Types of C&D Facilitities Registered C&D Processing Facility: Waste Management Flowchart for Soil Excavations Can receive and process "uncontaminated" and unadultered wood, asphalt pavement, brick, concrete, masonary waste, soil or rocks. Examples of Materials That Can Be C&D Debris Must be "UNCONTAMINATED" and resulting from construction, remodeling, repair or demolition of utilities, structures and roads Soil and Brick, Concrete and Wood Rocks Masonry materials Does the excavated soil contain debris other than rocks, bricks, glass, concrete or asphalt? (i.e. building materials) Permitted C&D Landfill: Can accept and dispose of only C&D waste Can accept and dispose of C&D and other solid Permitted Transfer Station: wastes for the purpose of subsequent transfer to another solid waste management facility. NO YES Does the site have known history of environmental contamination? Samping and laboratory analysis for TCLP1 is required for all soils prior to disposal or re-use. If there is a desire to re-use the soil or dispose of it at a C&D Facility, then Total Contaminant Analysis2 must also be performed. NO YES Does the excavated material exhibit visual staining or odors? NO Are Lab Results YES NO 1 for TCLP Above RCRA Limits3? Are Lab Results for Totals2 Above Part 3754 Unrestricted Limits? YES Dispose of as Hazardous Waste Dispose via EHSS Haz. Waste Dispose of as Regulated Waste Dispose at an EHSS Approved NYSDEC Regulated Part 360 Landfill (Note: additional sampling may be required prior to approval) NO NO YES Dispose or Re-use as "Uncontaminated" Soil/Fill OR Is encountered debris likely a result of Pre-1962 fill or construction activities? NO Excavated Material can be assumed "Uncontaminated". No lab analysis required. Dispose at a NYSDEC Permitted C&D Landfill Does the site have known YES history of environmental contamination? Does the excavated material exhibit visual staining or odors? OR Dispose or Reuse as "Uncontaminated" Soil/Fill OR Asphalt Land clearing debris Non-asbestos insulation Glass Plumbing fixtures Wall coverings, dry wall, plaster Plastics Electrical wiring Roofing shingles and coverings Samping and laboratory analysis for TCLP1 is required for all soils prior to disposal or re-use. If there is a desire to re-use the soil or dispose of it at a C&D Landfill or 2 Transfer Station, then Total Contaminant Analysis must also be performed. NO YES NO Is any encountered debris suspected to contain a contaminant(s) (i.e. asbestos, paint, mastic, caulk, PCBs, petroleum, chemicals, etc.)? YES YES Are Lab Results NO for TCLP1 Above RCRA Limits3? Is encountered debris likely a result of Pre-1962 fill or construction activities? YES Dispose of as Hazardous Waste Dispose of as Regulated Waste Dispose via EHSS Haz. Waste Dispose at an EHSS Approved NYSDEC Regulated Part 360 Landfill NO Excavated Material can be assumed "Uncontaminated". No lab analysis required. Are Lab Results for Totals2 Above Part 3754 Unrestricted Limits? YES NO OR Dispose at a NYSDEC Registered C&D Processing Facility OR Re-Use On-site with approval from EHSS and/or NYSDEC6,7,8 Is any encountered debris YES suspected to contain a contaminant(s) (i.e. asbestos, paint, mastic, caulk, PCBs, petroleum, chemicals, etc.)? YES Dispose of as "Uncontaminated" C&D Debris Dispose at a NYSDEC Permitted C&D Landfill OR Dispose of as "Uncontaminated" C&D Debris Dispose at a NYSDEC Permitted Transfer Station OR Dispose at an EHSS Approved NYSDEC Regulated Part 360 Landfill Re-Use On-Site5,7 OR OR 9 Re-Use Off-Site at SU OR Re-Use Off-Site at an EHSS Approved Non-SU Commercial Location5,7,9 OR OR NO Request a Case Specific Beneficial Use Determination from NYSDEC to be able to Re-Use Material8 (may take 3-6 months to obtain) 1 The laboratory analytical parameters for TCLP Analysis will be determined by the requirements of the disposal faciilty. The parameters may include: TCLP for Metals, TCLP for VOCs, TCLP for SVOCs, PCBs, Flashpoint, % Solid, pH, Paint Filter, and/or asbestos. The laboratory analytical parameters for Total Contaminant Analysis must include Metals, VOCs, SVOCs, PCBs, and Pesticides. 3 RCRA Limits are defined in 40 CFR Part 261 4 Part 375 Unrestricted Limits are the Soil Cleanup Objectives provided in NYSDEC's 6 NYCRR Part 375-6 regulations which allow for unrestricted use. Soils must be analyzed for Total Contaminates (not TCLP) to allow for comparison with these limits. 5 Predetermined BUD #7 - NYSDEC allows for beneficial re-use of "uncontaminated soil which has been excavated as part of a construction project, and which is being used as a fill material, in place of soil native to the site of disposition." [6 NYCRR 360-1.15(b)(7)] 6 Predetermined BUD #8 - NYSDEC allows for beneficial re-use of "nonhazardous, contaminated soil which has been excavated as part of a construction project, other than a department-approved or undertaken inactive hazardous waste disposal site remediation program, and which is used as backfill for the same excavation or excavations containing similar contaminants at the same site". (Note: use of in-place and stockpiled soil from a site may also need approval by the local health department.) [6 NYCRR 360-1.15(b)(8)] 7 Predetermined BUD #11 - NYSDEC allows for beneficial re-use of "recognizable, uncontaminated concrete and concrete products, asphalt pavement, brick, glass, soil and rock placed in commerce for service as a substitute for conventional aggregate." [6 NYCRR 360-1.15(b)(11)] 8 6NYCRR Part 360-1.15(d) allows for entities to request a case-specific beneficial use determination from NYSDEC. The process for receiving a case-specific beneficial use determination from NYSDEC may take a minimum of 3-6 months. 9 Re-use of "uncontaminated" soil/fill at an off-site location is only permitted if the disposal "occurs between the hours of sunrise and sunset, and no fee or other form of consideration is required for the privilege of using the facility for disposal purposes." [6 NYCRR 360-7.1(b)(1)] 2 Revision 5/05/15
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