EGEC Newsletter May 2015 The voice of the Geothermal Sector in

EGEC Newsletter May 2015
The voice of the Geothermal Sector in Europe
Dear members of EGEC,
dear readers of this newsletter,
An important result of each
World Geothermal Congress
is the country update reports,
allowing for an assessment of
the development and status
of geothermal energy worldwide. Checking on the values
from WGC 2015, there are some observations worth
Installed electric power capacity increased to
almost 1 GWel in EU-28, and to >2 GWel in all of
Europe; however, as seen in the graph below, the
development is much more dynamic outside the EU,
with Turkey and Iceland the main drivers.
In deep geothermal heat, Hungary with about 0.85
GWth installed is first inside EU, with Italy, France,
Germany and Romania following; again, Turkey (2.8
GWth) and Iceland (2.0 GWth) outperform any EUcountry by far!
There is large amount of agricultural use in Hungary
and Italy, thus counting geothermal district heating
only, France and Germany take the lead inside the EU.
Shallow geothermal statistics have been an issue of
extrapolations and educated guesses for a long time.
While inside the EU this is changing for the better
as a result of the provisions in the RES-Directive of
2009, not all WGC 2015 country updates reflect this
yet. As for the country update reports, Sweden leads
by far with about 5.5 GWth installed in geothermal
heat pumps, and Germany (2.6 GWth) and France
(2.0 GWth) follow. In recent EU publications, numbers
for Sweden (as well as for some other countries) are
considerably lower from 2011/12 on.
Installed geothermal electric power capacity as to data from WGC 2015
and previous editions, for Europe and the EU
Talking about policy developments, there is growing
excitement around the concept of “EU Energy Union”.
We hitherto know the main principles of this new
strategy as well as its five dimensions (i.e. energy security,
internal energy market, moderation of energy demand,
decarbonisation, and R&D). Yet, the important details
will be defined in the next 2-3 years in a number of
crucial follow-up initiatives, including the Heat Strategy
(scheduled for autumn 2015) and the revised ‘RES
Directive’. In this respect, the Member States and the
European Parliament are currently working to define
their respective common positions. But here negotiations
are tough as the initial positions of governments as well
as of the different political groups diverge considerably.
Meanwhile, on May 18th the EU Commissioner for the
Energy Union, Maroš Šefčovič, started an ´Energy Union
Tour`. The idea is to discuss energy issues with all the
national governments in their home countries, in a view
to promote the advantages of the Energy Union and to
understand the needs and concerns of the respective
member state. Each visit will include events open to
industry representatives and other stakeholders. Check
out the dates on the Commissioner´s blog, and talk
to your national contacts to make sure geothermal is
Not a vision, but already a reality for several years is the
European Union Sustainable Energy Week. This 15-19th
June it will again bring a large number of energy experts
to Brussels, and facilitate energy activities throughout
Europe. Maybe there is something in for you also, so have
a look to the EUSEW 2015 website.
Against this background, I sincerely wish the Energy Union
strategy stemming from these complex negotiations will
have a vision, and this vision not being limited to the
construction of new gas pipelines or LNG terminals. As far
as I am concerned, the Energy Union will only make sense
if it has a long-term vision paving the way for a smart and
affordable energy transition. I wish an Energy Union in
which decisions are taken on the basis of the full costs of
each technology, including pollution and system costs.
Finally, I wish an Energy Union in which consumers refuse
to waste money in imported fossil fuels but are instead
well aware of the local and renewable resources they
are surrounded of, including the geothermal resources
available just beneath their home.
For the shallow geothermal community, one event is
organised by EGEC, the Regeocities final conference on
June 16th. See more here – and see here for “The Heat
Under Your Feet”, the campaign for geothermal heat
pumps launched last week within said project. I am looking
forward to seeing you at the Regeocities conference, or
maybe another event during EUSEW 2015.
I wish you an interesting read,
Burkhard Sanner
We are saddened to hear of the passing of Dr Michal Stibitz on the
24th May at the age of 52.
He was an active member of EGEC, a member of the steering
committee of the geothermal TP, and participated in many
European geothermal projects.
He always was there to help, discuss, analyse, and develop
geothermal in Czech Republic, notably with the EGS project in
Michal was always a trustworthy and diligent colleague, and a
wonderful companion outside work.
Our thoughts are with all of those close to him at this sad time. He
will be deeply missed.
Philippe Dumas (EGEC Secretary General)
and Dr Burkhard Sanner (EGEC President)
Dr Michal Stibitz at the GeoDH Workshop in Litomerice (CZ)
Juncker Plan to start at the end of the
Negotiations on the ETS reform started well as EU lawmakers have called the Commission to consider, in
its upcoming proposal, the creation of an additional
“innovation fund” of 50 million allowances aimed to
supplement existing funds promoting demonstration
projects of innovative renewable energy technologies
before 2021.
On 28th May European Parliament and Member States
successfully concluded negotiations on the Regulation
for a European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI),
the core of the Investment Plan for Europe. This means
that the Fund will become operational and start
financing projects at the end of the summer (For further
information see the Commission’s statement.
Against this background, EGEC recently shared with the
European Commission its main policy messages on the
ETS reform:
Meanwhile, the European Investment Bank (EIB) has
decided to earmark funds to investments in four
projects related to energy efficiency, renewables and
energy infrastructure under the EFSI. These projects are
part of a total of 21 projects that would receive more
than €8 billion of financing in the form of loans. The
four projects earmarked notably include backing for
energy efficiency investment to reduce heating bills in
more than 40,000 private homes in France, as well as
the construction of new (non-geothermal) renewable
energy projects and related transmission lines in
Northern and Western Europe.
The large over-allocation of free allowances has
compromised the ETS and needs to be fixed. Free
allocation cannot be accepted for sectors such as
district heating or cogeneration, where competitive
carbon-free alternatives exist.
All GHG emissions within the European Economic
Area should be paid according to the “polluter pays
principle”. For administrative reasons, combustion
installations smaller than 20MW should continue
to be excluded from the EU ETS. However, Member
States should be required to impose a carbon tax
to installations not covered by the ETS, including
small-scale heating installations in order to properly
incentivise emission reductions.
The new NER 400 should continue support
renewable energy demonstration projects, learning
from its limitations. In particular, upfront funding
should be made available as soon as possible. In
addition, the EU should bear part of the project risks
in the form of non-repayable grants and include
heat only projects, notably for industrial process.
For further information on the EFSI, please contact the
EGEC Secretariat.
EU decision-makers strike a deal on the
future of the EU carbon market
On 6 May 2015, the European Parliament and Member
States reached an agreement on the introduction of
a “market stability reserve” (MSR) in the EU Emission
Trading Scheme (ETS).
Starting on 1 January 2019, the MSR will mandate
EU officials to add or remove allowances from the
EU carbon market according to pre-set rules. It is
expected to reduce the “surplus” of 2.1 billion carbon
allowances accumulated over the past few years that
keeps the carbon price too low to effectively incentivise
investments in sustainable technologies. According to
experts, thanks to the MSR the CO2 price is expected to
reach €20 a tonne by 2020 and €30 in the next decade,
compared to today’s price hovering around €7.
Yet, the MSR is only half of the story as the reserve will
not be sufficient on its own to overhaul the EU carbon
market. The European Commission is expected to come
up in the summer 2015 with a legislative proposal to
revise the EU ETS for the post-2020 period. The reform
will include an innovation fund (NER400) for the
financing of demonstration projects beyond 2020.
EC launches platform to help regions
access funds for sustainable energy
According to the report, rising electricity and oil prices
are shifting consumer preference towards cost-effective
energy substitutes. The highly reliable nature of the
system and easy financial options for consumers are
fuelling demand for geothermal heat pumps. On the
other hand, faulty installations and wrong estimation
of pump size are factors curbing global demand.
The ‘Smart Specialisation Platform on Energy’, launched
on the 36th May will help European regions and countries
to make full use of EU funds for sustainable energy under
the EU’s Cohesion Policy.
North America and Europe lead the global geothermal
heat pump market, the report also says. European
countries such as France, Germany, Sweden, and
Switzerland are mature markets and have experienced
a steady decline in installed capacity in the last few years
Cohesion Policy funds are available for energy efficiency,
renewable energy, smart grid and energy infrastructure
projects – all of which will feed into the EU’s Energy
Union strategy launched earlier this year.
“From 2014-2020 more than €38 billion of Cohesion
Policy funding will be invested in achieving the Energy
Union strategy and boosting the shift towards a lowcarbon economy in all sectors – this represents more
than a doubling of funding compared to the previous
period,” said Corina Creţu, European Commissioner for
Regional Policy.
The report analyses regional markets for North America,
Europe, and Asia Pacific, featuring also a detail regional
segmentation with market growth forecasts for the 2014
to 2020 period. It includes key market dynamics affecting
the demand for geothermal heat pumps globally,
including market drivers, market restraints, and market
For more information click here.
For more information on the report: http://www.
North America and Europe Lead the
Global Geothermal Heat Pump Market
Information about the shallow geothermal market can
also be found in the EGEC market report.
Global geothermal heat pump market growth driven
by rising electricity and oil prices.
The global geothermal heat pumps market is expected
to have a 13.1% compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
from 2014 to 2020, reaching $130.5 (c. €119.) billion by
the end of 2020, says new market research report from
Transparency Market Research.
Promoting geothermal heat pumps
The Heat Under Your Feet
Discover more at
Continued Development of Geothermal
District Heating in Ile-De-France
These cities were joined by countries including Croatia.
The District Energy in Cities Initiative will support national
and municipal governments in their efforts to develop,
retrofit or scale up district energy systems, with backing
from international and financial partners and the private
sector. The initiative brings together cities, academia,
technology providers and financial institutions, building
capacity and transferring knowhow. Click here to find
out more about the initiative and download the report
‘District Energy In Cities: Unlocking the Potential of
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
In February, drilling began on the Ygéo project in Rosnysous-Bois, east of Paris, which expected to heat 10,000
homes in three communities by 2016. The project is the
result of 35 Million Euros of investment, part of which
comes from ADEME.
Wells will reach 1,800m and temperatures of around 65°C.
The 10MW of output at the plant will be supplemented
by heat pumps, adding a further 7MW
New tool for estimating geothermal
energy potentials from IRENA and the
European Space Agency
African Union Commission grant for
study in Grande Comore
The AUC and the Geological Bureau of Comoros signed
a grant contract totalling USD 844,680, on 15 May. The
grant represents 80% of the total cost of conducting a
surface study in Karthala Geothermal Prospect in Grande
The new and freely available gravity anomaly maps,
the product of collaboration between the International
Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the European
Space Agency (ESA), offer a new technique to gauge
geothermal potentials around the world.
The Grant is part of the Geothermal Risk Mitigation
strategy (GMRF) and the regional Geothermal
The maps use ESA satellite gravity measurements to
look for certain characteristics unique to geothermal
reservoirs, including areas with thin crusts, subduction
zones, and young magmatic activity. This helps determine
which areas are most likely to possess geothermal
potential, narrowing the search for prospectors.
UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
Regional Launch of Global District
Energy In Cities Initiative
More information, as well as the maps, can be found
Belgrade and Warsaw, as well as the city of Banja Luka in
Bosnia and Herzegovina, signed up to the Global District
Energy In Cities Initiative in Talinn at the End of April.
he Annual EGEC market report
maps and analyses the entire
geothermal sector, covering both
electricity and heating&cooling uses.
The market report is available
to non EGEC members for
€250, and is free to members.
Order your copy of the market report or find out more about
joining EGEC by emailing
The Heat Under Your Feet: Promoting Geothermal Heat Pumps
The Heat Under Your Feet is
a European campaign aimed
at promoting the use of
geothermal heat pumps and
tackle some of the challenges
and barriers that leave the
potential of this technology
unexplored or underdeveloped
in many European countries. It
is launched as part of the EUFunded ReGeoCities project.
The heating and cooling sector for buildings is today, for the large majority, dominated
by the use of fossil fuels such as natural gas and heating oil. This means it is contributing
heavily to costly fossil fuels imports, exposure to price volatility and security of supply, and
production of harmful greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Geothermal heat pumps are the perfect solution to replace fossil fuels and reverse these
unsustainable situation. Their wide range of application, their efficiency, their reliability, all
strongly contribute to provide affordable heat, to reduce emissions, and to save primary
Despite their advantages, the results of the ReGeoCities project indicated a widespread
lack of awareness among the general public, public authorities and builders regarding
geothermal heat pumps, suggesting that an informative campaign was highly needed.
The Heat Under Your Feet aims to address such shortcomings and fill the awareness gap, by
serving as an information hub and a reference point.
On the campaign website, it is possible to find information on how the technology works,
the benefits it can achieve, and useful factsheets available for download. In a project
showcase, examples of best practices illustrate how geothermal heat pumps, thanks to
their highly efficient and highly versatile nature, are the perfect technology for sustainable
buildings that look at the future. More resources, like case studies and useful tools on
financing and regulation, will be following soon.
To follow the campaign and the latest developments in the shallow geothermal sector
Twitter: @heatunderurfeet
REGEOCITIES | | For more info:
About KnowRES
What are the 10 most wanted
profiles in the Geothermal
KnowRES is creating an online platform to Sector?
provide job intelligence to industry, candidates,
and academic and training institutions.
The know RES project is conducting a survey of
the Geothermal industry in order to identify the
The project is also performing an analysis of the sectors most sought after profiles.
skills needed by the industry to ensure that the
provided education and training courses are Whether your firm is currently recruiting,
tailor-made to the sectors’ needs.
planning to do so in the future or if you are
simply curious to learn what expertise are
in demand in the geothermal sector, please
take 5 minutes to fill out this survey and share
Within the framework of KnowRES your view on the geothermal job market.
EGEC will organise a
Georthermal Career Day
in February 2016
Kindly note that taking part in the survey will
allow your firm to participate in free matchmaking events and free recruitment advisory
services on a voluntary basis.
Thank you in advance for your valuable input
Click here to complete the short survey
Developing Sustainable Energy in your City?
The Heat Under Your Feet is a Solution
16th June 2015
9:00 - 13:00
Regione Toscana, Rond Point Schuman 14, 1040 Brussels
An event for public authorities, planners, architects and the building sector. Join this
event to learn about smart cities and smart rural communities, and the potential key role played
by ground source heat pump installations in buildings. Are you making the most of this reliable,
renewable, safe, competitive and versatile heating and cooling technology?
To register, visit the EUSEW website
Opening presentation: Project overview
Philippe Dumas (EGEC-European Geothermal Energy Council)
ReGeoCities proposal for regulation
Nick O’Neill (SLR Consulting)
Case Study: The new regulatory scheme in France
Florence Jaudin (BRGM)
Case study: Public Acceptance for shallow geothermal in Germany
Rüdiger Grimm (geoENERGIE Konzept GmbH)
Debate: Regulation and Public acceptance
Moderator: Burkhard Sanner (UBeG)
Coffee break
Regeocities views on financing and energy planning
Francesco Rizzi & Eleonora Annunziata (SSSUP)
Case study: Financing
Céline Dupont-Leroy (Region Centre-France) TBC
Case study: Training (Geotrainet)
Isabel Fernandez (EFG)
Debate: Financing, energy planning and system approach
Moderator: Philippe Dumas (EGEC-European Geothermal Energy Council)
This workshop is organised in the framework of the Regeocities project
and it will take place during the European Sustainable Energy Week in
Brussels (EUSEW)
Announcing the European Geothermal Congress 2016
EGEC and the main event sponsor Groupe ÉS are pleased to announce that the
2016 edition of the European Geothermal Congress (EGC) will be held on
19 - 24th September 2016
Strasbourg Conference and Exhibition Centre
Sign up to
the mailing list
The EGC is a unique opportunity for stakeholders from all parts of the geothermal
sector whether academic, industrial, financial, policy-making, or societal to come
together and to learn, finding new ways to progress.
EGC is the largest geothermal event in Europe. Organised every 3 years, it is held
under the auspices of the International Geothermal Association – European
Regional Branch, and for this edition in cooperation with the French Association of
Geothermal Energy professionals (AFPG).
It is a week of varied events designed to appeal and support and develop everyone working in the field, both in and outside
the continent.
It will include:
The call for papers will be announced soon.
Over three hundred abstracts were submitted in
the last edition, and we look forward to an even
larger number of high quality submissions for this
A Conference programme with both oral and poster
Contributions from local, European, and Global political
Sessions covering science and research, education, policy,
financing, and communication
A large industry exhibition
Specialised sessions on business development
Training courses
Site visits to geothermal projects (incl. EGS) in the region
Networking events
This edition builds on the success of EGC 2013
in Pisa, Italy and of previous editions. To find
out more about the 2013 edition, visit www., or click here to view
some photos of the event.
and much more!
European Geothermal Congress 2016
19 - 24th September 2016
Strasbourg Conference and Exhibition Centre
Events Calendar
Conférence franco-allemande:
“La géothermie profonde en France et
en Allemagne: état des lieux et perspectives”
9 June 2015
Paris, France
Developing Sustainable Energy in
your City?
The Heat Under Your Feet is a Solution
16 June 2015
Brussels, Belgium
EU Sustainable Energy Week
15 - 19
June 2015
Brussels, Belgium
CAS DEEGEOSYS - Exploration &
Development of Deep Geothermal
7 September
2015 - 30 May
Sustainable Places 2015 (SP2015)
16 -18
September 2015
Savona, Italy
Brussels Sustainable Development
Summit 2015
19 - 20
October 2015
Brussels, Belgium
GeoPower Global Congres
December 2015
Istanbul, Turkey
The European Geothermal Energy Council
is the voice of the Geothermal Industry in Europe.
To Find out more visit
EGEC is a non-profit membership organisation whose sole aim is the promotion of the geothermal industry. It
supports its members by
lobbying on their behalf.
More than 130 members from 28 countries (including private companies, national associations, consultants,
research centres, geological surveys, and public authorities) make EGEC a strong and powerful network,
uniting and representing the entire sector.