EFFECTS MTL EXIBITOR MANUAL VISUAL EFFECTS AND ANIMATION CONVENTION Montreal, Canada, June 10-11, 2015 Centre Mont-Royal 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS EFFECTS MTL GENERAL INFORMATION............................................................................................................................... 4 ABOUT MONTREAL CITY......................................................................................................................................................................... 4 CONFERENCE OVERVIEW........................................................................................................................................................................ 5 PROGRAM AT A GLANCE........................................................................................................................................................................ 5 CONVENTION OFFICIAL LANGUAGE......................................................................................................................................................... 5 ATTENDEES PROFILE............................................................................................................................................................................ 5 OFFICIAL VENUE.................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 EXHIBITION TECHNICAL INFORMATION............................................................................................................................. . 6 EXHIBITION MANAGEMENT.............................................................................................................................................................. EXHIBITION PLANNING CHECK LIST................................................................................................................................................. EXHIBITION TIMETABLE AT-A-GLANCE........................................................................................................................................... OFFICIAL E XHIBITION CONTRACTORS - SERVICES........................................................................................................................... OFFICIAL E XHIBITION CONTRACTORS – CONTACT INFORMATION................................................................................................... EXHIBITION TIMETABLE OF EVENTS................................................................................................................................................. BOOTH DESCRIPTION/ TECHNICAL INFORMATION............................................................................................................................ FREIGHT TRANSPORTATION............................................................................................................................................................. ADVANCE WAREHOUSING................................................................................................................................................................ DELIVERY OF GOODS D IRECT TO VENUE......................................................................................................................................... CUSTOMS CLEARANCE FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPMENTS.............................................................................................................. FREIGHT ELEVATORS AT CENTRE MONT-ROYAL........................................................................................................................... MATERIAL HANDLING.................................................................................................................................................................... INDOOR P ARKING........................................................................................................................................................................... EXHIBITOR BADGES....................................................................................................................................................................... HOTEL ACCOMMODATION.............................................................................................................................................................. 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 RULES & REGULATIONS............................................................................................................................................................ 12 SUBLETTING SPACE........................................................................................................................................................................... 12 BOOTH ACTIVITIES............................................................................................................................................................................ 12 SOUNDS IN E XHIBIT........................................................................................................................................................................... 12 LIGHTING.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 MOVING DISPLAY............................................................................................................................................................................. 12 EXPOSED SURFACES.......................................................................................................................................................................... 12 SIGNAGE/GRAPHICS.......................................................................................................................................................................... 12 RIGGING........................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 FOOD & ALCOHOL........................................................................................................................................................................... 13 SMOKING.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 SECURITY......................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 ACCESS TO THE PREMISES................................................................................................................................................................. 13 FIRE, SAFETY & HEALTH COMPLIANCE............................................................................................................................................ 13 LIABILITY & INSURANCE.................................................................................................................................................................. 13 UNIONS............................................................................................................................................................................................ 13 INTERPRETATION OF RULES & PENALTIES......................................................................................................................................... 14 AMENDMENTS TO RULES & REGULATIONS........................................................................................................................................ 14 PAYMENT REQUIREMENTS AND C ANCELLATION CHARGES................................................................................................................. 14 EXHIBIT SERVICES FORMS...................................................................................................................................................... 15 GES CANADA - OFFICIAL DECORATOR............................................................................................................................................ 15 2 Welcome! Montréal, 2015 Dear Exhibitor, effects MTL’s team is pleased to welcome you to the first edition of what is to become a major event in the visual effects (VFX) and animation industry, to be held in Montreal on June 10-11, 2015. This exciting exhibition, taking place as part of effects MTL, will be an event designed to show to our participants an array of the latest technology, products and services that may be of interest to their practice. There will be numerous opportunities to network and form partnerships with leaders of the industry. You will find herewith your exhibitor manual. It is essential that you read and refer to your manual. It gives you all the information you need for a successful exhibition in Montreal this upcoming June. If you have any questions after reading your manual, please contact the effects MTL Logistics Director, Sylvain Barbeau at sbarbeau@connection-events.com We are looking forward to welcoming you to Montreal! Sylvain Barbeau Logistics Director 514 271-0769 4529, Clark street, suite 300 Montreal, Québec, Canada H2T 2T3 sbarbeau@connection-events.com 3 effects MTL General Information ABOUT THE CITY Located in the province of Quebec along the St. Lawrence Seaway, Montreal is one of the oldest cities on the North American continent, founded by French settlers over 350 years ago. Cosmopolitan and accessible, Montreal enjoys a solid reputation for innovative gastronomy, outstanding galleries and museums as well as an exciting calendar of sports and cultural events throughout the year. Historical yet modern, it is a city of contrasts, its European ancestry coupled with a new world setting, towering glass and steel skyscrapers beside neo-gothic cathedrals, and the everyday use of both French and English in shops and on the streets of downtown. Home to many international festivals such as the International Jazz Festival and Just for Laughs Festival, Montreal has permanent attractions and year-round activities, including gorgeous parks both in and around the metropolitan center. Whether strolling along the cobblestone streets of Old Montreal, wandering through the network of boutiques, businesses and services of the underground city, cruising on the mighty St. Lawrence River or cycling in picturesque Mont-Royal Park, visitors are sure to enjoy the “joie de vivre” for which this city is well known. For more information, visit Tourisme Montréal: www.tourisme-montreal.org. 4 CONFERENCE OVERVIEW effects MTL is an international business convention for the visual effects (VFX) and animation industry, positioning itself to be the leader of its kind in North America. Offering top-level professional conferences and serving as a platform for business development, project broadcasts and showings, networking, job fair, exhibition spaces and more exciting features, effects MTL will take place in the province of Quebec (Canada), world class leader and first-rated professional resource in the VFX & animation industry. Approximate target of 800+ attendees from all over the world. A one-stop-shop to meet, network and connect with major buyers & producers, A place to recruit top talent and do real business. PROGRAM AT A GLANCE For updated information on the program, please visit our website at: www.effectmtl.com *Please note that this program is subject to change. Convention’s OFFICIAL LANGUAGE The official language of this congress is English but French will be used by a large number of participants. ATTENDEES PROFILE This meeting is of interest to: Roto artist Concept artist Layout artist Lighting Technical Director or Lighter Modeler Digital painter Animator (2D, 3D, stop motion) Marketing manager Public relations, advertising and communication agencies Major buyers and producers Independent production companies Students, trainees and young professionals OFFICIAL VENUE Centre Mont-Royal 2200, Mansfield Street Montreal (Quebec) H3A 3R8 Canada www.centremontroyal.com Peel Metro 5 Exhibition Technical Information EXHIBITION MANAGEMENT Connection Events is the official Exhibition Manager of effects MTL. CE Montréal Inc. is eager to make the exhibition as successful as possible for all exhibitors; therefore, each exhibitor who confirms an official space rental for the exhibition agrees to conform to the rules and regulations in this manual. These regulations apply to all representatives, employees and/or guests of all exhibitors. We thank you in advance for your cooperation. EXHIBITION PLANNING CHECK LIST Please read carefully the information provided in this manual and make sure to complete the following steps for a successful exhibition! Ensure all Services Order Forms have been sent to all official exhibition suppliers. In some cases, orders must be placed directly by contacting the official supplier (see Official Exhibition Suppliers – Services section below for more details) Due date: see company order forms for exact dates and contact information or contact the official supplier directly. Send your company logo and URL to: scouture@connection-events.com Due date: May 14, 2015 Format: high resolution in a Vector file - AI Information to provide: official company name, company address, company contact name and email address. 6 EXHIBITION TIMETABLE AT-A-GLANCE RENTAL PERIOD FROM JUNE 9 TO JUNE 11, 2015 BOOTH SETUP TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 7 PM TO 10 PM WEDNESDAY JUNE 10, 7AM TO 10AM SHOW FLOOR HOURS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 10:00 AM TO 6:00 PM THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 9:00 AM TO 5:00 PM TEAR DOWN THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 5:00 PM TO 8:00 PM Exhibitors will be granted access to the exhibition area 30 minutes before the official hours of operation. Any maintenance work to the stand carried out by the exhibitors and/or their contractors must be completed before the opening of the exhibition area. If while onsite, a problem occurs and special maintenance time is necessary, please contact Exhibition Management right away, so that special arrangements can be made. Additional fees for security may apply. * Companies that need more time for build-up and/or dismantling should contact Sylvain Barbeau at the latest by June 1st, 2015: sbarbeau@connection-events.com. Additional fees for rental, labor and/or security may apply. OFFICIAL EXHIBITION CONTRACTORS - SERVICES Official suppliers appointed by effects MTL will invoice the customers directly. Order forms for services offered by GES Canada, Mendelssohn Event Logistics and the Centre Mont-Royal are included at the end of this manual. For individual booth security services, please contact the Centre Mont-Royal’s representative directly. For audio-visual services, please contact the representative directly. OFFICIAL SUPPLIER Centre Mont-Royal Mendelssohn Event Logistics GES Canada SERVICES ‐ Catering ‐ Telecommunications ‐ Electricity (for power requests over 15 AMP) ‐ Individual booth security ‐ Custom broker ‐ Transportation provider ‐ Exhibit rental ‐ Material handling ‐ Advance warehousing ‐ Labor ‐ Furniture rental ‐ Plants ‐ Graphics Luxe Rental Turnkey booth CCR Solutions Audiovisual equipment SLI Monitor and computer rental 7 OFFICIAL EXHIBITION CONTRACTORS – CONTACT INFORMATION CENTRE MONT-ROYAL Marie-Chantal Théroux Event coordinator Tel: (514) 844-2000 ext. 201 Toll-free (North America): 866-844-2200 Fax: 514-843-8500 Email: mctheroux@centremontroyal.com MENDELSSOHN Phil Lopresti: plopresti@mend.com (customs and transportation) Tel.: +1 (514) 987-2700, ext. 2126 John Santini: jsantini@mend.com (customs and transportation) Tel.: +1 (514) 987-2700, ext. 2124 Fax: +1 (514) 849-3446 GES MONTRÉAL Geneviève Marchand Tel: (514) 861-9694 ext. 12 Fax: (514) 392-1577 Email: gmarchand@ges.com CCR SOLUTIONS Martin Savoie Tel: (514) 444-0165 Fax: (514) 845-7353 Email: martins@ccrsolutions.com EXHIBITION TIMETABLE OF EVENTS The following activities will take place in the exhibition area and are designed to attract continuous traffic flow amongst exhibitors and maximize exhibitors’ exposure: • • Morning and afternoon coffee breaks at the coffee bar; Job fair (all day on June 11th). BOOTH DESCRIPTION/ TECHNICAL INFORMATION 2 paramount bar stool crème color 1 6’ counter white 1 rialto or beacon tower white 1 illumination for bar white 1 illumination for tower white 1 graphics – counter (1 or 2 colors) 1 graphics – rialto or beacon tower (1 or 2 colors) transport and labour Overnight security in the exhibit area for the duration of the show 8 2- Space Only ● Table with tablecloth, privacy curtains and two banquet chairs ● Company name ● Wi-Fi access ● Electricity (15 a, 120 v) ● Overnight security in the exhibit area for the duration of the show Exhibition space allocated as “space only”, that is without any prefabricated walls, installations, furniture, electricity, shell schemes or any other technical supplies. The exhibitor has to provide his own structure. One electrical outlet (15 AMP) will be provided with the exhibit space by the exhibition management. Maximum Build-Up Height The maximum height allowed for constructed booths is 8 feet. Width The maximum width of the exhibit including side rails may not exceed the width of floor space purchased. Carpeting The exhibition area is already carpeted (floral pattern – teal and beige). FREIGHT TRANSPORTATION Mendelssohn Event Logistics has been appointed the official freight forwarder/transportation provider for the convention and can take care of these formalities on your behalf. Should you be shipping goods to this event and require assistance please contact: John Santini: jsantini@mend.com (customs and transportation) Tel.: +1 (514) 987-2700, ext. 2124 Fax: +1 (514) 849-3446 ADVANCE WAREHOUSING All materials may be sent in advance and should be scheduled to arrive at the advance warehouse at least 5 business days prior to the move-in date. For more information about this service, please contact GES Canada (see Official Exhibition Contractors – Contact Information section above). DELIVERY OF GOODS DIRECTLY TO THE VENUE The Centre Mont-Royal will only accept shipments starting June 8th, 2015. Deliveries arriving prior will be refused and returned to the sender at his/her own expense. Please use available shipping label here. Shipping Address: Centre Mont-Royal/ Loading Dock 2055, Metcalfe Street (QC) H3A 1X7 Please note that all truck deliveries must use the loading dock entrance. No vehicles will be allowed to park longer than the time needed to unload. 9 CUSTOMS CLEARANCE FOR INTERNATIONAL SHIPMENTS Should you be shipping goods to this event and require customs clearance assistance please contact: MENDELSSOHN Phil Lopresti: plopresti@mend.com (customs and transportation) Tel.: +1 (514) 987-2700, ext. 2126 John Santini: jsantini@mend.com (customs and transportation) Tel.: +1 (514) 987-2700, ext. 2124 Fax: +1 (514) 849-3446 For your convenience, forms are available at the end of this manual. Hand carrying or private vehicle For exhibitors who will be arriving by plane or in a private vehicle with their goods, it is necessary that you notify Mendelssohn Event Logistics six weeks in advance so that the proper documentation (PAPS) can be prepared for the appropriate border crossing. Prior to shipping your goods, please fax all appropriate customs documents to their office at 514-849-3446. FREIGHT ELEVATORS AT CENTRE MONT-ROYAL The freight elevators capacities are as follows: Elevator Capacity From receiving dock to level C Width of the elevator door: 5’8’’ 1,800 kg (3,960 pounds) From level C to exhibition area (3rd level) Width of the elevator door: 4’2’’ 795 kg (1,750 pounds) Height Depth Width 11’6’’ 6’6’’ 5’8’’ 8’6’’ 10’ 6’8’’ IMPORTANT: Please make sure your crates/pallets do not exceed the measurements indicated above. MATERIAL HANDLING If you require freight handling/ drayage services, please refer to the GES Drayage Service form at the end of this manual or contact GES Canada. Freight handling/ drayage service includes: Delivery of freight to booth from advance warehouse or receiving dock of exhibition venue Removal of empty containers Storage of empty containers during the exhibition Return of empty containers to the booth at the end of the exhibition Return repacked material to receiving dock for pick up 10 INDOOR PARKING Location: 2055, Metcalfe Street Cost: Week days: $17.75/car/day Weekend: $8.00/car/day The parking lot is closed from midnight to 6:00am EXHIBITOR BADGES Exhibitor badges are generic (no need to provide a list of employees) and will be available for collection upon your arrival at the exhibitors registration desk. HOTEL ACCOMMODATION effects MTL organizers have secured room blocks at a the St-Martin hotel steps away from Centre Mont-Royal and all the excitement of downtown Montreal. For reservation and more information, please visit the following link and use EFFECTS15 as the group promo code 1. Select arrival and departure dates, then click on Book now. 2. Select the Group code tab and enter the promo code “EFFECTS15”, select Update and confirm. 3. Complete your transaction. Contact the Hotel St-Martin for more information: Telephone: (514) 843-3000 Toll free: 1-877-843-3003 Book here! 11 Rules & Regulations SUBLETTING SPACE The exhibitor shall neither share nor sublet the whole or part of the allocated exhibition space to a third party without the written agreement of the Exhibition Management. BOOTH ACTIVITIES Exhibitors wishing to incorporate an audience-gathering demonstration or other audience-participation activities as part of their display must submit their written plans for approval to the Exhibition Management. All activities by exhibitors or others must be confined within exhibit areas or demonstration rooms. Sufficient space must be provided within the limits of the exhibit area and so arranged that persons watching demonstrations and other activities be contained within the area, rather than in the aisle. It is strictly against the rules to distribute or leave literature, or to carry signs or posters, or to display materials or signs in the aisles of the exhibition area, the lounges or the registration area. SOUNDS IN EXHIBIT Public address systems, sound projections, tape decks, and other sound producing and/or amplifying devices may be used in booths, provided they meet applicable safety regulations, are installed in a workman-like manner and do not create a distraction in nearby booths. Use of a compressor-limiter in public address equipment is encouraged to assure continuous adherence to this rule. LIGHTING The use of flashing or rotating lights in an exhibit is prohibited if such lights are distracting to those outside the booth area. Booth lighting must not interfere with exhibits or personnel in nearby areas. MOVING DISPLAY Moving displays, motion pictures, slide projectors, television screens, etc., may be operated when positioned so as not to attract or create a crowd in the aisles, or in another exhibitor's adjacent booth. EXPOSED SURFACES Any portion of the exhibit that is visible to an attendee must be finished or suitably decorated according to the rules and regulations. The Exhibition Management reserves the right to decorate any non-compliant surfaces at the expense of the exhibitor. SIGNAGE/GRAPHICS All signs, posters, and graphics must be professionally lettered. Exhibition Management reserves the right to change or remove signs at the expense of the exhibitor, which are not in compliance with the overall high quality of the exhibition. RIGGING Rigging from the ceiling is stricly prohibited. Nails, screws, pressure sensitive tapes, or any other defacing materials, are not permitted on building floors and walls. 12 FOOD & ALCOHOL Food and bar services are provided exclusively by the Centre Mont-Royal. Exhibitors are forbidden to bring any food and beverages (alcoholic or not) on the conference floor or common areas. If you would like to order food and beverages for your booth, please send your request to Marie-Chantal Théroux at least three weeks before the event (email: mctheroux@centremontroyal.com; fax: +1- 514-843-8500). Please indicate your name, your company, your booth number and the items you wish to order and she will then send you a quote and a credit card authorization form to complete the order. SMOKING Smoking by-law all Montreal property/facility is designated non- smoking. SECURITY Exhibitors are requested to use common sense precautions at all times to ensure that all company personnel wear their identity badges. Security staff will be on duty to ensure that all persons entering the venue have a credentialed name badge. Any persons without a badge will not be admitted to the venue. Should any suspicious or unidentified articles be discovered, they must be reported to the exhibition management desk immediately. ACCESS TO THE PREMISES Exhibition Management reserves the right to deny admission to the exhibition to any exhibitor, exhibitor’s employee or to any visitor who is deemed to be inebriated or behaving in a manner which hinders the smooth operation of the exhibition. For security purposes, all exhibitors and their personnel must leave the premises immediately after the visitors. Any minor work or maintenance must be carried out during the 30 minutes preceding the opening time of the exhibition hall. FIRE, SAFETY & HEALTH COMPLIANCE The exhibitor assumes all responsibility for compliance with all pertinent ordinances, regulations and codes of duly authorized Federal, Provincial and Local governing bodies concerning fire, safety and health, together with the rules and regulations of the operators and/or owners of the property wherein the exhibition is held. LIABILITY & INSURANCE The exhibitor agrees that the effects MTL and their representatives shall not be liable for any damage or liability of any kind or for any loss, damage or injury to persons or property during the term of this agreement, from any cause whatsoever by reason of use, occupation and enjoyment of exhibit space by exhibitor or any person thereon with the consent of exhibitor, and that exhibitor will defend, indemnify and save harmless, effects MTL and their representatives from all liability whatsoever, on account of any such damage, or injury, whether or not caused by negligence or breach of an obligation by exhibitor or its employees or representatives. Exhibitor will be liable for all damages or liability of any kind or for any loss, damage or injury to persons or any property during the exhibition from any cause whatsoever by reason of use, occupation and enjoyment of exhibit space. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to obtain business interruption and property damage insurance covering such losses sustained through exhibition. UNIONS It is further agreed that the exhibitor will abide by and comply with rules and regulations concerning local unions having agreements with the effects MTL facility or with authorized contractors employed by Connection Events. 13 INTERPRETATION OF RULES & PENALTIES Exhibition Management shall have sole and final authority as to the interpretation of these rules and their application. In the event of violations, Exhibition Management shall have the authority to establish penalties, including removal from the current exhibition or exclusion from future exhibitions. AMENDMENTS TO RULES & REGULATIONS Exhibition Management reserves the right to amend these rules and regulations, or to make additions thereto. Under unusual circumstances, and at its own discretion. PAYMENT REQUIREMENTS AND CANCELLATION CHARGES Exhibitors must respect the terms of payment specified in the contract they approved. Exhibitors shall not be admitted on the show premises unless the amounts due to Connection events are settled. All cancellations must be made in writing and will be based on the following schedule of refunds: Before May 1, 2015: 50% of total booth cost will be refunded. No refunds after May 1, 2015. It is understood that effects MTL reserves the right, at its option, to reassign a cancelled booth regardless of the cancellation rate assessed. 14 Exhibit Services for GES CANADA - OFFICIAL DECORATOR Introductory Letter Show Information Payment and Credit Card Charge Authorization Material Handling Information Advance Material Handling Order Form Showsite Material Handling Order Form Furniture Order Form Carpet Order Form Accessories Order Form Accessories for Panels from Modular System/ Special Wall Panels Order Form Specialty Furniture Order Form Plants and Greenery Order Form Installation and Dismantling Order Form Terms and Conditions Access full kit here CENTRE MONT-ROYAL Electrical Services/ Telecommunications Services Menus SLI Monitor and computer rental form MISCELLANEOUS Mendelssohn Event Logistics Customs and Transportation Mendelssohn Event Logistics Shipment Border recognition letter 15
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