Tender Instructions 1 The contracting authority is: European Free Trade Association, Financial Mechanism Office (FMO) Rue Joseph II, 12-16 (visiting address: Boulevard du Régent 47-48) B-1000 Brussels Belgium The FMO is administratively a part of EFTA which is an international organisation, counting around 50 staff all located in Brussels, Belgium. The office is and has been responsible for the administration of the EEA Financial Mechanism 1994-1999, the EEA Financial Instrument 1999-2003 and the EEA and Norway Grants 2004-2009 in addition to the EEA and Norway Grants 2009-2014. FMO web-site: www.eeagrants.org 2 Procurement process This procurement is an open call for tender where all suitable entities are invited to submit tenders. 2.1 Schedule, deadlines and submission of tender Tenders shall be submitted to ljo@efta.int by 13 July 2015, 12.00 CET. Only one tender will be accepted from each tenderer. Event Deadline Invitation to tender 1 June 2015 Tender submission 13 July 2015 at 12CET Opening of tenders1 13 July 2015 Selection 24 July 2015 Start of work As soon as possible Please note that all times after Tender submission are estimates. 2.2 Communication and questions The contact person is the recipient for all communications to the FMO. Until signing of the contract, no communication shall take place between tenderers and persons at the FMO other than the FMO contact person. Contact person Name: Alex Stimpson E-mail: ast@efta.int 1 Tenders will be opened at and by the FMO. No public opening of tenders. Office phone: +32 2 211 1846 Language All communication between the candidate and the FMO shall be in English. All tender documents must be written in English. All deliverables shall be in English. Questions and answers Questions as to the procurement or documents must be e-mailed to the FMO contact person no later than 29 June at 12:00 CET. The questions and answers will be shared on our web-site where the tender was announced, without disclosing the name of the person or company raising the question. 2.3 Corrections, additions and changes to the tender documents Tenderers are kindly requested to notify the FMO’s contact person in writing about any errors found in the terms of reference. 2.4 Rejection and cancellation Tenders submitted after the deadline will be rejected. Tenders lacking any required information may also be rejected. The FMO will as soon as possible contact tenderers whose tenders are rejected with a justification for the rejection. The FMO may at any time cancel the tender. All tenderers will be notified as soon as possible. 3 Content of tender and award criteria 3.1 Content of tender The tender shall be structured as follows: 1. Understanding of the objectives of the review and appropriately expanding it to the required analysis and research for the tasks and each subtask (15 points). 2. Description of the applicant’s approach to delivering the requested services and of the methodology that will be applied in this assignment. The tenderer should explain the way in which he/she proposes to perform the review. This entails a clear description of the methodology that the tenderer proposes to use in line with all relevant specifications of the ToR. It should include a description of the tasks, an indicative work schedule and the resources that will be used to carry out the review (25 points). 3. Management and quality assurance. This section should outline how the review will be managed and how the quality of the review will be ensured (10 points). 4. Team leader and team as a whole. This part must include the curriculum vitae of the team leader, other team members, including the person responsible for quality assurance and any national experts who will work on this assignment. In particular it must be demonstrated that the persons have the necessary skills and thematic knowledge to perform all tasks in line with the task specifications as well as the qualifications outlined in the ToR. The CVs for the team leader and any national experts should be no more than 3 pages in length, and include the following information: Name, country of residence, birth date, level of English language, education and most relevant experience. This criterion will assess how the roles and responsibilities of the proposed team are distributed for each task. It also assesses the global allocation of time and resources to the project and to each task or deliverable, and whether this allocation is adequate for the work. The tender should provide details on the allocation of time and resources and the rationale behind the choice of this allocation (15 points). 5. Summary of experience with similar work. This section shall consist of brief descriptions of the 3-5 most relevant and most recent experiences the proposed consultants/researchers have worked with. The consultant’s responsibilities and the year/period of the task shall be included. This section should be no more than 1 page in length. 6. Availability within the period July 2015 – February 2016. This part should indicate the availability of the team leader for the whole duration of the contract and the availability of any national experts within the proposed time period. 7. Price Specification, daily rates, including use of senior/junior team member and amount of days planned for the assignment. This section should include an overview of daily rates for each proposed team member and indicate how much time is needed for each. 8. a) Documentation showing that the company is registered in a public register of enterprises, b) tax and c) VAT (mva) certificate from relevant authorities. 9. Any other supporting documentation, as necessary. 3.2 Award criteria Each tender will be assessed as described in the table below. The Contract will be awarded to the most economically advantageous offer with regard to the following evaluation criteria: To be assessed 1. Quality of proposal 50/100: 1.1 Understanding of the objectives of the review Max points: 15 1.2 Approach and methodology Max points: 25 1.3 Management and quality assurance Max points: 10 Quality of proposal TOTAL 50/100 2. Understanding of the objectives of the review (tender section 1) Proposed approach (tender section 2) Systems for quality assurance (tender section 3) Competence/experience 40/100: 2.1 Team Leader Max points: 15 2.2 Team as a whole Max points: 15 2.3 Organisation track record Max points: 10 Competence/experience TOTAL 40/100 3. Source of information Price 10/100: Tender sections 4 Tender sections 4 Tender sections 5 3.1 Daily rates, number of days planned and combination Based on daily rate and time estimate (tender senior/junior team members section 7) Max points: 10 Price TOTAL 10/100 TOTAL PROPOSAL
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