"MacDermid Marks 50 Years of Moore`s Law with an Anniversary of

"MacDermid Marks 50 Years of Moore’s Law with an Anniversary of its Own: 50-Years of
Chemical Supply to the Japanese Electronics Industry"
MacDermid Incorporated, a Platform Specialty Products Corporation company, (“MacDermid”), is highlighting their 50year milestone of supplying specialty chemicals to Japanese manufacturers of electronics devices. MacDermid supplies
the chemicals that clean surfaces, deposit metals, bond innerlayers, and protect copper at all levels of the circuit board
and semiconductor package manufacturing process. Archibald J. MacDermid started MacDermid Chemicals in
Waterbury, Connecticut USA in 1922 in order to serve manufacturers of brass products with his innovative electrolytic
cleaning process. His company grew quickly, and by 1962 MacDermid joined the electronics trade association, IPC.
Soon thereafter, MacDermid began to serve the needs of Japanese electronics manufacturers. Today, we
commemorate the successful 50-year partnership between MacDermid and our valued Japanese customers.
Following several years of sales/service representation, MacDermid established direct operations in Japan in 1975 and,
in 1986, incorporated Nippon MacDermid Co., Ltd.(“Nippon MacDermid”). In 1992, Nippon MacDermid dedicated a
large scale research and development center in Yokohama. Today, Nippon MacDermid’s main operations reside in
Sakado, Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken.
Moore’s Law, accurately forecasting the growth in transistor density since April 1965, also predicts the interconnection
complexity of printed circuit boards. MacDermid’s chemicals are essential for allowing the exponential increase in
circuit functionality. MacDermid Electronics Solutions’ plating, finishing, and surface treatment chemicals enable the
quality and precision needed for the technological progress of Japan’s demanding electronics industry.
Celebrating this strong connection between Moore and MacDermid, Nippon MacDermid hosted many of its special
customers at the 2015 Electronics Tech Day event. Here, several of MacDermid’s global business and technology leaders
reviewed the latest in world-class chemical processes, aimed at sustaining Moore’s Law density and quality challenges
into the future.
About MacDermid Electronics Solutions: MacDermid Electronics Solutions supplies innovative products to a rapidly
changing electronics marketplace. Working with our customers, we research, formulate and deliver specialty chemicals
that enable the manufacture of the most complex printed circuit board designs, package substrates, LED circuitry, and
molded interconnect devices, among other electronics. From smartphones to automotive electronics, from
supercomputers to photovoltaic panels, MacDermid products are an integral part of our everyday lives.
Visit us at: electronics.macdermid.com, and please connect with our Japan headquarters at:
Japan.sales@macdermid.com and www.macd.co.jp/electronics