IEEE EEEIC15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome FINAL PROGRAM 1 th 2015 IEEE 15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome WELCOME MESSAGE FROM GENERAL CHAIRS Dear ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 15th edition of the IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering that will take place in Rome, Italy, from Wednesday June 10th until Saturday June 13th, 2015. The conference, initially founded by prof. Zbigniew Leonowicz as a workshop, after several years has become a worldwide scientific guiding conference devoted to understand all the present-state matters between electrical engineering and environmental aspects. This year the conference received the technical co-sponsorship by three well-known IEEE international societies: Electromagnetic Society (EMC), Industrial Application Society (IAS) and Power and Energy Society (PES), along with the technical support of the IEEE Poland Section and the financial support of the IEEE Italy Section. Delegates from university, industry, governmental and non-governmental organizations providers will present their views on hot-topics strictly related to the environmental-electrical engineering pair. Everyone knows the far-reaching challenges that we must face in the present days: if the current trends in technological progress and innovation continue, the demand for energy will be always greater and greater than what it is now and adverse environmental effects will make feel their burden shortly. Hence we would like to make a groundbreaking conference where the participants can help through their contributions in reshaping burning issues on the table, such as renewable energy production, energy storage, smart grids management, smart buildings, energy conversion, sustainable transport systems, EMC control in lightning and grounding systems, novel materials and nanotechnology. All these problems must be faced always keeping in mind that the development of future leading technologies is the paramount key to meet the present economic challenges. The conference further aims at providing an overview of the scientific, technical, economic and social issues of electrical engineering applications under the hat of all the related environmental issues in order to give an impetus to the green economy and to present new developments in this area. The conference will provide a forum for leading corporate, academic and governmental people to discuss recent developments and set up collaborations. The four-day international conference will consist of plenary lectures and oral presentations by international experts, as well as poster sessions. We expect to welcome about 350 international participants from over 68 countries. We would like to give a warm welcome to this year’s EEEIC and look forward to meeting you over the four days of the conference. We hope that you have a memorable experience. Enjoy your conference! Warmest Regards, Luigi Martirano General Chair Rodolfo Araneo General Chair 3 th 2015 IEEE 15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome ABOUT EEEIC EEEIC is an international forum for the exchange of ideas and information on energy systems both today and in the future. The conference provides a unique opportunity for industrial people to interact directly with university researchers, manufacturers and distributors of energy equipment and to discuss a wide variety of topics related to energy systems and environmental questions. The conference is technically and financially sponsored and organized by IEEE Italy Section. The scope of the Conference is to promote a Forum, where researchers and engineers involved with electrical power systems may exchange their experiences and present solutions found for actual and future problems. The conference offers prominent academics and industrial practitioners from all over the world the forum for discussion about the future of electrical energy and environmental issues and presents a base for identifying directions for continuation of research. The Conference has been technically co-sponsored by IEEE since 2008. Accepted and orally presented papers are submitted to IEEE Xplore, and will also be submitted for indexing through INSPEC®, EI’s engineering information index, COMPENDEX®, and ISI Thomson’s scientific and technical proceedings®, ISTP®/ISI proceedings. The conference proceedings have been indexed by Scopus since 2010 and by web of science (Thomson Reuters) since 2014. EEEIC 2015 is the 15th annual conference, making it the Europe’s one of the largest, longest-running, professional networking and educational event of its kind. EEEIC is an annual energy and environment conference held in 2015 in Rome, Italy, where the delegates make presentations and discuss various issues including clean and renewable energy solutions for protection of our environment. In 2015, for the first time, the conference is fully sponsored by IEEE. Zbigniew Leonowicz Web & Publication Chair ABOUT 15TH EDITION OF EEEIC The 15th edition of the IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering has been renewed and includes original technical and social events. Special sessions have brought in a record number of technical papers on very important and actual topics. The renowned professor Mark Halpin and professor Carlo Alberto Nucci will be presenting two keynote speeches in a Plenary Session, to discuss on the evolution of smart grids and on the new frontiers for the renewable energies. A Poster Session for PhD students is organized to encourage their active participation to the conference. In addition the conference is linked to special issues of international journals to which selected authors could submit extended versions of their conference papers (with maximum 40% of overlap). The International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering (Springer) and Energies (MDPI) will ensure the publication of maximum 20 papers each after a double blind review process. In addition, the IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications and the IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery will consider the publication of selected papers within their scope through the normal review process. The Organizing Committee has planned and designed this edition with the goal of ensuring the most enriching technical and 4 professional networking opportunities possible. It has prepared four days of top-rated, peer-reviewed technical papers presented by experts in multi-track sessions. Finally, a few words on the social program: on the first day, June 10th, a beautiful walking guided tour through the ancient Rome is scheduled, including Saint Peter’s in chains, Colosseo, Flavian Amphitheater, Arch of Constantine, and Roman Forum. Then you will enjoy a Welcome Reception Cocktail in the amazing ancient cloister of the Faculty of Engineering of Sapienza University of Rome just close to Colosseo. On the second day, June 11th, an elegant Gale Dinner prepared in the cloister of the Faculty of Engineering will take place. Your companions could also enjoy several tours that can be purchased directly through the conference website. So I would like to give a sincere welcome to IEEE EEEIC15 and look forward to meeting you during the conference, that I hope to be for you a memorable experience. Enjoy your conference! Kind Regards, Maria Carmen Falvo Technical Program Chair ABOUT THE VENUE The conference venue is the Faculty of Engineering of Sapienza University of Rome, located in Via Eudossiana 18. The conference rooms are part of the ancient Chiostro area of the Faculty. The faculty is located in the city centre, very close to the famous historical sights and monuments, such as Colosseo, Fori Imperiali, Circo Massimo and S. Pietro in Vincoli Church, where the famous Michelangelo’s Moses sculpture is sited. The Faculty is within walking distance of the metro station Cavour and to the train station Termini. 5 th 2015 IEEE 15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome CHAIRS General Chairs Luigi Martirano and Rodolfo Araneo Web & Publication Chair Zbigniew Leonowicz Technical Program Chair Maria Carmen Falvo IEEE Italy and Poland Chapter Chairs Ermanno Cardelli Marian P. Kazmierkowsk Giulio Antonini (EMS) Dario Lucarella (PES) Giuseppe Parise (IAS) International Steering Committee R. Araneo, Italy D. Lucarella, Italy J. Brandao Faria, Portugal L. Martirano, Italy L. Floyd, USA R. Gono, Czech Republic S. M. Halpin, USA M. P. Kazmierkowski, Poland M. Klingler, France Z. Leonowicz, Poland 6 C. A. Nucci, Italy G. Parise, Italy F. Pilo, Italy F. Rachidi, Switzerland H. Schwarz, Germany PROGRAM COMMITEE V. Aaradhi M. Abdelhalim H. Abdelmageed O. Abedinia G. Ala A. Al-Awaad G. Antonini T. Araujo P. Arboleya M. Ariatabar A. Bahramiazar S. Barmada C. Baslis A. Bernadic I. Bertini M. Biagi S. Biricik F. Bisegna F.R. Blánquez G. Cafaro L. Caracasian B. Chitti Babu O. Chiver J.F.G. Cobben J. Corbett S. Costinas P. Cucala P. Dehghanian F. Delfino L. Dusonchet A. El-Rifaie Y. Errami M. Ettehadi M. Fahrioglu A. Faiza R. Faranda M. Fazli G. Fedele P. Ferreira E. Fiorucci F. F. A. M. K. G.M. R. D. S. D. Z. T. S. M. P. S. M.P. G. R. A. R. M. H. Y. A. B. N. A. F. F. M. A. M. E. F. F. M. C. H. R. Foiadelli Gao Gabash Gavrilas Gerasimov Giannuzzi Gono Grabowski Grivet Talocia Grimaldi Grozdev Gu Kiene Kloeppel Kostyla Kovalenko Ksmaei Lambert-Torres Lamedica Lampasi Langella Leone Li Li Mackow Mahdad Mahdhi Mahnitko Mangiatordi Massaro Mitolo Mohamed Mohiti Moreno-Goytia Mottola Munteanu Mohammadi Murthy Nafisi Napoli G. N. L. N. O. E. M. T. G. O. L. T. D. E. G. S.K. E. B. A. N. R.A. P. F. S. J. I.S. G. M. L.A. J. Y. J. G. R. Z. M.E. L. I. V. P. Nicolaescu Nikolaev NeamtI. Opris Ostahie Ozerdem Pallotti Paolone Papadopoulos Pathirikka Petrov Piegari Plavsic Poli Pyrgioti Redlarski Ram Rebollo Ricci Sajadi Salerno Sanchez Siano Santi Sobhani Sousa Stievano Sulligoi Stet Trujillo Tkac Tsai Usaola Valtorta Varfolomejeva Waclawek Zarei Zemite Zicmane Zilajevs Zu 7 th 2015 IEEE 15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Matteo Manganelli – Coordinator Asia Codino, Michelle Gomez (Sapienza IAS SBC Chair) – IAS Desk Volunteer Giacomo Greco, Marco Maccioni, Waleed Mohamed (IAS SBC MD Officier) - IAS Desk Volunteer Luigi Parise (R8/Europe IAS/SBC Area Chair) – IAS Desk Volunteer Roberto Romagnoli, Lorenzo Scala – IAS Desk Volunteer Maddalena Schembari, Mario Tronca SPONSORS AND PARTNERS 8 TECHNICAL SESSION CHAIRS Technical Session Number and Code Technical Session Topic Technical Session Chair Name, Affiliation and Country Technical Session 1 (A1-TS1) SPECIAL SESSION Energy Storage Davide Poli, University of Pisa, Italy Technical Session 2 (A1-TS2) Mobility, sustainable transport systems, Spyridon Giannoutsos, National Technical electrical vehicles - 1 University of Athens, Greece Technical Session 3 (A1-TS3) SPECIAL SESSION Voltage regulation: from hierarchical to Giorgio Sulligoi, University of Trieste, Italy distributed power generation and control Technical Session 4 (A1-TS4) SPECIAL SESSION Demand response: the challenge of the next future Fabio Massaro, University of Palermo, Italy Technical Session 5 (E1-TS1) Power electronics and components – 1 Giovanni Petrone, University of Salerno, Italy Technical Session 6 (E1-TS2) Power systems and smart grid - 1 Pablo Arboleya, University of Oviedo, Spain Technical Session 7 (E1-TS3) Power system stability, security and resiliency - 1 Sergey Kovalenko, Riga Technical University, Latvian Technical Session 8 (E1-TS4) Power system stability, security and resiliency – 2 Giorgio Maria Giannuzzi, Terna, Italy Technical Session 9 (E1-TS5) Smart buildings, lighting, metering demand side management Fabio Massaro, University of Palermo, Italy Technical Session 10 (M2-TS1) SPECIAL SESSION Environmental monitoring using satellites Erricos C. Pavlis, GEST/UMBC NASA Goddard, Maryland, USA Antonio Paolozzi, University of Rome Sapienza, Italy Technical Session 11 (M2-TS2) Circuits, Sensors, Actuators, Electromagnetic Compatibility - 1 Salvatore Celozzi, University of Rome Sapienza, Italy Technical Session 12 (M2-TS3) Power systems and smart grids - 2 Samuele Grillo, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Technical Session 13 (M2-TS4) Mobility, sustainable transport systems, Regina Lamedica, University of Rome electrical vehicles - 2 Sapienza, Italy Technical Session 14 (M2-TS5) Power systems and smart grid - 3 Farhan Mahmood, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden 9 th 2015 IEEE 15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome Technical Session Number and Code Technical Session Topic Technical Session Chair Name, Affiliation and Country Technical Session 15 (N2-TS1) SPECIAL SESSION Modeling, management and control of microgrids & smart energy systems for urban and industrial applications Federico Delfino, University of Genoa, Italy Technical Session 16 (N2-TS2) Power Electronics And Components - 2 Roberto Faranda, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Technical Session 17 (N2-TS3) Renewable Energy - 1 Federico Silvestro, University of Genoa, Italy Technical Session 18 (N2-TS4) Renewable Energy - 2 Bernardino Ricci, Samsung SDI, Republic of Korea Technical Session 19 (N2-TS5) Renewable Energy - 3 Aouss Gabash, Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany PhD Poster Session (PhD PS) Luigi Parise, University of Calabria, Italy Technical Session 20 (A2-TS1) SPECIAL SESSION Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies for energy and electronics - 1 Andrea Notargiacomo, IFN-CNR, Italy Technical Session 21 (A2-TS2) SPECIAL SESSION Grounding and EMC Guido Ala, University of Palermo, Italy Technical Session 22 (A2-TS3) Circuits, sensors, actuators, electromagnetic compatibility - 2 Paolo Visconti, University of Salento, Italy Technical Session 23 (A2-TS4) SPECIAL SESSION Sustainable transport systems – technologies and challenges Federica Foiadelli, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Technical Session 24 (A2-TS5) Measurements - 1 Rodolfo Araneo, University of Rome Sapienza, Italy Poster Session (PS) Pierluigi Siano, University of Salerno, Italy Technical Session 25 (E2-TS1) SPECIAL SESSION Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies for energy and electronics - 2 Antonio Rinaldi, Enea Casaccia, Italy Technical Session 26 (E2-TS2) Maintenance, Operation, Safety Mark Halpin, Auburn University, USA Technical Session 27 (E2-TS3) Smart Buildings, Lighting, Metering Demand Side Management - 2 Morris Brenna, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Technical Session 28 (E2-TS4) Renewable Energy - 4 Silvano Vergura, Technical University of Bari, Italy Technical Session 29 (E2-TS5) Renewable Energy - 5 Federico Santi, University of Rome Sapienza, Italy 10 Technical Session Number and Code Technical Session Topic Technical Session Chair Name, Affiliation and Country Technical Session 30 (M3-TS1) SPECIAL SESSION Lightning Carlo Mazzetti, University of Rome Sapienza, Italy Technical Session 31 (M3-TS2) Smart Buildings, Lighting, Metering Demand Side Management - 3 Franco Gugliermetti, University of Rome Sapienza, Italy Technical Session 32 (M3-TS3) Renewable Energy - 6 Sonia Leva, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Technical Session 33 (M3-TS4) Electricity Market And Regulation Anna Pinnarelli, University of Calabria, Italy Technical Session 34 (M3-TS5) Power Systems And Smart Grid - 4 Xavier Zambrano Aragundy, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain Technical Session 35 (N3-TS1) SPECIAL SESSION Global Grounding System Giuseppe Parise, University of Rome Sapienza, Italy Technical Session 36 (N3-TS2) Energy Efficient and Safe Solutions For A Smart Environment - 1 Fabio Bisegna, University of Rome Sapienza, Italy Technical Session 37 (N3-TS3) SPECIAL SESSION Solar Energy Farivar Fazelpour, South Tehran Branch, Iran Technical Session 38 (N3-TS4) Smart Buildings, Lighting, Metering Demand Side Management - 4 Mauro Biagi, University of Rome Sapienza, Italy Technical Session 39 (N3-TS5) Power Systems and Smart Grid - 5 Renato Procopio, University of Genoa, Italy Technical Session 40 (A3-TS1) SPECIAL SESSION Unconventional Energy Conversion Alessandro Lampasi, Enea, Italy Technical Session 41 (A3-TS2) Renewable Energy - 7 Rodolfo Araneo, University of Rome, Italy Technical Session 42 (A3-TS3) Measurements - 2 Agostino Butti, ABB S.p.A, Italy Technical Session 43 (A3-TS4) Circuits, Sensors, Actuators, Electromagnetic Compatibility - 3 Francesca Maradei, University of Rome Sapienza, Italy Technical Session 44 (A3-TS5) Power Systems and Smart Grid - 6 Giuseppe Parise, University of Rome Sapienza, Italy Technical Session 45 (E3-TS1) SPECIAL SESSION Nuclear Fusion Engineering Pietro Zito, Enea, Italy Technical Session 46 (E3-TS2) Energy Efficient and Safe Solutions For A Smart Environment - 2 Mojtaba Navvab, University of Michigan, USA Technical Session 47 (E3-TS3) Measurements – 3 Zdenek Kubík, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic 11 th 2015 IEEE 15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome Technical Session Number and Code Technical Session Topic Technical Session Chair Name, Affiliation and Country Technical Session 48 (E3-TS4) Renewable Energy - 8 Farivar Fazelpour, South Tehran Branch, Iran Technical Session 49 (E3-TS5) Power Systems and Smart Grid - 7 Guillermo Velasco-Quesada, Consorci Escola Industrial de Barcelona – CEIB, Spain Technical Session 50 (M4-TS1) Power Electronics and Components - 3 Alberto Reatti, University of Florence, Italy Technical Session 51 (M4-TS2) Power Systems and Smart Grid - 8 Gaetano Zizzo, University of Palermo, Italy Technical Session 52 (M4-TS3) Chaired Remote Session Zbigniew Leonowicz, University of Wroclaw, Poland Technical Session 53 (N4-TS1) Power Electronics and Components Alberto Reatti, University of Florence, Italy Technical Session 54 (N4-TS2) Power Systems and Smart Grid - 9 Andrea Lanna, University of Rome Sapienza, Italy Technical Session 55 (N4-TS3) Chaired Remote Session Zbigniew Leonowicz, University of Wroclaw, Poland STUDENTS EVENTS PhD POSTER SESSION AWARD EVENT Thursday, June 11th, 2015 h. 13:15 Venue: Aula 7 STUDENTS DINNER June 11th 2015, h. 20:00: the students registered to the conference with a student fee are invited to partecipate to the dinner that will take place at Naumachia restaurant, Via Celimontana, 7. Other info will be available at desk during the conference. 12 Meeting Room Floor Plan Presentation Instructions IMPORTANT NOTE: all the accepted paper have been assigned as an oral presentation in a Technical Session or a poster presentation in a Poster Session. Please consider that papers are scheduled into oral and poster sessions based on thematic coherence and not by paper quality. In either case, the full paper appears in IEEE Xplore, and there is no indication in Xplore as to whether the paper was presented orally or as a poster. 13 th 2015 IEEE 15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome Instructions for the oral presentations PRESENTATION TIME: presentation time is critical; each paper is allocated 15 minutes for technical sessions, including time for questions, session-chair introductions, and any set up that is not completed in advance. We recommend that the presentation of your slides take about 12 minutes, leaving 3 minutes for introduction by the session chair and questions from the audience. To achieve appropriate timing, organize your slides around the points you intend to make, using no more than one slide per minute. A reasonable strategy is to allocate about 2 minutes per slide when there are equations or important key points to make, and one minute per slide when the content is less complex. Be prepared to begin your presentation as soon as the prior presenter has finished; it is important to keep on schedule. PRIOR TO YOUR PRESENTATION: come to the room during the break immediately prior to your session and upload your presentation to the computer in the room. Note: the presentation computer has ONLY a USB port; there is no CD-ROM or other disc drive. You must also meet with your Session Chair at this time so that your Session Chair is aware that you are present; your Session Chair may also have last-minute instructions for your presentation. EQUIPMENT PROVIDED: all lecture rooms will be equipped with a computer, a video projector, and in some of them a microphone. Each computer will have a USB port; there will be no other equipment available. Each computer will have a recent version of the Windows OS installed as well as Acrobat Reader software. While Powerpoint will also be provided, presenters are strongly urged to use PDF for their presentations to avoid issues with fonts and other problems. Remember to embed all your fonts into your PDF presentation. Keep in mind that some of the oral presentations will be given in halls that are quite large. When preparing your slides, make sure that they will be legible for the entire audience (i.e., use fonts of sufficient size). Instructions for poster presentations DIMENSIONS: for your poster, a board will be provided; the board is oriented in a “portrait” format and has dimensions of 90cm wide and 120cm tall (approximately 35in wide and 47in tall), for containg A0 posters (84,1 × 118,9 cm). Push tacks or velcro adhesive will be provided at the conference to mount your poster to the board. ORGANIZING YOUR POSTER: poster sessions are a good medium for authors to present papers and meet with interested attendees for in-depth technical discussions. In addition, attendees find the poster sessions a good way to sample many papers in parallel sessions. Thus it is important that you display your message clearly and noticeably to attract people who might have an interest in your paper. Carefully and completely prepare your poster well in advance of the conference. Try tacking up the poster before you leave for the conference to see what it will look like and to make sure that you have all of the necessary pieces. The title of your poster should appear at the top in CAPITAL letters about 25mm high. Below the title, put the author(s)’ name(s) and affiliation(s). The flow of your poster should be from the top left to the bottom right. Use arrows to lead your viewer through the poster. Use color for highlighting and to make your poster more attractive. Use pictures, diagrams, cartoons, figures, etc., rather than text wherever possible. Try to state your main result in 6 lines or less, in lettering about 15mm high so that people can read the poster from a distance. The smallest text on your poster should be at least 9mm high, and the important points should be in a larger size. 14 PRESENTING YOUR POSTER: prepare a short presentation of about 5 or 10 minutes that you can periodically give to those assembled around your poster throughout the poster session. If you need extra presentation materials, such as a video display or computer, you are required to bring them yourself; note that any equipment used in the poster area should be battery-operated, since power will not be provided on the floor. Each poster session is 2 hours long; a presenter must be present at your poster during the entirety of the session. If possible, more than one author should attend the session to aid in presentations and discussions, and to provide the presenters with the chance to rest or briefly view other posters. PRIOR TO YOUR PRESENTATION: please put up your poster during the break before your session starts, and take it down immediately after your session ends. Please go to the poster session 30 minutes before the session starting. EQUIPMENT PROVIDED: push tacks or velcro adhesive will be provided at the conference to mount your poster to the board. No printers are available on site. 15 th 2015 IEEE 15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome PROGRAM AT GLANCE 16 17 th 2015 IEEE 15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome PLENARY SESSION: keynotes on “State of the art on Renewables and Smart Grids in Europe and North America” Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 h. 11.00-13.00 Venue: Aula 1 “SMART GRIDS AS ENABLERS FOR SMART CITIES” Carlo Alberto Nucci, University of Bologna, Italy. SHORT COURSE DESCRIPTION: Smart Grids are believed to represent one of the major enablers for the implementation of the concept of Smart City. The keynote will first focus on how the concept of electrical power network is changing in view of the massive injection in it of energy from renewable sources, on what are the main technical challenges facing the development of smart grids/smart energy delivery systems, and on how important a role smart cities are expected to play in the EU's future power/energy scenario. Some of the most important issues relevant to the real implementation of the concept of Smart Grids, such as the role of storage energy systems, as well as that of advanced sensors or tools enabling the state estimation of smart grids (e.g. the phasor measurement units or co-simulation platform tools for the analysis of integrated ICT and electric power systems) will be addressed too by means of some examples. INSTRUCTOR SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Carlo Alberto Nucci is full professor and head of the Power Systems Laboratory of the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering ‘Guglielmo Marconi’ of the University of Bologna. He is author or co-author of over 300 scientific papers published on peer-reviewed journals or on proceedings of international conferences, of five book chapters edited by IEE (two), Kluwer, Rumanian Academy of Science and WIT press and of a couple of IEEE Standards and some CIGRE technical brochures. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and of the IET, CIGRE honorary member and has received some best paper/technical international awards, including the CIGRE Technical Committee Award. From January 2006 to September 2012 he has served as Chairman of Cigré Study Committee C4 ‘System Technical Performance’. Since January 2010 he is serving as Editor in Chief of the Electric Power Systems Research journal, Elsevier. Prof. Nucci is doctor honoris causa of the University Politehnica of Bucharest and corresponding member of the Bologna Science Academy. Since January 2013 he serves as president of the Italian Group of University Professors of Electrical Power Systems (GUSEE). He is an advisor of the Global Resource Management Program of Doshisha University, Kyoto, supported by the Japanese Ministry of Education and Science. He is the coordinator of the Working Group ‘Smart City’ of the University of Bologna, has been serving as member of the EU Smart City Stakeholder Platform since 2013, and since 2014 is representing PES in the IEEE Smart City Initiatives Program. “RENEWABLE ENERGY: MYTHS AND REALITIES FROM AROUND THE WORLD” Mark Halpin, Auburn University, USA. SHORT COURSE DESCRIPTION: it will present various aspects of renewable energy in terms of economic costs and technical performance. Every effort will be made to provide unbiased information so that attendees may be better able to form their own opinions. Actual scenarios and situations from the USA and Europe will be used to demonstrate the various trade-offs that inevitably arise regarding renewable/alternative energy decisions. Active discussion and debate will be encouraged from all participants. INSTRUCTOR SHORT BIOGRAPHY: Mark Halpin received his PhD from Auburn University in 1993. He has been active in teaching and research in the university and utility environments for over 20 years. His main technical focus area relates to power quality and electromagnetic compatibility in the electric utility industry. He is active in numerous standards development and contributing organizations including IEEE, IEC, CIGRE, and CIRED. He has led the development of IEEE harmonics standards and presently serves as the Convener of IEC Technical Committee 77, Sub-committee 77A, Working Group 2 which deals with voltage fluctuations and flicker. He is presently involved in multiple standardization activities associated with the power quality implications of renewable resource integration. He has authored over 250 technical papers in journals and conference proceedings, led over US$25M in research projects, and has industrial experience in manufacturing and production industries and in the electric utility industry. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and received the IEEE Charles Proteus Steinmetz Award for contributions to power quality and standards. He is presently the Alabama Power Company Distinguished Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Auburn University. 18 TECHNICAL SESSIONS SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10TH, 2015 AFTERNOON SESSIONS (A1) TECHNICAL SESSION 1 (A1-TS1) - SPECIAL SESSION: ENERGY STORAGE Session Chair: Davide Poli, University of Pisa, Italy Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 h. 14:00-15:30 Venue: Sala del Chiostro A-TS1 087 Control strategies and real time operation of storage systems integrated with MV photovoltaic plants Stefano Barsali, Romano Giglioli, Marco Giuntoli, Giovanni Lutzemberger and Davide Poli Invited Paper University of Pisa - DESTEC A-TS1 269 Economic Feasibility of a Customer-side Energy Storage in the Italian Electricity Market Enrico Telaretti, Mariano Giuseppe Ippolito, Eleonora Riva Sanseverino, Salvatore Favuzza and Gaetano Zizzo Invited Paper University of Palermo A-TS1 103 Cost/benefit analyses of storage systems applications for the provision of dispatching services Michele Benini, Silvia Canevese, Diego Cirio, Angelo Cavaliere, Antonio Gatti, Paolo Grisi and Invited Paper Andrea Pitto RSE SpA A-TS1 192 ENEA’s Energy Storage Activities In The Italian Electric System Research Project Mario Conte Invited Paper ENEA A-TS1 412 A comparison of two innovative customer power devices for smart micro-grids Gaetano Zizzo(1), Maria Carmen Falvo(2), Luigi Martirano(2), Danilo Sbordone(2), Mariano Giuseppe Ippolito(1), Enrico Telaretti(1), Giorgio Graditi(3), Ilaria Bertini(3), Biagio Pelligra(3) and Biagio Di Pietra(3) (1) Università di Palermo, (2) University "La Sapienza" Rome, (3) ENEA A-TS1 273 Small scale ESS for LV prosumers: an economic feasibility and sensitivity analysis Maria Carmen Falvo, Umberto Grasselli, Matteo Manganelli and Alessio Modesto DIAEE - University of Rome Sapienza TECHNICAL SESSION 2 (A1-TS2) - SPECIAL SESSION: MOBILITY, SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT SYSTEMS, ELECTRICAL VEHICLES - 1 Session Chair: Spyridon Giannoutsos, National Technical University of Athens, Greece Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 h. 14:00-15:30 Venue: Aula 17 A1-TS2 595 A New Control Technique to Enhance the Stability of a DC microgrid and to Reduce Battery Current Ripple during the Charging of Plug-In Electric Vehicles Nawaz Hussain and Vivek Agarwal Indian Institute of Technology Bombay A1-TS2 355 EVs mass adoption in Colombia –A first approach Model Laura Marcela Hinestroza Olascuaga(1), Javier A. Rosero Garcia(2) and John. E. Puerto Pinzon(2) (1) Universidad del Norte, (2) Universidad Nacional de Colombia A1-TS2 560 Using of Suitable Reluctance Motors for Electric Vehicles and Comparison of their Performances Pavol Rafajdus, Adrian Peniak, Milan Diko, Juraj Makarovic, Peter Dubravka and Valeria Hrabovcova University of Zilina A1-TS2 247 Energy Management and D/G Fuel Consumption Optimization in the Power System of Marine Vessels through VFD-based Process Flow Control Spyridon Giannoutsos and Stefanos Manias National Technical University of Athens, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 19 th 2015 IEEE 15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome TECHNICAL SESSION 3 (A1-TS3) - SPECIAL SESSION: VOLTAGE REGULATION: FROM HIERARCHICAL TO DISTRIBUTED POWER GENERATION AND CONTROL Session Chair: Giorgio Sulligoi, University of Trieste, Italy Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 h. 14:00-15:30 Venue: Aula 1 A1-TS3 568 Coordinated voltage control in distribution grids with LTE based communication infrastructure Andrea Angioni(1), Abhinav Sadu(1), Antonello Monti(1), Ferdinanda Ponci(1), Dhruvin Patel(2), Invited Paper Fiona Williams(2), Davide Della Giustina(3) and Alessio Dedè(3) (1) RWTH Aachen, (2) Ericsson Eurolab GmbH, (3) A2a Reti Elettriche SPA A1-TS3 337 Coordinated Closed Loop Voltage Control by using a Real-time Volt/VAR Optimization Function for MV Distribution Networks Invited Paper Saeed Rahimi(1), Stefano Massucco(2) and Federico Silvestro(2) (1) ABB Enterprise Software, (2) University of Genova A1-TS3 209 Feasibility Assessment of Plug and Play Model Predictive Control for use in DC Grids Paul Mc Namara(1), Seán McLoone(2) and Federico Milano(1) Invited Paper (1) University College Dublin, (2) Queens University Belfast A1-TS3 376 Real-time Demonstration of a Hierarchical Agent Based Voltage Instability Prevention System Freek Baalbergen(1), Madeleine Gibescu(2), Vasileios Karapanos(3) and Lou van der Sluis(4) Invited Paper (1) NedTrain, (2) Eindhoven University of Technology, (3) Independent Consultant, (4) Delft University of Technology A1-TS3 537 Performance Assessment of PMU-Based Estimation Methods of Thevenin Equivalents for Real-Time Voltage Stability Monitoring Invited Paper Jan Lavenius(1), Luigi Vanfretti(1) and Glauco N. Taranto(2) (1) KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, (2) Federal University of Rio de Janeiro/COPPE A1-TS3 584 Automatic Voltage Control of a cluster of hydro power plants to operate as a Virtual Power Plant Massimiliano Chiandone(1), Riccardo Campaner(1), Vittorio Arcidiacono(1), Federico Milano(2) and Invited Paper Giorgio Sulligoi(1) (1) University of Trieste, (2) University College Dublin School of Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering TECHNICAL SESSION 4 (A1-TS4) - SPECIAL SESSION: DEMAND RESPONSE: THE CHALLENGE OF THE NEXT FUTURE Session Chair: Fabio Massaro, University of Palermo, Italy Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 h. 14:00-15:30 Venue: Aula 7 A1-TS4 110 Demand Response: a solution to managing loads in the smart grid Damien Picault(1), Olivier Cottet(2) and Teddy Ruez(3) Invited Paper (1) G2Elab, (2) Schneider Electric, (3) Assystem A1-TS4 060 Energy Management Systems and Tertiary Regulation in Hierarchical Control Architectures for Islanded Microgrids Invited Paper Eleonora Riva Sanseverino(1), Maria Luisa Di Silvestre(1), Ninh Quang Nguyen(1), Liliana Mineo(1), Adriana C. Luna(2), Josep M. Guerrero(2), Juan C. Vasquez(2) and Moises Graells(3) (1) University of Palermo, (2) University of Aalborg, (3) Polytechnic university of catalonia A1-TS4 169 A bottom-up approach for the evaluation of the flexible quota of aggregate loads Gaetano Zizzo, Salvatore Favuzza, Fabio Massaro, Mariano Giuseppe Ippolito and Gabriele Pecoraro Invited Paper Università di Palermo A1-TS4 055 Computational methods for technical validation of demand response products Simone Paoletti, Antonio Vicino and Donato Zarrilli Invited Paper Università di Siena A1-TS4 160 Numerical implementation of active power flow tracing methods: practical implications on transmission networks and DR programs support Invited Paper Giuseppe Paternò, Salvatore Favuzza, Mariano Giuseppe Ippolito, Fabio Massaro and Luigi Dusonchet Università di Palermo A1-TS4 076 An algorithm for simulating end-user behaviour in a real time pricing market Gabriele Pecoraro, Eleonora Riva Sanseverino, Salvatore Favuzza, Fabio Massaro, Gaetano Zizzo, Invited Paper Giovanni Galioto and Mariano Giuseppe Ippolito Università di Palermo 20 ROUND TABLE on CPD SERVICES FOR END USERS AND SMART GRIDS Moderator: Umberto Grasselli, University of Rome Sapienza, Italy Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 h. 14:00-15:30 Venue: Sala degli Affreschi This round table introduces a co-research project, funded by Filas, with partners the University of Rome Sapienza and some Italian enterprisea dealing with the use of Custom Power Devices (CPD) for services to end users and smart grids. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10TH, 2015 EVENING SESSIONS (E1) TECHNICAL SESSION 5 (E1-TS1): POWER ELECTRONICS AND COMPONENTS – 1 Session Chair: Giovanni Petrone, University of Salerno, Italy Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 h. 16:00-17:30 Venue: Sala del Chiostro E1-TS1 235 Double Soft-computing Techniques Based Triple Functionalities for Shunt Active Power Filter with Voltage Source Inverter Topology Nor Farahaida Abdul Rahman(1), Mohd Amran Mohd Radzi(2), Azura Che Soh(2), Norman Mariun(2) and Nasrudin Abd Rahim(3) (1) Universiti Teknologi MARA, (2) Universiti Putra Malaysia, (3) UM Power Energy Dedicated Advanced Centre (UMPEDAC) University of Malaya E1-TS1 027 Comparative Analysis of SPWM and Square Wave Output Filtration Based Pure Sine Wave Inverter Muhammad Bilal Cheema, Syed Ali Hasnain, Muhammad Maaz Ahsan, Musab Umer and Gulraiz Ahmad Bahria University, Islamabad E1-TS1 052 Loss Evaluation of Interior Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machine Drives Using T-Type Multilevel Converters Aboubakr Salem(1), Frederik De Belie(1), Peter Sergeant(1), Ahmed Abdallh(1) and Jan Melkebeek(1) (1) UGENT, Belgium E1-TS1 522 Bidirectional Buck Boost Half-Bridge Converter with the Possibility of Zero Voltage Switching Franz Hanser The University of Edinburgh E1-TS1 559 Design and Control of a Quasi-Z-Source Inverter Based for Wind Power Generation using PMSG Abdullah Hussien(1), Mohamed Taha Elsayed Ahmed Abdelkader(1) and Osama Mahgoub(1) (1) Cairo University, Department of Electrical Power and Machines E1-TS1 238 Decolorization of Acid Blue 25 Dye by Non-Thermal Plasma Advanced Oxidation Process for Industrial Wastewater Treatment Ahmed El-Tayeb Khalil, Ahmed Hassan Elshazly, Marwa El-Kady and Adel Abd Elrahman Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST) TECHNICAL SESSION 6 (E1-TS2): POWER SYSTEMS AND SMART GRID - 1 Session Chair: Pablo Arboleya, University of Oviedo, Spain Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 h. 16:00-17:30 Venue: Sala degli Affreschi E1-TS2 602 Domestic Microgrid Energy Management: Model Predictive Control Strategies Experimental Validation Stefano Bifaretti(1), Vincenzo Bonaiuto(1), Giacomo Bruni(1), Stefano Cordiner(1), Vincenzo Mulone(1), Hoa Nguyen(2), Claudio Paglia(1) and Francesco Spagnolo(1) (1) University of Rome Tor Vergata, (2) Tra Vinh University E1-TS2 290 Commissioning and testing of the first Lithium–Titanate BESS for the Italian Transmission Grid Francesco Palone, Gianluigi Gemelli, Massimo Rebolini, Andrea Necci, Marco Pietrucci, Anna Carolina Tortora and Ester Mocci TERNA. Italy 21 th 2015 IEEE 15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome E1-TS2 295 DC and AC ground fault analysis in LVDC microgrids with energy storage systems Marco Carminati(1), Enrico Ragaini(1) and Enrico Tironi(2) (1) ABB SpA SACE Division, (2) Politecnico di Milano E1-TS2 135 OPGrid: Steady state analysis toolbox for systems with embedded FACTS and Droop-based devices Bassam Mohamed and Pablo Arboleya University of Oviedo Smart Distribution Grids: New Solutions for System Operation in Emergency Conditions Luigi D'Orazio(1), Cristiano D'Orinzi(1), Christian D'Adamo(1), Vito Bufano(1) and Maria Carmen Falvo(2) (1) Enel Distribuzione, (2) University of Rome Sapienza E1-TS2 223 E1-TS2 244 Computer tool for assessing the selection of distributed generation systems in NZEB Edwin Xavier Dominguez, Pablo Arboleya and Felix Manuel Lorenzo (1) National Politechnic School (Ecuador), (2) University of Oviedo TECHNICAL SESSION 7 (E1-TS3): POWER SYSTEM STABILITY, SECURITY AND RESILIENCY - 1 Session Chair: Sergey Kovalenko, Riga Technical University, Latvian Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 h. 16:00-17:30 Venue: Aula 17 E1-TS3 498 Modern Distribution System Protection Design Considering Stability Criteria Lukasz Huchel, Alexandros Tsoupos, Amer Al Hinai and Maksymilian Klimontowicz Masdar Institute of Science and Technology E1-TS3 250 Modeling and Small-signal Stability Analysis of an islanded DC Microgrid with Dynamic Loads Sheng Liu(1), Wanlu Zhu(2), Yinzhong Cheng(3) and Bowen Xing(4) (1) Harbin Engineering University, (2) Mississippi State University, (3) China Ship Research and Development Academy, (4) University of Notre Dame E1-TS3 080 Modified Givens Method for the Analysis Power System Static Stability Sergey Kovalenko(1), Inga Zicmane(1) and Georgi Georgiev(2) (1) Riga Technical University, (2) VTU E1-TS3 546 Performance of Three Islanding Detection Methods for Grid-tied Multi-Inverters Mageda El-Moubarak, Mahmoud Hassan and Ayman Faza Princess Sumaya University for Technology E1-TS3 099 The Cost and Robustness of Cyber-Physical Power Grid With a Novel Model Zhengcheng Dong, Yanjun Fang and Meng Tian Wuhan University E1-TS3 131 Voltage Collapse Risk Index Prediction for Real Time System’s Security Monitoring Norziana Aminudin(1), Marayati Marsadek(2), Titik Khawa Abdul Rahman(3), Norazan Mohamed Ramli(1), Noor Miza Mohamad Razali(2) and Mohd Ihsan Yassin(1) (1) Universiti Teknologi MARA, (2) Universiti Tenaga Nasional Berhad, (3) King Abdul Aziz University TECHNICAL SESSION 8 (E1-TS4): POWER SYSTEM STABILITY, SECURITY AND RESILIENCY – 2 Session Chair: Giorgio Maria Giannuzzi, Terna, Italy Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 h. 16:00-17:30 22 Venue: Aula 1 E1-TS4 501 Real-time Critical Machine Identification for Online Transient Stability Analysis Fu Su and Baohui Zhang Xi'an Jiaotong University E1-TS4 341 Voltage Stability Analysis for the Receiving-end Grid of UHV-DC Transmission System Meng Liu(1), Yiwei Zhang(1) and Weiyong Jiang(2) (1) Tsinghua university, (2) State Power Economic Research Institute E1-TS4 331 Optimization of a Hybrid Coordinated Power System Stabilizer for superconducting Generator Using Genetic Algorithm Adjeroud Mayouf Faiza(1), Djahli Farid(1), Mayouf Abdelhalim(3) and Thierry Devers(4) (1) University of Ferhat Abbas, Sétif 1, Algeria, (2) DIMMER Laboratory, University of Djelfa, Algeria, (3) CRMD-CNRS Laboratory, Univ. Orléans, France E1-TS4 477 Different Approaches for Estimation of Dampings and Frequencies of Electromechanical Modes from PMU Ambient Data Mohammadreza Farrokhifard, Mohammadreza Hatami and Mostafa Parniani Sharif University of Technology E1-TS4 479 Leakage inductance variation based monitoring of transformer winding deformation Xiaojing Zhang(1), ZhiGuo Hao(1), GuoZhen Chen(2), Zhi Sun(2), Fei He(2), SuJuan Sun(2) and Peng Wu(3) (1) Xi'an Jiaotong University, (2) TaiZhou Power Supple Company, State Gride JiangSu Power Supple Company, (3) State Gride JiangSu Power Supple Company E1-TS4 387 Secure and Adaptive State Estimation for PMU-equipped Smart Grid Jinghe Zhang(1), Marjan Momtazpour(1), Greg Welch(2), Naren Ramakrishnan(1) and Saifur Rahman(1) (1) Virginia Tech, (2) University of Central Florida TECHNICAL SESSION 9 (E1-TS5): SMART BUILDINGS, LIGHTING, METERING DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT Session Chair: Gaetano Zizzo, University of Palermo, Italy Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 h. 16:00-17:30 Venue: Aula 7 E1-TS5 476 A Scalable Geographic Routing Protocol for Virtual Power Plant Communications Mouna Rekik(1), Zied Chtourou(1) and Nathalie Mitton(2) (1) Cmerp, Tunisia, (2) Inria, France E1-TS5 586 Optimization of residential heating systems using accumulators Ioan-Valentin Sita, Petru Dobra, Daniel Moga, Radu Mănescu, Vlad Mureşan and Iulia Clitan Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Automation, Romania E1-TS5 593 Achieving energy savings and thermal comfort through intermittent heating in very low energy buildings Vladimir Tanasiev, Adrian Badea, Horia Necula, Sorina Costinas and Gabriela Nicoleta Sava University Politehnica of Bucharest E1-TS5 601 Thermal Simulation and Validation of 5W High Power LED Luminaire Jose Luiz F. Barbosa, Wesley P. Calixto, Rodrigo A. Lima, Aylton J. Alves and Elder G. Domingues Federal Institute of Goias E1-TS5 357 Autonomous Patrol and Surveillance System using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Kian Seng Lee(1), Mark Ovinis(1), Nagarajan Thirumalaiswamy(1), Ralph Seulin(2) and Olivier Morel(2) (1) Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, (2) Université de Bourgogne 23 th 2015 IEEE 15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome THURSDAY, JUNE 11TH, 2015 MORNING SESSIONS (M2) TECHNICAL SESSION 10 (M2-TS1) - SPECIAL SESSION ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING USING SATELLITES Session Chairs: Erricos C. Pavlis, GEST/UMBC NASA Goddard, Maryland, USA Antonio Paolozzi, University of Rome Sapienza, Italy Thursday, June 11th, 2015 h. 8:30-10:30 Venue: Sala del Chiostro M2-TS1 507 Optical payload for high-resolution Earth imaging suitable for microsatellites Riccardo di Roberto, Augusto Nascetti, Antonio Paolozzi and Claudio Paris Invited Paper Sapienza University of Rome M2-TS1 416 A multi-sensor approach for monitoring an active volcanic area: the 2011-2014 eruptive phase of Mount Etna Invited Paper Michele Martino(1), Silvia Scifoni(1), Maria Marsella(1), Mauro Coltelli(2), Peppe Junior Valentino D'Aranno(1) and Quintilio Napoleoni(1) (1) Sapienza University of Rome, (2) INGV - Etna Observatory M2-TS1 605 Quantifying the effects of ground settlement on buildings by the exploitation of long term DINSAR time series: the case of Roma Invited Paper Maria Marsella Sapienza University of Rome M2-TS1 436 The TIGRIsat camera: a nanosatellite optical payload for detecting dust and sand storms. Claudio Paris(1), Maurizio Parisse(1) and Nabeel Abdulhussein Salman(2) Invited Paper (1) Sapienza University of Rome, (2) Ministry of Science and Technology M2-TS1 449 The potential impact of the next hyperspectral PRISMA mission on the natural and anthropogenic hazards management Invited Paper Roberto De Bonis(1), Giovanni Laneve(1), Angelo Palombo(2), Simone Pascucci(3), Stefano Pignatti(3), Federico Santini(3), and Cristina Ananasso(4) (1) Sapienza University of Rome, (2) National Research Council (CNR), (3) CNR IMAA (4) ASI M2-TS1 453 Developing a satellite optical sensor based automatic system for detecting and monitoring oil spills Giovanni Laneve and Roberto Luciani Invited Paper Sapienza University of Rome M2-TS1 541 Contribution of LARES and geodetic satellites on Environmental monitoring Erricos C. Pavlis(1), Giampiero Sindoni(2), Ignazio Ciufolini(3) and Antonio Paolozzi(1) Invited Paper (1) Goddard Earth Sciences and Technology Center, (2) Sapienza University of Rome, (3) University and Centro Fermi (Roma) M2-TS1 339 Monitoring volcanic ash by using geostationary satellite Giovanni Laneve, Guido Bernini, Riccardo Orsi and Emiliano Ortore Invited Paper Sapienza University of Rome TECHNICAL SESSION 11 (M2-TS2): CIRCUITS, SENSORS, ACTUATORS, ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY - 1 Session Chair: Salvatore Celozzi, University of Rome Sapienza Thursday, June 11th, 2015 h. 8:30-10:30 Venue: Sala degli Affreschi 24 M2-TS2 430 Design and performance evaluation of a high power density EMI filter for PWM inverter-fed induction motor drives Graziella Giglia(1), Guido Ala(1), Giuseppe Costantino Giaconia(1), Maria Carmela Di Piazza(2) and Gianpaolo Vitale(2) (1) University of Palermo, (2) CNR-ISSIA M2-TS2 116 Mathematical Model for Eddy Current Testing of Metal Plates with Two Cylindrical Flaws Valentina Koliskina and Andrei Kolyshkin Riga Technical University, Latvia M2-TS2 267 Actuator channel setting strategy for ship information systems based on reachability analysis and physical characteristic Bowen Xing, Wanlu Zhu and Sheng Liu (1) University of Notre Dame, (2) Mississippi State University, (3) Harbin Engineering University M2-TS2 587 Photovoltaic Switched Reluctance Motor Modeling and Simulation Loic Queval(1), Alain Coty(2), Lionel Vido(1), Raimund Gottkehaskamp(3) and Bernard Multon(4) (1) SATIE CNRS, University of Cergy-Pontoise, (2) Saurea, (3) University of Applied Science Düsseldorf, (4) SATIE CNRS, ENS Rennes M2-TS2 428 3D Printed Lab-on-a-chip Microviscometer for various Biochemical Applications Venkateswaran Pedinti Sankaran(1), Abhishek Sharma(1), Ajay Agarwal(2) and Sanket Goel(1) (1) Research & Development-University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, (2) CSIR-Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute M2-TS2 101 Adaptive Delay Bank Filter for Selective Elimination of harmonics in SRF-PLL structures Slobodan Lubura, Milomir Soja, Srdjan Lale, Milica Ristovic and Marko Ikic University of East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina M2-TS2 105 Input Impedance of Modern Embedded Networks Including Many Power Electronics Converters: An Analytical Investigation Achour Ales(1), Mohamed Elyazid Boudaren(1), Bouzid Karouche(1), Zaki Gouichiche(2), Jean-Luc Schanen(2), James Roudet(2) and Djelloul Moussaoui(3) (1) Ecole Militaire Polytechnique, (2) G2ELab, University of Grenoble, (3) Ecole Militaire Polytechnique M2-TS2 106 The Accurate Input Impedances of a DC-DC Converters Connected to the Network Achour Ales(1), Z. Gouichiche(1), J-L. Schanen(1), J. Roudet(1) , A. Ales (2), M. E. Y. Boudaren (2), B. Karouche (2), D. Moussaoui (2) (1) G2ELab, University of Grenoble, (2) Ecole Militaire Polytechnique, Algeria TECHNICAL SESSION 12 (M2-TS3): POWER SYSTEMS AND SMART GRIDS - 2 Session Chair: Samuele Grillo, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Thursday, June 11th, 2015 h. 8:30-10:30 Venue: Aula 17 M2-TS3 448 Load Areas in Distribution Systems Giovanni Mercurio Casolino and Arturo Losi Università degli Studi di Cassino e del LM M2-TS3 088 Online Optimizer for Distribution Networks on Neplan Stefano Breganni(1), Franco D'Urso(1), Antonio Giarratana(2), Paolo Gregoraci(3), Mario Manzini(3), Enrico Pons(4), Maurizio Repetto(4), Lorenzo Vandoni(1) and Giancarlo Zamboni(2) (1) Emisfera Società Cooperativa, (2) HAL SERVICE Srl, (3) ATENA Spa, (4) Politecnico di Torino M2-TS3 283 A laboratory model of a dual active bridge dc-dc converter for a smart user network Alessandro Burgio, Daniele Menniti, Michele Motta, Anna Pinnarelli, Nicola Sorrentino and Pasquale Vizza University of Calabria M2-TS3 315 DC Networks Including Multi-port DC/DC Converters: Fault Analysis Matteo Corti(1), Enrico Tironi(1) and Giovanni Ubezio(2) (1) Politecnico di Milano, (2) Energy Components and Consulting S.r.l. M2-TS3 385 Seasonal signal analysis of distribution lines in smart grids via Hilbert-Huang transform Silvano Vergura, Roberto Zivieri and Mario Carpentieri Technical University of Bari M2-TS3 506 Storage system control for correct operation of fault protections of single phase load in grids dominated by inverters Luigi Piegari, Samuele Grillo and Enrico Tironi Politecnico di Milano M2-TS3 206 Intentional islanding control of a Smart User Network Giovanni Brusco, Daniele Menniti, Anna Pinnarelli, Nicola Sorrentino, Giuseppe Barone and Alessandro Burgio University of Calabria M2-TS3 457 Clustering for multi-objective thermal generator scheduling Dipti Srinivasan, Chee Bing Kiat, Anupam Trivedi, Bharat Menon Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore 25 th 2015 IEEE 15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome TECHNICAL SESSION 13 (M2-TS4): MOBILITY, SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT SYSTEMS, ELECTRICAL VEHICLES - 2 Session Chair: Regina Lamedica, University of Rome Sapienza, Italy Thursday, June 11th, 2015 h. 8:30-10:30 Venue: Aula 1 M2-TS4 102 Dielectric Characteristics of Electric Vehicle Traction Motor Winding Insulation under Thermal Ageing Konstantinos N. Gyftakis, Malgorzata Sumislawska, Darren Kavanagh, David Howey and Malcolm McCulloch United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland M2-TS4 239 Estimating the effects of energy-efficient driving profiles on railway consumption Mariano Gallo(1), Fulvio Simonelli(1), Giuseppina De Luca(1) and Valerio De Martinis(2) (1) Università del Sannio - Dipartimento di Ingegneria, (2) ETH Zurich - Institut für Verkehrsplanung und Transportsysteme M2-TS4 517 Comparative Analysis of Different Synchronous Reluctance Motor Topologies Claudiu Oprea, Arkadiusz Dziechciarz and Claudia Martis Technical University of Cluj-Napoca M2-TS4 143 Performance of Automotive Permanent Magnet Machines with Different Sizes, Rare-earth Magnets and Winding Configurations Roziah Aziz and Glynn Atkinson United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland M2-TS4 275 A measurement campaign in a metro-train deposit/maintenance and repair site for PV production optimal sizing Alfonso Capasso(1), Regina Lamedica(1), Luca Podestà(1), Alessandro Ruvio(1), Silvia Sangiovanni(1), Cristian Lazaroiu(2) and Gennario Antonio Maranzano(3) (1) Sapienza University of Rome, (2) University Politehnica of Bucharest, (3) Atac S.p.a M2-TS4 414 Plug-In Electric Vehicle Charging Coordination in Electrical Distribution Systems Using a Tabu Search Algorithm Maria Nataly Bañol Arias, John Fredy Franco, Marina Lavorato, Marcos Rider and Ruben Romero Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho M2-TS4 508 Estimation of Mobility Direction of a People Flux by using a live 3G Radio Access Network and Smartphones in Non-Connected mode Andrea Scaloni(1) and Davide Micheli(2) (1) Nokia, (2) Telecom Italia TECHNICAL SESSION 14 (M2-TS5): POWER SYSTEMS AND SMART GRID - 3 Session Chair: Farhan Mahmood, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden Thursday, June 11th, 2015 h. 8:30-10:30 Venue: Aula 7 26 M2-TS5 411 A Method for Extracting Steady State Components from Syncrophasor Data using Kalman Filters Farhan Mahmood(1), Hossein Hooshyar(1), Luigi Vanfretti(1)(2) (1) KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden, (2) Research and Development Division of Statnett SF, the Norwegian TSO, Oslo, Norway M2-TS5 480 Research on Differential Protection Algorithm about Special Phase-shifting Angle Rectifier Transformer Liang Dong(1), Zhiguo Hao(1), Zhiyuan Liu(2) and Hongsen Zou(2) (1) Xi’an Jiaotong University, (2) State Grid Ningxia Electric Power Company M2-TS5 484 Short-Term Load Forecasting with Radial Basis Functions and Singular Spectrum Analysis for Residential Electric Vehicles Recharging Control Xiaolei Hu, Enrico Ferrera, Riccardo Tomasi and Claudio Pastrone Istituto Superiore Mario Boella M2-TS5 518 Modelling and Control of Modular Multi-level Converter Based HVDC Systems using Symmetrical Components Yuanze Zhang, Jayashri Ravishankar and Rui Li (1) University of New South Wales, Australia, (2) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland M2-TS5 527 An Experimental Setup for Testing Synchrophasor-based Damping Control Systems Eldrich Rebello, Md Shoaib Almas and Luigi Vanfretti KTH Royal Institute of Technology M2-TS5 551 Hybrid Computational Intelligence Model for Short-Term Bus Load Forecasting Ioannis Panapakidis(1), George Christoforidis(1) and Grigoris Papagiannis(2) (1) Technological Education Institution of Western Macedonia, (2) School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki M2-TS5 597 Synchronous Islanding Control in the Presence of Hydro-electric Generation Mats-Robin Jacobsen, David Laverty, John Morrow and John Hasting United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland M2-TS5 607 MUSIC Algorithm for Estimation of Parameters of Signals in Power System Przemyslaw Janik and Zbigniew Waclawek Wroclaw University of Technology THURSDAY, JUNE 11TH, 2015 NOON SESSIONS (N2) TECHNICAL SESSION 15 (N2-TS1) - SPECIAL SESSION: MODELING, MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF MICROGRIDS & SMART ENERGY SYSTEMS FOR URBAN AND INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS Session Chair: Federico Delfino, University of Genoa, Italy Thursday, June 11th, 2015 h. 11:00-13:00 Venue: Sala del Chiostro N2-TS1 124 A two-step procedure for the energy management in smart microgrids accounting for economical and power quality issues Invited Paper Andrea Bonfiglio, Massimo Brignone, Federico Delfino, Paola Girdinio, Fabio Pampararo and Renato Procopio University of Genova, Department of Naval, Electrical, and ICT Engineering N2-TS1 332 Short-term Load Forecasting for Smart Water and Gas Grids: a comparative evaluation Marco Fagiani, Stefano Squartini, Roberto Bonfigli and Francesco Piazza Invited Paper Università Politecnica delle Marche N2-TS1 458 PrInCE Lab experimental microgrid Planning and operation issues. Alessia Cagnano, Enrico De Tuglie, Maria Dicorato, Giuseppe Forte and Michele Trovato. Invited Paper Politecnico di Bari - Dept. of Electrical and Information Engineering (DEI) N2-TS1 081 DDS Based Interoperability Framework for Smart Grid Testbed Infrastructure Tarek Youssef, Ahmed Elsayed and Osama Mohammed Invited Paper Florida International University N2-TS1 478 Geographic Routing Protocol for Peer-to-Peer Smart Grid Neighborhood Area Network Mouna Rekik(1), Zied Chtourou(1) and Nathalie Mitton(2) Invited Paper (1) CMERP, (2) INRIA N2-TS1 328 Unsupervised Algorithms for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring: an Up-to-Date Overview Roberto Bonfigli, Stefano Squartini, Marco Fagiani and Francesco Piazza Invited Paper Università Politecnica delle Marche N2-TS1 221 The Leaf Community: Control of an AC Microgrid Pietro Ferraro(1), Emanuele Crisostomi(1), Sami Barmada(1), Marco Raugi(1), Antonio Giovannelli(2) Invited Paper and Gino Romiti(2) (1) DESTEC - University of Pisa, (2) Loccioni GroupLoccioni Group TECHNICAL SESSION 16 (N2-TS2): POWER ELECTRONICS AND COMPONENTS - 2 Session Chair: Roberto Faranda, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Thursday, June 11th, 2015 h. 11:00-13:00 Venue: Sala degli Affreschi N2-TS2 006 Active and Reactive Power Control of a Variable Speed Pumped Storage System Usman Nasir(1), Zafar Iqbal(2), Minxiao Han(2) and Muhammad Tahir Rasheed(2) (1) UET Lahore, Pakistan, (2) North China Electric Power University, China N2-TS2 289 Experiment on Bidirectional Single Phase Converter Applying Simple Model Predictive Control Gabriele D’antona(1), Roberto Faranda(1), Hossein Hafezi(1) and Marco Bugliesi(2) (1) Politecnico Di Milano, (2) 27 th 2015 IEEE 15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome N2-TS2 281 Voltage Mode Controlled Buck Converter Under Input Voltage Variations Usman Nasir(1), Zafar Iqbal(2) and Tahir RasheedZafar Iqbal(1) (1) North China Electric Power University, China, (2) UET Lahore, Pakistan N2-TS2 423 A new semi-resonant dc/dc converter topology Giuseppe Catona(1), Enrico Bianconi(1), Roberto Maceratini(1), Giovanni Coppola(2), Luca Fumagalli(2), Giovanni Petrone(3) and Giovanni Spagnuolo(3) (1) Bitron S.p.A., (2) Enel Distribuzione S.p.A., (3) Università di Salerno N2-TS2 282 A Comparative Analysis of Synchronous Buck, Isolated Buck and Buck Converter Zafar Iqbal(1), Usman Nasir(2) and Tahir Rasheed(2) (1) UET Lahore, Pakistan, (2) North China Electric Power University, China N2-TS2 576 Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems for Railway with Predictive Diagnostic Against Power Transformer Failure Sergio Saponara(1), Luca Fanucci(1) and Alessandro Falciani(2) (1) University of Pisa, Italy, (2) CEG Elettronica Spa, Italy N2-TS2 182 Low-cost Programmable Three Phase Load for Microgrids Labs David Novak, Mebrahtom Beraki, Geber Villa and Pablo Garcia University of Oviedo TECHNICAL SESSION 17 (N2-TS3): RENEWABLE ENERGY - 1 Session Chair: Federico Silvestro, University of Genoa, Italy Thursday, June 11th, 2015 h. 11:00-13:00 Venue: Aula 17 N2-TS3 174 Biogas Power Plant Operation Considering Limited Biofuel Resources Renata Varfolomejeva, Antans Sauhats, Zane Broka and Inga Umbrasko Riga Technical University, Latvia N2-TS3 319 Geometry optimization of exhaust ducts applied in thermoelectric cogeneration efficiency Pedro Gomes(1), Wesley Calixto(1), Priscilla Jua, Messias Faria(2), Aylton Alves(2) and Elder Domingues(2) (1) University of Brasilia, Brazil, (2) Federal Institute of Goias, Brazil N2-TS3 375 Energy Production Forecasting in a PV plant using Transfer Function Models Gabriella Dellino(1), Teresa Laudadio(1), Renato Mari(1), Nicola Mastronardi(1), Carlo Meloni(2) and Silvano Vergura(2) (1) IAC – CNR, Italy, (2) Politecnico di Bari, Italy N2-TS3 405 LPV Controllers for a DFIG in a Microgrid under Unbalanced Conditions Thai Vo, Jayashri Ravishankar, Hendra Nurdin and John Fletcher The University of New South Wales, Australia N2-TS3 419 Switched Reluctance Generator in Connection with the Three-Phase Power Grid Ghunter Viajante(1), Darizon Alves Andrade(2), Marcos Antônio Arantes Freitas(1), Luciano Coutinho Gomes(2), Victor Régis Bernadelli(1), Josemar Alves Santos(1), Marcelo Escobar Oliveira(1) and Cassio Xavier Rocha(1) (1) IFG, Brazil, (2) UFU, Brazil N2-TS3 493 Feasibility Study for Grid-Connected Biomass and Biogas Marayati Marsadek and Vigna Kumaran Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia N2-TS3 512 Contribution to Load-frequency regulation of a Hydropower plant with long tail-race tunnel Guillermo Martínez - Lucas, José Ignacio Sarasúa Moreno, José Román Wilhelmi Ayza and José Ángel Sánchez Fernández Technical University of Madrid, Spain TECHNICAL SESSION 18 (N2-TS4): RENEWABLE ENERGY - 2 Session Chair: Bernardino Ricci, Samsung SDI, Republic of Korea Thursday, June 11th, 2015 h. 11:00-13:00 N2-TS4 474 28 Venue: Aula 1 Expectation–Maximization algorithm for Evaluation of Wind Direction Characteristics Jaroslav Marek, Jan Hanousek and Jana Heckenbergerova University of Pardubice N2-TS4 111 Energy Storage Levelized Cost Assessment: Lithium-Ion vs. Combustion Turbine Bernardino Ricci and Seok-Min Jung Samsung SDI, The Republic of Korea N2-TS4 201 Biocathode Application in Microbial Fuel Cells: Organic Matter Removal and Denitrification Abdullah Kizilet(1), Dilek Akman(1), Vildan Akgul(1), Kevser Cirik(1) and Ozer Cinar(2) (1) Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, Turkey, (2) Yildiz Technical University, Turkey N2-TS4 316 Sensitivity Analysis on Locations of Energy Storage in Power Systems with Wind Integration Nhi T. A. Nguyen, Duong D. Le, Godfrey G. Moshi, Cristian Bovo and Alberto Berizzi Politecnico di Milano, Italy N2-TS4 338 Dynamic reconfiguration of solar systems for avoiding MPPT faults due to architectural partial shading Pierluigi Guerriero, Fabio Di Napoli, Vincenzo d'Alessandro and Santolo Daliento University of Naples Federico II, Italy N2-TS4 362 Development of Communication System for Small Wind Turbine André Ramos, Juliano Grigulo, Claiton Franchi, Frederico Schaf and Humberto Pinheiro Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil N2-TS4 374 Modeling, simulation and control of a Thermoelectric Generator Messias Faria(1), Priscilla Jua(1), Aylton Alves(1), Elder Domingues(1), Pedro Gomes(2) and Wesley Calixto(2) (1) Federal Institute of Goias, Brazil, (2) University of Brasilia, Brazil N2-TS4 278 Lithium Ion Battery System in Data Centers Seok-Min Jung, Bernardino Ricci and Gonjin Chung Samsung SDI TECHNICAL SESSION 19 (N2-TS5): RENEWABLE ENERGY - 3 Session Chair: Aouss Gabash, Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany Thursday, June 11th, 2015 h. 11:00-13:00 Venue: Aula 7 N2-TS5 018 Variable Reverse Power Flow Part I: A-R-OPF with Reactive Power of Wind Stations Aouss Gabash and Pu Li Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany N2-TS5 019 Variable Reverse Power Flow Part II: Electricity Market Model and Results Aouss Gabash and Pu Li Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany N2-TS5 094 Design Optimization of a RES-based Power-Supply System for Wireless Sensor Networks Ioannis Mandourarakis and Eftichios Koutroulis Technical University of Crete, Greece N2-TS5 567 An Assessment of Ocean Wave, Thermal and Salinity Energy Potential in the Junction of the Arabian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman Jason Bassett, Mahmoud Shahin, Ahmed Dalaq and Dana Suwwan Masdar Institute, United Arab Emirates N2-TS5 306 A novel piezoelectric micro-generator to power wireless sensors networks in vehicles Alex Mouapi, Nadir Hakem, Gilles Delisle and Nahi Kandil UQAT (Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue), Canada N2-TS5 064 A Grid-Connected PV Interface System Based On The DAB-Converter Mostafa I. Marei(1), Hadi El-Helw(2) and Mohamed Al-Hasheem(2) (1) Ain shams University, Egypt, (2) Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Trasport, Egypt N2-TS5 066 A new maximum power point tracking approach for decreasing convergence time Mustafa Engin Basoglu and Bekir Çakir Kocaeli University, Turkey N2-TS5 107 High productivity Non-Tracking solar collectors for process heat applications Maxime Canaff(1) and Wattana Ratismith(2) (1) University of Technology of Belfort-Montbéliard, Belfort, France, (2) Energy Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University Bangkok, Thailand 29 th 2015 IEEE 15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome PHD POSTER SESSION (PHD PS) Session Chair: Luigi Parise, University of Calabria, Italy Thursday, June 11th, 2015 h. 11:00-13:00 30 Venue: Chiostro PhD PS 280 Autonomous Monitoring Unit of Fault Condition with Vibration Energy Harvester Vojtech Vetiska, Ondrej Hyncica, Cestmir Ondrusek and Zdenek Hadas Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic PhD PS 292 Design and energy performance assessment of high-efficiency lighting systems Matteo Manganelli and Roberto Consalvi University of Rome Sapienza, Italy PhD PS 153 Evaluation of centralized and distributed microgrid topologies and comparison to Open Energy Systems (OES) Annette Werth, Nobuyuki Kitamura, Ippei Matsumoto and Kenji Tanaka University of Tokyo, Japan PhD PS 257 Practical Testing of Methods to Small Induction Motor Efficiency Improvement Martin Mach and Vitezslav Hajek Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic PhD PS 380 Fault current increase due to the progressive undergrounding of a HV subtransmission network Maddalena Schembari, Asia Codino, Alessandro Catapano and Stefano Lauria University of Rome Sapienza, Italy PhD PS 455 DC Voltage Regulation Control of Engine Direct Connection Type IPMSG for Special Vehicle Sung An Kim, Sang Geon Lee, Sang In Byun and Yun Hyun Cho Dong-A University , The Republic of Korea PhD PS 150 Dispatch of Generation and Demand Side Response in Regional Grids Hwei-Ming Chung(1), Chun-Lien Su(2) and Chao-Kai Wen(1) (1) Institute of Communications Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan (2) Department of Marine Engineering, National Kaohsiung Marine University, Taiwan PhD PS 256 Impact of Punching on Small Induction Motor Martin Mach and Vitezslav Hajek. PhD PS 349 Connection of very large public charging station to the HV transmission grid Francesco Palone(1), Simone Gentili(1), Giorgio Maria Giannuzzi(1), Massimo Rebolini(1), Maddalena Schembari(2) and Stefano Lauria(2) (1) TERNA, Italy, (2) University of Rome Sapienza, Italy PhD PS 431 Intelligent Simultaneous Quantification of Environmental Trace Elements with Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Junjie Ma(1), Yeyao Wang(2), Qi Yang(1), Yubing Liu(3) and Ping Shi(3) (1) School of Water Resources and Environment, China University of Geosciences, China, (2) China National Environmental Monitoring Centre, China, (3) Yiwen Environmental Science Technology Co., Ltd, China PhD PS 447 A Hierarchical Dispatch Structure for Distribution Network Pricing Zhao Yuan and Mohammad Reza Hesamzadeh KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden PhD PS 549 Evaluation of Heuristic Approach for Efficient Scheduling of Residential Smart Home Appliances Chris Ogwumike and Michael Short. Teesside University, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland PhD PS 352 Comparative Assessment of Double-Fed Induction Genertor and Full Converter Genertor Wind Turbines on Short Citcuits in Distribution Systems Milad Gheydi(1), Farshid Abdolahnejad(2), Payam Farhadi(1) and Reza Effatnejad(1) (1) Islamic Azad University, Iran, (2) Semnan University, Iran PhD PS 360 Analysis of high speed squirrel cage induction motors Ji í Klíma, Martin Mach and Ond ej Vítek Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic PhD PS 359 Simulation of Two Cases Steam Turbine with Synchronous Generator during the Switching into its Self-Consumption Supply Ladislav La tovka and Pavla Hejtmánková University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic PhD PS 598 Ion Current Studies Using A Small Corona Cage Jonathan Wulff, Tobias Vogt and Frank Jenau TU Dortmund, Germany PhD PS 293 Feed-forward control of a ZVT Full Bridge DC-DC Converter Sabino Pipolo(1), Stefano Bifaretti(1), Alessandro Lidozzi(2) and Luca Solero(2) (1) University of Rome Tor Vergata, (2) University of Roma Tre PhD PS 510 Influence of A/D quantization in a renewable energy system using a DFT based estimation of grid signal parameters Dariusz Kania University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland THURSDAY, JUNE 11TH, 2015 AFTERNOON SESSIONS (A2) TECHNICAL SESSION 20 (A2-TS1) - SPECIAL SESSION: NANOMATERIALS AND NANOTECHNOLOGIES FOR ENERGY AND ELECTRONICS - 1 Session Chair: Andrea Notargiacomo, IFN-CNR, Italy Thursday, June 11th, 2015 h. 14:00-15:30 Venue: Sala del Chiostro A2-TS1 563 Engineering Hybrid Halide Perovskites Morphology for optoelectronic devices Vanira Trifiletti(1), Aurora Rizzo(2), Andrea Listorti(3), Alessandro Cannavale(1), Silvia Colella(1) Invited Paper and Giuseppe Gigli(2) (1) Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica “E. de Giorgi”, Università del Salento, Lecce, (2) Istituto di Nanotecnologia, CNR-Nanotec, Lecce, (3) Center for Bio-Molecular Nanotechnology - Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Lecce A2-TS1 433 Nanoheteropitaxial Ge structure for nano optoelectronic devices on silico Giovanni Capellini(1), Peter Zaumseil(1), Yuji Yamamoto(1), Oliver Skibitzki(1), Noriyuki Taoka(1), Invited Paper Francesco Montalenti(2), Anna Marzegall(2)i and Thomas Schroede(1)r (1) IHP, (2) Università Milano Bicocca A2-TS1 441 Defect Engineering of Diamond Cathodes for High Temperature Solar Cells A. Bellucci (1)-(2), P. Calvani (1), M. Girolami (1), and D. M. Trucchi (1) Invited Paper (1) Institute of Structure of Matter CNR-ISM, (2) University of Roma La Sapienza A2-TS1 481 Nanostructured sensing devices controlled by ultra-flexible polysilicon readout circuits Luca Maiolo, Francesco Maita, Salvatore Mirabella, Vincenzina Strano, Antonio Minotti, Alessandro Pecora, Invited Paper Andrea Ferrone and Guglielmo Fortunato IMM-CNR A2-TS1 497 Electrochemical activity of lightweight borohydrides in lithium cells Luca Farina(1), David Munao(1), Laura Silvestri(1), Stefania Panero(1), Daniele Meggiolaro(2), Sergio Brutti(3), Invited Paper Aurelio La Barbera(4) and Priscilla Reale(4) (1) Chemistry Dep., Sapienza University of Rome, (2) ISC-CNR; Chemistry Dep., Sapienza University of Rome, (3) ISC-CNR; Università della Basilicata, (4) UTTMAT-ENEA A2-TS1 369 Power Consumption Analysis of Computing Facilities with Superconducting Josephson Junction Quantum Computers Brook Abegaz, Satish Mahajan and R. Wayne Johnson Tennessee Technological University TECHNICAL SESSION 21 (A2-TS2) - SPECIAL SESSION: GROUNDING AND EMC Session Chair: Guido Ala, University of Palermo, Italy Thursday, June 11th, 2015 h. 14:00-15:30 Venue: Sala degli Affreschi A2-TS2 254 Effect of Coke Bed on the Electrical Performance of HVDC Ground Electrode Bo Zhang, Jinliang He, Rong Zeng and Jinpeng Wu Invited Paper Tsinghua University 31 th 2015 IEEE 15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome A2-TS2 398 Experimental Simulation on Grounding Resistance and Electromagnetic Interference Impact for Dual-frequency Induced Polarization Measurement Invited Paper Zhi Min Liu, Xi Gao Liu and Jin Tao Zhang China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) A2-TS2 262 Measuring resistances of grounding systems of transmission line towers equipped with ground wire using pulse method Invited Paper Nikolay Korovkin(1), Sergey Kirvisheev(1), Nikolay Silin(2) and Sergey Shishiguin(3) (1) St.-Petersburg State Polytechnical University, (2) Far Eastern Federal University, (3) Vologda State Technical University A2-TS2 035 Effects of double ground faults in wind farms collector cables Gaetano Zizzo and Diego La Cascia Invited Paper DICGIM Department of Chemical Engineering, Management, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering University of Palermo A2-TS2 381 Effect of Resistance To Earth Improvement on Performance of Pole Earthing Andras Mohos and Jozsef Ladanyi Invited Paper Budapest University of Technology and Economics TECHNICAL SESSION 22 (A2-TS3): CIRCUITS, SENSORS, ACTUATORS, ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY - 2 Session Chair: Paolo Visconti, University of Salento, Italy Thursday, June 11th, 2015 h. 14:00-15:30 Venue: Aula 17 A2-TS3 183 On-line Shelf-Life Prediction in Perishable Goods Chain Through the Integration of WSN Technology with a 1st Order Kinetic Model Valerio Francesco Annese and Daniela De Venuto Politecnico di Bari A2-TS3 378 An Integrated Simulation Module for Wireless Cyber-Physical System Mariorosario Prist(1), Andrea Monteriù(1), Sauro Longhi(1) and Alessandro Freddi(2) (1) Università Politecnica delle Marche, (2) Università degli Studi eCampus A2-TS3 500 A Fast-speed Transformer Matching Method with Additional Capacitors in CMOS Process Zicheng Liu, Peng Gao and Zhiming Chen Beijing Institute of Technology Intelligent System for Monitoring and Control of Photovoltaic Plants and for Optimization of Solar Energy Production Paolo Visconti(1) and Giorgio Cavalera(2) (1) Department of Innovation Engineering University of Salento - Lecce, (2) Cavalera s.r.l. Galatone, Lecce A2-TS3 524 A2-TS3 330 Approach to Solve Synthetic Test Circuit for Testing of High Voltage Circuit Breaker Vishal Kumar Gaur(1) and H. R. Jariwala(2) (1) Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, (2) Sardar Valabhbhai National Institute of Technology A2-TS3 095 Design of electronic programmable board with user-friendly touch screen interface for management and control of thermosolar plant parameters Paolo Visconti(1), Paolo Costantini(1) and Giorgio Cavalera(2) (1) University of Salento, Lecce, (2) Cavalera srl, Galatone, Lecce TECHNICAL SESSION 23 (A2-TS4) - SPECIAL SESSION: SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT SYSTEMS – TECHNOLOGIES AND CHALLENGES Session Chair: Federica Foiadelli, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Thursday, June 11th, 2015 h. 14:00-15:30 Venue: Aula 1 A2-TS4 104 Energy efficiency in high speed railway traffic operation: a real-time ecodriving algorithm Adrian Fernandez-Rodriguez(1), Antonio Fernandez-Cardador(1) and Asunción P. Cucala(2) Invited Paper (1) Comillas Pontifical University, (2) Universidad Pontificia Comillas A2-TS4 158 GEM Green Energy and Mobility: the case of Canada and Italy Morris Brenna(1), Michela Longo(1), Whaiba Yaïci(2) and Federica Foiadelli(1) Invited Paper (1) Politecnico di Milano, (2) CanmetENERGY, Natural Resources Canada 32 A2-TS4 159 Feasibility of Independent Photovoltaic System as main energy provider in Charging Stations for EVs in Spain and Italy Invited Paper Michela Longo(1), Alicia Triviño(2) and Dario Zaninelli(1) (1) Politecnico di Milano, (2) University of Málaga A2-TS4 186 Fostering electromobility in regions, sustainable policy and business approaches Gabriele Grea(1) and Anja Lehmann(2) Invited Paper (1) CERTeT Università Commerciale L. Bocconi, (2) B.A.U.M. Consult A2-TS4 329 Robust LCC Compensation in Wireless Power Transfer with Variable Coupling Factor Due to Coil Misalignment Invited Paper Mauro Feliziani(1) , Tommaso Campi(1), Silvano Cruciani(1), Francesca Maradei(2), Umberto Grasselli(2), Michele Macellari(2) and Luigi Schirone(2) (1) University of L'Aquila, (2) DIAEE-Sapienza University of Rome TECHNICAL SESSION 24 (A2-TS5): MEASUREMENTS - 1 Session Chair: Rodolfo Araneo, University of Rome, Italy Thursday, June 11th, 2015 h. 14:00-15:30 Venue: Aula 7 A2-TS5 215 Pressure-based Prediction of Harvestable Energy for Powering Environmental Monitoring Systems James Rodway(1), Petr Musilek(1), Edward Lozowski(1), Jana Heckenbergerova(2) and Michal Prauzek(3) (1) University of Alberta, (2) University of Pardubice, (3) VSB Technical University Ostrava A2-TS5 404 New structure of Rogowski coil and its optimization method Jiali Ma Siemens Ltd. China A2-TS5 058 Proving DC non-homogeneity in a stranded conductor by advanced 3D electromechanical simulation Zeroukhi Youcef and Napieralska Juszczak Ewa Université d'Artois A2-TS5 146 Electromagnetic Compatibility on-site Testing of Secondary Equipment Bai Lin(1), Li Li(1), Zhenhua Sun(1), Qinglin Xu(2) and Yang Qiu(2) (1) Beijing Institute of System Engineering, (2) Xidian University A2-TS5 318 Exploiting Event-Driven Metering to Enable Enhanced Knowledge of Electrical Energy Uses Mikhail Simonov(1), Gianfranco Chicco(2) and Gianluca Zanetto(3) (1) Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (ISMB), (2) Politecnico di Torino, (3) TeamWare A2-TS5 322 Statistical Analysis of Environmental Measurements for Design of Energy-efficient Monitoring Systems Obiora Sam Ezeora(1), Jana Heckenbergerova(1) and Petr Musilek(2) (1) Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, University of Pardubice, (2) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta 33 th 2015 IEEE 15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome POSTER SESSION (PS) Session Chair: Pierluigi Siano, University of Salerno, Italy Thursday, June 11th, 2015 h. 14:00-15:30 34 Venue: Chiostro PS 608 Various Oxygen Loadings for Oxidation of Methane as Electron Donor Source in Membrane Biofilm Reactor for Wastewater Treatment Dilek Akman(1), Kevser Cirik(1), Ozer Cinar(2) and Ilker Akman(1) (1) Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, (2) Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul PS 459 Designing an Energy Management System for Smart Houses Pierluigi Siano(1), Mariano Acone(1), Roberto Romano(1), Francesca Loia(1), Gaetano Zizzo(2) and Mariano Ippolito(2) (1) Università degli Studi di Salerno, (2) Università degli Studi di Palermo PS 245 In/Out Energy Design R-Evolution Maria Antonietta Sbordone, Rosanna Veneziano, Carla Langella and Giulia Scalera Second University of Naples SUN PS 071 Optical Self-Interference Cancellation System for Improved Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radios Matthew Chang(1), Yanhua Deng(2) and Paul Prucnal(1) (1) Princeton University, (2) Bascom-Hunter PS 241 Mercury in ambient air Silvana Iacobellis, Carmela Tortorella and Aldo Giove Enel Ingegneria e Ricerca PS 473 Research on Weather Condition of Significant Decline of Air Gap Breakdown Voltage Niu Haiqiong, Guo Ran, Xu Tao and Xu Jia South China University of Technology PS 535 Utilization of Carbon Produced by Torrefaction of Grass for Energy Purposes and Related Risks Konstantin Raclavsky, Helena Raclavska, Lucia Kovalova and Hana Skrobankova VSB - Technical University Ostrava PS 392 A Hierarchical and Partition Low-Carbon Evaluation Model for Active Power Distribution Grid Danyu Tian(1), Yong Li(1), Ye Cai(1), Yijia Cao(1), Jianbo Xin(2) and Ruixiang Fan(2) (1) Hunan University, (2) Jiang Xi Electric Power Corporation PS 218 A Single-Phase Cable Model Based on Lumped-Parameters for Transient Calculations in the Time Domain Abdullah Hoshmeh(1), Uwe Schmidt(2), Kaveh Malekian(1) and Wolfgang Schufft(1) (1) Chemnitz University of Technology, (2) Dresden University of Technology PS 305 Computationally-Efficient Simulation of Electric Industrial Plants Giovanni Mercurio Casolino, Mario Russo and Pietro Butera Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale PS 373 Improvement of Electricity Distribution Services Using a DVR with a Constant DC Voltage Source Instaled in MV Connection Substations Gheorghe Ioan Nicolaescu(1), Horia Andrei(2) and Stefan Radulescu(2) (1) Enel Distribution Muntenia, (2) University Valahia Targoviste PS 442 AC Power and Energy Measurements based on Physical Definitions Jerzy Kolanko(1), Zbigniew Leonowicz(1), Leslaw Ladniak(1), Przemyslaw Musz(1), Janusz Dudzik(2), Piotr Modzel(2) and Zbigniew Wierzbicki(2) (1) Wroclaw University of Technology, (2) IKSAiP PS 361 Measurement of luminance ratios at pedestrian crossings Richard Baleja, Barbara Hel týnová, Karel Sokanský and Tomas Novak VSB-TU Ostrava PS 008 Acoustic Flashover Location Detector for Gas Insulated Switchgears at a Fraction of Cost Arun Varkey and Suyog Kothari Siemens Ltd PS 334 QoS Implementation Inside LTE Networks to Support Time-Critical Smart Grid Applications Abdalkarim Awad(1), Seyedhassan Moarrab(2) and Reinhard German(1) (1) University of Erlangen, (2) Fau PS 084 Stator powers controller with rotor currents sensor-less, and rotor flux observer using sliding mode of WECS based on DFIG and matrix converter Abdelhak Djoudi(1), El Madjid Berkouk(2) and Seddik Bacha(3) (1) CDER, Algeria (2) ENP, Algeria (3) G2ELab, France THURSDAY, JUNE 11TH, 2015 EVENING SESSIONS (E2) TECHNICAL SESSION 25 (E2-TS1) - SPECIAL SESSION: NANOMATERIALS AND NANOTECHNOLOGIES FOR ENERGY AND ELECTRONICS - 2 Session Chair: Antonio Rinaldi, Enea Casaccia, Italy Thursday, June 11th, 2015 h. 16:00-17:30 Venue: Sala del Chiostro E2-TS1 566 Low-Gap Polymers Incorporating a Dicarboxylic Imide Moiety for Near-Infrared Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes Invited Paper Andrea Zampetti(1), Alessandro Minotto(1), Eva Garcia Rodriguez(2), Sybille Allard(2), Ullrich Scherf(2) and Franco Cacialli(1) (1) University College London, (2) University of Wuppertal E2-TS1 570 Perovskite photovoltaics: from lab cells to modules Aldo Di Carlo and Fabio Matteocci Invited Paper CHOSE - Dept. Electr. Eng. University of Rome "Tor Vergata" E2-TS1 571 Flexible Photovoltaics for Light Harvesting under LED lighting Francesca De Rossi(1), Tadeo Pontecorvo(2) and Thomas Brown(1) Invited Paper (1) Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Rome - Tor Vergata, (2) Department of Physics, University of Rome “La Sapienza” E2-TS1 211 Characterization of sodium iron (II)/iron (III) phosphate mixtures as cathodes for sodium-ion batteries Pier Paolo Prosini, Cinzia Cento, Amedeo Masci and Maria Carewska Invited Paper ENEA E2-TS1 240 Foamed slag glass – eco-friendly insulating material based on slag waste Elena A. Yatsenko, Boris M. Goltsman, Victoria A. Smolii and Andrey S. Kosarev Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) TECHNICAL SESSION 26 (E2-TS2): MAINTENANCE, OPERATION, SAFETY Session Chair: Mark Halpin, Auburn University, USA Thursday, June 11th, 2015 h. 16:00-17:30 Venue: Sala degli Affreschi E2-TS2 299 Electrical risk analysis in operating rooms at the light of the advancements in modelling and simulation methods Emanuele Zennaro(1), Umberto Corbellini(2), Fabio Fiamingo(1), Giovanni Luca Amicucci(3) and Carlo Mazzetti(1) (1) Sapienza University of Rome, (2) Corbellini Engineering Company, (3) INAIL E2-TS2 321 Simulation-Based Electrical Safety Training Mark Halpin, Regina Halpin and Pat Curtis Auburn University E2-TS2 422 Identifying New Prognostic Features for Remaining Useful Life Prediction Using Particle Filtering and Neuro-Fuzzy System Predictor Tahar Boukra Université 20 Août 1955-Skikda E2-TS2 043 A Continuous Risk Estimation Approach for Corporate Environmental Compliance Management Heiko Thimm Pforzheim University E2-TS2 314 Simple Indicators for an effective Power Quality Monitoring and Analysis Vanya Ignatova, Jean-Marie Hypolite and Dominique Villard Schneider electric E2-TS2 400 Power System Schematics Standardization. Philosophy Umberto Corbellini Corbellini srl Engineering Company 35 th 2015 IEEE 15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome TECHNICAL SESSION 27 (E2-TS3): SMART BUILDINGS, LIGHTING, METERING DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT - 2 Session Chair: Morris Brenna, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Thursday, June 11th, 2015 h. 16:00-17:30 Venue: Aula 17 E2-TS3 468 New design Approach to MIMO Nonlinear Controller for Direct Expansion Air Conditioning System in Building Automation System Farinaz Behrooz, Norman Bin Mariun, Mohammad Hamiruce Marhaban, Abdul Rahman Ramli and Mohd Amran Mohd Radzi Universiti Putra Malaysia E2-TS3 561 A Genetic Algorithm for Optimal Power Scheduling for Residential Energy Management Shyam Kumar Polaki, Motahar Reza and Diptendu Sinha Roy National Institute of Science & Technology E2-TS3 213 Interior lighting control system: a practical case using daylight harvesting control strategy Luigi Parise, Francesco Lamonaca and Domenico Luca Carni' UNICAL University of Calabria E2-TS3 057 Demand Side Management and Charging and Discharging for Multiple PHEVs to Reduce Cost and Reduce Fossil Fuel using Game Theory in Smart Grid Mohammad Rasoul Rahmatian, Hamdi Abdi, Sajad Rezaei, Hamed Rahimzadeh and Aref Abasi Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, Iran E2-TS3 171 DC appliance classification and identification using k-Nearest Neighbours Technique on features extracted within the 1st second of current waveforms Yang Thee Quek Newcastle University E2-TS3 117 Numerical study on the thermal performance of a refrigerated container envelope provided by phase change materials (PCMs) Benedetta Copertaro, Roberto Fioretti, Lorenzo Sangelantoni and Paolo Principi Università Politecnica delle Marche E2-TS3 286 Designing effective frequency response patterns for flexible thermostatic loads Vincenzo Trovato, Simon Tindemans and Goran Strbac Imperial College London TECHNICAL SESSION 28 (E2-TS4): RENEWABLE ENERGY - 4 Session Chair: Silvano Vergura, Technical University of Bari, Italy Thursday, June 11th, 2015 h. 16:00-17:30 36 Venue: Aula 1 E2-TS4 406 Scalable model of PV cell in variable environment condition based on the manufacturer datasheet for circuit simulation Silvano Vergura Technical University of Bari E2-TS4 108 Novel non-tracking solar collector with metal-to-water contact Yann Favre and Wattana Ratismith Energy Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University, Egypt E2-TS4 475 Methodology for Grid Voltage Unbalance Compensation Appling a Two-Converter Series DFIG topology Vinicius P. Suppioni, Ahda P. G. Pavani and Julio C. Teixeira Universidade Federal do ABC E2-TS4 487 Bringing off-grid electricity to rural villages in India: opportunities and pitfalls for solar Photovoltaics Dinesh Kathaiyan University of Edinburgh TECHNICAL SESSION 29 (E2-TS5): RENEWABLE ENERGY - 5 Session Chair: Federico Santi, University of Rome Sapienza, Italy Thursday, June 11th, 2015 h. 16:00-17:30 Venue: Aula 7 E2-TS5 572 Eletricity Generation Using Thermoelectric Generator - TEG Priscilla A. J. Stecanella(1), Messias A. A. Faria(1), Elder G. Domingues(1), Pedro H. G. Gomes(2), Wesley P. Calixto(2) and Aylton J. Alves(1) (1) Federal Institute of Goias (IFG), (2) University of Brasilia (UnB) E2-TS5 049 Design and Testing of Thermoelectric Generator embedded Clean Forced Draft Biomass Cookstove Risha Mal Centre for Rural Development and Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India E2-TS5 606 Predictive Management of Medium Voltage Distribution Networks for Solar and Biomass Power Integration Nisrine Kebir and Mohamed Maaroufi University Mohammed V, Rabat E2-TS5 581 A Photovoltaic System Installed on the Rooftop of a Industry: a Technical and Economical Study Jonatas Rodrigues(1), Aylton Alves(1), Elder Domingues(1), Wesley Calixto(2), José Domingos(1) and Pedro Abrão(1) (1) Federal Institute of Goias, (2) University of Brasilia E2-TS5 079 Seasonal based energy performance analyzes of Cd-Te and c-Si photovoltaic modules Mustafa Engin Basoglu, Abdulvehhap KazdaloĞlu, Tarık Erfİdan, Mehmet Zeki Bİlgİn and Bekir Çakir Kocaeli University, Turkey E2-TS5 550 Investigating Net-Metering Variant Policies: The Case of Greece George Christoforidis(1), Ioannis Panapakidis(1), Theofilos Papadopoulos(2), Grigoris Papagiannis(3), Ioannis Koumparou(4), Maria Hatzipanayi(4) and George Georghiou(4) (1) Technological Education Institution of Western Macedonia, (2) Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, (3) School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, (4) University of Cyprus 37 th 2015 IEEE 15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome FRIDAY, JUNE 12TH, 2015 MORNING SESSIONS (M3) TECHNICAL SESSION 30 (M3-TS1) - SPECIAL SESSION: LIGHTNING Session Chair: Carlo Mazzetti, University of Rome Sapienza, Italy Friday, June 12th, 2015 h. 8:30-10:30 Venue: Sala del Chiostro M3-TS1 251 On the Risk of Upward Lightning initiated from Wind Turbines Gehard Diendorfer Invited Paper OVE Service GmbH - ALDIS M3-TS1 287 An Update on Experimental Data Obtained at the Säntis Tower Mohammad Azadifar(1), Farhad Rachidi(1), Marcos Rubinstein(2), Mario Paolone(1) and Davide Pavanello(2) Invited Paper (1) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), (2) University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland M3-TS1 298 Procedure for selection of the SPD system according to the probability of damage Tomasz Kisielewicz(1), Giovanbattista Lo Piparo(2), Carlo Mazzetti(2) and Alain Rousseau(3) Invited Paper (1) Warsaw University of Technology, (2) La Sapienza University of Rome, (3) Protection Unit SEFTIM, Paris M3-TS1 336 SPD dimensioning in front of indirect flashes to overhead low voltage power lines Tomasz Kisielewicz(1), Giovanbattista Lo Piparo(2), Carlo Mazzetti(2), Fabio Napolitano(3) and Invited Paper Carlo Alberto Nucci(3) (1) Warsaw University of Technology, (2) University of Roma La Sapienza, (3) University of Bologna M3-TS1 335 Monte Carlo Evaluation of the Impact of Subsequent Strokes on Backflashover rate Fabio Massimo Gatta, Alberto Geri, Stefano Lauria and Marco Maccioni "Sapienza" University of Rome M3-TS1 096 Assessment of Lightning Induced Voltages in Buried Cables for SPD Implementation François Grange(1), Sébastien Journet(1), Simon Fortin(2) and Farid Dawalibi(2) (1) SES-EUROPE, (2) Safe Engineering Services and Technologies Synthetic Evaluation for Lightning Protection Performance of Smart Buildings Li Li(1), Bai Lin(1), Zhenhua Sun(1), Xifei Jia and Jin Tian (1) Beijing Institute of System Engineering, (2) Xidian University M3-TS1 147 TECHNICAL SESSION 31 (M3-TS2): SMART BUILDINGS, LIGHTING, METERING DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT - 3 Session Chair: Franco Gugliermetti, University of Rome Sapienza, Italy Friday, June 12th, 2015 h. 8:30-10:30 Venue: Sala degli Affreschi 38 M3-TS2 191 An approach to the development of an advanced solution for smart monitoring applications Eugenio Pignatelli(1), Fabio Bisegna(2), Gianni Pignatelli(1) and Loredana Scaffa(1) (1) Alosys, (2) Università degli studi di Roma "Sapienza" M3-TS2 194 A territorial based strategy for the distribution of Sensor Networks in Smart Cities Benedetta Mattoni, Lucia Cellucci, Luca Gugliermetti, Fabio Bisegna and Francesca Pagliaro Sapienza Università di Roma M3-TS2 386 Research perspectives of the influence of lighting modes on changes of human functional state by means of “smart lighting” Dmitrii Berlov(1), Lucia Pavlova(2), Fabio Bisegna(3), Andrey Aladov(2), Alexander Zakgeim(2), Tatiana Baranova(1), Julia Chiligina(1) and Mikhail Mizerov(2) (1) St.-Petersburg State University, (2) Submicron Heterostructures for Microelectronics, Research and Engineering Center, RAS, (3) University of Rome Sapienza, (4) The Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health M3-TS2 270 Demand response: Social welfare maximisation in an unbundled energy market - Case study for the low-voltage networks of a distribution network operator in the Netherlands Michiel Nijhuis, Muhammad Babar, Madeleine Gibescu and Sjef Cobben Eindhoven university of technology M3-TS2 291 Lightning protection of home automation systems Giovanni Luca Amicucci(1), Fabio Fiamingo(1) and Luigi Martirano(2) (1) INAIL - DIT, (2) DIAEE - Università La Sapienza M3-TS2 345 Embedded Platform for Web-based Monitoring and Control of a Smart Home Daniel Moga, Nicoleta Stroia, Dorin Petreus, Rozica Moga and Radu Adrian Munteanu Technical University of Cluj-Napoca M3-TS2 184 A Power Quality Forecasting Model as an Integrate Part of Active Demand Side Management using Artificial Intelligence Technique – Multilayer Neural Network with Backpropagation Learning Algorithm Jindrich Stuchly, Stanislav Mišák, Tomas Vantuch and Tomas Burianek VSB - TU Ostrava, FEI, DEPE TECHNICAL SESSION 32 (M3-TS3): RENEWABLE ENERGY - 6 Session Chair: Sonia Leva, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Friday, June 12th, 2015 h. 8:30-10:30 Venue: Aula 17 M3-TS3 532 A study of dynamic behaviour performance of dc/dc boost converter used in the photovoltaic system Hamza Snani, Mohamed Amarouayache, Aissa Bouzid, Hadjer Bounechba and Abderezak Lashab Laboratory of Electrical Engineering Constantine 1 University. Constantine, Algeria M3-TS3 083 Online Identification of all DFIG Parameters and Speed Based on Variable Structure Theory Abdelhak Djoudi(1), Seddik Bacha(2), El Madjid Berkouk(3), Saida Makhloufi(1) and Abdelghani Chachmi(4) (1) CDER, Algeria, (2) Univ. Grenoble Alpes, G2Elab, (3) Ecole Nationale Polytechnique, LCP, Algeria, (4) Laboratoire Développement des Entrainnement Electrique, USTO, Algeria M3-TS3 301 Productivity comparison and performance improvement of a concentrated photovoltaic Sonia Leva(1), Roberto Faranda(1) and Cristian Lazaroiu(2) (1) Politecnico di Milano, (2) University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest M3-TS3 130 Analisis of a energy storage system integrated with renewable energy plants and heat pump for residential application Biagio Di Pietra(1) and Danilo Sbordone(2) (1) ENEA, (2) Università la Sapienza di Roma M3-TS3 393 Financial Payback of Solar PV Systems and Analysis on the Potential Impact of Net-Metering in Butuan City, Philippines Jeffrey Dellosa Caraga State University M3-TS3 439 Improvement of Power Quality and Dynamic Voltage of Wind Farms Using an Inductive Filtering Method Zhisheng Xu(1), Yanjian Peng(2), Yong Li(2), Min Wen(1), Longfu Luo(2), Ye Cai(2) and Yijia Cao(2) (1) State Power Economic Research Institute of Hunan Province, Changsha, China, (2) Hunan University M3-TS3 056 Microgrid Fuel Optimal Operation Considering Prediction of Wind power and Photovoltaic Zhang Xiaobo and Zhang Baohui School of Electrical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University TECHNICAL SESSION 33 (M3-TS4): ELECTRICITY MARKET AND REGULATION Session Chair: Anna Pinnarelli, Università della Calabria, Italy Friday, June 12th, 2015 h. 8:30-10:30 Venue: Aula 1 M3-TS4 120 Local Electricity Market involving end-user Distributed Storage System Daniele Menniti, Nicola Sorrentino, Anna Pinnarelli, Grazia Belli, Alessandro Burgio and Pasquale Vizza Università della Calabria M3-TS4 149 Optimal VPP Operation Strategy in Liberalized Electricity Markets Chun-Lien Su(1), Hwei-Ming Chung(2), Chien-Yu Wei(2) and Chao-Kai Wen(2) (1) Department of Marine Engineering, National Kaohsiung Marine University, (2) Institute of Communications Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University M3-TS4 061 ESCO market in Turkey: Challenges and Opportunities Erkan Dursun(1) and Paolo Bertoldi(2) (1) Marmara University, (2) European Commission DG JRC M3-TS4 075 Strategic Behavior of Generation Companies in the Generation Scheduling Process Sergei Palamarchuk Melentiev Energy Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences M3-TS4 253 A Stochastic Approach to Hydroelectric Power Generation Planning in an Electricity Market Antans Sauhats, Renata Varfolomejeva, Roman Petricenko and Jevgenijs Kucajevs Riga Technical University, Institute of Power Engineering 39 th 2015 IEEE 15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome M3-TS4 367 Utilization of Financial Contracts by Wind Power Plants to Benefit Promotion and Risk Reduction Navid Yektay(1), Saleh Fazaeli(2), Fatemeh Daburi Farimani(1), Mahtab Kaffash(1), Ebrahim Esmaeilzadeh(1) and Mohammad Hossein Javidi(1) (1) Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, (2) Babol University of Technology M3-TS4 494 Dealing with Generation Unit Maintenance Scheduling Problem in Iran Electricity Market Mazaher Hajibashi and Iman Rahmati Iran Grid Management Company M3-TS4 178 Energy market impact of renewable energy source Alfonso Calabria, Roberto Capata, Mario Di Veroli and Silvia Sangiorgio Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome TECHNICAL SESSION 34 (M3-TS5): POWER SYSTEMS AND SMART GRID - 4 Session Chair: Xavier Zambrano Aragundy, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Friday, June 12th, 2015 h. 8:30-10:30 Venue: Aula 7 M3-TS5 391 Stochastic Unit Commitment in a Distribution System with Photovoltaic Power: Empirical Assessment Thais De Fatima Araujo(1), Wadaed Uturbey(1), Le Xie(2) and Luis Monteiro(1) (1) Federal University of Minas Gerais, (2) Texas A&M University M3-TS5 048 Comparison of Voltage Sags Prediction Methods in Power Networks Xavier Zambrano, Araceli Hernández, Rosa M. de Castro and Mohamed Izzeddine Universidad Politécnica de Madrid M3-TS5 324 Mathematical modeling of electromechanical processes in ship’s power systems Nikolay Djagarov, Zhivko Grozdev and Milen Bonev Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy M3-TS5 326 Analysis of Renewable Energy Infeed toward a concept of Storage Integration into existing Grid Xoese Kobla Nanewortor(1) and Przemyslaw Janik(2) (1) Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus – Senftenberg, (2) Wroclaw University of Technology M3-TS5 343 Measurements-based approach for PSS retuning Valeriy Tashchilin(1), Pavel Chusovitin(1), Grigoriy Shabalin(1), Andrey Pazderin(1), Konstantin Gerasimov(2) and Krum Gerasimov(2) (1) Ural Federal University, (2) Technical University of Varna M3-TS5 368 An accurate Fault Location Algorithm for Transmission Lines with use of Two-end Unsynchronized Measurements Moez Ben Hessine, Sahbi Marrouchi and Souad Souad ENSIT, Tunisia Autonomous control of distributed energy resources via wireless machine-to-machine communication - a survey of big data challenges Samina Subhani, Madeleine Gibescu and Will Kling University of Technology Eindhoven M3-TS5 388 M3-TS5 372 40 New strategy based on Combined Use of Particle Swarm Optimization and Gradient methods to solve the Unit Commitment Problem Sahbi Marrouchi, Moez Ben Hessine and Souad Souad ENSIT FRIDAY, JUNE 12TH, 2015 NOON SESSIONS (N3) TECHNICAL SESSION 35 (N3-TS1) - SPECIAL SESSION: GLOBAL GROUNDING SYSTEM Session Chair: Giuseppe Parise, Univesrity of Rome Sapienza, Italy Friday, June 12th, 2015 h. 11:00-13:00 Venue: Sala del Chiostro N3-TS1 123 Influence of LV Neutral Grounding on Global Earthing Systems Giuseppe Cafaro(1), Pasquale Montegiglio(1), Francesco Torelli(1), Antonino Barresi(2), Pietro Colella(3), Invited Paper Angelo De Simone(4), Maria Luisa Di Silvestre(5), Luigi Martirano(6), Elena Morozova(4), Roberto Napoli(3), Giuseppe Parise(6), Luigi Parise(6), Enrico Pons(3), Eleonora Riva Sanseverino(5), Riccardo Tommasini(3), Filomena Tummolillo(2), Giovanni Valtorta(4) and Gaetano Zizzo(5) (1) Politecnico di Bari, (2) Istituto italiano del Marchio di Qualità (IMQ), (3) Politecnico di Torino, (4) Enel Distribuzione SpA, (5) Università degli studi di Palermo, (6) Università di Roma "Sapienza" N3-TS1 129 Current and Voltage Behaviour During a Fault in a HV/MV System: Methods and Measurements Pietro Colella(1), Roberto Napoli(1), Enrico Pons(1), Riccardo Tommasini(1), Antonino Barresi(2), Invited Paper Giuseppe Cafaro(3), Angelo De Simone(4), Maria Luisa Di Silvestre(5), Luigi Martirano(6), Pasquale Montegiglio(3), Elena Morozova(4), Giuseppe Parise(6), Luigi Parise(6), Eleonora Riva Sanseverino(5), Francesco Torelli(3), Filomena Tummolillo(2), Giovanni Valtorta(4) and Gaetano Zizzo(5) (1) Politecnico di Torino, (2) Istituto italiano del Marchio di Qualità (IMQ), (3) Politecnico di Bari, (4) Enel Distribuzione SpA, (5) Università degli studi di Palermo, (6) Università di Roma "Sapienza" N3-TS1 155 A Practical Method to Test HV/MV Substation Grounding Systems Luigi Martirano(1), Giuseppe Parise(1), Luigi Parise(1), Antonino Barresi(2), Giuseppe Cafaro(3), Pietro Colella(4), Invited Paper M.L. Di Silvestre(5), Pasquale Montegiglio(3), Elena Morozova(6), Roberto Napoli(4), Enrico Pons(4), E. Riva Sanseverino(5), Stefano Sassoli(6), Riccardo Tommasini(4), F. Torelli(3), Filomena Tummolillo(2), Giovanni Valtorta(6), Gaetano Zizzo(5) and Giuseppe Vagnati(2) (1) Università di Roma "Sapienza", (2) Istituto italiano del Marchio di Qualità (IMQ), (3) Politecnico di Bari, (4) Politecnico di Torino, (5) Università degli studi di Palermo, (6) Enel Distribuzione SpA N3-TS1 166 The Global Grounding System: definitions and guidelines Gaetano Zizzo(1), Angelo Campoccia(1), Maria Luisa Di Silvestre(1), Eleonora Riva Sanseverino(1), Invited Paper Luigi Martirano(2), Giuseppe Parise(2), Luigi Parise(2), Enrico Pons(3), Pietro Colella(3), Roberto Napoli(3), Riccardo Tommasini(3), Giovanni Valtorta(4), Angelo De Simone(4), Elena Reizl Morozova(4), Giuseppe Cafaro(5), Pasquale Montegiglio(5), Francesco Torelli(5), Filomena Tummolillo(6) and Antonino Barresi(6) (1) Università degli studi di Palermo, (2) Università di Roma "Sapienza", (3) Politecnico di Torino, (4) Enel Distribuzione SpA, (5) Politecnico di Bari, (6) Istituto italiano del Marchio di Qualità (IMQ) N3-TS1 078 N3-TS1 172 N3-TS1 133 Effective Use Of Continuity Testing To Assess Grounding System Integrity Darren Woodhouse, Ian McLagan and Stephen Palmer Safearth Consulting Analysis and comparison of calculation results and measurements of dangerous potentials on earthing systems Mario Kokorus(1), Rasim Gacanovic(2), Alija Jusic(3) and Hamid Zildzo(2) (1) International Council on Large Electric Systems, (2) Faculty of Electrical Engineerig, University of Sarajevo, (3) JP Elektroprivreda BiH EMC Philosophy applied to Design the Grounding Systems for Gas Insulation Switchgear (GIS) Indoor Substation Marcos Telló(1), Guilherme A. D. Dias(2), Daniel S. Gazzana(2), Roberto C. Leborgne(2) and Arturo S. Bretas(3) (1) PUCRS, (2) UFRGS, (3) University of Florida TECHNICAL SESSION 36 (N3-TS2): ENERGY EFFICIENT AND SAFE SOLUTIONS FOR A SMART ENVIRONMENT - 1 Session Chair: Fabio Bisegna, University of Rome Sapienza, Italy Friday, June 12th, 2015 h. 11:00-13:00 Venue: Sala degli Affreschi N3-TS2 207 Evaluation of Optical Radiation emissions by a measurement campaign on LED sources for general lighting Francesco Leccese(1), Viola Vandelanotte(2), Tommaso Corucci(1), Giacomo Salvadori(1) and Michele Rocca(1) (1) University Of Pisa - School Of Engineering - Dept Of Energy, (2) KU Leuven - Engineering Technology - Dept of Energy Engineering N3-TS2 219 Decentralised heat pumps and small electricity storages as active components in a virtual power plant for smart grid services Dirk Pietruschka(1), Marcus Brennenstuhl(1), Jann Binder(2) and Benjamin Matthis(2) (1) HFT Stuttgart, (2) ZSW 41 th 2015 IEEE 15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome N3-TS2 189 Daylight Harvesting Control Systems: design recommendations based on a literature review Niko Gentile(1), Marie-Claude Dubois(1) and Laike Thorbjörn(2) (1) Energy and Building Design Division, Lund University, (2) Environmental Psychology Division, Lund University N3-TS2 547 Dynamic Roadways and in-Vehicle Lighting Conditions for Determining Mesopic Adaptation Luminance Mojtaba Navvab(1), Fabio Bisegna(2) and Franco Gugliermetti(2) (1) University of Michigan, TCAUP, (2) SAPIENZA, the University of Roma, DIAEE N3-TS2 258 The Next Generation Green Data Center: A Modified Power Usage Effectiveness Metric Proposal for a CCHP Natural gas or Biogas Fuelled Architecture Francesco De Angelis and Umberto Grasselli University Of Rome Sapienza N3-TS2 531 Power transformers energy efficiency programs: a critical review Angelo Baggini(1) and Franco Bua(2) (1) Università degli Studi di Bergamo, (2) ECD N3-TS2 496 Intelligent Low-Cost and Energy-Efficient Drive for Induction Motor Based Fluid Pumping Systems Using General Purpose Microcontrollers Walid Ghoneim(1), Hamdy Ashour(1) and Mohamed El Quersh(2) (1) Arab Academy for Science and Technology, (2) Bibliotheca Alexandrina TECHNICAL SESSION 37 (N3-TS3) - SPECIAL SESSION: SOLAR ENERGY Session Chair: Farivar Fazelpour, South Tehran Branch, Iran Friday, June 12th, 2015 h. 11:00-13:00 N3-TS3 Venue: Aula 17 Extended Exergy as a Locally Significant Environmental Indicator Invited Paper Enrico Sciubba University of Rome Sapienza, Italy N3-TS3 521 PV Power Plant Inspection by UAS: Correlation between Altitude and Detection of Defects on PV Modules Invited Paper Sonia Leva, Francesco Grimaccia and Mohammadreza Aghaei Politecnico di Milano N3-TS3 432 Feasibility of Satisfying Electrical Energy Needs with Hybrid Stand Alone Systems for Application In Tehran, Iran Invited Paper Farivar Fazelpour(1), Mahla Shariatzadeh(1), Nima Soltani(1) and Marc A. Rosen(2) (1) Department of Energy Systems Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Islamic Azad University-South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran, (2) Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada 42 N3-TS3 435 Influence of tilt and orientation angle of the PV panels on high-energy production in Romanian climate conditions during cold season Alexandra Danu, Vladimir Tanasiev, Constantin Ionescu and Adrian Badea University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Energetics N3-TS3 249 A Control strategy of Hybrid System “Diesel-Photovoltaic-Battery” For Stand-alone Applications Ahmed Belila Ecole militaire Polytechnique N3-TS3 377 Implications of the Photovoltaic Generation on the Non-Photovoltaic Generation in the Lombardy Region Fabrizio Fattori(1), Norma Anglani(1) and Paul Deane(2) (1) University of Pavia, (2) University College Cork N3-TS3 140 Statistical Analysis of PV Behaviour Under Harsh Weather Aspects Kamal Al Khuffash(1), Lisa Lamont(2) and Youssef Lotfy Abdel Magid(1) (1) United Arab Emirates, (2) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland TECHNICAL SESSION 38 (N3-TS4): SMART BUILDINGS, LIGHTING, METERING DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT - 4 Session Chair: Mauro Biagi, University of Rome Sapienza, Italy Friday, June 12th, 2015 h. 11:00-13:00 Venue: Aula 1 N3-TS4 089 Electricity Consumption Assessment And Pv System Integration In Grid-Connected Office Buildings Filippo Spertino, Gianfranco Chicco, Alessandro Ciocia, Stefano Corgnati, Paolo Di Leo and Daniela Raimondo Politecnico Di Torino N3-TS4 193 Study of a daylight “filter” zone in tunnels Dionysia Drakou, Chiara Burattini, Fabio Bisegna and Franco Gugliermetti University of Rome Sapienza N3-TS4 452 Net Metering Benefits for Residential Buildings: A Case Study in Italy Intisar Ali Sajjad(1), Matteo Manganelli(2), Luigi Martirano(2), Roberto Napoli(1), Gianfranco Chicco(1) and Giuseppe Parise(1) (1) Energy Department - Politecnico di Torino, (2) DIAEE - University of Rome Sapienza N3-TS4 210 Towards the factory of the future: a new concept based on an enhanced use of daylighting for comfort and energy saving Valerio R.M. Lo Verso(1), Antonio Carlin(2), Stefano Invernizzi(3) and Andrea Polato(4) (1) Politecnico di Torino, Department of Energy, TEBE Research Group, (2) Politecnico di Torino, Department of Management and Production Engineering, RESLOG Research Group, (3) Politecnico di Torino, Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering, (4) APtecture N3-TS4 237 An experimental survey of LV equipment for their clustering and control in a n-grid Mauro Biagi, Maria Carmen Falvo, Umberto Grasselli and Paolo Mazzoli University of Rome, Sapienza N3-TS4 132 A Multiagent Saver for the Automatic Management of HVAC Systems Francesco Muzi, Mario Gimenz De Lorenzo and Giovanni De Gasperis University of L'Aquila N3-TS4 157 Hybrid Model Predictive Control for Optimal Energy Management of a Smart House Albina Khakimova(1), Akmaral Shamshimova(1), Dana Sharipova(1), Aliya Kusatayeva(1), Viktor Ten(1), Alberto Bemporad(2), Yakov Familiant(1), Almas Shintemirov(1) and Matteo Rubagotti(1) (1) Nazarbayev University, (2) IMT Lucca N3-TS4 486 The Impact of Load Management and Renewable DG on the Service Restoration of Future Power Distribution Systems Maad Alowaifeer, Mohammad Almuhaini and Abdulrahman Alsaggaf King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals TECHNICAL SESSION 39 (N3-TS5): POWER SYSTEMS AND SMART GRID - 5 Session Chair: Renato Procopio, University of Genova, Italy Friday, June 12th, 2015 h. 11:00-13:00 Venue: Aula 7 N3-TS5 495 Asset Tracking in Critical Power Communications Infrastructure using Passive Techniques John Oraw(1), David Laverty(2) and John Morrow(2) (1) Letterkenny Institute of Technology, (2) Queen's University, Belfast N3-TS5 515 A PMU-Based Fast Real-Time Sub-synchronous Oscillation Detection Application Luigi Vanfretti(1), Maxime Baudette(2), José Luis Dominguez-Garcia(3), Austin White(4), Muhammad Shoaib Almas(2) and Jan Ove Gjerde(5) (1) KTH Royal Institute of Technology / Statnett SF, (2) KTH Royal Institute of Technology, (3) IREC, (4) Oklahoma Gas & Electric, (5) Statnett SF N3-TS5 565 Smart grids reliability indices assessment using sequential Monte Carlo method Monica Mancasi and Ramona Vatu University Politehnica Bucharest N3-TS5 574 A New Mathematical Model for Assessing Optimization Decisions of the Loading Factor Flowing Through Substation Transformers Sorina Costinas, Ion Tristiu, Gabriela Nicoleta Sava, Ioana Opris and Vladimir Tanasiev University Politehnica of Bucharest N3-TS5 592 Open Source Telecommunications Framework for Time-Series Data from Smart Grid Sensors John Hastings, David Laverty and D John Morrow United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 43 th 2015 IEEE 15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome N3-TS5 092 Electric field distribution in glass and porcelain pin insulators Paul Taklaja(1), Ivar Kiitam(1), Jaan Niitsoo(1), Joni Klüss(2) and Petri Hyvönen(5) (1) Tallinn University of Technology, (2) Aalto University N3-TS5 026 Improvement for Electrical Transients of Safety Bus using High Speed Power Transfer Scheme in Nuclear Power Plants Moon Young Kim, Choong-Heui Jeong and Seong-Hyon Ji Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety N3-TS5 142 Reducing Inverter Power Rating in Active Power Filters using proposed Hybrid Power Filter Topology Bartosz Kedra Institute of Power Engineering, Poland FRIDAY, JUNE 12TH, 2015 AFTERNOON SESSIONS (A3) TECHNICAL SESSION 40 (A3-TS1) - SPECIAL SESSION UNCONVENTIONAL ENERGY CONVERSION Session Chair: Alessandro Lampasi, Enea, Italy Friday, June 12th, 2015 h. 14:00-15:30 Venue: Sala del Chiostro A3-TS1 086 Pulsed Power Supply System of the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak Research Facility Claus-Peter Käsemann, Ernst Grois, Ferdinand Stobbe, Michael Rott, Klaus Klaster Invited Paper Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics A3-TS1 185 Smart Transformer Insensitive to Short Circuits that Improves Grid Stability Roberto Paggi, Gian Luca Mariotti, Anna Paggi and Pietro Senatore Invited Paper ItalConsul S.r.l. A3-TS1 063 Type Tests of JT-60SA Fast Plasma Position Control Coil (FPPCC) Power Supplies Pietro Zito(1), Alessandro Lampasi(1), Luca Novello(2), Makoto Matsukawa(3), Katsuhiro Shimada(3), Invited Paper Danilo Cinarelli(4), Marco Portesine(4), Fioravante Fasce(4), Ander Dorronsoro(5) and Dionisio Vian(5) (1) C.R. ENEA di Frascati, (2) F4E, (3) JAEA, (4) POSEICO, (5) JEMA A3-TS1 263 Overview of the Toroidal Power Supply System of RFX-mod after Ten Years of Operation Loris Zanotto, Claudio Finotti and Vanni Toigo Invited Paper Consorzio RFX A3-TS1 187 The Ion Source and Extraction Power Supplies (ISEPS) for the SPIDER Experiment - Project Status Giuseppe Taddia(1), Luigi Rinaldi(1), Luca Sita(1), Muriel Simon(2), Marco Bigi(3), Vanni Toigo(3) Invited Paper and Hans Decamps(4) (1) OCEM Energy Technology, (2) F4E, (3) Consorzio RFX, (4) ITER Organization A3-TS1 300 A New Generation of Pulsed Power Supplies for Experimental Physics Based on Supercapacitors Giuseppe Maffia, Alessandro Lampasi and Pietro Zito Invited Paper ENEA TECHNICAL SESSION 41 (A3-TS2): RENEWABLE ENERGY - 7 Session Chair: Rodolfo Araneo, University of Rome Sapienza, Italy Friday, June 12th, 2015 h. 14:00-15:30 Venue: Sala degli Affreschi 44 A3-TS2 059 Single phase Inverter with Wide-Input Voltage Range for Solar Photovoltaic Application Ibrahim Oladimeji, Nor Zaihar Yahaya and Nordin Saad Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS A3-TS2 144 Maximizing Reliability by Optimal Siting of Distributed Generation and Protective Devices Maurice Tristan Donalvo, Wilbert Rey Tarnate and Adonis Emmanuel Tio University of the Philippines Diliman A3-TS2 467 Recovery of Useful Energy from Lost Human Power in Gymnasium Bushra Chalermthai, Nisrein Sada, Omer Sarfraz and Bahaa Radi Masdar Institute A3-TS2 511 Sensorless Direct Power Regulation by Sliding Mode Approach of DFIG Generator Based Wind Energy System Houssam Medouce(1), Hocine Benalla(1), Abdellatif Reama(2) and Adel Mehdi(1) (1) Laboratory of Electrical Engineering University Constantine 1, (2) ESIEE-Paris,Université Paris-Est A3-TS2 418 Impact of increased penetration of large-scale wind farms on power system dynamic stability - A review Mohammad Moradzadeh(1), Mehrdad Saif(1) and Lieven Vandevelde(2) (1) University of Windsor, (2) Ghent University TECHNICAL SESSION 42 (A3-TS3): MEASUREMENTS - 2 Session Chair: Agostino Butti, ABB S.p.A, Italy Friday, June 12th, 2015 h. 14:00-15:30 Venue: Aula 17 A3-TS3 342 Current Transformer Error Correction Jevgenijs Kozadajevs and Aleksandrs Dolgicers Riga Technical University A3-TS3 370 Intelligent system for measuring soil compaction on croplands Geovanne Furriel(1), Wesley Calixto(1), Aylton Alves(2), Elder Domingues(2) and Pedro Campos(2) (1) UFG/IFG/NExT, (2) IFG/NExT A3-TS3 471 Development of Acoustic Camera-Imaging Simulator Based on Novel Model Seungchul Kwak, Yonghoon Ji, Atsushi Yamashita and Hajime Asama The University of Tokyo A3-TS3 516 Validation Experiment Design of a PMU–Based Application for Detection of Sub-Synchronous Oscillations José Luis Domínguez–García(1), Maxime Baudette(2), Gerard Del-Rosario(1), Albert Ruiz-Alvarez(1), Muhammad Shoaib Almas(1), Ignasi Cairo(1) and Luigi Vanfretti(3) (1) Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), (2) KTH Royal Institute of Technology, (3) KTH Royal Institute of Technology / Statnett SF A3-TS3 525 Challenges of Real-Time Parameter Estimation of a DFIG using Synchrophasors Naveed Ur Rehman Malik, Muhammad Shoaib Almas and Luigi Vanfretti KTH Royal Institute of Technology A3-TS3 090 A Low-cost Sensor Based on Time-Domain Reflectometry for Water Level Monitoring in Environmental Applications Konstantinos Loizou(1), Eftichios Koutroulis(1), Dimitrios Zalikas(2) and Georgios Liontas(2) (1) Technical University of Crete, (2) Georgios Liontas & Co. E.E. TECHNICAL SESSION 43 (A3-TS4): CIRCUITS, SENSORS, ACTUATORS, ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY - 3 Session Chair: Francesca Maradei, University of Rome, Italy Friday, June 12th, 2015 h. 14:00-15:30 Venue: Aula 1 A3-TS4 553 Energy Harvesting Microsystems Based on the QFG MOS Transistors Antonio Lopez-Martin(1), Daniel Orradre(2), M. Pilar Garde(2), Pablo Sanchis(2), Eugenio Gubia(2), Gurutze Perez(2), David Astrain(2) and Jaime Ramirez-Angulo(3) (1) Institute of Smart Cities, (2) Public University of Navarra, (3) New Mexico State University A3-TS4 575 An Actuator Control Unit for Robotized Prostethic Arm with Embedded Energy Storage Sergio Saponara University of Pisa A3-TS4 578 The Influence of the Frequency on the Efficiency and on the Power Quality of a Contactless Power Transfer System Ioana-Gabriela Sirbu University of Craiova A3-TS4 031 A Greenhouse Climate Model for Control Design Yuanping Su and Lihong Xu College of Electronics and Information Engineering, Tongji University A3-TS4 544 ASIC Realization and Performance Evaluation of Scalable Microprogrammed FIR Filters using Wallace Tree and Vedic Multipliers Abdullah A. Aljuffri, Mohammad Al-Nahdi, Anas A. Hemaid, Osamh A. Alshaalan, Mohammed S. Bensaleh, Abdulfattah M. Obeid and Syed Manzoor Qasim King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) 45 th 2015 IEEE 15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome A3-TS4 548 Advanced concrete materials for EMI reduction in protected environment and IEMI threats suppression Roberto Pastore(1), Davide Micheli(1), Mario Marchetti(1), Antonio Vricella(1), Ramon Bueno Morles(1), Franco Moglie(6) and Valter Mariani Primiani(7) (1) Uni University Sapienza of Rome - Astronautic, Electric and Energy Engineering Department, (2) Università Politecnica delle Marche, Department of Information Engineering (DII) TECHNICAL SESSION 44 (A3-TS5): POWER SYSTEMS AND SMART GRID - 6 Session Chair: Giuseppe Parise, University of Rome, Italy Friday, June 12th, 2015 h. 14:00-15:30 Venue: Aula 7 A3-TS5 424 Modelling EVs in residential distribution grid with other nonlinear loads Jaan Niitsoo, Paul Taklaja, Ivo Palu and Ivar Kiitam Tallinn University of Technology A3-TS5 505 A Simple and Accurate Approach to Solve the Power Flow for Balanced Islanded Microgrids Faisal Mumtaz(1), Mazheruddin Syed(2), Mohamed Hosani(1) and Hatem Zeineldin(1) (1) Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, (2) Masdar Institute of Science and Technology A3-TS5 529 Electricity Price and Demand Forecasting Under Smart Grid Environment Dina Masri, Hatem Zeineldin and Wei-Lee Woon Masdar Institute for Science and Technology A3-TS5 579 Optimal Power Flow for Reactive Power Compensation Increasing the Cross-Border Transmission Capacity Mana Farrokhseresht(1), Mohammad Reza Hesamzadeh(1), Saeed Rahimi(2) and Jeremy Lin(3) (1) Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), (2) ABB Enterprise Software, (3) PJM Interconnection A3-TS5 384 Novel Flexible Algorithm for the Operation of Renewable Source Grid Interface VSCs Under Unbalanced Voltage Sags Rabeh Abbassi, Salem Saidi, Sahbi Marrouchi and Souad Souad ENSIT, Tunisia A3-TS5 279 Power Quality Disturbances in Distribution Networks Caused by the Influence of Nearby Power Lines Alexander Novitskiy, Irina Konotop and Dirk Westermann Ilmenau University of Technology FRIDAY, JUNE 12TH, 2015 EVENING SESSIONS (E3) TECHNICAL SESSION 45 (E3-TS1) - SPECIAL SESSION NUCLEAR FUSION ENGINEERING Session Chair: Pietro Zito, Enea, Italy Friday, June 12th, 2015 h. 16:00-17:30 Venue: Sala del Chiostro E3-TS1 125 Compact Tokamak Fusion Alan Sykes(1), Alan Costley(1), Mikhail Gryaznevich(1), David Kingham(1), Jan Hugill(1), Colin Windsor(1), Invited Paper Peter Buxton(1), Bill Huang(1), Gideon Hammond(1), John Fanthome(1), John Ross(1), Antti Jokinen(1), George Smith(1), Steven Ball(2), Steve Chappell(2) and Ziad Melhem(2) (1) Tokamak Energy, (2) Oxford Instruments E3-TS1 179 Commissioning of the Plasma Central Column for the PROTO-SPHERA Spherical Tokamak Alessandro Lampasi, Giuseppe Maffia, Franco Alladio, Luca Boncagni, Andrea Grosso, Alessandro Mancuso, Invited Paper Paolo Micozzi, Benedetto Tilia, Vincenzo Zanza ENEA E3-TS1 154 Effects of Power Supply Limits on Control of MHD Instabilities in Fusion Devices Fabio Villone(1) and Alfredo Pironti(2) Invited Paper (1) CREATE, DIEI, Università di Cassino, (2) DIETI, Università Federico II di Napoli 46 E3-TS1 070 Experiments on Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Generated by Laser-Plasma Interaction in Nanosecond Regime Invited Paper Fabrizio Consoli, Riccardo De Angelis, Pierluigi Andreoli, Mattia Cipriani, Giuseppe Cristofari, Giorgio Di Giorgio and Francesco Ingenito ENEA for EUROfusion E3-TS1 053 Plasma Position Control Simulations with PSIM / Simulink to Validate the WEST Divertor Coils Power Supplies Topology Invited Paper Nicolas Dumas, Hubert Dougnac, Rémy Nouailletas, Eric Nardon, Philippe Moreau, Olivier Baulaigue, François Saint-Laurent and Sylvain Brémond Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA) E3-TS1 528 Design for the Upgrade of the Fast Sequence Control for Frascati Tokamak Upgrade Fabio Pollastrone(1), Carlo Neri(1), Chiara Monti(1), Cristina Centioli(1) and Maurizio Panella(2) Invited Paper (1) ENEA, (2) CREATE TECHNICAL SESSION 46 (E3-TS2): ENERGY EFFICIENT AND SAFE SOLUTIONS FOR A SMART ENVIRONMENT - 2 Session Chair: Mojtaba Navvab, University of Michigan,USA Friday, June 12th, 2015 h. 16:00-17:30 Venue: Sala degli Affreschi E3-TS2 409 Energy Efficiency In Supermarkets: Applying Structured Project Financing To ESCO Model. Federico Santi, Pasquale Caiazzo and Tommaso Marciano Nigro Studio Santi E3-TS2 410 Sustainable Airports and NZEB: the real case of Rome International Airport Federico Santi(1), Maria Carmen Falvo(2), Romano Acri(1) and Emiliano Manzan(1) (1) Studio Santi, (2) University of Rome Sapienza N3-TS2 199 Home Smart Grid device for Energy Saves and Failure Monitoring Luca Gugliermetti(1), Chiara Galati(2), Benedetta Mattoni(1), Fabio Nardecchia(1) and Fabio Bisegna(1) (1) Sapienza Università di Roma, (2) CEA - Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies N3-TS2 222 Lighting control and monitoring for energy efficiency: a case study focused on the interoperability of building management systems Anna Osello(1), Anna Pellegrino(2), Andrea Acquaviva(3), Laura Blaso(2), Valerio R.M. Lo Verso(2) and Edoardo Patti(3) (1) Politecnico di Torino, Department of Structural, Geotechnical and Building Engineering, (2) Politecnico di Torino, Department of Energy, (3) Politecnico di Torino, Department of Control and Computer Engineering N3-TS2 196 Smart city and public lighting Valentina Vaccaro, Gianluca Scaccianoce, Eleonora Riva Sanseverino, Gaetano Zizzo and Silvia Pennisi University of Palermo N3-TS2 557 Participation of Demand Response Resources through Virtual Power Plant: A Decision Framework under Uncertainty Saeed Rahmani Dabbagh and Mohammad Kazem Sheikh-El-Eslami Tarbiat Modares University TECHNICAL SESSION 47 (E3-TS3): MEASUREMENTS – 3 Session Chair: Zdenek Kubík, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic Friday, June 12th, 2015 h. 16:00-17:30 Venue: Aula 17 E3-TS3 539 Shielding Effectiveness Measurement and Simulation of Small Perforated Shielding Enclosure Using FEM Zden k Kubík and Ji í Skála University of West Bohemia E3-TS3 554 The Fluency of Data Flow in the Instrument for Measurement and Registration of Parameters of the Electrical Power Network Romuald Masnicki Gdynia Maritime University, Poland E3-TS3 585 A Virtual Instrument for the Adaptive Analysis of Low-Frequency Magnetic-Field Emissions Beata Palczynska Gdynia Maritime Academy, Poland 47 th 2015 IEEE 15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome E3-TS3 425 HVAC System Energy Saving in a Sample Building through Synergic Earth-Air Heat Exchanger and closed loop control Farivar Fazelpour and Reza Asnaashari Department of Energy System Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Islamic Azad University - South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran E3-TS3 599 Particle Swarm Optimization with multi-ring topology applied to the optimization of power transmission line parameters Sérgio Arruda, Bernardo Alvarenga and Welsey Calixto UFG E3-TS3 173 Investigation of Optimum Monthly Tilt Angles for Photovoltaic Panels in Tripoli Through Solar Radiation Measurement Hamid H. Sherwali(1), Hamed M. Abufares(1), Haitem Ashour(1) and Silvia Sangiorgio(2) (1) University of Tripoli - Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, (2) Sapienza Università di Roma - Dipartimento di Ing. Meccanica e Aerospaziale TECHNICAL SESSION 48 (E3-TS4) RENEWABLE ENERGY - 8 Session Chair: Farivar Fazelpour, South Tehran Branch, Iran Friday, June 12th, 2015 h. 16:00-17:30 Venue: Aula 1 E3-TS4 311 Investigation into Control Performance of Brushless Doubly Fed Asynchronous Machines in Wind Energy Conversion Systems Hacene Bouzekri(1), Abderahmane Ganouche(1) and Zahir Ahmida(2) (1) Automatique laboratory of Skikda, Université du 20 Aout 1955, Skikda, Algeria, (2) Electronique laboratory reaserch of Skikda, Université du 20 Aout 1955, Skikda, Algeria E3-TS4 054 Modeling and Simulation of a Wind Model Using A Spectral Representation Method Abrous Ahmed, Wamkeue Rene and Ouhrouche Mohand UQAT, Canada E3-TS4 151 A Survey on Recent Energy Harvesting Mechanisms Abdul-Rahman El-Sayed, Mohammad Biglarbegian, Shohel Mahmud and Kevin Tai University of Guelph E3-TS4 170 Adequacy Assessment of Power Systems Containing Wind Farm Subjected to Expansion Mazaher Hajibashi and Akbar Ebrahimi Isfahan University of Technology E3-TS4 148 Performance analysis of 200 kW tidal current power turbine with pre-deformed blades Chul-Hee Jo, Kang-Hee Lee, Su-Jin Hwang and Do-Youb Kim Inha University E3-TS4 470 Development of a Real Time Wind Turbine Emulator based on RTDS using Advanced Perturbation Methods Richa Gokhale, Satish Mahajan, Brook Abegaz and Robert Craven Tennessee Technological University TECHNICAL SESSION 49 (E3-TS5): POWER SYSTEMS AND SMART GRID - 7 Session Chair: Guillermo Velasco-Quesada, Consorci Escola Industrial de Barcelona - CEIB Friday, June 12th, 2015 h. 16:00-17:30 Venue: Aula 7 48 E3-TS5 112 An Experimental Microgrid for laboratory activities Danilo Antonio Sbordone(1), Kazi M Moyeenull Huq(2) and Mesut Baran(2) (1) University of Rome Sapienza, (2) North Carolina State University E3-TS5 233 Robust IM Exponential Reaching Law Sensorless Control with MRAS-based Online Parameters Identification Legrioui Said(1), Salah Eddine Rezgui(1) and Hocine Benalla(2) (1)University of Constantine 1, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Electrotechnic's department, Constantine, Algeria, (2) Departement of Electrical Engineering, Constantine University Algeria E3-TS5 212 Grid-PV-Diesel Hybrid System Management. Application to MED-Solar Project Scenarios Guillermo Velasco-Quesada(1), Francisco Casellas(1), Francesc Guinjoan(2), Robert Piqué(2) and Herminio Martínez(2) (1) Consorci Escola Industrial de Barcelona - CEIB, (2) Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTECH E3-TS5 003 Reliability Analysis: A Case Study in Designing Power Distribution System of Tehran Oil Refinery Amir Hossein Boojar Arani(1), Reza Shojaee Baghini(2) and Golmehr Mirshekari Chargari(3) (1) Tehran Regional Electric Company, (2) Oil Design & Construction Company, (3) Islamic Azad UniversitySaveh Branch E3-TS5 176 Coordination of multiple-power tapping from existing HVDC link Agha Francis Nnachi(1), Josiah Munda(1), Dan Valentin Nicolae(1) and Augustin Mpanda(2) (1) Tshwane University of technology, (2) ESIEE Amiens E3-TS5 443 Analysis of Mathematical Modeling of PV Module with MPPT Algorithm B Chitti Babu(1), Suresh Gurjar(2), Zbigniew Leonowicz(3), Luigi Piegari(4) and Tomas Cermak(5) (1) VSB TUO Ostrava, Czech Republic, (2) CA, Canada, (3) Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland, (4) Politecnico di Milano, Italy, (5) VSB TUO Ostrava, Czech Republic ROUND TABLE ON NUCLEAR FUSION Moderator: Alessandro Lampasi, ENEA, Italy Friday, June 12th, 2015 h. 17:30-19:30 Venue: Sala del Chiostro Nuclear fusion could ensure a large-scale, safe, environmentally-friendly and virtually inexhaustible source of energy. Nuclear fusion is an extraordinary opportunity for research institutions, universities and industries. This round table introduces the status and perspectives of nuclear fusion also to non-specialist researchers. The main international experiments will be presented. Scientists from all over the world have come together in these experiments to help meet mankind's energy needs. ITER is a large-scale scientific experiment intended to prove the viability of fusion as an energy source and to collect data for the design and operation of the first electricity-producing fusion power plant (DEMO). These facilities can be considered as complex electrical machines with requirements and outcomes in many fields, as power supplies, superconductors, special materials, radiofrequency devices, real-time measurement and control, vacuum technologies, computational electromagnetics, and so on. Italy is a pioneer in nuclear fusion research through ENEA, CNR, RFX, CREATE and several universities. Italy is proposing a new European research facility named Divertor Test Tokamak (DTT) to study the power exhaust problem and to support the ITER operations. 17:30-17:45 Overview on Fusion Research Giuseppe Mazzitelli ENEA Large Experiment Facilities 17:45-18:00 Education and Research in Fusion: the ITER Generation and Beyond Fabio Villone University of Cassino 18:00-18:15 Training in Power Supply Engineering Supported by the European Fusion Agreement Nicolas Dumas Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA) 18:15-18:30 DTT: A New Facility for the Study of the Power Exhaust Problem Raffaele Albanese University of Naples Federico II and Consortium CREATE 18:30-18:45 A Spin-off Company for Compact Fusion Reactors Alan Sykes Tokamak Energy 18:45-19:00 Opportunities in Nuclear Fusion for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: the OCEM Experience Giuseppe Taddia OCEM Energy Technology 19:00-19:30 Open discussion 49 th 2015 IEEE 15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome SATURDAY, JUNE 13TH, 2015 MORNING SESSIONS (M4) TECHNICAL SESSION 50 (M4-TS1): POWER ELECTRONICS AND COMPONENTS - 3 Session Chair: Alberto Reatti, University of Florence, Italy Saturday, June 13th, 2015 h. 8:30-10:30 Venue: Sala del Chiostro M4-TS1 288 A Reduced Switch Cascaded Transformer Multi Level Inverter Saeed Ouni(1), Masih Khodabandeh(1), Mohammad Reza Zolghadri(1), Jose Rodríguez(2) and Hashem Oraee(1) (1) Sharif University of Technology, (2) Federico Santa María Technical University M4-TS1 351 A High Gain Step-up Flyboost Converter for High Voltage High Power Applications Rathdharshagorn Suriyakulnaayudhya Kasetsart University, Thailand M4-TS1 426 Experimental Design of a Finite State Model Predictive Control for Improving Power Factor of Boost Rectifier Amar Bouafassa(1), Lazhar Rahmani(1), Ramazan Bayindir(2) and Bedreddine Babes(1) (1) Setif-1 university, (2) Gazi University M4-TS1 483 Experimental Assessment of Direct Flux and Torque Control of Induction Machine With Four-Switch and Six-Switch Inverters Mohamed Azab Benha University, Egypt M4-TS1 520 Average Modeling of Voltage Type Z Source Inverter Ali Rasooli Madani(1), Ahmad Radan(2), Shokrollah Shokri(2) and Hadi Ezoji(1) (1) MAPNA electrical and control, engineering and manufacturing company, (2) k.N.Toosi university of Technology M4-TS1 259 Average Modeling of Current Type Z-Source Inverter Ali Rasooli Madani(1), Ahmad Radan(2), Shokrollah Shokri(2) and Hadi Ezoji(1) (1) MAPNA electrical and control, engineering and manufacturing company, (2) k.N.Toosi university of Technology M4-TS1 260 A New Method for Designing X-Shape Impedance Parameters in Current Type ZSI Ali Rasooli Madani(1), Ahmad Radan(2), Shokrollah Shokri(2) and Hadi Ezoji(1) (1) MAPNA electrical and control, engineering and manufacturing company, (2) k.N.Toosi university of Technology M4-TS1 228 Derivations of Network Functions for PWM DC-DC Buck Converter in DCM Including Effects of Parasitic Components on Diode Duty-cycle Alberto Reatti(1), Stefano Manetti(1), Maria Cristina Piccirilli(1), Antonio Luchetta(1) and Marian Kazimierczuk(2) (1) DINFO - University of Florence, (2) Electrical Engineering - Wright State University TECHNICAL SESSION 51 (M4-TS2): POWER SYSTEMS AND SMART GRIDS - 8 Session Chair: Gaetano Zizzo, University of Palermo, Italy Saturday, June 13th, 2015 h. 8:30-10:30 Venue: Sala degli Affreschi 50 M4-TS2 364 Studies on the Influence of Electric Field on the Oxidation Stability of Insulating Oil Tiberiu Octavian Cujba University "Stefan cel Mare" Suceava, Romania M4-TS2 040 An Improved Distribution System Reconfiguration Using Hybrid GA with PSO Dawit Fekadu Teshome and Kuo Lung Lian National Taiwan University of Science and Technology M4-TS2 327 Simulation of Three-Phase Grid Interactive Inverter for Wind Energy Systems Fehmi Sevilmiş and Hulusi Karaca Selçuk University, Turkey M4-TS2 156 A novel reliability analysis algorithm for distribution system with integration of wind power generator Dechang Yang(1) and Jing Han(2) (1) College of Information and Electrical Engineering, (2) School of Materials Science and Engineering M4-TS2 181 Use of Adaptive System Stabilizers in Ship Power Systems Nikolay Djagarov, Zhivko Grozdev and Milen Bonev Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy M4-TS2 068 A Practical study for a new measuring tool for EHV Bus Bar Fault Detection Ali El-Rifaie(1), Rania El-Sharkawy(2) and Sherif Haggag(2) (1) National Institute for Stand, (2) AASTMT M4-TS2 113 Development of Protection Scheme for Off-Grid Topology Jakub Vramba, Stanislav Mi ák, Vít Houdek and Jakub Kosmák VSB –TU Ostrava, Department Of Electrical Power M4-TS2 482 A Worksheet for Computing the Levelized Cost of Storing Photovoltaic (Wind) Electricity Michael Stavy Michael Stavy, Energy Economist TECHNICAL SESSION 52 (M4-TS3): CHAIRED REMOTE SESSION - 1 Session Chair: Zbigniew Leonowicz, University of Wroclaw, Poland Saturday, June 13th, 2015 h. 8:30-10:30 Venue: Aula 17 M4-TS3 097 Distribution Network Expansion Planning. Real Distribution Network Case Study Constantin Barbulescu, Stefan Kilyeni, Attila Simo, Cosmin Oros and F. Petrica Politehnica University Timisoara M4-TS3 028 Application of artificial neural networks for electric load forecasting on railway transport Alexander Komyakov, Viktor Erbes and Vladimir Ivanchenko Omsk State Transport University M4-TS3 039 Simplified Model of Brushless Synchronous Generator for Real Time Simulation Maria Dolores Lopez(1), Carlos A. Platero(1), Emilio Rebollo(1) and Francisco R. Blanquez(2) (1) Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, (2) CERN M4-TS3 304 Optimised Methodology for Stepper Motor Simulation Liviu Neamt, Oliviu Matei and Olivian Chiver Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Centre of Baia Mare M4-TS3 323 Analysis and Implementation of Multicarrier Modulation Techniques for Marx Multilevel Inverter Piyush Kant, Akbar Ahmad and Paulson Samuel Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad M4-TS3 317 Reliability Improvement of Power System Utilizing ESS with Wind Farm Zagros Shahooei(1), Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad(2) and Ali Abbaspour(2) (1) Michigan Technological University, (2) Sharif University of Technology M4-TS3 093 Application of Gyrator Concept to Control and Operation of Boost Converter Hussein Mohammad Al-Masri, Fahad Alhuwaishel, Fahad Alismail, Sinan Sabeeh, Haitham Kanakri and Mark Ehsani Texas A&M University, USA M4-TS3 491 Investigation of MPPT for PV Applications by Mathematical Model Hussein Mohammad Al-Masri, Fahad Alhuwaishel, Fahad Alismail, Sinan Sabeeh and Haitham Kanakri Texas A&M University 51 th 2015 IEEE 15 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering June 10-13, 2015, Rome SATURDAY, JUNE 13TH, 2015 NOON SESSIONS (N4) TECHNICAL SESSION 53 (N4-TS1): POWER ELECTRONICS AND COMPONENTS - 4 Session Chair: Alberto Reatti, University of Florence, Italy Saturday, June 13th, 2015 h. 11:00-13:00 Venue: Sala del Chiostro N4-TS1 225 Multilevel DC-AC Converters for Renewable Power Generation Plants: Comparison, Simulation, and Experimental Tests Alberto Reatti(1), Stefano Manetti(1), Maria Cristina Piccirilli(1), Antonio Luchetta(1) and Marian Kazimierczuk(2) (1) DINFO - University of Florence, (2) Electrical Engineering - Wright State University N4-TS1 226 Comparison of DCM Operated PWM DC-DC Converter Modelling Methods Including the Effects of Parasitic Components on Duty Ratio Constraint Alberto Reatti(1), Stefano Manetti(1), Maria Cristina Piccirilli(1), Antonio Luchetta(1) and Marian Kazimierczuk(2) (1) DINFO - University of Florence, (2) Electrical Engineering - Wright State University N4-TS1 227 Effects of Parasitic Components on Diode Duty Cycle and Small-Signal Model of PWM DC-DC Buck Converter in DCM Alberto Reatti(1), Stefano Manetti(1), Maria Cristina Piccirilli(1), Antonio Luchetta(1) and Marian Kazimierczuk(2) (1) DINFO - University of Florence, (2) Electrical Engineering - Wright State University N4-TS1 252 A Pulse Width Modulation Strategy for DC-AC Nine Switches Inverter Bekheira Tabbache and Mohand Amokrane Abbache Ecole Militaire Polytechnique N4-TS1 248 A Gate Drive Circuit for Normally-On SiC JFETs with Self-Protection Functions against Overcurrent and Shoot-Through Fault Conditions Spyridon Giannoutsos, Sotirios Kokosis and Stefanos Manias National Technical University of Athens, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering N4-TS1 065 A New Fast Peak Current Controller for Transient Voltage Faults for Power Converters Jesús Muñoz-Cruzado-Alba(1), Javier Villegas-Núñez(1), José Alberto Vite-Frías(1), Eduardo Galván-Díez(2) and Juan Manuel Carrasco-Solís(2) (1) GPTech, (2) Universidad de Sevilla N4-TS1 276 Optimisation of Magnetic Gears for Large Wind Turbines Andreas Penzkofer and Kais Atallah University of Sheffield United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland N4-TS1 365 Development of an electronic equipment managed by software on PC for controlling and driving of multiple bi-axial solar trackers in photovoltaic solar plants Paolo Visconti(1), Paolo Costantini(1), Cosimo Orlando(1) and Giorgio Cavalera(2) (1) University of Salento, Italy, (2) Cavalera Srl. TECHNICAL SESSION 54 (N4-TS2): POWER SYSTEMS AND SMART GRID - 9 Session Chair: Andrea Lanna, University of Rome Sapienza, Italy Saturday, June 13th, 2015 h. 11:00-13:00 Venue: Sala degli Affreschi 52 N4-TS2 032 A New Passive Compensation Technique to Economically Improve the Power Quality of Two Identical Single-Phase Feeders Yassine Terriche, Djallel Kerdoun and Hind Djeghloud University Constantine 1 N4-TS2 033 A MILP Model for Optimal Charging Coordination of Storage Devices and Electric Vehicles Considering V2G Technology Carlos Francisco Sabillon Antúnez, John Fredy Franco Baquero, Marcos Rider and Ruben Romero UNESP N4-TS2 232 Adaptive Saturation System for Grid-Tied Inverters in Low Voltage Residential Micro-Grids Jakson P. Bonaldo(1), Helmo K. M. P(2), Alessandro Costabeber(3) and Jose A. Pomilio(4) (1) UTFPR, Brazil, (2) UNESP, Brazil, (3) University of Nottingham, (4) UNICAMP, Brazil N4-TS2 434 N4-TS2 460 A Novel Electromagnetic Transient Modeling Method of Impact Load of Arc Furnace Liang Dong(1), Zhiguo Hao(1), Mingyu Huang(2), Feng Gao(2) and Shuang Zhang(2) (1) Xi’an Jiaotong University, (2) Ningxia Electric Power Research Institute Improved DC Voltage Margin Control Method for DC Grid Based on VSCs Runze Chai, Baohui Zhang and Jingming Dou Xi’an Jiaotong University N4-TS2 466 Impact of Ferroresonance on protective relays in Manitoba Hydro 230 kV electrical network Salman Rezaei Kerman Power Generation Management Co. N4-TS2 354 Electric Energy Storage Systems integration in Distribution Grids Alessandro Di Giorgio, Francesco Liberati and Andrea Lanna "Sapienza" University of Rome N4-TS2 363 Evolutionary algorithm for detection and localization of faults in HVDC systems Arkadiusz Burek (1), Jacek Rezmer (2) and Tomasz Sikorski (2) (1) ABB research Center, (2) Wroclaw University of Technology TECHNICAL SESSION 55 (N4-TS3): CHAIRED REMOTE SESSION - 2 Session Chair: Zbigniew Leonowicz, University of Wroclaw, Poland Saturday, June 13th, 2015 h. 11:00-13:00 Venue: Aula 17 N4-TS3 427 Centralized Home Energy Management in Multi-Carrier Energy Frameworks Mohammad Rastegar(1), Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad(1) and Hamidreza Zareipour(2) (1) Sharif University of Technology, (2) University of Calgary N4-TS3 577 Using of Microcontroller with Small-Scale Wind Power in Off-Grid coupled with Induction Generator Pavel Sobota, Stanislav Rusnok, Stanislav Mišák, Michal Kelnar and Petr Kačor VSB - Technical University of Ostrava N4-TS3 010 RFID System on Electrical Substation Equipments Wendy Navarro(1), Yackeline Ternera(1), John Candelo(2) and Juan Carlos Velez(1) (1) Universidad del Norte, (2) Universidad Nacional de Colombia N4-TS3 310 Simulator for Studying the Wind Turbines Work Susana Arad, Liliana Samoila and Marius Petre University of Petrosani N4-TS3 465 Comparative study on sudden short-circuit currents of a synchronous generator Olivian Chiver, Liviu Neamt and Oliviu Matei Technical University of Cluj-Napoca N4-TS3 596 Feasibility Study of a Grid Connected Hybrid Wind/PV System Hussein Mohammad Al-Masri(1) and Fathi Amoura(2) (1) Texas A&M University, (2) Yarmouk University N4-TS3 195 Investigating the use of standby generator sets to mitigate peak demand charges in industrial facilities Vishwamitra Oree and Saganaden Parianen University of Mauritius N4-TS3 366 Potential of electricity generation from renewable energy sources for a large hotel in Mauritius Vishwamitra Oree and Jonathan Marie University of Mauritius N4-TS3 582 Noise and vibration behavior and analysis conditions of a 45kW induction motor Daniel Fodorean(1), Aron Popp(1), Mathieu Sarrazin(2), Ovidiu Birte(1), Claudia Martis(1) and Herman Van der Auweraer(2) (1) Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, (2) Siemens Industry Software NV 53 NOTES NOTES
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