may 2015 newsletter

Easter Brunch was sold out! If you have not attended a specialty Brunch, you must
make sure you do. Chef Chris was off the charts on melon carvings, ice sculpture, and
food presentation! Be My Guest Golf Tournament was so much fun for our new
members to invite their prospective members, we signed up several new families.
Spotlight this month is on two of our Ambassador Couples.
Marilynn & Mel Tolle - The Tolle’s have been Ambassadors
for almost 2 years. They recently moved from Fairview and left the donkeys and cows behind
and moved to a new home on the 15th green and love their new surroundings. They enjoy
meeting friends at The Club for dinner or drinks and visiting with family and 8 grandkids, especially the youngest, 2 1/2 year old granddaughter, Kate.
Jessica Oakes & Kevin Carney – Jessica and Kevin are new Ambassadors this year and really
enjoy using golf as their quality time together. They love travelling for long weekends that involve wine tasting, boating, and golfing. A fun fact about Jessica and Kevin is that they are both
from Long Island NY but moved here 16 years apart and then met! You will find them at the
club drinking craft beer and red wine, depending upon the day!
We can now accept member payments via EFT. If you are
interested in taking advantage of this option, please
contact Shanny at 972-529-6779 x 206.
Also, remember to update your email addresses with us for
billing purposes and to stay up to date on everything
going on at the Club.
May is upon us. It is amazing to think that the year is almost half over. May
brings warmer days, more sunshine and plenty of opportunities to enjoy
everything that your Club has to offer. I want to highlight 2 things that
should not be missed: Party on the Patio and Dinner Club. Party on the Patio offers great food and
good music; combined with warm weather and good friends – it cannot be beat. Dinner Club offers
Chef Chris an opportunity to experiment and to present a dining experience that cannot be duplicated in the McKinney area. If you only like steak and potatoes, stay away; but if you want to have your
taste buds challenged and amazed, sign up and be dazzled.
David Vannoy
Wendy Vannatta
Sponsored by Ambassador Co-Chairs Chris & Jill
Sponsored by Ambassador Co-Chairs Chris & Jill
Joseph & Farah Kelsey
Joe & Leslie Barrett
Sponsored by Curtis & Angie Jones
Sponsored by Dennis & Vikki Morgan
Chris & Christen Myers
Darin Patrizi & Tameka Loewecke
Sponsored by Ambassador Co-Chairs Chris & Jill
Sponsored by Richard & Danna Arellano
Ron & Michelle Hardy
Kevin & Angie Kennedy
Sponsored by Troy & Karen Williamson
Sponsored by Jim Garrison
Alan Berk
Alex & Susan Beard
Sponsored by Jeff & Terri Landau
Sponsored by Ambassador Co-Chairs Chris & Jill
Jennifer & Chris Harris
Sandy Spoonemore
Sponsored by Doc & Vanessa Compton
Sponsored by Jim Garrison
Sunday, May 31st
Join us as we celebrate
Carol’s Legacy of Love.
This will be a fun
9 - Hole Charity Event.
Played the way Carol enjoyed
(no sand traps allowed, etc.)
Proceeds will support a trust fund for
Ryan & Aaron’s education.
Hosted at Eldorado Country Club
For more Details & Registration Visit:
Hole Sponsorship opportunities
Welcome to the May edition of Calef’s corner. I am excited as I write this because the weather
is warmer and the golf course is in GREAT condition. We have had a perfect spring for growing,
and that in combination with the hard work put in every day by Aarons staff equal a great golf
course. The grass is green and plush, the leaves are filling the trees, and other than a few thunderstorms, the sun is popping up daily, and staying up until after 8PM. If you can find a way to
cut out of work early during the week you should have no problem getting all 18 holes in before sunset.
That leads me into the one topic that I try to touch on every month, and that is how to improve at the game of
golf here at Eldorado. This month is simple…..PLAY MORE GOLF! When I am giving a private lesson one of the
things that we focus on is hitting a lot of golf balls. The reason is simple. Most players don’t get in the necessary practice to build a solid, consistent golf swing. It is the reason that you may play two or three holes well,
but then have a blow-up hole or two, and then “find it” again and play a couple more good holes. With good
fundamentals and repetition your swing will be consistent from shot to shot, hole to hole, day to day. This
time of year by playing more golf, you will find that your scores will go down; I just can’t promise that it will be
immediately. ☺
This time of year is a when I also like to bring up another topic that affects our golf course, but more importantly, our practice facilities. One of the great things about Eldorado is the fact that you can walk 100 feet
from the clubhouse to hit range balls or practice your putting. This is a very convenient facility that way. What
we need to watch out for as we get to longer days and especially with school getting out soon, is children on
or near our putting green and driving range. We are a special place because of our family atmosphere, but we
need to be mindful of where our children run and play. Outside of the obvious concern of someone getting hit
with an errant shot, as children play things inevitably get broken. We have already had to replace 4 cart signs,
all of the flags on the putting green more than once, and a storage container near the cart staging area. The
items that I speak of are relatively small, but do add up and cost money over time. I really appreciate everyone
cooperation with this issue. If you see someone walking or playing in an area that is dangerous or where they
are not supposed to be, please make the staff aware so we can handle the situation. Thank you again.
As always, Thank You for Being a Member!
Fairways and Greens,
Mike Calef, Head Golf Professional
Our Member Relations Director, Amber
Cox, is Engaged!! As much as she would
love for all of you to be at her wedding,
there is not a facility large enough to hold
everyone who wants to be a part of this
special event. So instead, her and her
fiancé would like to invite those who want
to be a part of this happy occasion to come
out on Thursday, May 21st from 6:30-8pm
to meet the man that stole her heart and
enjoy some hors d’oeuvres and happy
hour drink specials!
Well, May is finally on its way in and hopefully some good golfing weather along with it. We’ve had some good days and
some rainy cool days but everyone seemed to be in the mood to play golf so the rain didn’t stop anyone.
The Member/Member game was scheduled on the 22nd and 29th of April and I’ll announce the
winners on the next newsletter.
Mike came out to play golf with the girls in April and gave us all some good pointers on how to play
and we all enjoyed having his help. Thanks Mike!
Coming up on May 13th is our exchange with Heritage Ranch. We have 25 ladies signed up. The cost
is $35-40 which will include golf and lunch. It’s a scramble so all can enjoy playing. It is a fun time and the Heritage
Exchange always has good food and wonderful prizes! A good time will be had by all.
May special events are as follows:
5/13/15 Play Date Exchange with Heritage Ranch (Scramble with Lunch)
5/20/15 Match Play (Deadline 5/19/15 at 11:00pm)
5/27/15 Member-Guest (Deadline 5/26/15 at 11:00pm)
Birthday girls for the month of May are Lynn Hetsel on 5/13 and Nancy Collins on 5/8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY and good golfing!!!
Junior Academy
My objective is to provide each junior with the
skills, knowledge, etiquette, and confidence
needed to perform well on a high school team
and eventually college team if the junior desires.
I know what it takes to play NCAA level golf,
and I know how much work it takes to get there
as a junior. I want to give every player the
chance to be a great golfer if they choose to
In this program, juniors receive time
and attention on the golf course through group
lessons as well as an individual lesson each
month, allowing specific player and skill development.
Areas of concentration will be:
Repeatable full swing development
Short game
Course management
Positive Attitude
Last month was a busy month for us with the Eclectic, the Exchange, and Mars/Venus. Hope everyone had a good time playing in
those events and made some new friends along the way. And, I’m sure
you’ve all noticed how nice and GREEN the course is looking with all
those April showers!
With May here already, be sure and get your guest lined up
for Member/Guest coming up June 11th and 12th. Also, Presidents Cup
begins June 1st. Other important dates to remember in May are the
Solheim Qualifier play dates, Saturday the 9th, Thursday the 14th, Saturday the 23rd and Thursday the 28th. There are also 2 Interclub play
dates in May, Thorntree on the 19th and Canyon Creek the 27th.
Happy Birthday to our May Birthday girls:
Carol Staif, 1st
Carolyn Philo, 2nd
Ellen Palmer, 3rd
Clinics & Lessons
Paige LaSalle, 8th
Coach Chad also teaches clinics & private lessons. Call or email him to check availability.
Sally Cobb, 27th
Contact Coach Chad to sign up: or
Lisa Baird, 31st
Nancy Huff, 28th
Marilyn Meeks, 31st
Girls, Giggles, & Golf
A non-competitive Golf Social for beginner lady golfers. Includes a short lesson & actual playing time on the course.
Then come in for some wine and socializing with the ladies. This is a fun event
and a great way to meet new people.
The cost is $25 & includes: cart, lesson,
wine, & appetizers.
Our first one of the year will be on May
17th from 3-4pm. Call the Pro Shop to
sign up!
Ladies Golf Clinics
Chad Moscovic’s ladies golf clinics are
continuing this month on Tuesdays
from 10-11am. $10/person/class. The
content changes every week. Limited
spots available each week. Call the Pro
Shop or email Chad to sign up.
Join us every Wednesday for a 9 hole
skins game. It is an A-B-C-D format
with a chance to win the Powerball
Jackpot. The entry fee is $15.
Guys & Dolls
This is an 18 hole tournament for couples. It is more competitive than Friday
Night Fun. Our first one of the year
will be on Sunday, May 17th. Call the
Pro Shop to sign up.
The 25x25 ft training center will provide protection
from the outside elements so weather conditions do
not stop progress on our members’ golf games. The
center will also provide tour level video analysis with
multiple angles and screens. If you are interested in
purchasing a Sponsorship Package or any type of
donation to help fund this project, please contact Chad
Moscovic or Mike Calef. We will also be hosting a
teaching marathon, raffle, and other fundraisers to
help raise capital for this project.
Happy Hour Golf
Grab some friends and take advantage
of this incredible offer! This is for a
member & up to 3 guests + a 6 pack of
your favorite beer + green fees & cart
fees for only $65! That is not per person, that is the total cost! This offer is
available Tuesdays-Fridays after 3pm.
Call the Pro Shop to set up your tee
Hacker’s Club
This is a fun 9 hole format for those
who can’t break 90. The next one is
Saturday, May 9th at 1pm. Chance to
win prizes. Call the Pro Shop to sign up.
Nine & Dine
Every Tuesday starting at 3pm. $20+tax
per person and includes 9 holes, shared
appetizer, and 2 drink tickets per person. Call the Pro Shop to schedule
your tee time.
Friday Night Fun
Our next Friday Night Fun is May 15th
at 5:30pm. This is a fun & relaxed format of social golf. It is 2 person teams
and is especially fun to play as a couple.
The cost is $12.50/person and includes
cart, 9 holes, 2 drink tickets, and a
chance to win prizes. This is a very
popular event and spots fill up quickly.
$20,000 Raised So Far! Still Need
$45,000 for the building to be built!
Watch for some upcoming
fundraising events or you can make a
donation anytime in the Pro Shop!
Another successful spring season with lots of
wins and lots of fun. We appreciate everyone working together to make Eldorado a fun place to play
tennis despite all the rain and make up matches! I
know it is frustrating, but we had a great season
and the weather will be 100 degrees before we know
it! Congrats to our juniors on their team tennis
seasons at school and we look forward to a great
summer of gains for next fall…don’t be afraid of the
2 a day offerings as we will pace it with lots of tennis, skill building, team activities, and much more
to get better everyday. The unlimited option is a
steal this summer as we offer 16 classes per week.
This option is easily $500 or more at any other facility…we feel that if you will commit to more JD
then we will commit to make it more than reasonable. (remember—unlimited is a 3 month commitment for the summer due to the price discounting)
We look forward to seeing you at the fun
events scheduled for the summer and
don’t forget we kick it off with the
105 tournament on Memorial Day
from 9-12 so get a team ready for
the big event!
Cardio Offerings Powerball Offerings
Tuesday 6:30-7:30pm
Thursday 6:30-7:30pm
Tuesday 9:30-11:00 am
Friday 9:30-11:00 am
Saturday 9:30-11:00 am
(All 1 1/2 hour classes with less
then 5 players will only be an
Men Tuesday 6:30-7:30pm
Mixed Thursday 6:30-7:30pm
Thurs Drill & Play 9:30-11:30 am
Drill for 1 for 1 hour
(All powerball credits earned must be
used before the end of the Calendar year
and may be used on Lessons, Drills, and
Tennis Shop Merchandise...may not be
used on future League Play)
be having an EWTA Happy Hour in the Grill on May
15th starting at 5pm. There will be $1 beer and wine
from 5pm-7pm. Hope to see you all there. Bring a friend
and let’s have some fun!!
Also, take a peek in the Tennis Pro Shop for
information regarding the May 25th Memorial Day
Tennis Tournament. This is always a fun event and you
won’t want to miss it!
If you are interested in joining the EWTA, contact
Heidi Aiken at for more
information. Hope to see you on the courts!!
We are hosting our final Eldorado Ladies’ meeting of the season! We have
saved one of the best programs for the last—Little Red Hen’s Fashion Show.
So please come out and see the newest spring fashions being modeled by your fellow ELA friends.
And, of course, this event is one you will want to invite a friend or neighbor to enjoy with you.
As this is our last meeting for this season please do not pass up this opportunity to come visit with
your friends before we dismiss and many get away for the summer.
We will convene in August for our annual Welcome Coffee so consider your many friends who you
would like to join us for next season. You need not be a member of Eldorado County Club to join.
The annual dues are $25; members pay $15 for our luncheons and guests pay $20. We hope to see a
large attendance for this special event.
Little Red Hen Fashion Show
Ladies join us on the second
Tuesday of each month at 7 pm
in the ladies locker room. On
May 12th, we will be discussing All
The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. In June, our book
will be The Nightingale by Kristin
Hannah. Contact Barb Zamets at
May 5, 2015
11:00 Social
11:30 Luncheon
12:00 Program
Valet parking is always available and of course you need not be a member of Eldorado Country Club
to attend.
Luncheon cost is $15 for members; $20 for guests.
Please RSVP to Amber Cox at no later than the Friday preceding the meeting
We meet the 3rd Saturday of
Come polish up your Bridge skills every Friday
the month. Our next gathering
in the Ladies’ Locker Room. To sign up ,
is Sat, May 16th @ 7pm.
please contact Dorreen Clements at
For more info about our group,
March 27th Winners
contact Shirley Powers
1st: Dorreen Clements, 2nd: Shirley Powers,
@ 972-529-9201
3rd: Agatha Donatelli
April 10th Winners
1st: Judy Perry, 2nd: Shirley Powers,
3rd: Marcia Behl
April 17th Winners
Interested in a night of bunko,
1st: Judy Perry, 2nd: Linda Beavers
socializing, food, & fun? Our
next meeting is Thursday, May
28th @ 6:30pm. Spots fill up fast
& subs are always needed!
Please contact Sherry Rhodes @
214-856-5212 to sign up!
Have you reserved your wine locker, yet? They are available to our members on a first come first serve
basis for a rental of $25 per month.You will be able to stock your locker with selections from our vendors wine list of over a thousand different wines to pick from at a significant discount (because of this
exceptional offer Gold and Prepaid Dues Discounts do not apply).
Hours of Operation
Sports Grill
Club Numbers
Main Line……………….972-529-6779
Golf Pro Shop………….972-529-2770
Tennis Shop…………….972-529-2775
Office Hours
Course Maintenance..972-542-2159
Golf Shop
Sports Grill……………………..ext 213
Catering………………………ext. 203
Accounting…………………..ext. 206
Tuesday-Sunday 7:00am-6:00pm
Membership………………….ext. 202
Tennis Shop
Friday-Saturday 8:30am-6:00pm
Staff At Your Service
Joe Don Davis,
General Manager
Fitness Center
Amber Cox,
Member Relations
2015 Board of Governors
Todd Hall, At Large
Shanny Cox,
Rob Spring, At Large
Course Accountant
Tom Meeks, At Large
Darryl Bryson, At Large
Cathy Taylor,
Ron Harper, At Large
Membership & Catering Director
Amy Fuqua, At Large
Mark Womack, MGA
Mike Calef
Dwight Watson, Handicap Committee
Head Golf Pro and Assistant GM
Michelle Cross, EWTA
John Behl, SMGA
Jill Heidorf, Ambassador Committee
Marilyne Todd, EWGA
Kathy Martin, ENGA
Aaron Schick,
Course Superintendent
Grady McKee,
2015 Ambassador Club
Head Tennis Pro
Jill & Chris Heidorf, Co-Chairs
Art & Sue Burke
Charlie & Lori Busa
Arnel Arcilla
Kevin Carney & Jessica Oakes
Keith & Bonnie Klinger
Food & Beverage Service Director
Chris & Jessica Wagner
Larry & Joi Macy
Chad & Melissa Grabowski
Mel & Marilynn Tolle
Rich Short & Bonnie Weaver
Darryl & Cathy Bryson
Executive Chef
Brian & Jennifer Gadek
Josh & Jessica Manuel
Steve & Julie Lindberg
Darin & Cheridy Dodd
Miguel Nunez,
Michael & Karen Murray
Bob & Micki Sandell
David & Ann-Marie Schafer
Gary & Brenda Gingrich
Chris Smith
Locker Room Attendant
Pilates/Barre Method
Deena S
Cardio Kickboxing
Evening Zumba
Evening Yoga
Carla C
Mary K
Pilates Fusion/Yoga
8:158:15-9:15 Deana M
Ultimate Cardio
Evening Zumba
*NEW* 5:455:45-6:45pm
Carla C
Fat Burning Fusion
Xtrememe Fit Cardio
8:308:30-9:45am Carla C
8:158:15-9:15am Cindy D
Massage Modalities Include:
*Swedish Massage*
Cranial Sacral Therapy
Manual Lymphatic Drainage
* Medical Massage *
*Sports Massage*
50 minute session any modality $75
Package of 4, 50 min Massages $260 ($40 savings)
80 minute session $100
Package of 4, 80 min Massages $360 ($40 savings)
Jackie Reyes
Massage Therapist & Personal Trainer
Cindy Durham
Group Fitness Coordinator, Certified
& Group Exercise Instructor
Certified Personal Trainer
Deena Steel
Certified Pilates & Group Exercise
Deana McGarr
Certified Yoga, Pilates &
Group Exercise Instructor
Healthy Lifestyle Wellness Coach
Mary Koelling
Certified Yoga Instructor
Carla McEwan
Certified Pilates, Yoga, &
Group Exercise Instructor
Christine Troost
Licensed Zumba and Zumba Gold Instructor
Bachelor Degreed Exercise Physiologist
Theresa Horvath
Certified Yoga, Zumba, & Group Exercise
2015 Junior Golf Schedule
May 17
Family Golf
June 9-12
Junior Golf Camp (Session #1)
June 21
Eldorado Parent/Junior
June 23-26
Junior Golf Camp (Session #2)
July 7-10
Junior Golf Camp (Session #3)
July 20
NTPGA Jr Event
July 21-24
Junior Golf Camp (Session #4)
August 4-7
Junior Golf Camp (Session #5)
August 12-13 Eldorado Jr Club Championship
August 18-21 Junior Golf Camp (Session #6)
Contact: or 214-578-7921
Websites: or
As we head into May we have our first core aerification scheduled to take place on the 4th. These
aerifications are a very important cultural practice that helps us manage the thatch layer in our greens.
Without managing the thatch our greens would become soft and spongy, susceptible to disease, and display inhibited drainage. We will be pulling a 3/8ths core and expect the time to heal to be about two
weeks. Thank you in advance for your understanding during this process.
Thank You for being a member!!
Aaron Schick, CGCS