Project report LCD BASED SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR (Using ATMEGA16 Microcontroller) SUBMITTED TO: Muhammad Usman Aslam SUBMITTED BY: Umar Iqbal Muhammad Usman REGISTRATION NO: (2010-EE-591) (2010-EE-596) RACHNA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY GUJRANWALA Table of contents 1. DESCRIPTION…………………………………………………………………. 2. COMPONENTS……………………………………………................................ ATMEGA16 Microcontroller……………………………………….. Pin Description……………………………………………………… 14X2 LCD…………………………………………………………… 3. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM…………………………………………………………… 4. WORKING………………………………………………………………………. 5. PROBLEM FACED……………………………………………………………… 6. PROGRAM TO MAKE A SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR……………………… ACKNOWLEDGEMENT To complete our this lcd based scientific calculator project we got help from a famous site From this site we get the main idea of our project and also helpful material related to our project. We also got help from our project in charge Muhammad UsmanAslam. Who helped us to resolve our all problems regarding this project. ABSTRACT Our project is a LCD based Scientific Calculator. We made this project using ATMEGA16 microcontroller.At first chance we faced many problems. First was its trouble shooting and after running it on Proteous then there came a problem when we implement it on the bread board. We were unable to set its time. It took a long time to reduce this problem. After all we succeed in implementation of this project in hard form. Now it is properly working. Description A scientific calculator is one that displays result on LCD. This project displays result on a 14x2 LCD module. The LCD is interfaced withmicrocontroller ATMEGA16. This circuit is used to many mathematical problems as shown on proteus diagram. Components Used Micro Controller The AVR is a modified Harvard architecture8-bitRISC single chip microcontroller which was developed by Atmel in 1996. The AVR was one of the first microcontroller families to use onchip flash memory for program storage. The size of the program memory is usually indicated in the naming of the device itself (e.g., the ATmega64x line has 64 kB of flash while the ATmega32x line has 32 kB). Therefore our project IC (Atmagea16) has 16KB of flash In 40 pin AT89C51, there are four ports designated as P1, P2, P3 and P0. All these ports are 8-bit bi-directional ports, i.e., they can be used as both input and output ports. Except P0 which needs external pull-ups, rest of the ports have internal pull-ups. When 1s are written to these port pins, they are pulled high by the internal pull-ups and can be used as inputs. These ports are also bit addressable and so their bits can also be accessed individually.Port P0 and P2 are also used to provide low byte and high byte addresses, respectively, when connected to an external memory. Port 3 has multiplexed pins for special functions like serial communication, hardware interrupts, timer inputs and read/write operation from external memory. ATmega16 has an inbuilt UART for serial communication. It can be programmed to operate at different baud rates. Including two timers & hardware interrupts, it has a total of six interrupts. Pin Configuration: LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screen is an electronic display module and find a wide range of applications. A 14x2 LCD display is very basic module and is very commonly used in various devices and circuits. These modules are preferred over seven segments and other multi segment LEDs. The reasons being: LCDs are economical; easily programmable; have no limitation of displaying special & even custom characters (unlike in seven segments), animations and so on. A 14x2 LCD means it can display 14 characters per line and there are 2 such lines. In this LCD each character is displayed in 5x7 pixel matrix. This LCD has two registers, namely, Command and Data. The command register stores the command instructions given to the LCD. A command is an instruction given to LCD to do a predefined task like initializing it, clearing its screen, setting the cursor position, controlling display etc. The data register stores the data to be displayed on the LCD. The data is the ASCII value of the character to be displayed on the LCD. Pin Description Circuit diagram WORKING This calculator works with 25 different tasks and is configured by programming the microcontroller ATmega16. The connections in the circuit are as following: port P2 of microcontroller is used as data input port which is connected to data pins (7-14) of LCD. P3^0, P3^1 and P3^6 pins of microcontroller are connected to control pins RS, RW and EN of LCD. P1^0, P1^1, P1^2 and P1^3 pins of microcontroller are connected to tactile switches to take manual inputs. PROBLEMS FACED At first chance we faced many problems. First was its trouble shooting. After running it on Proteous there came a problem when we implement it on the bread board. We were unable to set it. It took a long time to reduce this problem. Program to make a scientific calculator #include <mega16.h> #include <delay.h> #include <lcd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #asm .equ __lcd_port=0x18 #endasm //############################################# int key(void); float _Main(void); voidMohandes(void); voidMohasebe(void); voidAlamat(int,int); floatEmoji(int); //############################################# float a = 0 , b = 0 , c = 0 , q , t; int i ; char y=0 , lcd[25] , z ; //############################################# void main(void){ DDRB=0x0F; DDRC=0x07; DDRD=0x0F; lcd_init(16); while (1){ _Main(); } } //############################################################# float _Main(void){ int Loop = 1 ; y = key(); if( y == 15 ){a = 0 ;b = 0 ;c = 0 ;lcd_clear();return 0 ;} if( y < 10 ) { a = (a*10)+y ; itoa(y , lcd); lcd_puts(lcd); delay_ms(50); } if( y > 9 && y < 16 ) { if( y == 15 ){a = 0 ;b = 0 ;c = 0 ;lcd_clear();return 0 ;} z=y; Alamat(y,1); while(Loop){ y = key(); if( y == 15 ){a = 0 ;b = 0 ;c = 0 ;lcd_clear();return 0 ;} if( y < 10 ) { b = (b*10)+y ; itoa(y , lcd); lcd_puts(lcd); delay_ms(50); } else if(y == 14) { lcd_putchar('='); Mohasebe(); y=0; Loop = 0 ; } } } if( y > 15 ){ lcd_clear(); a= 0 ; b = 0 ; c = 0; Alamat(y , 2); z=y; Loop = 1 ; while(Loop){ y = key(); if( y == 15 ){a = 0 ;b = 0 ;c = 0 ;lcd_clear();return 0 ;} if(y < 10){ a = (a*10) + y ; itoa(y , lcd); lcd_puts(lcd); delay_ms(50); }else if ( y == 14){ lcd_putchar('='); Mohandes(); } Loop = 1 ; } } return 0; } //########################################################## voidMohasebe(void){ if(z == 10)c = a / b ; if(z == 11)c = a * b ; if(z == 12)c = a - b ; if(z == 13)c = a + b ; ftoa(c , 3 , lcd); lcd_puts(lcd); delay_ms(100); } //######################################################### floatEmoji(intrr){ q=1; for(i=0;i<rr;i++)q = q * 2.71728 ; return q; } //######################################################### voidMohandes(void){ t = (3.1415926535897932384626433832795/180)*a ; if(z == 16)c = sin(t) ; if(z == 17)c = cos(t) ; if(z == 18)c = tan(t) ; if(z == 19)c = 1/tan(t) ; if(z == 20)c = asin(t) ; if(z == 21)c = acos(t) ; if(z == 22)c = log(a) ; if(z == 23)c = sqrt(a) ; if(z == 24)c = Emoji(a) ; ftoa(c , 3 , lcd); lcd_puts(lcd); delay_ms(100); } //######################################################### voidAlamat(intMoji,intHalat){ if(Halat == 1){ if(Moji == 10)lcd_putchar('/') ; if(Moji == 11)lcd_putchar('*') ; if(Moji == 12)lcd_putchar('-') ; if(Moji == 13)lcd_putchar('+') ; delay_ms(100); } if(Halat == 2){ if(Moji == 16)lcd_putsf("Sin ") ; if(Moji == 17)lcd_putsf("Cos ") ; if(Moji == 18)lcd_putsf("Tan ") ; if(Moji == 19)lcd_putsf("Cot ") ; if(Moji == 20)lcd_putsf("aSin") ; if(Moji == 21)lcd_putsf("aCos") ; if(Moji == 22)lcd_putsf("Log ") ; if(Moji == 23)lcd_putsf("Sqrt ") ; if(Moji == 24)lcd_putsf("exp ") ; delay_ms(100); } } //######################################################### int key(void){ char KEY = 1 ; while(KEY){ PORTD.0 = 1 ; PORTD.1 = 0 ; PORTD.2 = 0 ; PORTD.3 = 0 ; if(PIND.4 == 1){return 7 ; KEY = 0;delay_ms(50);} if(PIND.5 == 1){return 8 ; KEY = 0;delay_ms(50);} if(PIND.6 == 1){return 9 ; KEY = 0;delay_ms(50);} if(PIND.7 == 1){return 10; KEY = 0;delay_ms(50);} //========================================== PORTD.0 = 0 ; PORTD.1 = 1 ; PORTD.2 = 0 ; PORTD.3 = 0 ; if(PIND.4 == 1){return 4 ; KEY = 0;} if(PIND.5 == 1){return 5 ; KEY = 0;} if(PIND.6 == 1){return 6 ; KEY = 0;} if(PIND.7 == 1){return 11; KEY = 0;} //========================================== PORTD.0 = 0 ; PORTD.1 = 0 ; PORTD.2 = 1 ; PORTD.3 = 0 ; if(PIND.4 == 1){return 1 ; KEY = 0;} if(PIND.5 == 1){return 2 ; KEY = 0;} if(PIND.6 == 1){return 3 ; KEY = 0;} if(PIND.7 == 1){return 12; KEY = 0;} //========================================== PORTD.0 = 0 ; PORTD.1 = 0 ; PORTD.2 = 0 ; PORTD.3 = 1 ; if(PIND.4 == 1){return 15; KEY = 0;} if(PIND.5 == 1){return 0 ; KEY = 0;} if(PIND.6 == 1){return 14; KEY = 0;} if(PIND.7 == 1){return 13; KEY = 0;} //=================================================================== ========== PORTC.0 = 1 ; PORTC.1 = 0 ; PORTC.2 = 0 ; if(PINC.5 == 1){return 16 ; KEY=0;} if(PINC.6 == 1){return 17; KEY=0;} if(PINC.7 == 1){return 18 ; KEY=0;} //===================================================== PORTC.0 = 0 ; PORTC.1 = 1 ; PORTC.2 = 0 ; if(PINC.5 == 1){return 19 ; KEY=0;} if(PINC.6 == 1){return 20 ; KEY=0;} if(PINC.7 == 1){return 21 ; KEY=0;} //===================================================== PORTC.0 = 0 ; PORTC.1 = 0 ; PORTC.2 = 1 ; if(PINC.5 == 1){return 22 ; KEY=0;} if(PINC.6 == 1){return 23 ; KEY=0;} if(PINC.7 == 1){return 24 ; KEY=0;} KEY = 1 ; } } //############################################################
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