REHB 509A Behavior Analysis Research Designs: Single Subject

Behavior Analysis Research Designs: Single Subject Designs
Spring 2015
Spring Semester Dates: January 20th – May 15th, 2015
Course Instructor:
Seth W. Whiting, PhD BCBA-D
Virtual Office Hours: By Appt.
Alt. Email:
Graduate Teaching Assistant:
Ryan Speelman, M.S., BCBA
Virtual Office Hours: By Appt.
Course Description & Objectives:
This course will focus on research design and evaluation methodology for interventions with
single systems including individuals, families, and organizations.
Following participation in this course, the student will be able to:
1. Understand and explain the history of and scientific viewpoint associated with single
system design
2. Given the description of a single system design (written or graphical) a) name it, b)
evaluate its procedural implementation, c) discuss the situations for which it is
appropriate and inappropriate, d) explain the logic by which it controls for extraneous
variables and evaluate it with respect to these and e) interpret results
3. Present a completely labeled figure with hypothetical data illustrating various single
system designs
4. Compare and evaluate the various single system designs with respect to the types of
research questions for which they are appropriate and their control of extraneous
5. Given an outline detailing scientific manuscript format, create research proposals to
conduct various single system experimental designs
Primary Text:
Kazdin, A. E. (2010). Single case research designs: Methods for clinical and applied settings.
New York: Oxford University Press.
Recommended Text:
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), Sixth Edition.
Additional Required Readings:
Additional readings have been made available through the Desire2Learn 509A course website or
through email (your account). You will find these additional readings listed on the
syllabus and like the readings from your textbook, they are required reading for the course.
Requirements and Grading:
Online Chats, Participation, & Quizzes
Online Chats
This class will meet every Monday night with Ryan from 8 pm to 9 pm CST and Thursday night
with Dr. Whiting from 8 pm to 9:30 pm CST. Class will take place in the SIU Online chat room
that has been set up for the course (you can access the site at Even though
this course will be presented to you ‘online’, it will require active participation on your part –
your level of participation, or lack thereof, will be graded. On the Monday and Thursday chat
nights, even though you are able to log in from anywhere with an internet connection, I
encourage you to treat the 1-1.5 hour sessions as if you were 'going to class' with the same effort
and attention you would give if we were all sitting in the classroom together. Be sure that you
are using a device that can access and play videos, navigate to other webpages, etc.
You are encouraged to speak in class via discussion boards and/or chat rooms regarding
questions or comments you have about the text and any related issues. I will present the material
scheduled for each chat session in the form of lecture and discussion. I will call on individual
students from time to time. The requirement for participation points earned in chat is above and
beyond just logging in. It is expected that you have read the material prior to coming to chat and
that your contributions to discussions are informed and intelligent.
To aide in your preparation for chat, on the syllabus is a calendar explaining exactly which
readings will be covered in chat each week. It is to your advantage to complete these readings
PRIOR TO coming to chat each week. In-chat lectures will cover the important themes from the
readings each week and will be followed by Q & A and general discussion.
For each chat, each one of you has the opportunity to earn 100% of the participations points
available. There are a total of 42 participation points available so this averages out to be
approximately 3 points per week and this does not include the quiz points on weeks those will
occur. The behaviors that enable you to earn your 3 points each week include giving correct (or
at least intelligent) responses when I call on you randomly (I aim to call on everyone at least
once during each chat), volunteering comments or questions when I ask the group as a whole,
and contributing to small group exercises.
Possible Points: 42
Over the course of the semester, there will be five quizzes administered during the chat sessions
that will serve as basic reading/lecture checks. These quizzes will be unannounced (they will
occur at random chat sessions) and consist of multiple choice or short answer questions based on
the week’s material. Quizzes will take place in chat, be timed (you will have a designated
amount of time to email you answers), and will always be worth 5 points for a grand total of 25
possible points over the semester.
Possible Points: 25
Seven exams will be administered and scheduled on the dates indicated on the syllabus. In
general, except for the week of Spring Break, exams will take place EVERY OTHER week and
cover 2 weeks’ worth of material. Exams will be due by Saturday at 11:30 pm the weeks they
occur. Late exams will not be accepted. The exams will be worth 20 points apiece and will
feature approximately 5-6 short answer and essay questions. The final exam will be the same as
all other exams and cover 2 weeks of material only.
Possible Points: 140
Single Subject Design Projects
Two single subject design projects will be due on the dates indicated on the syllabus. During
chat, we will go through how to complete one of these projects using the withdrawal design as an
example. For the two projects, you will use a multiple baseline design (100 pts.) for the first and
for the second, you will be able to choose between the use of a changing criterion or an
alternating treatments design (100 pts.).
For this project, you will not actually collect any data, however you will include hypothetical
results as if you had carried out the intervention. You will be provided with an outline to follow
that will help you adhere to scientific content and structure of an actual manuscript. You should
use the same outline for both projects and although you may make them based on the same
general topic (skill acquisition, addiction, problem behavior in the classroom), each must be on a
different specific topic (mand training, excessive drinking, out of seat behavior). To ensure
you’re doing this, the two projects should include a different set of references in the introduction
section and a different independent variable. Switching the population to which your intervention
is delivered, for example, would not be considered a novel enough change from a prior project.
Projects will be due on the dates indicated on the syllabus and points will be deducted for APA
Possible Points: 200
A = 407 – 365 points
B = 364 – 324 points
C = 323 – 283 points
F = 282 or Lower
If you are having difficulty with this material, see the course instructor as soon as
 This syllabus is subject to modification to correct errors, and to make additions or
deletions to improve the course.
 If you wish to drop this course, you must do so after the date designated by the
university. A grade of Incomplete will be given under the conditions specified in the
university catalog.
Academic Dishonesty
Each student is responsible for making himself or herself aware of the policies and procedures in
the Graduate Catalog (pp. 44-46) that pertain to Acts of Academic Dishonesty. These policies
cover such acts as plagiarism, preparing work for another student, cheating by any method or
means, falsifying or manufacturing data, furnishing false information to a university official
relative to academic matters, and soliciting, aiding, concealing, or attempting conduct in
violation of this code. The student is also responsible for making himself or herself aware of the
procedures applicable to cases of academic dishonesty as outlined in the Graduate Catalog (pp.
49-54), including jurisdiction at the department or college level, informal resolution, and formal
disciplinary measures. A student must consult with the instructor if he or she has questions
pertaining to academic dishonesty prior to the submission of an assignment or test.
The instructor is committed to equal opportunity in education for all students, including those
with documented disabilities. It is the responsibility of students with documented disabilities to
contact the instructor during the first week of class to discuss appropriate accommodations to
ensure equity in grading, classroom experiences, and outside assignments. Documentation is to
be provided and accommodations are to be arranged with Disability Support Services.
Emergency Procedures
SIU is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for study and work. We ask that
you become familiar with the SIU Emergency Response Plan and Building Emergency Response
Team (BERT) programs. Emergency response information is available on posters in buildings
on campus, available on BERT's website at, Department of Safety's website at
www. (disaster drop down) and the Emergency Response Guideline pamphlet.
Instructors will provide guidance and direction to students in the classroom in the event of an
emergency affecting your location. It is important that you follow these instructions and stay
with you instructor during an evacuation or sheltering emergency.
Course Schedule:
UNIT 1: Psychology as a Science & Overview of SSD
T, JAN. 27 & TH, JAN. 29
The Science of Behavior
Skinner, B.F. (1953). Science and human behavior. New York, NY: Macmillan. (Chps. 2-3)
Kennedy, C. H. (2005). Single-case designs for education research. Boston, MA: Allyn &
Bacon. (Conducting experiments and Experimental Questions- DO NOT read ‘History of SingleCase Designs’)
Johnston, J. M., & Pennypacker, H. S. (2009). Asking experimental questions. In Strategies and
tactics of human behavioral research (3rd ed.). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. (pp. 41-51 ONLY).
Introduction to Single System Designs
Kazdin, Ch. 1 (pg. 10 ‘Historical Overview of Research with the Single Case Design’ to pg. 20 –
stop at ‘Contexts and Perspective’)
Barlow, D. H., & Nock, M. K. (2009). Why can’t we be more idiographic in our research?
Perspectives on Psychological Science, 4, 19-21.
T, FEB. 3 & TH, FEB. 5
Goals & Measurement
Kazdin Ch. 3 (Background and Key Measurement Considerations)
Behavioral Observation & Measurement
Kazdin Chapter 4 (Methods of Assessment)
Basics of Single-Subject Designs
Kazdin Ch. 2 (Underpinnings of Scientific Research)
Dixon, Whiting, Rowsey, Gunnarsson, & Enoch. (2014). Direct observation of road
construction worker behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 34, 179-187.
Johnston, J. M., & Pennypacker, H. S. (2009). Strategies and tactics of human behavioral
research (3rd. ed). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. (Behavioral Variability; Steady States and
UNIT 2: Withdrawal Designs
T, FEB. 10 & TH, FEB. 12
Case Studies
Kazdin Chapter 1 (pg. 3 – ‘The Uncontrolled Case Study’ to pg. 10 – stop at ‘Historical
Cox, B. S., Cox, A. B., & Cox, D. J. (2000). Motivating signage prompts safety belt use among
drivers exiting senior communities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 33, 635-638.
Whiting, S. W., & Dixon, M. R. (in Press). Examining contextual control in roulette gambling.
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.
Williams, G., Perez-Gonzalez, L. A., & Queiroz, A. B. M. (2005). Using a combined blocking
procedure to teach color discrimination to a child with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior
Analysis, 38, 555-558.
T, FEB. 17 & TH, FEB. 19
Withdrawal Designs
Kazdin Ch. 6 (Introduction to Single Case Research and ABAB Designs: start at pg. 127 –
‘ABAB Designs: Basic Characteristics’)
Cuvo, A. J. Time Series and Replication Logics for the Withdrawal Design
Bible, G. H., & Sneed, T. J. (1976). Some effects of an accreditation survey on program
completion in a state institution. Mental Retardation, 14, 14-15.
Pace, G. M., & Toyer, E. A. (2000). The effects of vitamin supplement on the pica of a child
with severe mental retardation. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 33, 619-622.
Complex Withdrawal Designs and Related Issues
T, FEB. 24 & TH, FEB. 26
Bloom, M., Fisher, J., & Orme, J.G. (2006). Evaluating practice: Guidelines for the accountable
professional (Ch. 16 - Successive Intervention Design p. 463-475 & Ch. 17 - Interaction Design
p. 485-490)
Matson, J. L., Ollendick, T. H., & Breuning, S. E. (1983). An empirical demonstration of the
random stimulus design. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 87, 634-639.
Withdrawal Design Applications
Honnen, T. J., & Kleinke, C. L. (1990). Prompting bar patrons with signs to take free condoms.
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 23, 215-217.
Cope, J. G., & Allred, L. J. (1991). Community intervention to deter illegal parking in spaces
reserved for the physically disabled. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 24, 687-693.
DeRicco, D. A., & Niemann, J. E. (1980). In vivo effects of peer modeling on drinking rate.
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 13, 149-152.
Riviere, V., Becquet, M., Peltret, E., Facon, B., & Darcheville, J.C. (2011). Increasing
compliance with medical examination requests directed to children with autism: Effects of a
high-probability request procedure. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1, 193-197.
UNIT 3: Multiple Baseline Designs
Kazdin Ch. 7 (Multiple-Baseline Designs)
Cuvo, A. J. Time Series and Replication Logics for the Multiple Baseline Design
EXAM 3 DUE MARCH 16 (Monday, due to Spring Break)
Variations of the Multiple Baseline Design
Horner, R. D., & Baer, D. M. (1978). Multiple-probe technique: A variation of the multiple
baseline. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 11, 189-196.
Harris, F. N., & Jenson, W. R. (1985). Comparisons of multiple baseline across persons designs
and AB designs with replication: Issues and confusions. Behavioral Assessment, 7, 121-132.
Carr, J. E. (2005). Recommendations for reporting multiple-baseline designs across participants.
Behavioral Interventions, 20, 219-224.
T, MARCH 24 & TH, MARCH 26
Multiple Baseline/Probe Design Applications
Hannah, G. T., & Risley, T. R. (1981). Experiments in a community mental health center:
Increasing client payment for outpatient services. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 14, 141157.
Trajkowski, N., Andrews, C., Onslow, M., Packman, A., O’Brian, S., & Menzies, R. (2009).
Using syllable-timed speech to treat preschool children who stutter: A multiple baseline
experiment. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 34, 1-10.
Kennedy, A. E., Whiting, S. W., & Dixon, M. R. (2014). Improving novel food choices in
preschool children using acceptance and commitment therapy. Journal of Contextual Behavioral
Science, 3, 228-235.
Van Camp, C. M., Vollmer, V. R., Goh, H., Whitehouse, C. M., Reyes, J., Montgomery, J. L.,
Borrero, J. C. (2008). Behavioral parent training in child welfare: Evaluation of skills
acquisition. Research on Social Work Practice, 18, 377-391.
Gunby, K. V., Carr, J. E., & LeBlanc, L. A. (2010). Teaching abduction-prevention skills to
children with autism. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 43, 107-112.
T, MARCH 31 & TH, APR 2
UNIT 4: Changing Criterion and Alternating Treatment Designs
Changing Criterion Designs & Applications
Kazdin Ch. 8 (Changing Criterion Designs)
Hartman, D. P., & Hall, R. V. (1976). The changing criterion design. Journal of Applied
Behavior Analysis, 9, 527-532.
McDougall, D. (2005). The range bound changing criterion design. Behavioral Interventions, 20,
Foxx, R. M., & Rubinoff, A. (1979). Behavioral treatment of caffeinism: Reducing excessive
coffee drinking. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 34, 497-500.
Shaw, R., & Simms, T. (2009). Reducing attention-maintained behavior through the use of
positive punishment, differential reinforcement of low rates, and response marking. Behavioral
Interventions, 24, 249-263.
T, APR. 7 & TH, APR. 9
Alternating Treatment Designs and Applications
Kazdin Ch. 9 (Multiple {Alternating} Treatment Designs)
Barlow, D. H., & Hayes, S. C. (1979). Alternating treatments design: One strategy for comparing
the effects of two treatments in a single subject. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 12, 199210.
Cuvo, A. J., May, M. E., & Post, T. M. (2001). Effects of living room, Snoezelen room, and
outdoor activities on stereotypic behavior and engagement by adults with profound mental
retardation. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 22, 183-204.
Kearney, C. A., & Silverman, W. K. (1990). Treatment of an adolescent with obsessivecompulsive disorder by alternating response prevention and cognitive therapy: An empirical
analysis. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 21, 39-47.
Blake, D. D., Deaneen Owens, M., Keane, T. M. (1990). Increasing group attendance on a
psychiatric unit: An alternating treatments design comparison. Journal of Behavior Therapy and
Experimental Psychiatry, 21, 15-20.
T, APR. 14 & TH, APR. 16
Selecting a Design
Bloom, M., Fisher, J., & Orme, J.G. (2006). Evaluating practice: Guidelines for the accountable
professional (Ch. 18 – Selecting a Design p. 492-497).
UNIT 5: Evaluating Research Outcomes
Data Evaluation (General Overview – Visual, Statistical, Clinical; Integrity of the
Independent Variable
Kazdin Ch. 12 (Data Evaluation)
Peterson, L., Homer, A. L., & Wonderlich, S. A. (1982). The integrity of the independent
variables in behavior analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 15, 477-492.
Codding, R. S., Livanis, A., Pace, G. M., & Vaca, L. (2008). Using performance feedback to
improve treatment integrity of classwide behavior plans: An investigation of observer reactivity.
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 38, 205-219.
T, APR. 21 & TH, APR. 23
Evaluating Data (Visual Analysis)
Kazdin Ch. 13 (Graphic Display of Data for Visual Inspection)
Johnston & Pennypacker Ch. 12 – Analyzing Behavioral Data
Whiting, S. W., & Dixon, M. R. (2013). The effects of mental imagery on gambling behavior.
Journal of Gambling Studies, 29, 525-534.
T, APR. 28 & TH, APR. 30
Evaluating Data (Statistical Analysis)
Kazdin Appendix (Statistical Inferences: pg. 401-419)
Baer, D. M. (1977). Perhaps it would be better not to know everything. Journal of Applied
Behavior Analysis, 10, 167-172.
Jason, L., Billows, W., Schnopp-Wyatt, D., & King, C. (1996). Reducing the illegal sales of
cigarettes to minors: Analysis of alternative schedules. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 29,
Roll, J. M. (2005). Assessing the feasibility of using contingency management to modify
cigarette smoking by adolescents. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 38, 463-467.
T, MAY 5 & TH, MAY 7
Application (Program Evaluation), Generalization, and Maintenance
Kazdin Ch. 15 (Summing up: Single case research in perspective)
Barlow, D. H., & Hersen, M. (1984). Beyond the individual: Replication procedures. In Single
case experimental designs: Strategies for studying behavior change. Elmsford, NY: Pergamon
Stokes, T. F., & Baer, D. M. (1977). An implicit technology of generalization. Journal of
Applied Behavior Analysis, 10, 349-367.
Wahler, R. G., Vigilante, V. A., & Strand, P. S. (2004). Generalization in a child’s oppositional
behavior across home and school settings. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 37, 43-51.
FINAL EXAM and SSD Project 2 DUE by 11:30 pm Thursday, May 14th.