Safety Issues. Solved

Safety Issues. Solved
Over 60 years of comprehensive experience in life and fire safety.
With Efectis, Fire Safety is in your hands.
Efectis is a global company with expertise in all fire safety components. We are true
experts in fire science, fire protection engineering, design, modeling, risk analysis,
construction product testing and certification, code compliance and inspection.
Creating a safer
existence, together.
Efectis prides itself in
being a go-to resource
for life and fire safety.
In an ever changing complex global environment where material products, architecture, and innovative
technologies are evolving at the speed of automation,
a more comprehensive approach and in-depth
understanding of the individual components as part
of the greater scope is the key to creating a safer
Efectis combines the theoretical with real world
realities to preserve life, to minimize damage to
buildings and to reduce building costs for equivalent
or better performance.
Let us be your resource base.
Capitalize on Efectis’ more than 60 years of comprehensive experience
in life and fire safety:
■■ One of few companies that is an official testing institute and exclusively dedicated to fire science
■■ 4 unique testing laboratories accredited ISO 17025
■■ Expertise in building and construction materials pathology and diagnosis
■■ CE Marking product certification Notified body
■■ More than 2,000 fire tests dedicated to reaction to fire and fire resistance, annually
■■ More than 800 testing standards applied annually
■■ More than 175 employed experts, “including world renowned Subject Matter Experts in Fire Science”
■■ Course offerings accommodating and tailored to various languages.
Safety Issues. Solved
Safety Knowledge Shared
New curated course offering
Efectis is bringing to the forefront its exclusive know-how and in-depth real-life understanding of safety for your
career needs and enhanced understanding, for today’s demanding and ever changing environments.
Introduction To NFPA 101 Life Safety Code
Course Code EA03
Page 4
NFPA 13 Standard For The Installation Of Sprinkler Systems
Course Code EA08
Page 5
NFPA 70 National Electric Code
Course Code EA09
Page 6
NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm And Signaling Code
Course Code EA10
Page 7
BS 9999 Code Of Practice For Fire Safety In The Design, Management And Use Of Buildings
Course Code EA23
Page 8
BS 9991 Residential Fire Safety Code of Practice
Course Code EA39
Page 9
BS Building Regulations. Approved Document B
Course Code EA25
Page 10
Fire Protection Engineering
Course Code EA17
Page 11
Sprinkler System Design
Course Code EA18
Page 12
Fire Alarm And Fire Detection System Design
Course Code EA19
Page 13
Aircraft Fire Protection And Accident Investigation
Course Code EA01
Page 14
Safety And Security Of Chemical And Petrochemical Companies
Course Code EA02
Page 15
Fire Risk Management Systems
Course Code EA27
Page 16
Fire Physics
Course Code EA29
Page 17
Metalwork, Glazing Elements And Fire Resistance
Course Code EA12
Page 18
Reaction To Fire - European Standard EN 13501-1
Course Code EA13
Page 19
CE Marking Of Construction Products
Course Code EA14
Page 20
Fire Resistance
Course Code EA30
Page 21
Maintenance And Repair of Fire Resistance Doors
Course Code EA11
Page 22
Inspection, Testing And Maintenance Of Fire Protection Systems
Course Code EA20
Page 23
Safety Issues. Solved
Safety Knowledge Shared
Introduction To
NFPA 101 Life Safety Code
Commitment: 3 Day Seminar | 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Course Outline:
There is a need to improve the safety and security of
buildings hosting occupants such as high-rise buildings,
commercial centers or public buildings, but also power
■ General Introduction
NFPA 101 Life Safety code is one of the major standard
■ Features Of Fire Protection
The purpose of this Code is to provide minimum
requirements, with due regard to function, for the design,
operation, and maintenance of buildings and structures for
■ Means Of Egress
■ Fire Protection Equipment
■ Interior Finish, Contents And Furnishings
■ Performance Based Options
■ Special Structures And High-Rise Buildings
similar emergencies.
The Code addresses those construction, protection, and
occupancy features necessary to minimize danger to life
criteria for the design of egress facilities so as to allow
prompt escape of occupants from buildings or, where
desirable, into safe areas within buildings.
Present the fundamentals of NFPA 101 Life Safety
code and address the different provisions of the code,
■ Building Rehabilitation
Architects, Contractors, Operators, Engineers, Managers,
Accident Investigators and Buildings Specialists who are
responsible or working for the Building industry, including
equipment, survivability, vulnerability, Safety Management
System, emergency response, accident investigation, risk
analysis and mitigation.
Reference Material & Accreditation:
fundamental requirements.
■ Course Manual/Workbook
for more info, contact
Most fires in hospitals start
from kitchen or from rooms
with beddings and clothing.
Phone: +1 (844) 467 2780
In addition, specific requirements applicable to
specific occupancy class are presented in an
intermediate/expert course dedicated to the
following specific occupancy class:
■ Mercantile and Shopping Centers Occupancies
■ Educational and Healthcare Occupancies
■ Industrial and Storage Occupancies
■ Lodging and Hotels Occupancies
Safety Issues. Solved
Safety Knowledge Shared
NFPA 13 Standard For The
Installation Of Sprinkler Systems
Commitment: 2 Day Seminar | 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Course Outline:
There is a need to improve the safety and security of
buildings hosting occupants such as high-rise buildings,
commercial centers or public buildings, but also power
■ General Requirements
■ Classification of occupancies and commodities
a fundamental component of the buildings’ and occupants’
NFPA 13 Standard for the installation of sprinkler systems
is one of the major standard used worldwide in regards to
fire protection requirements.
The purpose of this standard is to provide the minimum
requirements for the design and installation of automatic fire
sprinler systems and exposure protection sprinkler systems
covered within this standard.
■ Sprinkler Require
■ Installation Requirements
■ Sprinkler System
■ Water Supply
Design Approaches
Plans And Calculation
Systems Acceptance
Systems Inspection, Testing And Maintenance
Architects, Contractors, Operators, Engineers, Managers,
Accident Investigators and Buildings Specialists who are
responsible or working for the Building industry, including
Present and address the general provisions of NFPA 13
Standard for the installation of sprinkler systems.
It is recommended to participate to the course Introduction
to NFPA 101 Life Safety code before following this
educational course.
equipment, survivability, vulnerability, Safety Management
System, emergency response, accident investigation, risk
analysis and mitigation.
Reference Material & Accreditation:
■ Course Manual/Workbook
for more info, contact
Over 64% of fires in data
centers are due to power and
climate control equipment.
Safety Issues. Solved
Phone: +1 (844) 467 2780
Safety Knowledge Shared
NFPA 70 National Electric Code
Commitment: 2 Day Seminar | 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Course Outline:
Mitigating hazards arising from the use of electricity is a
fundamental component of the buildings’ and occupants’
■ Requirements For Electrical Installationsring And Protection
NFPA 70 National Electric code is one of the major standard
■ Wiring And Protection
The purpose of this Code is the practical safeguarding of
persons and property from hazards arising from the use of
This Code contains provisions that are considered necessary
for safety. Compliance therewith and proper maintenance
results in an installation that is essentially free from hazard
■ Wiring Methods And Materials
■ Equipment For General Use
■ Special Occupancies
■ Special Equipment
■ Special Conditions
■ Communication Systems
good service or future expansion of electrical use.
Architects, Contractors, Operators, Engineers, Managers,
Accident Investigators and Buildings Specialists who are
responsible or working for the Building industry, including
Present and address the general provisions of NFPA 70
National Electric code, overview the definitions, the goal and
objectives of the code, and the general and fundamental
equipment, survivability, vulnerability, Safety Management
System, emergency response, accident investigation, risk
analysis and mitigation.
Reference Material & Accreditation:
■ Course Manual/Workbook
for more info, contact
There are 28,600 electrical fires
per year. These fires cause
$1.1 billion in property damage
and loss.
Safety Issues. Solved
Phone: +1 (844) 467 2780
Safety Knowledge Shared
NFPA 72 National Fire
Alarm And Signaling Code
Commitment: 2 Day Seminar | 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Course Outline:
Fire alarm is a fundamental component of the buildings’
and occupants’ safety.
one of the
■ Fundamentals
■ Circuits and Pathways
■ Materials And Hardware
annunciation; the levels of performance; and the reliability
■ Emergency Control Function Interfaces
station alarm systems, public emergency alarm
■ Documentation
■ Inspection, Testing And Maintenance
communications systems, and their components.
NFPA 72 covers the application, installation, location,
alarm systems, supervising station alarm systems, public
and emergency communications systems (ECS), and their
Architects, Contractors, Operators, Engineers, Managers,
Accident Investigators and Buildings Specialists who are
responsible or working for the Building industry, including
Present and address the general provisions of NFPA 72
National fire alarm and signaling code and application.
It is recommended to participate to the course Introduction
to NFPA 101 Life Safety code before following this
educational course.
equipment, survivability, vulnerability, Safety Management
System, emergency response, accident investigation, risk
analysis and mitigation.
Reference Material & Accreditation:
■ Course Manual/Workbook
for more info, contact
At least 94% of fire deaths
occur in homes and buildings.
Safety Issues. Solved
Phone: +1 (844) 467 2780
Safety Knowledge Shared
BS 9999
Code of Practice For Fire Safety In The
Design, Management And Use Of Buildings
Commitment: 1 Day Seminar | 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Course Outline:
The course provides an introduction to the alternative code
of practice for compliance of commercial buildings with
Part B (fire safety) to the Building Regulations for England
and Wales.
The course is designed to give a background of the
legislation, an understanding of the minimum fire precautions
required and the knowledge to recognise key fire safety
issues and possible solutions.
The course will cover:
■ Applicability of the British Standard;
■ Background and relationship with other codes;
■ Assigning a risk profile;
■ Determining the fire precautions;
■ Benefits of enhancements and additional measures.
■ Legislation and Background to Development of the BS
■ How it Works (principles of fire safety engineering, deriving
a building risk profile, structure of the BS, 3 stages process
(base case – enhancements – ultimate limits)
■ Designing Means of Escape
■ Access and Facilities for Fire-fighting
■ Designing the Building Structure
■ Managing Fire Safety (management levels, Regulation 38,
Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order and risk assessments)
■ Alternative Solutions - Fire Safety Enginerring
Upon completion of the course participants will:
■ Know the legislative framework for fire precautions and the
need for compliance;
■ Understand the principles of assigning a risk profile to a
building and determine the appropriate fire precautions such
as safe means of escape, fire containment and requirements
of the fire and rescue service;
■ Be able to identify basic fire precaution requirements and
calculate the minimum provision;
■ Recognise the benefits of certain active fire safety systems;
■ Be aware that an alternative approach is possible.
Reference Material & Accreditation:
■ Course Manual/Workbook
for more info, contact
Total direct and indirect cost
of fires is estimated to be
around 1% of Global GDP.
Safety Issues. Solved
Architects, Contractors, Operators, Engineers, Managers,
Accident Investigators and Buildings Specialists who are
responsible or working for the Building industry, including
design, operation, specifications, certifications, site safety,
field inspection, maintenance, fire detection/suppression,
protection equipment, survivability, vulnerability, Safety
Management System, emergency response, accident
investigation, risk analysis and mitigation.
Phone: +1 (844) 467 2780
Safety Knowledge Shared
BS 9991
Residential Fire Safety Code of Practice
Commitment: 1 Day Seminar | 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Course Outline:
The course provides an introduction to the alternative code
of practice for compliance of residential buildings with
Part B (fire safety) to the Building Regulations for England
and Wales.
The course is designed to give a background of the
legislation, an understanding of the minimum fire precautions
required and the knowledge to recognise key fire safety
issues and possible solutions.
■ Structure of the Code of Practice
■ Flats, Maisonettes and Dwellinghouses
■ Access and Facilities for Fire-fighting
■ Designing the Building Structure
■ Other Types of Residential Accommodation
The course will cover:
■ Applicability of the British Standard;
■ Background and relationship with other codes;
■ Understanding the risk;
■ Determining the fire precautions;
■ Benefits of enhancements and additional measures.
Upon completion of the course participants will:
■ Know the legislative framework for fire precautions and the
need for compliance;
■ Appreciate the importance of recognizing sleeping risk for
occupancy type;
■ Understand the key principles adopted in providing means
of escape, fire service access and structural fire precautions;
■ Recognise the benefits of certain active fire safety systems;
■ Be aware that an alternative approach is possible.
Reference Material & Accreditation:
■ Course Manual/Workbook
for more info, contact
At least 94% of fire deaths
occur in homes and buildings.
Safety Issues. Solved
Architects, Contractors, Operators, Engineers, Managers,
Accident Investigators and Buildings Specialists who are
responsible or working for the Building industry, including
design, operation, specifications, certifications, site safety,
field inspection, maintenance, fire detection/suppression,
protection equipment, survivability, vulnerability, Safety
Management System, emergency response, accident
investigation, risk analysis and mitigation.
Phone: +1 (844) 467 2780
Safety Knowledge Shared
BS Approved Document B
Commitment: 1 Day Seminar | 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Course Outline:
The course provides an introduction to the basic assumptions
and the fire precautions recommended for compliance with
Part B (fire safety) to the Building Regulations for England
and Wales.
The course is designed to provide a background of the
regulation, an understanding of the minimum fire precautions
required and the knowledge to recognise key fire safety
issues and possible solutions.
What is covered:
■ Application of the Approved Document B
■ B1 – Means of warning and escape
■ B2 & B3 – Internal fire spread (linings & structure)
■ B4 – External fire spread
■ B5 – Access and facilities for the fire service
■ Legislation and the Approved Document System
■ Means of Warning and Escape
■ Internal Fire Spread
■ External Fire Spread
■ Access and Facilities for the Fire Service
■ Alternative Solutions (alternative guidance and codes
of practice, fire engineering)
■ Additional Requirements
Uponn completion of the course participants will:
■ Know the legislative framework for fire precautions and the
need for compliance;
■ Understand the principles of safe means of escape from
buildings, fire containment and requirements of the fire and
rescue service;
■ Be able to identify basic fire precaution requirements and
calculate the minimum provision;
■ Recognise the benefits of certain active fire safety systems;
■ Be aware that an alternative approach is possible.
Reference Material & Accreditation:
■ Course Manual/Workbook
for more info, contact
The European Commission has
estimated a 20% reduction of fire
deaths as a result of the use of
flame retardants in the past 10 years.
Safety Issues. Solved
Architects, Contractors, Operators, Engineers, Managers,
Accident Investigators and Buildings Specialists who are
responsible or working for the Building industry, including
design, operation, specifications, certifications, site safety,
field inspection, maintenance, fire detection/suppression,
protection equipment, survivability, vulnerability, Safety
Management System, emergency response, accident
investigation, risk analysis and mitigation.
Phone: +1 (844) 467 2780
Safety Knowledge Shared
Sprinkler System Design
Commitment: 2 Days Seminar | 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Course Outline:
For most fires, water represents the ideal extinguishing agent.
Fire sprinklers utilize water by direct application onto flames
and heat, which causes cooling of the combustion process
and prevents ignition of adjacent combustibles.
They are most effective during the fire's initial flame growth
stage, while the fire is relatively easy to control.
A properly selected sprinkler will detect the fire's heat, initiate
alarm, and begin suppression within moments after flames
appear. In most instances sprinklers will control fire
advancement within a few minutes of their activation.
The sprinkler system is usually installed where required
by NFPA 101 and is designed to meet the requirements
contained in NFPA 13 Standard For The Installation Of
Sprinkler Systems.
■ Fundamentals and definitions
■ Definition of the Hazards
■ Definition of the level of protection required to protect each hazard
■ Evaluation of the water supply
■ Selection of the appropirate system type and materials
■ Layout of the sprinklers
■ Pipe support
■ Plans and Calculations Developement
■ Special Requirements and Exceptions
■ Documentation
Present the methodology and the approach to design a
sprinkler system. The course will address different scenario
and will study real case applications.
It is recommended to participate to the course NFPA 13
Standard for the installation of sprinkler systems code
and have a strong knowledge of the NFPA codes before
following this educational course.
Architects, Contractors, Operators, Engineers, Managers
and Buildings Specialists who are responsible or working for the
Building industry, including design, operation, specifications,
certifications, site safety, field inspection, maintenance, fire
detection/suppression, protection equipment, survivability,
vulnerability, Safety Management System, emergency response,
accident investigation, risk analysis and mitigation.
Reference Material & Accreditation:
■ Course Manual/Workbook
Flame retardants are a
widely-recognized fire
safety tool.
Safety Issues. Solved
for more info, contact
Phone: +1 (844) 467 2780
Safety Knowledge Shared
Fire Alarm And Fire Detection
System Design
Commitment: 2 Days Seminar | 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Course Outline:
A key aspect of fire protection is the fire detection and fire
alarm systems.
The primary purpose of a fire alarm system is to notify the
appropriate people and initiate the proper response from
those people who are notified.
The secondary purpose is to initiate fire safety functions,
which are building and fire control functions that are intended
to increase the level of safety for occupants or to control
the spread of the harmful effects of fire.
The fire alarm system is usually installed where required
by NFPA 101 and is designed to meet the requirements
contained in NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code.
■ Fundamentals and Definitions
■ Objective of the system
■ Level of protection required to achieve the objective
■ Selection of the appropriate system types and materials
■ Layout of fire alarm components (visual appliances, audio
devices and fire detection)
■ Panels and developing circuits location
■ Plans and Calculations development
■ Special requirements and Exceptions
Present the methodology and the approach to design a
fire alarm and fire detection system. The course will address
different scenario and will study real case applications.
It is recommended to participate to the course NFPA 72
National Fire Alarm Code and have a strong knowledge
of the NFPA codes before following this educational course.
Architects, Contractors, Operators, Engineers, Managers
and Buildings Specialists who are responsible or working for the
Building industry, including design, operation, specifications,
certifications, site safety, field inspection, maintenance, fire
detection/suppression, protection equipment, survivability,
vulnerability, Safety Management System, emergency response,
accident investigation, risk analysis and mitigation.
Reference Material & Accreditation:
■ Course Manual/Workbook
for more info, contact
Flame retardants, like alum,
have been used since
ancient times.
Safety Issues. Solved
Phone: +1 (844) 467 2780
Safety Knowledge Shared
Aircraft Fire Protection
& Accident Investigation
Commitment: 3 Day Seminar | 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Course Outline:
While commercial air transport is very safe, the advent of
new technologies poses new fire safety challenges, thus
the motivation for this course. Expect a comprehensive and
unique treatment of practical fire and explosion hazards
onboard aircraft. Using case studies, we discuss initiating
events, their evolution, systems survivability, design issues,
protection methods and forensic implications, with the
fundamentals introduced as needed.
This approach is tailored to professionals who want to
broaden and deepen their knowledge so as to handle new
The course is illustrated by videotapes and photographs
of real events and well controlled and instrumented
bench- and full-scale tests by FAA, NTSB, DOD, NASA
and other laboratories.
■■ Flammability of Fuels, Oils & Hydraulics
■■ Fuel Tank Fire & Explosion
■■ Engine Fires
■■ Post-Crash Fires
■■ Electrical & Battery Fires
■■ Flammability of Polymeric Materials
■■ Cabin Fires
■■ Fires in Cargo & Hidden Areas
■■ Flammability of Composite Structures
■■ External Hazards That Can Impact Aircraft
■■ Fire Detection & Suppression Systems
■■ Aircraft Accident Investigation
■■ Fire/Explosion Pattern Recognition
Present a unified treatment of diverse situations that is
pertinent to accidents, combat and terrorist attacks for both
commercial and military aircraft.
Engineers, Managers, Accident Investigators and Transport
Specialists who are responsible for commercial/military
aircraft, helicopters, or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles including
design, operation, specifications, certifications, flight
safety, field inspection, maintenance, materials, fluids, fire
detection/suppression, protection equipment, bomb threats
and security, survivability, vulnerability, Safety Management
System, emergency response at airport, accident
investigation, risk analysis and mitigation.
• Fundamentals and the role of testing and modeling
Reference Material & Accreditation:
• Available simplified analyses for quick answers
• When to use such analyses vs. computer models
• What to ask from Subject Matter Experts
■■ Efectis Certificate Of Completion
■■ Course Manual/Workbook
• How to assess hazards from new technologies
• Dynamic class exchange of current issues
for more info, contact
Every 23 seconds, a fire
department somewhere
in the U.S. responds to
a fire.
Safety Issues. Solved
Phone: +1 (844) 467 2780
Safety Knowledge Shared
Safety & Security Of Chemical
& Petrochemical Companies
Commitment: 3 Days Seminar | 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Course Outline:
There is a need to improve the safety and security of all
companies against many type of hazards, particularly the
companies that handle hazardous chemicals and
petrochemical products.
The presentation will address risk evaluation and mitigation
by identifying the potential hazards and vulnerable systems,
optimizing safety performance, developing emergency
response systems, understanding and achieving regulatory
compliance and reducing investment costs.
This approach is tailored to professionals who want to
broaden and deepen their knowledge so as to handle hazardous
situations and high risk production site.
■ Background On Hazards Of Interest
■ Vulnerable Systems
■ Identifying Potential Hazards
■ Quantifying Potential Adverse Impacts
■ Risk Mitigation
■ Emergency Response Systems
■ Regulations
■ Software And Analysis Tools
■ Related Organizations And Resources
Operators, Engineers, Managers, Accident Investigators and Oil
and Gas Specialists who are responsible or working for Oil and
Expose participants to what the hazards might be, assess
and prioritize the risks, define acceptable mitigation resources
and emergency response systems and monitor it.
detection/suppression, protection equipment, survivability,
vulnerability, Safety Management System, emergency
response, accident investigation, risk analysis and mitigation.
Reference Material & Accreditation:
■ Course Manual/Workbook
for more info, contact
Flame retardants are used in
furniture, electronics, homes,
offices, cars and planes
Safety Issues. Solved
Phone: +1 (844) 467 2780
Safety Knowledge Shared
Metalwork Glazing Elements
And Fire Resistance
Commitment: 2 Day Seminar | 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Course Outline:
In today’s structural designs, glazing has become a more
integral component in creating a harmonious environment
to offer a better quality of life.
There is a need to better understand how insulating facade
systems behave during fires and how the combination of
materials within such systems influence the fire behavior
of the total system, improve the fire characteristics and fire
behavior of facades and glazing elements.
■ Introduction To Fire Safety
■ Basis Of Fire Science
■ Behavior Of Glazing Elements
■ Current Regulation: Principles And Objectives
■ Specifications Relating Glass Facades
■ Product Approval And Certification
■ Pathologies Of Manufactures And Installation Of
Fire-Resistant Metallery Works
Architects, Contractors, Operators, Engineers, Managers,
Accident Investigators and Buildings Specialists/Staff who are
responsible to ensure maintenance or technical workings in the
Present participants with knowledge associated with the
various aspects of fire resistance and fire behavior fo glazing
Address the issues linked to the fabrication and to the
installation of fire resistant glazed construction.
Train the participants to evaluate the different pathology
relating to metallery works and glazing elements.
detection/suppression, protection equipment, survivability,
vulnerability, Safety Management System, emergency response,
accident investigation, risk analysis and mitigation.
Reference Material & Accreditation:
■ Course Manual/Workbook
Passive fire protection can
reduce the potential for
significant property damage
to strutural elements.
Safety Issues. Solved
for more info, contact
Phone: +1 (844) 467 2780
Safety Knowledge Shared
Reaction To Fire
- European Standard EN 13501-1
Commitment: Day Seminar | 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Course Outline:
With the ever changing and new introduction of construction
materials, there is a need to improve the fire safety and
security of buildings and general products that are being
used and consumed in the market place.
Fire regulations define fire characteristics and classes of
materials in construction phases. Construction material
manufacturers, builders and construction companies have
to follow existing regulations, accordingly.
■■ Introduction to fire safety
■■ Current regulations
■■ Fire laboratory environment and variables
■■ Fire classification
■■ Product identification
■■ Test method and devices
For the most part, when a manufacturer or sub-contractor
decides to produce or sell a construction product that is
certified, the item must be fire tested.
Present participants the control mechanisms to audit fire
regulation conformities and their various applications and
results of classifications.
Architects, Contractors, Operators, Engineers, Managers,
Accident Investigators and Buildings Specialists/Staff who are
responsible to ensure maintenance, obtaining qualification or
involved in fire-resistant safety, or working for the Building
industry, including design, operation, specifications, certifications,
site safety, field inspection, maintenance,
fire detection/suppression, protection equipment, survivability,
vulnerability, Safety Management System, emergency response,
accident investigation, risk analysis and mitigation.
Reference Material & Accreditation:
■■ Efectis Certificate Of Completion
■■ Course Manual/Workbook
Passive fire protection can
delay fire growth involving
structural elements.
Safety Issues. Solved
for more info, contact
Phone: +1 (844) 467 2780
Safety Knowledge Shared
CE Marking Of
Construction Products
Commitment: 1 Day Seminar | 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Course Outline:
Globalization has allowed for business trade to embark into
new territories with new product offerings and innovative
applications, especially within the construction industry.
Hence, products that are placed in the market should
comply with the relevant applicable legislations and
producers should be responsible for the compliance of
product in relation to their roles in the supply chain, so as
to ensure a high level of protection of consumers and of the
environment, while guaranteeing fair competition.
■■ Construction product regulation
■■ Changes to the directive
■■ Identify the basic requirements and the applicable
essential characteristics
■■ The establishment of factory production control
■■ The declaration of performance (DoP)
The CE mark, or formerly EC mark, is a mandatory
conformity marking for certain products sold within the
European Economic Area (EEA) since 1985. The CE marking
is also found on products sold outside the EEA that are
manufactured in, or designed to be sold in, the EEA.
The CE marking is the manufacturer’s declaration that the
product meets the requirements of the applicable directives
for sale and market consumption, primarily in Europe.
Any person wishing to familiarize themselves with the new
regulation and construction product certification.
Fundamental understanding of the CE marking, the
regulation and its role in the market place.
Reference Material & Accreditation:
■■ Efectis Certificate Of Completion
■■ Course Manual/Workbook
for more info, contact
Passive fire protection can
reduce the potential for
significant property damage
to structural elements.
Safety Issues. Solved
Phone: +1 (844) 467 2780
Safety Knowledge Shared
Maintenance And Repair
Of Fire-Resistant Doors
Commitment: 2 Day Seminar | 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Course Outline:
In case of fire, fire resistant doors play a crucial role to contain
the development of a fire within defined limits.
To play this role throughout the life of a building, a door must
be manufactured and installed according the specifications
described in the fire resistance testing report and the report
of classification, but also be maintained or repaired according
to specific requirements.
■ Introduction To Fire Safety
■ Role Of The Fire Door
■ Behavior Of The Door Systems And Fire Test
■ Principles Of Control During The Maintenance
■ Example Of Observed Damages
■ Maintenance And Repair Per Door Type
■ Application And Practice
Architects, Contractors, Operators, Engineers, Managers,
Accident Investigators and Buildings Specialists/Staff who are
Address the role of a fire door and a door system and its
behavior in case of fire.
Train the participants in maintaining and repairing fire doors
and door systems.
detection/suppression, protection equipment, survivability,
vulnerability, Safety Management System, emergency response,
accident investigation, risk analysis and mitigation.
Reference Material & Accreditation:
■ Course Manual/Workbook
for more info, contact
Fire-blocking and draft-stopping
in strategic locations help retard
the advancement of a concealedspace fire while occupants safely
exit the structure
Safety Issues. Solved
Phone: +1 (844) 467 2780
Safety Knowledge Shared
Our Solutions
Efectis Group is a major global player in fire science that covers all fire safety
expertise in testing and modeling, product certification and inspection. We also
expand our portfolio of services to include other safety domains such as structural
integrity, pathology assessment of materials, components and systems, and life
prediction and durability for new and old buildings, monuments and infrastructures.
Product Testing
• Reaction To Fire
• Fire Resistance • Non-Fire Testing • Jet Fire Testing
• On-Site Testing • Special Testing
Engineering And Consultancy
• Code Consultancy • Risk Assessment
• Conception, Design & Modeling
• Third-Party Evaluations • Technical Assistance
Fire Expertise And Approvals
• Product And System Assessment
• Fire Investigation
Certification and CE Marking
• CE Marking • Audits & Inspection
• Safe4Fire Certification
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