F-X C hange F-X C hange O W N y bu Name: Homeroom: STUDENT HANDBOOK 2014-2015 ÉCOLE J.E. LAPOINTE SCHOOL 4801 – 55 Avenue Beaumont, Alberta T4X 1K2 8:25 (Outside bell) 8:30 - 8:35 1 8:35 - 9:15 EL/JH 2 9:15 – 9:55 EL/JH 3 9:55 – 10:35 EL/JH 4 10:35 – 10:50 EL 10:35 – 10:45 JH 10:45 – 11:25 JH DAY #1 Mme Marla Tonita Principal/Directrice Telephone: (780) 929-5977/5988 Fax: (780) 929-5258 http://ejels.blackgold.ca office email: jeloffice@blackgold.ca DAY #2 DAY #3 Recess/ Break 11:25 – 12:05 EL/JH 6 12:45 – 12:52 12:52 – 1:37 EL/JH 7 1:37 – 2:22 EL/JH 8 2:22 – 3:07 JH/JH DAY #4 Opening Exercises – National Anthem and morning announcements. 10:50 – 11:25 EL 5 Mr. Darren Helgren Assistant Principal/Directeur Adjoint Lunch Break (12:05 – 12:25 JH) - (12:30 – 12:50 EL) Recess (12:05 – 12:30 EL) – (12:25 – 12:45 JH) Opening Exercises 1 DAY #5 ac .c tr om lic k C om lic k C .c re . . k e r- s o ft w a w w ac ww ww tr to to bu y N O W ! PD ! PD k e r- s o ft w a re F-X C hange F-X C hange O W N y bu lic k tr HISTORY École J.E. Lapointe School was named in memory of Révérend J.E. Lapointe, parish priest of St. Vital de Beaumont Parish from 1945-1956.The school first opened its doors in May 1978, with approximately 250 students. Today, the school provides instruction for approximately 430 students in grades 6 to 8 regular English and grades 6 to 8 French Immersion. É.J.E.L.S colours are blue and yellow and the teams are called “Sabres”. MISSION STATEMENT “To empower students to reach their potential through quality learning opportunities. Inspiring Success.” VISION É.J.E.L.S. is a school community that honours a strong pedagogical foundation and fosters an empathetic and productive learning environment through innovation and teamwork. REGULAR SCHOOL DAY - Doors open at 8:20 a.m. when the buses arrive. Students must be in their respective classrooms by 8:25 a.m. Classes commence at 8:35 a.m. and dismiss at 3:07 p.m. BASIC SCHOOL YEAR – Listing of Professional Development Days and Holidays – No school September 2 September 19 October 13 October 14 November 7 November 10 November 11 December 5 Dec. 22 – Jan. 2 January 5 January 30 February 5 & 6 February 16 March 6 First Day of Classes (full day) Welcome Back & In-school PD Thanksgiving Day Staff Planning & Development Professional Development Day Mid Term Break Remembrance Day Staff Planning & Development Christmas Break Classes Resume Staff Planning & Development Teacher’s Convention Family Day Staff Planning & Development March 27 March 30 – April 3 April 6 April 24 May 15 May 18 June 26 Professional Development Day Spring Break/Good Friday Mid Term Break/Easter Monday Staff Planning Development Mid Term Break Victoria Day Last day of classes Communication - Student Achievement November 21 Report Card #1 March 14 Report Card #2 STAFF MEETINGS Early dismissal for staff meetings will be at 2:25 p.m. on the following Wednesdays throughout the year: October 1, November 5, December 3, 2014, January 7, February 4, March 4, April 8, May 6 and June 3, 2015. INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES FEE The instructional resources fee provides students with all textbooks and reference materials. These fees are due at the beginning of each school year. Students are held responsible for loss or unnecessary damage to school property including textbooks. Following are the instructional resources fees. Elem. – Instructional Resources Fee - $60.00 J.H. – Instructional Resources Fee - $70.00 J.H. only – Option Fees - $60.00 For a total of $130.00 for Junior High students. SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ To provide an opportunity for development (academically, morally, physically and socially), in a safe and caring environment; To establish and maintain an atmosphere conducive to learning; To encourage the development of a positive self-concept and individual self- worth within each student; To encourage school practices which model and reinforce socially responsible and respectful behaviour; To treat each student as an individual; To provide each student with opportunities to experience success; To foster student pride in his or her work; To encourage an attitude for learning consistent with a rapidly changing world; and To foster and maintain close working relationships with parents, students and teachers in providing a total education for the children. To meet our philosophical goals, our focus is continually on the development of a positive ATTITUDE through the emphasis on a particular group of 3 R’s: ¨ The standard of REASONABLE behaviour; ¨ RESPECT for one another and one another’s property; and ¨ RESPONSIBILITY for one’s actions. 2 ac .c C om lic k C .c re . . k e r- s o ft w a w w ac ww ww tr om to to bu y N O W ! PD ! PD k e r- s o ft w a re F-X C hange F-X C hange O W N y bu lic k tr ÉCOLE J.E. LAPOINTE SCHOOL COUNCIL École J.E. Lapointe School is very fortunate in having an active School Council. The parent positions on this board are elected at the annual general meeting of the council. The role of the School Council is to consult with the principal on matters involving the school and the students. A chairperson, elected from the parent members of the council,chair monthly meetings with parents, administration and school trustees to aid in the education and development of our students. If you are interested in the policies and priorities set in your child’s school, a position on the School Council may be for you. The council’s monthly meetings are open to all parents. Please plan to attend. Your opinion matters. SCHOOL POLICIES STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT (Alberta School Act, Section 12) A student shall conduct himself/herself so as to reasonably comply with the following code of conduct: ¨ Be diligent in pursuing his/her studies; ¨ Attend school regularly and punctually; ¨ Co-operate fully with everyone authorized by the board to provide education programs and other services; ¨ Comply with the rules of the school; ¨ Account to his/her teachers for school conduct; and ¨ Respect the rights of others. Rules and regulations will be kept to a minimum as we hold high expectations for good behaviour. We expect students to do their “personal best” and to encourage others to do the same. COURTESY and RESPECT for others and yourself, along with a POSITIVE COOPERATIVE ATTITUDE should be the guide to a satisfactory year at École J.E. Lapointe School. All students at J.E. Lapointe are to maintain standards of behaviour which will not cause physical injury or mental anguish to others. Dangerous items such as pocketknives, etc. are not permitted on École J.E. Lapointe School property or at facilities used by the school. A disregard for the above policy will result in immediate and serious consequences. Early in the school year, expectations for classroom behaviour will be clearly set out and discussed with the students. CHANGES TO PERSONAL INFORMATION There may be changes to the initial student information provided during the school year i.e. medical condition, address or telephone numbers. Please report these changes to the school office as soon as possible in order to keep our records current. ATTENDANCE J.E. Lapointe School will implement its Board-approved attendance policy in the following manner: ¨ The principal of the school or the classroom teacher has the right to request from the student a written statement from the parents stating reason(s) for any absence from school. ¨ Parents are required to contact the school whenever a child will be late or absent. You may leave a recorded message on our answering machine at 780-929-5977/780-929-5988 or email jeloffice@blackgold.ca ¨ Unreasonable absenteeism from school may result in a principal/parent meeting. ¨ In special cases where irregular attendance because of sickness is a problem and education progress is affected, the principal of the school may request a doctor’s certificate to confirm that the absence was in fact excusable. ¨ The school follows remedial procedures due to poor attendance: 1. The teacher will consult with parents as to reasons for their child’s absence/tardiness. 2. An attendance letter will be sent home stating concerns. 3. The teacher may arrange a meeting between the principal, child and parent to discuss the attendance or lateness problem. 4. The attendance officer of Black Gold Regional is to be informed of the attendance concerns. ¨ Parents are to be informed of their child’s poor attendance early enough for them to take remedial action. ¨ Flagrant disregard of the attendance policy (i.e. skipping of class) may result in a formal suspension. NOTE: Absence from class for any reason does not excuse the student from completing any assignments given during his/her absence. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what work was missed and to complete it. Teachers are prepared to assist in helping students complete the work missed. Missed examinations should be completed during noon hour and after school. 3 ac .c C om lic k C .c re . . k e r- s o ft w a w w ac ww ww tr om to to bu y N O W ! PD ! PD k e r- s o ft w a re F-X C hange F-X C hange O W N y bu lic k tr ILLNESS/INJURY ABSENCE When a student is ill, it is often undesirable for him or her to be at school. He or she may regain health more slowly, learn little and spread the illness to others in the class. The best place for a sick child is usually at home in bed. There are instances when a student appears well upon leaving for school but becomes ill during the day. When this occurs, we will attempt to contact the home so the student may be taken from the school. In the instance of injury in the school or on the school grounds, the student will be brought to the infirmary or office. If the injury appears minor, such as a cut finger, the appropriate first aid will be administered. Whenever the injury appears more serious an attempt is made to contact parents. If parents cannot be contacted we will attempt to contact the emergency number. An emergency number is required on file. If students are to be absent due to illness or other reasons, parents are to contact the school as early as possible. Failure to notify the school may result in the school contacting the parents at home or at work. This program is designed to ensure that no child is lost or in trouble between the home and school during the morning or during the noon hour. Please call 780-929-5977 / 780-929-5988 or email jeloffice@blackgold.ca If your child has a serious medical problem requiring specific emergency medication, please set up a meeting with the school counselor to discuss the emergency action and arrangements to safeguard your child. LATES Any student arriving late to school must report to the main office. A Student Attendance Summary is reviewed at the end of each month to determine if there are students who are late more than 10% of the time. If so, logical consequences will be administered. LEAVING SCHOOL EARLY If, for any reason, it is necessary for a student to leave school early, follow this procedure: ¨ Present a note from your parents to your homeroom teacher prior to registration. ¨ Before leaving present the note to the attendance secretary at the main office and sign out. ¨ Parents must check in at the office when picking up students or in emergency situations. *Under NO circumstances is the student to leave school during the day without first signing out at the office. PROMOTION POLICY A) General Objectives ¨ The programs offered at École J.E. Lapointe School are established according to provincial curriculum outcomes. ¨ Promotion of students will depend on how well students have mastered the outcomes of the program. ¨ The evaluation used shall adequately reflect the major curriculum outcomes and emphasis determined for a given subject. ¨ Early in the year, parents will be informed of the outcomes of the programs and courses, the practices, procedures and criteria to be used in evaluating and determining students’ marks. ¨ Adequate and accurate records of assessment and progress of each student will be maintained at the school. B) Guidelines ¨ Measurements are to be cumulative based on class work, assignments, and exams. ¨ Where appropriate, diagnostic, achievement, and psychological tests are to be included in final promotion decisions. ¨ Each subject teacher will provide the students with an evaluation procedure outline to be used for each subject. ¨ Student scholastic achievement will be recorded separately from student effort, work habits and attitudes. ¨ Our school counsellor, resource room teacher or other properly qualified personnel will conduct specialized assessments for students having learning difficulties. ¨ Criteria used by teachers in determining final promotional standing shall be monitored and approved by the principal. ¨ The possibility that a student may have to repeat a grade is usually communicated to parents preferably no later than the March report. Prior to the issuance of a final report in June indicating student retention, parents are generally consulted in May so that parental understanding and support of the decision may be obtained. ¨ After final grades have been determined, if in the professional assessment of the staff and principal a student has been recommended for retention in his/her present grade, the parent is encouraged to meet with the principal to discuss and gain more insight into this recommendation. C) Appeals Appeals may be directed to the superintendent of schools where a final written decision shall be communicated. 4 ac .c C om lic k C .c re . . k e r- s o ft w a w w ac ww ww tr om to to bu y N O W ! PD ! PD k e r- s o ft w a re F-X C hange F-X C hange O W N y bu lic k tr D) Specific Policy of École J.E. Lapointe School Reporting of student achievement will be made via the Powerschool parent portal for Junior High students and through the École J.E. Lapointe School report card. In special cases, teachers may write additional evaluation reports. Students’ achievement results will be communicated to the parents at least three times per year. It is recommended that parents of students having scholastic difficulties be in contact with the teachers on a monthly basis to maintain good communication. In the consideration of promotion, the following shall be applicable: ¨ Promotion of diagnosed special education students shall be considered on an individual basis. ¨ Appropriate consideration shall be given to emotional, social and physical maturity. The chronological age of the student will be considered. ¨ The student’s attitude, attendance and achievement are important factors in considering promotion. Students are made aware of this philosophy and the evaluation structure of each subject is announced early in the year. ¨ Students experiencing difficulty will be referred to the counsellor or learning assistance teacher for further assessment and/or help in developing better study or work skills. ¨ The criteria for passing a grade would include that a student must achieve 50% or better in at least two of Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies with an overall average of at least 50% in the core subjects (includes Phys Ed and Health). The student must also achieve a 50% average in the complementary courses. Honours Standing – grade 6 A student who achieves an 80%+ average in the core subjects (including Français), with no more than one of these courses having a mark in the 75-79% range, will be promoted with honours. Honours Standing – grade 7, 8 At the junior high school level, the criteria for recognizing an honours standing will be as follows: Group I Courses: Mathematics, Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Français (Immersion students) The average of Group I courses must be 80%+ with no more than one of these courses having a mark in the 75-79% range. Group II Courses: Phys Ed/Health, French as a Second Language, Technical Education/Home Economics, Art/Drama/Music and other complementary courses . The average of Group II courses must be 70%+. In calculating the average for the “Honour Roll”, the average of Group I courses will be given a weighting of 0.75 and those of Group II, a weighting of 0.25. The calculated average must be 80% or above to qualify. “Honours With Distinction" will be indicated for students who have successfully fulfilled the criteria as described above with a 90% + average, with no more than one of these courses having a mark in the 85-89% range. GRADE 7 AND 8 FINAL EXAM EXEMPTION POLICY Students are provided the opportunity to earn exemption status from writing final exams in their core subjects. As we believe that preparation for and the experience of writing a final exam is an important skill in the development of a conscientious student, the following exemption criteria is followed: 1. Overall academic average (cumulative) in the exempted course must be 85%+ and the student’s attitude and behaviour must be exemplary. 2. In the event that a student is eligible for exemption in 3 or more core subject exams, they may choose which 2 final exams they will not write. 3. A student may not be exempt from the same core subject in both grade 7 and grade 8. 4. Exemptions from writing final exams are at the discretion of the teacher. 5 ac .c C om lic k C .c re . . k e r- s o ft w a w w ac ww ww tr om to to bu y N O W ! PD ! PD k e r- s o ft w a re F-X C hange F-X C hange O W N y bu lic k tr WEATHER/EMERGENCY PROCEDURES POLICY Cold Weather Policy During severe weather conditions, all students will be kept inside the school at recess and the noon hour. This policy will be followed when: ¨ The temperature or wind-chill reaches –22°; and/or ¨ There is continuous rainfall. School Closure Due to Weather Conditions During periods of inclement weather a number of schools in Black Gold Regional Division may be closed as advised. Normally, when school closure is in effect, a message to that effect is announced on various radio and TV stations. The following radio and TV stations will be contacted when busses are not operating throughout Black Gold Regional Schools (rural and/or urban routes): Radio: CHED (630 AM), CFRN (1260 AM), CBC (740 AM), CFCW (790 AM), JOE (92 FM), COOL (880 AM), CISN (103.9 FM). TV: GLOBAL, CITY TV. WEBSITE: Information on bus cancellations, as well as other information will be shown on a scrolling banner on the home page of the website (www.blackgold.ab.ca ). In the event of “school closure announcement” for Black Gold Regional Division #18, please be advised that although school buses will NOT BE OPERATING, École J.E. Lapointe School will be open for all town students. The school will operate on a modified timetable on these occasions. SMOKE FREE SCHOOL AND GROUNDS/USE OF ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES École J.E. Lapointe School has been designated as a smoke-free environment: thus smoking is not permitted in the building or anywhere on the school grounds. Student use or possession of illegal substances is not permitted in the school or on school property including the Ken Nichol Regional Recreation Centre grounds and building. Students violating this rule will face school suspension. PHYSICAL VIOLENCE/ASSAULT/ INTIMIDATION/DANGEROUS OBJECTS Dangerous objects, such as jackknives, etc., are NOT permitted on ÉCOLE J.E. LAPOINTE SCHOOL property or at facilities used by the school. All students at J.E. Lapointe are to maintain standards of behaviour, which will not cause injury to others. An immediate suspension from school will result for any student involved in physical violence against another student, a staff member or guest to the school. Any student involved in numerous and continuing altercations with others will be referred to our support services before re-admittance into classes. INTIMIDATION/VERBAL HARASSMENT/THREATS Any student involved in these behaviours will be referred to our support services. A meeting with the parents and a suspension from classes may result for any student with continuing behaviour of this nature. Personal and/or family counselling may be recommended. INTERNET USE Students have access to the Internet once they have signed the “ BGRS responsible digital citizenship Through Admirable Use (Grade 5-12) ” contract. Failure to honor this contract will result in having userprivileges suspended. STUDENT SERVICES A group of educational specialists including psychologists, the school counselor and a Special Ed Coordinator are available through our Regional School Division to assist with any necessary interventions for student success. This team assesses student strengths and weaknesses, recommends special classes, remedial assistance, counseling or any other necessary programs. Parents, teachers or the school administration may initiate the assistance of these specialists. STUDENT PROGRAMING École J. E. Lapointe School feels all students need a sense of belonging. We strive to provide the most appropriate learning environments and opportunities for our students through an Inclusive Education system. We believe that this can be realized when the vision is shared by the school and home. Parents may contact the school regarding our Inclusive Education. Students also have access to extra assistance in grades 6 – 8. Each elementary teacher is provided one resource period a week to assist students who may be having difficulty with homework or certain curricular outcomes. Junior High students who may need extra assistance will be identified, the parents contacted, and be provided assistance up to three times per week depending on their schedule. 6 ac .c C om lic k C .c re . . k e r- s o ft w a w w ac ww ww tr om to to bu y N O W ! PD ! PD k e r- s o ft w a re F-X C hange F-X C hange O W N y bu lic k tr GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING Our school counselor provides the school with guidance and counseling services. Students and parents are encouraged to discuss problems with the counselor. The school promotes and encourages appropriate behaviour patterns that are conducive to a good learning environment. To achieve this, teachers basically deal with discipline problems in their classrooms. However, there may be occasions when the principal, counselor, teachers, parents and students may meet to examine and resolve problems. Parental cooperation is most important and can help to minimize students’ behaviour problems. LIBRARY SERVICES & ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ The library is open 8:40 a.m. to 3:07 p.m. Students are expected to replace chairs and return magazines to the shelves before leaving the library. The library is a classroom and students are expected to apply the same rules in the library that apply in a classroom. The maximum number of books a student should have at any one time is three. GUEST TEACHERS When a class has a guest teacher, students are expected to treat him/her with respect, to cooperate, and to complete assigned work. Students should offer to help with classroom routines and remember… make a good impression. vSTUDENT TRANSPORTATION The school is serviced by yellow school buses (for out of town students). Any inquiries regarding school buses should be directed to Mrs. Sue Timmermans - Transportation Department at 780-955-6034. Please ask your driver to provide your child with the Black Gold bus regulations. ÏLOCKERS All students have access to a locker. A combination lock will be made available to all students free of charge. A seven dollar replacement fee will be charged for any lost locks. No outside locks will be permitted. The school will maintain a record of each student’s locker number, lock serial number, and combination. The school reserves the right to inspect a locker without informing the student, if probable cause exists. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Intramurals: At lunchtime, students will be participating in various activities throughout the school year. Emphasis is placed on sportsmanship and participation. These activities help to develop school spirit and give students an opportunity to use skills developed in physical education classes. Interschool Activities : J.E. Lapointe students participate in a variety of interschool activities. Both Elementary and Junior High band students participate in the Leduc Rotary Festival. Other opportunities for Elementary and Junior High students include sports such as Basketball, Floor Hockey and Track & Field events. Junior High students also participate in interschool Volleyball and Badminton. Clubs/Activities : A variety of student clubs are in operation throughout the year: Chess, Choir, Debate, Gardening, Guitar, Running, Ski, Speech Arts and Spelling Club. Students also have the option of participating in our Annual Talent Show. STUDENT RECOGNITION Students are recognized in a variety of ways for their achievements in academics, athletics and the fine arts throughout the year. Through our daily morning announcements and monthly assemblies we recognize students’ birthdays, various achievements in school and out of school, contests, community events as well as participation on school teams and clubs. At our assembly in June, we recognize students in each class with our Merit Awards. These awards of merit are given in four categories: Positive Role Model, Citizenship, Most Dedicated Effort, and Most Improved Student. Students in each of our classes are selected for this honor of merit. In June, we have of our formal Awards Night where students are recognized in the areas of Academics, Athletics and Fine Arts. 7 ac .c C om lic k C .c re . . k e r- s o ft w a w w ac ww ww tr om to to bu y N O W ! PD ! PD k e r- s o ft w a re F-X C hange F-X C hange O W N y bu lic k tr ä LUNCHROOM POLICY Students eating at school ¨ Must eat in homerooms – Grade 6 (12:30 – 12:50); Grade 7 and 8 (12:05 – 12:25) ¨ Grade 6 and 7 must remain at the school during the entire lunch break. ¨ Grade 8 may leave the school grounds with written parental permission ¨ Students eating at home or off school grounds must have parental permission. ¨ Parents providing permission for students to leave school grounds, will be responsible for their child during the entire lunch break. Any exceptions to the above expectations must be done in writing (signed note from the parent/guardian). MODES OF TRANSPORTATION Students come to school in various modes of transportation such as bicycles, skateboards, scooters, etc. Students who come to school on bicycles have access to bikes racks located in the front of the school and in the compound located on the east side of the school. Students are encouraged to lock their bicycles to ensure its safety. The compound is not locked during the day as some students go home for lunch or have various appointments throughout the day. Students’ skateboards/scooters that cannot be locked will have the opportunity to be placed in the shed located in the bike compound. The shed will be open between 8:00 – 8:25 a.m. and reopened at 3:07 p.m. Students that arrive after 8:25 or may need these items sometime during the school day must leave them at the bike racks at their own risk as they are not allowed in the school for storage. Students that come to school on various modes of transportation are not allowed to ride these items during the day unless leaving the school grounds. The school is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen items, but will make every effort to assist students in recovering their losses . DRESS CODE Ecole J. E. Lapointe School expects all students to dress appropriately for school. Clothing such as crop-tops, very short shorts, shirts exposing midriff and/or undergarments are nor suitable attire for the school environment. Students cannot display references to profanity, alcohol, drugs, sex, inappropriate images, or violence on their clothing, school supplies, lockers, etc. Students dressing in a manner not suitable for school or displaying negative images will be spoken to at the discretion of the staff. Students continuing to not adhere to the dress code will be forwarded to the office and dealt with accordingly . HAND HELD DEVICES As hand-held devices has become an everyday part of many students lives, it has also become one of the most challenging issues facing schools. Although many students carry a hand-held device such as a cell phone, Ipod, etc., it is important that we have guidelines for when their use is appropriate. The students are not to use their hand-held devices to make calls or text during class time or in the hallways during the school day. Using handheld devices to listen to music or other forms of entertainment are not allowed in the hallways or in class unless permitted to do so by the teacher. As well, teachers may grant permission for students to use their handheld device in the classroom for educational purposes . If a student must make a phone call to a parent or other family member, each classroom is equipped with a phone as long as permission from the teacher is given. Students who do not adhere to our hand-held device guidelines will be warned by the teacher and if continued misuse occurs, the device may be taken away and given back to the student at the end of the day. ( TELEPHONE MESSAGES Due to the number of students and teachers in the school, it is our policy not to call people to the phone during class time, except in the case of an emergency. Teachers may be contacted before class, during recess or noon hour, and after school. Important and urgent messages for students will be taken by the secretary and passed on. Student use of the general office telephone is restricted to time of illness or other such emergency calls. Personal student calls are to be made on phones in the classroom at the discretion of the teacher. Students are reminded to leave a message when calling home as the office receives numerous calls from concerned parents in which no message had been left. VISITORS All visitors including parents must report to the general office. If they are staying in the school for a period of time they must sign in and out at the office. NO exceptions, please. The office will look after requests, messages, etc. 8 ac .c C om lic k C .c re . . k e r- s o ft w a w w ac ww ww tr om to to bu y N O W ! PD ! PD k e r- s o ft w a re
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