Rāmere, 22 Haratua 2015 Friday Friday, 22 May 2015 Student Daily Notices Meetings / Practices All Pasifika Learning Centre Where When L11 After School (KRI) The Pasifika Learning Centre is open from this Wednesday! Come along after school and join a group of enthusiastic and motivated students who are aiming to do well this year. You can access peer tutoring, one on one help from subject teachers and also get Tongan language and Samoan language tutoring. There is always a Maths teacher and an English teacher available to assist you. The centre operates every Wednesday from 3.30pm to 5pm. See you there. All French conversation classes P3 Friday lunchtime (SCO) For Year 9 and 10 students: Come at lunchtime for French conversation classes today. Bring your lunch and French-speaking friends and become fluent with the help of Gaelle, our 2015 French Language Assistant. All U15C Hockey D6 Today Interval (ORK) General (BUN) Meeting in D6 today at interval. General Y10 and Y11 Dilworth Social A social is being held at Dilworth School on June 5, the cost is $5. Each year 10 and 11 Dean has 10 tickets to sell to their first 10 students. General BAKE SALE& SAUSAGE SIZZLE: Outside the Hall Today lunchtime (zRAM) Friday lunchtime (zRAM) Bake Sale& Sausage sizzle today at lunch. Come support World Vision! General PHYSICS CLUB: SP3 No Physics club this Friday(22nd May). we will resume on Friday 29th May. Watch the space for upcoming fun competitions! General LANGUAGES TUTORING P8 Today lunchtime (zRAM) Friday lunchtime (zRAM) Languages tutoring will be available lunchtime,Friday in P8. All are welcome! General BOOK CLUB: L10 It's that time again! Come along to L10 in the Library on Friday at lunchtime to get your next book and chat about it over popcorn. This month is mystery and suspense. New member are welcome, so come along! General ICAS SCIENCE PRACTICE PAPERS: S1 (zRAM) For all the girls sitting the ICAS Science exam this year, past papers will be handed out during morning tea from Monday to Wednesday and Friday in S1. On Thursday they will be handed out during lunchtime in S1. Answers will not be handed out but papers can be marked in S1. General FANTASY WORKSHOP: D23 Wednesday lunchtime (zRAM) BOOK CLUB & WRITE! If you came to the first Book Club meeting earlier this term then come along to Write's fantasy workshop this Wednesday lunchtime in D23. Music CHORAL & CHAMBER CONCERT: RFAC Tuesday 7.30pm (zRAM) Come along for a night of performances from our singers and musicians. There will be spot prizes! Tickets are $5 for students & $10 for adults. 21/5/2015 4:57 pm Rāmere, 22 Haratua 2015 Friday Friday, 22 May 2015 Student Daily Notices General Notices All Duke of Edinburgh Award All (NGN) The following girls need to send an email to Mrs Ng ang@eggs.school.nz to update the data base for the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Your email must include the skill, service and sport you are doing as well as any tramps you have done or booked. If I do not have the information by Monday 25th May you will be removed from the active list of participants. Eigari Aung, Mariam Rasheed, Anna SiohaneRoyle, , Rebecca Hazard, Sneha Indiran, Urshula Johnson,Isabella Jorna, Mackenzie Morgan, Nyssa Nantes, Yuki Ochiai, Sunny Zhou All Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award All (NGN) Bigfoot Adventures have the following tramps for Bronze level. I would encourage as many of you as possible to book with Bigfoot. Please send Mrs Ng an email when you have made a booking ang@apps.eggs.school.nz Bronze Training 4th-5th july, Bronze Pratice 6th-7th July and Bronze Qualifier 13th-14th July All Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award All (NGN) Bigfoot Adventures have the following Silver Tramps available in the July school holidays. Please email Mrs Ng ang@apps.eggs.school.nz when you have made a booking. Silver Training 28th june, Silver Practice 8th-10th july and Silver Qualifier 15th-17th july All Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award All (NGN) Bigfoot Adventures have the following tramps scheduled for Gold Level. Please email Mrs Ng if you make a booking ang@apps.eggs.school.nz Gold Training 27th June, Gold Practice 8th-10th july All The Grand Tour - applications of interest All (DEM) A reminder that all applications of interest for the 2016 Grand Tour of Europe are due in to either the Art department or the Languages department by this Friday 22nd. All Careers Art Scholarship Uni of Auckland Parent Seminars All (BRE) Careers (RIG) In June, the University of Auckland is holding a number of seminars for parents and students across Auckland (North Shore, Central, South and East). Go to https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/for/parentsand-family/events-11.html to find out more and register. Presentations cover entry requirements, scholarships, money matters and campus life. There will also be academic staff available to talk to parents and students. Careers Yoobee School of Design Open Day Careers (RIG) Open Day ACG Yoobee School of Design, 10.00am-2.00pm on Saturday 6 June. Go to http://www. yoobee.ac.nz/auckland to register. Careers Year 13s - Medical Laboratory Science Careers (RIG) Year 13s, interested in finding out more about Medical Laboratory Science? The next education tour of Lab Plus is being held on 13 August - check out the details below and please come into Career Education to find out more. http://www.labplus.co.nz/careers 21/5/2015 4:57 pm Rāmere, 22 Haratua 2015 Friday Friday, 22 May 2015 Student Daily Notices Careers Lincoln University Careers (LEA) Lincoln University in Canterbury is coming into school this Monday 25 May for a Career Talk. They will be in DSO during period 3. Come and check out what they have to offer. General EGGS PHILOSOPHY: General (zRAM) General (zBOW) Lost/Found (zBAX) There will be NO Philosophy this week. See you all next week! General Sports Socks Sports socks are now available from the Uniform Shop Lost/Found Lost Country Road Bag: Pale grey country road bag. With white Nike shoes & sports gear. Missing from locker D Block on 19 May. Please return to Ms Bax at Student support OR if anyone has any information re: this please see Ms O'Donnell. Lost/Found Lost Lost/Found (zBAX) Books; Accounting, ESA, Maths, Physics Notebook & white jumper. Please return to Ms Bax at Student Support. Sports Netball Matches After Year 13 Ball Sports (zHUR) All Netball teams are expected to play this Saturday 23rd May. However, if you know that your team is NOT going to have full numbers and will need to default you MUST inform Sports Office staff BEFORE the end of interval on Friday 22nd. This is to ensure that we can let the opposition know in advance. It is NOT acceptable for your team to simply not be able to play on Saturday morning. Please ensure you do not put EGGS in a bad light by defaulting late, meet the Friday interval deadline if you need to. Sports Learn to be a Hockey Goalkeeper Sports (zHUR) Anybody interested in having a go as a hockey goal keeper, we will be running an introductory session lunchtime Monday 25th May in the Old Gym and Wednesday 27th May after school at the Auckland Grammar Turf. You will need to have PE gear and sports shoes. Any questions, please come to the Sports Office. Sports Auckland Secondary School Cross Country Sports (zHUR) The Auckland Secondary School Cross Country Championship is being held on Thursday 4th June at the A&P Showgrounds in Pukekohe. There are Junior (3km), Intermediate and Senior races (both 4km) - girls wanting to represent the school in this event will need to collect a permission form from the Sports Office to be returned by Monday 25th May. 21/5/2015 4:57 pm
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