EDHAA General Mtg - El Dorado Hills Arts Association

Studio Tour Artist Preview…Monday, May 11, 2015
President’s Message:
We are fortunate to have such a dedicated group of artists in EDHAA! I am seeing all the
work our Board members and Committees have accomplished, working as a team to make
the 2015 Studio Tour on May 30 and 31 happen. The Studio Tour team deserves a big thank
you: Sally Allie/Applications, Marco Ippaso and Anca Statescu /Brochure Design and Joey
Cattone/Publicity and Signage. There are others too that are supporting the team; Elena
Tucker and Kathleen Moore, Treasurer, and Judy Arrigotti, past President. Anca arrived
before the April meeting to distribute brochures for the Studio Tour. It is important that every
one of them gets sent out to potential visitors. If you have extra brochures to spare, contact
Anca so she can place them with another person.
Plans for the fall Membership Show are already under way. We are in need of a couple of
volunteers for the Membership Show. If you are participating in the show, please try to help
out where you can by contacting Joey Cattone (joeycattone@comcast.net). If we all do a
little part of the whole, together it will make a big difference.
We had a very successful interview process with eight high school students applying for the
art scholarship. Rita Giannini-Martinez, Chair, Elaine Wallin, Marie Gonzales and Bonnie
Williams served as Judges. Of the eight candidates, seven were interviewed. Elizabeth
Smith, student at El Dorado High School in Placerville, was chosen for the award. All the
candidates have a passion for their art and presented well. It was interesting to see how
each plan to achieve their goals through education and creative efforts. Think about being
a Judge next year!
Our April demonstrator, Roy Moffatt, created a very nice landscape and offered a lot of tips
for the watercolorists. Lynne Edwards took photos for the Newsletter and Web page.
Attendance was especially good.
Our next meeting is the Studio Preview where all participating artists are asked to bring a
piece of their art and an easel or stand for display. Artists will share their hints of how to have
a successful Tour, talk about their art, pricing and sales techniques. It should be interesting to
talk with the artists and learn how to market our art effectively. We have also invited
Elizabeth Smith, winner of the Scholarship Award, to meet us and show us a sample of her
Come and share with your fellow artists at our May meeting!
Bonnie Williams, President
EDHAA Studio Tour Announcements:
Saturday, May 30 and Sunday May 31, from 10am to 5pm.
Committee members for our 2015 Spring tour are:
Joey Cattone (Publicity) joeycattone@comcast.net or call (916)-458-8173
Sandy Allie (Applications) sandyallie@sbcglobal.net or call (916) 467-7336
Anca Statescu (Brochures) ancastatescu@gmail.com or call (916) 939-3399
The Studio tour brochure has been posted on the eldoradohillsarts.com website.
Please forward the link to the brochure to your clients and email contacts, as well as
post the link to your Facebook page.
Lawn/directional Signs for the Studio Tour can be picked up at the May meeting at the
Sr. Center - 5:30 to 6pm. Please bring your check book with you. There will be a
deposit charge of $14.50 per sign, which includes the metal lawn stand. The check will
not be cashed unless you fail to return the sign after studio tour. Please note: Theft of
a sign still leaves you ultimately responsible for replacement cost and forfeit of
deposit. Do pick up signs at the end of tour each day to help alleviate theft.
Should you not pick up your signs at the meeting, please make arrangements to pick
up the signs at the home of Joey Cattone , joeycattone@comcast.net or 916-458-8173
May 12th through the 15th
The Studio Tour Preview Exhibition will be held at Gallery at 48 Natoma, Folsom,
California will run from May 5 through June 25, 2015 and every participating studio
artist is encouraged to submit one work that best represents your artwork. Our show
will be installed in the center's Community Gallery (a well-lit hallway) and will coincide
with the "Organic Origins" exhibit held in the Fine Art Gallery. There will be an opening
reception on Friday, May 15, from 6:00-8:00pm. Everyone is invited to attend the
opening reception on Friday, May 15, from 6:00-8:00pm. Invitation postcards will be
available to pick up when you deliver your work. This has always proved to be a
popular event and you are encouraged to attend.
General Announcements:
Tracy Lewis teaches watercolor classes in Cameron Park and is looking to either find a new
space to teach or have others share her current space at Burke Junction. If you know of a
space available or if interested in sharing hers, please contact Tracy at
Congratulations to Elizabeth Smith, student at El Dorado High School, who was chosen for
the EDHAA $1000 College Scholarship.
Reminder: Submissions (including your good news for “Members Corner”, “Call to Artists”,
and “Classes and Workshops”) for the newsletter are due by the 23 rd of the month for
inclusion in the following month newsletter. Send your submissions to newsletter editor,
Jeanine Robb at jrobbarts@gmail.com. Please include “EDHAA newsletter” in the subject line
of the email.
April Meeting Minutes submitted by Pat Woodward, Secretary:
A regular meeting of the El Dorado Hills Arts Association was called to order April 13, 2015 at
6:00pm by President Bonnie Williams. Twenty three members signed the attendance sheet.
Someone is needed to handle the take down of the art after the Membership Show in Harris
1. There is a Tree Planting planned at the CSD at 10:0 on Friday, April 24, at the CSD.
CSD will supply the trees and dig the holes, but community organizations are invited to
send representatives to plant the trees. Bonnie will be there, but would like a few
members from EDHAA.
The Scholarship Committee has met and selected a scholarship recipient for this year. There
were eight applicants and seven came to make their presentation. Selection Committee
members were Rita Giannini, Elaine Wallin, Maria Gonzales and Bonnie Williams. The lucky
winner is Elizabeth Smith of El Dorado High School. She plans to attend Brigham Young
University in Utah.
Lynne Edwards will take pictures of the presented for the Newsletter.
Elena announced that the new booklets with the roster are available for pick up.
Annette Schachner introduced Roy Moffatt to do the demonstration for the program.
Roy is self-taught with the aid of workshops. He paints in Pleine Air and from photos using
watercolor. He told that when the paper is divided into thirds both directions the four
intersections are the points of interest. In watercolor the areas that will be white need to be
left with no paint. Put down water and then add paint for soft edges. He works in layers
letting a layer dry before adding another layer. He used a sponge to put in the foliage. A
very nice scene of water and trees was produced.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.
Roy Moffatt demonstration: Photos by Lynne Edwards
January 12:
February 9:
March 9:
April 13:
May 11:
June 8:
July 13:
August 10:
September 14:
October 12:
November 9:
December 14:
James Canning, photography and computer art
Sheri Hoeger, oils
Judy Arrigotti, figure painting
Roy Moffatt, watercolor
No guest – Studio Tour Artists Preview
Sandie Allie, sculpture
Diane Tharp, watercolor
Anthony Montanino, painting with an ipad
Jeanine Robb, watercolor batik
Jimmie Grann, portraits-Anders Zorn’s Limited Palette
Susan Hayne, wood block printmaking
No guest – Holiday Party
Be sure to visit the Folsom Art Association The Art & Artists of Folsom Show running February 7
to May 10, 2015 at the Folsom History Museum. EDHAA members participating:
Lisa Aikenhead, Lori Anderson, Kritika Bala, Lisa Bone, Jenny Briggs, Diana Giambrone,
Michelle McCormick, Kirk Miller, Barbara Nilsson, Carol Quinn, Margarita Rivera, Jeanine
Robb, Michael Ryan, Annette Schachner, and Mary Wang-Steele.
EDHAA Membership Show:
The EDHAA Membership Show at the Harris Center - 3 Stages Gallery - Folsom Lake College
will be July 10 through Aug 30th. Intake of Artwork will be on Tuesday July 7th from 10 am
until noon. This is open to all EDHAA members. Applications and more information about the
show will be available June 1st. Only original artwork will be accepted into the show.
Placerville Arts Association Mother Lode Show Call for Entries:
Mother Lode Show entries are welcome from April 6 to the deadline June 12. Start now with
our online entry system with Smarter Entry. $35 for one or two entries and $10 each up to five
entries, whether you are a PAA member or not. The full prospectus is available on the PAA
websitewww.placervillearts.com and the new Mother Lode website www.motherlodeshow.com.
Blue Line Gallery: Roseville
 “I Art”
In the spirit of David Hockney's recent foray into iPad paintings, artists are asked to create
artwork on their I-device. Artworks may be presented on I-device or printed on canvas.
Deadline to submit: July 14th, 5pm at http://bluelinearts.org/
Sacramento Fine Art Center:
 "Focus On Fiber" 4th Annual Fiber Arts Open Show June 2 - 20, 2015
Hand deliver: May 30, 2015. 11am-5pm. Prospectus at
 "In the Style of the Old Masters” July 21 - Aug 1, 2015
Hand deliver: July 11, 2015 10am-4pm. Prospectus at
 “Bold Expressions 2015” Aug 4 – 29, 2015
Online entry deadline: Aug. 8, 2015
Open to all Fine Artists everywhere. Fine art mediums welcome, 2D and 3D, must be original
art, (no photography or video). Northern California Arts, Inc. located in the Sacramento
Valley sponsors this show every year at the Sacramento Fine Arts Center. For detailed
prospectus visit: www.sacfinearts.org
Folsom Fest:
Carrera Productions is hosting a new festival this summer called FolsomFest, Saturday, August
8, 2015—including music and art. They are looking for visual artists to participate in the Man
In Black Art Village by presenting and selling fine art. Application deadline May 8 th. $100
space fee. http://www.folsomfest.com/pdf/FF2015ArtistApplicationV7.pdf
California State Fair 2015:
Fine Arts Competition Handbook is now available at http://www.castatefair.org/wpcontent/uploads/2015/01/Fine-Art-Final.pdf Submission deadline is May 6, 2015. Exhibition
runs during duration of the State Fair, July 10-26, 2015.
More “Call to Artist” opportunities:
If you are interested in researching other “call to artist” opportunities, Placer Arts has an
excellent list at http://www.placerarts.org/arts-calendar/call-to-artists/
Art Classes:
Barbara Nilsson:
 Adult and Children Oil Painting classes: all levels.
No experience is necessary only the desire to paint. Supplies are included. Barbara uses
canvas boards, so if you want a stretched canvas you are welcome to bring your own. Also,
if you have your own supplies, please bring them.
Adults: Mondays 9:30-noon $100 for 4 classes; Thursdays 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. $90 for 4 classes.
Children: Mondays 4:00-5:30p.m. $85 for 4 classes; Tuesdays 4:00- 5:30 p.m. $85 for 4 classes.
Classes are small 4-5 people and are ongoing. You can join at any time.
Periodically throughout the year, Barbara holds encaustic painting and encaustic monotype
workshops that are typically on a Saturday from 9:30 -4:00 p.m. These workshops include
lunch and supplies and cost $150.00 and $25.00 for supplies. If interested, please contact
her. All classes and workshops are held at her studio in Folsom. Contact Barbara by
emailing her at info@barbaranilsson.com or by phone: 916-984-4649.
Monday Morning Painting Group
The Monday Morning Painting Group meets at 10:00 AM in the Senior Center which is the old
fire station at the corner of Lassen and El Dorado Hills Blvd. All media are welcome. Contact
Jackie Stevens at 916-933-2814 or Pat Woodward at 530-672-6971 for details.
Folsom Art Association sponsored
 Workshop Alla Prima Landscape Workshop with Mike Bagdonas
Date: June 5, 6, & 7, 2015
Place: Folsom Lake College Art Room
Time: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Cost: $200 for 3 days
Maximum number of artists: 10
Mike Bagdonas is an award winning, nationally recognized artist, who specializes in alla
prima oil landscapes. His process usually begins with a Plein air study followed by a larger
studio painting of the same scene. He is known for his solid value structure and sense of
complimentary colors. Contact Ann Hutto ahutto@pacbell.net for information. Register at
Sutter Street Artist Gallery located inside The Bag Lady Boutique in Historic Folsom; contact
Anita Grey at 916-673-9134 to register
 Soul Collage Class with Joyce Auteri * Tuesday, May 12 – 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. $35 plus
$10 material fee; 8-10 per class
 Basic Photography Class with Mike Ryan and Doug Parks * Thursday, May 14 – 4:30 PM
to 6:30 PM. $25.00 per person – 10-12 per class
 Zentangle Class with Lee Miller * Friday, May 29, 2015 – 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM. $35 per
class; 8-10 per class
 Roy Moffatt’s Painting in Water* Watercolor class Wednesday, June 17, 2015 1pm-4pm.
$28 per session.
Painting Without a Press:
Instructors: Noel Sandino and Thien Dao
Clay slip printmaking and stoneware plaque creation. Saturday June 13, 2015, 10am-3pm at
High Hand Gallery, 3750 Taylor Rd, Loomis. $110. No printmaking experience necessary.
Register at High Hand Gallery, 916-259-4298. For more information contact Noel Sandino at
Blue Line Arts: Roseville:
 First Friday Figure Drawing Sessions
Blue Line Arts will now be holding regular figure drawing sessions with live models on the first
Friday of every month, 9-11AM. $10 per session.
Sacramento Fine Arts Center:
Perfect for hiking, biking, sitting in a café or standing in line — take it anywhere, whip it out in
a minute, preserve a memory in 25 minutes or less and put away with no clean-up.
June 14 and 15, 2015. Hours: 10:00 to 4:00. Price: $265.00, including supplies.
Fee includes paint set, manual, pen and pad, water container, a $45.00 value.
Instructor brings several extra things (such as the custom fanny pack), that are a pleasure
but not essential
Contact for information and Registration: kath@pocketsketching.com or 520-318-9291, 520870-9990
Terri Ford Pastel Workshop
3-Day Pastel Workshop in Morro Bay, CA. NOVEMBER 6, 7, 8, 2015.
COST: $375. Class size is limited to 12 students. Space may be reserved with $100 non-refundable deposit. This is a studio workshop at the Morro Bay Art Center. For more information
and registration contact KC Caldwell at fogcatchers@gmail.com or call (805) 540-1470.
To learn more about Terri Ford, visit www.TerriFordArt.com
2015 Board Members
President- Bonnie Williams
Vice President- Annette Schachner
Secretary- Pat Woodward
Treasurer- Kathleen Moore
Committee Members
Membership Team-Elena Tucker & Rita Martinez
Scholarships- Rita Martinez
Studio Tour Team- Applications- Sandy Allie, Brochures- Anca Stutu & Publicity- Joey
Membership Show- Joey Cattone
Newsletter Editor- Jeanine Robb
Web Master- Steve Arrigotti