Postfach: 320163, 01013 Dresden, Tel.: 0351/32387028,, Fall Academy 2015 hosted by Europäische Humanistische Universität Förderinitiative e. V. 25 Years of Reunification The German Transition in the Eyes of Belarusians September 6th – 10th, 2015 „Europäische Humanistische Universität – Förderinitiative e. V.“ (EHU - FI) organizes a “Political Fall Academy” on the topic: „25 Years of Reunification“ in Berlin. In close cooperation with Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation and Humboldt University Berlin Belarusian students are invited to participate at EHU-FI´s annual conference on the history and current state of the German transition. In joint seminars, guided tours, talks with federal politicians and workshops with German students, young and talented Belarusians shall develop own opinions on peaceful transitions as well as learn to work with visual media. The event will take place during the general celebrations of the reunification in Berlin. Students are encouraged to develop a set of analytical skills to critically evaluate the transitional developments in Germany and eventually use their skills to analyze the political and economic state of Belarus and the countries of the Eastern Partnership. The event will include a visual media training offered by a camera operator from the EHU E-Media Hub. The participants will be encouraged to express their opinion in front of a camera and learn how to use visual media for conveying ideas. The impressions, statements and visions which will be developed during the program by the participants will be filmed and aired. Europäische Humanistische Universität – Förderinitiative e. V. Europäische Humanistische Universität – Förderinitiative e. V. Postfach: 320163, 01013 Dresden Telefone: 0351/32387028 Internet: Email: Donation Account: Volks- und Raiffeisenbank Altenburger Land, IBAN: DE31830654080004745795; BIC: GENODEF1SLR Location Humboldt University Bebelplatz 1, 10117 Berlin Room: BE 2, 326 Political Fall Academy 2015 ____________________________________________ 25 Years of Reunification Partners The German Transition in the Eyes of Belarusians 06. – 10.09.2015 in Berlin Host: Europäische Humanistische Universität – Förderinitiative e. V. Postfach: 320163, 01013 Dresden Telefone: 0351/32387028, Email: Internet: Donation Account: Volks- und Raiffeisenbank, IBAN: DE31830654080004745795; BIC: GENODEF1SLR European Humanities University is a private, charitable University on Humanities and is registered and accredited in Lithuania. The „Europäische Humanistische Universität – Förderinitiative e. V.“ is a charitable society, which is exempt from tax and registered in Dresden, Germany. Donations reduce your tax share. Program Program th September, 6 Arrival in Berlin 12:00 Check-in 15:00-17:00 Guided Tour at Stasi-Museum Berlin The Causes of the Revolution 18:00 Dinner and get together Introductory Video: “The Lives of Others” 10:45-15:00 Workshop I Location: Humboldt University Berlin, BE 2, 326 Visual Media Training, Part 1 12:30-14:00 Lunch 15:00-17:00 Workshop II Humboldt University Berlin, Faculty of Law Location: Humboldt University Berlin, BE 2, 326 Visual Media Training, Part 2, Development of Video Statements th September, 7 09:30-09:45 Michael Bechter M. A. EHU-Förderinitiative e. V. th September, 9 09:00-12:00 Workshop III Guided Tour at Berlin Hohenschönhausen Memorial and Talk with Contemporary Witnesses Video Recording of Participants Statements Location: Deutscher Bundestag Introduction 09:45-10:15 Dr. Wolfgang Sender Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Location: Deutscher Bundestag The Work of Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation in Eastern Europe 10:30-12:00 Ulrich Petzold, MdB 12:00-14:00 Lunch 14:00-16:00 Discussion Humboldt University Berlin, Faculty of Law Location: Deutscher Bundestag Location: Humboldt University Berlin, BE 2, 326 Aspects of Political Transformation 12:00-13:30 Lunch at the Restaurant of the Bundestag 14:00-15:00 Guided Tour at Deutscher Bundestag 15:00-15:30 Break 15:45-17:15 Prof. Dr. Gert-Joachim Glaeßner (TBC) Humboldt University Berlin, Institute of Social Sciences 19:00 19:00 Closing Dinner th September, 10 10:00-12:00 Workshop IV Humboldt University Berlin, Faculty of Law Location: Humboldt University Berlin, BE 2, 326 Location: Humboldt University Berlin, BE 2, 326 Aspects of the Transformation of Security Policy Review of Video Recording and Dissemination Approval Development of a Distribution Strategy in Social Media Dinner with Ring of Christian Democratic Students How Students Get Involved in Politics and Civil Society th September, 8 09:30-10:30 25 Year´s After – Germany and Europe Lecturer (TBC) Humbold University, Institute of Social Sciences Location: Humboldt University Berlin, BE 2, 326 Aspects of Social Transformation 12:00-12:30 Feedback 13:00 Lunch 15:00 Departure
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