Call For Participation - e

Call For Participation
Deadline for applications: March 20, 2015
Dear Colleagues!
We are pleased to announce the 6rd International theoretical and practical
conference “e-Kazan 2015” to take place from Monday, April 21th to Thursday
April 23th, 2015.
The International Conference “e-Kazan 2015” invites researchers,
practitioners and academic staff to present their research findings, works in
progress, case studies and conceptual advances in areas of work where education
and technology intersect.
The main objective of “e-Kazan 2015” is to highlight, promote and
disseminate the new technologies and innovations in the field of e-learning. The
wide scope of “e-Kazan 2015” should provide an excellent opportunity for
sharing experiences, knowledge and ideas amongst researchers and scientists from
academia, practitioners, vendors and government departments.
Venue description
Kazan is the capital city of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. With a
population of 1,200,000 , it is the sixth largest city of Russia. Kazan lies at the
confluence of the Volga and Kazanka rivers in European Russia. In April 2009, the
Russian Patent Office granted Kazan the right to brand itself as the "Third Capital"
of Russia. In 2009 it was chosen as the "sports capital of Russia". The Kazan
Kremlin is a World Heritage Site.
There are 44 institutes of higher education in Kazan, including 19 branches
of universities from other cities. More than 140 000 students are educated in the
Kazan Federal University, third oldest university in Russian Federation was
founded in 1804.
Kazan is unique multi-national and multi-confessional city. Major religions
in Kazan city are Sunni Islam and Eastern Orthodoxy. Minor religions are
Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, Krishnaism, and the Baha’i Faith.
The conference will feature several excursions to the Kazan Kremlin and
the Qol Sharif Mosque, Kazan museums, and Raifa Orthodox Monastery near
All Religions Temple. A building and cultural
center built by the local artist Ildar Khanov
This year as usual the International Conference “e-Kazan 2015” will benefit
from Education and Science Department of Republic of Tatarstan.
Organized by
Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities (Kazan, Russia),
Kazan Federal University (Russia),
Economical University (Bratislava, Slovakia),
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Learning Systems Platforms and Architectures
* Rethinking Pedagogy in Technology-enhanced Learning
* Adaptive and Personalized Technology-enhanced Learning
* Intelligent Educational Systems
* Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
* Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies for Learning
* Semantic Web and Ontologies for Learning Systems
* Virtual Worlds for Academic, Organizational, and Life-Long Learning
* Technology-Enhanced Language Learning
* Technology-enhanced Science Education
* International Alliance for Open Source, Open Standards, and federated
* School of the Future and Future Classrooms
* Cloud-based Learning and Assessment
We invite submission of papers reporting original academic or industrial research
in the area of Advanced Learning Technologies. The expected types of
submissions include:
* Full paper: 6 pages
* Short paper: 3 pages
For registration please visit .
Registration is required for participating in the Conference. For more
information please visit .
If you don’t speak Russian, you can fill the registration form below and send
it to committee secretary via email Please, make sure your report is
attached to email when you send it. Submitted conference materials shall be
published in a form of a journal by April 20, 2015.
We look forward to welcoming participants from across the globe and we
hope that you will be able to join us.
Please, inform committee staff in case you need a hotel reservation and
specify the date and time of your arrival. Contact via e-mail For
accommodation alternatives visit
Contact Information:
Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities (Organizational committee)
13/16 Profsouznaya Street
Kazan, Tatarstan 420111
Russian Federation
Tel +7 (843) 258-55-27
Fields marked with * are obligatory
(up to 100 characters)
(up to 100 characters)
(up to 50 characters)
Academic degree
(up to 50 characters) e.g. Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Economics, Candidate of History, Master of Arts
Academic rank
(up to 50 characters) e.g. Professor, Associate professor, Academician, Scientific associate
(up to 100 characters)
*Address with zip code:
(up to 250 characters)
(up to 250 characters)
(up to 100 characters)
(up to 100 characters)
(up to 100 characters)
(up to 50 characters)
*State / Province:
(up to 100 characters)
(up to 50 characters)
(up to 250 characters)
All fields are obligatory.
(up to 250 characters)
Title of report:
(up to 250 characters)
Type of report: Traditional
(both types should be published)
Comments on report:
(up to 250 characters)