June Newsletter - Effort United Methodist Church

The Messenger
(The publication of the Effort United Methodist Church for
Our Vision:
“The purpose of Effort United Methodist Church is to know, love and serve God as a unified Christian
Community, inviting others to become deeply committed followers of Jesus Christ!”
The Pastor’s Page
(It is a V.I.P. you know…a Very Important Page! Seriously…..Very Important! You need to read it!)
Dear Friends,
Let me begin with a foundational passage of Scripture:
“Now brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel (good news) I preached to
you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you
are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have
believed in vain. For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that
Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and
then to the twelve (disciples). After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the
brothers at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep
(died). Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all he appeared to
me also, as to one untimely born.” (1 Corinthians 15:1-8)
Here in a nutshell is the CONTENT of all preaching, the OBJECT of our FAITH. The Gospel or Good News is not about a building,
but about a PERSON, the person of JESUS CHRIST, about who he is and what he has done. Paul lays it out: 1) Christ died for our
sins 2) according to the Scriptures and 3) he appeared to people alive after they had seen him die!
*(The reason we meet in a church building is because Jesus said the people who gather together in his name are his Body and the
writer of Hebrews is clear that we are not to give up meeting together ‘which is the habit of some.’ (Hebrews 10:25 NIV)
Six youth will be confirming their Faith in Jesus Christ on Trinity Sunday, the last Sunday in May. Each one is in a different place on
their journey of Faith. Pray with me that the Lord will give the power of the Holy Spirit to each one, for this world is not always a
friend to followers of Jesus. Each of these young people have heard the Good News preached and it is on this Good News that they
have taken their stand. A few of the youth will be reading a “Confession” they wrote during class when they were given the
assignment to confess to the “crime” of being a Christian (as if they had been arrested for following Christ). They have ‘taken a
stand’ in quite profound ways. Since Confirmation will have taken place when or as this newsletter comes out, I will share one of
those confessions with you:
“Yes, I am a Christian. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I love God and I know that my crime should not be shameful. I
couldn’t be happier knowing that God loves me. If there are people who don’t believe in God, so be it. I am proud to be a
Christian. I am a person born to follow Jesus, and no matter what people do or say can change my mind about how much I love
Jesus.” -- Aubrey Sawyer
Our support of this church allowed for the Christian nurture and education to make such a moving confession of Faith possible in the
lives of our youth. Our purpose as a church to know, love and serve God as a unified Christian community, inviting others to become
deeply committed followers of Jesus Christ” is being fulfilled. Praise be to God!
Have a blessed summer as we continue to share the Good News of Jesus with others, Robin
Membership Classes: Classes for anyone interested in becoming a new member here at Effort UMC will be held at 12:30
pm in the Library on June 7th, 2015.
The “Joyful Noise” for JUNE! We are just jumpin for joy in June! (and if you can’t jump, just put a little change
in the bucket for heaven sake!!)
June 6 & 7 & 13 & 14: Vacation Bible School. Our Joyful Noise for the next two weekends will help defray the cost of our weeklong Vacation Bible School in July. Our dedicated director, Deb Audett, has a fun week planned for our children. You can be
supportive as a teacher, a helper or even with a monetary donation and it will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
June 20 & 21: World Service Fund. Every dollar we give supports a child beginning to question, an adult reaffirming his or her
beliefs, a new Christian discovering the path. We enable missionaries to work globally, enrich discipleship projects, and enhance
congregational life through worship, retreats, training and counseling. World Service becomes our voice, expressing our commitment
to build a church and a people dedicated to making disciples for Jesus Christ.
June 27 & 28: Pocono Plateau. Pocono Plateau is a year-round Christian Camp and Retreat center located on 750 acres of forest in
the Pocono Mountains of Penna. near the town of Cresco. A ministry of the Eastern Penna. Conference of the United Methodist
Church, it is a wonderful place to experience the Gospel of Jesus Christ through recreation, challenge and times of reflection. Our
church is planning another Women's Retreat at Pocono Plateau in Sept. See Janet Pierson if you'd like to attend.
Save those receipts! You can help support the general fund of our church without putting more money in the offering
plate! Let’s get at this! EUMC receives a 1% donation of qualified sales from Weis Markets and Kinsley’s Shop Rite. Save those
receipts (do not cut off the bottom!) and put them in the box marked “Supermarket Tapes” located in the Narthex (next to the door
to go to Wesley Hall). You can also place them in the offering plate and Doris Tagliaferri takes care of the whole darn thing. Every
little bit adds up so don’t throw them out! God will take each little bit and multiply it! He fed 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish….
Imagine what he can do with register receipts! WHOA! :-0
Financially Speaking…. and there is always a lot to talk about…
For your info and perusal >>>>> The monthly reports are on the bulletin board in the Narthex and the weekly giving is in the
bulletin each week. Bob Decker, Finance Committee Chairperson can be reached at bdecker@schiffs.com
EXTRA MILE GIVING: What is this you ask? Why it’s a way for all of us to help in the support of “your”
church. If we all gave an extra $1.00 or few a week in addition to our normal offerings, it would be a great boost to our
finances so we can continue to provide our wonderful ministries at Effort by offsetting some of the costs of heating/cooling
the building, electric and snow plowing. We are doing a great job keeping all our important ministries going here at EUMC.
Being good stewards with your weekly giving is what it is all about and we are working hard to stretch every penny. Please
consider going the “extra mile” and place your giving amount in a pew envelope and mark it “Extra Mile Giving.” Thank you to those
who have already been doing this, it IS making a difference. May God continue to bless you, all ministries here and His church.
Keepin you
In case you skimmed over this last month I put it in here again just to show you how great the
Fulfilling Our Covenant Campaign is working and not just for those we promised to provide pensions for, but for our church as well! We
received a check for the amount of $1199.39 from the campaign recently and don’t you worry… we will let you know when the next one
comes too! It is always good to have good news “In the Loop!” Can I get a witness!? Whoop! Whoop! 
Do you shop on line? Have you checked out and signed up for UMCMarket.org yet?? Check it out. It benefits you and the church!
UMCMarket.org is approved by the General Council on Finance and Administration as an online shopping service specifically designed for
members of the United Methodist Church. We can shop at hundreds of well-known and respected retailers and get a percentage of their total
shopping purchase donated to the local church (that’s us). It is so easy I can do it! Go to UMCmarket.org, register the name of our church and then
go do your on-line shopping. There is no cost or obligation for membership and anyone can register and have their qualified purchase percentages
donated to the church. Why not check this out. Also, there are additional discounts on many items. Now that is a two-fer sweet deal my peeps!
You get a great deal and the church gets a percentage of the purchase. I’m just sayin….. stay calm and shop on! ;-)
Consider Electronic Giving this summer!
Got a trip planned? Doing a Stay-cation? Going to miss a service or two because of obligations over the summer?? Well, we have a
great way to keep your generosity flowing and our budget running smoothly… It is electronic giving! YES! You can do it! Just think
about it…. no digging in your desk for a pen, no checks, no writers’ cramp, no remembering…. Your weekly giving is as automatic
as breathing and wa-la! You give and we all receive! Perfect! Pray about it a bit and see if it isn’t time to sign up for this great service.
Just fill out the authorization form on the welcome center and zip it on over to the church office! You can also contact Annette Gigliotti
(effortum@gmail.com) who is equally adept at setting you up and explaining the particulars. This truly keeps a regular rhythm of funds flowing into
the church budget. You can e-give from checking or savings accounts, credit or debit card. And if that isn’t great enough, we even have laminated
blue cards on the Welcome Center that you can use to put in the collection plate during services if you like the action of putting something in the
plate. I’m tellin ya… we thought of everything to make it easy cheesy lemon peezy to keep our funds a flowen freely!
2 Corinthians 9:7 “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or
under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver”
(Many hands make light work, bring Joy to others and share the
of God!)
There are always NEW opportunities to serve here at EUMC! Look below and you may just find one that speaks to your “
” and let the office know you are seeking to serve… we will hook you up!
NEW NEW NEW!!! For you to do, do, do! 
Sponsors needed for kids to go to camp: We have several of our youth who would like to attend Pocono Plateau Summer Camp
however, they are not able to financially afford to go. We are seeking sponsors who are willing to assist in offsetting the cost for
the youth to attend. If you have a heart for kids and summer camp and are willing to sponsor, please place your donation in the
offering plate marked “summer camp sponsor”. Please note that if we are blessed to receive more monies than are needed, the
overage will go to our general fund. As always, we thank you for your generosity in advance!
ZOE Hope Companions update
In case you did not see the announcement on Facebook, you all chose Zimbabwe as our region of focus for Zoe!
We are all signed up through the Hope Companion network and we can begin to accept your donations (for those of you who have
not already given). Donations will be sent to Zoe through the United Methodist Advance in order to affirm our “connectionalism”
through the United Methodist Church.
Payments may be made payable to Effort United Methodist Church, with the notation ZOE Project in the memo. If you wish to pay
by credit card, you will have to contact the church office directly at 570-629-1890 to have the payment processed. We will continue
to keep you all up to date on the progress of our project as we advance.
Truly, Greg Magill, On behalf of the Effort UMC missions committee (gsmagill@ptd.net)
Not so new but still needed….
CLEANING HELP! We have a need for several people to volunteer to clean areas of the church that our Custodian Mario just cannot
get to on a routine basis due to his scheduled work hours. He does not have the time to do the deeper cleaning such as the
refrigerators, cabinets, stoves and such. If we could have several individuals who are willing to do that type of cleaning at least on a
monthly basis, it would be very much appreciated. If you wish to serve in this capacity, please contact Jan in the office, so a schedule
can be made and possibly pair people up to make the job a bit easier. Many hands make light work wherever they are! And where two
or more are gathered... guess who is there! (and I hear the good Lord is a great at cleaning up all kinds of things! ;-) )
Immediate opening for a new Assistant Food Pantry Director. We are currently seeking one/two volunteers to serve in this
capacity. Please contact Joe Mithchell with questions or if interested at joekm@ptd.net or call him at 570-629-1890 ext 109.
Shepherd’s Staff: An opportunity for anyone who would like to meet, greet and provide visitors with information about
our church. We are seeking individuals who would like to share the love of God after each service. You just need a love for
God and your church and to welcome, and provide tours for visitors of the church at the Welcome Center. Interested? Contact
Steve Johnson at: sjsa@ptd.net or leave him a note in the “Lay Leader” mailbox.
HANDY PERSON/PERSONS ARE “ALWAYS” NEEDED! If you have hands, and we know you do, don’t keep
them to yourself like your momma always told you to, we could use them! The Trustees are always looking for
volunteers to help out any time. If you have a willing heart, a bit of time and those hands we talked about, please
contact Mark Shields at marka@ptd.net or call him at 570-977-6948 or check in with the church office for the
details on the projects that still need a little doing. There is ALWAYS something that needs to be done and you know
nothing is a small project. (And spring time is FULL of projects inside and out!)
Caring for the children during the ll:00 am service: Nursery Volunteers and Floaters: This little plea has been running a
while now and we have had no response but we still really, really, REALLY need your help! Volunteers are needed to serve in the
Nursery on Sunday mornings while parents attend the 11:00 am church service. If you don’t want to commit to working the Nursery,
perhaps you would like to serve as a “floater.” This individual would float between the Body Building Classes and the Nursery to assist
the leaders by escorting children for a rest room break or to check in to see if anything is needed. If you are interested in and have a
heart for serving with our children, please see Jan in the office to ensure appropriate clearances are obtained. Please note: The
volunteers will be taking a much needed respite from the Nursery for the months of July and August however if you are
in need for a place to take your child during service, the preschool room is open and available.
Prayer Shawl Ministry: Our next meetings are: June 2nd and 16th from 10:30am to 1:30pm. If you knit or
crochet or would like to learn, please join the ladies they would love to welcome you and have you join the
group. If you know someone who would benefit from one of these beautiful shawls made with a faithful heart of
love, please let one of the members know. It is a warm and wonderful way to feel wrapped in the loving arms of
God. Info flyer is in the Narthex. (And don’t forget to keep praying that their hands and needles hold out!) 
Bulletin/flower sponsors needed: The cost for sponsoring flowers is $25.00. Sign-up sheets for 2015 are
on the bulletin board next to the library. (Across from the office) Payment is required at least one week prior to the sponsored date.
Payment should be placed in an appropriately marked envelope and put in the offering plate. Let’s keep that altar bright and
beautiful with a bountiful bevy of budding and blooming blossoms! (Whew!) Oh and also, my little doodle doo’s, if you want to
sponsor the bulletin for the weekend it will cost just 15 leetle dollars! Consider sponsoring a week or two, it will be well worth it.
(Really….. it is, would I lie to you?)
Questions or comments please direct them to Leif the Rock Star Johnson in the cave, by phone (570-619-5482) or email at
(eumctech@gmail.com). We are still looking for a team for the Saturday evening service, please prayerfully consider serving.
And while you are praying about it, how about this…. This is a great team my peeps, and you didn’t hear it from me and I am
whispering here.. but there just might be food and coffee in the cave… and you can even take your shoozies off and let your dogs
breathe and wiggle-de-diggle your toezies during the whole service and no one will even know, cuz no one can see you up there in
that cave! How awesome it that?!! Great gargantuan gobs of glory! What else in the world could you want!?
FYI>>> If you have a video or a clip that you would like to use in the church via the tech cave for a presentation, a service, or a
meeting, please contact the tech team to be sure that it can be used within the legal guidelines for showing such things. There are
copyright laws that we must abide by to prevent litigation. (Yes… litigation. What is this world coming to?? I can’t stand it!)
IT”S MOW TIME!!! There’s no business like mow business like no business we know! (go ahead and sing
it…. I’ll wait) There is gas in the can and the mowers in the shed are repaired, so all you have to do is show up with your
silly grass mowin self and a big honking smile! We are working on a rotating schedule so please let us know ASAP so we
can get you worked in. Presently the list is pretty short and we can always use a few more mighty mowers. Let us know if
you are available to help us out and we will gladly put you in and accommodate your schedule.  Contact us at 610-3814703 or at eumcwells@gmail.com. THANKS A HEAP!
The Ministry Of Helping Hands: The mission of Helping Hands is to love our neighbors and to assist individuals who
are having difficulty performing seasonal household chores for a variety of reasons. Help is not limited to just Effort United
Methodist Church members. If you are unable to help in a physical way, monetary donations are a wonderful way to help out so that
when we have building projects and need supplies we will have the funds to do them. For more information please call Joyce or
Marv Aylsworth at 570-643-3334. Seriously….. If you call us, we will come!
PASTORAL CARE TEAM (Caring for His flock
….because in faith, we and He love “ewe“ very much!)
Our next meeting will be June 24th @ 7P.M. in the library
Updates were made for our card shower file. We will be working on cheer baskets and the list of items needed are as follows:
snacks, jello, puddings, tissues, note pads, pens, pencils, puzzle books, reading books, magazines, hard candies, mints, anti- bacterial
soap, tooth paste and tooth brushes.
We will continue to do meals when needed and keep working with Pastor Ken in the food pantry. We are currently discussing with
Pastor Robin communion delivery for shut-ins and we will keep you in the loop on that.
If you know of anyone who needs a little joy or encouragement please see or call a member of the team. For more information please
call Dee Juris (610)681-8217 or e-mail @deedlebug24@gmail.com
Cultivating Generous and Thankful Hearts Ministry
Headed by Bob Decker
(It is all about the 5 loaves and two fishes in action. Give what you have in faith and God will multiply it! He will! It has happened
before!!! See Matthew 14: 13-31, John 6:1-15, Mark 6:30-44…. Go ahead, read it!
We are seeking individuals, couples and/or families who would be willing to give a two-three minute stewardship testimony on video
to be presented at all services. A testimony on how you came to share your time, talents, and treasures here at EUMC and how you felt
your faith has been enriched by doing so. Testimonies will be presented on a monthly basis and by doing the video you won’t have
to appear live at all services in front of the congregation. The tech team will work with you and will take several takes with you having
a say in the best one to use. Shy? Well, we have another way for you to share your testimony. If you don’t want to be video
recorded, you can share your testimony in writing and we will have someone present it for you! We know that you all want to share
your love of God and your Church so start preparing your testimony today. Make your presentations heartfelt and touch other hearts
in making stewardship of their God given gifts a more recognized importance in their lives.
Upcoming events of the UMW: See Mark Your Calendar!!! (They are there…. Go
right now!)
Next meeting is the Victorian Tea Party on the 16 of June… see Mark Your Calendar under UMW
The UMW would like to thank everyone who contributed in any way for the success of the Flea Market. We made just over $1000
dollars thanks to you and the presence of the Lord. We appreciate the UMW workers, everyone who gave items to sell and the
numerous people who contributed baked goods. We are so grateful to be blessed by our church family.
*****We are also collecting items for the “cheer baskets” a tote will be placed in the Narthex for donations.
For additional information about the UMW please contact Dee Juris @ (610)681-8217 or email deedlebug24@gmail.com or Jan
Decker @ the church office (570)629-1890.
***Additionally, minutes of our meetings are being posted monthly on the Bulletin Board. Come check us out, we would love for you
to join us! If you are 13 years of age or just shy of 100, come join us at our next meeting. There are always yummy refreshments and
a lot of laughter to be had.
Supplemental Food Resource Center AKA- SFRC a Ministry sponsored by EUMC
“Feeding those in need in the West End region of the Poconos”
(This ministry is an outreach serving the communities of Effort, Gilbert, Kunkletown, Kresgeville, Brodheadsville, Saylorsburg,
Sciota and Albrightsville. The Lord inspired us to help feed families going through emergency or other short term situations that are
not eligible for local, county or state programs and is limited to a 12 week life time duration per family. We require a valid driver’s
license or state ID with address proving residency in the West End.)
The pantry will be open on Saturday, June 13th and 27th from 10:00 am to noon. Volunteers are always welcome and needed. If
you would like to volunteer and do not yet have background check clearances, please see Jan in the office. She will do what is
needed to assist you.
SFRC is seeking Drivers: The Director of our Food Pantry, Joe Mitchell is seeking a few volunteers who would be willing to do
food pick-ups at BJ’s in Stroudsburg on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday of the 2 nd and 4th week of each month. Joe will work with you
to set up a schedule that is convenient for you. All you will need is a vehicle large enough for several bigger boxes to arrive at BJ’s by
1:00 pm, and a huge heart to share God’s love. Willing to help serve in this capacity? Please contact Joe at extension 109.
The SFRC is also seeking an Assistant Director: We are seeking one or two individuals to volunteer to fill this position. This
is an opportunity to serve our church and our community. You do not have to be here every day and on those days that would need
someone to be here can be limited to 3 hours. If you are interested or know of someone who might be, please contact Joe Mitchell at
joekm@ptd.net or at 570-629-1890 ext. 109.
Gardeners for Glory!!! Please prayerfully consider becoming the coordinator of The Gardeners for Glory
to schedule the maintenance of the church grounds, gardens and prayer garden. Our past hard work will all
go to weeds if we neglect to take care of the grounds. If you enjoy seeing the church gardens looking
beautiful, gardening and serving the Lord, you will grow wonderfully in this ministry. Meanwhile, if the past
members of GFG will make some notes on their calendars to save a little time to work in the garden from April
to October and pitch in to keep the church looking nice, that will be great. It’s amazing what a couple of hours per week, per person
can do. Dirty hands are happy hands so let’s get dirty! Please call if you can help: Julie Foley 570 722-1239
THE GARDEN OF GIVING… and giving and giving and giving some more
You don’t even have to be quiet because this place NEVER sleeps!
(Located off route 715, 4 miles from WAWA in McMichaels Hillside Terrace on the right Hillside drive
The garden is planted and being tended by our volunteers. It won’t be long until we begin harvesting the fruit of our labor in the fields
and distributing it to the local food pantries.
The Garden of Giving is a great place for scouting, youth and church groups to learn and have fun while giving to their community. It
also welcomes team leaders with gardening knowledge to guide the groups. The Garden is always in need of chicken feed and
volunteers to help with the chickens and to help in the office, on the website, on the board and at fund raising events. Please
prayerfully consider helping with this vital and important ministry. For more information please contact the garden of Giving at 570402-1282 or email us at Garden0fgiving@gmail.com.
***As always we ask for your prayer support for this ministry and all its volunteers who work so hard at making it a great success.
Some gardening quotes to reflect on or ponder, while in the garden you work or wander.....
“Cares melt when you kneel in a garden.” ~Author Unknown
“To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
“One of the most delightful things about a garden is the anticipation it provides.” ~W.E. Johns,
“The highest reward for a person’s toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it.” ~ John Ruskin
(And my favorite!!! ) “God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done.” ~Author Unknown
Jan may be hiding under her desk as June gets rolling! Lots going on in and around the office and she is workin her
office mojo to beat the band! If you stop by try to coax her out for a minute to give her a hug and let her know how much you
appreciate all the hard work and dedication she puts in around here! We couldn’t do without her. (Yes Jan, we are leaving every word
of this in!) ;)
Some more stuff from the office for you to know…. 
Math Tutoring Available: Are you in need of a Math Tutor or know someone who is? If so, please contact Jan in the office and she
will provide you with additional information.
Ladies Retreat 2015: Reminder to all who have already signed up for the Ladies Retreat to Pocono Plateau in September, your
monthly payments are now due. Please place in the offering plate and clearly mark your envelope with “Ladies Retreat.” Thank you.
36inch Sony TV—Free and available to anyone who would like to pick up in the Kunkletown area. Older style Sony model but in
excellent working condition. For more information contact Jan Decker in the office.
Christian Education
(Getting into God’s word and staying there is good for the mind, body, & soul!)
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CLASSES at EUMC are wishing you a lovely summer vacation! See you again in the fall.
The Basement Bunch- Is on summer break and will resume meeting in September 2015.
BODY BUILDING & Sunday School: June 28, 2015- This will be the last day for Sunday School and body building for 20142015 year. During service, certificates will be presented. The children will be doing the message, they will share what they have learned with the
congregation during the year. Songs will be song by our body building class as well as our youth choir. A party for all the classes will follow the
The Seekers Bible Study Group: We have begun our summer break. We will resume meeting each Monday morning in
Fellowship Hall at 10am in September. For information call Milt McWillams (570-620-0888), Wayne Wylie (570-722-3923), Don
Bonett (610-681-8807)
Tuesday evening bible study - 7:00pm at Rock and Sue Johnsons. This is a year-round on going bible study that meets unless
otherwise noted. Need more info? Or to be sure they are meeting, please call: 570-619-5483 (there will be no meetings 6/2 & 6/9)
Summer can be crazy busy and some of our bible study disciplines might take a back seat to the other things we are doing. I
encourage you to continue strengthening and working those bible muscles all summer long until formal classes start up again. We
don’t want our brains to get rusty and dusty and forget all the great bible doctrine we have accumulated since September, do we?!
Below are a few scriptures that point to diligence in knowing God and His word. (commentary mine, as usual, but you are getting
used to that!)
John 5:39 You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. *These are the very Scriptures that
testify about me, (study scripture because it leads to Christ, who leads to salvation and eternal life. God takes no days off, should we?)
Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please Him (God) for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is
a rewarder of those who seek him. (God rewards us for having faith and for seeking Him, even on summer break my friends!)
Matthew 6:33 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you. (never stop seeking God,
he will provide for your needs)
Matthew 16:24 If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. (to follow Christ is to
make time for Him every day and that includes denying ourselves the urge to skip daily study/reading even on summer vacation.)
Mark your calendars for the month of June.
VROOOOOMMMM! SFRC Volunteer at Pocono Raceway 6/7/15
PLAY BALL!! (or just watch other people play it… that is what I am gonna do! HA!) NE District Night at the Iron Pigs 6/18/15
WE ARE HAVING A “PULPIT SWAP!” What great fun! Sunday June 14th to the 8:30 and 11:00 am services.
Pastor Robin and her husband, Pastor Tim Fisher will be having a Pulpit Swap. Pastor Tim will come and preach at Effort UMC and
Pastor Robin will go and preach at Bushkill UMC and Chapman Quarries UMC -- easy come, easy go! :) Mark your calendar and
spread the word! Let’s have a huge welcoming crowd for Pastor Tim and show him the love only EUMC can give!
****Father’s Day is June 21st! Do NOT forget your dads or the surrogate dads in your life!****
Father’s Day Bulletin Sponsors: The UMW is providing an opportunity to honor, celebrate or remember those men in your life that
have been a Dad, Father, Grandfather or Father-like with a sponsorship of a Father’s Day bulletin (Similar to what was done for Mother’s
Day). Cost is $1.00 per name. Additional sponsorship forms are available on the Welcome Center. Please submit all forms not later
than June 16, 2015.
June 21st is the official first day of SUMMER 2015!! Well slap on some sunblock, find those old flip flops,
pull out the pool float and sip some sweat tea! We are in full on summer mode! Wha-hoooooozul doodle
CELEBRATING THE GRADUATES: Are you or do you know someone who is graduating from High School, College, receiving a
Graduate degree or a certification, from a specialized course work program? We want to hear from you so that we can honor
you/them all at a service. Please contact Jan in the office with the particulars and we will take care of the rest. CONGRATS TO ALL!
Tie a string to your finger or paste a sticky note on your mirror! Just DO NOT FORGET THESE SPECIAL EVENTS FOR JUNE!
UMW Upcoming events for:
The UMW will be hosting a Victorian Tea Party on Sunday, 14 th at 2:00 pm. Please come join us for some tea and snacks (who
knows perhaps there will be some crumpets). Wear your favorite hat and/or dress and bring along your most prized Tea cup along with
a story as to why it’s your favorite. There will be visitors from other Methodist churches in the area. (So do try to be on your best
behavior…. Aw heck…just be your crazy self!) This is a great opportunity to meet new people and to share our love for Christ. So we
know an approximate number of ladies attending, please sign up on the sheet located on the Welcome Center.
Trustees Breakfast It is the last one for the summer! Don’t miss it! Come out and join us June 14th for a Yummy Yumitty
Yum Yum meal whipped up by our tried and true and truly trustworthy trusted trustees! YEWOZA! And now I ask ya…. How in the
world can you let yourself miss something described like that!? You can’t! So we’ll see you there! We do ask for a $5.00 donation per
adult to offset costs, but believe me… it is well worth it!
Saturday, June 7th: SFRC Volunteer at Pocono Raceway SFRC & NASCAR Race at Pocono: If you enjoy NASCAR and want to
support a great cause, then we have an opportunity for you that you won’t want to miss! We are seeking volunteers to support the Food
Pantry by volunteering at Pocono Raceway on Sunday, June 7th. A donation from Pocono Raceway in the amount of $80 is given to
our Food Pantry for each person who volunteers to serve food at the race. If you are interested in this volunteer worthy cause, please
contact Joe Mitchell at 570-629-1890 ext 109 or call Jan in the office to sign up and to obtain addition information .
A little something to pencil in for July because you know it will be here before we know it! AHHHHHHHHH!
Vacation Bible School: Wow, how time flies! Can you believe it has been almost a year since our last VBS? The dates for VBS for
2015 have been selected as July 13-17 from 9:00 am to noon. Volunteers to assist with VBS this year are being sought. Remember,
clearances must be obtained for those of you who are 18 years and older. Those under 18 must sign a waiver to help out. Teachers,
snack makers, activities and story tellers are all needed. Join us for a week of fun and adventure with the youth of our church and
community. Registration of participants will begin in mid-June. If you have a love of children and some extra time this summer, why
not join us? Jan will hook you up with whatever clearance etc., you might need. Give her a call at 570-629-1890.
Community Flea Market: Pocono Lake UMC is hosting a Community Flea Market on Saturday, June 6 th from 9am to 2pm (rain or
shine). There will be a bake sale as well. Church is located at 1188 Route 940, Pocono Lake. Vendors’ $15 table and space. Call 570646-3650 to register
Twin Pines Summer Camp: Several programs are available for campers grades K-6, Monday through Friday. Each day of the day
camp will have its own them and Bible lessons For pricing and drop off/pick up times, please see the brochures on the Welcome Center
and in the information rack located under the Church mailboxes.
Ham Dinner: Our brothers and sisters in Christ at St. Peters UMC, in Saylorsburg, PA., will be hosting a Ham Dinner on Saturday,
June 6, 2015 from 3:30 pm to 7:00 pm. Dinner includes, ham, baked potatoes, tossed salad, green beans, pudding, jello and a
beverage. Adult $10.00 kids $5.00 ages 5 and under are free. Take outs are available.
Support Groups for Caregivers: Morningstar Senior Living in Nazareth, PA is holding support groups for caregivers of those who
have dementia or Alzheimer’s. Groups are held on the first Wednesday of every month at 9:30 am and 6:00 pm. If you might be
interested in more information or attending one of the groups, see Jan Decker.
College student offering guitar lessons: My name is Preston Robinson and I am able to offer electric or acoustic, beginner to light
experience guitar lessons. I am CPR certified, and have the proper criminal and child abuse clearances to work with children. I can
give lessons at homes in Effort and I am working for donations to help with school expense." If interested call the church office for
contact information at 570-629-1890.
POCONO PANDAS (Prayer Acceptance Nurturing Develops Awesome Spirit)
Next meeting is June 12th and 26th at 7pm.
Plans are in the works for the 2015 REACH Work camp which will be in Ohio the week of June 28 through July 4th,
Oh how time flies. We can’t believe it is time to start packing. Yep that’s right the Youth Pandas and Leaders are heading to
yet another Reach Work Camp from June 28 th to July 4th. Destination this year….Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. We are ready for a week of
changing lives and impacting our own all in the name of our Savior. We ask that you pray for our safe travels, energy on the work
sights and the ability to be like Jesus.
While we are away, yes we get home sick and miss our normal life. This is where you come in. We love to receive mail, and
more mail. Start mailing the week before we leave to be sure we get them. Last date to mail would probably be June 29th. Here is the
Woodridge Middle School
% Reach Mission Trips
**Attn: name **
4451 Quick Road
Peninsula, OH 44264
Those attending: John Adellman, Joyce Aylsworth, Marv Aylsworth, Adam Brown, Jan Decker, Pastor Ken Edwards, Lindsey
Edwards, Wendy Edwards, Pastor Robin Fisher, Brianna George, Dee Juris, Daniel Loffio, Aubrey Sawyer, Rhonda, Sawyer, Mark
Shields and Tyler Utter.
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I
said, "Here am I. Send me!" Issiah 6:8
Weekly Saturday evening Contemporary Worship at EUMC is at 6pm: Led by Pastor Ken Edwards
Our contemporary service is an integral part of the worship and of the vision of EUMC. Please let all your friends, family members and neighbors
know that along with our when wonderful traditional services on Sunday mornings at 8:30 and 11:00 am we are promoting our contemporary
worship service and we even moved the time to 6pm so those who work on Saturdays until 5 can make it here! No need to rush home and get all
gussied up! Come just as you are! How cool is that! For questions or details please contact Ken at hishands@ptd.net or the church office at
We will be receiving new members on June 6th at our contemporary service! Come meet your newest members and celebrate!
Music Notes
(Please come for these toe tapping, ear tickling, hands clapping, spirit lifting, voices rising, Jesus praising, worship
THE EUMC CHOIR – The choir will be having a much needed and well deserved summer break beginning after
June 7th 2015. No worries however, because we still will have some special music on and off throughout the summer months.  We
will begin recruiting and rehearsing again toward the fall. The date and time will be announced.
****CHECK OUT OUR EUMC CHOIR WEBSITE: If you want to see what the choir is up to, or access our rehearsal calendar
please visit our website at http://churchchoir.info or contact Dan Smale - daniel.smale@me.com - (570) 350-5668
The Children’s Choir meets Sundays at 10:15 am in Friendship Hall, and our last day before break will be July
12, 2015 and we will begin meeting again in the fall. If you like to sing, you still have time to come on out and
join us. All ages are invited to come and sing and lift your voices to the Lord. It will be great fun!
Bring your friends, family, neighbors, & anyone else you can think of who might enjoy our
music ministries!
And now some trivia about June to tickle your brain and give you a leetle something or other to think about while you
are floating in a pool slathered with sunblock sippin your lemonade. Actually…. it is just here to take up some space to
make the pages all work out. A girls’ gotta do what a girls’ gotta do! Am I right? Of course I am! 
(and you know I will have to say something about each one…. Because I simply cannot control myself!)
Ok.. here we go!
*On June 14, 1777, the flag of the United States was adopted by the Continental Congress. (she’s a grand old flag, she’s
a high flying flag… come everybody sing it with me!) FLAG DAY IS JUNE 14 SO FLY YOUR FLAG HIGH AND PROUD!
**June 14, 1900 - Hawaii was organized as a territory. (I never knew it was “disorganized”! BLAAAHHH!)
***On June 1, 1796, Tennessee, also known as The Volunteer State became the 16th state of the USA. (is that anything
like being the “Volun-told State”, cuz I can think of a few things we can volunteer them for… just sayen, Tee! Hee! Hee!)
****On June 5, 1947, George C. Marshall, the Secretary of State, described the Marshall Plan. (whatever the heck that
thing is… ???)
*****On June 15, 1836, Arkansas also known as the Natural State, became the 25th state of the United States.
(naturally…. Could it be any other state?)
******June is national dairy, candy and ice tea month. (well, alrighty then, lets have at it!)
******* In 46B.C, Julius Caesar gave June 30 days instead of 29 when he reformed the Roman calendar. (oh those wacky
Romans were always messing with the calendar!)
Let’s keep the following in our hearts as they have moved away, are in care homes, nursing homes or rehabilitation
centers. We can send cards, letters or even pay them a visit if the Lord leads you to do so. They would love to hear from or see us I
am sure.
Gloria Hawk Pleasant Valley Manor 4227 Manor Dr, Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Laura Garr 8868 Lincoln Green Drive, Robin Hood Lakes, Kunkletown PA 18058
Nancy Heistand Mahoney Valley Personal Care, 397 Hemlock Drive, Lehighten PA 18235
Bert Easley Praxis Alzheimer Facility, 500 Washington St, Easton PA 18042
John Romanco 175 Foothill Blvd. Effort PA, 18322
Millie Mickalauskas 441 Effort Neola Road, Saylorsburg PA 18353
Elsie Hart 1630 Davids Road. Effort PA 18330
Please be daily prayer for the following: Gloria Hawk, Ben Mayo, Mrs. Mitchell and family, Family
of Jim Cadue, Ed Lindaberry, Tayte Belstra, Kellyann Fullwood, Beverly D’Attilo, Cliff VanKirk, Ken
Lieberman, Danielle Donaghy, Ethel Zipp, Judy Dunton, Wayne Wylie, George Neesen, Jane Schrantz, John
Benton, Dolores, Rick Miller, Kathy Griggs, Sandy, The family of Sue Daube, William Raub, Cathy Wells.
Take a moment and send a note, to offer love, support and hope,
So they will know they’re in our prayers and that, of course, we care.
It will bring JOY into their day to know, that we, for them do pray,
In peace and rest they’ll be embraced as we hold them in God’s grace.
A little note…. a text …. a call…. A grateful heart receives them all!
Card Showers
Augie and Emma Bush: North Bay Retirement Living 171 Pleasant Ave Smithfield, RI 02917
Ester Temple: 391 Stone Hill Lane, Saylorsburg PA 18353
Lou and Doris Tagliaferri: PO Box 365 Effort, PA 18330
Wolfgang Gerhard: 11 Bear Medicine Road, Effort PA 18330
Everett Behrens and Margaret Milasch: 15 Sei Pike Lane, Lehighton, PA 18235
Ethel Zipp: (recuperating from surgery) 2514 Chestnut Street, Brodheadsville PA 18322
Please keep the following service men & women in your daily prayers
Major Earl Evans, Maj. Howard Hiestand – US Army, Major Ed Caudell-US Army/Fort Braggs, Major Karyn Caudell,
US Army Reserves, CPL Brian Lee Everett- USMC VMFA-115/Airframes Unit 78520. FPO AE 09509-8520, Spec. Sam
Michlavsky-US Army/Afghanistan, Cpt. Mark Crimaldi-2nd Calvary Regiment, Afghanistan, ThomsponUSAF/Mountain Air Force Base, Idaho. Lance Corporal James C. Suttles V/MM 265 AirframeUnit 37239FPO, AP
Keeping all the men and women who serve in the armed forces both here and abroad in prayer is a wonderful way to surround them
with a hedge of protection, the love of God and the honor and respect they deserve for serving us with their very lives.
“Greater love has no one than this that he lay down his life for his friends” John 15:13
Happy Birthday Blessings for June 2015!
06/01 Brenda Falco
06/04 Heather Daube,
06/05 Keith Pierson
06/06 Francis Engel III,
06/08 Mike Boyd
06/09 Allen Conklin, Alison Jochen
06/10 Monica McDuffy, Becky Altemose
06/11 Nancy Green
06/12 Lorraine Altemose, Barbara Gawron, Michelle Wichman
06/13 Todd Ackerman
06/14 Kayda Warner
06/15 Calvin Hubbard, Ron Wichman, Christopher Hiestand
06/16 Janice Brown
06/17 Katy Wichman
06/19 Alexa Footit
06/22 Millie Mickalauskas, Lucille Smith
06/27 Susan Yetter, Stacy Halliday, Sarah Conklin
06/28 Samantha Wedderman, Michael Schimminger
06/30 Phyllis Conklin, Samantha Edwards
Early July
07/01 Beth Shields, Alan Young
07/04 Meredith Mead
07/05 Gloria Hawk
07/06 Nancy Hiestand
07/07 Byron Burger
June is here! Let’s eat some cake!
And cookies and ice cream for a birthday’s sake!
Who cares if our shorts get a little too tight?
Let’s still celebrate all birthdays to our hearts delight! 
Editor’s note: As of this writing it is 86 degrees and it is only May 26th! It is gonna be a hot one! And that is my wheel-house
friends! I do hope and pray that you all have a safe and wonderful summer season filled with all the activities you love. I am blessed
to be doing a little traveling at the end of June into early July and I want you to be aware that the next Newsletter will be a
combination letter for July and August and that it will be out to you in the first week of July, though not by the 1 st. In
Joyful service. Cathy
The funny thing is… This really does look like me at deadline time
*** The deadline for the JULY/AUGUST 2015 newsletter, is on or before JUNE 25th!)
Please provide
information for both July and August and even very early September. Feel free to contact me by phone, 610-381-4703
or email eumcwells@gmail.com. Whatever you send I will get it in here for all to see. (I’ll try not to mess with them too much, but
self-control is not my strong point as you no doubt already know… oh who am I kidding… I’m gonna mess with everything!)
Make Some Time to Listen.
“Be still before the Lord,” they say,
Go off and be quiet when you pray,
And there is where you’ll find his voice,
Well of course! For there is no other noise!
But, just how often do we sit,
Alone and in lengths of quietness?
How realistic for us, is such lovely advice,
While running around and living this life?
I have found that it is the time spent best,
And when done, there’s still time to do the rest.
When we honor our heavenly Father first,
His response is to bless us here on this earth.
And we need not sit for hours on end,
We can choose how much time that we spend.
And that time need not be set in stone,
Yet it must be spent with Him, alone.
The more we take our time with Him,
The deeper his whisper settles in.
And though soft, it can be heard throughout,
Our hectic days as we dash about.
Make some time and sit a spell,
Find His voice and know it so well,
That all of lifes chatter clambering around,
Cannot drown out, it’s mellifluous sound.
Oh what a wonderful thing, to always hear,
His guiding voice upon our ear,
Singing gently to our soul,
“Take my hand, I’ll lead you home.”
“Follow my voice and I’ll take you through,
All that this life will throw at you,
And nothing my child can keep us apart,
When you hear me deep in your heart.”
Make some time to listen for me today,
I’ll be the voice that takes all cares away,
and each day you make time to listen to me,
will be a day, when you are set free.”
Cathy Wells
A Prayer for us to listen more….
“God help us hear and learn to listen to the sound of your voice. Give us ears to hear you when we
pray and while walking through our day. Help us distinguish the sound of your voice over the noise
of this world that is shouting so loud in its efforts to drown you out. Attune us to the sound of your
truth that comes as the small quiet whisper in our hearts. In Christ we ask this. Amen.”
(Just minding our own businesses…. Did I really say that? Oh what will I say next?!)
903 Landscape Supply
For all your landscape needs!
1939 State Route 903
Jim Thorpe PA 18220
Fx 570 325-8113
Nita Nydam and Greg Magill
903 Plumbing and Pump Technology
Full service plumbing repairs
1939 State Route 903
Jim Thorpe PA 18220
Fx 570-325-8113
Greg Magill and Nita Nydam
Melalueca The wellness company
Tom Conklin 570-872-6421
WWW. Melaleuca.com
Hand crafted, original gourd art creations
411 Turkey Hill Road Saylorsburg PA 18353
Cathy Wells 610-381-4703
camwells@ptd.net/Face Book at “Out-Of-My-Gourd!”
Melalueca Wellness Products
Susan Yetter
Creative Memories
Po Box 729 Saylorsburg PA 18353
Susan Yetter Creative Memories Consultant
570-992-0247 gsyetter@gmail.com
Photo safe albums and supplies, group presentations
Saylorsburg Lumber
Quality Building Products
Full service lumber yard
Lumber, window screen replacement,
Hardware, masonry supplies
Glenn W Yetter
# 570-992-3700
Fx 570-992-3275
Effort Woodcraft Inc (cabinets, millwork and more)
Thomas J. Conklin VP
PO Box 590 Evergreen Hollow Road
Effort, PA 18330
570-629-1160 Fx 570-629-6613
cell 570-872-6421
Marie Conklin Young Studio of Piano and Voice
1321 Meixsell Valley Road
Saylorsburg, PA 18353
570-992-2087 or 570-856-0967
******Please note that this little bitty listing of who does what is for informational purposes so that we are aware of what is available to us within
our own church family.
EUMC PRE-SCHOOL: The Pre-School has finished up for the summer and we will let you know when they will be beginning again
in the fall for the 2015-1016 school year. If interested or know someone who would be, please contact Gail Regina, our director at
570-529-1890 ext. 201
DID YOU KNOW??? The church address is: PO Box 545, Effort PA 18330-0545 Phone 570-629-1890. In case of an emergency,
outside of the normal church office hours (Mon-Fri., 9:30am - 2:30pm) you can reach Pastor Robin at 570-243-1247 by phone, or by
email at probgfisher@yahoo.com. Pastor Robin’s home address is: 1439 Main Street – Chapman, Bath, PA 18014
TAKE NOTE & PASS IT ON! We pass on all kinds of things every day! (Smiles, information, germs…) Why not PASS ON your
newsletter to someone who does NOT go to EUMC when you are done with it and have marked your calendar with the special dates!
You could send it on to your local email buddies so they can see what we are up to or you could even take your hard copy and
give it to a neighbor who doesn’t go to church. With each PASS IT ON you can attach a little invitation to an event that you would
attend with them or even just suggest they come to a service with you. What a great way to bring new people into the family here. We
can’t keep all this great stuff to ourselves. We’ll burst at the seams!!!!!!!!!! Now get out there and tell everyone you meet!!!
The Webmaster for EUMC: Contact information for Amanda is a.goodyeumc@gmail.com
If you want to get your ministry event on our website, well, you can’t keep the info to yourself you kook-a-doodle-do! You can send
it to Jan in the office and she will get the okey dokey schmokey malokey from Robin (if need be) and then she will ziz it on over to
our web gal Amanda and she will work her website mo-jo and get it on! Now this is good info?? Aye? Would I lead you astray??
Effort has a Facebook Page: Effort United Methodist Church Check us our and give us the “Like” thumbs up!
AND>>> Did you know you can make contributions by Pay Pal on our website? Check us out at:
Take a few moments to visit our web site there is all kinds of nifty noodle stuff there!
Go to www.effortumc.org... Go NOW! REALLY GO NOW!!!
You are gonna just love IT!!! (and us!)
This Father’s Day we are celebrating, honoring and remembering those men that have fulfilled and enriched our lives.
Father’s Day Bulletin Sponsor
Name: ______________________________ is/are
Honoring ______ Celebrating______ In Loving Memory of:_______
$1.00 per sponsorship
Total enclosed: __________
Please put in envelope marked UMW and place in offering plate or in the Office mailbox not later than June 17th
A Father’s Day prayer:
God, Ultimate Father of mankind, in your wisdom and love you have created all things. Bless and guide all men to strive to be an
example of you in all that they say and do. Strengthen them as they as they walk in this world leading those they consider to be their
children onto the path of life eternal. Amen