www.eghc2015.com EGHC dubai 2015 Emirates Gastroenterology & Hepatology Conference 2-4 April 2015, Dubai World Trade Center, United Arab Emirates Exhibitors Manual Emirates Gastroenterology and Hepatology Conference (EGHC) 2015 2 – 4 April 2015 Exhibitor Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS Exhibition Overview/General Information Exhibition Venue The Venue Map Rules & Regulations Contacts Exhibition Timetable Exhibitor Checklist Stand Guidelines and Information Shell Scheme Stands Shell Scheme Structure Name Board/Fascia Panel Space Only Stands Top Exhibitions Services & Ordering Furniture Carpet Electrical Requirements Shell Scheme Extras and Stand Fittings General Information Payments Event Breakdown Venue Information Banking Facilities Deliveries Fire Exits Foot Protection Health and Safety Lost Property Police Prayer Facilities Smoking Policy Forms Shell scheme details Fascia order form Electrical order form Furniture order form 1|Page Page 2 2 3-8 9-10 11 12 13-14 15 16-17 18 Emirates Gastroenterology and Hepatology Conference (EGHC) 2015 2 – 4 April 2015 Exhibitor Manual EXHIBITION OVERVIEW EXHIBITION VENUE Dubai World Trade Center 2nd Zaabel Road (D 73 Rd), Alsaada P.O. Box 9292 Dubai United Arab Emirates International: +971 (0) 4 332 1000 www.DWTC.com THE VENUE MAP 2|Page Emirates Gastroenterology and Hepatology Conference (EGHC) 2015 2 – 4 April 2015 Exhibitor Manual Exhibition Rules and Regulations DEFINITIONS “EVENT”: Emirates Gastroenterology and Hepatology Conference (EGHC) 2015, Dubai, United Arab Emirates “EXHIBITOR/(S): is the name of the organization reserving space at the event. “MAIN EXHIBITOR”: is the name of the primary company signing the contract for the allocation of space with the Organizer. “ORGANISER”: Meeting Minds FZ LLC “CONTRACT”: Document encompassing the Rules and Regulations. “CONSENT”: The prior written consent of the Organizer. “EXHIBITION HALL”: Area allocated by the Organizer at the event. “HALL OWNER”: Dubai World Trade Centre 1. Duration of Exhibition 1.1. The EGHC 2015 exhibition will be open as per below timings: 02 April 2015, Thursday: 08:00 hrs – 18:00 hrs 03 April 2015, Friday: 08:30 hrs – 17:30 hrs 04 April 2015, Saturday: 08:30 hrs – 15:30 hrs During these times stands and exhibits must not be covered up and staff must be in attendance. 1.2. Exhibitor is not permitted to remove goods on display from the halls prior to 17:00 hrs on 04 April, 2015. The Organizer reserves the right to change the dates, location and duration of the exhibition or to postpone the event without Exhibitor having the right to claim indemnity. 2. Payment of Space 2.1. Participation by Exhibitor is subject to full cost being paid before taking up space at the Exhibition Hall. Exhibitor is liable for the cost of space booked as per the “Cancellation of Space Booking” clause. 2.2. Organizer may cancel this Contract at any time with immediate effect and without any liability to Exhibitors if circumstances or events outside the Organizer’s reasonable control impede, delay or otherwise substantially affect the Organizer’s ability to perform its obligations hereunder. 2.3. The Organizer may cancel this Contract at any time without the need to give reasons by giving Exhibitors twenty one (21) days’ notice of such cancellation. 2.4. The Organizer may also cancel this Contract with immediate effect if, in its reasonable opinion, an Exhibitor is in material breach of the terms of this Contract or such breach appears to the Organizer to be imminent or unavoidable, or if circumstances arise by which the Event gives rise to a serious risk of injury to any person or to damage to either the Exhibition Hall or other property. 3. Prohibit of Transfer 3.1. Exhibitor may not assign, sub-let or grant licenses, in respect of the whole or any part of the space allotted, nor make any cards, advertisements or printed matter of firms or companies who are not bona fide Exhibitors, be exhibited or distributed from any stand. 3|Page Emirates Gastroenterology and Hepatology Conference (EGHC) 2015 2 – 4 April 2015 Exhibitor Manual 4. Insolvency 4.1. In the event of the Exhibitor entering into liquidation, whether compulsory or voluntary (save for the purpose of reconstruction or amalgamation) or, being an individual, committing any act of bankruptcy, or whether a company or an individual, calling any meeting of, or making any arrangement with, its/his creditors, or permitting any judgment to remain unsatisfied for seven days, or a receiver of any assets of the Exhibitor being appointed by any distress or execution being levied upon any goods or premises of the Exhibitor, the Organizer shall have the right to terminate any Contract with the Exhibitor, to cancel the allotment of space and to retain all monies paid by the Exhibitor under such Contract. 5. Amendment of Hall Layout 5.1. The Organizer reserves the right to amend the plan of the Exhibition Hall and move the position of the stands if required by the Hall Owners, Fire Authorities, or for any other reasons. 6. General Instructions and Regulations 6.1. Exhibitor must comply with the Organizer’s Regulations, the Rules and Regulations issued by the Hall Owners and all the Statutory Regulations that have effect at the Exhibition Hall.om 03 7. Exhibition Tenancy 7.1. Adequate time will be allowed by the Organizer for the erection of stands and technical connections, also for the dismantling of stands and the removal of all exhibits and contractors materials. The dates and time for these operations are shown in the Exhibitors Timetable. 7.2. The Organizer reserves the right to remove, at a cost to be passed on to the Exhibitor, any materials or exhibits that may be abandoned within the Hall. 8. Erection of Exhibition Stand 8.1. Exhibitor is not permitted to erect and/or display goods in such a manner that may, in the opinion of the Organizer, obstruct the light or impedes the viewing along the open spaces or gangways, or to occasion inconvenience or otherwise affect the display of other Exhibitors. 8.2. Exhibitor must inform the Organizer of the names and addresses of any contractors or sub – contractors they may be using by latest 30 days prior to the opening of the Exhibition. 9. Space Only Contracts 9.1. Exhibitor is responsible for the construction of the stand including fixed walling to the perimeters of their stands where it adjoins another stand and the prominent display of their allotted stand number/s. 10. Utilities and Usage Only the Hall Owner is entitled to arrange for the supply of utilities to the Exhibition Hall. 10.1. Exhibitors shall be liable for the cost of their own telephone calls and other telecommunications charges within the Exhibition Hall. 10.2. The Organizer shall not be liable to Exhibitors for any technical interruptions at the Exhibition Hall during the Event including, without limitation, any failure of the supply of electricity, water, airconditioning, cleaning or security services. 10.3. Exhibitors shall ensure that all parts of the Exhibition Hall and all fixtures, fittings and chattels at the Exhibition Hall shall be handled and treated in a manner appropriate to their ordinary usage and not in a manner such as to cause them to become damaged, to expire or become worn early, and Exhibitors shall render them up to the Organizer in the same condition they were in at the commencement of the Event save for fair wear and tear. 10.4. Exhibitors shall be liable for replacement and repair costs of items broken, damaged, exhausted, lost or removed as a result of their default pursuant to this Contract. 4|Page Emirates Gastroenterology and Hepatology Conference (EGHC) 2015 2 – 4 April 2015 Exhibitor Manual 10.5. Exhibitors shall have the reasonable use of the service roads, loading facilities, toilets and conveniences attendant to the Exhibition Hall. Parking of vehicles and other equipment in car-parks controlled by the Hall Owner shall only be permitted with Consent and neither the Organizer nor the Hall Owner accepts any responsibility for there being insufficient car-parking space for any person or for any loss or damage caused to vehicles in such car-parks or on any access roads leading to the Exhibition Hall. 10.6. Exhibitors shall not erect seating in the Exhibition Hall without Consent. 10.7. Exhibitors shall designate a duly authorized agent to be present at the Exhibition Hall during Event opening times, which agent shall be empowered to receive instructions, complaints or explanations from the Organizer on the Exhibitor’s behalf. 10.8. The Organizer does not warrant or represent to any Exhibitor that the Exhibition Hall and/or services to be provided by it or the Hall Owner are appropriate for any specific purpose and Exhibitors hereby confirm and acknowledge that they were not induced to make their booking by any such warranty or representation. 11. Electrical Installation 11.1. General lighting within the Exhibition Hall is supplied and an official contractor has been appointed and a schedule of prices is included within the Exhibitor Manual should the Exhibitor require additional lighting within the stand. No other electrical contractors will be allowed to work within the Exhibition Hall. 13. 12. Alterations and Fixing Exhibitor shall not, without Consent; 12.1. Make any alterations to the structure, internal layout, fittings, decorations or furnishings of the Exhibition hall. 12.2. Fix anything to the walls, ceilings, floors or pillars of the Exhibition hall by nails, screws, drawing pins, tape, adhesive or other means; or 12.3. Suspend anything from the ceiling of the Exhibition hall or any other raised area or thing, nor raise or lower anything from the ceiling or any other raised area or thing. 13. Cleaning 13.1. Basic stand cleaning (i.e. vacuuming of carpets, emptying of waste bins) is included in the contract with the Organizer and will take place each morning before the exhibition opens. 14. Smoking 14.1. Exhibitor shall prevent all persons from smoking in the Exhibition Hall, except in areas which have been designated by the Hall Owner as areas where smoking is permitted. 15. Security 15.1. The Organizer provides general security within the Exhibition hall. However, the Exhibitor is responsible for the security of its own stand and is particularly advised to secure light, moveable items or provide security guard especially for the night before the show opening and during the first night or breakdown. 16. Dangerous Materials 16.1. The following are excluded from the Exhibition: explosives, denoting or fulminating compounds, and all dangerous or harmful substances, including priming, fireworks, matches, etc. Priming, firework, matches and similar objects can only be exhibited in the form of imitations and on condition that they contain no inflammable matter. 5|Page Emirates Gastroenterology and Hepatology Conference (EGHC) 2015 2 – 4 April 2015 Exhibitor Manual 16.2. Only goods described at the time of application may be displayed on stands, and or any goods not approved by the Organizer must be removed from the Exhibition premises. 17. Fire Precaution 17.1. All materials used for the building, decorating or covering stands must be of non – inflammable material. Exhibitor must comply with any reasonable instructions given by the Organizer, or the Licensees of the Exhibition Hall, or any Local Authority. 18. Photographs 18.1. No stands or articles may be photographed, drawn, copied or reproduced in any way without the permission of the Organizer. 19. Accidents, Lost Items and Insurance 19.1. Save where the same results from the Organizer’s gross negligence, the Organizer shall assume no liability for any accidents occurring in connection with the Event. In particular any athletic, artistic or hazardous performance shall be conducted wholly at the Exhibitor’s own risk. 19.2. The Organizer shall not be responsible for any loss of or damage (including by theft or vandalism) to items belonging to any Exhibitor or in an Exhibitor’s possession at or in the proximity of the Exhibition Hall. 19.3. Exhibitors must obtain adequate insurance cover for the risks associated with exhibiting at the Event from a reputable insurer and shall, if so demanded by the Organizer, provide copies of the policy documentation to the Organizer. 20. Public Performance & Copyright 20.1. Should the Exhibitor bring onto the stand, audio and visual equipment and amplifiers or other electronic equipment for the purposes of playing sound recordings, showing films or receiving visual images or sounds conveyed by electronic means, it is the Exhibitor’s own responsibility to ensure, at its own expense, that all relevant licenses and consents in connection with the laws of copyright or infringement of the rights of those who have legal protection against unauthorized public performance or broadcast of their recordings, have been obtained. The Organizer accepts no responsibility in this respect or liability which may arise from your failure to do so. 21. Noise Control 21.1. The use of video equipment, loudspeaker systems, tape recorders, film projectors or slide projectors is permitted provided the noise level is sufficiently low to avoid undue disturbance to visitors and other Exhibitors. The Organizer reserves the right to exercise its own judgment in respect to an acceptable level of noise. Demonstration of noisy machinery must be kept to a minimum in order to avoid annoyance to visitors and Exhibitors. 22. Exhibits 22.1. Exhibits must be displayed on stands for the entire duration of the Exhibition and must comply with the safety regulations for the prevention of accidents. 23. Operation of Equipment 23.1. Exhibitor shall be responsible and solely liable for the operation of equipment displayed on its designated space/stand within the Exhibition Hall. No electrical equipment shall be fixed or installed at the Exhibition hall without written consent, which may be granted, subject to satisfactory testing of such equipment. 6|Page Emirates Gastroenterology and Hepatology Conference (EGHC) 2015 2 – 4 April 2015 Exhibitor Manual 24. Lien on Exhibits 24.1. In the event that the Exhibitor owes money to the Organizer, such Exhibitor’s exhibits in the Exhibition Hall shall be subject to lien by the Organizer, and no such exhibit shall be allowed to be removed from the Exhibition Hall without Consent. 25. Promotional Activity 25.1. Shall be confined to the stand area and are not permitted elsewhere in the Exhibition grounds, including the aisles. Publicity shall be confined to promotion of exhibited goods and shall not be in breach of statuary regulations or good taste, nor shall it be of an ideological or political nature. 25.2. Comparable and superlative promotion is inadmissible. The Organizer reserves the right to prohibit the display or distribution of advertising matter that could give rise to offence, and to confiscate the supplies thereof for the duration of the event. 25.3. Optical, mobile and acoustic publicity aids are permitted provided they do not disturb neighbouring Exhibitors or render inaudible the public address system in the Exhibition hall. 26. Admission 26.1. Admission is by badge issued by the Organizer. If required, visitors must give proof of their bona fide interest in the Exhibition and the Organizer reserves the right to refuse admission without assigning any reason. 27. Limitation of Liability 27.1. The Organizer will not be responsible for the safety of the exhibits or property of the Exhibitor, its staff, contractors, or agents or any other persons, or for the loss of, damage or destruction to the same, by theft, fire, and other cause whatsoever, or for any loss or damage whatsoever sustained by the Exhibitor by reason of any defect in the building, fire, storm, tempest, lighting, national emergency, civil disturbances, inevitable accidents, force majeure or any other cause not within the control of the Organizer or for any other loss or damage whatsoever, or if by reason of the happenings of any such events, the opening of the Exhibition is prevented, postponed or abandoned or the building become wholly or partially unavailable for the holding of the Exhibition or if the Exhibitor suffers any other damage whatsoever. 27.2. As the Organizer accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage suffered by any Exhibitor, the Exhibitor should note there are no circumstances under which the Organizer can either become contractually bound to the Exhibitor or be regarded as a principal or an agent in relation to any legal agreement into which the Exhibitor may enter with a contractor. 28. Indemnity 28.1. Except as a result of the gross negligence or wilful default of the Organizer, the Exhibitor shall be liable for and shall indemnify the Organizer and its agents against all losses, damages, claims, costs and expenses incurred directly or indirectly in connection with their use or occupation of the Exhibition Hall arising from any fraudulent, wrongful or negligent act or omission, breach of this Contract or breach of any municipal or governmental law or regulation by them. 28.2. In any event, and notwithstanding anything referred to elsewhere in this Contract, the Organizer shall not be liable to any Exhibitor under any circumstances for consequential, economic, special or indirect loss or damage. For the avoidance of doubt, but without limitation, the Organizer shall not be liable to any Exhibitor for loss of business, profits or contracts or any damage to their reputation or image in the event the Organizer changes, postpones or cancels the Event as permitted hereunder. 28.3. Irrespective of any other provision in this Contract, any exclusion or limitation of the Organizer’s liabilities or obligations shall have no application if such limitation or exclusion is prohibited by law or, if by law such liability or obligation may only be limited to a specific extent, then the Organizer’s liabilities and obligations to an Exhibitor in respect thereof shall be limited to the maximum permissible extent. 7|Page Emirates Gastroenterology and Hepatology Conference (EGHC) 2015 2 – 4 April 2015 Exhibitor Manual 29. Governing Law and Jurisdiction Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of and applicable in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Contract which cannot be settled amicably between the parties shall be referred to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Abu Dhabi. 30. Notices 30.1. Any notice or communication to be made hereunder or in connection with this Contract shall be in writing in the English language and shall be delivered personally or by post, courier or facsimile transmission to the respective address or facsimile number of the parties set out in the Technical Document or such other address or facsimile number as either party may notify in writing to the other from time to time. 30.2. Proof of delivery, posting or dispatch shall be deemed to be proof of receipt:a- in the case of a letter, upon delivery thereof (if delivered by hand or by courier) or (if sent by post) on the tenth (10th) business day after posting; and b- in the case of a facsimile transmission, upon the sending machine producing a receipt of an uninterrupted and completed transmission to the intended recipient. 31. Modifications and Additions 31.1. The Organizer shall be entitled at any time to amend the Event Rules & Regulations in light of prevailing circumstances and shall promptly after any such amendment inform Exhibitors of such amendments. The Exhibitor hereby agrees to abide by all such amendments. 8|Page Emirates Gastroenterology and Hepatology Conference (EGHC) 2015 2 – 4 April 2015 Exhibitor Manual CONTACTS ORGANIZER Meeting Minds Experts Dubai Media City Al Shatha Tower - Office Suite 3113/3114 P.O. Box 502464 Telephone +971 4 427 0492 Fax +971 4 427 0493 Email: paras@meetingmindsdubai.com OFFICIAL SERVICE CONTRACTOR The Organiser, Meeting Minds Experts have appointed Top Exhibitions as the official Stand Contractor for Emirates Gastroenterology and Hepatology Conference (EGHC) 2015. Top Exhibitions will be responsible for all of the following services: Supply, build and onsite support of all Shell Scheme stands with fascia panels and electrical package Supply of all mains electricity (Space Only Exhibitors will need to order this additionally) Supply of furniture from a set package and / or from the Top Exhibitions furniture catalogue Supply and lay of Exhibition Grade carpet to Shell Scheme stands (alternative colours can be ordered) Supply and fitting of any additional electrical / stand fitting requirements Supply and application of graphics for Shell Scheme stands We strongly recommend that orders for any of the above services are placed early by contacting our Customer Call Centre, using the onsite ordering link below or by submitting the order forms provided to ensure securing preferred items and prompt delivery during the build-up of the show. Specific deadline dates for orders can be found on each order form. Top Exhibitions P.O.Box 10931, Dubai Mr. Marwan Merhi M: +971 50 6548607 T: +971 4 2894470 F: +971 4 2894480 E: topex@emirates.net.ae W: www.top-exhibitions.com 9|Page Emirates Gastroenterology and Hepatology Conference (EGHC) 2015 2 – 4 April 2015 Exhibitor Manual Exhibition Time table ITEM DATE TIME (From) TIME (To) Official Build-up 1 April 2015 Wednesday 07:00 am 08:00 pm Access for Space only Contractors/Exhibitors 1 April 2015 Wednesday 07:00 am 08:00 pm Access for Shell Scheme Exhibitors 1 April 2015 Wednesday 04:00 pm 08:00 pm Deadline for completion of Stand Build 1 April 2015 Wednesday 08:00 pm Exhibition Hours for delegates and exhibitors Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 2 April 2015, Thursday 3 April 2015, Friday 4 April 2015, Saturday 08:00 am 08:30 am 08:30 am 06:00 pm 05:30 pm 03:30 pm Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 2 April 2015, Thursday 3 April 2015, Friday 4 April 2015, Saturday 07:00 am 07:30 am 07:30 am 07:00 pm 06:30 pm 04:30 pm Official Teardown 4 April 2015 Saturday 04:30 pm* 08:00 pm Access to Exhibition for Exhibitors *To be confirmed as per the final program 11 | P a g e Emirates Gastroenterology and Hepatology Conference (EGHC) 2015 2 – 4 April 2015 Exhibitor Manual Exhibitor Checklist Submit high resolution logo and company description (as per agreement) Submit names and contact details for exhibitor badges COMPULSORY FORM FOR SHELL SCHEME STANDS Company Name Board / Fascia COMPULSORY FORMS FOR SPACE ONLY STANDS Complex Structure Form Electrical Order Form OPTIONAL FORMS Electrical Order Form Furniture Order Form IMPORTANT DATES Deadline for signed contracts Deadline for full payments Deadline to receive Program Book Adverts for eligible sponsors/exhibitors Deadline to receive delegate bag inserts (Hardcopy) for eligible sponsors / exhibitors Deadline to receive eligible sponsored delegates information 12 | P a g e 15 March 2015 Meeting Minds 15 March 2015 Meeting Minds 15 March 2015 Top Exhibitions 16 March 2015 18 March 2015 Meeting Minds Top Exhibition 18 March 2015 18 March 2015 Top Exhibitions Top Exhibitions 18 March 2015 24 March 2015 16 March 2015 23 March 2015 Meeting Minds Meeting Minds Meeting Minds Meeting Minds 15 March 2015 Meeting Minds Emirates Gastroenterology and Hepatology Conference (EGHC) 2015 2 – 4 April 2015 Exhibitor Manual Stand Guideline and Information The following are included in the space rental fee for Shell Scheme stands: Electrical Package (per stand) 3 Spotlight 1 Power Socket Furniture Package (per stand) 2 Chairs 1 Table 1 Waste bin SHELL SCHEME STRUCTURE It is prohibited to affix nails, hooks, tacks, screws, adhesives, paint or similar items to any part of the stand. If Exhibitors wish to affix any posters etc. to their stand they must affix to MDF cladding and not directly to the Shell Scheme panels. Shell Scheme panels are reusable and any damages will incur a fee. Any additional displays must be contained within the Shell Scheme structure and must not exceed 2.5m in height. Otherwise, please contact the Organiser for approval of your stand designs. Dimensions of the Shell Scheme components can be found at the end of this document. Please note the attached visual is for reference only. The space booked with the Organiser may look different depending on the stand size, location and orientation. Exhibitors should check with the Organiser should they wish to confirm their exact stand space and number of sides open. NAME BOARD / FASCIA PANEL Fascia panels will be fixed to the front and / or sides of the stand. The cost of all fascia panels is included in the space rental fee. The Exhibitor’s name and stand number will be printed in UPPERCASE lettering and applied directly to the fascia panel(s). The name Exhibitor’s wish to appear on their fascia should be submitted on the specified order form to Top Exhibitions by the stated deadline. If an order form is not received from the Exhibitor, the company name provided by the Organiser in the Exhibitor List will be that used for the fascia panel(s) and any onsite alterations required to the name panel will be subject to a charge It is possible for Exhibitor’s to display their Company logo on the fascia (at an extra cost) – please refer to the Shell Scheme graphics order form for details. SPACE ONLY STANDS As one of the largest exhibition contracting companies in the UAE, Top Exhibitions can offer cost effective Design and Build solutions to make any exhibit a success, however large or small. For further information, please contact Top Exhibition to discuss how they can help. Top Exhibitions can also provide Space Only Exhibitors with other appointed Stand Contractors with Furniture and Carpet. Please see below for further details. 13 | P a g e Emirates Gastroenterology and Hepatology Conference (EGHC) 2015 2 – 4 April 2015 Exhibitor Manual Top Exhibitions Exhibitor Services and Ordering FURNITURE Shell Scheme stands will be supplied with one furniture package per stand of booked space. The package comprises of 2 chairs, 1 table, and 1 waste bin. Items included in the package cannot be substituted for any other items in the catalogue; if Exhibitors require alternative items then these would have to be ordered additionally. Additional furniture for Shell Scheme and furniture for Space Only stands can also be ordered from Top Exhibitions; full details, specifications and prices can be found in the Furniture Catalogue and order form. All orders are subject to availability and we would encourage all Exhibitors to place orders early to secure preferred items and to avoid incurring late order fees. CARPET The entire Exhibition floor space will be carpeted by Top Exhibitions Grade carpet. Shell Scheme stands will be provided with grey exhibition grade carpet which is included in the space rental fee. Should Shell Scheme Exhibitors wish to have a different coloured carpet then they may do so by ordering on the carpet order form (at an additional cost). All orders are subject to availability and we would encourage all Exhibitors to place orders early to secure preferred colours and avoid disappointment. Space Only Exhibitors may also order carpet using the carpet order form. ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS SHELL SCHEME STANDS Top Exhibitions will provide mains power, 3-pin electrical socket and 35W halide spotlights as per previously mentioned package for all Shell Scheme stands. Power consumed by the stand is also included in the space rental charges. Sockets will be located at default positions at Top Exhibitions discretion unless otherwise indicated by the Exhibitor on the grid plan enclosed in the order form. Any onsite relocations will incur a fee. Spotlight locations are determined by the overhead supports. Any additional electrical requirements (e.g. sockets, extension leads) may be ordered using the Electrical order form for Shell Scheme stands and any extra mains power required can be ordered using the Utilities order form for Space Only stands (see below). Note extra power will need to be ordered should Exhibitors wish to use their sockets for coffee machines and anything else which requires a lot of power. 14 | P a g e Emirates Gastroenterology and Hepatology Conference (EGHC) 2015 2 – 4 April 2015 Exhibitor Manual Space Only Stands Space Only Exhibitors must order their mains power using the Utilities order form for Space Only Stands, otherwise they will not be provided with a power supply. Power consumed by the stand is included in the stated price. Cables will be located at the discretion of Top Exhibitions unless otherwise indicated by the Exhibitor and / or their Contractor on the grid plan enclosed in the order form. Any onsite relocations (if possible) will incur a fee. Main power does not automatically come with a distribution board; this should either be supplied by the Contractor or can be ordered separately through Top Exhibitions. All other electrical connections, fixtures and fittings should also be supplied and fitted by the individually appointed Stand Contractors and not Top Exhibitions. Space Only Exhibitors and / or their appointed Stand Contractor must contact Top Exhibitions directly for power supply. We encourage all mains power orders to be placed as early as possible to avoid incurring surcharges and onsite prices. Once an order has been placed and an invoice issued, it is not possible to amend the order free of charge. All orders are subject to a 100% cancellation fee. SHELL SCHEME EXTRAS AND STANDFITTINGS Exhibitors will be provided with a Shell Scheme structure, as detailed. Any additional requirements to the stand such as store rooms, ceilings, shelving etc. can be ordered using the Stand fitting Extras order form (at an additional cost). General information PAYMENTS Payments to Top Exhibitions can be made by credit card or bank transfer upon receipt of invoice. Exhibitors will receive an invoice to the email address stated on the order form. Goods will not be supplied and stands will not be energised if payment is not received in full in advance. EVENT BREAKDOWN Top Exhibitions will begin to dismantle the Shell Scheme stands at the close of the event and would request that any display items, products and / or personal property be removed from the stand by this time. Exhibitors will be held responsible for any damages to / loss of Top Exhibitions property and will consequently be charged. Top Exhibitions cannot accept any responsibility for items that are not removed, and which may be subsequently damaged or stolen. 15 | P a g e Emirates Gastroenterology and Hepatology Conference (EGHC) 2015 2 – 4 April 2015 Exhibitor Manual Venue Information BANKING FACILITIES Many international banks are represented by branches in Dubai. Bank hours vary, but in general are open from 08:00 to 18:00, Sundays to Thursdays, and 08:00 – 12:00, Saturdays. Banks are closed on Fridays. DELIVERIES All deliveries must be made during, and not before, contractual tenancy dates, and hours and be addressed as follows: Addressee Name of Exhibition Organizers’ Office or Stand Number Hall Number(s) Dubai World Trade Center 2nd Zaabel Road (D 73 Rd), Alsaada P.O. Box 9292 Dubai United Arab Emirates International: +971 (0) 4 332 1000 All deliveries should be directed to the organiser’s office. The venue cannot take any responsibility for any deliveries and will not sign for any item. During the open hours of the event deliveries are only permitted from 1 hour prior to the show opening up until 15 minutes up until the show actually opens. Only under exception circumstances can deliveries be made during event open hours. DWTC staffs are not permitted to sign for deliveries on behalf of a third party. FIRE EXITS Fire exits must be kept clear of obstructions at all times both inside the hall and outside. Abu Dhabi Civil Defence has the right to close any event down if these regulations are not adhered to. Any items found blocking a fire exit will be deemed as rubbish and disposed of without notice. FOOT PROTECTION Persons working on the build-up and breakdown within the exhibition halls are required to wear footwear that protects the toes and soles of feet from injury. Persons in open-toe sandals will not be allowed into the halls during these periods. HEALTH AND SAFETY All employers including DWTC, event Organisers, contractors and exhibitors, have a duty of care under the UAE Federal Labour Law No 8 to ensure that work activities are carried out with proper regard to safety. In addition, DWTC is governed by a specific Licensing Authority conditions and its own Safe Working Practices. Licensees are required to comply with all of the above and to ensure that all contractors engaged by them, their agents and exhibitors in turn, comply with them. DWTC also operates its own health and safety policy, a copy is available upon request. DWTC promotes the use of the ‘Guide to Managing Health & Safety at Exhibitions and Events’ published by the AEO, EVA and BECA and recommends that this publication be used to aid event health and safety planning. 16 | P a g e Emirates Gastroenterology and Hepatology Conference (EGHC) 2015 2 – 4 April 2015 Exhibitor Manual DWTC recognizes its’ responsibility for the impact on the environment and its activities and those of its’ customers, Licensees, exhibitors, contractors and the public are actively encouraged to work with DWTC to promote best practice and reduce the environmental impact caused by events. DWTC reserves the right to stop any activity if it is deemed to be unsafe, or does not comply with relevant legislation or best working practice. Advice can be obtained from DWTC’s Health and Safety Manager. It is the organiser’s responsibility to carry out accident investigations with the DWTC Health and Safety team and to report these as necessary. LOST PROPERTY Any lost property should be handed in to the DWTC Security Office located level 1 by Car Park B. In order to claim an item the person needs to complete a Lost and Found Receipt form and submit a copy of their photo ID Items will be kept for 6 months only then passed to Abu Dhabi Police. If a lost item is reported but not received by DWTC Security then personal details will be taken (name, mobile no, full description of the item), and they will be contacted should the item be handed in. POLICE (Direct to Police) Emergency number: 999 Car Accidents: 999 PRAYER FACILITIES DWTC has designated Male and Female prayer rooms with washing facilities. The Prayer Rooms are located on Level 1, near the Business Centre and on Level 1 by the Aloft Hotel. SMOKING POLICY DWTC is a non-smoking venue. 17 | P a g e FASCIA NAME ORDER FORM Top Exhibitions Organizers Tel: +971 4 28 95 958 P.O. Box 10931 - Dubai Fax: +971 4 289 4480 United Arab Emirates E-mail : ops1@top-exhibitions.ae Exhibition Name: ………………………………………… Stand No: ………………. Company Name : ………………………………………………………………………… Tel : ……………………………………… E-mail Fax : ……………………………………… Date : ……………………………… : ……………………………… Contact Person : ……………………………………… Signature : Company name to appear on the Fascia (Please write in block letters) IMPORTANT NOTES 1. Company name on shell scheme stands will be in standard Helvetica letters. 2. Logos can be added on the fascia or back panels at an extra charge. Kindly send your logo for quotation. 3. Printing and posters can be made. Kindly contact us for details and prices. ELECTRICAL ORDER FORM 2014 Tel: +971 4 28 95 958 Fax: +971 4 289 4480 E-mail : topex@emirates.net.ae Top Exhibitions Organizers P.O. Box 10931 - Dubai United Arab Emirates Exhibition Name: …………………………………………… Stand No. : ……………………………… Company Name : …………………………………………………………………………………………… Tel : ……………………………………… Fax : ……………………………… E-mail : ……………………………………… Date : ……………………………… Contact Person : ……………………………………… Signature : ELECTRICAL FITTINGS C/N EF1 EF2 EF3 EF4 EF5 EF6 EF7 EF8 EF9 EF10 ITEM 100W Standard Spotlight 100W Arm Spotlight 150W Halogen Arm light 300W halogen flood light 75W HQI light 75W HQI arm light 13A Socket 15A socket Extension Cord Multi-Pin Adaptor More than 15 days prior 30 35 40 45 50 55 35 40 20 3 Less than 15 days prior 38 45 50 58 63 70 45 50 27 4 Quantity Total US$ MAIN SUPPLY for Build Up (Only for shows where Top Exhibitions is the main Contractor) C/N ITEM MS2 MS3 MS4 MS4 15Amps Single Phase Main 30Amps Single Phase Main 15Amps Three Phase Main 30Amps Three Phase Main MS1 MS2 MS3 MS4 MS5 MS6 MS7 MS8 MS9 MS10 MS11 24 Hour Supply + 30% of below prices 15Amps Single Phase Main 30Amps Single Phase Main 15Amps Three Phase Main 30Amps Three Phase Main 60Amps Three Phase Main 100Amps Three Phase Main Ceiling cable for truss Single Phase Distribution Board Three Phase Distribution Board Water and Waste / 3mm pipe More than 15 Less than 15 days prior days prior 100 185 300 500 Quantity Total US$ 150 280 450 750 MAIN SUPPLY for Stands (Only for shows where Top Exhibitions is the main Contractor) 200 375 600 1050 1800 3300 350 150 250 1100 300 575 900 1600 2750 4850 530 200 300 1700 Total US$ IMPORTANT NOTES 1. Orders are valid only when accpomanied by full remittance 2. Transfers should be made Net of All Bank Charges to: Top Exhibition Organizers, A/C 102 238 577 1401 Emirates NBD Bank, Rashidiya Branch, Dubai-UAE, IBAN: AE 4902 6000 102 238 577 1401, Swift: EBI LA EAD 3. Late Orders will be subject to availability 4. Prices are for the entire duration of the show. 5. Only local cheques are accepted in favor of Top Exhibition Organizers. FURNITURE / DISPLAY AIDS ORDER FORM This form must be returned 20 days before the show to : Top Exhibitions P.O. Box 10931 - Dubai United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 4 28 95 958 Fax: +971 4 289 4480 E-mail: topex@emirates.net.ae Exhibition Name: ………………………………………….…….Stand No ………………….. Company: ………………………………………………………………………………………… Tel: ………………………………………….….. Fax: ..………………………………………… E-mail: ………………………………………………….……………...Date: …………………… Contact Person: ………………………………………... S/N A1 A2 A3 A4 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 D1 D2 ITEM D4 D5 D6 E1 E2 E3 F1 Information Counter Lockable Counter Reception Counter Curved Counter Adjustable Stool Bar Stool Upholstered Chair White Chair Sofa Seat Round Table – Chrome a) Square Table – Chrome, White b) Square Table – White a) Adjustable Table b) Adjustable Table Bar Table - Chrome Coffee Table Large Table Low Showcase Tall Showcase Octanorm Showcase Exhibit Base G1 a) Flat Shelf Wooden D3 Signature: ................................... SIZE CM 200x50x100 100x50x90 100x50x105 R=100, H=90 D= 80 x H=75 80x80x75 70x70x75 D= 60 x H= 70-90 D= 60 x H= 70-90 D= 60 x H= 120 50x50x45 120x70x75 100x50x100 85x45x190 100x50x90 a) 50x50x50 b) 50x50x75 c) 50x50x100 100x30x1.8 PRICE US$ 90 50 60 75 40 40 20 20 50 40 40 35 45 45 45 25 50 100 120 90 30 35 45 10 QTY TOTAL PRICE G2 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 J1 J5 J8 b) Flat Shelf Glass Slope Shelf Folding Door Garment Hanger Brochure Holder Table Top a) Brochure Holder Free standing b) Brochure Holder Zig-Zag a) Small Pegboard + 6 Hooks b) Small Pegboard + 6 Hooks a) Big Pegboard +12 Hooks b) Big Pegboard +8 Hooks Grid Panel (70x70 holes) Waste Basket a) 42” plasma screen +DVD & stand a) 32” plasma screen +DVD Table top TV Stand Refrigerator 100x30x0.8 100x30x0.9 100x200 L= 130 x H= 170 3 levels - Prespex 10 pocket 90x120 45x120 90x240 45x240 90x180 + 10 Hooks 50x50x120 48x53x82 IMPORTANT NOTE: IMPORTANT NOTE 1. Orders are valid only when accompanied by full remittance 2. Transfers should be made Net of bank Charges, to Top Exhibition Organizers, A/C 102 238 577 1401, Emirates NBD Bank, Rashidiya Branch, Dubai UAE. IBAN: AE 4902 6000 102 238 577 1401 Swift Code: EBI LA EAD, 3. Late orders will be subject to availability, and to 20% surcharge. 4. Prices are for the entire duration of the show. 5. Only local cheques are accepted in favor of Top Exhibition Organizers. 30 12 70 45 30 30 40 40 30 60 40 50 5 350 300 50 80 TOTAL US$
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