Instructions to Login and Evaluation Submission

Instructions to Login and
Evaluation Submission
for Winter 2015 District Cooperating Teachers
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Table of Contents
Welcome to Chalk and Wire ................................................................................................................................................... 3
UC Riverside Contact for Chalk and Wire ........................................................................................................................... 3
Technology: Web Browser and Tablets .............................................................................................................................. 3
Terminology in Chalk and Wire ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Portfolio Note ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Log In to Your Account ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
Enter User ID & Password ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Submitting 2015 Winter Formal TPE Evaluation on Student .................................................................................................. 8
Accessing an Incomplete Assessment............................................................................................................................... 13
Submitting 2015 Winter Survey: DCT Evaluation of UCR Supervisor of Teacher Education. ................................................ 16
Confirming “DCT Evaluation of UCR Supervisors of Teacher Education” survey was successfully submitted: ................ 18
Logging Out from Chalk and Wire ......................................................................................................................................... 20
Change Permanent Password for Chalk and Wire ................................................................................................................ 20
Updating your Profile in Chalk and Wire .............................................................................................................................. 21
Checking Inbox in Chalk and Wire......................................................................................................................................... 21
Assessing User Guide ............................................................................................................................................................ 22
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Welcome to Chalk and Wire
UC Riverside Contact for Chalk and Wire
The University of California Teacher Education programs are transitioning to a new database with Chalk and Wire. As we
build our new database, we are doing all we can to minimize any inconvenience to you. Our office will continue to
provide step-by-step guides as new features and forms are introduced. Please feel free to contact the following staff
members for any inquiries you may have on Chalk and Wire. We thank you for your understanding and patience as we
transition into Chalk and Wire.
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 12 Noon and 1:00pm – 5:00pm
Liliana Aguayo
(951) 827-5850
Rose Vilchez
(951) 827-6387
Technology: Web Browser and Tablets
Please do not use Internet Explorer. We recommend upgrading to the most recent browser version for Firefox, Safari, and
Google Chrome. If using a tablet, your view of Chalk and Wire may differ from the snapshots presented in this manual.
Also, some tablets may require clicking “save” after every response provided.
Terminology in Chalk and Wire
Chalk and Wire labels UCR Supervisors of Teacher Education (STE), District Cooperating Teachers (DCT), and District
Supervisors (DS), as Assessors in Chalk and Wire. Assessors are identified as either a site advisor (DCT, DS, DM) or an
institutional advisor (STE).
Assessor: Depending on the form, you will be instructed if the assessor will be your UCR Supervisor of Teacher
Education, District Cooperating Teacher (for student teachers), District Mentor (for intern teachers) or District Supervisor
(for intern teachers).
Institutional Advisor: UCR Supervisor of Teacher Education.
Site Advisor: District Cooperating Teacher / District Mentor / District Supervisor.
Portfolio Note
In a portfolio, incomplete assignments will be indicated by a clear button. If a task has been fulfilled, then it will be
indicated by a green button.
Completed task
Incomplete task
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Log In to Your Account
This lesson will walk you through the process of logging in to your account. If you have followed the steps
below and are still having difficulty, please refer to the Forgot Your Password? help page.
Step 1: Log to:
1. Click on Login
2. Type “california” for the IDENTIFY YOUR INSTITUTION field.
3. Bookmark “University of California Chalk and Wire” page for future reference.
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Enter User ID & Password
1. Enter your User ID or Email Address associated with your Chalk & Wire account.
2. Enter your Temporary Password.
3. Click “Enter”.
NOTE: If you are having difficulty logging in, please ensure that the logo at the top of the login screen is that of
your institution. If not, it is possible that you are at another institution's login screen and will need to navigate to
your institution's Chalk & Wire site to make another attempt to log in. If you are at the correct site, please use
the 'Forgot your password? link and follow the on-screen steps.
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4. Enter new password.
Step 2: Accept Legal Agreement (if applicable)
If you have already accessed your Chalk & Wire account and agreed to our legal agreement, you may skip this
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If this is your first time accessing your Chalk & Wire account, you will need to read and accept the legal
agreement for using Chalk & Wire. Once you have read the agreement:
4. Select “I agree”.
5. Click “Continue”.
Step 3: Arrive in Account
Once you have successfully entered your login ID/email address and password, you will be redirected to the
main screen in your account: the Dashboard. Note: When navigating in Chalk and Wire (C&W), please refrain
using your front/back buttons from your browser. Please use C&W buttons to navigate the system. Thank you.
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Submitting 2015 Winter Formal TPE Evaluation on
Approximate completion time: 5-20 minutes. Depending on the extend of the comments. Each TPE general
comment is optional.
Quick Note: You may save and complete the assessment at a more convenient time. To save your work, you
must click “save” located at the bottom of the opened assessment. To continue working on a previously opened
assessment, select “complete” from the menu that will pop-up when you left-click on the student’s document
assessment name.
1. On Dashboard, select “Upcoming”. The number in red indicates the number of assessments you are
asked to complete.
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Confirm Student’s name
Name of evaluation
2. Search for the “Formal Quarterly Teaching Performance evaluation”.
Note: For Winter 2015, most District Cooperating Teachers (DCTs) will be asked to complete two
a. one “Formal Quarterly Teaching Performance evaluation” per UCR student teacher mentored
from January – March 2015
b. one “DCT evaluation of our UCR Supervisor of Teacher Education”.
3. Confirm the correct student is indicated in the survey.
4. Click on “Begin Assessment” to begin Formal Quarterly Teaching Performance evaluation
Incorrect placement information? Contact Liliana Aguayo at or at (951)
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Attachment is
⑤Drag corner
to expand
5. A new window with a rubric will appear. Please confirm that the student’s information is correct. A
description of the rubric is available when the mouse is rolled over a specific score. Please provide a
score for each Teaching Performance Expectations (TPE) rubric and an overall comment. It is optional
to enter comments for each TPE rubric. The textboxes are expandable; just drag corner to expand.
Optional: You are welcomed to attach any evidence to your overall comment box (for example: feedback
notes, observation notes).
To view full text description of the scores, please scroll down and click on “show description text” icon.
To turn off this view, select “show description text” icon again.
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6. Option: You may save this evaluation as a draft and later return to complete it. Please check “draft” only
if you DO NOT wish to submit this evaluation at this time. Proceed to the next step if you plan to submit
your assessment at this time.
7. Submitting your assessment: Confirm that all rubrics have been answered; click on the green “Save”
button once to submit your score.
9. A green box will appear to confirm that your scores have been saved and submitted. If you need to
modify a score, you may modify score and click on the “Save” option again to replace any previously
submitted evaluation. Please select options to notify student immediately and release results
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10. Do not enter a grade for “Optionally Enter Grade (%)”. Please leave this field blank.
11. To exit, click on “√”, located on top, left-hand side, to return to the assessment menu.
12. A successful assessment submission will indicate a green “complete” box under status. The assessment
menu will keep a record of your student assessments. You may review assessments by left clicking on
the student’s name and select “view summary or details”. Click “return” to return to the dashboard
(main page) and prepare to submit the Survey: DCT Evaluation on Supervisor of Teacher Education.
13. Assessment shows an “incomplete” status? The following instructions will direct you in how to
complete and submit a final completed submission.
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Accessing an Incomplete Assessment
14. To continue working on an incomplete assessment, left-click on instrument name of corresponding
student and a new menu will pop-up. Select “complete” from the menu.
15. Submitting your assessment: Confirm that all rubrics have been answered; click “Save” to submit your
score. Note: An unanswered TPE will trigger an “incomplete” status.
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16. A green box will appear to confirm that your scores have been saved and submitted. If you need to
modify a score, you may modify score and click on the “Save” option again to replace any previously
submitted evaluation. Please select options to notify student immediately and release results
17. Do not enter a grade for “Optionally Enter Grade (%)”. Please leave this field empty.
18. Select “√”, located on top, left-hand side, to return to the “assessment menu”.
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19. A successful assessment submission will indicate a green “complete” box under status. The assessment
menu will keep a record of your student assessments. You may review assessments by left-clicking on
the student’s name and select “view summary or details”.
20. Click “return” to return to the dashboard (main page) and prepare to submit the Survey: DCT Evaluation
on Supervisor of Teacher Education.
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Submitting 2015 Winter Survey: DCT Evaluation of
UCR Supervisor of Teacher Education.
Approximate completion time: 1-2 minutes.
Statement of Confidentiality: This survey is very important to the UCR Supervisor of Teacher Education, your
school, and future credential candidates. We appreciate the time and thought you put into completing the
survey; your complete, honest and professional responses will be invaluable. If you feel that you cannot respond
to an item, please leave it blank. Your responses will remain CONFIDENTIAL. To maintain confidentiality, all
responses are handled by an evaluation specialist who processes all responses and gives ONLY the final
aggregate report to the UCR Supervisor of Teacher Education after the grades have been submitted to the
University. Thank you for your cooperation.
1. On Dashboard, select “Upcoming”. The number in red indicates the number of assessments you are
asked to complete.
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Confirm Student’s name
Name of evaluation
2. Search for the “DCT Evaluation of UCR Supervisor of Teacher Ed” survey.
Note: For Winter 2015, most District Cooperating Teachers (DCTs) will be asked to complete two
a. one “Formal Quarterly Teaching Performance evaluation” per UCR student teacher mentored
from January – March 2015.
b. one “DCT evaluation of our UCR Supervisor of Teacher Education”.
3. Confirm the correct student is indicated in the survey.
4. Click on “Take Survey” to begin Formal Quarterly Teaching Performance evaluation
Incorrect placement information? Contact Liliana Aguayo at or at (951)
5. Scroll to the bottom of the form. Click on the green “save” button to submit your survey.
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6. To exit, scroll to the top of the form and click on “return” located on the top-right corner of form.
Confirming “DCT Evaluation of UCR Supervisors of Teacher
Education” survey was successfully submitted:
1. Click on “SURVEY” on your dashboard.
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2. Your completed survey should be indicated under “Completed Surveys”. You may edit any submitted
surveys and replace with a newer version of the survey.
Note: If there is no survey under “Completed Survey”, then click on the survey located under “Incomplete
Survey”. Click on “take”.
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Logging Out from Chalk and Wire
1. Left-click on your name for the menu option.
2. Select option “Log Out”.
Change Permanent Password for Chalk and Wire
Left-click on your name for the menu option.
Click on the arrow on the right hand side of your name.
Select option “change password”.
Save new password.
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Updating your Profile in Chalk and Wire
1. Left-click on your name for the menu option.
2. Select “My Profile”.
3. Save new changes to your profile.
Checking Inbox in Chalk and Wire
1. Click on inbox tray located on the left-hand side of your name.
2. Inbox will indicate number of unopened messages.
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Assessing User Guide
1. Click on
to open the “main menu”.
2. Select “User Guide”.
3. Select “Assessor” and enter your topic on the search field.
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