Full article - Elix Polymers

Communication Manager
Alejandra Arréllaga - communications@elix-polymers.com
Tel: +34 977 835 592
Industry Manager for Automotive
Fabian Herter – automotive@elix-polymers.com
Tel: +34 977 835 483
Press Release
ELIX Polymers launch the new generation of ABS materials for the Automotive Industry
at VDI conference
Tarragona, March 19 , 2015 - ELIX Polymers introduced the new range of high heat ABS grades
with very low emissions and high flowability, at the VDI conference “Plastics in Automotive
Engineering” in Mannheim, Germany (March 18 - 19 ).
This latest innovative product development meets the stringent requirements of the Automotive
Industry and is suitable for all interior and exterior applications. This high heat ABS offers well
balanced mechanical properties, low emission/odor, high heat resistance and excellent
processability and paintability.
As part of their Innovation Strategy, ELIX is working on a more sustainable product portfolio with
products based on renewable source raw materials. In 2014 this company was awarded with a
EEA and Norway Grants called “BIO-ABS” plastics: new bio-plastics ecologically friendly based
on blends of ABS and biopolymers. ABS with natural fibers (ABS-NF) and bio based ABS both
of which are in the advanced stages of development.
ABOUT OUR COMPANY - ELIX Polymers is one of the most important manufacturers of ABS resins and derivatives in
Europe, with 40 years of experience in engineering plastics and an installed capacity of 180ktons/year from their plant in
Tarragona (Spain) to the world. Our company prioritises safe processes, high quality products and tailor-made services
for customers.
The operation starts in 1975, when the Tarragona ABS and SAN production plant was inaugurated. Since then many
improvements and investments have been made to place ELIX in a position to offer a wide range of ABS grades used in
a variety of Industries and applications (automotive, medical, toys, electroplating, household appliances, cosmetics,
furniture, conduits & electrical boxes, etc).
Our high performance products meet the stringent requirements of the Health Care, Automotive, Appliances, Electronic,
Toys and other Industries, let our company to earn the trust of many leading global companies as customers. ELIX has
ISO 9001 and 14001 certification, is a supporter of the chemical industry’s responsibilities and has strong technical
expertise in product formulation & color development.