
Johnson, P.R., Mayall, H.J., Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Lima, C., Butler, M., Florea, N., & Rich, J.
(2004, April). Gender-based differences in middle and high school students perception of
leadership attributes. Poster presented at the AERA conference, San Diego, CA, April 15, 2004.
Schrader, P.G., Brown, S.W., & Ouimette, D. (2004, April). Using the First Year Experience Battery to
assess college life-skills: Factor analysis in instrument design. Paper presented at the AERA
conference, San Diego, CA.
Holcomb, L.B., Brown, S.W., & Kulikowich, J.M. (April, 2004). Assessing educational technology
knowledge with a problem-based learning format: The Husky Educational Technology Assessment
Project (HETAP). Paper presented at the AERA conference, San Diego, CA.
Lima, C., Meng, L., Johnson, P.R., Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Butler, M., Florea, N., & Hernandez, M.
(2003, Oct.). What do middle school students know about the digital divide? Paper presented at
the NERA conference, Kerhonkson, NY.
Holcomb, L.B., Brown, S.W., & Kulikowich, J.M. (2003, Oct.). Raising educational technology selfefficacy through assessment based on problem based learning. Paper presented at the NERA
conference, Kerhonkson, NY.
Johnson, P.R., Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Lima, C., Butler, M., Florea, N., & Rich, J. (2003, Oct.).
Leadership attributes identified by high school and middle school students. Paper presented at the
NERA conference, Kerhonkson, NY.
Girasoli, A., Wrynn, J., Babb, I., Johnson, P.R., & Brown, S.W. (2003, Oct.). Wireless networking and
the classroom of the sea: Supporting collaboration where wires are not possible. Paper presented at
the NERA conference, Kerhonkson, NY.
Babb, I., Lang, H., Brown, S.W. & Scheifele, P. (2003, June). The classroom of the sea - technologies
bringing the sea into the classroom. Paper presented at the Instructional Technology and Education
for the Deaf, Rochester, NY.
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Monte, D. Babb, I., LaPorta, M., Brown, S.W., Scheifele, P., Johnson, P.R., & Lang, H. (2003, July). The
classroom of the sea. Presentation given at the National Marine Educators Conference, North
Boyer, M.A., Brown, S.W., Butler, M., Florea, N., Rich, J., Johnson, P.R., Meng, L., & Lima, C. (2003,
June). Global governance and future decision-makers: Some experimental evidence about the
potential for generational change. Paper presented at the joint meetings of the Central and Eastern
European International Studies Association and the International Studies Association in Budapest,
Boyer, M.A., Florea, N., Butler, M., Brown, S.W., Meng, L., Johnson, P.R., & Lima, C. (2003, May).
Understanding security through the eyes of the young, Paper presented at the workshop, The
Political Economy of the New Security Environment at the Watson Institute for International
Studies, Brown University, Providence, RI.
Johnson, P.., Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A. Meng, L., Lima, C., Butler, M., Florea, N., & Hernandez, M.
(2003, May). Leadership attributes identified by high school students. Poster presented at the APS
conference, Atlanta, GA.
Holcomb, L.B., Brown, S.W., Kulikowich, J.M., & Zheng, D. (2003, May). Raising educational
technology self-efficacy through assessment. Poster presented at the APS conference, Atlanta, GA.
Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Mayall, H.J., Johnson, P.R., Meng, L., Butler, M., Florea, N., Hernandez, M.,
Lima, C. & Reis, S. (2003, April). The GlobalEd Project: International negotiations on the web.
Paper presented at the AERA Conference, Chicago, IL.
Mayall, H.J., Brown, S.W., & Boyer, M.A. (2003, April). Differences in gender-based technology selfefficacy across academic levels. Paper presented at the AERA Conference, Chicago, IL.
Schrader, P.G., Brown, S.W., Ouimette, D., & Chin, J. (2003, April). Gender differences and the initial
life skills of college freshmen: A study of knowledge, attitudes and behaviors. Paper presented at
the AERA Conference, Chicago, IL.
Lawless, K.A., Smolin, L., Newman, M., Radinsky, J., & Brown, S.W. (2003, April). Developing
technology rich environments for preservice field experiences. Paper presented at the AERA
Conference, Chicago, IL.
Smolin, L. I., Lawless, K. A., Newman, M., Radinsky, J., & Brown, S.W. (2003, June). Curriculum
design for teachers integrating technology in urban schools. Paper presented at the National
Educational Computing Conference, Seattle, WA.
Smolin, L., Lawless, K., Newman, M., Radinsky, J., & Brown, S.W. (2002, March). Using technology
for urban teacher preparation: A PT3 Project. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society
for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Nashville, TN.
Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Mayall, H.J., Johnson, P.R., Meng, L., Butler, M., Weir, K., Florea, N. &
Reis, S., (2002, Dec.). Global Education via the web: The GlobalEd Project. Paper presented at the
International Conference on Computers in Education, Auckland, New Zealand.
Brown, S.W., Babb, I., Johnson, P.R., Scheifle, P.M., Lang, H., Zheng, D., Monte, D. & Huper, M.
(2002, Dec.). Classroom of the Sea: Problem-based learning for the deaf. Poster presented at the
International Conference on Computers in Education, Auckland, New Zealand.
Holcomb, L.B., & Brown, S.W. (2002, December). Examining Self-efficacy and self-regulation levels
across gender in business distance education courses. Poster presented at the International
Conference on Computers in Education, Auckland, New Zealand.
Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Mayall, H.J., Meng, L., Johnson, P.R., Butler, M., Florea, N., Weir, K. &
Reis, S. (2002, Oct.). The GlobalEd Project: An experimental study of negotiation and decisionmaking. Paper presented at the NERA Conference, Kerhonkson, NY.
Zheng, D., Johnson, P.R., Brown, S.W., Lang, H., Babb, I., Scheifele, P.M., Monte, D. & LaPorta-Huper,
M. (2002, Oct.). Classroom of the sea addressing scientific literacy with deaf students. Paper
presented at the NERA Conference, Kerhonkson, NY.
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Holcomb, L.B., Brown, S.W., Zheng, D. & Kulikowich, J.M. (2002, Oct.). The University of
Connecticut level I educational technology assessment. Paper presented at the NERA Conference,
Kerhonkson, NY.
Holcomb, L.B., Kulikowich, J.M., & Brown, S.W. (2002, Oct.). Developing skills in technology use:
The Level II assessment system. Paper presented at the NERA Conference, Kerhonkson, NY.
Babb, I. Brown, S.W., Johnson, P.R., Scheifele, P.M., Lang, H., Monte, D., & LaPorta-Huper, M. (2002,
Oct.). Below the blue horizon: Technologies to take us there. Presented at the Michigan Collegiate
Technology Alliance and Advanced Technology Alliance Symposium, Orlando, Florida.
Archambault, F.X., Kulikowich, J.M., Brown, S.W., & Rezendes, G., (2002, April). Developing
performance assessments to measure teacher competency in the use of educational technology.
Paper presented at the AERA conference in New Orleans, LA, (also ERIC document ED 465759).
Ataya, R. L., Brown, S.W., Gorham, R.L., & Barker, K. (2002, April). Faculty and student perspectives
of WebCT. Paper presented at the AERA conference in New Orleans, LA, April 4, 2002.
Brown, S.W., Johnson, P.R., Mayall, H.J., Boyer, M., Reis, S., Butler, M., Weir, K., & Florea, N. (2002,
April). Gender differences in a problem-based learning environment: Do they exist? Paper
presented at the AERA conference in New Orleans, LA.
King, F.B., Holcomb, L.B., & Brown, S.W. (2002, April). Teaching accounting at a distance: Credit or
debit. Paper presented at the AERA conference in New Orleans, LA.
Murphy, D., M., King, F.B., & Brown, S.W. (2002, April). Laptop initiative impact assessed using
student, parent and teacher data. Paper presented at the AERA conference in New Orleans, LA.
Silver, B.B., Holcomb, L.B., Lawless, K.A., Rezendes, G., & Brown, S.W. (2002, April). Measuring
technology skills in in-service teachers. Paper presented at the AERA conference in New Orleans,
Boyer, M.A., Brown, S.W., Butler, M., Florea, N., Weir, K., Mayall, H.J., & Johnson, P.R., (2002,
March). Interacting with globalization: Evidence from the next generation of citizens and policymakers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association (ISA), New
Orleans, LA.
Brown, S.W., Ataya, R., Murphy, D.M., & Alvarez, C. (2001, Oct.). What impact did the Neag Laptop
Program have and on who? Paper presented at the NERA conference, Kerhonkson, NY.
Brown, S.W., Babb, I., Johnson, P.R., Scheifele, P., Lang, H., Monte, D., & LaPorta, M. (2001, Oct.).
Classroom of the sea. Paper presented at the NERA conference, Kerhonkson, NY.
Brown, S.W., Boyer, M., Reis, S., Johnson, P.R., Mayall, H., Butler, M., & Weir, K. (2001, Oct.).
GlobalEd: An experimental web-based study of gender differences in group decision-making and
negotiation skills. Paper presented at the NERA conference, Kerhonkson, NY.
Kulikowich, J. M., Brown, S.W., Rezendes, G., Murphy, D.M., Silver, B.B., Young, M.F. &
Archambault, F.X. (2001, Oct.). Assessing educational technology competencies: Levels I
through III. Paper presented at the NERA conference, Kerhonkson, NY.
Madaus, J., McGuire, J., Scott, S., Shaw, S., Brown, S.W., & Schrader, P.G. (2001, Oct.). The use of
universal design for instruction to enhance academic access for college students with diverse
learning needs. Paper presented at the NERA conference, Kerhonkson, NY.
Murphy, D.M., King, F.B., Brown, S.W., & O’Connell, A. A. (2001, Oct.). Ninth-grade laptop
initiative: Did technology infusion make a difference? Paper presented at the NERA conference,
Kerhonkson, NY.
Schrader, P.G., Ataya, R., & Brown, S.W. (2001, Oct.). Student-athletes and the CHAMPS/Life skills
course: A follow-up. Paper presented at the NERA conference, Kerhonkson, NY.
Schrader, P.G., Brown, S.W., Ataya, R., & Cohen, B. (2001, Feb.). Student-Athletes and the
CHAMPS/Life-Skills Course: Assessing Their Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors. Paper
presented at the 2001 NCAA Champs Life Skills Conference, Long Beach, CA.
Alvarez, C.A. & Brown, S.W. (2001, June). Cultural differences in beliefs and attitudes about memory.
Poster presented at the 2001 APS Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Brown, S.W. & Johnson, P.R. (2001, June). Great expectations: Changes in pre-service teachers’
descriptions of great teachers. Poster presented at the APS Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Alvarez, C.A. & Brown, S.W. (2001, August). What people believe about memory despite the research
evidence. Paper presented at the APA Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Silver, B.B., Smith, E., & Brown, S.W. (2001, August). Latent support for memory beliefs: IRT and
structural item examination. Paper presented at the APA Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Schwab, R. & Brown, S.W. (2000, Feb.). Administrators and instructional technology faculty: Keeping
the lines of communication open. Presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher
Education Conference, San Diego, February 10, 2000.
Murray, M., Brown, S.W., Kulikowich, J.M. & Sellers, D. (2000, June). Meeting the counseling needs
of university student-athletes. Poster presented at the APS Conference, Miami, FL.
Brown, S.W., Schrader, P.G., Ataya, R. & Cohen, B. (2000, June). A life skills course for studentathletes: First year results. Poster presented at the APS Conference, Miami, FL.
Ataya, R., Murphy, D., Kulikowich, J.M. & Brown S.W. (2000, June). Rating metacognition in
elementary students during a written task. Poster presented at the APS Conference, Miami, FL.
Schrader, P.G., Brown, S.W., & Ataya, R. (2000, June). Effects of item alignment in instrument design.
Poster presented at the APS Conference, Miami, FL.
Murphy, D. King, F.B., & Brown, S.W. (2000, Oct.). High school laptop initiative: Student attitudes and
self-efficacy toward technology. Paper presented at the 2000 NERA conference, Ellenville, NY.
Schrader, P.G., Brown, S.W., & Ataya, R. (2000, Oct.). Freshman college students: Knowledge,
attitudes and behaviors of academic and life skills. Paper presented at the 2000 NERA conference,
Ellenville, NY.
Lawless, K.A., Mills, R., & Brown, S.W. (1999, April). Navigation strategies in children. Poster
presented at the 1999 AERA conference, Montreal, Canada.
Brown, S.W. & Kulikowich, J.M. (1999, April). Teaching statistics near and far: Distance education
and traditional formats. Poster presented at the 1999 AERA conference, Montreal, Canada.
Kulikowich, J.M. & Brown, S.W. (1999, June). Measuring metacognition in students: New techniques.
Poster presented at the APS conference, Denver, CO.
Lawless, K.A., Brown, S.W., & Mills, R. (1998, February). Knowledge, interest, recall and navigation: A
study of hypertext processing. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AECT, St. Louis, MO.
Smith, E.V., Brown, S.W., Silver, B.A., Garry, M.G., & Loftus, E. (1998, April). Hierarchical structure
of memory beliefs. Paper presented at the AERA conference, San Diego, CA. (ERIC document:
ED 420011).
Kulikowich, K.M., Brown, S.W. & Bokoros, M. (1998, April). Uses of statistical tools in the study of
learning from and with text. Paper presented at the AERA conference, San Diego, CA.
Lawless, K.A., Brown, S.W., Mills, R., & Mayall, H. (1998, April). Knowledge, interest, recall and
navigation: A look at hypertext processing. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the Society
for the Scientific Study of Reading, San Diego, CA.
The Cognition & Instruction Group at UCONN2 (CIGUC2). (1998, May). Combining Gagne’s and
Bandura’s principles to address performance and self-efficacy in statistics. Poster presented at the
APS Conference, Washington, DC.
Brown, S.W., Garry, M., & Brown, M.J. (1998, May). Memory beliefs and attitudes: A Taiwanese
sample. Poster presented at the APS Conference, Washington, DC.
Roetert, E.P., Ellenbecker, T.S., Brown, S.W., & Gibson, T. (1998, June). Shoulder internal and external
rotation range of motion in elite junior tennis players: A longitudinal analysis. Paper presented at
the American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Orlando, FL.
Brown, S.W. & Kulikowich, J.M. (1998, Oct.). Teaching statistics from a distance. Paper presented at the
NERA conference, Ellenville, NY.
Harnar, M., Brown, S.W. & Mayall, H. (1998, Oct.). Teaching accounting via PictureTel. Paper
presented at the NERA conference, Ellenville, NY.
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
King, F., Harnar, S., & Brown, S.W. (1998, Oct.). Student perceptions of technology, self-regulatory
skills, and self-efficacy related to distance education. Paper presented at the NERA conference,
Ellenville, NY.
Lawless, K.A. & Brown, S.W. (1997, March). Knowledge, interest, recall and navigation: A look at
hypertext processing. Poster presented at the AERA Conference, Chicago, IL.
Brown, S.W., Garry, M., Silver, B.B., & Loftus, E. (1997, May). Conceptions and misconceptions of
what and how we remember: Survey results. Poster presented at the APS conference, Washington,
Brown, S.W., Silver, B.B., Garry, M., & Loftus, E. (1997, Oct.). Conceptions and misconceptions of
memory: Results of a national sample. Paper presented at the NERA conference, Ellenville, NY.
Silver, B.B., Brown, S.W., Lawless, K.A., & Cartter, M. (1997, Oct.). Health care and educational
psychology: Lyme disease education. Poster presented at the 1997 NERA conference, Ellenville,
Smith, E.V., Lawless, K.A., Curda, L.K., Curda, S.K., & Brown, S.W. (1997, Oct.). Course evaluation
from a social cognitive approach using Rasch measurement: An example using a preservice
teachers' instructional media course. Poster presented at the 1997 NERA conference, Ellenville,
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K.A., Cartter, M, & DuBois, K. (1996, April). Community assessment and
educational psychology interventions for Lyme disease prevention: Results of four years of
research. Poster presented at the AERA Conference, New York City.
Roetert, E.P., McCormick, T.J., Brown, S.W., Ellenbecker, T.S. (1996, May). Relationship between
isokinetic strength and field tests of physical fitness in elite junior tennis players. Paper presented
at the American College of Sports Medicine 43rd Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Cartter, M.L., Mshar, P., Ertel, S.H., Lawless, K.A., Brown, S.W., & Hadler, J.L. (1996, June).
Epidemiology of lyme disease in the Lyme Connecticut area. Paper presented at the 7th
International Congress on Lyme Borreliosis, San Francisco, CA.
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K.A., DuBois, K.A., & Cartter, M.L. (1996, June). Lyme disease - perceptions
of residents in a high endemic region. Poster presented at the 7th International Congress on Lyme
Borreliosis, San Francisco, CA.
Lawless, K.A., Brown, S.W., & Cartter, M.L. (1996, June). Combating Lyme disease: An evaluation of
educational materials. Poster presented at The 7th International Congress on Lyme Borreliosis, San
Francisco, CA.
Dennis, D.T, Orloski, K.A., Meltzer, M.I., Cartter, M.L., & Brown, S.W. (1996, June). A cost-benefit
model for human Lyme disease vaccine. Paper presented at The 7th International Congress on
Lyme Borreliosis, San Francisco, CA.
Cartter, M.L., Brown, S.W., Lawless, K.A., Mshar, P., & Ertele, S.H. (1996, June). Connecticut lyme
disease community intervention study. Paper presented at The 7th International Congress on Lyme
Borreliosis, San Francisco, CA.
Brown, S.W., Garry, M., Loftus, E., Silver, B., DuBois, K., DuBreuil, S. (1996, July). People’s beliefs
about memory: Why don’t we have better memories? Poster presented at the APS conference, San
Francisco, CA.
Westberg, K. L. & Brown, S.W. (1995, March). A study of regular classroom practices. Presented at
Building a Bridge Between Research and Classroom Practices in Gifted Education, NRC/GT
Conference, Windsor Locks, CT.
Kulikowich, J.M. & Brown, S.W. (1995, April). The effects of subject-matter knowledge and interest on
metacognition: Addressing issues in task development and psychometric analysis. Paper presented
at the AERA Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Owen, S.V. Smith, E.V., Archambault, F.X., & Brown, S.W. (1995, April). Interest, self-efficacy, and
achievement in disadvantaged elementary students. Paper presented at the AERA Conference, San
Francisco, CA.
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Kulikowich, J.M., Barab, S.A., Brown, S.W., Jetton, T.L., Lawless, K.A., & Young, M.F. (1995,
August). Using strategic knowledge in linear and nonlinear text processing. Paper presented at the
APA conference, New York, NY.
Kulikowich, J. M., Lawless, K. A., & Brown, S.W. (1995, August). Using strategic knowledge in linear
and nonlinear text processing. Paper presented at the APA conference, New York, NY.
Roetert, E.P., McCormick, T.J., Brown, S.W., & Ellenbecker, T.S. (1995, Sept.). Relationship between
isokinetic and functional back strength in elite junior tennis players. Paper presented at the Third
International Olympic Committee World Congress on Sports Sciences, Atlanta, GA.
Brown, S.W., Garry, M., Loftus, E., Silver, B., & DuBois, K. (1995, Oct.). What undergraduates believe
about memory: Where do memories lie? Paper presented at the NERA conference, Ellenville, NY.
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K.A., & Cartter, M. (1995, Oct.). Applying educational psychology to health care
issues: Combating lyme disease. Paper presented at the NERA conference, Ellenville, NY.
Brown, S.W., Lounsbury, C., & Young, M.F. (1994, April). The role of technology in the context of the
urban classroom. Paper presented at the AERA Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Brown, S.W., Archambault, F.X., Zhang, W., & Westberg, K. (1994, April). The impact of gifted
students on the classroom practices of teachers. Paper presented at the AERA Conference, New
Orleans, LA.
Chen, C.H., Brown, S.W., Young, M.F., & Owen, S.V. (1994, July). Effects of feedback on learning
through memorization and problem solving. Poster presented at the APS conference, Washington,
Brown, S.W. (1994, July). Teaching higher order thinking skills in the regular classroom: Issues of
training implementation, and assessment. Poster presented at the APS conference, Washington,
Garry, M., & Brown, S.W., Rader, M., & Loftus, E. (1994, August). The persistence of memory myths.
Paper presented at the Third Practical Aspects of Memory Conference, College Park, MD.
The Cognition & Instruction Group at UConn (CIGUC) (1994, October) Auntie EMM: An electronic
message to Oz. Paper presented at the NERA Conference, Ellenville, NY.
Shyu, H.Y. & Brown, S.W. (1993, April). Learner control: The effects during computer-based
Videodisc instruction. Poster presented at the AERA Convention, Atlanta, GA.
Martens, D.W., Garrett, G.E., Brown, S.W. & Douglas, J.G. (1993, June). Kinematic and temporal
analysis of relay starts in skilled collegiate male swimmers. Poster presented at The American
College of Sports Medicine Conference; Seattle, WA.
Brown, S.W., Renzulli, J.S., Gubbins, E.J., Chen, C.H., & Zhang, W. (1993, June). Assumptions
underlying the identification of gifted and talented students. Poster presented at the APS
Conference; Chicago, IL.
Riolo, L., Brown, S.W., Kulikowich, J., & Bohannon, R. (1993, June). Effects of modeling errors on the
acquisition and retention of a novel cognitive motor task. Poster presented at the APS Conference;
Chicago, IL.
Chen, C.H., Brown, S.W. & Young, M.F. (1993, October). Effects of different forms of feedback on
learning through memorization and active problem solving. Paper presented at the NERA
Conference, Ellenville, NY.
Shyu, H.Y. & Brown, S.W. (1993, December). Learner control in multimedia instruction: The effects
on learning a procedural task. Presented at the 1993 International Conference on Computers in
Education: Applications of Intelligent Computer Technologies. Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. (Also
published in proceedings).
Morin, S. & Brown, S.W. (1992, April). The effects of prototypical instances on the concept
identification task in children in kindergarten. Poster presented at the AERA convention,
San Francisco, CA.
Brown, S.W., Emmons, C.L., Zhang, W. (1992, April). The survey sample and district and school
policies concerning the gifted. Presented as part of the symposium on Regular Classroom Practices
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
with Gifted Students: Findings from the National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented at the
AERA convention, San Francisco, CA.
Chen, C.H. & Brown, S.W. (1992, May). Feedback: What is the role of the learner? Paper presented at
the New England Educational Research Organization Conference, Portsmouth, NH.
Rucker, C. & Brown, S.W. (1992, May). Integrating teacher education and technology. Presented at
The Future of Technology for Education, A conference for New England Educators, School
Boards, and Business-Industry, Nashua, NH.
Loehr, J.E., Roetert, E.P., Brown, S.W., & Woods, R.B. (1992, May). Development of two instruments
to assess mental toughness in tennis. Paper presented at the 39th Annual Meeting of the American
College of Sports Medicine. Dallas, TX.
Brown, S.W., Archambault, F.X., Westberg, K., Hallmark, B., & Zhang, W. (1992, June). Identifying
gifted students in the regular classroom: Results of a national survey. Poster presented at the annual
APS Conference, San Diego, CA.
Zhang, W. & Brown, S.W. (1992, June). Individual differences in the cognitive processing of Chinese
students. Poster presented at the annual APS Conference, San Diego, CA.
Brown, S.W. & Archambault, F.X. (1992, August). Regular classroom practices for gifted and average
students: National data. Presented at the APA convention, Washington, D.C.
Shyu, H.Y. & Brown, S.W. (1992, August). Effects of learner control and learner characteristics in
procedural learning. Presented at the APA Convention, Washington, D.C.
Renzulli, J., Brown, S.W., Gubbins, J. & Chen, C.H. (1992, Nov.). Underlying the identification of
gifted students: A national study. Paper presented at the National Association of Gifted Children,
Los Angeles, CA.
Garry, M., Shyu, H.Y., Kim, E. & Brown, S.W. (1991, April). Examining the role of interactivity,
practice and self-efficacy on a procedural task: Making a paper-folded crane. Paper presented at
the AERA conference, Chicago, IL
Shyu, H.Y. & Brown, S.W. (1991, April). Letting the student choose from a menu: A study of
interactive learning. Paper presented at the AERA conference, Chicago, IL.
Garry, M. & Federle-Kish, N. & Brown, S.W. (1991, April). Misinformation effects from complex text.
Paper presented at the AERA conference, Chicago, IL.
Brown, M.M. & Brown, S.W. (1991, April). Applying social cognition to address measurement in
research: An attempt to address reliability issues with small samples. Paper presented at the Third
Annual Nursing Research Conference of the Eastern Nursing Research Society of MARNA/NEON,
Hartford, CT. (also ERIC document ED329563).
Shyu, H.Y. & Brown, S.W. (1991, April). Letting the student choose: A study of interactive learning.
Paper presented at the 1991 Technology and Teacher Education Conference, East Carolina
University, Greenville, NC. Also published in the proceedings of the conference.
Roetert, E.P., Garrett, G.E., Brown, S.W., & Camaione, D.N. (1991, May). Development of a
performance profile to assess nationally ranked junior tennis players. Paper presented at the
American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
Garry, M., Federle-Kish, N. & Brown, S.W. (1991, June). Misinformation in complex text impairs
source memory and confidence. Paper presented at the Annual APS conference, Washington, D.C.
Tiberio, D., & Riolo-Quinn, L. & Brown, S.W. (1991, June). Predicting learning in a novel motor task.
Paper presented at the Annual APS Conference, Washington, D.C.
Shyu, H.Y. & Brown, S.W. (1991, June). Effects of dynamic versus static medium displays in
procedural learning: Effects on self-efficacy and attitudes. Paper presented at the Annual APS
Conference, Washington, D.C.
Garry, M., Federle-Kish, N. & Brown, S.W. (1991, August). Misleading information and source
misattributions in complex text. Paper presented at the Annual APA Conference, San Francisco,
Chen, C.H. & Brown, S.W. (1991, Oct.). The role of feedback in interactive video instruction: What is
the effect? Paper presented at the NERA Conference, Ellenville, NY.
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Brown, S.W. & Shyu, H.Y. (1991, Oct.). Effects of instructional control and learner characteristics on
learning a procedural task. Paper presented at the NERA Conference, Ellenville, NY.
Brown, S.W. & Brown, M.M. (1991, Oct.). Applying social cognition for reliability questions with small
samples II: The results seem stable. Paper presented at the NERA Conference, Ellenville, NY.
Archambault, F.X., Brown, S.W., Westberg, K., Hallmark, B., Emmons, C. (1991, Nov.). NRC/GT's
classroom practices study: Results and implications. Presented at the Annual Convention of the
National Association for Gifted Children, Kansas City, MO.
Nagengast, D., Tiberio, D., & Brown, S.W. (1990, May). The effects of rules and discovery in retention
and retrieval of ink print and Braille letter pairs. Paper presented at the NEERO Conference,
Rockport, Maine. (ERIC document ED 322189 TM015366).
Archambault, F.X., Welsh, L.A., Janus, M.D. & Brown, S.W. (1990, April). Some findings on the nature
of physical abuse runaways experience on the street. Paper presented at the AERA conference,
Boston, MA.
Brown, S.W., Loehr, J.E. & Roetert, E.P. (1990, June). Assessing the psychological performance of
tennis players: Reliability and validity estimates. Paper presented at the Annual APS convention,
Dallas, TX.
Tiberio, D., Nagengast, D.L., & Brown, S.W. (1990, August). Rules and discovery in retention of ink
print and Braille pairs. Paper presented at the APA Conference, Boston, MA.
Shyu, H.Y., Garry, M., Kim, E. & Brown, S.W. (1990, August). Examining the role of interactivity and
practice in procedural learning. Paper presented at the APA Convention, Boston, MA.
Brown, M.M. & Brown, S.W. (1990, Oct.). Applying social cognition to address measurement problems
in research: An attempt to address reliability issues with small samples. Paper presented at the 21st
Annual Conference of NERA, Ellenville, NY.
Garry, M., Federle, N., & Brown, S.W. (1990, Oct.). Expert witness testimony and the misinformation
effect. Paper presented at the 21st Annual Conference of NERA, Ellenville, NY.
Shyu, H.Y. & Brown, S.W. (1990, Oct.). Examining the effects of learner-control and program-control
interactivity in procedural learning. Paper presented at the 21st Annual Conference of NERA,
Ellenville, NY.
Williams, C. & Brown, S.W. (1989, April). A Review of the research issues in the use of computerrelated technologies for instruction: An agenda for research. Presented at the AERA conference,
San Francisco, CA. Awarded the 1988 Distinguished Paper for NERA (also presented at the 1988
NERA Convocation).
Lifrieri, F.R., Owen, S.V. & Brown, S.W. (1989, April). Understanding grammatical relationships as a
function of simultaneous processing: A prediction based on the Luria-Das model. Paper presented
at the AERA Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Coover, F. D., Aparo, R., Morin, S., & Brown, S.W. (1989, May). Writing test questions with ease: An
application of Reigeluth's theory. Paper presented at the NEERO. Conference, Portsmouth, NH.
Williams, C., Smith, A., Shimbuli, F. & Brown, S.W. (1989, May).A comparison of conceptual learning
- audio-visual versus audio-only presentation. Paper presented at the NEERO Conference,
Portsmouth, NH.
Archambault, F.X., Janus, M., Welsh, L. & Brown, S.W. (1989, August). Physical abuse of runaways at
home and on the streets. Paper presented at the APA Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Hwang, M.T. & Brown, S.W. (1989, August). Reaction time and intelligence: Another perspective. Paper
presented at the APA Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Brown, S.W., Lindia, S. & Shyu, H.Y. (1989, Oct.). The effects of computers in the classroom:
Knowledge, attitudes and social interactions. Paper presented at NERA Convocation, Ellenville,
Brown, S.W. & Garry, M. (1989, Oct.). Examining the role of interactivity in learning. Paper presented at
NERA Convocation, Ellenville, NY.
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Yakimowski, M.E. & Brown, S.W. (1988, April). Confirmatory factor analyses of the WISC-R: A study
of the learning disabled, intellectually gifted, and unclassified samples. Paper presented at the
AERA conference, New Orleans, LA.
Brown, S.W., Baron, M.B., Yakimowski, M.E., & Hwang, M. (1988, Oct.). Factor analyzing the WISCR for the gifted: They are different. Paper presented at the NERA Convocation, Ellenville, NY.
Brown, S.W. & Yakimowski, M.E. (1985, April). Gifted intelligence scores on the WISC-R: What's
different about them? Paper presented at the AERA Convention, Chicago, IL.
Brown, S.W., Yakimowski, M.E. & Kahn, H. (1985, August). Development of component processing in
early and skilled readers. Paper presented at the APA Convention, Los Angeles, CA.
Brown, S.W. (1985, Sept.). Microcomputers and multimedia: Videodiscs in education and research.
Invited paper presented at the International Research Exchange (IREX) Sponsored SovietAmerican Conference on: "Applications of Microprocessors to Problems of Cognitive Psychology
and Education", held at UCLA.
Brown, S.W. & Cutlip, M. (1985, Oct.). Computer-based education for college undergrads: Just how
effective is it? Paper presented at the NERA Convocation, Kerhonkson, NY.
Boretz, H. & Brown, S.W. (1984, March). Reaction time and intelligence. Data supporting an unsolved
riddle. Paper presented at the NASP convention, Philadelphia, PA.
Brown, S.W. & Rood, M.K. (1984, April). Training gifted students in Logo versus BASIC: What's the
difference? Paper presented at the AERA convention, New Orleans, LA.
Blatt, E.R. & Brown, S.W. (1984, March). Child abuse and neglect in state psychiatric facilities: An
evaluation of seasonal trends. Paper presented at the 5th International Congress on Child Abuse
and Neglect, Montreal, Canada.
Brown, S.W. & Yakimowski, M.E., & Rood, M.K. (1984, Oct.). A reanalysis of the WISC-R factorial
structure of gifted children. Paper presented at the NERA Convocation, Ellenville, New York (also
ERIC document #ED 254555).
Boretz, H.F. & Brown, S.W. (1984, Oct.). Reaction time, intelligence and learning curve: An exploratory
investigation. Paper presented at the NERA convocation, Ellenville, NY.
Blatt, E.R. & Brown, S.W. (1983, March). Child maltreatment reporting: A view from the public
schools. Paper presented at the NASP Convention, Detroit, MI.
Brown, S.W. & Boretz, H. (1983, March). Simple and choice reaction time: Relationships with verbal
ability. Paper presented at NASP Convention, Detroit, MI.
Kaye, D.B. & Brown, S.W. (1983, March). The development of context effects in reading: Speed and
levels of processing effects. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development
Convention, Detroit, MI.
Brown, S.W. & Rood, M.K. (1982, March). The cognitive patterns of the gifted: Are they different?
Paper presented at the NASP Convention, Toronto, Canada.
Brown, S.W. & Hall, V.C. (1982, April). The visual-aural digit span: Is the type of response a factor in
performance? Paper presented at the AERA Convention, New York City. (also 1982 ERIC
Brown, S.W. & Kaye, D.B. (1980, April). A developmental investigation of the use of orthographic rules
in a primed lexical decision task. Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association
Convention, Hartford, CT.
Kaye, D.B., Brown, S.W., Plude, D.J. & Post, T.A. (1980, April). The development of automatic letter
processing skills related to reading and intellectual ability. Paper presented at the EPA Convention,
Hartford, CT.
Brown, S.W., Kaye, D.B., Post, T.A. & Hall, V.C. (1979, Aug.). Correlates of speed of processing: A
developmental study. Paper presented at APA Convention, New York City, NY.
Kaye, D.B., Brown, S.W., Post, T.A. & Plude, D.J. (1979, Aug.). The role of letter processing in reading
skill development. Paper presented at the APA Convention, New York City.
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Symposia Presented and/or Organized at Professional Conferences
Lawless, K. A., Brodowinska, K., Lynn, L., Riel, J., Brown, S.W., Le, L., Mullin, G.P., & Maneggia, D.
(2013, Oct 2013). Using digital communications to create a scientifically literate citizenry – The
GlobalEd2 Project. Presented at the University of Illinois at Chicago 5th Annual Research Day.
October, 4, 2013; Chicago, IL.
Brown, S.W. (2012, Oct.). Ethics cases in educational and psychological research: Part II. Symposium
organizer and moderator. Northeast Educational Research Association conference, Rocky Hill, CT.
Brown, S.W. (2011, Oct.). Ethics cases in educational and psychological research. Symposium organizer
and moderator. Northeast Educational Research Association conference, Rocky Hill, CT.
Brown, S.W. (2007, Oct.). Ethical practices in education and research: Advancing the field for students
and researchers. Symposium organizer and moderator. Northeast Educational Research Association
conference, Rocky Hill, CT.
Brown, S.W. (2004, Oct.). Research ethics. A symposium presented at the NERA Conference,
Kerhonkson, NY.
Brown, S.W. (2003, Oct.). Strategies for grant and contract funding: How to get money for your research.
Pre-session at the NERA Conference, Kerhonkson, NY.
Brown, S.W. (2001, April). Emerging paradigms in educational theory: laws of learning or what do we
know about PBL and how do we know it? Presented at the AERA conference, Seattle, WA.
Brown, S.W. (2001, August). Research evidence to combat misconceptions about human memory.
Symposia organizer and chair at the APA Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Lawless, K.A., Smolin, L.I., Strudler, N., Brown, S.W., & Soulier, S. (2000, Feb.). To teach how or to
teach with: Four university’s approaches to technology integration for teacher preparation.
Symposia presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Conference,
San Diego.
Brown, S.W., Mayall, H.J., Toman, J. & Schrader, P.G. (2000, April). The importance of subject-matter
knowledge, situated learning, and communities of practice when instructing with technology.
Presented at the AERA conference, New Orleans, LA.
Mayall, H.J., Schrader, P.G., & Brown, S.W. (1999, Oct.). The importance of subject-matter knowledge
in using technologies. Presented at the NERA Conference, Ellenville, NY.
Garry, M., Brown, S.W., Assefl, A., Hembrooke, H., Frame, S., & Loftus, E.F. (1998, May). When
memory goes wrong. Symposium presented at the 1998 APS Conference, Washington, DC.
Brown, S.W. (1998, Oct.). Assessing Outcomes of Distance Learning (Chair and organizer). Symposium
presented at the NERA Conference, Ellenville, NY.
Chen, C.H. & Brown, S.W. (1994, April). Results of the computer use survey for school of education
students, presented within the symposia, "Integration of technology into teacher preparation: An
evaluation of 140 sites in the IBM grants program" at AERA, New Orleans, LA. (also ERIC
document ED 372098).
Brown, S.W. (1994, July). Higher order thinking skills in the regular classroom. Chair and organizer of
the invited symposium for the APS conference, Washington, DC.
Hall, V.C., Meyer, W.J., Brown, S.W., Geisinger, K., & Schmelkin, L., (1994, October). Graduate
education: New and old perspectives. Symposium presented at the NERA Conference, Ellenville,
Renzulli, J.S., Brown, S.W., Gubbins, E.J., Chen, C.H. & Zhang, W. (1993, April). Assumptions
underlying the identification of gifted and talented students. Presented in a Symposium on
Classroom Practices with Gifted Students at the AERA Convention, Atlanta, GA,
Passmore, D., Brown, S.W. & Schmelkin, L. (1993, Oct.). Facilitating changes in graduate education
through electronic mail. Presented at the NERA Conference, Ellenville, NY.
Brown, S.W. (1992, August). Educating gifted and talented children in the USA - NRC/GT findings.
Symposium organized and chaired at the APA Convention, Washington, D.C.
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Archambault, F.X., Brown, S.W., Owen, S.V., Westberg, K.L. & Emmons, C.L. (1991, April). Regular
classroom practices with gifted and talented students. Presented at the Annual Meeting of AERA,
Chicago, IL.
Brown, S.W. (1991, October). Issues in instructional technology: Several perspectives. Symposium
organized and chaired at the NERA Conference, Ellenville, NY.
Brown, S.W. (1988, October). Facilitating learning with educational technology: What do we know and
what are we doing about it? Organizer of symposium presented at the NERA Convocation,
Ellenville, NY.
Brown, S.W., Welsh, L., Yakimowski, M.E., Archambault, F.X. & Kevil, C. (1988, Oct.). Investigating
the use of computer-assisted instruction in grades 5-9. What are the variables that contribute to
success? Presented in symposium at NERA Convocation, Ellenville, NY.
Williams, C. & Brown, S.W. (1988, Oct.). A review of the research issues in the use of computer-related
technologies for instruction: An agenda for research. Presented in symposium at NERA
Convocation, Ellenville, NY.
Brown, S.W. (1985, Oct.). Reliability & validity issues in using microcomputers for educational
research. Presented at the NERA Convocation, Kerhonkson, NY.
Brown, S.W. (1984, April). Education and training of educational psychologists: A multi-perspective
view. Chair/ presenter, AERA Convention, New Orleans, LA.
Brown, S.W. (1984, Oct.). Issues and problems in acquiring subjects for educational research.
Participant in symposium presented at the NERA Convocation, Ellenville, NY.
Brown, S.W. (1983, August). Using microcomputers in psychological research. Organizer and chair,
APA convention, Anaheim, CA.
Brown, S.W. (1983, August). Development of a microcomputer controlled paradigm. Presentation
within the above symposium, APA.
Brown, S.W. (1983, Oct.). Microcomputers in educational research: What are some of the issues and
how are they being addressed? Organizer and Chair, NERA Convocation, Ellenville, NY.
Brown, S.W. (1983, Oct.). An overview of three programming languages, Logo, BASIC and Pascal.
Presented within the above symposium, NERA Convocation, Ellenville, NY.
Brown, S.W. (1982, Oct.). An overview of microcomputers and computer-assisted instruction.
Presented within a symposium entitled "Planning for the present: A look at some key issues for the
application of microcomputer technology", NERA Convocation, Ellenville, NY.
Brown, S.W. (1982, Oct.). The mentor model in the training of educational researchers. Presentation
within the symposium entitled "Ways of improving training of high quality educational researchers,"
NERA Convocation, Ellenville, NY.
Invited Addresses
Brown, S.W. (2014, Nov.). Panel member of Competition from Student-Athlete to Student Mathlete.
Sponsored by the Connecticut Repertory Theatre at UConn, Storrs, CT; Nov. 4, 2014.
Brown, S.W. (2014, Oct.) Building problems to promote learning in an interdisciplinary world. Invited
address at the 15th Anniversary Celebration of the Neag School of Education at the University of
Connecticut, Storrs, CT; Oct. 25, 2014.
Lawless, K.A. & Brown, S.W. (2014, Sept.). Recruitment, retention and adaption in recruiting
participants for IES Efficacy Trails: The GlobalEd 2 strategies. Invited presentation at the 2014
IES Project Directors’ Meeting. September 3, 2014; Washington, D.C.
Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Lawless, K.A. & The GlobalEd 2 Team. (2011, March). Water Resources
and The GlobalEd 2 Project. The University of Connecticut Engineers Without Borders: National
Water Day, March 22, 2011, Storrs, CT.
Brown, S.W. (2007, Oct.). Problem-solving and decision-making in an interdisciplinary learning
environment: The GlobalEd project. The Association of Psychological Science William James
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Distinguished Lecture presented at the Annual Meeting of the New England Psychological
Association, Danbury, CT.
Brown, S.W. (2007, Feb.). Memory is not what you remember it to be. The Doves Olympic Movement
Retreat. Agros, Cyprus.
Brown, S.W. (2007, February). The GlobalEd Project: Decision-making, negotiating and critical
thinking. The Doves Olympic Movement Retreat. Agros, Cyprus.
Brown, S.W. (2007, Feb.). The fundamentals of problem-based learning: Promoting student learning.
The Doves Olympic Movement Leadership Conference. InterCollege, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Brown, S.W. (2007, Jan.). The cognitive processes: How does memory work? The Doves Olympic
Movement Leadership Conference. InterCollege, Nicosia, Cyprus.
Brown, S.W. (2007, Jan.). The GlobalEd project goes international: The Cyprus Project. The Doves
Olympic Movement Leadership Conference. Agros, Cyprus.
Brown, S.W. (2006, Feb.). Teachers for a New Era teacher & pupil assessment phase II: Numeracy and
literacy in grades 2-8. Connecticut Roundtable on Education, sponsored by the Consortium for
Policy Research in Education. Hartford, CT.
Brown, S.W. (2006, Feb.). Connecticut’s BEST survey results: Feeding information back to institutions
of higher education. Connecticut Roundtable on Education, sponsored by the Consortium for
Policy Research in Education. Hartford, CT.
Young, M.F., Brown, S.W., Melnick, S. & Hannafin, R. (2004, Oct.). Strategies for grant and contract
funding: How to get money for your research. The Northeast Educational Research Association
Conference Kick Off. Kerhonkson, NY.
Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Lima, C., Johnson, P.R., Florea, N., Butler, M., & Rich, J. (2003, July). The
GlobalEd project: Creating equity in the classroom. Presented at the July TITUS PT3 Conference
for the Chicago Public Schools and the University of Illinois – Chicago.
Brown, S.W. (2002, July). Evaluating outcomes with technology: Measuring change in students.
presented at the July TITUS PT3 Conference for the Chicago Public Schools and the University of
Illinois – Chicago.
Boyer, M. & Brown, S.W. (2001, November). Gender differences in international relations and
educational psychology. Presented as part of a panel on Gender Issues at Trinity College, Hartford,
Brown, S.W. (2000, March). In-service excellence: Educational technology at UConn, Presented at the
Education in the 21st century: Challenges and opportunities of technology conference, Groton, CT.
Brown, S.W. (1998, Sept.). Memory beliefs: What do we remember and what do we believe about them?
Presentation to the Working Group on Human and Animal Memory (WHAM), Victoria University
School of Psychology; Wellington, New Zealand.
Brown, S.W. (1998, Sept.). Beliefs and attitudes about memory: Results of a national (USA) sample.
Presentation to the Victoria University School of Psychology; Wellington, New Zealand.
Brown, S.W. (1998, Sept.). Applying problem-based learning in college classrooms. Presented to
University Teaching Development Centre, Victoria University; Wellington, New Zealand.
Brown, S.W. (1998, Nov.). Keynote address for the UConn Chapter of the Golden Key National Honor
Society, Storrs, CT.
Brown, S.W. (1997, July). Aspects of learner control and program control for instructional design.
Presentation at Utah State University as part of the L.C. Essig Summer Lecture Series.
Brown, S.W. (1997, July). Current issues for publishing in our field. Presentation to the graduate
students of the Department of Instructional Technology at Utah State University.
Brown, S.W. (1995, Dec.).The teacher education movement in the United States and the IB/M program
at the University of Connecticut. Lecture Presented at Tamkang University, Tamsui, Taiwan,
Brown, S.W. (1995, Dec.). Teaching problem-solving and higher order cognitive skills in the public
schools. Lecture Presented at Tamkang University, Tamsui, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Brown, S.W. (1995, Dec.). Trends and issues in educational technology with implications and projections
for higher education: One professor’s view of the world. Lecture Presented at Tamkang University,
Tamsui, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Brown, S.W. (1995, Dec.). Trends and issues of educational technology for higher education. Lecture
Presented at Ming Chuan College, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Brown, S.W. (1995, Dec.). Teaching problem-solving and higher order cognitive skills. Lecture
Presented at National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Brown, S.W. (1993, Dec.). Preparing teachers for the 21st century and beyond: The foundation lies in
educational psychology. Presented to the students and faculty of Taitung Teachers College,
Taitung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Brown, S.W. (1993, Dec.). Research trends in CAL: Issues of educational technology and
constructivism. Presented to the faculty seminar at National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei,
Taiwan, R.O.C.
Brown, S.W. (1993, Dec.). New Initiatives in educational technology constructivism: Applications in
education. Presented to the Audio-visual Education Center, National Taiwan Normal University,
Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Brown, S.W. (1992, March). The role of computers and technology in today's classroom: How is it
changing what we do in the classroom. Keynote address at the Spotlight on Technology
Conference, Eastern Montana College, Billings, MT.
Brown, S.W. (1992, Oct.). Preparing educational psychologists for the 21st century. NERA Presidential
Address, NERA Conference, Ellenville, NY.
Brown, S.W. (1990, Jan.). The role of the school psychologist in gifted education: What teachers need to
know. Presented at Kent State University.
Brown, S.W. (1987, Oct.). The social and psychological impact of computers. Invited address to the
Department of Education, Pennsylvania State University at Harrisburg.
Brown, S.W. (1987, Nov.). Computer based education: What we know and what we need to know.
Invited address at the University of Utah.
Brown, S.W. (1986, March). Computer-Based Education: What are some of the issues? Invited address
for the Manchester Community College Seminar titled, "Computer-Based Education."
Brown, S.W. (1985, Nov.). The development of 3 component processes in early and skilled readers.
Colloquium presented to the Syracuse University Psychology Department.
Brown, S.W. (1984, April). Contributions of cognitive psychology to the study of reading: Taking the
component processes apart. Presented at the 8th Annual Connecticut Special Topics in Reading
Conference, Vernon, CT.
Brown, S.W. (1984, April). Evaluating software: An agenda for educators. Presented at the Third
Annual NHACES conference, Nashua, NH.
Brown, S.W. (1984, May). Learning with computers: What we know and what we need to know.
Colloquium presented to the Department of Educational Psychology, University of Wisconsin Madison.
Brown, S.W. (1983, April). Getting started with microcomputers - a national perspective. Presented at the
second annual New Hampshire Association for Computer Education Statewide (NHACES),
Brown, S.W. (1983, April). How do we decide what software to buy? Presented at the Second Annual
NHACES Conference.
Brown, S.W. (1983, July). Introduction to BASIC Programming. A series of 4 lectures/ workshops on
BASIC programming for teachers. Presented at MICROFEST '83 UCONN.
Archambault, F.X., Brown, S.W. & Kahn, H. (1982, February). An introduction to computers in
education. Presented to the Connecticut Association of Urban Superintendents. Hartford, CT.
Brown, S.W. (1982, March). Behavior modification for the teacher. Presented to the faculty of E.O.
Smith High School, Storrs, CT.
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Brown, S.W. & Rood, M.K. (1982, May). Computers in education-the time is now! Presented to the
annual conference for State of Connecticut Correctional Educators, University of Connecticut.
Brown, S.W. (1982, June). BASIC for teachers. A series of 3 lectures on BASIC programming
techniques. Presented at MICROFEST '82, University of Connecticut.
Kahn, H. & Brown, S.W. (1982, November). Computers for the educator. Presented to the Zeta Chapter
of Omicron Tau Theta, UCONN.
Brown, S.W. & Rood, M.K. (1982). Pacman meets the teacher. Address to the UCONN chapter of Phi
Delta Kappa, Bolton, CT.
Bloomer, R.H. & Brown, S.W. (1981, March). Learning processes: Teaching children to learn. Presented
at the NASP Convention, Houston, TX.
Brown, S.W. (1981, November). The role of the school nurse in the facilitation of the assessment and the
I.E.P. process. Presented to the Bureau of Public Health Nurses, Greenwich, CT.
Brown, S.W., Boyer, M.A., Johnson, P.R., Lima, C.O., Butler, M., Florea, N., & Rich, J. (2004). The
GlobalEd Project: Problem-solving and decision making in a web-based PBL. Conference
Proceedings of Edu-Media, June 24, 2004, Lugano, Switzerland.
Holcomb, L.B., Brown, S.W., Kulikowich, J.M. & Jordan, J. (2004). Assessing educational technology
knowledge with a problem-based learning format: The Husky Educational Technology Assessment
Project (HETAP). Conference Proceedings of Edu-Media, June 26, 2004, Lugano, Switzerland.
Smolin, L.I., Lawless, K.A., Radinsky, J., Brown, S.W., & Newman, M. (2004). Developing a replicable
model for tech savvy student field placements. Proceedings of SITTE 2004, Atlanta, GA. p. 36863690.
Smolin, L., Lawless, K., Newman, M., Radinsky, J., & Brown, S.W. (2002). Using technology for
urban teacher preparation: A PT3 Project. Proceedings of SITTE 2002, Society for Information
Technology and Teacher Education, Nashville, TN.
Lawless, K., Smolin, L., Brown, S.W., Soulier, S., & Strudler N. (2000). To teach how or to teach
with: Four university's approaches to technology integration for teacher preparation, Proceedings
of SITTE 2000, Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, San Diego, CA.
Lawless, K.A., Brown, S.W., & Mills, R. (1998). Knowledge, interest, recall and navigation: A study of
hypertext processing. Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Presentations of the
1998 annual AECT Conference, St. Louis, Missouri.
Selected Funded Grants and Contracts (Total > $12.0 M)
Brown, S.W., & Lawless, K.A. (2013-2017). GlobalEd 2: Efficacy and Replication – Goal 3. US
Department of Education: The Institute of Education Sciences, IES. ($3,477,444) #R305A1300195.
Brown, S.W., Lawless, K.A. & Boyer, M.A. (2008-2012). Expanding the Science and Literacy
Curricular Space: The GlobalEd II Project. US Department of Education: The Institute of
Education Sciences, IES. ($1,491,916) # R305A080622.
Brown, S.W. (2005-07). Evaluating the teaching of science inquiry procedures. Funded by the
Connecticut Center for Science and Exploration. $76,000.
Teachers for a New Era Project at UConn. (2003-2008). Funded by the Carnegie Corporation, with
additional funding from the Annenberg and Ford foundations. $5,500,000.
Brown, S.W. & Kulikowich, J.M. (2003-04). The Husky Educational Technology Assessment Project. A
collection of 16 contracts with school systems in Connecticut and the State of Connecticut’s
Department of Education through the Blue Chip initiative to assess educational technology skills of
Connecticut’s educators: $200,000.
Boyer, M. & Brown, S.W. (2001-04). Gender, Technology and Group Decision-Making: An
Experimental Study in Secondary Education International Studies. U.S. Department of Education;
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Office of Educational Research and Improvement - Field Initiated Grants: ED-ERI-84.30ST
Babb, I, Brown, S.W. & Schifele, P. (2001-04). The Classroom of the Sea. National Science
Foundation: HRD-0099230 $443,993.
Kulikowich, J.M. & Brown, S.W. (2001-02). Assessing the Educational Technology Skills of
Connecticut’s Teachers. Funded by the Connecticut Department of Education: $75,000.
Brown, S.W. & Archambault, F.X. (2000). Professional development in educational technology.
Stamford, CT Public Schools; $25,000.
Brown, S.W. & Archambault, F.X. (2000). Meeting the needs of Hartford teachers in educational
technology. United Technologies Corp.; $100,000.
Kulikowich, J.M. & Brown, S.W. (1998). Evaluating Cooperative extension grants; USDA $32,000.
Brown, S.W. (1997). Lyme disease education project: year VII. Funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention; $52,380.
Brown, S.W. (1996). Lyme disease education project: year VI. Funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention; $72,604.
Brown, S.W. (1995). Lyme disease education project: year V. Funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention; $49,280.
Brown, S.W. (1994). Lyme disease education project: year IV. Funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention; $52,800.
Brown, S.W. (1993). Lyme disease education project: year III. Funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention; $29,800.
Brown, S.W. (1992). Lyme disease education for elementary school children. Funded by the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; $67,644.
Rucker, C., Sweeney, J., & Brown, S.W. (1991). ATOMS III - Awarded under the Education for
Economic Security Act Title II, $30,000.
Brown, S.W. & Rucker, C. (1991). A proposal for pre-service teacher education integration of computer
technology. Funded by the International Business Machines Corp., $100,000 in equipment and
Brown, S.W. (1991). A proposal to affect changes in the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors about Lyme
disease in a group of students. Funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;
Rucker, C., Sweeney, J., & Brown, S.W. (1990). ATOMS II - Awarded under the Education for
Economic Security Act Title II, $30,000.
Brown, S.W. & Pawelkiewicz, W. (1990). A Proposal to Evaluate the Connecticut Department of
Children & Youth Services: Child and Adolescent Service System Program funded by the
Connecticut Department of Children and Youth Services, $30,000.
Rucker, C., Brown, S.W. & Sweeney, J. (1989). The ATOMS Project: Affiliation for a Technology
Orientation in Math and Science. Awarded under the Education for Economic Security Act Title II,
Brown, S.W. (1989). A Needs Assessment for the Substance Abuse Action Council of Central
Connecticut, $27,944.
Consultant Positions - Selected
February 2014 & 2015. Panel Reviewer for the IES grants.
October 2013 – present. Reviewer for AEM.
January 2013. Panel Reviewer for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program – Psychology.
January – March 2013. External Reviewer for the UMass School of Education Department of Student
Development Academic Quality Assessment Development program.
January 2011 to February 2011. Computing Education for the 21st Century. New Orleans, LA.
Educational researcher providing feedback and research agendas for computer science engineers.
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
September, 2008 – to 2012. SBM Charitable Foundation, Inc. Manchester, CT. Evaluator for funded
September 2008 – present. University of Puntra Malaysia, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. Conduct
external reviews of candidates for promotion at the university and serve as an external doctoral
examiner for students in educational psychology.
June 1989 - present. Consultant to the United State Tennis Association, Key Biscayne, FL; Instrument
development and statistical analysis.
November 2006 – March 2007. Consultant to the Doves Olympic Movement Project, a United Nations
Development Program (UNDP) project. Cyprus.
November 2003 – July 2004. Consultant to US NIH / SBIR review panel.
June 2003. Chair, US Department of Education: Institute of Educational Sciences / SBIR II review panel.
August 2002. Consultant to the US Department of Education/OERI. Proposal review chair.
July 2001 to Sept. 2005. Consultant to the University of Illinois - Chicago, PT3 grant evaluator.
March 1998 to 2002. Consultant to Physiotherapy Associates, Memphis TN. Statistical analysis.
July 1999 to September 2001. Consultant to Human Kinetics Inc.
September 1997 to 2000. Consultant to LGE Sport Science Inc, Orlando FL. Statistical analysis and test
November 1995. Consultant to Canaught Pharmaceuticals, Lyme disease interventions.
June 1994 to June 2001. Consultant to Houghton-Mifflin Publishing, Reviewer.
June 1992 - November 1992. Consultant to East Texas State University, Commerce, Texas. Development
of a plan to restructure the ETSU graduate program in Educational Psychology.
June 1992 - March 1993. Consultant to the CIGNA Corporation, Hartford, CT. Development and
implementation of an evaluation of the CIGNA tutoring program.
May 1989 - September 1993. Consultant to Analysis and Technology, Inc. North Stonington, CT;
Instructional design and test development.
September 1989 - December 1990. Consultant to Mount Olive High School, Flanders, NJ; Test
development and analysis.
September 1988 - July 1991. Consultant to the University of Connecticut FIPSE project; Test
October 1987 - February 1989. Consultant to Stamford Public Schools-Research Department, Stamford,
CT; computer-assisted instruction program.
July 1987 - July 1988. Consultant to the Self-help Corporation, NY; analysis of surveys.
September 1987 - October 1988. Consultant to Corporation for Supportive Employment, Glastonbury,
September 1986 - September 1990. Consultant to West Caldwell Public Schools, West Caldwell, NJ; test
October 1986 - October 1987. Consultant to Donnelly Directory, Purchase, NY; test development and
instructional design.
January 1985 - December 1985. Consultant to the Aetna Life Insurance Company, Hartford, CT;
Usability lab development.
January 1982 - July 1982. Consultant to the Connecticut Department of Corrections, coordinating the
training in the instructional use of microcomputers.
November 1982 - July 1984. Consultant to the Connecticut Division of Children and Youth Services;
computer training.
Former Students - Selected
Dr. Anthony Artino, Jr., Cmd, U.S. Navy Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences (USUHS)
Associate Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine & Biometrics Uniformed Services
Dr. Bruce Bowdish
American College of Medical Genetics
Information Technology & Informatics Manager
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Dr. Ching Hui Chen
Ming Chau University, Taiwan
Associate Professor and Chair, Educational Technology
Mr. Michael Digman, M.A.
Central Connecticut University
Assistant Football Coach
Dr. Timothy Dowding
University of Connecticut – Stamford
Associate Professor, Instructional Technology Systems - School of Business
Dr. Sarah Ellsworth Vocca
Capital Area Regional Education Center (Hartford, CT)
Director of Assessment and Technology
Mr. R.J. Evans, M.A.
Media Account Manager
Mr. Shane Fogarty, M.A.
Colby College
Assistant Football Coach
Ms. Melinda Frost, M.A.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Producer/Instructional Designer
Ms. Chelsea Gamble, M.A.
Stanford University
Assistant Women’s Lacrosse Coach
Dr. Maryanne Garry
Victoria University, New Zealand
Professor, Psychology and Associate Dean of the Graduate School
Mr. Anthony Girasoli, M.A.
Norwich Free Academy, Norwich, CT
Manager, Information and Technology Services
Dr. Lori B. Holcomb McClaren William Peace University
Director of Online Programs
Ms. Erin Garriepy, M.A.
Nike Swim at Perry Ellis International
Account Executive
Dr. Andri Ioannou-Nicolau
Cyprus University of Technology
Assistant Professor of Multimedia and Graphic Arts
Dr. Miranda Jennings
Northcentral University
Graduate School Dissertation Chair
Dr. Patricia Jepson
University of Connecticut
Academic Advisor for the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Dr. Paula R. Johnson Dagnon Western Washington State University
Associate Professor of Educational Psychology
Ms. Jane Karger, M.A.
Ultimate Goal Lacrosse team
Administrative Coordinator
Dr. Frederick King
University of Hartford
Professor Emeritus, Educational Technology
Dr. Kimberly Lawless
University of Illinois, Chicago
Professor, Educational Psychology and Associate Dean of Research
Dr. Clarisse O. Lima
Consultora at TOTKM, Rio de Janerio, Brazil
Conhecimento, Inovação e Sustentabilidade
Dr. Hayley J. Mayall
University of Northern Illinois
Associate Professor of Educational Technology
Ms. Lin Ming, M.A.
Sun Life Insurance Company
Ms. Ifa H. Misbach, M.A.
College of Education at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)
Lecturer and Deputy Chief at the Applied Psychology Center
Dr. Susanne Morin
Shippensburg University
Associate Professor, Psychology
Dr. Gregory P. Mullin
Bunker Hill Community College
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Ms. Monique Nelson, M.A.
University of Bridgeport
Admissions Counselor
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
Mr. Jordan Orlovsky, M.A.
Old Dominion University
Assistant Football Coach
Dr. Tatiana Rojas Ospina
University of Cali, Cali Columbia
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Dr. Katherine Picho
Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences (USUHS)
Assistant Professor in Residence
Dr. Michele Ramirez
Pine Manor College
Associate Professor, Psychology
Dr. Lisa Riolo
Indiana University
Professor Emeritus, Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr. P.G. Schrader
University of Nevada at Las Vegas
Associate Professor, Educational Technology
Dr. David Selaledi
Vista University, South Africa
Dr. Hsin-Yih Shyu
Tamkang University, Taiwan
Professor and Chair, Educational Technology
Dr. Bethany Silver
Bloomfield Public Schools
Director of Research and Assessment
Ms. Janine Simon, M.A.
Solution Tree, Indianapolis, IN
Manager of Human Resources
Dr. Mary Yakimowski
Sacred Heart University
Professor of Educational Leadership
Dr. Masha Yukhymenko
University of Illinois – Chicago
Post-Doctoral Fellow in Learning Sciences.
Post Doctoral Fellows Supervised
Dr. Jason Irizarry (2005-07). Currently Associate Professor and Director of Urban Education at the
University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Dr. Hunter Gehlbach (2005-06). Currently Associate Professor of Education at Harvard University.
University of Connecticut Service – Current
Member, The UConn Global Affairs Advisory Board.
Member, The Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor Committee.
Member, The President’s Athletics Advisory Committee.
Co-Chair, First Year Experience Advisory Committee.
Member, Learning Management Advisory Committee.
Chair, Neag School of Education’s Dean’s Doctoral Scholar Committee.
Member, Neag School of Education Teacher Education Committee.
Positions – Former- Selected
2008-15. Graduate Program Coordinator, Cognition, Instruction and Learning Technology.
2014-15. Mentor/Reviewer, UConn Legacy Leadership Program.
2011-14. Member of the UConn Faculty Review Board; Chair Fall 2014.
2011-12. Co-Chaired of the AERA Division C section 7b for the 2013 conference.
2008-12. Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Educational Psychology.
2007-12. Member, UConn AAUP Executive Board
2007-13. Member of the Academic Committee, The Big East Conference
2004-08. Chair and Faculty Advisor, Big East Conference Student Athlete Advisory Committee.
2003-08. Director, The Teachers for a New Era Project at UConn
2003-05. Chair, UConn Committee of Three
Scott W. Brown, Ph.D.
2003-04. Member, UConn Institutional Review Board
2002-04; 2010-11. Member of the University Senate Executive Committee
2002-03. Co-editor of a special issue of Instructional Science, web-based learning.
2002-03. Program co-chair for AERA 2003, division C-7, educational technology
1994-01. Head, Department of Educational Psychology, UConn.
1987-94; 2000- 01. Director, Bureau of Educational Research and Service, UConn.
2000-01. Chair, Division C Section 6, AERA 2001 Conference Committee.
1987-00. Coordinator - Program in Instructional Media and Technology, UConn.
1999-00. Chair, President’s Athletic Advisory Committee (UConn).
1996-99. Chair, President’s Athletic Advisory Subcommittee on Student Life (UConn)
1997-00. Member (Faculty) of the UConn Board of Trustees and the Financial Affairs Committee.
1996-97. Co-Editor of a 1997 special issue of Instructional Science.
1995-97. Co-Chair, UConn Athletic Advisory’s Student Life Subcommittee.
1993-94. Co-Chair, 1994 American Psychological Society Program Committee.
1993-96. Chair, University Senate Admissions Committee, UConn.
1996-01. Member UConn Senate Enrollment Management Committee.
1984-86; 1994-97. Associate Director of the UConn Bureau of Educational Research and Service.
1992-93. Chair, Poster committee for the American Psychological Society Conference.
1991-92. Member of the American Psychological Society Poster Committee.
1991-92. President, Northeastern Educational Research Association.
1986-90; 2008- 2014. Coordinator of Program in Cognition & Instruction; renamed to Cognition,
Instruction & Learning Technology (UConn).
1987-90. Chair, Membership Committee, Northeastern Educational Research Association.
1986-90. Director, UConn Microcomputer Laboratory (UCEML).
1985-88. Member, Board of Directors, Northeastern Educational Research Association.
1983-84. Co-Chair of the 1982 NERA Program Committee.
Available upon request
1 CIGUC members in alphabetical order are: Pauline Assenza, Terry Bosworth, Bruce Bowdish, Scott Brown,
Sylvia Hackett, Kimberly Lawless, Raeleen Mautner, and Karen Rosen.
2 CIGUC members in random order are Lisa Hellen, Frederick King, Hayley Mayall, Kelly Richmond, Lillia
Ruban, Carol Tieso, and Scott W. Brown.
Last Update: March 16, 2015