General Secretariat of the Council Directorate-General Agriculture, Fisheries, Social Affairs and Health Directorate Fisheries, Food chain and Veterinary questions Veterinary and Plant Health Questions, Food Chain, Forestry Unit FAO-COORD 2015-014 Brussels, 26 March 2015 Subject: 151st session of the FAO Council (Rome, 23-27 March 2015) Item 3: Medium term Plan 2014-2017 (Reviewed) and Programme of Work and Budget 2016-17 Delegations will find attached the final version of the further Statement on item 3 of the abovementioned meeting as approved by the Coordination Working Party (FAO) at its on-the-spot meeting on 26 March 2015 in Rome. _________________ FAO-COORD 2015-014 1 151st session of the Council (Rome, 23-27 March 2015) Further Presidency statement on behalf of the EU and its Member States Item 3: Medium term Plan 2014-2017 (Reviewed) and Programme of Work and Budget 2016-17 Mr Chair, 1. I am honoured to speak on behalf of the European Union and its 28 Member States. 2 First we would like to thank you, Mr Chair, for your efforts to take the discussion on the PWB forward in the Friends of the Chair Group and through informal and inclusive consultations with representatives and observers of the regional groups. This has been very helpful in enhancing mutual understanding and identifying the key issues at stake. 3. We would also like to thank the Secretariat for the information and explanations they have so far provided in reply to our queries and look forward to receiving further clarifications for our consideration. 4. We appreciate the efforts that the Secretariat and FAO’s Management have made since Monday to identify areas where further savings could be found. We note that, on the basis of the new proposal put forward this morning by the Secretariat, a consensus on the budget level was reached in the Friends of the Chair Group. 5. We are therefore ready, in a spirit of compromise, and despite the serious financial constraints that EU Member States are facing, to accept the revised budget level of 1035.7 million US dollars. 6. Finally, we look forward to continuing to work together on FAO’s programme of work. Thank you, Mr Chair. _______________ FAO-COORD 2015-014 2
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