Monthly Update January 18, 2014 Chamber Annual Dinner Plans Underway

Update January 2014
January 18, 2014 Chamber Annual Dinner Plans Underway
Announces Chamber Member of the Year Recipient – City of De Soto
Mark your calendar for Saturday, January 18, 2014 for the Annual Membership Dinner of the De Soto Chamber of Commerce!
Chamber Member of the Year for their
contributions to the local business
community, support of economic
development and chamber tourism
Here’s what is in store for our special evening
of entertainment and networking….
Registration begins at 6:00 p.m.
and Social Hour Networking begins
promptly at 6:30 p.m. Enjoy the wine
fountain, light hors d’oeuvres and
great networking with your fellow
members. Check out and bid on the
fantastic Silent Auction items which
were donated by the membership!
Enjoy a buffet dinner provided by Two
Guys and a Grill, back by popular
Recognition of the Chamber Members
of the Year, Ambassador of the Year
and Extra Mile Recipient. The City of
De Soto will be honored as the 2013
“Keeping Goals” Goalkeeper Coach
for the KC Comets
and the UMKC
Roos Men’s Soccer
Team. Mayer was the 1978 National
American League Player of the
Year and 1983 Major Indoor Soccer
League MVP and Two-Time All Star.
Currently Mayer is enjoying retired
life, coaching and will be working with
Sporting Academy Youth Keepers.
Chamber Offices Relocating
The cramped quarters of the De Soto
Chamber of Commerce office will be no
more by the end of January. The De Soto
Chamber of Commerce in partnership with
the City of De Soto will be relocating to
32905 W. 84th Street, the former De Soto
Multi-Purpose Center at De Soto City Hall,
on Jan. 24th.
For the past decade, the Chamber has called
the fire station in downtown De Soto home.
Having experienced membership growth
since that time, the Chamber requires a
more functional work environment, which
the new location will offer space for
member services and business counseling. Executive Director Sara Ritter said the
roughly 800 square feet the office has
now was not enough for two employees
and a consultant, whereas the nearly
1,500 sq. ft. of office space will provide
enhanced visibility for its members and the
community. The relocation also provides
Northwest Consolidated Fire District with
more space within the station and clears the
way for discussions on the future of their
existing building.
It is expected that there will be delay in
telephone and e-mail communication on
Friday, January 24th during the move and
installation of services. Phone and fax
numbers will remain the same. J
De Soto Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 70
32905 W. 84th Street
De Soto, Kansas 66018
Tel: (913) 583-1585
Fax: (913) 585-1821
Reservations and prepayment are required
no later than Friday, January 10th. Cost is
$40 per person or a discounted rate $360
for a Reserved Table of 10.
It’s not too late to help underwrite this
event. Contact the Chamber Office at 913583-1585 to reserve your exclusive benefits
that are provided for underwriters.
A very special Thank You to Premier
Underwriters Great American Bank and
Shawnee Mission Medical Center, and to
all of our underwriters! See you on January
18, 2014! J
President’s Update...................... 2
From the Director’s Corner......... 2
USD 232 ....................................... 4
Calendar of Events...................... 5
President’s Update
by Mathew Little, Chamber President
Welcome to 2014, a new year filled with new beginnings! I hope that
your 2013 finished strong within your business, and joyful within
your families. With a new year, comes a new Chamber of Commerce
Board and President. With this first month as your President, I want to
do a sort of self-bio for our members to get to know me a little better.
My name is Matthew Little. I was named after the John Denver
song, “Matthew” about a boy raised on a farm South of Colby,
Kansas. Though I was not raised on a farm, I did spend most of
my childhood in Western Kansas. My father is a second generation
United Methodist Pastor and my mother spent most of my
childhood days as a City Clerk in whatever small Western Kansas
town the United Methodist Church decided to move us to that
year. My parents both reside in Wichita, Kansas now, where my
father serves as Lead Pastor at College Hill UMC and my mother
serves on the administrative staff for the Kansas West UMC.
I’m happily married to my wife, Emily Little. We met in Hays,
Kansas a little over 6 years ago. We have two Boston Terriers that are
spoiled rotten. Emily is happily employed as an office manager for
Marquette Physical Therapy here in De Soto. I graduated from South
Central High School in Coldwater, Kansas in 2002 and then attended
Hutchinson Community College for 2 years to obtain a certificate in
Computer Hardware Support. From HCC, I went on to attend Wichita
State University and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise
Science. I’m employed by Great American Bank in De Soto, Kansas
and just celebrated my 1 year anniversary with this excellent bank!
Getting to know each other can serve a very valuable lesson
in doing business well, and succeeding in growing more
business. In my experiences, my relationship with a person has
earned me far more business than any product that I can offer.
This new year, take time to get to know your customers. Get to
know your staff and your business contacts. People in general
appreciate and enjoy sharing information about their lives,
whether that information is personal or professional. If you
don’t feel comfortable coming right out of the gate to develop a
new relationship, use me as an excuse. Tell that client that your
chamber president challenged you to get to know someone better.
Over the next year, you’ll hear me refer to community a lot. There are a
lot of things that community can mean. We live within communities:
towns, suburbs, even blocks. We belong to communities: church
groups, Rotary clubs, Kiwanis clubs, Boy Scouts, VFW’s, and this
Chamber of Commerce. Our chamber members are a community
that I believe in. We have the ability to make our community strong
and support one another. Take the time to get to know someone in
your community and improve that relationship that will profit your
business not only financially, but will strengthen and deepen your
relationship and your bond to one another.
Matthew Little
From the Directors Corner
by Sara Ritter, Executive Director
As we celebrate a new year, I would
like to take this opportunity to thank
all of our wonderful members for their
support in 2013 and welcome them back
to the Chamber in 2014. From marketing
advantages, networking opportunities and
showcasing all that your company has to
offer, the Chamber is a vital tool to enhance
your company’s success. Please be sure to contact us if you have
any thoughts, ideas or comments that you’d like to share to help
us grow our services and to maximize your membership. We’re
here to help you!
The Chamber Board of Directors will begin planning our scope of
work for the 2014 year. It is interesting to note that roughly 75%
of our operating budget comes from fundraising and marketing
activities. While these events are fun for all, they also contribute
to our overall success of the organization which in turn provides
services to our members. These fundraisers, such as our Annual
Dinner Silent Auction, allow us to grow our organization while
keeping dues and other fees to a minimum. The events also
promote De Soto as a great place to live, work and play. The
festival events will be held at De Soto Riverfest Park, which
will drive more visitors off K-10 Highway and through De Soto
to frequent our businesses. It is our hope that the Chamber’s
fundraising activities also help promote and provide you with an
opportunity to get the word out about your company.
The new Chamber Board of Directors, consisting of Chamber
President Matthew Little, Great American Bank; Vice President
Mike Rogers, Mike’s Liquor; Secretary Julie Coover, American
Family Insurance; Treasurer Bob McCoy, Keller Williams Legacy
Partners, Inc. and Past Chamber President Curtis Arnold, Curtis
M. Arnold & Associates have momentum and great plans in store
for the organization and you, our valued member. Please plan
on attending as many chamber functions as you can to build
relationships and get the most out of your Chamber membership.
On a personal note, I would like to thank everyone for their support
during the illness and loss of my mother, Audrey “Marie” Welch.
Many of you had an opportunity to visit her when she worked the
Annual Dinner and when she attended Great American Bank’s
Night on the Kaw. She loved attending the Chamber events and
you were all so generous with her. I sincerely appreciate all of
your kind words, cards and flowers and was humbled by all of
your love and support during our time of sorrow.
Your De Soto Chamber of Commerce is off to a great start in
2014, and I look forward to enjoying our accomplishments with
you at our Annual Dinner on January 18th! J
Office Furniture Needed!!
The De Soto Chamber of Commerce Offices
are moving and we are in need of good, used
office furniture. If your company has any surplus
furniture that needs a new home, please contact
Maureen at so that we
can see if it would be able to be utilized in our
new offices.
Examples of items that are needed:
Office Desk
Book case
Receptionist Desk
Waiting room chair/couch
Waiting room end table
Conference chairs
We are also looking at obtaining carpet for the
1,500 sq. ft. office and appreciate any assistance
you can provide. Thank you in advance for your
Unified School District 232
By Alvie L. Cater, II – Director of Community Relations
Huhtamaki, Inc., of De Soto, Kansas recognized by Board of
The Board of Education of Unified School District No. 232,
Johnson County, KS, presented its first Partner in Education
Award to Huhtamaki, Inc., during a special ceremony on Monday,
December 9, 2014.
USD 232 created the award to recognize businesses and
organizations that work with the school district to provide students
amazing life opportunities and real-world experiences. “We
are pleased to recognize Huhtamaki as the first recipient of our
Partner in Education Award,” said Superintendent Doug Sumner.
“Huhtamaki is a pillar in our business community and continues to
be a strong supporter of our great schools.” Accepting the award
on behalf of Huhtamaki was Amy Peterson, human resources and
safety manager.
The company was selected for the Partner in Education Award
for creating an apprenticeship program for high school seniors.
During the winter months of 2013, Huhtamaki approached the
school district with the idea of creating a unique opportunity for
students. The company said it was experiencing a challenge in
finding skilled machinists to employ. This labor shortage triggered
the idea of an apprenticeship program in order to grow a new
generation of skilled machinists.
Working with high school counselors, Amy Peterson and Norman
Kump, machine shop manager at Huhtamaki, presented the
apprenticeship program in May 2013 to students at De Soto High
School. As a result of that presentation and an interview process,
Huhtamaki hired Isaac Garrison, a senior at De Soto High School.
If Garrison remains with the apprenticeship program, the company
will pay for his formal training at an area technical college
following his graduation in May 2014 with a bright and promising
career with a growing international company.
Pictured left to right: Superintendent Doug Sumner,
Amy Peterson (Huhtamaki), Isaac Garrison, and Board
Member Bill Fletcher.
Superintendent Doug Sumner was joined by Board Member Bill
Fletcher in presenting the award to Amy Peterson. The Board
of Education also recognized Senior Isaac Garrison for his
participation in the apprenticeship program.
About Huhtamaki
Huhtamaki’s North American segment is home to 16 production
units in the United States and Mexico with more than 3,200
employees. This segment serves local markets with Chinet®
disposable tableware, packaging for consumer goods and
foodservice packaging. Corporate offices are located in De Soto,
KS. The growth of Huhtamaki in America is largely due to the
acquisition of established companies like Sealright and the Keyes
Fibre Company in the late 1990s. The Chinet® brand traces its
roots back to 1903 and inventor Martin Keyes, whose molded
fiber technology laid the foundation for the Keyes Fibre Company
in Waterville, ME where the famous product is still made today.
>> J
De Soto Rotary Club News
The Kansas City South Rotary Club shared some incredible news
about a hospital they built in the Dominican Republic and how the
De Soto Rotary Club’s involvement jumpstarted the entire project.
The De Soto Rotary donated $1,000 for their hospital project,
which ended up generating $11,500 with several matching grants.
The funds were used to purchase supplies and an EKG machine
for the hospital.
used equipment as well. Duffy will visit the Dominican Republic
hospital in February and in May.
The project began with a simple bricks and mortar to construct
the hospital, and through the Kansas City South Rotary Club
project equipment has been purchased for the hospital. John
Duffy, Kansas City South Rotary Club and project manager for
the hospital project, states that North Kansas City hospital donated
Congratulations to the De Soto Rotary Club for their donation
which enabled the hospital to receive much-needed equipment! J
In addition, the hospital has been selected by the US Navy to do a
mission in May, 2014. The Navy will have a ship in the area and
should get National attention and Rotary International Attention.
This is a fascinating project for the Kansas City South Rotary Club.
There will not be a luncheon in January due to the Annual Dinner.
De Soto Chamber of Commerce Annual Membership Dinner
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Registration 6:00 p.m.
Social Hour 6:30 p.m.
Location: De Soto V.F.W.
33725 W. 83rd St.
De Soto, KS 66018
Reservations and Prepayment are required.
Cost is $40/pp or $360 for a Reserved Table of 10
RSVP to Maureen at 913-583-1585 or via e-mail by 1/11/2012
January 2014
Sun da y
M onda y
T uesd a y
Due to the Annual Dinner, there will not
be a monthly chamber luncheon in
January. The next luncheon will be the
State of the City Address on February 13th.
W edn e sda y
T hursd a y
New Year's Day
De Soto City Council
Fri da y
S atu rd a y
7:00 p.m.
De Soto City Hall
Ambassador Meeting
Movie Night
“Finding Neverland”
1:00 p.m.
Chamber Offices
7:00 p.m.
Methodist Church
Bring a snack/drinks
Annual Chamber
De Soto VFW
Registration 6 p.m.
Social Hour 6:30 p.m.
-Prepaid event-
De Soto City Council
7:00 p.m.
De Soto City Hall
Martin Luther King
EDC Board of
11:30 a.m.
Equity Bank, Lower
Moving Day!
Telephone and e-mail
services interrupted
to remit
Items in BOLD
indicate Chamber