EE 457 HW1 EE 457 HW 1 Digital Design Review Redekopp Puvvada Name: _________________________________________ Due: See Website Score: ________ Please post any questions regarding HW problems on Piazza. 1. (25 pts.) Mealy machine Design Design a simple (though inefficient) DIVIDER to divide X by Y to obtain quotient Q and remainder R. All are 4-bit unsigned numbers. Y is a non-zero number. Method: Subtract Y from X repetitively until Y does not go through X anymore. There shall be an INITIAL state I, COMPUTE state C, and a DONE state D. Remain in the I state until the START command S is received. In the initial state, clear the Q register. In the compute state, perform the subtraction (X - Y), and based on borrow output from the subtractor, which indicates whether Y went through X or not, update X with (X - Y) and increment Q. If Y did not go through X, you should exit the compute state (without updating X or incrementing Q) and go to the Done state. Remain in the done state while the END command is 0. Once END is 1 then go back to the initial state. While in Done state, the register X shall contain the remainder R and the register Q shall contain the quotient. Use two 4-bit registers described in the datapath below for X and Y. Use 74LS163A counter for Q. Use one-hot state assignment and three D-FFs for your state memory. If you do not know one-hot method for designing a control unit please get help from your TA, the grader, or the instructor. State machine design using one-hot state assignment will be covered in the first week of classes in EE457. Incomplete designs of the DPU (Datapath unit) and the CU (Control unit) are provided on the next two pages. Complete the designs. All inputs to logic blocks must be in terms of the primary inputs: XIN[3:0], YIN[3:0], START, END, RSTb and the SYSCLK or other intermediate signals that you generate. You may tie unused inputs to appropriate constants GND or VDD if desired. You should define two intermediate signals: X_LOAD, Y_LOAD (data enables for the respective registers), Q_INC (count enable), Q_CLR (counter reset), and BORROW. For sample values of X = 1101 (thirteen) and Y = 0011 (three), draw typical waveforms for this divider showing the clock, the inputs S and E, the control signals from the controller to the datapath unit such as X_LOAD, Q_INC (increment counter), the values of X and Q over time, the state Flip-flop outputs, QI, QC, and QD over time, etc. © Copyright 2004 Gandhi Puvvada. Edited by Mark Redekopp with permission. 1 EE 457 HW1 Q1 Datapath: R[3:0] Q[3:0] S 74LS283 (4-bit Adder) [C0=Carry-In, C4=Carry-out] Q[3:0] D[3:0] 4-bit Register with active-hi Data Enable (EN) and active-hi Tri-State Output Control (OE) C0 A0 A1 A2 CLK CLR EN OE A3 B0 B1 4-bit Adder X_M_Y[3:0] (X_Minus_Y) Y[3:0] XIN[3:0] B[3:0] A[3:0] 2-to-1 Mux (S=0, Y<=A, S=1 Y<=B) S0 S1 S2 S3 X_M_Y[0] X_M_Y[1] X_M_Y[2] X_M_Y[3] X_M_Y[3:0] (X_Minus_Y) B2 C4 Q[3:0] D[3:0] B3 YIN[3:0] CLK CLR EN OE SYSCLK 74LS163A (4-bit Counter) Vdd P0 P1 P2 Q0 Q1 Q2 P3 /LOAD Q3 CLK RSTb Q[3:0] RCO /CLR ENP ENT Q_INC © Copyright 2004 Gandhi Puvvada. Edited by Mark Redekopp with permission. 2 Q[0] Q[1] Q[2] Q[3] EE 457 HW1 Q1 Control Unit: NSL SM OFL START DI D END /PRE Q QI CLK Q Add other inputs from the datapath /CLR DC D /PRE Q QC CLK Q /CLR DD D /PRE Q QD CLK Q /CLR RSTb (active-lo) SYSCLK Use labels to make connections where appropriate rather than drawing long, looping wires © Copyright 2004 Gandhi Puvvada. Edited by Mark Redekopp with permission. 3 EE 457 HW1 Q1 Sample Waveform: C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 SYSCLK RSTb START END X_IN 13 dec. Y_IN 3 dec. X Y X_M_Y BORROW Q (CNT) QI QC QD X_LOAD Y_LOAD Q_CLR Q_INC © Copyright 2004 Gandhi Puvvada. Edited by Mark Redekopp with permission. 4 EE 457 HW1 2. (25 Pts.) Datapath and Control Design You are given two 4-bit unsigned numbers, P and Q. You need to compare them and deposit the smaller in SMALL_REG and the bigger BIG_REG. The next page contains a complete data path. Notice that you can bring either P or Q on bus #1 (B_ONE) or bus #2 (B_TWO). SMALL_REG is only tied (i.e. connected) to B_ONE where as BIG_REG is only tied to B_TWO. 2.1. 4-state State Machine 2.1.1. Complete the state diagram below by writing the state transition conditions. 1 /RESET PQL START Load P (from B_ONE) into Small Load Q (from B_TWO) into Big I Initial START CPQ Compare P (on B_ONE) w/ Q (B_TWO) QPL Load Q (from B_ONE) into Small Load P (from B_TWO) into Big 1 2.1.2. Complete the one-hot implementation of the above 4-state state machine on page 7. Before you produce the outputs, answer the following questions. [Yes / No] (Circle one) Can we say that whenever we put P or Q on one of the two buses, we may put the other on the other bus? [Yes / No] (Circle one) Can we say that, in the initial state, we may drive the buses even though it is not necessary? [Yes / No] (Circle one) Can we say that we either load both SMALL_REG and BIG_REG or load neither? 2.1.3. Complete the waveform on page 8. © Copyright 2004 Gandhi Puvvada. Edited by Mark Redekopp with permission. 5 EE 457 HW1 Q2 Datapath. Note: This datapath is complete and is for your reference. B_TWO[3:0] /P2B1 (First [B_ONE] Greater than Second [B_TWO]) AEQB ALTB 4-bit Register with active-hi Data Enable (EN) and active-hi Tri-State Output Control (OE). CLR is active-high P[3:0] B_ONE[3:0] D[3:0] /Q2B1 SYSCLK CLK GND CLR EN /Q2B2 Q[3:0] Q[3:0] B_ONE[3:0] B[3:0] A[3:0] FGS AGTB SMALL[3:0] OE SMALL_LOAD VDD D[3:0] B_TWO[3:0] Q[3:0] 4-bit Register with active-hi Data Enable (EN) and active-hi Tri-State Output Control (OE). CLR is active-high /P2B2 SYSCLK GND CLK CLR EN OE BIG_LOAD © Copyright 2004 Gandhi Puvvada. Edited by Mark Redekopp with permission. VDD 6 BIG[3:0] EE 457 HW1 Q2.1 Control Unit. Complete this. SMALL_LOAD VDD /PRE D SYSCLK Q QI /PRE D CLK Q QPQL CLK Q SYSCLK /CLR Q BIG_LOAD /CLR /RESET /P2B2 VDD VDD /Q2B1 START QI D SYSCLK /PRE Q CLK Q QCPQ /PRE D SYSCLK QQPL CLK Q /P2B1 /RESET /Q2B2 /CLR /CLR /RESET Q Use labels to make connections where appropriate rather than drawing long, looping wires © Copyright 2004 Gandhi Puvvada. Edited by Mark Redekopp with permission. 7 EE 457 HW1 Q2.1 Waveform. Complete this based on your design. C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 SYSCLK /RESET START QI QCPQ QPQL QQPL /P2B1 /Q2B1 /P2B2 /Q2B2 FGS SMALL_LOAD BIG_LOAD P 06 dec. 03 dec. Q 02 dec. 05 dec. SMALL XX 02 dec. 03 dec. BIG XX 06 dec. 05 dec. © Copyright 2004 Gandhi Puvvada. Edited by Mark Redekopp with permission. 8 EE 457 HW1 2.2. 3-state State Machine 2.2.1. The previous 4-state state machine is a ____________ (Mealy / Moore) as the outputs generated are not influenced by the current inputs. The outputs are completely determined by the current state. Let us now reduce the states by combining CPQ and PQL into CPQL "compare and load". The load operation is conditional in the CPQL state as can be seen below. 2.2.2. This 3-state machine is a ____________ (Mealy / Moore). Complete the state diagram below by correctly labelling the transitions. START /RESET CPQL I Initial START Compare P (on B_ONE) w/ Q (B_TWO) If appropriate: Load P (from B_ONE) into Small Load Q (from B_TWO) into Big QPL Load Q (from B_ONE) into Small Load P (from B_TWO) into Big 1 2.2.3. Complete the one-hot implementation of the above 3-state state machine on page 10. 2.2.4. Complete the waveform on page 11. © Copyright 2004 Gandhi Puvvada. Edited by Mark Redekopp with permission. 9 EE 457 HW1 Q2.2 Control Unit. Complete this. SMALL_LOAD VDD D SYSCLK /PRE Q QI START QI CLK Q D SYSCLK /CLR /PRE Q QCPQL CLK Q BIG_LOAD /CLR /RESET /P2B2 VDD /Q2B1 D SYSCLK /PRE Q QQPL CLK Q /P2B1 /CLR /RESET /Q2B2 Use labels to make connections where appropriate rather than drawing long, looping wires © Copyright 2004 Gandhi Puvvada. Edited by Mark Redekopp with permission. 10 EE 457 HW1 Q2.2 Waveform. Complete this. C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 SYSCLK /RESET START QI QCPQL QQPL /P2B1 /Q2B1 /P2B2 /Q2B2 FGS SMALL_LOAD BIG_LOAD P 04 dec. 09 dec. Q 08 dec. 01 dec. SMALL XX 04 dec. 01 dec. BIG XX 08 dec. 09 dec. © Copyright 2004 Gandhi Puvvada. Edited by Mark Redekopp with permission. 11 EE 457 HW1 3. (13 pts.) Combinational Logic Design We need an adder to perform Y = (X + 11 dec.) MOD 16. X and Y are 4-bit unsigned numbers represented as X[3:0] and Y[3:0]. Note: 11 dec. = 1011 bin. Build this special adder from SSI gates (Small Scale Integrated circuits such as INVERTER, AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, and XNOR). You may refer to full adder and half-adder designs in your book if you wish. However you should use as few gates as possible. The constant to be added is always 11 dec. and not a variable! This should make optimization possible. Note: MOD 16 means modulo 16 so if X=12 dec. then 12 + 11 = 23; 23 MOD 16 = 7. Hence Y = 7 dec. Because of the MOD 16 operation you need not produce a carry out (a.k.a. Y4) output. X3 X2 X1 X0 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y0 © Copyright 2004 Gandhi Puvvada. Edited by Mark Redekopp with permission. 12 EE 457 HW1 4. (12 pts.) State Diagram Design In previous problems we have seen "one-hot" coded data where only 1-bit can be a '1'. Here the data is ”two-hot" coded. There shall be TWO ones and SIX zeros in any order. Example: "01001000" is correctly coded. Design a state machine to verify whether an 8-bit value: B[7:0] is correctly coded using "two-hot" coding. In the state diagram below, the states C01, C11, C21 stand for "Counted 0 '1s'", "Counted 1 '1s'", and "Counted 2 '1s'", respectively. Complete the state transition conditions. Use BIT or ~BIT together with signals such as MC7, MC6, and MC5 as necessary. B0 B1 B2 B3 D0 D1 D2 D3 B4 B5 B6 B7 D4 D5 D6 D7 74LS163A (4-bit Counter) GND GND GND P0 P1 P2 Q0 Q1 Q2 GND VDD P3 /LOAD Q3 SYSCLK QINI CLK S0 Y 8-to-1 Mux BIT I0 I1 I2 MC7 ~BIT I0 I1 I2 MC6 I0 I1 I2 MC5 Y S1 S2 I0 I1 I2 RCO /CLR ENP ENT QC01 QC11 QC21 START /RESET I START Initial ACK C01 C11 C21 I <= I+1 I <= I+1 I <= I+1 WRONG RIGHT I <= I+1 I <= I+1 ACK ACK ACK © Copyright 2004 Gandhi Puvvada. Edited by Mark Redekopp with permission. 13 EE 457 HW1 5. (5 pts.) Datapath Design Design a special down counter which counts down (7,6,5,…). However it shall always skip 4. So the sequence shall be 7,6,5,3,2,1,0,7,6,5,3,2,1,0,…. Use the mux to skip 4. Complete all the connections and generate the select logic. 3-bit (A-B) Subtractor A0 A1 A2 1 0 0 B0 B1 B2 2-to-1, 3-bit wide mux A0 A1 A2 S0 S1 S2 B0 B1 B2 S Register Y0 Y1 Y2 BIT Q0 Q1 Q2 D0 D1 D2 CLK S SYSCLK 6. (20 pts.) State Machine Design 6.1. Reproduced below is the state diagram for the divider from your classnotes. A student has modified state transition conditions on the two diverging arrows on the "C" state as shown. Class Notes Design Modified Design START /RESET X>Y X>=Y I C Initial Compute & Update If X >= Y X <= X-Y Q <= Q+1 START X <= XIN Y <= YIN Q <= 0 X>=Y C START END Compute & Update If X >= Y X <= X-Y Q <= Q+1 D Done X>Y END Does it work? YES / NO (Circle one) It if works, explain how it is better or worse in performance? If it does not work, state why it does not work. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ © Copyright 2004 Gandhi Puvvada. Edited by Mark Redekopp with permission. 14 START EE 457 HW1 6.2. In light of the above question, can you suggest an improvement to the Moore machine for the divider (reproduced from the classnotes below) by modifying the state transition conditions only? Class Notes Design Explanation of improvement (if possible) or /RESET U why no improvement is possible: Update X>=Y _____________________________________ I C X <= X-Y Initial START Compute Q <= Q+1 X <= XIN Y <= YIN Q <= 0 _____________________________________ 1 _____________________________________ END D X>=Y _____________________________________ Done START END _____________________________________ 6.3. Mr. Trojan suggested a better Moore machine for the divider (better than the one in the classnotes and reproduced above) as shown below. Class Notes Design Using the example of 40 / 2 = 20, R=0, /RESET Note: The X+Y X>=Y Note: The If is and Q-1 U explain why this is better than our classnotes removed Update design. I C X>=Y X <= X+Y Compute & _____________________________________ Initial Q <= Q-1 START Update X <= XIN Y <= YIN Q <= 0 _____________________________________ X <= X-Y Q <= Q+1 END D Done _____________________________________ 1 _____________________________________ END _____________________________________ © Copyright 2004 Gandhi Puvvada. Edited by Mark Redekopp with permission. 15 EE 457 HW1 6.4. Miss Trojan says that there is still a little more to improve by playing with the state transition arrows and conditions! Can you guess what is in her mind by completing the design below? Class Notes Design /RESET U Note: The If is removed START I Update C Initial START X <= XIN Y <= YIN Q <= 0 Note: The X+Y and Q-1 X <= X+Y Q <= Q-1 Compute & Update Using the example of 40 / 2 = 20, R=0, explain why this is a little better than Mr. Trojan's design. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ X <= X-Y Q <= Q+1 END D Done _____________________________________ 1 _____________________________________ END _____________________________________ 6.5. Miss Trojan says that the resulting datapath of Mr. Trojan's design is more expensive. Mr. Trojan says the opposite. Explain who is right and why. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ © Copyright 2004 Gandhi Puvvada. Edited by Mark Redekopp with permission. 16
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