Gdansk University of Technology Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering Department of Control Systems Engineering Artificial Intelligence Methods Neuron, neural layer, neural networks - surface of the neural network response Laboratory exercises – no T1 Auxiliary material for laboratory exercises Authors: Anna Kobylarz, mgr inż. Kazimierz Duzinkiewicz, dr hab. inż. Michał Grochowski, dr inż. Gdańsk, 2015 The material contains selected parts of the lecture and additional information in order to create artificial neural networks structures in the MATLAB environment using the Neural Network Toolbox. In particular, it contains a description of the basic elements of neuron, activation functions, a description of the main instructions available in the MATLAB’s toolbox and an example of creating and learning perceptron neural network. Artificial neural networks - a single neuron A neural network is characterized by: 1. Functions according to which a neuron responds to the inputs, called excitation functions and activation functions; 2. The structure of the connections between neurons, called network architecture; 3. The method of determining the weights of those connections, called the learning algorithm. Weights Input signals p1 w1,1 p2 . . . pj . . . pR w1,2 . . . Excitation (propagation) function Activation function Response signal g() f() as ns Output w1,j . . . bs Threshold Excitation signal w1,R Where: R – inputs’ number, S – number of neurons in a layer, Fig. 1. Artificial neuron model scheme. Fig. 2 shows how a neuron is presented in the MATLAB documentation along with the accepted indications of inputs, weights, threshold and output. Fig. 2. Scheme of a neuron with a single input. Symbols and notation from MATLAB. 2 For this case, the dimensions of the matrixes describing the neuron are as follows: In cases where multiple signals on the input are given, the neuron and its scheme is as follows: p p ; W w ; b b ; a a Where: R – number of inputs, Fig. 3. Scheme of neuron with multiple (R) inputs. Where: R – number of inputs, Fig. 4. Scheme of neuron with multiple (R) inputs. Symbols and notation from MATLAB. The dimensions of matrixes describing this neuron are as follows: p1 p p 2 ; W w1 , w2 , wR ; b b ; a a pR Activation (transfer) functions of the neuron 3 In the Figs 5-7 examples of activation functions are shown, respectively step, linear and sigmoidal logistic (log-sigmoid) function. All instructions available in the toolbox are given in Table 1. Fig. 5. Hard limit activation function. Where: p – input signal to neuron, n – excitation signal of neuron, a – output signal from neuron, w – weight value of neuron’s input and b – threshold value. Fig. 6. Linear activation function. Fig. 7. Log-sigmoid activation function. 4 Table 1. Activation (transfer) functions available in MATLAB’s Neural Network Toolbox. In Fig. 8 an example of a neuron with a symmetrical hard limit activation function (perceptron) and two inputs is shown. Fig. 8. Neuron with symmetrical hard limit activation function and two inputs – perceptron. 5 Matrixes dimmensions for this neuron are as follows: p p 1 ; W w1,1 w1,2 ; b b ; a a p2 Artificial neural networks – neural layer Figure 9 and 10 show a single neural network layer with a description of its parameters. Where: R – inputs’ number, S – number of neurons in layer, Fig. 9. Neural network layer scheme. Fig. 10. Neuron with hard limit activation function – perceptron. Symbols and notation from MATLAB. 6 Matrixes dimmensions for neural layer are as follows: w1,1 p1 w p 2 ,1 p 2 W pR wS ,1 w1,2 w1,R b1 a1 a w2 ,2 w2 ,R b b 2 a 2 wS ,2 wS ,R aS bS Artificial neural networks – multi-layer network Figure 11 and 12 show a multi-layer (three-layer) feedforward neural network. As can be seen, the outputs of each layer are the inputs of another of the layers. Where: R – number of inputs, s1- number of neurons in the first layer, s2- number of neurons in the second layer, s3- number of neurons in the third layer. Fig. 11. Scheme of multi-layer feedforward neural network. 7 Where: R – number of inputs, s1- number of neurons in the first layer, s2- number of neurons in the second layer, s3- number of neurons in the third layer. Fig. 12. Scheme of multi-layer feedforward neural network. Symbols and notation from MATLAB. 8 Basic commands of MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox ver. 8.2 Below in Table 2. the important commands from the MATLAB’s Neural Network are shown. More commands can be obtained by typing ‘help nnet’, while the details of a specific command, such as: the use of syntax, the algorithms, the application’s example etc., can be obtained by typing ‘help’ command with any instruction, e.g. ‘help newp’. Table 2. MATLAB’s Neural Network Toolbox ver 8.2 commands. Command Short description Creating a network network newc newcf newff newfftd newlin newlind newp Create a custom neural network. Create a competitive layer. Create a cascade-forward backpropagation network. Create a feed-forward backpropagation network. Create a feed-forward input time-delay backpropagation network. Create a linear layer. Design a linear layer. Create a perceptron. netprod netsum Product net input function Sum net input function Net input (excitation) functions Functions initializing network parameters initlay Layer-by-layer network initialization function mae mse msereg sse learncon learngd learngdm learnis learnlv1 learnlv2 learnos learnp learnpn learnwh Mean absolute error performance function Mean squared normalized error performance function Mean squared error with regularization performance function. Sum squared error performance function Learning methods Conscience bias learning function Gradient descent weight and bias learning function Gradient descent with momentum weight and bias learning function Instar weight learning function LVQ1 weight learning function LVQ2 weight learning function Outstar weight learning function Perceptron weight and bias learning function Normalized perceptron weight and bias learning function Widrow-Hoff weight/bias learning function prestd poststd trastd premnmx postmnmx tramnmx prepca trapca postreg Preprocesses the data so that the mean is 0 and the standard deviation is 1. Postprocesses data which has been preprocessed by PRESTD. Preprocesses data using a precalculated mean and standard deviation. Preprocesses data so that minimum is -1 and maximum is 1. Postprocesses data which has been preprocessed by PREMNMX. Transform data using a precalculated min and max. Principal component analysis. Principal component transformation. Postprocesses the trained network response with a linear regression. Functions describing quality of network’s work Processing of input and output data 9 Learning methods trainb trainbfg trainbr trainc traincgb traincgf traincgp traingd traingdm traingda traingdx trainlm trainoss trainr trainrp trainscg Batch training with weight & bias learning rules. BFGS quasi-Newton backpropagation. Bayesian Regulation backpropagation. Cyclical order weight/bias training. Conjugate gradient backpropagation with Powell-Beale restarts. Conjugate gradient backpropagation with Fletcher-Reeves updates. Conjugate gradient backpropagation with Polak-Ribiere updates. Gradient descent backpropagation. Gradient descent with momentum. Gradient descent with adaptive learning rate backpropagation. Gradient descent w/momentum & adaptive learning rate backpropagation. Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation. One step secant backpropagation. Random order weight/bias training. RPROP backpropagation. Scaled conjugate gradient backpropagation. Activation functions compet hardlim hardlims logsig poslin purelin radbas satlin satlins tansig Competitive transfer function Hard-limit transfer function Symmetric hard-limit transfer function Log-sigmoid transfer function Positive linear transfer function Linear transfer function Radial basis transfer function Saturating linear transfer function Symmetric saturating linear transfer function Hyperbolic tangent sigmoid transfer function errsurf maxlinlr Error surface of single-input neuron Maximum learning rate for linear layer initnw initwb Nguyen-Widrow layer initialization function By weight and bias layer initialization function cell2mat concur con2seq combvec mat2cell minmax nncopy normc normr seq2con sumsqr Convert cell array to numeric array Create concurrent bias vectors Convert concurrent vectors to sequential vectors Create all combinations of vectors Convert array to cell array with potentially different sized cells Ranges of matrix rows Copy matrix or cell array Normalize columns of matrix Normalize rows of matrix Convert sequential vectors to concurrent vectors Sum of squared elements of matrix or matrices sim init adapt train Simulate dynamic system (neural network) Initialize neural network Adapt neural network to data as it is simulated Train neural network Functions allowing easier analysis Functions initializing layer’s parameters Operations on vectors Operations on networks 10 Plotting hintonw hintonwb plotes plotpc plotpv plotep plotperf plotv plotvec Hinton graph of weight matrix. Hinton graph of weight matrix and bias vector. Plot error surface of single-input neuron Plot classification line on perceptron vector plot Plot perceptron input/target vectors Plot weight-bias position on error surface Plot network performance. Plot vectors as lines from origin Plot vectors with different colors Others nntool gensim Neural Network Toolbox graphical user interface Generate a Simulink block to simulate a neural network. 11 An example of creating and learning a perceptron neural network. Below are the basic commands used to create an example perceptron neural network. The process of creating other networks is similar, only the parameters and some instructions are different. It is possible to create a perceptron network by using the ‘newp’ command. Syntax: net = newp(pr,s,tf,lf) The parameters of this command are: PR – RxQ matrix of Q1 representative input vectors. S - SxQ matrix of Q2 representative target vectors. TF – Transfer (activation) function, default = 'hardlim'. LF – Learning function, default = 'learnp'. It is not necessary to give the TF and LF parameters. The result of this command is creating a perceptron network. Under the name ‘net’ a structure is created. Within this structure all the information about this network are stored. Network initialization ‘newp’ command also initializes (gives) the initial (zero) values of weights and thresholds. Weights connecting the inputs to the network are stored in the structure net.IW. The thresholds are stored in the network structure net.b. It is also possible to choose values of these elements independently, e.g.: net.IW{1,1}=[2 4] net.b{1}=[5] To restore the default weights and thresholds (initialization of the network parameters) a command e.g. ‘init’ should be used. net = init(net); Network simulation To study the network’s response for an input vector a ‘sim’ command should be used. The syntax of this command is available after typing ‘help sim’ in the MATLAB’s command window. Mostly it is sufficient to specify what network is going to be used and to indicate input vector, in this case P: 12 Y = sim(net,P); It simulates response of network ‘net’ for input P. Defining input vector P as: P = [0 0 1 1; 0 1 0 1]; And target vector T: T = [0 1 1 1]; The result is network’s response: Y= 1 1 1 1 which is not compliant with expectations (target T). To achieve wanted output values (accordingly to the target) a proper selection of weights and bias values is necessary, which means that the network has to learn how to respond properly. Example Design perceptron network consisting of a single neuron with two inputs. The first input should be within the range [0; 1] and the second input within the range [-2; 2]. Save the proposed structure under the name ‘net’. In response to a predefined vector P, the network should respond in accordance with the vector T. net = newp([0 1; -2 2],1); Response for vector P: Y = sim(net,P) Y= 1 1 1 1 Network learning As we can see the network’s response is different from the vector T. In order to achieve the correct response a change of the weights’ and biases’ values is needed, either manually or in the learning process. Command ‘train’ is used to start learning process. This statement evaluates the network’s default learning method (modification of weights and thresholds) in order to fit the response into the vector T. More options for ‘train’ command can be obtained by typing ‘help train’. 13 net = train(net,P,T); Response of the network after learning process is shown below. Y = sim(net,P) Y= 0 1 1 1 As it can be seen network responded properly. It completes the example. It is possible to check with what values of weights and biases the task ends: net.IW{1,1} net.IW{1,1} =[1 1] net.b{1} =[-1] Changing the default parameters of network After creating any network it has various default parameters such as: learning method, the initialization method, the method of testing the quality of the network, the network learning process and many others. To check them typing the name of the created network in MATLAB’s command window is needed. These parameters can also be changed with usage of appropriate commands. Below is some basic ones (for the perceptron network created by ‘newp’ command). Functions: adaptFcn: 'trains' initFcn: 'initlay' performFcn: 'mae' trainFcn: 'trainc' Parameters: adaptParam: .passes initParam: (none) performParam: (none) trainParam: .epochs, .goal, .show, .time Changing default values of network parameters (example values): = 50; = 0.05; net.trainParam.epochs = 300; net.trainParam.goal = 1e-5; 14
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