LAND OF THE SOUL - Chicago Eesti Maja

Call for Sponsors
Estonian Church benefit concert
featuring Tõnis Mägi and
Kärt Johanson from Estonia
Saturday, July 18th, 2015 at 8:00 pm
at the Church site in Gleason, Wisconsin
Admission $30.00
Proceeds from the Event will go towards
restoration of the Church
Your generous donation will help support the Estonian Church concert and in turn increase awareness of the Church and Estonian culture in North America. Help keep this historically significant piece of
Estonian history alive with your support.
The goal of our concert event is to increase public awareness of Estonian history in the region and tell the story of the First Estonian
Church in America to generate support of the restoration of this historical place.
Help us celebrate Estonian culture with this unique once in a lifetime
event featuring the work of Tõnis Mägi and Kärt Johanson in a wonderful outdoor setting.
Hope to see you all on Saturday,
July 18th, 2015 at historical Estonian church
in Gleason, WI.
Tõnis Mägi is an Estonian singer
and songwriter who has been
probably the most influential and
remarkable name in the Estonian
rock music for the past 40 years.
Kärt Johanson is an Estonian singer
and actress. Married to Tõnis Mägi.
Copyright Tõnis Mägi all songs.
Sponsorship Levels and Benefits
$150.00 - Basic Sponsor
• Two complimentary tickets and a souvenir from Estonia
$500.00 – Bronze Sponsor
• Two complimentary tickets
• First row seating
• Complimentary food and beverage
• Signed Tõnis Mägi CD-DVD
• Name recognition in concert program
• Receive credit as sponsor on the concert DVD
$1000.00 – Silver Sponsor
• Three complimentary tickets
• First row seating
• Complimentary food and beverage
• Signed Tõnis Mägi CD-DVD
• Name recognition in concert program
• Receive credit as sponsor on the concert DVD
• Complimentary hotel room (2 queen beds) at the local hotel in the evening
of the concert
$2000.00 – Gold Sponsor
• Four complimentary tickets
• First row seating
• Complimentary food and beverage
• Signed Tõnis Mägi CD-DVD
• Name recognition in concert program
• Receive credit as sponsor on the concert DVD
• Complimentary hotel room (2 queen beds) at the local hotel in the evening
of the concert
• Keepsake from Estonia
• Option for TV interview
To learn more how you can help
preserving the first Estonian
church built in America
or its history, go to
Additional information
Corporate sponsorship available – contact for details.
Post project follow up financial reporting can be provided.
Donations can be made by cash, check or credit card.
Donate Online
Estonian Ev. Martin Luhter Church PayPal
Like us on Facebook
Facebook/ Estonian Ev. Martin Luther Church in Gleason, WI
Facebook/ Tonis Magi ja Kart Johansoni kontsert “Hingemaa”
Estonian Evangelical Martin Luther Church
N 4881 Estonian Church Rd.
Gleason, Wisconsin 58455
Church information phone number (715) 575-1777