2015 EI Dressage Competition L’Aperitif Sunday May 17, 2015 Bridle Trails State Park, Kirkland, WA Judge Laurel Bruun — R/Dressage San Juan Bautista, CA Dressage Technical Delegate Megan McGee — R/Dressage TD Sagle, ID Entries O pen: M arch 1 6, 2 015 ~ E ntries C lose: A pril 1 7, 2 015 Manager Markay Kerr 253-‐381-‐7349 Secretary Kaye Phaneuf 503-‐880-‐3892 Safety Coordinator Markay Kerr Co-‐Secretary Gunn Cooper Co-‐Managers Emily Logan and Lindsey Scanlan L’Aperitif: USEF/USDF #4786 (Level 2) Licensee: Equestrians Institute, Diana Axness, President Qualifying event for 2015 Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Dressage Championships 2015 Northwest Dressage Championships BRIDLE TRAILS STATE PARK 5300 – 116th Ave NE ▪ Kirkland, WA 98033 directions and facility information www.parks.wa.gov ! 2015 L’Aperitif Dressage Competition Updates posted on www.einw.org Entries O pen: M arch 1 6, 2 015 Entries C lose: A pril 1 7, 2 015 ONLINE ENTRY RECOMMENDED Online entry saves time, looks up membership data automatically, and helps prevent entry mistakes. Easy, secure credit card payment available. If you entered EI shows online last year, you need only go to www.EqEntries.com, update your account, choose a show from the EqEntries calendar, and click the ENTER button. Need help creating your user account or using EqEntries? We’ve prepared a handy document EqEntries FAQ to get you started, find it on http://www.einw.org/pageDressage All show information including prize lists, entry forms, and details also on www.einw.org. Alternatively, print and fill out the entry form at the back of this prize list and mail with check to: Kaye Phaneuf, L’Aperitif Secretary Email: Phaneuf@Canby.com 9377 S. Barnards Rd. Cell: 503-‐880-‐3892 Canby, OR 97013 Fax: 503-‐651-‐3037 Checks payable to EQUESTRIANS INSTITUTE. Checks will be deposited as the show closes and thereafter upon receipt. 2015 Show Fees Training-‐ Fourth Level Rider Test Training-‐ Second Level Dressage Seat Equitation Freestyle Training-‐Fourth Level FEI PARA Test of Choice Great American Insurance Group/USDF Qualifying Fee Office Fee, per entry USEF Drug Fee per horse Incomplete Entry Entry Change Fee, before and during show Returned Check or Declined Credit Card Fee Credit Card Processing Fee USEF Show Pass Fee per rider/owner/trainer/coach USDF Non-‐member Fee per rider/owner $45 per test $45 per test $45 per test $55 per test $45 per test $10 per test as declared and ridden $20 $16 $20 $10 $30 Fee charged on www.EqEntries.com $ 30 if not current COMPETING member $ 25 if not current GROUP, PARTICIPATING OR BUSINESS member Schooling entry (not entered into classes) No stabling. No haul-‐in fee. Discover Pass required. ! $25 + Office Fee contact Show Secretary for availability See pg. 6, #19 for more information. 2015 L’Aperitif Dressage Competition Updates posted on www.einw.org Class List: Sunday May 17, 2015 Classes may not be scheduled in the order presented in this list. L’Aperitif Sunday Class # 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114* 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 230M 231M 360 361 400 401 402 Class Name Training Level, Test of Choice Training Level, Test of Choice Training Level, Test of Choice Training Level, Test 3, specify Q or non-‐Q Training Level, Test 3, specify Q or non-‐Q Training Level, Test 3, specify Q or non-‐Q First Level, Test of Choice First Level, Test of Choice First Level, Test of Choice First Level, Test 3, specify Q or non-‐Q First Level, Test 3, specify Q or non-‐Q First Level, Test 3, specify Q or non-‐Q Second Level, Test of Choice Second Level, Test of Choice Second Level, Test 3, specify Q or non-‐Q, * also Dover Medal class Second Level, Test 3, specify Q or non-‐Q Second Level, Test 3, specify Q or non-‐Q USEF Rider Test, Training – Second Level, Test of Choice Third Level, Test of Choice Third Level, Test of Choice Third Level, Test 3, specify Q or non-‐Q Third Level, Test 3, specify Q or non-‐Q Fourth Level, Test of Choice Fourth Level, Test of Choice Fourth Level, Test 3, specify Q or non-‐Q Fourth Level, Test 3, specify Q or non-‐Q USDF Freestyle, Training Level, non-‐Q USDF Freestyle, Level 1 -‐ 4, specify Q or non-‐Q FEI PARA Test of Choice (any grade, team or individual only) FEI PARA Freestyle TOC (specify grade) Dressage Seat Equitation Dressage Seat Equitation Dressage Seat Equitation Division AA** Jr/YR** Open AA** Jr/YR** Open AA** Jr/YR** Open AA** Jr/YR** Open AA, Jr/YR** Open AA** Jr/YR** Open All Divisions** AA, Jr/YR** Open AA, Jr/YR** Open AA, Jr/YR** Open AA, Jr/YR** Open All Divisions** All Divisions** FEI Para FEI Para 13 & Under** 14-‐18** AA** ! 2015 L’Aperitif Dressage Competition Updates posted on www.einw.org Class List: Abbreviations and Symbols ** = Classes may be split or combined, depending on entries and scheduling needs, and at the discretion of show management. Specify Q or non-‐Q = Rider must declare on entry if they wish to ride this class as a “Qualifying” (“ Q”) class for that year’s Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Championships. To receive a “Q” designation for the class, rider must pay extra $10 fee for the class, see fee list. See General Rules: QUALIFYING/NON-‐QUALIFYING CLASSES for eligibility requirements. TOC =Test of Choice. M=class with monetary prize, see General Rules: AWARDS. FEI PARA = Para-‐Equestrian. Riders must be qualified by para classification. See www.fei.org for rules. General Rules EVERY CLASS OFFERED HEREIN WHICH IS COVERED BY THE RULES AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CURRENT UNITED STATES EQUESTRIAN FEDERATION RULE BOOK WILL BE CONDUCTED AND JUDGED IN ACCORDANCE THEREWITH. 1. ADDITIONAL SHOW PERSONNEL: Veterinarian (Pilchuck Veterinary Hospital, 360-‐568-‐3111) and Farrier will be on call; names and contact information will be posted at the Show Office. First Aid available from EMT/Medical Personnel on grounds during competition hours. 2. ENTRIES: Observe opening and closing dates published on title page. Entries received before opening date will be penalized. Telephone entries will not be accepted. Entries will be accepted on a first-‐come, first-‐served basis until available ride times are filled. Subsequent entries will be wait listed. All entries received by closing date will be confirmed via e-‐mail. Please contact the Show Secretary if you have not received a confirmation email by one week after closing date. No entry will be accepted without payment of fees, either by check or credit card. All information and signatures must be clearly legible. All competitors, by completing their entry, acknowledge and attest that they have read and understood all terms of these rules, wherever listed in this prize list. Management may deny entry to any competitor if the competitor has outstanding debt to the sponsoring organization. 3. ONLINE ENTRIES: EqEntries.com now available for online show entries. Payments can be made via a credit card. Individual user accounts can be set up with no charge. Using a credit card to pay for show entry fees online incurs modest handling fees; printing and mailing entry with a check has no such fee. The signature page must be printed, signed, scanned, uploaded and submitted with the online entry. For more details EqEntries FAQ document on www.einw.org. 4. WAITLIST ENTRIES: A waiting list will be established once all ride times have been filled. Those who choose to remain on the waiting list but do not get into the show will have their entry check destroyed (not cashed) and no fees will be assessed. 5. INCOMPLETE OR INACCURATE ENTRIES: Proof of registrations and memberships must be provided with each entry. All signatures must be present. Competitors will be assessed a fee of $20 for missing signatures or information. Bridle numbers will not be awarded at show until all fees are paid. ! 2015 L’Aperitif Dressage Competition Updates posted on www.einw.org 6. POST ENTRIES: Management reserves the right to accept post entries if space allows or in case of cancellation. Post entry fee: $20.00 per entry (horse/rider combination). Online entries will close at midnight on entry closing date. All post entries must be mailed with a check. 7. REFUNDS: A) Before the show closing date there will be a 100% refund (except for the Office Fee) to the competitor. B) After the show closing date and upon presentation of a Veterinarian or Doctor’s certificate, there will be a refund to the competitor of 50% of the class fees, 100% of the USEF drug fee, and 100% of any USDF qualifying fees, unless USDF fees are reapplied to cover the indebtedness to the competition not paid by the competitor. The Veterinarian or Doctor’s certificate must be received before noon on the Monday before the competition. No Office Fee will be refunded. C) After the cancellation period, the Qualifying fee for USDF Qualifying rides that are scratched or converted to non-‐Qualifying will be refunded to the competitor if picked up at the show. Qualifier refunds will not be mailed. See also General Rules #16. D) If an entry is a no-‐show, no refunds will be made. See also General Rules #16. Equestrians Institute reserves the right to cancel, without refunds to the competitors, all or part of the competition including individual classes, due to a storm, act of God, or other emergency. 8. DRUGS AND MEDICATIONS: A $16 Federation fee, of which $8 is the USEF Equine Drugs and Medications fee, will be assessed per horse, per show. 9. FEES: Please see Show Fees list on page 2 for all current fees. 10. RIDE TIMES: Tentative ride times will be posted online no later than 7 days before the competition with notice emailed to all riders. It is the responsibility of the rider to inform the show secretary of any time conflicts as soon as possible after the tentative schedule is posted. The official and final ride times will be posted online. Ride times will not be mailed; it is the responsibility of the exhibitor to obtain his/her ride times from competition management or from posted sources. 11. COMBINATION/CANCELLATION OF CLASSES: Show Management reserves the right to combine or cancel classes where fewer than three (3) horses are entered, or limit the size of a class as necessary. Show Management also reserves the right to change the order of the classes as they are listed in the Prize List. Competitors in changed classes will be notified per USEF GR 830. Classes cancelled because of weather may be rescheduled or remain cancelled. NO REFUNDS. 12. TEST OF CHOICE (TOC) CLASSES: You may ride a particular horse only once in each Test of Choice class. There will be no changes in your Test of Choice selected after the entry form is processed, except with payment of $10 Change Fee. If no test choice is specified on the entry form, management will assign the highest test of the level. 13. QUALIFYING/NON-‐QUALIFYING CLASSES: At each level, the highest test of that level may be designated a Qualifying (“Q”) class for the rider upon entry. There is an extra $10 fee. A rider’s score from a Qualifying class can then be used to establish eligibility to compete at that level in the 2015 Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Championships. Eligibility requirements for Q classes: Rider must be USDF Participating Member. Owner (if multiple Owners, only one Owner) must be USDF Participating or Business Member. Group membership is not sufficient. Rider and Owner both must be Life or Competing Members of USEF. Horse must have current annual or lifetime recording with USEF; USEF Horse ID is not sufficient. Horse must be USDF lifetime registered; USDF Horse ID is not sufficient. ! 2015 L’Aperitif Dressage Competition Updates posted on www.einw.org 14. MUSICAL FREESTYLES: ONLY CDs are acceptable. CDs with protective covers must be handed in to the show office when picking up your show packet. Times for scheduled sound checks will be posted in the Show Office. Specify level of Freestyle on your entry. In order to enter a freestyle class at any level, a horse/rider combination must have received a minimum score of 60% in the highest test of the declared freestyle level or any test of a higher level at a Federation Recognized open Dressage Competition. A photocopy of the test verifying eligibility must be submitted with the entry for a freestyle class. It is the responsibility of the riders to pick up their music after the Freestyle class. Management will not be responsible for music left after the closing of the show. 15. SCHOOLING ENTRIES: Horses not entered in the show must be registered with the Show Office and will be given a number to be worn at all times when away from the trailer. Any person(s) riding a schooling horse must have signed an official entry blank and/or release form. Schooling-‐only entries are subject to restrictions on the times and general use of any facility amenities, contact Show Secretary for details. A Schooling Fee + Office Fee (see Show Fees, pg. 2) must be paid. Horses entered as schooling-‐only but later converted to class entries must pay all additional fees required for entry. 16. NO SHOWS (or Scratches): All “No Shows” that have not checked in with the show office a minimum of 45 minutes prior to their first ride and picked up their exhibitor numbers will be considered a “scratch” for the rest of the show and their ride time slots may be filled. There are no refunds for scratched entries or classes. Also, scratches by competitors on the show grounds are official ONLY when made to the Show Secretary. Scratches made to warm-‐up or ring stewards are not official and may be considered NO SHOWS. If competitors cannot come to the show office to scratch in person, they may send a representative. 17. ARENAS: All tests will be ridden in a standard sized (20x60m) outdoor competition arena with sand or sand/fiber footing. If entries warrant, a second competition arena (20x56m) will be added, with sand or sand/fiber footing. Warm-‐up will be in an outside arena with sand or sand/fiber footing. Lunging is permitted in designated areas only. 18. STABLING: This is a haul-‐in show. No special haul-‐in fee. Be prepared to work out of your trailer. Portable stalls located in the parking lot at Bridle Trails State Park are off-‐limits and locked. Horses must be monitored at all times. 19. DISCOVER PASS: Any vehicle parked in the parking lot of Bridle Trails State Park must display a current and valid Discover Pass in the windshield. Day passes or annual passes are available for purchase online from www.discoverpass.wa.gov. 20. ARRIVALS and DEPARTURES: Bridle Trails State Park is open from dawn to dusk year round. 21. DAILY HAUL-‐INS: There is no haul-‐in fee. 22. CONCESSIONS: Breakfast, lunch, and beverages will be available for purchase throughout the competition. 23. DOGS: Dogs are allowed on leash at Bridle Trails State Park. 24. CAMPING: Camping is not permitted at Bridle Trails State Park. 25. SHOW OFFICE HOURS: Open one (1) hour prior to the first ride of the day, and will close one-‐half hour after the last class of the day. ! 2015 L’Aperitif Dressage Competition Updates posted on www.einw.org 26. DRIVING DIRECTIONS: Address: 5300 – 116th Ave NE, Kirkland, WA 98033. From Northbound I-‐405: Take exit #7 off of I-‐405. At end of off-‐ramp, turn right and head south on 116th Ave NE. At four-‐way stop, continue straight ahead. The park entrance is located at the first opening in the trees on the left. From Southbound I-‐405: Take exit #7 off of I-‐405. At end of off-‐ramp, turn right and cross over freeway. At the first light, turn right again. Head south on 116th Ave NE. At the four-‐way stop, continue straight ahead. The park entrance is located at the first opening in the trees on your left. 27. LOCAL ACCOMMODATIONS: Make your reservations early. La Quinta Inn, 10530 NE Northup Way, Kirkland 425-‐828-‐6585 Woodmark Hotel, Carillon Point, Kirkland 800-‐822-‐3700 Silver Cloud Inn, 10621 NE 13th St, Bellevue 425-‐637-‐7000 Comfort Inn, NE 124th St, Kirkland 1-‐855-‐809-‐3507 28. AWARDS: Prizes to first place in classes of three or more riders. Ribbons to 6Th place for Open Divisions. Ribbons to 8th place for Adult Amateur Divisions and JR/YR Divisions. High Point Ribbons will be awarded for Open, Adult Amateur, and JR/YR. All awards must be picked up by end of show. Awards will not be mailed. 29. HELMETS: From the time horses are officially admitted to the competition grounds by competition management, anyone mounted on any competition or schooling entry must wear protective headgear, as defined as a riding helmet which meets or exceeds ASTM/SEI standards for equestrian use and carries the SEI tag. The harness must be secured and the helmet properly fitted. 30. JACKETS & SHIRTS: Management may announce prior to or during a competition that competitors can show without jackets due to extreme heat and/or humidity. If jackets are waived, competitors must wear a shirt with sleeves and collar, without neckwear, and without decoration. 31. SHARPS CONTAINERS : Approved sharps containers can be found on the show grounds. 32. RELEASE OF RESPONSIBILITY: USEF, USDF, Bridle Trails State Park, Equestrians Institute, Show Officials, Show Management, employees and/or volunteers will not be responsible for any accident and/or loss that may occur to any person, exhibitor or his agent horse and/or equipment. Washington State Equine Limitation of Liability Act RCW4.24 applies to all Equestrians Institute shows, at any facility used. Horses, by their inherent nature present a risk of injury, harm or death. Riders represent that they are qualified to participate at the level entered. Each exhibitor is responsible for any injury or harm, that may be occasioned to any person, whomsoever, by any horse owned or exhibited by said exhibitor, and shall hold harmless and indemnify any agencies or persons listed above, against all claims or demands, of any nature or kind, that may grow out of any injury occasioned by any horses owned or exhibited by them, or arise from the negligence of the person in charge of such horse. All owners and competitors are personally responsible for damages to third parties caused by themselves, their employees, their agents of their horses All horses exhibited at these shows participate entirely at the owner’s or rider’s risk. 33. SPECIAL RELEASE: By signing the entry agreement, I further agree to: “release, indemnify and hold harmless USDF, its instructors, officers, directors, agents, and volunteers from and against any and all loss, liability or damage arising from or because of, or in connection with, participation in this competition or related activities. I also hereby agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless the show management, show committee and members, officers, directors, agents, and volunteers from and against any and all loss, liability or damage arising from or because of, or in connection with, participation in this competition or related activities”. ! 2015 L’Aperitif Dressage Competition Updates posted on www.einw.org 2015 USDF/Dover Saddlery Adult Amateur Medal Program The USDF/Dover Saddlery Adult Amateur Medal Program is designed to specifically recognize and encourage adult amateurs riding at Second Level. Awards 1. USDF/Dover Saddlery Medal Recipient The eligible rider with the highest score of 60 percent or better in the designated Second Level Test Three class or applicable test of choice USDF/Dover Saddlery Adult Amateur Medal class at a participating competition will receive a handcrafted USDF/Dover Saddlery pewter medal and neck ribbon. Winners will receive a $20 Dover Saddlery gift certificate for the first three USDF/Dover Saddlery Medals they win during the competition season. 2. USDF/Dover Saddlery National Merit AwardA USDF/Dover Saddlery National Merit Award will be awarded to riders winning three USDF/Dover Saddlery Medals in the same competition year. 3. Year-End AwardsThe USDF/Dover Saddlery Medal National Champion and Reserve Champion are determined from the average of the top three winning ride scores during the competition year. The champion receives a $1000 Dover Saddlery gift certificate and the reserve champion receives a $500 Dover Saddlery gift certificate. Rider Eligibility 1. Rider must have a current USDF Participating or Group Membership and be a member in good standing of USDF when the scores are earned. 2. Rider must be an adult amateur in accordance with Article GR1306 of the USEF rules and be designated with USEF as an adult amateur at the time the scores are earned. Owner & Horse Eligibility 1. Horse and owner must meet minimum competition eligibility requirements at the time scores are Additional InformationFor additional information and an updated list of competitions offering the USDF/Dover Saddlery Adult Amateur Medal Program, please visit http://www.usdf.org/awards/performance/adultmedalprogram.asp. ! 2015 L’Aperitif Dressage Competition Updates posted on www.einw.org earned. ! ! For! over! 40# years! Equestrians! Institute! (EI)! has! provided! educational! and! competitive! equestrian!events!in!the!Pacific!Northwest.!!As!a!volunteer>run!nonprofit!organization,!EI! encourages!camaraderie,!support,!and!skill!development.!!Each!year!EI!has!a!full!calendar! of! events.! ! In! addition! to! Dressage,! Eventing,! and! Driving,! new! to! 2015,! are! Sport! Horse! Breeding!shows.! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! March!4!Learn!to!Scribe!Seminar! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!May!29>31!Everything!But!The!Kitchen!Sink!! March!15!Dressage!Schooling!Show!at!Bridle!Trails!!!!!!!!Aug!7>9!Combined!Driving!Event! April!12!Dressage!Schooling!Show!at!Bridle!Trails!!!!!!!!!!!Sept!12>13!Driving!Trials!Back>to>Back! May!17!L’Aperitif!at!Bridle!Trails! June!12>14!Chablis!&!Beaujolais!at!Donida! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! May!15>17!USEA!Horse!Trials,!WSHP! ! Sept!25>27!Eventing!Back>to>Back,!WSHP! ! ! !! ! !SPORT&HORSE&BREEDING!! Aug!29!!Dressage!Sport!Horse!Breeding!I! Aug!30!Dressage!Sport!Horse!Breeding!II!!&!Great! ! !American!Insurance!Group/USDF!Breeders’!! ! !Northwest!Series!Championship!Final! ! !(Both!shows!are!qualifiers!for!the!Final)! ! Grants!Requests!Accepted!Throughout!Year! Nov!14!Annual!EI!Members!Business!Meeting!&! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!Holiday!Bazaar!and!Tack!Sale!! ! EI! is! pleased! to!offer! clinics,! educational! grants,! social! events,! and! fundraisers! as! well! as! shows.!!Volunteers!are!honored!and!celebrated!with!gifts!and!prizes,!and!members!vie!for! trophies,!ribbons!and!certificates!through!demonstrated!achievement!in!their!sport.!!Enjoy! the!fun!! EI!is!affliliated!with!USEF,!USDF,!USEA,!and!ADS.! ! For!more!information!please!see:! www.einw.org& ! 2015 L’Aperitif Dressage Competition Updates posted on www.einw.org !" 2015 L’Aperitif Dressage Competition Updates posted on www.einw.org USDF Membership Benefits: USDF is dedicated to education, the recognition of achievement, and promotion of dressage. For details on member benefits, including educational programs, awards, and other opportunities, refer to the USDF Member Guide or the USDF website at www.usdf.org. This competition is recognized by USDF for 2015 Membership Requirements for USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized Competitions: Owners and riders, including foreign riders and owners who are not residents of the US, wishing to participate in a USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized competition as a rider or owner/lessee, must have either a USDF Group Membership, Participating Membership (PM), or have a USDF Non-Member (NM) identification number and pay the USDF NM fee. (Note: USDF business members can own horses but cannot compete as riders with their USDF BM.) Individuals cannot compete at a USEFlicensed/USDF-recognized competition with a USDF Education Membership. Horses competing at USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized competitions must have either a USDF Horse Identification (HID) number or a USDF Lifetime Horse Registration (LHR). Proper credentials or verification certificates must be presented to the competition secretary. Riders and owners wishing to participate in a USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized competition, and not able to present the competition secretary with verification of a USDF membership or NM identification, and USDF LHR or USDF HID, must complete a USDF Competition Affidavit Form and pay the $5 affidavit filing fee. A copy of a completed affidavit form from another competition may also be used for verification purposes for up to 60 days. (Exception: Affidavits cannot be used at Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Dressage Championships.) Exceptions: Horses competing only in Individual Breed Classes (IBCs) at DSHB competitions, sires and dams of horses in DSHB group classes, where those sires or dams are not actually competing in the same competition, horses competing only in breed restricted dressage or DSHB classes at Regular Competitions (e.g. all Arabian, all Friesian, or all Morgan classes), or in USDF Introductory Level tests, pas de deux, quadrille, FEI Para-Equestrian classes, are exempt from this requirement. Also exempt are horses ridden in leadline, exhibitions, games and races, classes for 4-H members, walk-trot, academy and opportunity classes. Riders and owners/lessees competing only in classes which are exempt from the USDF HID requirements are also exempt from the USDF NM identification number and NM fee requirements. Also exempt are handlers of horses competing in DSHB In-Hand or Group classes. Memberships Defined Participating Membership (PM): A membership issued to an individual directly by USDF. The membership year is December 1 through November 30. PMs are available for 1-year ($75), 5-years ($300), or life ($1,500). A USDF Youth Participating Membership (YPM) is available for individuals who have not reached their 21st birthday by December 1 of the current membership year ($60). A PM allows the member to compete at USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized competitions and to participate as a rider and/or owner/lessee for all Adequan®/USDF Year-End Awards, Great American Insurance Group/USDF Breeders Championship Series Finals and the Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Dressage Championship program. Group Membership (GM): A membership issued to an individual by USDF when the member name and dues are submitted to USDF through an affiliate Group Member Organization (GMO). The GM year begins December 1 and ends November 30. A GM allows the member to compete at USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized competitions and participate in the USDF Rider Awards program. Business Membership (BM): A membership that runs December 1 through November 30 and is issued to a business or organization directly by USDF. The USDF BM ($200) offers a wider variety of advertising benefits. BMs satisfy requirements of horse ownership only. Education Membership (EM): A membership issued to an individual directly by USDF. This online education only membership expires 12 months after the date joined. This membership type does NOT allow an individual to compete at a USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized competition. Non-Member (NM) Identification Number: For each USDF NM owner/lessee and USDF NM rider there will be a USDF NM fee of $25 per competition that must be collected by the show secretary and submitted to USDF, along with the USDF Report of Fees document and the $5 affidavit fee and Competition Affidavit Form if the person cannot provide a copy of their USDF NM card. Owners/lessees or riders exempt from the NM number requirements are also exempt from paying the USDF NM fee. If there are multiple owners of a horse and all are NMs, only one of the owners must pay the NM fee. If the horse has at least one owner who is a current USDF PM, GM, or BM there is no NM fee assessed. Competition management will be invoiced for all applicable USDF NM fees not received with the USDF post competition paperwork, along with a report listing all USDF NMs. Competition management is then required to submit the NM fees within 30 days to the USDF. An individual with a USDF NM identification number is not eligible for any USDF membership benefits. Once a USDF NM number has been assigned, a USDF NM card can be obtained from the USDF website. Horse Identification (HID) Number: A one-time tracking number for horses ($25). Scores earned by a horse with an HID number will be recorded, but will NOT be counted towards Adequan®/USDF Year-End Awards. A horse with an HID number is not eligible to compete in Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional qualifying or championship classes or Great American Insurance Group/USDF Breeders Championship Series Finals. An HID number can be upgraded to a Lifetime Horse Registration (LHR) for a fee of $70. If a horse has a USDF LHR it does not need an HID number. An HID number is a one-time fee that does not need to be renewed. Lifetime Horse Registration (LHR): A horse with an LHR ($95) is eligible for Adequan®/USDF Year-End Awards, and eligible to compete at Great American Insurance Group/USDF Breeders Championship Series Finals and Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional qualifying and championship classes, assuming requirements for the owner and rider are met. If a horse has an LHR it does not need an HID number. An LHR does not need to be renewed. How to Join USDF Applications for USDF Participating Membership (PM), Business Membership (BM), Horse Identification (HID) number, and Lifetime Horse Registration (LHR) may be found in the following locations: On the USDF website: www.usdf.org. You can submit the application online or download the form and fax or mail it to the USDF office. In the show office at USEF-licensed/USDF-recognized competitions classified by USEF as Dressage Competitions, and Regular Competitions which are open to all breeds. By calling or writing the USDF office at (859) 971-2277, 4051 Iron Works Parkway, Lexington, KY 40511 The effective date of membership is the date the form and correct fees are received in the USDF office or, if applying at a competition, the date accepted by the competition secretary, provided the application is signed and dated by the competition secretary, member, and/or horse owner on that same day. 07/14 !! 2015 L’Aperitif Dressage Competition Updates posted on www.einw.org !" 2015 L’Aperitif Dressage Competition Updates posted on www.einw.org !" 2015 L’Aperitif Dressage Competition Updates posted on www.einw.org !" 2015 L’Aperitif Dressage Competition Updates posted on www.einw.org 2015 Great American Insurance Group/USDF Regional Dressage Championships A single Regional Dressage Championship program organized by the United States Dressage Federation (USDF), and recognized by the United States Equestrian Federation, Inc. (USEF), will be held in each of the nine USDF regions. In addition, Alaska and Hawaii may each hold state championships if an official request from a Group Member Organization (GMO) is received by April 1 of the prior year. The Regional Championship Program Rules can be found on the USDF website at www.usdf.org. Please refer to the 2015 USDF Member Guide for the comprehensive list of rules and requirements for this program. Membership/Registration Requirements for Qualifying and Championships Rider: Must have a USDF Participating* Membership (PM) at the time qualifying scores are earned and at the time of the championships. Must have a USEF membership (Junior Active, Senior Active, or Life) at the time the qualifying scores are earned and at the time of the championships. Horse: Must have a USDF Lifetime Horse Registration (LTR) at the time qualifying scores are earned and at the time of the championships. Must have a USEF (Annual or Lifetime) Membership recorded at the time qualifying scores are earned and at the time of the championships. USDF horse registration and USEF horse/recording must be in the name(s) of the current owner(s) or lessee(s) of record. A horse is not required to have breed registry papers. Owner: Must have a USDF membership (PM* or Business Member (BM)) at the time the qualifying scores are earned and at the time of the championships. Must have a USEF membership (Junior Active, Senior Active, or Life) at the time qualifying scores are earned and at the time of the championships. * PMs are USDF members who join USDF directly. USDF Group Members (GM) are ineligible. Minimum Qualifying Scores. One set of nationally-standardized qualifying scores has been established for all USEF/USDF Regional Championships, for levels through Grand Prix, in three divisions: open, adult amateur and junior/young rider. FEI Junior and FEI Young Rider classes have only one respective division. Freestyles have only open divisions. The minimum percentages are as follows: Training Level (Test 3) First Level (Test 3) Second Level (Test 3) Third Level (Test 3) Fourth Level (Test 3) FEI Junior (Team Test) FEI Young Rider (Team Test) Prix St. Georges Intermediate I Intermediate II Grand Prix OPEN 68% 66% 64% 62% 62% — — 60% 60% 60% 60% AA 63% 62% 61% 60% 60% — — 60% 60% 60% 60% JR/YR 63% 62% 61% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% 60% FREESTYLE First Level Second Level Third Level Fourth Level Intermediate I Grand Prix OPEN 63% 63% 63% 63% 63% 63% AA — — — — — __ JR/YR — — — — — __ Rev Aug 2014 !" 2015 L’Aperitif Dressage Competition Updates posted on www.einw.org Equestrians Institute 2015 L’Aperitif Dressage Show GELDING Sunday, May 17, 2015 We encourage on-line entries through EqEntries.com. See prize list for details. HORSE NAME _____________________________________________ COLT/STALLION • Bridle Trails State Park • Kirkland, Washington FILLY/MARE HEIGHT___________ COLOR _____________ BIRTHYEAR (BIRTHDATE IF UNDER 4 YRS) _________ USDF NO. __________________ HID LIFE USEF NO. __________________ HID ANNUAL LIFE • • • • Each horse/rider combination requires a separate entry form. Complete both sides — signatures required on the back. Make payment to EI (check or money order). Mail form(s) with payment and proofs of memberships / horse recording(s) to: Kaye Phaneuf, L’Aperitif Secretary 9377 S Barnards Rd. Canby, OR 97013 BREED ______________________ COUNTRY OF BIRTH _______________ BREEDER ____________________ SIRE ________________________ CLASS NO. DIVISION CLASS DESCRIPTION QUAL? FEE DAM _______________________ DAMSIRE _____________________ BREED REGIST. NO. ____________ FOR SALE? YES AT STUD? YES RIDER/HANDLER NAME ____________________________________ ADDRESS _________________________________________________ CITY _______________________ STATE/ZIP/COUNTRY _____________ PHONE BEFORE SHOW ____________ PHONE DURING SHOW _____________ EMAIL ______________________ CITIZENSHIP IF NOT USA __________ USEF NO. __________________ OPEN ADULT AM JR/YR QUALIFYING FEES ($10 PER QUALIFYING RIDE) JR/YR BIRTHDATE ______________ USDF NO. __________________ GROUP PM SUBTOTAL – CLASS FEES + QUALIFYING FEES NON-MEMBER EQUESTRIANS INSTITUTE NO. _______ WILLING TO VOLUNTEER? YES USDF NON-MEMBER FEE ($25/ NON-MEMBER RIDER, OWNER) USDF HORSE ID ($25/HORSE IF NOT RECORDED WITH USDF) OWNER NAME ____________________________________________ ADDRESS _________________________________________________ CITY _______________________ STATE/ZIP/COUNTRY _____________ PHONE BEFORE SHOW ____________ PHONE DURING SHOW _____________ EMAIL ______________________ USEF NO. ___________________ USDF NO. __________________ GROUP PM NON-MEMBER EQUESTRIANS INSTITUTE NO. _______ WILLING TO VOLUNTEER? YES TRAINER REQUIRED: ADULT ON GROUNDS RESPONSIBLE FOR HORSE NAME ___________________________________________________ USEF DRUG & MEDICATION ($8 D & M + $8 ADMIN FEE, PER HORSE) $ 16 USDF SHOW PASS ($30/NON-MEMBER RIDER, OWNER, TRAINER, COACH) $ 20 OFFICE FEE ($20 PER ENTRY) No stalls, no haul-in fee, but you’ll need a Discover Pass. See pg. 6. ___ STALL(S) @ $____/STALL OR HAUL-IN FEE ___ TACK STALL(S) @ $____/STALL ___ BEDDING @ $____/BALE SPONSORSHIP NON-COMPETING HORSE (WITH PERMISSION OF SHOW MGT.) ADDRESS _________________________________________________ CITY _______________________ STATE/ZIP/COUNTRY _____________ TOTAL FEES PHONE BEFORE SHOW ____________ PHONE DURING SHOW _____________ STABLING TO BE STALLED TOGETHER, PLEASE USE ONE GROUP NAME. EMAIL ______________________ USEF NO. __________________ STALL GROUP ________________________________________ COACH IF COACHING ON SHOW GROUNDS ARRIVE _________________ DEPART _____________________ NAME ______________________________USEF NO. ____________ NOTES _____________________________________________ ! PARENT MEMBERSHIP NOT REQUIRED 2015 L’Aperitif Dressage Competition Updates posted on www.einw.org I hereby agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless USDF, its instructors, officers, directors, agents, and volunteers from and against any and all loss, liability or damage arising from or because of, or in connection with, participation in this competition or related activities. I also hereby agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless the competition liscensee, show management, competition staff, show committee and members, officers, directors, agents, and volunteers from and against any and all loss, liability or damage arising from or because of, or in connection with, participation in this competition or related activities. FEDERATION ENTRY AGREEMENT Federation Entry Agreement Effective By entering a Federation-licensed Competition and signing this entry blank as the Owner, Lessee, Trainer, Manager, Agent, Coach, Driver, Rider, Handler, Vaulter or Longeur and on behalf of myself and my principals, representatives, employees and agents, I agree that I am subject to the Bylaws and Rules of The United States Equestrian Federation, Inc. (the “Federation”) and the local rules of the Competition. I agree to be bound by the Bylaws and Rules of the Federation and of the competition. I will accept as final the decision of the Hearing Committee on any question arising under the Rules, and agree to release and hold harmless the Competition, the Federation, their officials, directors and employees for any action taken under the Rules. I represent that I am eligible to enter and/or participate under the Rules, and every horse I am entering is eligible as entered. I also agree that as a condition of and in consideration of acceptance of entry, the Federation and/or the Competition may use or assign photographs, videos, audios, cable-casts, broadcasts, internet, film, new media or other likenesses of me and my horse taken during the course of the Competition for the promotion, coverage or benefit of the Competition, sport, or the Federation. Those likenesses shall not be used to advertise a product and they may not be used in such a way as to jeopardize amateur status. I hereby expressly and irrevocably waive and release any rights in connection with such use, including any claim to compensation, invasion of privacy, right of publicity, or to misappropriation. The construction and application of Federation rules are governed by the laws of the State of New York, and any action instituted against the Federation must be filed in New York State. See GR908.4. Federation Release, Assumption of Risk, Waiver, and Indemnification This document waives important legal rights. Read it carefully before signing. I AGREE in consideration for my participation in this Competition to the following: I AGREE that “the Federation” and “Competition” as used herein includes the Licensee and Competition Management, as well as all of their officials, officers, directors, employees, agents, personnel, volunteers and Federation affiliates. I AGREE that I choose to participate voluntarily in the Competition with my horse, as a rider, driver, handler, vaulter, longeur, lessee, owner, agent, coach, trainer, or as parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor. I am fully aware and acknowledge that horse sports and the Competition involve inherent dangerous risks of accident, loss, and serious bodily injury including broken bones, head injuries, trauma, pain, suffering, or death. (“Harm”). I AGREE to hold harmless and release the Federation and the Competition from all claims for money damages or otherwise for any Harm to me or my horse and for any Harm of any nature caused by me or my horse to others, even if the Harm arises or results resulted, directly or indirectly, from the negligence of the Federation or the Competition. I AGREE to expressly assume all risks of Harm to me or my horse, including Harm resulting from the negligence of the Federation or the Competition. I AGREE to indemnify (that is, to pay any losses, damages, or costs incurred by) the Federation and the Competition and to hold them harmless with respect to claims for Harm to me or my horse, and for claims made by others for any Harm caused by me or my horse while at the Competition. I have read the Federation Rules about protective equipment, including GR801 and if applicable, EV114, and I understand that I am entitled to wear protective equipment without penalty, and I acknowledge that the Federation strongly encourages me to do so while WARNING that no protective equipment can guard against all injuries. If I am a parent or guardian of a junior exhibitor, I consent to the child’s participation and AGREE to all of the above provisions and AGREE to assume all of the obligations of this Release on the child’s behalf. I represent that I have the requisite training, coaching and abilities to safely compete in this competition. I AGREE that if I am injured at this competition, the medical personnel treating my injuries may provide information on my injury and treatment to the Federation on the official USEF accident/injury report form. BY SIGNING BELOW, I AGREE to be bound by all applicable Federation Rules and all terms and provisions of this entry blank and all terms and provisions of this Prize List. If I am signing and submitting this Agreement electronically, I acknowledge that my electronic signature shall have the same validity, force and effect as if I affixed my signature by my own hand. Copied from USEF website 11/14/2013 OWNER’S/AGENT’S SIGNATURE (MANDATORY) PRINT NAME RIDER/HANDLER SIGNATURE (MANDATORY) PRINT NAME TRAINER’S SIGNATURE (MANDATORY) COACH’S SIGNATURE (IF APPLICABLE) PRINT NAME PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE IF RIDER/DRIVER/TRAINER/HANDLER/VAULTER/LONGEUR IS UNDER 18 PRINT NAME PRINT PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME RIDER EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION NAME OF CONTACT/RELATIONSHIP: PHONE: Signatures are required for Rider/Handler, Owner and Trainer — 3 signatures, even if all the same person. Trainer = adult person responsible for the horse while it is on the show grounds. Coach = person who receives remuneration for instructing, teaching, schooling or advising the rider. Signature and proof of USEF membership required only if coaching at this show. Parent/Guardian signature required if Rider/Handler is a Minor, but person signing for Minor is exempt from non-member fees. Each signer is responsible for knowledge of all Show Rules and all applicable rules of organizations recognizing this competition. ! 2015 L’Aperitif Dressage Competition Updates posted on www.einw.org
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