EERA Bioenergy your partner in advanced bioenergy research

EERA Bioenergy your partner in advanced bioenergy research
Tuesday 2 June 2015, 13.30-18.30
Room: Schubert 3, Messe Wien Congress Centre, Vienna
This event is promoted by EERA Bioenergy (, the Joint Programme of the European Energy
Research Alliance (EERA AISBL) in the field of Bioenergy. The EERA Bioenergy Joint Programme currently consists of 36
members, including leading institutes, universities and organisations in the field of Bioenergy research from 16 European
The overall objective of EERA Bioenergy is to align research activities at EU and international levels to give a technicalscientific basis to the further development of advanced bioenergy routes and to boost the possibilities for involvement with
related industrial entities, in order to jointly contribute to the acceleration of the objectives of the Set Plan. This includes
high efficiency and decarbonized energy technology deployment in the EU in an integrated, efficient and relevant way.
Furthermore, the EERA Bioenergy Joint Programme also addresses the requirements for bioenergy to be produced handin-hand with bioproducts within biorefinery concepts.
This event is relevant for industrial partners and authorities in the field of Bioenergy RTD. It aims to give the industrial
entities a view of the current activities, research capacities and relevant infrastructures available for bioenergy advanced
research and technology development in EERA Bioenergy, as well as sharing information on RTD interests, and exploring
the possibilities for collaboration. The workshop will also give the attending authorities a perspective on the relevance of the
EERA Bioenergy Joint Programme to assess and promote advanced bioenergy research.
The agenda will include an outline of the objectives of the Joint Programme and current activities within the different EERA
Bioenergy Sub Programmes including Thermochemical, Biochemical, Algae Based Biofuels, Sustainable Biomass and
Stationary Bioenergy. This will be followed by an open discussion regarding opportunities for collaboration with all
Organiser: Juan Carrasco, CIEMAT
Contact: Irene Watkinson, Aston University, European Bioenergy Research Institute (EBRI),